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#Exhibitionist #Incest #Teen #Voyeur
By Kiarra
My Uncle Donny came to visit us today. He’s Mummy’s younger brother, and he brought his daughter Judy with him. She’s fourteen and bigger than me, she has lovely long black hair and nice high pointy titties that made her T shirt poke out in front of her. Daddy gave her a great big kiss on her lips and she held onto him real close and said he was her favorite uncle and he said he was her favorite niece and patted her on her bum. Mummy gave Uncle Donny a big wet kiss and hug too and he said to her Judy’s the same age you were when we used to fool around, remember? and Mummy looked at him and laughed and gave him another big kiss and said Yeah, we had fun, didn’t we. Does Judy like having fun too and Uncle Donny laughed and said She sure does, does Holly and before I could say Yeah! Mummy said quickly yes but not the same kind of fun, she’s only ten and Uncle Donny looked at me and told me I was very pretty and he bet we would all have lots of fun while they were there and Mummy looked at him kind of funny and said Well maybe.
We went swimming in our pool and Uncle Donny said I looked nice in my bathing suit and told me I was getting to be a really big beautiful girl. He swam underneath my legs and I went underneath his too. Judy’s titties made her bathing suit poke out and she and Daddy splashed each other. This afternoon Mummy and Daddy took Judy and went downtown and Uncle Donny stayed and looked after me. After lunch he said Lets go for a swim and I said But my bathing suit is still wet and I hate getting into it when its wet. Thats OK he said you can wear a pair of underpants and so will I. Oh I said but what about my top because I always wear a suit with a top. Well he said you could wear a T shirt if you want to. My titties have only just started to grow and they’re just bumps really. OK I said I’ll wear a T shirt and underpants Good he said I’ll wear my underpants too.
So we got changed and went outside. We got into the water and splashed around and he dove under me in between my legs like this morning. Then he let me do the same. The thing boys penis out of was making a big bump inside his underpants. After awhile we stood up in the shallow end and he looked at me and said I don’t think that T shirt is hiding much and I looked down at myself and the Tshirt was stuck right to my tittie bumps and you could see the nipples right through them. I was embarrassed but he said Well I told you I didn’t think it was necessary and I said No you were right and I said Well if you can see my titties I might as well take it off so I did.
He looked at my titties and told me they were very pretty and asked me when I was going to be fourteen and I told him toda and he said he would get me a special present! We got out of the pool and I looked at Uncle Donny and laughed. Uncle Donny said What’s so funny and I said It looks like you have a big tent in your underpants. He looked down and said My goodness, you are right, it looks like a big circus tent doesn’t it? Is that your penis thing making the tent pole? I asked him and I could see the big bulgy end part pushing up against his underpants. Yes he said it is, look, and he pulled his underpants down a little so I could see how his penis thing poked straight up. I think your underpants make a nicer bathing suit than your ordinary one does he said and when I looked down at them I saw that my underpants were sticking to me just like my T shirt had and they were right up into the crack of my pussy and my bum crack too! And besides they were so thin you could see right through them.
I was embarrassed again but Uncle Donny said not to worry because I was very pretty and he liked looking at pretty girls. Yes but you can see my trickle I said and he said Well you saw my thing, didn’t you and besides I let you see it barenaked and your trickle is still inside your underpants so that’s not fair. Well I didn’t get a good look at yours I said and he said OK then and pulled his underpants right down. His thing was poking right up in the air and waving back and forth, and there was a funny sort of bag thing at the bottom of it. He let me look at it all I wanted to and even touch it and move it and it felt really funny, all warm and soft on the outside but it was hard underneath.
There were two roundy things inside the bag part and it was fun playing with it and making them move around. Then he said it’s my turn to look at your cunt now and he knelt in front of me and pulled down my underpants and I kicked them off. He looked at my bare naked cunt close up and told me it was very pretty and juicy. He asked me if it ever felt funny and if I liked to touch it and I told him yeah and he asked me to show him how I liked to touch it so I put my finger in the top of my pussy crack and showed him how I liked to move my finger up and down inside my crack. I liked him watching me while I did it and pretty soon my knees got all weak and the good feeling came and I said Wow and he said Did that feel good? and I said Yeah it sure did Does Judy do it? and he said She sure does, all the time and I said Do you watch her and he said Sure and she watches me too and I said What does she watch you doing? and he said She watches me rubbing this, look, and he stood up in front of me and held onto his big straight thing with one hand and started moving his hand back and forth on it.
