Family in orbit –

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#Group #Incest #Interracial

By AJ.nox.90s

[email protected]

Family in orbit

Character introduction
(Elly Palmer) (main protagonist), Elly is a free spirited Young hippie girl

(Giselle Palmer) mother to Elly & Alex, liberal hippie, is a famous porn star and does prostitution primarily to rich elites so she could gain shareholders wealth.

(Alex Palmer) obsessive gooner and constantly pervs over everything that walks, including his own family members

Chapter 1 learning the Family business

My name is Elly Palmer and my family has a gene problem, every Palmer has the sex addict gene, it has always ran in the family genetics and has for generations, as soon as a Palmer hits puberty they become uncontrollable sex addicts and constantly have the urge to climax doesn’t matter if it’s a male or female.

A long time ago the government started a genetic program to create a new type of human that would cause sexually addicted and driven humans, this program was meant to combat the decreasing population problem, but the government discovered early on that these new humans weren’t just having sex with others but started immediately having sex with their own family members and even animals, they were mindlessly fucking everything and even giving themselves up to sex traffickers in exchange for sex, the most important thing to these new human wasn’t money, it was just sex, so the government had to put an end to the program, and genetically prevent them from reproducing no matter how much sex they had, however over the generations it was discovered that some families still had a small trace of these new human genetics in them from when they were cross breeding with real humans, my family has 15% of the “new human gene” that forces us to crave sex and depravity, we literally can’t control our self’s, despite our problem I’m honestly happy to be a part of the Palmer family, it’s so much fun when compared to the boring lives of normal humans.

After getting out of the shower I normally play with my collection of dildo’s displayed on a library bookshelf near my bed however I hate masterbating while my brother also is doing the same in the room, our mother forces us to share, Ugh!! I could hear my brother masterbating aggressively, I don’t mind but could he not wait till after I have my go at it, I literally just got out of the shower, he use to only jerk off twice a day, now he’s up to 4 times a day, sigh….

I was laying on my stomach wearing a mesh spandex thong that I felt the most comfortable wearing to sleep because of how hot the nights got. With my bare ass cheeks facing up on full display, I also had a cut off shirt that barely covered my breast and naturally elongated nipples that my cut off shirt could barely hide,

I was so horny yet my brother Alex was interrupting my pleasure time, so I decided to start reading a fantasy book while I was annoyed with Alex’s constant session but I had to pretend that it didn’t bother me for Alex’s sake, I understood he was a teenager who literally couldn’t control his obsession, plus he suffered from the same gene I did, I actually preferred him to be addicted to jerking off rather then being addicted to comet drugs, comet drugs and gangs was a huge issue amongst teens in the union space station so I did my best to encourage Alex to stay indoors and away from all that. Unfortunately for me that meant having to encourage Alex’s masterbation tendencies so he stays away from trouble, it made me happy knowing he’s home and safe.

often I would just smirk or give him an approving smile with a thumbs up as if to say good job, all while he had his dick out in front of me, we shared the same room so there was no avoiding each others habits. Our mother Giselle could afford another room however mom being a liberal hippie believed it was important that the two of us shared the same room together to strengthen our bond as siblings.

“Hey Gooner do you want me to throw some porn on for you?”

I figured this would help speed up the process so he’s not keeping me up all night.

“Oh fuck !!!! Oh yesss !!!! Almost there!” Alex cried out

“Hey gooner can you hear me?, or is your mind going numb?…”

Jeez his Dick is swelling up, he’s normally 8 inches but his dick looks like a fat 10 inche’s right now, wait ….. is he crying out of happiness?, Holy shit his mind did go blank, he has a dumb look on his face, I bet he can’t even see right now, he’s truly in a different world right now.

I got out of bed to approach Alex on his bed that was on the other side of the room, as I leaned over to get Alex’s attention, I couldn’t help but stare at his now huge throbbing dick that he was beating. It had gotten all wet and slimy from his pre cum, I noticed that his eyes were closed and he had his ear buds in. Wondering what my brother was listening to that was getting him off I decided to lean in closer to listen to the sound with my face towards his fat dick and with the worst timing ever my brother exploded and shot a large amount of cum all over my face, it was so much that I became soaked, my dumb ass then made the mistake of opening my mouth to yell “ohh my god !!!!” But before I could finish that “oh” Alex shot his 2nd load into my shocked opened mouth, I then made another mistake of getting scared and closing my mouth and out of pure surprise from the incident and had a scared reflex to gulp, I naturally swallowed when I was nervous and did the same when giving speech’s or doing something scary, unfortunately for me this was the worse time to be scared and gulp as I inadvertently just swallowed my brothers cum.

I had a conundrum to deal with, now, I could get mad at Alex and discourage him from jerking off and he might be discouraged from staying in’s the house, or I could continue to be a supportive sister and encourage his behavior so he’ll never want to leave the house and be safe at home and won’t get into any bad stuff, I felt like I really didn’t have a choice, so I swallowed my pride and apparently his pride as well, both figuratively and literally, and just pretend to be ok with it. Ugghh It’s ok, just put a happy smile on and make this fool happy, he’s your brother and you love him so stop thinking about killing this idiot right now.

“Hahaha oh shit are you ok Elly?” Alex expressed

I threw on a fake surprise mixed with a joyful expression for my brothers sake as I gave a fake smiling approval for him.

“I’m good and holy shit you drenched me in cum you Gooner, i didn’t realize you were backed up with so much.”

“thanks sis could you get me something to drink I’m thirsty.”

“I got you bro sit tight and relax, your gonna need it after that massive explosion.”

“hey sis, you look cute covered in cum.”

“hAr HaR thanks Gooner, I’ll be back.”

Alex smacked my bare ass cheek as I walked away and I gave him a smirk with a middle finger while walking away, I then had a quick interaction with our mother Giselle in the hallway.

“hey sweetie what’s that all over you?.”

“it’s cum mommy.”

“oh so you have a boy over?.”

“bye mom.” Elly laughed.

My mother didn’t really care because she allowed us to invite anyone over whenever we wanted, she encouraged us to be free spirited, and mom promoted a very liberal hippy environment, she also didn’t have the time to care about me being drenched in cum because she had a client waiting for her in her bed, she was being paid 2k shares to pleasure a stranger for the year which would provide the family with an extra 500 credits every month in dividends for the rest of our lives, every year she got a new client, mom only offered her services for shares of a company because she new money would only last a short period but shares was forever, wealth was more important then money, as a result her target audience was elites from the global trading space station.

I often tried convincing mom for the family to move to earth because I’ve never seen what it’s like there but mom had the invested interest of staying in orbit because that’s were most of the elites travel for the red light district fun.

Mom was already in her revealing slut outfit, we knew that when we seen her in any slut outfit that meant she was working all night and to not interrupt her, we also knew that it was going to get loud, we had already became use to seeing our mother naked and even sometimes sporting a huge butt plug or a vibrator or some type of wearable accessories that provided pleasure, both me and Alex also caught her having sex on multiple occasions, it became so frequent that just last week we had dinner with her client Tyrone all while she was naked on her knees underneath the glass table sucking his dick in front of us, we had a full show that honestly got me a little wet and I could tell Alex was getting turned on with his hard on. Our family is very encouraging to any of our sexually driven acts, our family even goes to nude parades together and we’ve become use to it all, heck both me and Alex even help our mother out at the porn conventions, I use to question our family’s actions but have grown to love this lifestyle that our mother promotes to us. I use to get shocked at some of the things I’ve heard or seen and would question “was something wrong with this family?”, but honestly when I see all the other teens in orbit and how ghetto, mean, negative, and just playing evil they all are and how they treat each other, I swear the only thing that makes them happy is the comet drugs, and hurting others, It honestly makes me happy and proud to have been born in this family, I love my family and I’m happy we are free spirited and sex positive all the time, every single one of us smiles everyday and we experience more joy in a day then most these evil teens do in a lifetime, I’m so lucky that I thank Gaia our Goddess everyday for my amazing family. Plus unlike the rest of the overworked union workers who have no choice but to work for food and survival my mother could have retired a long time ago, our family makes more then enough dividends every month to live a rich comfortable lifestyle, yet mom still does it out of pure love for sex, she’s addicted to sex and figures she might as well make more wealth while doing it.

