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#Cheating #Pregnancy #Virgin

By Tracy’s husband

Please be polite, I stopped writing due to the negatives, thought I’d try again, I’m no writer, so may be some mistakes.

So my girlfriends younger sister stacey stays with us quiet alot, Lisa my girlfriend and Stacey are very close, always have been. Stacey doesn’t get on with her parents. she never have, she was a mistake and often told so. As a result the sisters despite the age gap are very close, so when my girlfriend moved in with me, her sister started staying at ours normally on the weekends and one or 2 days in the week. Nothing was mentioned by any of us about it, it just happend, she would stay the night on the sofa at bed time get up and carry on as normal, even had her own toothbrush at ours and spare cloths. I, of course, didn’t mind one bit as she was a cute little thing, nice eye candy.

There was always harmless flirting between me and Stacey, we would stay up watching films when Lisa had gone to bed, we our self’s become close, Lisa didn’t mind one bit as she said I was like a older brother/dad to Stacey, and its sonthing she doesn’t have at home.

Then it was a Saturday night, Lisa had gone to bed, and we were watching Friends on repeat. We both loved that show. This night was different tho, normally we are chatty giggly and flirty, but tonight there was this tension between us, neither of us really talking to each other, just sitting there.

Then she broke and out of the blue said there is a boy I really like at school. I was started teasing her saying ohhh Lisa has a boyfriend, but she snapped back saying no I don’t, he don’t know I like him and he has a girlfriend and she is my best friend, but I think I love him. Feeling a little awkward and not knowing what to say I make a drink and before heading to bed I say to her, look you beautiful and could have anyone you want, but look what do I know have a chat about it with your sister in the morning, you’ve always said how your best friends, and I stopped, silence, realising what was said, eyes burning into each others I turned and went to bed.

The next morning was like lastnight didn’t happen, all 3 of us were laughing and playing around, then came time for Stacey to go home, both the sisters got a little sad knowing she had to go but also knew it was the best because school and stuff and would be back on Friday straight from school.

Friday took forever to come, and for the first time I really missed Stacey and was looking forward to her arriving, more then Lisa was I think.

I opened the door to her knocking and as I opened I felt my heart stop for a second as we stood looking deep into each others eyes, what was that I thought as I watched her walk past in her sexy uniform.

Satcey: hi sis, I’ve missed you, not missed you though dick head.
(Looking at me smiling).

Me: yeah and I’ve missed like like I’d miss a hole in the head.

Lisa: hey behave you 2 you’ve only just walked though the door, and I’ve missed you to Stacey.

As they hugged Lisa’s back to me I poked my tongue out at Stacey and she did the same back, and oh my god she looked sexy.

Evening came Lisa went to bed me and Stacey watching some film, still some tension in the air but kinda back to normal.
Watching the film at the end was quite a qraphic sex scene, we were both watching in silence when it ended Stacey said wow he showed her a good time, I was like please the was weak, you should see a real man. Laughing she was like your obviously not a real man as I’ve never even heard a peep out of my sisters room. Bitch you wouldn’t even know what to do with it if I pulled it out, she still Laughing said trust me you would wanna stop before me. I was now getting hard and made my excuses and went to bed.

Laying there rock hard, I rolled ontop of Lisa waking her up, she groaned a little saying no you know I don’t like doing it with Stacey here. I lied to her say she is soundo, feel asleep during the film. Still kinda resisting I plowed into her, causing her to lose her breath a little, I hammerd away the whole time thinking of Stacey, and blew my load so hard into her it stung a little. Wow she said, what was that all about, you was rock hard the whole time, just horny I guess and went to sleep.

Next morning Stacey has a face like thunder, proper pissed off, talking to me like shit all day, even Lisa had a go at her and threatened to send her home at one point she was being so mean.

6 o’clock Lisa said that’s it she had enough of our shit and was going bingo with her friends and will be home at 10 and if we haven’t sorted things out by the time she is back, Stacey has to go home and I’m on the sofa for a week. Shit she meant business.

Ten minutes after she left I asked Stacey if she wanted a drink, she didn’t answer so I asked again, she snapped NO, then got up walked past me made a drink and sat back down, I was pissed off.

Me: what the fuck is your problem, treated me like shit all fucking day.

Stacey: my problem, well its not nice laying hearing listen to my sister having sex, it’s disgusting.

