From Famine to Feast: Ch. 21 – Exhibitionist & Voyeur

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Chapter 21: Members of the Club

“Layla,” began Alexis, interrupting our quiet study session.

“Yeah,” I answered, looking up from my book.

“Is your family coming to graduation?”

“Yeah,” I answered. “My parents and my little sister will be here.”

“Did they get a hotel?” she asked.

“Yeah. They’re staying downtown, next to the train station. They’re arriving late Friday and leaving Sunday. What about you?”

“Same, except I have a little brother,” she answered. “Hey, maybe our two families can have dinner together at the restaurant in the hotel on Saturday.”

“Great idea! Let’s invite Ty and Chris’s families too!” I suggested. “Your family already met Ty, right?”

“Yes, my mom and my brother both like him. My dad is a little suspicious though. He intimidates Ty.”

“That’s what most dads do. He’s just trying to protect his baby girl like he’s supposed to,” I reassured her. “But my parents haven’t met Chris yet. I’m a little nervous.”

“Don’t worry; they’ll like him. Everyone loves Chris.” It was her turn to reassure me. “Layla, you have told them about him though, right?”

“Well,” I hedged, “I told my mom that I had a few dates with a boy I liked…” I trailed off.

“That’s it? A few dates? It has been a lot more than a few dates! Layla, you’ve told him that you love him and you might even live together after graduation!”

“I know, I know. I’ve just been so busy with school, and…”

“And fucking your serious boyfriend that your parents don’t even know about.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll introduce them at dinner. It will be a big crowd and everyone will have to be on their best behavior,” I reassured myself.

“Are you worried your dad will bring a shotgun to dinner?” Alexis laughed.

“Not as long as no one mentions sex clubs!” I laughed too.

“Speaking of which…”


“What do you think this ‘initiation ritual’ will entail next weekend?” she asked with some trepidation in her voice.

As I contemplated, my phone pinged. I looked at my screen. “Camera Man,” I explained.

“Oh, let me see!” Alexis sat next to me as I clicked on the image. It was a close up of my hand lifting my skirt revealing my pussy. “Damn, girl, that’s hot. Camera man is a good photographer.”

“Well, he had a good muse,” I bragged. She slapped my crotch in reprimand. “Ow!” I covered my crotch with my hands to protect myself from her assault.

“Oh, so now you hide your pussy!” she said laughing.

“You’re just jealous!” I teased.

“Actually, I am. I still want him to take pictures of me too.”

“That can be arranged,” I said as I typed.

“What are you doing?”

“Telling Camera Man that he has another willing muse to shoot.” Zip. The message was sent.

“You didn’t!”

“I did.” My phone pinged again. “He wants a picture of you.”

“Oh, shit. I better get decent before you take my picture.”

“Or indecent,” I laughed. Alexis hurriedly brushed her hair, applied make-up, and put on some skimpy clothes.

“Okay, snap a candid pick,” she said while striking a sexy pose.

“Candid? You spent the last 15 minutes getting ready for a spontaneous picture!” Nevertheless, I took a few shots and sent him the best one. Then I sent Chris the one that Camera Man had sent me. I got back-to-back replies from them.

“What did he say?” asked Alexis eagerly.

“Beautiful pose. Yes!”

“Camera Man said that?”

“Yes, and Chris said the exact same thing about my picture.” My phone pinged again. “He wants to do it Saturday evening to take advantage of the sunset.”

“That’s just before the initiation ritual at the club.”

“Olive, the woman who interviewed me at the club, told me that we shouldn’t have sex before the initiation ritual.”

“Why not?” asked Alexis, with disappointment in her voice.

“Probably because the initiation ritual involves a lot of sex.”

“That makes sense. It is a sex club, after all,” she agreed.

“If I take you to do a photo shoot with Camera Man, he will want to fuck you—and maybe me too. If that happens right before we go to a sex club to get our backs blown out by distinguished older gentlemen, we’ll be too worn out to perform well. That might have disastrous consequences in terms of our memberships. I’ll tell Camera Man that we’re busy Saturday, but we’ll let him know when we can make it.”


On Saturday evening, Alexis and I spent a long time preparing for the big night. Chris and Ty, of course, were ready in minutes. They wore the same suits they had worn to the interviews because they each only had one suit. They planned to wear the same suits yet again the following weekend for graduation. We, of course, could not be caught wearing the same dress twice. Such are the unfair dictates of gender in a supposedly modern society.