I continued down the hall to Get Alex some soda, when I got interrupted by the sight of our next door neighbor peeping through our port window, Earl was a balding out of shape middle age man who had an obsession with Mom but couldn’t afford her time and also I knew he was a registered sex offender because my friends had found his mug shot online, I felt bad for Earl because I new he didn’t have anyone in his life, I pitied his loneliness, Poor guy, it kills me to know how lonely he is, if I could make him feel welcome then hopefully he will be a bit happier, besides He’s a sexual degenerate just like the rest of us, Wellp better get the Gooner his soda.

“hey gooner your soda… HOLY GAIA ! oh waw your fisting your ass hole, hey gooner your soda and is that my underwear in your mouth?”

“ fuck Elly this feels amazing, I can’t stop.”

I’m not gonna lie, I was impressed, he actually got his entire fist inside of his ass hole, a part of me was jealous. I just giggled, smacked his ass, and pulled my underwear out of his mouth. and headed to the shower again but was refused at the presence of mom being fucked in the bathroom by the elite who had bought her for the year, Tyrone. Mom was screaming and crying for joy at how amazing Tyrone’s massive fat cock felt destroying her pussy, I’ve seen his Dick a few times and was honestly scared of the sight, he was massive, I’ve never seen anything so huge before, I often referred to it as a whale Dick.

“Fuck me up Master !!!!! Teach this slut a lesson awwww gawd !!!! This fat dick is fuckn amazing!!!!!!!!!”

I tried to quietly close the door as to not interrupt Tyrone, Unfortunately I interrupted his domination of my mother. I accidentally made too much noise and Tyrone stopped but Mom didn’t, she started twerking her ass on his whale dick as Tyrone focused his attention on me, I had the tendency to unintentionally have voice trembles whenever I talked to Tyrone out of pure excitement and fear since he was a stranger in the house and had the largest Dick ever conceived, I had also started calling all of moms clients “daddy” because I knew it filled their sick minds even more and meant that they would want to keep coming back as clients, that was my way of helping mom out to maintain her client list.

“hey baby girl.

“Hi Daddy, sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“It’s all good baby girl, your bitch ass slut mother is just getting her fix on my dick.”

“Thank you for everything you do Daddy, my mommy being happy makes me happy.”

“You look like you need a shower, hop in angel.”

“Yes Daddy, thank you.”

Although I would normally refuse this type of situation from anyone who’s banging my mother, I dared not ever refused one of moms clients, I new clients were how the family gained our wealth and rich lifestyle’s, I didn’t bother closing the door I just slowly walked in as mom was being fucked in front of me, Tyrone never broke eye contact with me so I was nervous the entire time, still soaked in my brothers cum and still able to taste his cum in my mouth was now making me crave more, my pussy was soaking wet and leaking, my heart raced as Tyrone started pounding into my mother all while maintaining eye contact with me, I realized that I was turning Tyrone on and it made me happy and proud to help mom satisfy a client just with my presence, I could tell the situation was a huge turn on for him because he picked up the pace and became more violent with my mother, my mother at first tried avoiding eye contact with me but when he got aggressive she immediately looked into my soul and started crying tears of joy, and tried thanking me for indirectly making her feel more pleasure from Tyrone as her breast bounced back and forth.

“Awwwwhhhh yes !!!!!! Fuck me in front of my daughter !!!! Let her watch her mother be a dumb fuckdoll who gets fucked by that whale dick !!!!.” Giselle screamed while maintaining eye contact with her daughter.

I took my top off and revealed my perky elongated nipples, my teen breast were perfect according to all my friends, so much so that my own mother was always jealous over them and even expressed it on several occasions. I was use to Tyrone always coming over to bang mom, it’s been going on for a while now, he got comfortable at our house and even started treating it as if it was his place and we were just guests, he’d often smack my ass, nothing serious I got use to moms clients doing that, At first I would want to get mad but I had grown accustomed to it, I know it’s important for mom to make these rich jerks happy.