Me: haha is that why your pissed, well you said in not a real man, so thought I’d prove it lol.

Stacey: don’t fucking laugh at me.

Me: hey you know we are trying for a baby.

Stacey: I don’t care, I hate you, I wanted you to prove it with me.

And she stormed off crying locking herself in the bathroom. Oh shit.

2 hours she was in the bathroom, wouldn’t come out. I ended up saying please before Lisa gets home, I don’t want you to have to go home. The door clicked open and out she walked, sat down in front of me, I took her hands and said we need to talk, then gave her a hug.

Me: what did you mean earlier.

Stacey: your the boy I like.

Me: but I’m with your sister.

Stacey: but I love you

Me: hey I love you too but

She leaned in kissing me on the lips, cutting me mid sentence. I should have pushed her off, stopped all this but no, kissed her back, it turned passionate very quickly, we were standing my hands all over her chest and butt, then I reached under her school skirt pulling down her panties half expecting her to stop, instead she stepped out of them, grabbing my pants and pulling them down. Standing still kissing both naked from the waist down, I lay her back on the sofa me on top, lips still locked I feel the tip of my cock nudging at her pussy, my cock is like steel as I guide it between her lips, we stop kissing and look deep into each others eyes as I start to push through tearing her barrier and finishing balls deep, her eyes have a few tears coming down, was clear she was in pain so I held still, it felt like a million tiny fingers inside her pussy all rubbing my cock at the same time whilst it felt like a tight rubber band round the base of my cock. I started kissing her again and started slowly fucking her, the pain shifted quiet quick and she stated moaning and wrapped her legs round my back and held on to my neck as I pumped harder and harder till I felt I was about to cum, she must of sensed it and stopped moaning and begged me not to cum inside her, hearing that I pulled out blasting all over her pussy.
Sitting back both out of breath I’m staring at her pussy open and coverd in cum, she’s staring at my cock. She spoke first saying oh my god that whole thing was inside me, I just laughed said yep, not knowing what else to say, as she stood up we heard the front door unlocking, mini heart attack time, Stacey ran to the bathroom, I shot up pulling my pants over my slimy cock then sitting back down. Lisa walks in kisses me and sits right where I had her little sister not minutes ago. Where is she Lisa asked, bathroom, we sorted things I told her, I then noticed Stacey’s panties right next to Lisa’s foot, but just as i noticed the bathroom door unlocked and Lisa dashed to the toilet, I grabbed the panties and give them to Stacey, she grabbed my neck pulling me in for a kiss which I obliged, before separating to separate sides of the living room before Lisa came back.

We all decided to go to bed, no sitting up watch TV tonight, we was all tired especially me and Stacey, as me and Lisa headed to our room Stacey called out, night night love you both. Now it had always been love you Stacey, never have I been included, we both say love you to, back to her. In bed Stacey says, see told you see loves you, she’s just a moody teen and had it rough. Just then Lisa calls out saying we forgot to make her a hot water bottle. It gets cold in the living room she normally has one. Lisa looks at me saying if you go do it I’ll suck you cock when you come back. Any other time I would be thrilled but this time terrified, as I knew the state my cock was in.

In the kitchen with Stacey standing with me, she says I don’t want a hot water bottle, just a good night kiss, I shhh her don’t want Stacey hearing, and start making out
Very passionately, she grabs my hand and puts it up her night gown, straight on to her red hot firm pussy, I moan pulling away saying I gotta go to bed. Just as I’m about to turn away she says, don’t you dare have sex with my sister tonight. And made me promise.

Back in bed Lisa true to her word goes go give me a bj but I stop her saying sorry I am really tired, but then she tells me she is ovulating so we have to have sex. I say ok just sex, but be quiet I think Stacey heard last night, that’s a bit why she was pissy this morning. Surprisingly I cum very quickly, well not surprising the situation i was in.

2 months pass and we have been having sex every were and opportunities we get.
While Lisa was In the bath.
While Lisa was in bed.
In our bed.
In every room of the flat.
Outside ally ways, between the houses on the way to or back from the shops.
The park, Lisa was there, me and Stacey needed the toilet which was the other side of the park, we fucked then also.

Saturday night Lisa gets a call from one of her close friends, she’s been invited to a girls weekend in a caravan, I tell her go for it it will be fun. Me and Stacey look at each other then Lisa chimes in with Stacey you will have to stay home that weekend, damn heart broken but neither of us could show it.