Lance picked us up and drove us to the club. Again, he pressed the button and used the code words, “Yes please.” The same bouncer allowed us entrance. This time, however, there were several other smartly dressed people on the block, walking toward the door. They followed us in. Lance led us through the crowded foyer to the bar. As soon as we got there, we were spotted by Vixen, who waved us over. She was talking with Desiré and Yasmín. They all greeted us with enthusiasm and congratulations.

“Well, let’s get you four backstage right away!” urged Vixen.

“Backstage?” asked Ty nervously.

“Don’t worry,” reassured Desiré. “You’ll do just fine. I’ve seen what you can do first hand. They will love you. All of you,” she added with a wave of her hand.

“I’ll be cheering for you!” added Yasmín. “In fact, that reminds me. Lance, honey, can you take us there now so that we get front row seats? I want to see everything up close.” He smiled and took her hand.

Vixen led the four us new recruits backstage and explained how things would work. “I will blindfold each of you and cuff your hands. I will bring each of you to the stage one at a time. The emcee will announce you as I parade you around the stage. The emcee will run things from that point on, though he may ask me to assist with certain things until the winner claims you. Then, I will return to fetch the next person. Any questions?”

“Uh, yeah, I have lots of questions!” blurted Ty. “Blindfold and handcuff? Winner claims us? What does all that mean?”

“It means just what it sounds like. You are not permitted to see the bidders nor the eventual winners of the auction. The cuffs are to prevent you from removing the blindfold. Well, that, and it’s just hot when you are powerless to resist.”

“Now I have even more questions. Bidders? Auction? Resist what?” asked Ty

“Resist when I remove your clothing to reveal your body to the audience. And resist the winner of the auction when they ravage their prize.”

Ty gulped. We all looked at each other nervously in silence.

“The ritual begins in 15 minutes. Now, the Chairman wants me to make it very clear that this is all voluntary. We need your express consent if we are to proceed. If you would like to back out now, you are certainly allowed to leave. The NDA that you signed at the interviews would still be in effect, so you wouldn’t be allowed to tell anyone about the club. But, if you don’t want to do it, then you are free to leave, and no one will hold it against you. If, however, you want to proceed, then you must clearly state that you want to experience the initiation ritual and become full members of the club. Any questions before I ask you to speak on camera?”

“Uh, yeah,” began Chris tentatively. “What happens when the winners of the auction win us?”

“They fuck you. It’s a sex club. We’re all here for sex,” answered Vixen straightforwardly.

“When does the ritual end?” asked Alexis.

“You finish when you finish,” shrugged Vixen. “Most young guys can’t last that long. Most girls can go for longer, and some of us can finish multiple times before the club closes.” She winked at us and smiled. “But, if you ever want to stop at any time, simply say your safe word, and whoever is with you must stop. They will help you find me. I will unlock the cuffs, and remove your blindfold. Then I will help you find your way home safely. That is a rule that all members adhere to.”

“Safe word?” asked Ty.

“You don’t have safe words?” asked Vixen in surprise. We all shook our heads. “But you know what they are, right?” Again, we shook our heads. “A safe word is a previously agreed upon word that can be uttered at any time during sex to signal the partner to stop doing what they are doing. It should be something that would not normally be said during sex. For example, you can’t use ‘cock’ as a safe word because it would be confusing. But you could use ‘sassafras’ or ‘armadillo’ because those words are very unlikely to come up when you’re fucking someone, unless you’re into armadillos. You should all decide on your safe word before we begin in 10 minutes. You don’t need to tell me what it is, but you should have one that you tell your partner after they win you. Now, are you in or are you out?”

We all looked at each other. We were all holding our breath. My palms were sweaty and I could see perspiration on everyone’s upper lips. Alexis and I locked eyes and nodded. “I’m in,” I said in a whisper.

“I’m in too,” said Alexis.

“Well if the girls are in, then I’m in too,” agreed Chris.

“Well, shit, let’s do this then,” said Ty shaking his head in disbelief.

“Wonderful!” Vixen clapped her hands. “Now, if I can get you to stand over here in front of the camera one at a time and read the consent agreement out loud while I record you, we’ll be all set.”

Ty muttered, “I can’t believe that I, a black man, am consenting to being auctioned off. My ancestors are rolling over in their graves right now.”

“This is very different, babe,” said Alexis, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “From my point of view, I don’t see myself as a helpless damsel in distress, being forcibly restrained and raped against my will. Rather, I’m choosing to get fucked because I’m a horny woman who wants some good kinky dick.” They both laughed.

After we recorded the consent statements, Vixen asked us what order we wanted to go on the stage. We played Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine the order. It was going to be Alexis, Chris, Ty, and finally me. I think Alexis was nervous to go first, but waiting until last gave me more time to feel anxious.

Finally, it was time. Vixen blindfolded and handcuffed Alexis. Ty and I each kissed her on the cheek before Vixen led her out of the room. Her face had a sheen of perspiration, but she bravely soldiered on.

From the room backstage, we could hear cheers and the drone of the Chairman on the microphone, but we couldn’t make out what he was saying.

After about 15 minutes, Vixen returned for Chris. She didn’t give any hint as to what happened on stage, other than sporting a big smile. I gave Chris a hug and a kiss before she escorted him out. Ty and I held hands in silence for another 15 minutes before Vixen returned for him. Then, I was all alone with my anxiety. When she finally came for me, I was extremely nervous, but also anxious to get it over.

As we walked up the stairs, I gripped her hand tightly. “You’ll be fine,” she whispered to me. “In fact, you’re going to love this. Trust me.”

Then I heard the Chairman’s voice over the PA system. “Ladies and gentlemen, our final initiate this evening is the lovely Layla.” Vixen paraded me around the stage and I tried my best to walk sexily in my heels, even though I couldn’t see where I was going. Her words, “Trust me” echoed in my head, and I decided to trust that she would lead me safely. “Layla,” continued the Chairman, “like the others, is seeking a sponsor to cover her dues. She, also like the others, is about to graduate from college and is seeking both employment and housing. So, if you would like her to frequent our club, then you should consider facilitating that. Now, doesn’t she strike you as adorable?” There was a round of applause to indicate agreement. That brought a smile to my nervous face. “But we must be sure, mustn’t we? And though that is a beautiful dress she is wearing…” He paused as Vixen spun me around so the crowd could see me from all angles. “We can’t be certain until we have seen more of her figure. Vixen, if you please.”

Vixen unzipped my dress as the crowd applauded. Though I was nervous to be disrobed in front of everyone, I was also turned on by knowing that the audience was watching me, without me being able to see them. It felt good to be appreciated by so many people. Vixen briefly unlocked my handcuffs to get my dress all the way off, but quickly locked me back up. This time with my hands behind my back. That forced my tits to thrust forward. I was glad that I was wearing my sexiest matching bra and panty set.

“It looks like someone came prepared to be seen tonight!” Vixen spun me around again to more applause. This time there were also some whistles and whoops. I could tell that while many were from men’s voices, there were also some women cheering for me. Vixen marched me back and forth across the stage. “Now,” intoned the Chairman, “let’s begin the bidding. Remember, all funds generated by the winning bid will go to the club to cover expenses, but offers to cover dues, provide housing, and/or offers of employment are separate. Bids must be made in increments of $100. Let’s begin at $1,000 dollars to spend this evening with the delectable Layla.”

I gulped at the amount. One grand to have sex with me? I had no idea anyone would pay that amount for me. I had always had sex with people for free. And as a college student, everyone I knew was broke and couldn’t pay for sex even if I wanted them to. The bidding rose quickly, and soon hit $2,000. For a moment, I thought that I should become a high-end escort after graduation, but I quickly realized that this crazy scene was unlikely to happen very often. I was jarred back to the present when the bidding reached $3,000. Had the others inspired this level of madness too? $4,000! By the time the bidding was $5,000, I could tell by the voices that there were just a few bidders left. There were three – two men and one woman – who switched to bid increments of $500.

“Going once… going twice… sold to the woman in the back for $10,000!” There was a mighty cheer from the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, that is the highest bid this year!”

“It’s a present for my dear husband!” shouted the woman.

“I know for a fact that he’ll love it.” There was a lot of laughter. “Congratulations to our initiate and thank you to everyone who participated tonight—especially the four initiates and the four winning bidders. I especially want to congratulate our highest bidding winner and his grand prize! Vixen, please lead Layla to her master for the evening.” Vixen carefully led me down the stairs and down the center aisle. “I know you all look forward to watching him enjoy her as we all enjoy each other tonight!” There was more laughter and applause, and then a lot of noise as people got up from their seats and made their way into the other parts of the club.

Vixen led me down the stairs. “Ma’am, I present you with your prize,” said Vixen to the winner.

