friends wife is pregnant with her third-2

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#Cheating #Pregnancy #Tween

By friends friend

if you read the first story you know what’s happening. well mom is knocked up again right after having her third child could be mine or her husbands doesn’t know or care she says. she got pregnant about eight weeks after the third girl was born she says.

to let you know dad and i are both fucking the two girls and they like sex a lot they say well one day the girls came over with a friend and asked in private if their friend could watch and i said no this is our secret, if they wanted that to happen talk to your dad about her watching, they said ok to that and went home.

mom came over with the baby and we talked and i told her about the girls bringing their friend and asked if she could watch. she says i talked to them about not talking about their sex with dad and you so i think it will be ok. i hope so i told her if word got out him and i would be in deep shit.

mom then says i came over for sex if your willing and able i said yes the baby was asleep so i had a good fuck with her and drained a tit too. she says the girls will be over after school so you might need a pill to keep up with them, you are so right

that afternoon the girls came over and first thing they said was dad let our friend watch us
fuck dad.
does your mom know about this they said dad is going to tell her tonight, i said do not let you friend know we are having sex together they both said they wont tell.

the girls and i had a good go at licking pussy and fucking them both and i sent them home for dinner and said be sure to let me know if dad tells mom about your friend they said ok.
next day was Saturday so her came the girls with the news about their dad and the girls friend watching him fuck them both.

mom said it could come back a bite him so watch out for trouble, i asked the girls is your friend wanting sex or what’s the deal, they said her brother moved away and he use to fuck her a lot and she wants sex i bet dad will offer to fuck her sometime.

i hope he doesn’t get in over his head can she be trusted she says she will never tell.
why do you want to have sex with her , no i don’t i only want you two not her ever.

that afternoon i told the girls let try something new they both said what i said anal sex, you mean fuck us up our asses i said yes only if you want to try it its fun. does it hurt i said not if we do it right

the youngest says i want to try it first , ok i said get on the bed naked and i will get the lube and a toy to help. what toy, i said i will show you in a bit i lubed her butt hole and my finger and pushed in her ass real slow she says it feels funny in my ass and then i went deeper and deeper till i had my whole finger in her and started fucking her slow and easy.

next i pulled my finger out and got the slim dildo and lubed it good and her ass again pushed the dildo in and it was eight inches long so i took my time going in till i was all the way in her she says god that is deep and then i fucked her with it full strokes till she was ready for cock.
i said you want my cock now she says we can try its bigger than the dildo, yes it is so she says go ahead. i lubed her again and my cock touched it to her rectum and pushed the head popped in she jumped and says go slow that’s big, it the same that went in your pussy many times.
i pushed more cock in and then pulled back and went in deeper again she says it feels better now so i went deeper yet. next i pulled back to just the head was in her and went for the whole thing she went flat on the bed i pulled her up on her hands and knees and started fucking her and holding her hips and was pounding her ass she was huffing and and puffing and had her head down.

i came hard in her and left my cock in her till it went soft and pulled out. i said was it ok or not she was still shaking and says that was something else i like it thou.
her sister says i will wait till tomorrow for my turn is that ok. sure i said the little one says i need a rest.

next morning here came the girls and mom and the baby, first thing mom says is you ass fucked her yesterday yes i did and she liked it and today is her sisters turn if she wants too i never make them do anything they don’t want to do. mom says i know that your very good with them both. i have never been ass fucked mom says i might want to try it later after i watch her get her turn, do you still want to try it honey. she nodded her head yes.

get ready and we will do you lubed her ass and my finger and proceeded to fuck her slow and then went to the dildo mom says how long is that thing i said eight inches she says it looks longer than that. once i got the dildo in her as deep as it would go and fucked a while with it she was says it feels funny going in and out, next here comes my cock added lube to her and me put my cock against her rectum and pushed in about half way she jumped and held her breathe i waited till she started breathing again and went to the hilt and fucked her slow and then faster she was pushing back to get more but she had it all and then she had a great orgasm.

well mom says that was something to watch did you like it oh mom that was so good i want more.
mom we can due you a while later if your interested what do you say, maybe another day .
girls are you coming home now or are you staying for another go.

the girls stayed i took a pill after i rested a while and i fucked them both to climax and me too.
those two are horny all the time i think. dad came over and we talked about the girls friend that wanted to watch and her brother had been fucking her and moved away. dad says he would like to fuck her just for a change in pace. i said what if she says something outside of the girls and you
he say i talked to her about this and she is on board with this.

next he says she is coming over here so i can fuck her here if that alright with you since we are sharing three pussies already. i said well ok i guess i said girls are you going to watch dad fuck your friend. no we are going home ok i will go with you then.

went to the girls house and said to mom he is going to fuck the girls friend at my place so we came here. she why don’t you watch him do her, i said i thought i would come and have some of your smooth pussy and leaky tits. she laughed and said well that ok with me lets go to the bedroom while the baby is asleep. we went and had a great time fucked her to two orgasms and sucked her tits till she was tender.

well dad fucked the girls friend says she is ok but not as much fun as his two are they get into their sex. about three weeks later the oldest says she is sick and stayed in bed for a day then her mom says to dad and me one of you two knocked her up i bet we will know in a few days in she is still sick
in the morning again. i said let get a pregnancy test and we will know for sure real quick, mom says lets wait a day or two and then see it might be just a bug or something.

youngest girl comes over and says if sister in pregnant can i get pregnant too so we can have our babies together or real close, i said did you say that to your mom today she says yes i did it only fair
we both have babies together. i said we will see what happened. next thing out of her mouth is the baby mom is having is it yours or dads i said we done know since we both fucked her after your baby sister was born, i bet it is your cause your a better lover than dad is and your cock is bigger and longer than his. i laughed and said which ever sperm got to her egg first is the dad not cock size or length.

what made you say that she then says your cock bumps the bottom of my pussy so it goes deeper
and mom says that’s were my cervix is and you hit it a lot when we fuck. i said does it hurt you if i hit it
no not really just that it does. what did it feel like when i fucked you up your ass, oh i like to be fucked like that. i hope mom will let you do her ass she will like it i bet, we will see.

we had a family meeting so to speak oldest is pregnant for sure and we all know that dad or me bred her and mom the same way. we need a boy to help out around here dad says, then mom says a boy cant breed anyone tell he is ten or eleven and when this baby comes i getting the tubes tied the day after it is born. we are going to have a bunch of babies around here soon. so i will tell you now the youngest wants one too dad hasn’t fucked her in weeks she says and she wants it to be yours and by the way she is off of birth control she told me, when was the last time you had sex with her i said
about four times this week now counting today since i fucked her earlier when she came over to talk
talk my foot mom says she wants to be bred, oh her she comes now watch and see what she wants or says to us. first she says mom are you going to get your ass fucked today. i might why do you ask
well if your going to wait till later i want to fuck again i am so horny lately. mom and i both laughed little one says what so funny. mom says we know you want to be pregnant with your sister so you better get to work on being bred today.

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By friends friend
#Cheating #Pregnancy #Tween

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
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Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
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Nice story
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