Why are you doing that? I asked him and he said Because it makes it feel good, just like it makes your trickle feel good when you rub it. He rubbed it some more and his hand was going faster, back and forth on his thing and he put his other hand underneath the baggy thing and lifted it up and sort of held onto it and then he said Now watch I’ll make it shoot some stuff out the end, let’s see how far I can make it shoot, and suddenly a big bunch of creamy stuff came out the hole in the end of his thing and made a big arch and splashed on the ground about three feet in front of him. Wow I said Is that ever neat! and he kept moving his hand back and forth and the stuff kept coming out all in big blobs and splashing on the ground. After awhile it stopped shooting and he made the last dribbles come out and I looked at it up close and it was all sort of thick white stuff.
Ooo wow! he said and I said Did that feel good Uncle Donny and he said Yeah! and I liked you watching me do it, just like you liked me watching you when you were touching your cunt. Does Judy watch you do it? I asked him and he said Sure, all the time, she likes to watch it squirt. Then we wiped the stuff up and went inside and had some Coke and cookies. Uncle Donny gave me a snorkel mask and after supper I was practicing diving in the pool when I saw him and Mummy down at the deep end so I snuck down on them and they didn’t see me coming. On top of the water it looked like they were just talking but when I looked at them underwater I was surprised because Uncle Donny had his hand down the front of Mummy’s bathing suit bottoms and she was sort of floating with her legs wide apart and it was like he was holding her up by holding his hand underneath her cunt.
His bathing suit had a big bump in the front and I thought it was his big tent pole all hard like this afternoon. While I was watching she put her hand down the front of his bathing suit and touched him right on his big thing like he let me do this afternoon. She put both hands down and pulled his bathing suit down a little and his thing was swinging in the water, all hard and poking out towards her, and she put one hand around the long part and started rubbing her hand up and down his thing. I wondered if she was going to make the blobbly stuff come out the hole in the end, but after a few minutes they got out of the water and went into one of the changing huts.
I took my bathing suit off and put a T shirt and skirt on but my underpants were still wet from when we swam before so I left them off. I liked the air on my trickle anyway. I went in to find Daddy and tell him that Mummy and Uncle Donny had been having fun in the pool and that they had gone into one of the changing huts to get dressed I guess. I heard a noise in Daddy’s bedroom and when I looked around the corner Daddy and my cousin Judy were standing there talking. Daddy was wearing a pair of shorts and Judy had on her two piece bathing suit. Before I could say anything Daddy said to Judy I like that bathing suit of yours and she laughed and said I bet you’d like it even better if it was a topless one and Daddy laughed and said Well I bet I know how to make it a topless one, shall I and she said Sure and while I watched Daddy undid the top of her bathing suit and took it off and stood back and looked at her titties.
They were like pyramids or cones and poked straight out from her chest and up a little towards him with big pink nipple places at the ends. Mmm Mmm he said You got a nice set of tits for a fourteen year old he said and she laughed and sort of pushed her chest up at him and said Yeah that’s what Daddy says too, Come on Uncle Jack, give them a nice feel, I like it when somebody feels my tits and Daddy laughed and said Well sure then and he started touching her all over her titties and feeling the pinky nipple parts. She wiggled close to him and kissed him some more and then she said I bet you got something somewhere in here I can play with, and put her hand on the front of his shorts and rubbed it up and down and I could see from the big bump in his pants that Daddy’s thing was all big like Uncle Donny’s. Umm, feels like a big hunk of salami she said and unzipped his pants and pushed them down and then pulled his underpants down and let his thing poke out at her.
She put her hand around it and moved it back and forth like Mummy did with Uncle Donny’s and said Yep, a big salami sausage, I bet it’s a tasty one, too, and she knelt down in front of him and started licking Daddy’s thing! She licked the top part where it was all purply and round, and then all down the long part like it was a great big stick of candy and he just stood there and watched her do it. Then when it was all wet she put the end part right in her mouth like she was going to eat it, but it was so long she couldn’t get it all in and she let it slide most of the way out again.
Come on, honey, suck it good said Daddy You know I like that and Judy took it out of her mouth for a minute and said I’ll suck it like a great big lollipop till you give me a nice big drink of creamy juice. Wow I thought, she’s going to make that white stuff go in her mouth! She calls it cream – she must like to drink it. I wonder what it tastes like? Then Judy asked him, What about me? Well, yeah he said This is a pretty good topless suit, let’s see what it’s like as a bottomless one, too. Maybe there’s something inside it you’d like to show your uncle. Judy stood up then and Daddy knelt down in front of her and pulled her bathing suit bottoms down and she kicked them off. Judy has a little wispy hair on her pussy, mostly at the top part just above her crack. She pushed her hips forward and stood with her legs apart a little and said Here’s a little treat I’ve been hiding from you. I betcha know what to do with it, don’t you.
Daddy looked at her pink pussy and said, Ah, lovely! This needs a good licking! and leaned forward and licked her right on her cunt! I could see his tongue come out and go right into her crack! Judy giggled and said, Ooo, feels good, Uncle Jack! Come on! Let’s get on the bed and we’ll do it at the same time and she got on the bed on her hands and knees and patted the bed beside her. Daddy lay down on his back with his face down near her bum and Judy climbed over him so one leg was on either side of his head. She leaned forward over him and held onto his straight thing and started licking it again and then opened her mouth and let it slide down all around his thing, almost all the way to the end of his thing.
Daddy reached up at Judy’s bum and she spread her legs some more and he felt her all over in between her legs, on her cunt and her bum hole and everything! He licked his finger and then put it inside her trickle hole and she wiggled around and pushed her bum down towards his finger. Then he took it out and pulled her bum farther down towards his face and I could see him licking all over her puffy place and even pushing his tongue and making it go up inside her pussy hole! She made funny little noises like it felt good and took my Daddy’s thing out of her mouth and said Ow Wow that feels good Uncle Jack, keeping licking me there! and she wiggled her bum some more while she made her head go up and down on his thing some more.
I decided to kneel down with just my head poking around the corner so they wouldn’t see me. I felt all funny watching what Daddy and my cousin were doing on the bed, and my pink titty were itchy so I scratched the end parts and they felt all nice and tingly. My trickle felt funny too so I pressed my hand again the front of my skirt over my cunt and it felt nice. While I was kneeling there I felt something behind me and I jumped but it was only Flash, Judy’s pet Labrador who had come up behind me. He bumped his face into my bum! It felt funny when he did it and I almost giggled out loud! I turned around for a minute and sat down with my legs tailor fashion and patted him and he sniffed me and pushed his head against my front and I moved his head up and down so it rubbed against my titty places. It felt nice and I felt all funny and while I was sitting there he stuck his head in my lap and sniffed at my trickle through my skirt and it felt funny when his big nose bumped against me in between my legs and I almost giggled out loud because it felt a little like when I touched in my trickle crack myself.
I thought about Daddy doing things to Judy in between her legs and how she said it was good when he licked her there and I looked at Flash and he was looking at my skirt and wagging his tail and I felt all funny and naughty and I wanted to touch myself so I put my hand underneath my skirt and touched my trickle and it felt great! and Flash saw what I was doing and he pushed his head forward beside my hand and I thought well it felt nice when he bumped his nose against my trickle before, I’ll let him do it again and so I lifted my skirt up so he could get his head underneath it and he put his big wet nose up against my bare naked trickle and bumped it and sniffed at it and I felt sort of naughty but it felt nice too and I looked down and watched the big dog sniffing at my trickle and then suddenly he put his big sloppy tongue out and gave my bare-naked trickle a big long lick!
I was so surprised that I didn’t do anything to stop him and besides it felt so nice I couldn’t believe it and it was almost as good as when the good feeling comes, right away. He licked my trickle again and I thought wow wow wow wow is this ever good this is why Judy likes my Daddy licking her trickle oh wow wow wow and I didn’t want him to stop so I lay back on the carpet and held my skirt up around my waist and kept my legs all wide apart so my trickle parts were spread open and Flash could lick all over in between my legs. I forgot all about what Daddy and Judy were doing and just let Judy’s dog lick my trickle and he made the good feeling come twice one after the other.
Then he stopped licking me for a minute and I got up and looked in the bedroom again and Judy was just getting off of Daddy Wow she said Did that ever feel good, Uncle Jack, you sure know how to give a girl a good licking and they both laughed and he said Are you ready for your cream now, kitten and she lay down alongside him and held his thing so it stuck up in the air and started licking all along it again and putting it in her mouth and making her mouth go up and down on it. Daddy felt her titties and said things to her like Suck it honey, Take it in nice and deep, I’ll give you a big mouthful of cream and she smiled up at him around his big thing and made her mouth go up and down around it faster while she played with that funny baggy thing he has hanging underneath it.
Then Daddy said Oh, here it comes, honey, and she moved her mouth so just the big purple top part was in her mouth and the rest was sticking out and I could tell she was sucking on the top part and moving her tongue around and while she did that she moved her hand up and down the long part, just like Uncle Donny did when he showed me his thing. Then Judy’s eyes opened up wider and Daddy said Ahh! Suck it, honey, suck, suck, suck! and when he said that Judy sort of went gllph, glp, gulp like she was swallowing and Daddy said Ahh, you suck so good, honey, drink all the nice cream and Judy looked up at him and smiled again and when she smiled some white stuff ran out the side of her mouth and down his thing ad she put more of his thing in her mouth and slurped the white stuff back in her mouth.
Then Daddy said Ahh! that was great and she lifted her mouth up off his thing and there were sticky strings of white stuff hanging from her teeth and she licked her lips and swallowed one more time and said MM, mmm! You have such lovely warm cream, Uncle Jack, I’ve always liked drinking it down and he said Remember when you were just a little girl and I showed you how to play Lollipop and lick just the head of it and make it squirt? and Judy said Yeah! My mouth was too little for it to go inside so you had to pump it up and down and squirt the stuff in after I licked it.
Then I let Daddy see me playing with myself in between my legs and when his thing got all hard I showed him I knew how to rub it and lick it and make it squirt. We sure have fun don’t we Uncle Jack she said. Just about then Flash the dog came up and snuffled at me again and I thought about what Judy had been doing wth my Daddy and I looked under Flash and a long pink shiny thing was sticking out of the part that hangs down under his tummy and I thought That’s funny, I never saw that before, I wonder what it is, and then I thought, Oh! It’s his thing, just like Daddy’s and Uncle Donny’s, and I looked at it again and it seemed to be sort of hard like theirs.
I was sort of scared but I reached out and touched it with my fingertips and it felt all warm and Flash just stood there like he didn’t mind me touching it so I touched it again and let my fingers stay on it and I made them go up to the pointy end where it was all red and he moved a little towards me and I thought He wants me to play with it and I thought Well I can’t do it here so I got up quietly and motioned for him to come with me and went into my bedroom and shut the door. I got up on my bed and patted it and Flash jumped up on it and I got him to lie down on his side so his thing was poking out right next to me and he just lay there and let me touch it and it got longer, like more of it stuck out of the furry part and it was about six inches long and mostly about an inch across but at the tip it got narrow and it was all pale pink and shiny but red at the end part.
I thought well I wonder if he would like me to rub it like Uncle Donny did to his and I put my hand around it and began moving my hand up and down like Uncle Donny did and Flash whimpered a little and started moving his back legs like he was helping it go back and forth in my hand and I thought Oh that’s nice, he wants to help, he must like it. Then I remembered what Judy had done to my Daddy, how she had taken his thing in her mouth and sucked on it and licked it and how she said the cream came out and tasted so good. I wonder how your cream tastes, Flash I said to him and he wagged his tail like Go ahead and see. It seemed all naughty to put a dog’s thing in my mouth, but it seemed all naughty to put a man’s thing in your mouth too and Judy did it to my Daddy so it must be all right.
Besides, the doggy had licked my trickle and made me feel really good. So I got down with my mouth near his hard thing and it looked all really shiny close up and I put my tongue out and touched it near the top and it was all warm and smooth and a little wet but it didn’t taste like anything much. I licked it a little and then some more and the doggy lay nice and quiet while I was licking his thing but when I licked up at the top part that was all reddy pointy he whimpered a little and jerked his back legs like when I was holding onto it so I thought he likes me doing it to him, just like Daddy liked Judy doing it to him and I did it some more and then I opened my mouthand put my head down around his thing so it went right in my mouth and it was all nice and warm and smooth and I touched it with my tongue and then put some more in, like Judy did with my Daddy.
Flash whimpered a little and pushed with his back legs to make more of his thing go in my mouth and I thought oh, he likes me doing it just like Dady liked Judy doing it to him so I started loving my head up and down on his thing and he made his legs go so it went in and out of my mouth and soon he was doing it so much I could just keep my head still and let him move his thing and I made my tongue go all over it and I plauyed with his furry balls and he went faster and faster and then he sort of shivered and a big long stream of slippery warmy-hot stuff came squirting out of his thing and into the back of my mouth and I thought Oh wow, it’s his stuff, he’s making it go into my mouth just like Daddy made his go into Judy’s and the dog’s stuff tasted so good, just like a thick milkshake with a special flavour I wanted to get all I could so I sucked and licked his thing and cuddled his balls and he made more stuff go in my mouth, in really long squirts that filled it right up and I swallowed and swallowed and let him put more in my mouth.
When he was finished I licked the last bits off his thing and then his thing started to get smaller and go back into his furry place. I sure love the taste of that stuff, I’m going to get some more. I wonder if Uncle Donny’s tastes like that? I wonder if Daddy’s does? I’m going to find out tomorrow! After Flash went out I played with my trickle and rubbed it some more and made it feel all nice and gooshy. Now I’m going to go to sleep.
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By Kiarra
#Exhibitionist #Incest #Teen #Voyeur