Family Reunion Are Painful –

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#Cheating #Incest #Teen

By Kiarra

Well, I suppose a bit of background is required first. I am male, 26 years old. I am kinda weak and weedy looking, with brown eyes and dark hair. I have been mistaken as anorexic, and I am pale, due to an incurable illness I suffer from. I think I looked browner (from the sun) back in my childhood, and generally healthier. I have a sister who is 5 years younger than me, and she also has brown eyes, brown hair (lighter than mine) and she’s quite pretty I love her very much – as a brother of course!

I was 14 and a half years old, and it was summer holidays, when my mother announced her old friend Mary would be bringing her family to stay for a week or two. At first I looked forward to it, then I found out she would be bringing her daughter Vicky and son Matthew. I assumed then that I would have to look after them, in addition to my sister, whilst our parents had a reunion. Not my idea of a holiday, and definitely not about to be fun for me I thought (how wrong I was). I sat for hours trying to figure out some way of avoiding having to look after the kids while everyone else had a good time but I couldn’t think of a single one. A couple of days before they arrived I more or less resigned myself to one-two weeks of sheer hell, and began to try to find any advantages. I did reason that I could skip washing up after dinner, as Vicky sounded old enough to do that . . . but then I’d be left with the kids. So no real benefits.

Well the day dawned all sunny and bright, perfect weather for going to the beach and swimming or whatever. I got up in a foul mood however; and basically behaved badly all morning until my father told me to grow up, and that I’d better not ruin the next two weeks and other things like that. So I just sulked, until at around 11 AM my sister announced a car was pulling up outside. After a period of door slamming and muffled shouts, the two families greeted each other on the doorstep. I was called downstairs to be introduced by my father who looked at me as if to say, “There’d better be no trouble from YOU, or else,” before my mother introduced me.

After shaking hands with Mary’s husband (who’s name I STILL can’t remember) and kissing ‘Aunt’ Mary on the cheek (we had to call her Aunt even though she wasn’t really), I was introduced to Vicky. She was about my height and age. She had shoulder length blonde hair,and blue eyes . . . I thought her very pretty, but not quite as pretty as my sister . . . close though. (I barely noticed Matthew but then he wasn’t interested in me, and my sister dragged him upstairs to show him where the toys were.) I had just said, “Hi,” when something my mother said got my attention. “. . . and David, you will do what Vicky tells you OK? Don’t argue, and make sure you help her with the younger kids.” I sort of stood there in shock for a second . . . for a second I thought, “YES!” but then I realized I wasn’t in charge! It’s kinda silly now, but to me at 15 it seemed so important, and doubly so once I’d convinced myself I wasn’t going to wash up after dinner.

Now this . . . this GIRL was in charge. I tried to argue, but that made things worse; and I’d pushed my luck earlier, so I dropped the whole matter; especially when my father looked as if he was going to say something. That first day seemed horrendous. I was fetching and carrying for her and she found a hundred and one things that I had to do or my father would ask me, “Why don’t you just do as you are told?” and reach for a belt or something . . . not that he ever had to use it. The sleeping arrangements were as bad. Mary and her husband took over my room and I HATED that. (I’m a person who needs privacy now and then.) All of us were crammed into my sister’s room. The younger kids went to bed at 6 PM. I went at 9 PM. I found out that because of the 2 or 3 months that Vicky was older by she got an extra hour to stay up (which again seemed extremely unfair to me).

I went to sleep that night in an appallingly foul mood. I started the next day with one also, because Vicky told me to make the beds and tidy my sister’s room when we got up. She had to handle the 2 other siblings though, so maybe that wasn’t the worst end of the deal . . . . That day we all went out to a local castle/stately-home and wandered around gawping at the battlements and such, and it was late when we got home; so we all went to bed. Next morning, the younger kids woke up at 5 AM as per usual. The adults didn’t usually get up until midday; so to avoid waking them Vicky decided our siblings had to go downstairs and play. She then said I had to stay upstairs; so I assumed I was making up the beds again.

I turned toward the beds and started to make them when the door closed . . . and jumped when Vicky said “Stop that for a minute . . . I want you to do something for me.” I turned round and in the dim light I saw her move from the door towards me. “What do you want me to do?” I asked. I honestly cannot remember what she said. I can remember looking at her in the dim light (the curtains were still closed) and as I write this I can see her taking off her pink nightie. She looked gorgeous standing there. Her breasts just beginning to develop; just bumps really . . . but they looked delicious to me. I looked down her tummy to between her legs, and saw her pussy slit . . . I seem to recall it was slightly red and puffy. Thinking about it, I couldn’t have noticed that until later, but it was perfect to me, and is fixed in my mind as being red and puffy and slightly wet looking. Her legs were perfectly formed (not that I noticed much of them).