Thursday night, she leaves Friday morning, she is on the phone to stacey, chatting girls crap, when Lisa calls me over says stacey wants to ask you somthing and passes me the phone. Answering it my heart skipped as I heard her voice, she was kinda whispering saying she has told her mum she is staying at a mates this weekend, her mum didn’t even care to check, and she will be round straight from school and wants us to be a proper bf and gf the whole weekend. I stood there being watched just saying ok, ok, ok . Hanging up Stacey asked what it was about, proud of my quick-thinking I said I was warned if I watch any friends with out her we won’t be friends anymore lol. She bought it.

Friday evening, she’s been hear a few hours, we haven’t been able to keep our hands and lips off each other since she walked through the door. I stop her and we are sitting cuddled her head on my chest, and I say I want to ask you somthing, well 2 things really, she just says go ahead stroking the out line of my cock with her fingers on my pants. I said well 1 we have to both sleep naked the whole weekend it’s the rules, she laughed and said I like that rule. The other thing is I want us to be a proper couple this weekend which means I want to enjoy you fully, not have to pull out at the end like we always do. She stops stroking my cock and says what if she gets pregnant, I tell her chances you won’t, me and your sister been trying for ages, wrong move to mention her, and I said if you do I’ll stick with you what ever you want to do. She just replies with I’ve been wanting to know what that feels like for ages. Is that a yes I ask, she looks up at me kisses me and says yes.

In bed both our naked bodies pressed into each other me on top rock solid cock slowly going in and out, she is still tight as hell but able to take it well now, I feel the pressure building and put her legs over my shoulders now slamming into her feeling the end of my cock banging against her cervix, between gasps she looks at me and says please kiss me as you cum inside me, that was all I needed to hear I smashed my lips to hers, thrust deep as I could, then I swelled and burst filling her with shot after shot, that was the hardest I’d ever cum and fealt like the most I’d ever cum as well. Laying there a complete mess I ask her how it felt, she said it was really nice, she said she felt my cock swell and get harder, then a really warm feeling filling her up inside, felt soo nice. Falling asleep cuddled up in each others arms was the perfect end to the day.

Sunday morning was hard saying good bye I really did enjoy the company, that’s I lie the company was bad made me realise how young she still was, could suck and fuck like a champ now but being all weekend alone made me see how childish she still is.

About a month down the line Lisa gets a call all I could hear the other end was screaming and shouting, it’s Stacey she has had a big blow out with her mum and dad so big sister Lisa tells her to come to ours. She’s at ours still crying looks a absolute state, when Lisa asks what the argument was about Stacey while crying said promise you wont hate me, Lisa says of course your my baby sister ill love you forever, with that Stacey cries more and says, I’m pregnant. Shit, I’m dead she’s gonna tell her everything, who’s is it, your too young, that’s illegal. Stop, you said you won’t hate me, it was a boy me and my friend met the weekend you was away at a house party, haven’t heard from him since.
Lisa asks what she’s gonna do, she says she don’t know, needs to think.

Lisa goes to bed leaving us to together thinking ill be a good listener and support for her, like fuck I was shitting myself.

So what we gonna do then, I sat silent not believing what I was hearing.

Stacey: well you know how that weekend we had was the best weekend ever,

And how we love each other,

I’ve been thinking we can have that weekend everyday.

Split up with my sister and we can be together forever and I’ve got our baby.

Me: what, no, I can’t, it’s illegal, wouldn’t work. ( don’t want it to work, a good fuck but that’s all )

Stacey: no I planned it all, you split up with her, she moves back home, I pretend I’ve made some friends from school but instead stay here go home like once twice a week.
Parents won’t give a shit about me not being there, they will have there golden child back.
You said you would stand by me.

Me: Yeah but not like this, I meant help you get rid of it or if you do keep it, I can just give you money each month towards it. You know that’s the only way as me and Lisa are trying for one.

Stacey: but I all ready have yours, and I want us to be a family.

Me: No it’s not going to happen, I’m going to bed.

Stacey: tell my sister I want to talk to her, I need to tell her somthing,

Me: you wouldn’t dare.
As I walk into the room.

Knock knock on the bedroom door, what is it sweetie Lisa askes, please come to the living room I need to tell you somthing.

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By Tracy’s husband
#Cheating #Pregnancy #Virgin

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49 entries.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse