Friends DDY and my secret IG account (Part 1)

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#Exhibitionist #Mature #Tween #Virgin

By LeaGirl

He send me a DM out of his new fake account, I so fall in that trap…

I have always loved attention, no mater from whom. At the very start. When I got close to 10 yo, i realizes most fun were adult mes looking at me, enjoying what they saw. Those always had a pretty smile from me, as a thank you. Or at least, that’s how I mean it, and I could not know back then that it was for the most of them, way to flirt…

At age of 11 I made a move behind my moms back, witch would change everything. And I though, it was ment just to get what i loved: attention. Since i was 10, I had my moms old and pretty odd Samsung phone, she never got me any limits how to use it. And soooo, one day open my secret IG account. Maybe lil naive like, but using my real first name on account screen name, LeasPics.

Non of the pics had my face on them, I was wayyyy too scared for the admins and the age limit of 13. So my pics where mostly of my body. Most of them shot in a way, no one could tell if I allredy had boobies or not. What i knew I had, was a cute lil sporty bummy, which made men turn after me. Witch I again, loved.
Pictures of me at school, not though telling witch one and what grade, but you can tell its a school yard. Me on shopping malls, window shopping, witch I loved to do. Me at friends yards, well two at a pool too. My room and close by park.

Witch really surprised me big time was, how fast i reached 100 followers, crowing… Not many, but some of them left me sweet comments on my pictures. Even less send me DM. And out of those, most were not written in a way, witch made me feel any good. I was here for attention, not for rude comments about my “ass”. Those I blocked away as fast as i had read the messages. Non had i answered in my first 4 weeks on IG. But that was about to change, as you might already think.

It was my pleasure to see behind the accounts witch liked my pics, comment them, or send me those DM’s. There were not many women or girls, not even very many younger boys or men. But a loooooot adult men. It was fun to see their pictures, if the account was an open one. Most had familys, some seem to run their lil business, some were just usual men. Have to say, i sure was careful because of admins as well, so that was one more reason i looked in those accounts. Luckily most admins were so proud to be one, they had a note about it in their account.

After those 4 first weeks i was ones again visiting my friend Anna from school cheerleaders. Her parents were divorced just like mine. She lived e week at her moms and the next one at her ddys. Lucky her, both lived in very very beautiful houses with gardens and pools. What I knew was, that her ddy had a well running business and she had a looooot of money from him as they splited apart. I wasnt able to visit Anna very often, but when I did, she was at her ddy week the most times. He was rich, I can tell, but added to that totally cool as well. Sure Anna was spoiled and yes…. A girl like me was time to time jealous. She always had what she wanted. But in time, I as well made profit out of that. Her ddy had her almost any clothes she ever wanted, no matter for what price: and spoiled as she was, she used some of those only one or two times. Those were the times, i as well made a profit out of those, as her ddy was too pity to drow those clothes away, or to some one he didnt know. And you can be leave me, if I say my ward trope became very very interesting in just a few months.

We lived in a warm part of States, so short and thin was mentioned at every peace of clothing. As a unspoken thank you to Jan, wich is Annas ddys name, I always had something on, witch I had from him. I am not sure at all, if Anna remembered all those clothes I had from her ddy, but I am certain, he did. I saw it in his eyes, and I loved it. I think that made him more happy, as my shy hugs and thank yous, he got from me at those moments. I had his eyes alllllll over me in moments Anna could not see him. When I say, all over, I meen, all over. And I never hide my self form those looks. His eyes were on my bummy, my sporty taned legs, on my tummy when it peeked or flashed out. Even on my lil nips, witch usually got stiff at hose looks. I definitly not yet needed a bra, or even a training bra back then, as my boobies were not in all tops even yet visible. I’ll never forget that day, when he took a spreath of my hair off my face, looked in my green eyes and got it behind my unpearced ear. I thought my heart beats out of my chest.

I had again the privileg to spend a sleep over at Anna and Jan for one night. It was just before school started again after a lovely summer break from school. Anna was with her ddy to a bigger summer bbq party from his side of family and Anna sure ones again had a totally new cool outfit for it. very pretty, low waisted short white denim shorts, pink tank top (she had already to use a bra) and pink ankle high sneakers. Her brown hair wasnt the best for that top, but sure she looked pretty and beautyfull as well. She modeled me her outfit on that Saturday and i had that not so nice jealous feeling again. But I was surprised, when she wnt to Jan and asked him, if she was allowed to give that out fit to me, as she would never wear it to an other party again. He smiled not at her, but to me, as he told her, it was ok and hed be happy those clothes will stay alive close to him. I think it was the first time i really blushed in front of him, as I knew, it was a invitation to use those around in his house. And I knew, I will…

Next morining, at that warm Sunday, I already wore those, but not the sneakers. Those Anna said, shed use as well in the furure. We had breakfast all for us alone, I thought Jan was already out of house for business and we got to the huge pool they had. In the shade side of it, close to the house, we layed on sunbeds and chated. Anna didnt know about my IG account, but that day I told her about it. Everything about it. Showed her my pics on there, we made fun about some comments she found and told her what kind of DM’s I had and that I never had answered one yet. I told her in trust, to what kind of one I might answer, because id feel pretty and respected to such a message. We both had no clue that behind the closest open window was Jan at his home office desk….

(comment if I shall continue this story, or am I too slow and boring? If the comments are positiv, there will be a part 2 to come. Sorry my english, its just my 3dt language)

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By LeaGirl
#Exhibitionist #Mature #Tween #Virgin

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
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