Girls Night – Part 1

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Jackson McBride was hot, undeniably so. Standing at nearly six foot and making all-time highs at the gym, he was a rock of a man with salt and pepper hair and bright green Irish eyes. He grew up in a family where he was loved and cared for, parents still married. With more than a decade age gap between us, the dynamic of Daddy and babygirl grew naturally out of a three-year friends-to-lovers arc. 

My own childhood – raised by a volatile alcoholic father and meek mother – in addition to my relationship history, lent itself to a rather innate fear of being abandoned, producing a “lifelong runner” sensibility. I’d rather take off first than be the one left behind. Jackson had really changed that for me, though. He was a level-headed man, gentle and respectful with my emotions, and a steady, strict disciplinarian. Each of these qualities created a container of mutual trust and adoration, one where I could be unapologetically myself and fall fearlessly in love. He nurtured the little girl inside me and guided me to become a woman I was proud of. 

The night I begged him to be my Daddy, expressing that I wanted the “best of the best,” he outlined our Dom/sub dynamic as one with a basis of spanking – “because it could be gentle.” I’d never been with a man that so fully had my best interest at heart and it was humbling. I committed to making him proud. We established rules and consequences and I truly began to thrive.

Curfew was hot to me. Bedtime, too. 9:00pm on weekdays, 11:00pm on weekends, unless I was with Daddy or had prior approval. We agreed on these rules to keep me safe, well-rested, and borh of us on the same page. I loved Jackson’s protective side, how he prioritized  my wellbeing. And, for three months, I’d abided by these rules, no problem. A solid foundation of mutual care and trust. Tnen, came girls night. 

It was Friday night, my best friend Brianna’s birthday, and I’d planned to go  out to celebrate with a few good girlfriends. I planned on drinking and dancing the night away, committing to be  a good babygirl and keep in contact with Daddy all night long, informing him of our location. He’d be home grading papers, happy to let me have my jollies with my friends. 

“You’ve earned it, babygirl. Enjoy your time. I want you all to myself later tonight, though. Home by 11pm, yes?”

I hugged him tightly and headed toward the door, beaming with pride. “Yes, Daddy, thank you.”

“Be good, babygirl. And, not so fast…I think you’re forgetting something.”

He had that wry look in his eye that I adored. I was happy he remembered – the buttplug. Our favorite secret. 

“Show Daddy your ass, pretty thing.” He slapped me on the butt over my short skirt. “Better hurry before the girls get here to pick you up.”

I blushed as he bent me over, pulling my thong to the side. “Ooof, Daddy, that feels so good. I’ll be thinking of you all night.” A stream of warm juices dripped down my thighs as he slid in the plug, warming up my tight hole with his thumb.

“Good girl. You took Daddy’s plug to well. I love to see your ass presented to me. In fact, I think I’ll warm it up a bit as an extra reminder of who you belong to.”

I moaned. Placing his left hand on the middle of my back, he began landing slaps on my ass with his right. I was looking out the window, full knowledge that Brianna’s car may appear at any moment. I groaned, the plug providing extra stimulation as he spanked me.

“Daddy, someone might see.” I gasped. More juices flowed. The spanking stopped momentarily as he scooped some of them up and put two wet fingers in my mouth. I sucked his fingers hungrily. 

“That’s right. They’ll see how well you’re treated and how Daddy makes you behave like  such a good girl.” With another three firm slaps to my ass, he pulled me back upright and tugged me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. “What do you say, babygirl?”

Panting, I pulled my skirt back down, nuzzling into his chest, inhaling his scent of musk and clean soap. “Thank you for spanking me, Daddy. I’ll be your good girl tonight. The plug will really keep my thoughts on you.”

We were still in the sweet embrace when Brianna’s car pulled into view. With a final kiss and slap to my warm ass, he opened the door for me.

I waved to my friends and made my way toward the car. 

“Behave tonight, baby. And tell Brianna happy birthday for me. I’ll see you later…and we’ll see just how wet you are from being plugged all night. Maybe you’ll get your pussy filled with Daddy’s hard cock.”