I then took my thong off and Tyrone was able to see my leaking pussy, I turned around giving him a good view of my bubble ass and threw the water on, after washing my self off of all that cum from earlier I then began to play with my pussy and enjoy the view of Tyrone fucking my mother, I was so horny that I had half a mind to go join them, I then inserted 2 fingers and violently started yanking away at my pussy, I’d periodically rub away at my clitoris crying joyfully just like my mother was, in that moment I felt a connection to my mother and I stared at Tyrone as if he was her master, I couldn’t take the built up anymore, this feeling was too amazing my body was in overdrive from my mother and her client staring at me Masterbate in front of them while they fuck, I ended up squirting all over the floor and almost immediately love juices also came shooting out at my mother, both me and my mother were trembling in happiness with our legs shaking,

I slowly collapsed in the shower while staring at Tyrone and whispered “I love you,” Tyrone then threw my mother out of the way and when his fat dick popped out of her she squirted all over the floor as she sobbed and cried about how amazing she felt, Tyrone then came to me, I just looked up and admired his whale size dick, his dick is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life, it was mesmerizing, he started violently stroking his dick as he hovered over me, right before he was about to climax, I acceptingly opened my mouth wide.

In that moment I thought about how Most the times I masterbated I had thought about Tyrone’s dick and now I’m about to drink from his huge cock, and how lucky of a girl I was, I felt like I belonged to him and this made me so happy and filled me with feminine joy, he then blasted like a fire hose all over me, I did my best to catch as much of it in my mouth as I could, he realized that so he grabbed my hair and pulled me in and I at first choked but then got mad at myself for choking because I didn’t want to waste any of his cum, I then with determination went deeper and allowed his cum down my throat, Gawd!! I was in heaven, the taste of his cum gushing down my throat was sending my mind into a sex fantasy, I then violently started masterbating while drinking Tyrone’s gallons of cum, I was impressed that he didn’t stop shooting cum in me, I became full off his cum and felt like I had ate a large dinner. With my eyes red and me still crying joyfully I couldn’t believe how happy Tyrone made me. When he finally stopped I squirted again from my finger play.

“I love you daddy !!!!! I love you so much !!!!! Thank you for feeding your little girl, thank you daddy.”

“haha like mother like daughter, this was so worth every share I paid your whore mother, well it’s time for me to get going, see ya cum dumpsters later.”

“bye daddy, I’ll miss you.”

I didn’t have the strength to lift my mother who was passed out on the floor naked, so I went to get Alex for help,

“hey gooner I need your help.”

“why are you still drenched in cum i thought you went to take a shower?”

“it’s a long story, I’m not interrupting you am I brother, I sort of need your help taking mom to bed.”

“nah I’m good”

“Oh but pretty please Alex, i really need your help, it’s for mom

“what’s in it for me Elly?”

“Well brother, I’ll make you whatever food you want.”

“you already do that dumb bitch.”

“umm well….. what do you want?”

“I want to fuck you.”

“wait what!? Seriously? but I’m covered in cum and I’m your sister”

“yea but your hot as fuck, also you’ve already seen me drinking my own cum, so I really don’t care about all that on you, if anything it’s a plus.”

“it’s not your cum jerk, it’s Tyrone’s cum.”

“oh even better, come on don’t be shy Elly, come and hop on this dick like a good dumb bitch.”

“goshhhhh that’s not fair… you know how to turn me on Alex, your lucky I love you jerk.”

“Yea, yea, now be good slut and shut the fuck up you dumb twat.”

I sighed and walked over to Alex’s bed where he’s been gooning all day, gosh it reeked badly, it smelled like dried up cum and feet, but his manly smell was turning me on so much plus he was degrading me and he already knew I loved feeling that way, I straddled Alex’s thick dick and slowly allowed him to enter, I was so soaked in cum from Tyrone that it acted like a lube and my pussy was already swollen and loose from earlier that it made it easier for Alex to slide his thick dick in me, I notice he was admired my beautiful cum soaked body and as I started riding up and down on Alex he then leaned in and surprised me with a kiss, I couldn’t help but blush from the passionate romantic kiss on my cum filled mouth Alex is normally never this loving towards me, Alex savored Tyrone’s cum from my mouth, he started licking all over my body and drinking as much of Tyrone’s cum as he could, he then looked me in the eyes as he grabbed my ass cheeks and picked up the pace as I started moaning.

“From now on your sleeping in my bed with me, you got that slut.”

“Yes brother I will”

“From now on whenever I need to cum, which is always, I’m using you as my rag doll.”

“Yes brother you can.”

“You’re a fuck doll just like our slut mother.”

“Yes brother I’ll be a good little fuck doll.”

My big brother slid 2 fingers inside of my ass hole and lifted me up so he could stand up, as he did this I wrapped my legs around Alex and I began kissing him passionately again, he then pinned me to the wall and began fucking me as if he was trying to hurt me, Alex got very aggressive with me, I got a little scared and started crying out in pleasure, I used my scared puppy voice as if I was a little girl again, Alex simultaneously started playing with my ass hole and managed to get 4 fingers in my ass hole while fucking me.

“Gawd yessss Take care of me big brother !!!!”

“Shut the fuck up Elly, your dumb ass could barely talk right now so don’t tell me what to do you worthless cunt, you were made for fucking, that’s all you and mom are good for.”

“yes big brother, im an idiot, me and mom are only good for fucking, thank you big brother for Using me !!!! Thank you for Abusing me !!!! I love this fuckn feeling!!!!”

He started slapping me hard in the face pulling my hair, he even choked me and made me ride his dick faster, only after I squirted was allowed to catch my breath, at some point we ended up in the shower with him pissing on me, gawd I loved being degraded and my brother new me too well. Alex and I spent most of the night fucking that we forgot about our mother still on the ground past out,

Alex had gone to sleep and I woke up several hours later, it was already day time and both me and my brother smelled bad, but I loved it, I got up quietly to not wake up my amazingly awsome big brother from his sleep, he deserved the sleep after all he did for me last night, I snuck out of the room quietly and went to go take a shower, after washing up and releasing all that cum from me, I then went to the kitchen to make Alex and I breakfast, but I was given a surprise instead. there was 2 tall black men in the front room. I was use to strangers coming uninvited in the home and was also use to being touched inappropriately or having my ass smacked by strangers, hell I lost my virginity from being raped by my biological father and ended up going back to him for another round, I honestly wasn’t afraid of being raped by anyone now because I enjoys sex thanks to that Palmer family gene. However nothing in this world could have prepared me for the violent ass whooping I was about to get, these men weren’t just here for sex, they were here for violence and destruction.

“Hello, do you guys want soda?”

“Fuck nah, where’s the whore at?”

“Oh my mother, um …… shoot let me guess, you guys are Tyrone’s friends right?”

“yea where’s the bitch at, weez ready to blow this bitches back out.”

shoot um she’s still passed out from Tyrone’s monster dick, I can’t get her, but at the same time I don’t want mom loosing a client by making his friends mad, welp I might as well help mom out, plus these men are hot as fuck, and they’re turning me on.

“She’s currently unavailable, however lucky for you 2 I’m available to fill in for her.”

“Aww shit, how old are you little one?”

“ ha I’m old enough sir”

“Fuck it lets tear this bitches daughter up.”

One of the men grabbed me by the hair while the other man smacked my ass cheeks hard and ripped my clothes off, I didn’t realize how scary this was going to be but it was to late to resist. They picked me up and then they threw me to the ground and yanked my hair like a Leash as they started treating me like a retard, they even made me talk like a retard by only allowing me to responding to everything they say with “I’m a retarded slut”, if I said anything different they would start punching me in the stomach, I made a few slip ups by accidentally saying “ouch” instead of “I’m a retarded slut” and each time they punch me really hard in the stomach, I threw up a few times and they made me lick it up, when I had started sobbingly crying and begging them to stop they started laughing at me and started recording me as they reminded me that I didn’t say the magical words. They slapped me in the face so hard my lip started bleeding, they started spitting down my mouth, they forced me up stairs and had me crawl past my mother who was still past out on the floor, they lead me to my mothers room crying where there was a large collection of dildos and sex toys and torture equipment, they then looked at me and told me I was in for a long fucking day

My mother later told me that when she woke up naked on the floor and heard screams and banging coming from her room followed by yelling, she didn’t know if she should call the police but she remembered her daughter and son and immediately became the protective mommy bear she needed to be to gain the courage to go running in her room to save her young ones from whatever danger was going on,

As she kicked open the door there were multiple men who were called over by Tyrone all naked there were at least 10 men in that room holding me hostage, I was being double teamed while sucking dick and jerking off 2 others and hooked up to electrical wires that were clamped down on my nipples, pussy, ass hole, tongue, feet, and belly button, all the wires were hooked up to a car battery, all while another man was smacking the fuck out of my ass with a belt and my hair was being used as a leash, there was also a choke collar on me that was so tight I couldn’t even talk and had to struggle to breathe, they simultaneously had a suction cup on one of my nipples and they were using shampoo as lube which gave me a painful burn, and every time they electrocuted me it forced my body to have the greatest unwelcome climax of my life and forced me to uncontrollably Squirt all over the room showering everybody with my love juice’s and I simultaneously shot milk out of my breast because of the Palmer Genes I was able to start producing milk at a young age, I would also start drooling from my ass hole, being electrocuted caused me to release all the wine that they poured up my ass and it caused all of my mothers small dildos that they stuff in my ass to come shooting out like projectiles, I couldn’t speak coherently, I could only mumble in pleasure and bliss, this was the most painful day of my life but I was so grateful in the end, because I ended up experiencing something that would change my life forever, and I now realized, that this was the greatest day of my life and the happiest I could possibly get, when I finally became coherent I looked around the room and said…..

“I love you all so much, thank you.”

“Oh and mommy I want to be a whore just like you from now on, this is way too amazing and I never want it to stop.”

“Oh hunny I’m so glad your finally embracing the Palmer family Legacy.”

As she said that Tyrone pounded his fat whale dick into me with hot sauce as the lube and started pounding away like an animal as I started squirting all over his fat dick, I completely loss control over my own bladder and was experiencing non stop climaxing while peeing myself, I was experiencing so much pleasure that I became a mindless sex craving whore and I could not for the life of me think anything but joy as I sobbed and cried in pleasure, the men then decided to leave the car battery on till it died leaving me screaming in pain and constantly being electrocuted with my body pulsating and vibrating, my muscles were all spasming as I was being fucked by the biggest dick I’ve ever seen and my nipples started pouring out an endless stream of milk like a fountain, one of them men shoved his dick in my mouth and my brother was forced to help me suck this strangers dick, both me and my brother did the best job we could to share this precious sloppy fat dick but at some point the pain became too much for me to withstand and I past out for the 15th time that day from climaxing, my mother in disbelief was in the corner fingering her self to the sight of her pup’s being tortured and degraded

When I finally woke up I had a an entire football inside my ass hole and my pussy was gaping wide open, it was so stretch out that I could easily put another football inside that hole too, I had Burn marks on my flesh and I was still leaking milk from my elongated tits and cum from all of my other holes, I also noticed on my long nipples there where rings that were stretching them past their limits so I had to pull them off, as I pulled it off my flesh it burned and was very painful on my already sore body and left bruised burn marks on my nipples with visible bleeding, but as painful as it was to take the rings off for some odd reason the more painful it was the more pleasure I was experiencing, so I started getting brave and ripping them off violently on purpose and squirting from the pain and during my climax the football that was in my ass hole came shooting out of me, I never knew I could experience pleasure from pain like this before, when I finally released all the rings from my nipples I started pouring milk again from my tits. I love my body so much, I’ve never felt so beautiful and happy in my entire life as I do now” I then stood up with my shaking week legs and felt empty inside because I had that football inside of me for so long I now had became uncomfortable with not having it inside of me so I began fisting my own ass hole to feel full again, I was now addicted and couldn’t stop, I fisted my ass till I climaxed again. My ass hole was so loose that I started prolapsing, honestly I don’t think my ass hole will ever be the same again and that thought made me so happy and proud. I was excited to have my new body. Oh my Gaia that felt fucking amazing, I had to shove that football back up my ass just feel comfortable again, “welp I guess im keeping my ass hole stretched out forever from now on,” I could barely stand on these shaky legs how the hell am I going to get back to my room. My naked brother came up behind me and lifted me up to take me to my room.

“Thank you brother, you’re the best.”

“No you’re the best, sister.”

“Shit we have Gaia’s retreat tomorrow Alex, and I still need to wash your clothes.”

“Don’t worry about that sis, I have other clean cloths, for now just rest.”

“Thanks brother, good night, I love you.”

“Love you too Elly.”

Next chapter 2 : Prequel, how Giselle got pregnant from her Father & how Alex and Elly learned to get along

—— Still debating on making chapter 2. Let me know if y’all want more. Feedback helps

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By AJ.nox.90s
#Group #Incest #Interracial

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I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
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Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse