Forgotten Hearts Erotic Horror

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This is inspired by the horror movie, Trapped Ashes. I was brainstorming what to write for the 2024 Halloween Contest, and as someone who loves horror movies and horror stories, I wanted to write something creepy and erotic for this spooky month.

This is my first full on Literotica, and whether you find it scary, entertaining or comedic, I hope you enjoy reading it! If you like my , you can vote by leaving a good rating. 🙂

Disclaimer: This is based purely on fiction and any similarity or resemblance to any real life people or circumstances are entirely coincidental and unintentional.

Halloween might indeed be the most perplexing time of the year. It is a time when individuals actively seek out fear, when normally one would be wary of such a dangerous emotion. Perhaps they desire the rush of adrenaline that cannot normally be found in their daytoday lives.

I, your humble narrator, am far too acquainted with this peculiar penchant and observe it with a mixture of bemusement and melancholy. Things such as haunted houses, ghost tours and other forms of spooky celebrations have become the norms of Halloween a far cry from its sacred origins of warding off spirits on a night when the boundary between the living and the dead is blurred.

Another garish spectacle that has somehow emerged is the ualisation of this occasion, where many costumes have been reduced quite literally to skimpy garments that barely cover a woman’s body. I suppose the occasion does offer them the indulgence of flaunting their uality without being labelled as a slut. And I must also acknowledge, nothing gets your blood racing quite like a good scare and a good fuck.

My brave readers, this year I will take you along on the journey of six such guests who have been daring enough to take a tour of one of hi’s most infamous haunted places, which used to be a popular pleasure house. Read on if you dare, for fear and arousal awaits.

Act One: The Arrival

“Good evening everyone and welcome to the Forgotten Hearts haunted tour. My name is William and I will be your guide for today. I trust that all of you had a pleasant journey here?”

The little old man standing in front of the group of six others was a small and unimposing figure. He stood just over five feet tall, with a weathered and deeply lined face and dressed in a wellpressed uniform with a shiny name tag pinned to the front pocket. William’s silver hair was neatly slicked back to convey an impression of formality, although his warm smile made him appear friendly and approachable.

“Yes, thank you. This place was a little hard to find, but we made it here alright. I’m Thomas, and this is my wife, Lucy.”

Thomas reached out and gave every person a firm handshake while keeping one hand on the small of Lucy’s back. He was a tall gentleman with stylishly gelled blonde hair and a very businesslike aura about him. Lucy was a petite blonde woman who was beaming delightedly at his side.

In contrast to his mannerisms, however, Thomas was wearing skeletal face paint and a tattered black suit that had one arm ripped entirely off to expose his wellsculpted bicep. It was Halloween, after all. Lucy had on a white dress that was smudged with dirt and ripped strategically in places which left enough exposed skin to be considered y.

“I’m a corpse bride and Thomas is my ghastly groom,” Lucy giggled as she explained to a woman standing next to them who was giving them a curious stare.

“Harley Quinn and Joker,” the woman nodded in response, playfully nudging the man next to her. “Kidding! I’m Natalie and this is my boyfriend, Daniel.”

Natalie’s hair had been pulled up into two high pigtails and temporarily dyed pink and blue, just like the character she was portraying. Her white and red cropped top left her flat stomach exposed and it was distractingly obvious that her tightfitting shorts could barely contain her ass. On the other hand, Daniel had green hair and was wearing a rich purple vest that was completely unbuttoned in the front to reveal his smooth, bare chest.

The four of them curiously turned to look at the last couple who had a pair of white feathered angel wings sprouting from their backs.

“Michael. And this is my fiancée, Sonia.”

Michael accompanied his words with a dramatic flourish and bow, while Sonia twirled to show off every aspect of her costume. They were dressed as fallen angels. Sonia’s fitted black satin corset hugged her cleavage in all the right places, and her tiny skirt accentuated her curves beautifully. Meanwhile, Michael was topless except for a black harness that crisscrossed and strapped around his body.

“You all look marvellous in your costumes!” The elderly guide remarked jovially. “Now if you could all pass these information sheets around, that would be perfect.”

The attendees handed out the booklets until they each had a copy.

William tottered slightly on his feet as he waved his arms towards the papers in their hands. “This sheet contains some crucial information and back, so please make sure to read it carefully before we embark on our tour. Wouldn’t want you to miss out on any of the good bits!”

The sound of rustling pages filled the air. The information sheet consisted of some pictures of an old house along with eight lines of text written in an elegant bold font. Lucy voluntarily read aloud in her overly eager and bubbly voice:

“Welcome to the Forgotten Hearts haunted tour, a newlyopened adultthemed Halloween exhibition.

“For the first time in hi, the infamous and resplendent House of Hearts has been partially restored and opened for public viewing, just in time for this year’s spooky fiasco.”

She glanced up at the other participants, an excited twinkle in her eyes. Of course they had all heard of the House of Hearts. The house was wellknown for being owned by a rich and eccentric man who made his name by offering the most peculiar service ual favours.

Lucy continued enthusiastically,

“This house was once owned by a man nicknamed the Pleasure Master, who was known for his ingenious inventions that delivered the most exquisite ual experience of one’s life.

“Although most details remained privy only to the master and his privileged customers, the house was rumoured to contain many pleasure chambers that catered to a great variety of ual fantasies.

“The facilities offered by the House of Hearts reportedly delivered the most incredible pleasure anyone had ever experienced and was highly raved to be mindblowingly fantastic.”

“William, will we get to visit these pleasure chambers?” Sonia cut in with a longing purr, batting her dark lashes at the tour guide.

She and Michael loved to explore new kinks and fetishes and were dying to see exactly what made ual experiences in the House of Hearts so unforgettable. From the murmurs of agreement spreading through the group, it seemed that the rest of them also shared their sentiments.

William’s forehead crinkled and his eyebrows lifted slightly. “Well, certain wings of the house will remain closed to the public out of safety concerns, but you will indeed get an innermost look at some of his most fantastical inventions and devices. The Pleasure Master had a very depraved mind, but he was also exceptionally attuned to pleasure receptors in the human body.”

His response seemed to satisfy Sonia, although the doubtful glint in her eyes said that it did not pass over her head how William hadn’t actually answered her question.

Lucy took the silence as her cue to continue. Reading on, her voice dropped to a hush in accordance with the creepy tone the passage had taken.

“However, in the early 2000s right at the peak of the House’s fame and success a chain of petrifying reports of people disappearing without a trace led to the overnight downfall of the area.

“More unnervingly, the Pleasure Master was also never to be seen or heard from ever again, leading to the abandonment of the House of Hearts as the final step.

“Today, you will get a chance to explore the haunted remains of the House of Hearts and learn more about the complicated hi of this place.”

The overnight abandonment of the House of Hearts had made headlines back then, and many people were devastated that they would never get the chance to experience the Pleasure Master’s services.

It was the reason why it was major news that the House of Hearts had been reopened as a haunted tour. Because of the disappearances at the time, many passersby have claimed over the years to have heard spirits roaming about the house at night, or seen lights and shadows flickering where there should have been no signs of life.

“I can’t believe that we’ll be the first to enter the house! It’s so insane that we got selected for this VIP opportunity out of everyone who signed up,” Natalie declared excitedly, sliding her arm through Daniel’s.

Daniel turned to face William, “Do you know what exactly happened to these people? How did they disappear?”

William’s face turned grave and he nodded. “That is an excellent question, young man. Throughout the tides of the House of Heart’s success, it was claimed that at least a dozen people have disappeared mysteriously after visiting its facilities. But alas, that is the problem nobody ever figured out what happened to them. Their bodies or whereabouts were never found, although the house remains the last place they were ever seen.”

“Now,” William smiled at Natalie as he began leading the group up the driveway towards the old, slightly dilapidated house, “as our special VIP pass holders, you will be the very first members of the public to get to enter the House of Hearts ever since it has been restored. You will get to revisit many of the Pleasure Master’s greatest works, and who knows if a ghost or two might come to say hello!”

The group stood apprehensively at the entrance of the rundown mansion that still revealed hints of its past grandeur and extravagance.

The house was made up of intricate stonework and tall, stately columns that had now been veiled by creeping ivy and moss. The massive arched windows that lined the front of the house might once have reflected brilliantly in the fading glow of the sun, but now it was cracked in several areas and grey with a layer of everpresent dust.

The old man reached into his pocket with faintly trembling hands for a set of heavy iron keys on a key ring.

“So,” he turned to flash a toothy grin at the group, “who’s ready to enter the legendary House of Hearts?”

Act Two: The House

The heavy mahogany double doors creaked open with a loud groan an obvious sign of how unused it had remained since the house’s abandonment.

William led the way into the massive grand foyer of the mansion. It was dimly lit with a faint glow from the golden chandelier that hung high on the ceiling.

Although the house had been somewhat restored, most of its furnishings remained untouched to preserve its original form. This meant that the grand staircase at the end of the foyer was old and rickety, and everything appeared as though it would crumble with the slightest touch.

Even so, the house was a sight to behold. Exquisitely carved marble sculptures were spaced at regular intervals while floorstanding candelabras with old candle wicks stood in the corners. The walls were lined with realistic oil paintings in gilded frames.

“Wow, this place is gorgeous. I can only imagine what it used to be like back then.” Natalie couldn’t help but marvel at the lavish furnishings and antique objects that looked like they were worth a fortune.

“Ah yes, the Pleasure Master was a very rich man. People paid him handsomely for his services, after all.” William smiled. “Do feel free to explore, but I would strongly advise all of you against touching anything. You’d never know if there might be spirits hanging about.”

The six of them wandered deeper into the foyer, taking in the variety of strange décor. It was… extremely lewd, to say the least. Upon closer inspection, the paintings featured partiallydressed men and women partaking in all kinds of ual activity. Based on its realism, it was likely that those paintings had been done live while their subjects were engaged in intercourse.

Michael and Sonia approached one of the marble sculptures that stood at one side of the room. It was a lifesized sculpture of a man giving cunnilingus to a woman who had one foot braced on top of his shoulder. Her back was arched and her face was frozen in a clear moan.

“Hot damn,” Michael let out a low whistle at the scandalous pose. “Even his statues are . This man clearly has a passion for .”

At that moment, a cold draft drifted in through a crack in the window, carrying an eerie, hollow whistle as it hissed against the broken glass. Sonia, who was about to make a witty remark in response, jumped and whirled around when a whispering sound brushed against her ear.

My angel.

“Michael, did you hear that?”

“No, what is it?” Michael frowned, confused.

“I thought I heard… never mind, I must have imagined it.” Doubt crept in, and Sonia shook her head and forced a laugh. It must have been the voices of the other guests echoing from across the foyer.

Across the room, Daniel was leering at a statue of a woman on her knees with her neck stretched and mouth wide open, wearing a seductive expression on her face. He turned towards Natalie who was studying a set of photo frames.

“Babe, look! This one is ready to take my cock!” He inappropriately mimed a motion against the statue’s face.

Natalie gasped and narrowed her eyes. “Daniel! That is so inappropriate.”

“You know you love it,” he winked, and Natalie flushed crimson.

“You see, although some cleaning and restoration works have been done to prepare the house for the Forgotten Hearts tour, time has unfortunately stolen all its former glory and lustre,” William was explaining to Thomas and Lucy. “Alas, what you see of the House of Hearts today is but a shadow of its former opulence.”

As Sonia, Michael, Daniel and Natalie wandered back towards the middle of the foyer where William was standing with Thomas and Lucy, they glanced around one last time in appreciation of the thought and care that the Pleasure Master took in designing his home.

William clapped his hands sharply for attention. “Everyone, we will now proceed to the showrooms which I think you are all very excited about. If you could please follow me.”

The tour guide fumbled with his key ring again before picking out the right key for the door that stood on the left side of the foyer.

“Do you really need to lock all the doors in here? Isn’t it enough to keep the main doors locked?” Lucy asked conversationally, watching empathetically as the old man’s unsteady fingers struggled to push the key into the lock.

William spared a meaningful glance at her. “Oh, it is peculiar indeed because I find that the doors lock on their own often. This is why I always keep my keys on hand.”

As he finally turned the key, Lucy thought she saw a nervous gleam flash across William’s eyes before he quickly blinked it away. It sent an uneasy rush of nerves trembling down her spine and settling in a weighted pit in her stomach.

Not knowing any better, she decided to brush it off as the effects of the unsettling chill that was descending from the approaching dusk. Perhaps she was mistaken.

“And here we are, ladies and gentlemen. How the House of Hearts got its reputation.” William swept open the doors with a clumsy flourish.

The sight that greeted them left the group completely speechless. No one was paying attention to William as he said, “Here, we have gathered a collection of the Pleasure Master’s most effective devices and put them up for display.”

The objects that lined the room spoke for themselves the huge chamber was filled with the largest collection of aids anyone could possibly imagine. What used to be a drawing room in the House of Hearts had been turned into something that resembled a museum.

The participants immediately filed in, wonderstruck by the immense hordes of adult toys. In one glass case, dildos of various shapes and sizes were on proud display. There were even some that were designed as ribbed horns, vegetables, or unnaturally long and forked tongues.

Sonia’s feet automatically drew her closer towards the display and she caught sight of a tentacle dildo that had a particularly impressive girth and unique ridges along its length. She unconsciously clenched her thighs together, a faint pink tinging her cheeks when the fleeting image of a strong man lifting her off her feet and using it to fuck her into oblivion crossed her mind.

Sonia quickly snapped out of her imagination and turned away before her thoughts could become evident in her expression.

“And this is only the tip of the iceberg, my friends!” William exclaimed as he continued to lead the group down another passageway which opened into a connecting room that featured an enormous collection of harnesses, bondage equipment, suspension machines and swings.

This caused the group to let out collective murmurs of astonishment and wonder as they stepped forward to examine the various devices. They had never seen such a bewildering assortment of machines before, and they certainly were intrigued by how such structures could be utilised for ual gratification.

The tour continued on in this manner for another hour, with William guiding them through an elaborate maze of rooms that each featured a different collection of equipment designed specifically for the human pleasure.

The six attendees were completely enraptured by the displays, with some rendering them morbidly fascinated. It was beyond their wildest fantasies there were exhibitions of things that they didn’t even know was possible with the human body.

In one room, there were hundreds of pages decorating the walls, each featuring a different position or an inventive way of how certain devices could be used. There was another area that boasted the most exotic collection of lingerie and other forms of clothing meant to be worn in the bedroom.

Finally, the last exhibition led them through a set of doors that opened back into the right side of the main foyer, signalling the end of their tour.

Everything they had seen had left them feeling remarkably horny. Although they had always been individuals with a higherthanaverage libido, they hadn’t expected the tour to affect them this much. In fact, they were left with such an intense craving for that it even surprised themselves.

Lucy was feeling an uncomfortable dampness in her panties from all the new ideas she had gotten regarding how she could spice up her life with Thomas. Likewise, Natalie’s insides were hot and tingly because of each suggestive look Daniel gave her whenever William explained to them how the body’s pleasure receptors were intended to respond to each of the Pleasure Master’s inventions. Michael and Sonia were also red and flushed after sharing dirty inside jokes the whole time.

It was clear why the Pleasure Master had earned his reputation.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think this wraps up our tour of the House of Hearts,” William straightened and gestured for everyone to gather around. “Does anyone have any final questions for me?”

“William what’s up there?”

They were standing in front of the grand staircase now, and although they knew it was time to go, something about the upper floor was beckoning, calling, to Sonia. There was a nagging urge in her chest that was telling her that more secrets and pleasure awaited them in the rest of the house that she simply had to go find out…