“Daddy! They’ll hear you!”

He winked and waved to the girls. “I love you, babygirl.”

“I love you too, Daddy. See you tonight.”


I slid into the back seat and hugged my friends, happy to be out of the house after a long week of domestic tasks and writing. 

“Ooh ooh, look at your mannnnn,” they teased as we pulled out of the driveway.

“You and McBride, who could have predicted?” Brianna mused. 

“He’s great, I’m lucky,” I crooned with a bashful look, “And he says happy birthday.”

“So sweet. Now, let’s get this party starteddddddd!” We cranked the tunes and headed toward our first location, parking on the downtown square where we could walk to the multiple quaint bars peppering the area.

Drunk on margaritas and one another’s company, hours passed in a happy haze.

“My plugged ass is making me drip, Daddy. I wish you were here to fuck me in the bathroom.” I shot off the text and went back to my friends, not noticing that I was dangerously close to breaking a primary rule in our relationship – my phone was always to be charged.

“Daddy will take good care of you later. Have fun with the girls.”

I smiled and giggled as the girls teased me, my blush giving me away.

“No men tonight! Tonight is for the girls!” We all laughed and decided to shift the vibe to the 70s-style dance club a few blocks away. Feeling tipsy and taken in by the music, we danced and drank the hours away, and, before I realized it, my phone was dead.

“Bri, can I borrow your phone? Mine died.”

“Of course, love!” She passed me the phone across the dance floor, the time blaring on the screen. 1:00am. Fuck! No way! How could time have gone so fast?

“Oh no, Brianna, I need to go. It’s past my bedtime. I’ve had a lovely time celebrating you, happy birthday!” 

“Nooo,” she protested, pulling me back into the crowd to dance with her. “One more drink! You’re already late, what’s a few more minutes? Plus, Thomas on his way, he can drive us all home.”

Nervous but drunk, my inhibitions dropped. Daddy would understand, right?

“Okay, one more.”

“Great, then we’ll all go together.”

Clinking together our last celebratory shot, we had our final dance before piling into the back of Thomas’ car, Brianna’s golden retriever boyfriend.

“Looks like girls night was a success,” Thomas laughed as we drunkenly cuddled each other in the backseat. “Let’s get you all home safe.”

The nerves kicked in as I walked up the steps of our home, fumbling with my keys. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t find them, though, because Jackson was at the door in a flash, a furrowed brow in tow. “ Babygirl, what happened? Daddy was worried sick about you. It’s past curfew and I couldn’t track your location. I had to text Jackson to find out where you were.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” I slurred in my best babygirl voice. “We were having so much fun I lost track of time and didn’t realize my phone had died.”

He pulled me into a tight embrace, his broad chest cradling my head, his hands protectively wrapped around my waist. I felt the tears welling up. He planted a kiss on my forehead and led me inside, holding my hand until I stumbled, then picking me up fully and cradling me in his arms.

“Are you disappointed in me, Daddy?” I looked at him tearfully as he held me.

His green eyes glowed as he squeezed me close, “I’m just glad you’re safe. I think we’ll save that conversation for tomorrow, it’s going to be a serious one and I want you sober for it. Tonight, just let Daddy take care of you, alright?”

My head swum as I cried softly into his shoulder, “I’m sorry I’m so late.”

He placed a thumb under my chin to look him in his kind eyes, then brought my lips to his, “Tomorrow,” he stated firmly, “now, let’s get you in a bath, yes?” I nodded tearfully, feeling safe and loved.

He ran hot water for me in the tub and, before settling me inside, ordered, “Rest your hands on the side of the tub, naughty thing. Daddy’s going to take your plug out.” 

“Are you going to spank me for being bad, Daddy?” The question came out whinier than I’d intended, fresh tears gracing my cheeks. 

“Shhh, babygirl,” with a tug, he pulled out the warm plug and placed it on the counter. “Daddy’s going to deal with your discipline tomorrow.” He caressed my ass and gave it a playful slap before lifting me up and placing me in the tub. 

Disappearing to the kitchen, he returned swiftly with Advil and handed me a large glass of oxygenated water. “Drink up, babygirl. It looks like you had more than a few drinks tonight. Did you girls get wild?” He laughed good-naturedly as he sponged off my back with a washcloth. 

I managed a half smile, the headache already sinking in, and nodded. “We did, Brianna said it was her best birthday ever. Thomas drove us home to keep us safe.”

“I’m happy to hear it. I missed you while you were gone. Got all my papers graded and folded our laundry, too.”

“Aww, Daddy, you know that’s my job!” I pouted. 

He laughed, shampooing my hair. “I know it’s usually your job, but sometimes Daddy likes to do it, too. Now we don’t have to worry about it this weekend and we can have quality Daddy and babygirl time. Though one of us is going to be enjoying the weekend with a red ass.” He winked and I gave him a sheepish grin. 

“Out?” he queried, rinsing my hair and wiping the last of my mascara from my eyes. 

“Yes, Daddy, I’m a sleepy babygirl.”

He toweled me off and held me in front of the mirror, my naked form against his topless one. “You’re so beautiful, babygirl. I’m grateful you’re safe and lucky you’re mine. Bedtime.” He kissed the top of my head. We crawled into bed together, snuggling close. Resting my damp head on his chest, feeling his chest hair against my cheek, I breathed deeply and began to drift. “That’s it, babygirl. Rest with Daddy. I love you.”

“I love you, Daddy. I’m so glad you’re mine,” I murmured. 


My head pounded as I woke to the smell of steak and eggs, Daddy’s speciality. The breakfast of champions for a gym guy such as himself. Though I woke alone in our bed, it wasn’t long before he came in to check on me, delivering coffee and another big glass of water, along with more medicine. 

“How ya feeling, babygirl?” he smirked, sliding in next to me.

I looked at him shyly, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this hungover before,” I groaned. “Thank you for taking such good care of me last night, I’m really sorry I broke our rule about keeping my phone charged and missed curfew and worried you.”

“You were awfully naughty and I plan to take care of that behavior today. Don’t worry, you’ll feel better after Daddy deals with you. At least your conscience will, I can’t say the same for your ass,” he fixed me with his Dom grin and raised eyebrow. 

I nodded and shyly averted his gaze. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Well discuss your punishment over breakfast, babygirl.”

The thought of food played the line between appealing and nausea, but the meds were starting to kick in and I decided to do my best to stomach the meal, knowing it would ultimately help. Especially if I was going to get my ass worn out. I needed the strength to take my punishment with dignity. 

“So I believe you know what you did wrong,” he lectured, “and you know that there are consequences coming to you. As much as I’m glad you’re safe and enjoyed yourself, I am disappointed that you didn’t keep in touch or keep track of time. You know Daddy’s a stickler for that.”

I nodded. “Yes, Daddy. You’re right, I’m very sorry.”

“Thank you, babygirl. Since you broke two major rules, I think it’s only fair that you get two punishments. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Daddy. Thank you for taking my discipline seriously. I’ll accept any consequences you deem necessary.”

He nodded in satisfaction. “Good. Then first, I’m going to give you a nice long spanking. First with my hand, then the belt, then the hairbrush.”

My eyes went wide. I’d never been spanked with a hairbrush before. He took in my posture and gave a wicked smile.

“And, in addition, you’re not allowed to cum this weekend. I plan to use my holes for my pleasure, but you’re not to orgasm.”

Yikes. This was going to tough. “Yes, Daddy, I understand. I deserve it, even though it’s going to be very hard.” I gave him my sweetest subby blue  eyes. It didn’t soften him up. One thing I loved about Jackson – once he made up his mind, he always followed through. 

“Good girl. Let’s get you back on the right path. Clear the table, please. The dishes can wait.”

I cleared our plates and went to take position in the bedroom, waiting for him, naked, on my knees. He entered the room and fetched the implements, placing them on the bed. He sat down beside them pulled me between his legs, urging me to look up at him. I squirmed and he grabbed my chin between his thumb and forefinger. 

“It’s time for your spanking, naughty girl. Come up on Daddy’s lap and bend over my knees.” I crawled up and over, settling myself on his lap. Placing a hand on the small of my back, he brushed my hair off the nape of my neck and gave me a kiss. “I’m doing this because I love you and always want to keep you safe. We have rules for a reason, and when you break them, it’s Daddy’s job to take you in hand. Are you ready to begin?”

I loved how reassuring he was, even when he was about to lay on the pain, he always ensured I knew it was in my best interest, coming from a place of love and not anger. “Yes, Daddy. Help me be a good girl.”

“Who does this ass belong to?”

“You, Daddy. Only you.”

“Good girl. Let’s get started. And don’t you dare cum.”

Resting my cheek on the bedspread and trying to relax my ass, he started raining down slaps. I sniffled a bit after the first few minutes, more from sorrow than the pain. I hated seeing Jackson concerned and worried it would hurt our relationship. 

After warming me up, he massaged my ass a bit, letting me cry. 

“Alright, you’re getting the belt next.” I could hear the smile in his voice—ever the assured disciplinarian— “This ought to bring you back in line.”

The first lick stung like hell, and I knew I was really in for a beating. Our dynamic, structured on the basis of spanking, because, in his words, “it could be gentle,” felt anything but gentle in this moment. My ass was on fire and he was whaling away. I began to kick and squirm, earning me licks on the back of my thighs.

I sobbed, “Please, Daddy, not there! It hurts too much.”

Undeterred by my explication, he simply stated, “Then I think you’re learning your lesson, little one. Five more with the belt, then you’re getting the hairbrush to really remind you not to worry Daddy in the future.”

He doled out five wicked licks, significantly harder than the ones before, and I wailed, breathing hard. 

Before switching to the hairbrush, he checked my pussy. “My, my, what a mess you’ve made, babygirl. Too bad someone doesn’t get to come anytime soon.” He teased me relentlessly, two big fingers bringing me to the brink.

He removed his digits and I cried harder, so desperate for him. “Now let’s finish this spanking so Daddy can use your mouth.” He gave me five slaps with his hand, then I felt cool wood grace my ass. 

“You’re getting twenty, which is kind. I considered giving you one for every minute you were late, but since you’ve been on such good behavior overall, and it’s your first time with the hairbrush, I think twenty hard ones will finish your lesson off nicely.”

I groaned, both from horniness and pain, and maintained position. The first spank sent shocks through my brain, it hurt so much. The upside/downside of being with a lifelong baseball player was his swing, goddammit. 

“You’re marking really well, babygirl. It’s turning me on.”

He finished off my punishment, each hit harder than the one before, and I was an absolute mess by the time he finished. I could feel his hard cock pressing into my stomach. 

“Your spanking is over, babygirl. You took that so well for Daddy. Now, on your knees to service my rock-hard cock. Punishing your ass gets me every time.”

I sniffled and wiped my nose, my pussy dripping down my legs and onto the floor. 

Sliding to my knees, I opened my sloppy  mouth. 

“There you go, that’s Daddy’s good girl. Suck it for me, babygirl.”

I struggled to take him, the length and girth of his cock unparalleled. 

“I like to see you struggle with it,” he said, gazing down on me. “I’m going to cum in your mouth and you better not waste a drop.”

I moan and gurgle on his cock, lost in euphoria.

He starts to gasp and grabs my head, shoving his cock far down my throat. My eyes roll back as he shoots his hot, clean seed deep inside me. I choke and moan, swallowing his delicious cum. 

He holds me in place a moment longer until he’s satisfied that I’ve taken all of him.

“That’s my good girl,” he says, releasing me from his grasp. My eyes are dripping with tears, my nose with snot, I’m destroyed.

“Come here now, I want aftercare.”

We snuggled into our bed and he hugs me close, patting my sore ass. “Thank you for teaching me a lesson, Daddy. That spanking really hurt and I know I deserved it. Thank you for giving me your cum.”

Smiling down at me, he says, “My pleasure, babygirl. You took me so well and handled your discipline beautifully. No more making Daddy wait and worry, okay?”

“I promise.”