I remember she said “Get undressed” but I was in a trance so she said it slightly louder, and added the words, “Or I’ll scream.” I then disrobed so quickly I tore two buttons of my pyjama top and ripped a hole in the bottom half. Which I proceeded to almost fall over, because my foot got stuck in the hole. Vicky giggled and then I did too. We stood for a short time, looking at each other and for some reason we didn’t feel embarrassed (which puzzles me to this day; but who cares?). She moved again and pulled me over to the bed, which she got into, and was soon followed by me. You’ll have to forgive me for this next part of the story. It may appear a bit jumbled as I write it down. I remember her explaining she wanted to try something, she said something else which I don’t recall; as she was stroking my cock gently at the time.

She said I could touch her so I started to stroke her pussy gently with my fingers. At this stage she was on her right side facing me, and using her left hand to feel my cock and balls. I was using my right hand to stroke her pussy; we were both getting hot; and our breathing was getting faster. She said after a while (two or three minutes? It could have been longer . . .) that she’d read about something else that was even better. Now I’d recently had sort of preliminary sex education at school. So I had a fair idea of what she was getting at. She lay on her back and opened her legs as far as the bedcovers would allow her (it was only a single bed) and I got on top of her and started rubbing my cock up and down along her pussy slit. That first contact was so good. Even though it wasn’t full sex it felt a million times better than just feeling each other.

After a while we were both very aroused. (Yes both of us) It was then Vicky spoke again. “I want you to put it in and fuck me.” Now was this a fantasy, I would say we spent all morning screwing; only getting dressed just before our parents got up. Or that we did it all morning until caught when our families all joined in. What actually happened is this, as near as I can remember the conversation. Vicky: “Do it. Don’t you like it?” Me: “Yes but . . . .” Vicky: “Don’t you like . . . ME? I thought . . . you liked me. I thought you’d want to.” Me: “No I want to! . . . I like you! but what if you . . . got . . . pregnant? and it hurts first . . . time doesn’t it?” (I carried on rubbing my cock on her pussy while we talked and while she thought) Vicky: “Well . . . ooh! . . . maybe we’d better not then” (sounding very breathless and a little bit disappointed) Me: “Well I can’t get you pregnant yet. I suppose we . . . ah! . . . we could . . . ” Vicky: “No I . . . don’t . . . oh! oh! OH!” ME: “OOOH! VICKY!”

(Whole thing becomes pointless here, because we managed to cum together) Now THAT, I DO remember. I have never experienced a feeling that good before or since. It wasn’t merely good. Good doesn’t come close to describing it. I didn’t cover her in sperm because I couldn’t (not for another month or so). We lay like that for another 10 or 15 minutes before Vicky nudged me. “Wow thank you! That was cool . . . I bet sex can’t be any better.” Whether she actually said “cool” I can’t remember; but the second part I can remember clearly. I was still too stunned to speak. I mean I’d masturbated from as early as I could remember, but it never ever felt as good as that! I remember wondering if I could live through that more than once. Well, once a day maybe.

Not that I’d be able to say no, if Vicky asked me to do it again. I looked at her face and she asked me if I wanted to try something else she’d read about. I was ready again before she could finish. She felt my cock get hard against her, and grinned; then she turned onto her front. I was totally baffled by this; and asked her what she wanted me to do. She said something like: “Stick it in my bum.” I was disgusted at first, but she talked me into it very quickly; so we started. She tried to hold her bum (ass for my American friends . . . I’m fairly certain most of you knew that, but just in case . . .) cheeks apart; and I tried to get my cock inside her. It took a few attempts, but when I got the head in and pushed, she let go her bum-cheeks and I started thrusting quickly.

The covers started to fall off the bed, although we were still covered mostly. I looked down though and could see enough now to guess Vicky was rubbing her pussy while we did it; and we both came again very quickly . . . not as good as that first one though. We didn’t have time to do anything else as just then the bedroom door opened and my mother came in. We both looked at her in shock. I thought we were going to die as soon as we got out of that bed . . . but for some reason she just stood there for a minute or two then turned around and called for my sister as if nothing was wrong . . . Vicky and I broke the world record for getting out of a bed and being fully clothed. We came down nervously later for breakfast; expecting the worst. I had gallantly decided to say it was “all my fault” when the arguments and screaming started, and even that I had forced Vicky.

After all we’d both enjoyed it, and I figured I’d never pay off the debt she’d put me in, by making me feel that good. I never did find out for sure if my mother saw us, but I reckon she did. She and my father were the last ones down for breakfast that day . . . which was unusual. They were both a bit flushed looking, and Mary and her husband exchanged looks and grins, but didn’t comment. My mother looked at me oddly once, and by the evening both Vicky and I were getting amused looks from all four adults. No-one ever mentioned it to me though; although my mother did tell me when we were alone a few weeks later that Mary said sorry if Vicky was bothering me while they were staying but she’d read some books and wanted to discuss them with someone her own age. Hmmmm. Vicky kept finding excuses for us to go off together; both that day, and for the rest of the holiday, but we were never left alone long enough for anything to happen. Vicky and her family came over when we were 14, but we were embarrassed about the whole affair by then and avoided each other . . . oh well.