“Thank you, sweetheart. And I will hand her over to my husband. She is my present to him.”

Vixen whispered in my ear, “You are a lucky girl. You’ll be in good hands tonight. I know from experience. I’ve been in those good hands before, and I’ve always enjoyed it immensely.” She kissed me on the cheek and then passed me to him.

“Follow me,” said a deep, gravelly voice in my ear.

“Yes, sir,” I murmured, wondering if I had much of a choice in the matter. I felt a large hand encircle my bicep and pull me forward. He led me away from the noise of the crowd, but I could hear footsteps and voices following us out of the room where the auction took place. Then, I heard glasses clinking and figured that we were passing the bar. He helped me up a flight of stairs, to the second floor. Finally, we must have reached our destination because we stopped.

“What is your safe word?” he asked in a low voice.


“Rumpelstiltskin? Really?” He laughed, the sound reverberating in what sounded like a large chest. Suddenly, I felt the mood lighten.

“Well, yeah,” I explained, slightly embarrassed. “Vixen told us to pick something that wouldn’t normally come up during sex. I figured no one would ever say ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ during sex, so that’s what I picked.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Plus, I was thinking of mysterious men in dungeons tricking beautiful young girls, so it seemed to fit.”

“Well, the dungeon is downstairs, and we are upstairs, so this mysterious man will have to trick you in the dungeon some other evening. Tonight, I plan to take you here.” His voice switched back from amused and lighthearted to serious and determined. “And I am going to do what I want with you, unless I hear you utter your safe word. Would you like that?”

“I think so,” I said quietly and nervously, as I pondered what he meant.

“I want you to be certain. If you want that, then you need to tell me so in no uncertain terms. I want to hear you ask me to fuck you.” His voice was deep and insistent.

“I…I want you to fuck me. Sir,” I added. I was anxious, but I was also turned on. I was scared about having sex with a strange man without being able to see him or even use my hands, but if I’m being honest with myself, I had also fantasized many times about being ravished by a mysterious man while not being able to resist. Now that it was about to happen, I was eager for him to take me. “Sir? I want you to take me now. I am all yours.”

I felt two large hands grab my forearms and pull me forward. His large body pressed into mine, squishing my boobs, and making me gasp at the sudden forcefulness. One hand let go of my arm and entwined his fingers in my hair. He pulled my hair backwards, tilting my chin upwards, and causing me to squeal in surprise. His lips pressed against mine. He kissed me hard. I could tell that he was tall because of the angle of the kiss. At first, I didn’t kiss back, because I wasn’t expecting it, but soon I was returning his kiss because I wanted it. It felt good to have his tongue in my mouth and mine in his.

“It is time to remove your bra, pretty though it is. I want to see your tits.” His gruff tone turned me on. I felt dirty, but in an exciting way.

“You’ll have to do it for me; I can’t reach,” I said, pulling my hands so that the handcuffs jingled.

“Oh, I’m going to do it, alright, but I want you to ask me to.” He kissed me again, hard, leaving me breathless. Then, he spun me around so that he was behind me.

“Please take off my bra.”



“Why do you want me to take off your bra?”

“Take off my bra because I want to show you my tits, sir,” I said, finally understanding the game he wanted to play. He wanted me to be submissive, but slutty. That would work perfectly, I thought to myself, because that is exactly how I am feeling. He was being demanding, but he was also giving me permission to say exactly what I felt. He was requiring that I voice my desire to have him fuck me. Well, game on! I’m going to tell him to use me exactly how he wants to. “Please take my bra off, sir. I want you to see my tits.”

I felt him position himself behind my back and pull the band of my bra. He unfastened it and slid the straps down my arms. The bra collected on my wrists like a lacy pair of handcuffs. “You have beautiful tits. So firm and supple. Do you like showing them to me?”

“Yes, sir. It excites me, knowing that you can see my titties.”

“Is that all?”

“No, sir, I want you to play with them too.” He grunted, like he wanted me to continue to vocalize my desires, so I did. “I want you to knead them in your big, strong hands. I want you to roll my nipples between your fingers, and pinch them until they get hard.” He grabbed my hips from behind and pulled me into him. As his hands slid up my torso, I realized that having my hands cuffed behind my back put them right at the level of his crotch. Simultaneously, I gasped as his hands cupped my boobs and he grunted as my hands found the lump in his pants. He was already semi-hard, and he seemed big.