The next, and last incident, occurred about 7 months later. I don’t have such happy memories of this one. The reasons why should be apparent as the story goes on. I was 15 now and my sister was I thought ,but she must have been thinking about it or it must have happened, almost a year later . . . anyway. The point is that the weather was torrential rain and cold, and my parents were out shopping or something, and were going to be gone all day. I was reading in my bedroom, and my sister was in her room doing what ever it is that teenage girls do for fun (no not THAT . . . hehe . . . well I don’t know actually. If she was, maybe that’s why this next happened). At that time I was pretty much into the second world war; so I was probably reading a war novel, when my sister yelled, “Dave what are you doin’?” “Not much. Why?” I yelled back. “Can we play together?” she asked; coming into my room. “Yeah, if you want,” I said. “What you wanna play?” “I want to do what you and Vicky did,” she replied. I sat up shaking like a leaf and said, “WHAT!?” She repeated, “I want ta do what you and Vicky did.”

“Uh . . . Nicky: What do you think me and Vicky did?” (Nicola is her name, but we all called her Nicky.) 5 “You know,” she said. “You and me take our clothes off and you get on top of me, and . . . it’s fun. You and Vicky liked it.” I broke out in a sweat. My little sister had spied on us. “Nicky, you don’t even know what we did!” “I do!” Nicky gave me her annoyed look. “No. You don’t know how; and you’re not big enough.” “I do know how! I’m a big girl now. Mummy and Daddy both say so.” “They don’t mean for this sort of stuff. It’s secret.” (BIG mistake.) She looked at me, right in the eyes, and said, “I’ll tell Daddy.” Well I went white. I mean it. I’m ill now and I was whiter then than I am now . . . that’s really white. There was a mirror behind my sister and this ghost was staring into my face.

I looked so bad my sister thought twice about what she’d said. She looked unsure for a second then frowned and pouted and said it again. “O.K. O.K. but you can’t ever tell Dad, or Mum about it or what me and Vicky did. O.K.? I’d get into really bad trouble and so would Vicky. Please Nicky?” I was unable to think which was why I begged like this. It’s normally asking for trouble. Younger sisters (probably younger brothers too) have a permanent memory for that sort of thing. (She only ever tried to use it as blackmail one more time after this, and then I told her pretty much the truth about what would happen to me if she told anyone, including possibly jail. She was so frightened she has never mentioned it, but she did say sorry.)

“Alright I promise! Let’s do it on your bed.” She then took her clothes off . . . now for a she had a beautiful body . . . all smooth and pinky-white . . . not an ounce of fat anywhere. Her butt was gorgeous (ever since Vicky I have loved girls bums . . . hers was great, my sisters confirmed me . . . butt pervert!) and her beautiful bum is the only way I ever got an erection . . . which was larger than when I’d been with Vicky. I was growing fast. I could even cum properly (though not in large quantity, but wet dreams were now just that.) and if I’d been thinking properly I would have found out a way to stop what was happening. My sister’s threat had disrupted my ability to think clearly, and her naked body, lying on my bed with her legs apart destroyed any logical thought I still had bar one: she was too cute for me to try fucking her for real.

I would hurt her if I tried that so no way. If she told Dad or anyone tough. So long as she wasn’t hurt. So, climbing on top and supporting my weight on one arm, I held my cock on her slit and started rubbing the head up and down. At first the feelings were great for both of us. It all went wrong when my sister started to thrust her hips at me. At first it just felt better, but somehow the timing got screwed up and the head of my cock popped into her. For a split second I almost came in her. She was painfully tight . . . I think. Because next thing all I heard was her scream. “AHHH! IT HURTS! TAKE IT OUT!”

I instantly pulled away from my sister, who was starting to cry a bit . . . and lost my erection. I was so scared that I’d hurt her, as I burst into tears, I swore an oath right there in front of her that I’d never hurt her again if it was in my power to prevent it, and I’m proud to say I have kept it for 13 years now. My sister tried to get me to do it again when she was 12, but I refused because I was scared of hurting her, and I had also sworn that oath . . . I take oaths very seriously. I take promises very seriously too. When she was 16, a friend of hers flirted with me for a while (Lucy her name was . . . lovely girl. Ah well . . . ) and my sister made her last attempt at my virtue; which I reluctantly turned down. Since then I have not dated or anything (which proves how “fucked up” I am I suppose). I have good friends at work and on undernet though, so who really cares? Maybe one day I’ll lose my virginity. Well that’s it. Totally truthful. Hopefully someone can make a good story out of it.

I don’t know why anyone would WANT to “make a story out of it.” It sounded like a pretty good story to me, just as it was. So . . . with a little formatting and the help of a grammar- checker, here it is. I hope you like the story as much as I did. I hope the guy DOES get laid by somebody who likes him too. It’s kind of a shame (in MY mind at least) that he didn’t manage to “get together” with his little sister when she got old enough to want him to. Especially, as the little girl probably went and “did it” with somebody who didn’t care for her half as much as he did. Oh well, it’s long past now; and he SAYS he doesn’t regret it. I don’t know . . . I would. I hope she doesn’t.

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By Kiarra
#Cheating #Incest #Teen

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
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epdi guys story share pandrathu
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