Ethereal Desire |

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Sasha emerged from the darkness, a vision of ethereal beauty. Her long blonde hair floated around her, and her pale skin glowed in the moonlight. She was naked, but not in a vulnerable way. Her body radiated power and desire. She had been a stunning woman in life, and in death, she was even more alluring. But behind her beauty, there was a rage burning inside her, a need for revenge against the man who had taken her life.

Cody lounged on the plush leather couch in his spacious apartment, an elegant crystal glass filled with two fingers of Johnnie Walker Blue clutched delicately in his hand. His handsome features were enhanced by the warm glow of lamp on the end table beside him, casting shadows across his strong jawline. A smug grin played across his lips as he took a slow sip of the expensive scotch whiskey.

Silently, Sasha glided towards him, her ghostly form making no sound on the polished hardwood floors. She couldn’t help but remember the days when she had loved this man with all her heart and soul, before he had betrayed her. As she got closer, she saw that he was not alone. Her best friend, Maria, was there with him, her lips wrapped around his thick, pulsating cock. Sasha’s heart ached as she watched Maria’s head bob up and down in a rhythm directed by Cody’s hand entwined in her soft brown hair.

The sight of their betrayal ignited a fierce rage within Sasha, causing the bulb in the lamp to slightly flicker. She had been wronged by both of them in the worst way possible Cody had taken her life, and Maria had taken her husband. But it was not just anger that filled Sasha. As she watched Maria suck Cody’s erection, she felt a surge of desire. She had always been a passionate woman, and even in death, her desires burned just as fiercely.

Cody removed his hand from Maria’s head with a gentle caress, his fingers lingering in her hair for a moment before he spoke. “Let’s head to the bedroom,” he murmured, his voice low and husky.

Maria, still sucking his cock with eager enthusiasm, hummed her approval before popping him out of her mouth and padding towards the bedroom. As she went, she shed her clothes, revealing her smooth, tan body and the curves that begged for attention.

Cody couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her shapely, naked ass sauntering away from him. He finished off the last of his scotch and set the glass on the coffee table before following after her. His own clothes were discarded haphazardly along the way.

Unseen by either of them, Sasha watched as they disappeared into the bedroom. Her ghostly form moved silently down the hallway, passing through the closed door and hovering above the bed.

She observed with a mix of longing and envy as Cody climbed onto the bed next to Maria and she straddled him, impaling herself on his stiff member with a gasp of pleasure. Cody’s hands roamed over Maria’s body in a possessive yet tender manner, stopping to cup and knead her ample breasts as Maria started slowly riding his dick.

Sasha’s heart ached as she watched them, reminded once again of all the physical pleasures she could no longer experience in death. But despite the anger and jealousy that pulsed through her ghostly essence, she also yearned for the feeling of being fucked.

As Maria bounced up and down on her husband’s cock, Sasha’s spirit entered her body, possessing her with ease. She could feel Maria’s confusion and fear, but they were pushed aside by Sasha’s powerful presence. Sasha wanted to feel the pleasures of the flesh one last time before she exacted her revenge on her unfaithful husband.

Maria’s body moved with a grace and sensuality guided by Sasha. Cody’s hands roamed over her breasts, her hips, her thighs, Sasha savoring every sensation. She wanted to feel everything, every touch, every thrust.

Sasha could feel Maria getting close to the edge, and she knew Cody was too from the way his breathing quickened and his hips pumped more urgently. Sasha wanted to experience that peak of ecstasy again, to feel her betrayers’ bodies shake and shudder in helpless rapture before she made them pay for what they had done.

Sasha rocked Maria’s hips harder, grinding her clit against Cody’s pelvis with each thrust. Electric jolts of pleasure radiated through her borrowed body as she chased her orgasm. Maria’s consciousness was still present, panicking and confused in the back of her mind, but powerless to stop Sasha’s ghostly possession.

Cody gripped Maria’s hips tighter, his fingers digging into her flesh as he groaned. “Fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum,” he panted, voice strained.

Hearing those words from her husband’s lips while he was buried inside her socalled best friend only stoked the flames of Sasha’s fury higher. She clenched Maria’s inner muscles around Cody’s throbbing cock and circled her hips, determined to make him explode inside her before enacting her vengeance.

“Do it,” Sasha hissed with Maria’s voice. “Fill me with your cum, you cheating bastard.”

Cody’s eyes flew open at the uncharacteristic dirty talk from the normally demure Maria. A wicked smile crossed her lips as she slid her hands up his chest and placed them around his neck. She could feel his pulse racing, and the lust in his eyes as she continued to slam herself down on his erection.

Maria cried out as her climax crashed over her, sending shockwaves of blissful pleasure radiating through her body. Sasha felt it all as if it was her own orgasm, the sensations heightened by her ghostly essence. As she looked down into Cody’s eyes, Maria’s pussy spasmed and pulsed around his shaft as he exploded inside her, his hot semen filling her up. As he came, Sasha revealed her spectral face to Cody.

Cody’s eyes widened in shock and terror as he saw Sasha’s ghostly visage superimposed over Maria’s face. He tried to scream, but Sasha’s hands tightened around his throat, cutting off his air supply.

“Did you miss me, darling?” Sasha purred, her voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance.

Maria’s body, still possessed by Sasha, continued to undulate atop Cody, milking every last drop of his release. The pleasure mingled with fear as Cody struggled beneath her, his face turning red as he gasped for air.

“Please,” Cody choked out, his hands scrabbling at Maria’s now Sasha’s iron grip. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…”

“Didn’t mean to what?” Sasha snarled, her eyes blazing with otherworldly fury. “Didn’t mean to murder me? Didn’t mean to fuck my best friend?”

Suddenly, Maria’s consciousness surged forward, fighting against Sasha’s control. “What’s happening?” she cried out, her voice breaking through momentarily. “Cody? I can’t… I can’t control my body!”

Sasha snarled and shoved Maria’s essence back down. “Quiet, you traitorous bitch. You’ll get your turn soon enough.”

With a burst of spectral energy, Sasha separated herself from Maria’s body, manifesting fully in her ghostly form beside the bed. Maria collapsed atop Cody, both of them panting and trembling in terror.

“Now,” Sasha said, her voice cold as the grave, “it’s time for you both to pay for what you’ve done.”

The room grew icy cold as Sasha’s ghostly form pulsed with an eerie blue light. Maria scrambled off of Cody, clutching the sheets to her naked body as she cowered against the headboard. Cody sat up, his eyes wide with dread as he stared at the apparition of his murdered wife.

“Sasha, please,” he begged, his voice trembling. “I know what I did was unforgivable, but—”

“Silence!” Sasha roared, her voice echoing with supernatural power. The windows rattled in their frames, and the lights flickered ominously. “You don’t get to beg for mercy, not after what you’ve done.”

Maria whimpered, tears streaming down her face. “Sasha, I’m so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please, you have to believe me.”

Sasha’s ghostly eyes flashed with rage as she turned to her former friend. “You were supposed to be my best friend, Maria. Yet you were fucking my husband and went along with his plan to murder me so you could be together. FUCK YOU, YOU WHORE!”

With a wave of her spectral hand, Sasha sent Maria flying across the room, pinning her naked form against the wall. Maria gasped and struggled, but she was helpless against the ghost’s supernatural strength.

Cody cowered on the bed, pure terror filling his eyes as Sasha’s spectral fingers wrapped around his throat. His eyes bulging as Sasha’s icy fingers tightened around his throat. He clawed desperately at her ghostly hands, but his fingers passed right through her ethereal form.

“How does it feel, my love?” Sasha hissed, her face inches from his. “To have the life choked out of you by someone you trusted?”

Across the room, Maria sobbed and pleaded. “Please don’t kill us. We can explain.”

Sasha’s head whipped around, her eyes glowing with an unholy light. “Explain? EXPLAIN?! There is no explanation that could possibly justify what you two did to me!”

With a flick of her wrist, Sasha sent Maria crashing to the floor. The brunette crumpled in a naked heap, whimpering in pain and fear.

Turning back to Cody, Sasha loosened her grip just enough to let him gasp for air. “I loved you,” she snarled. “I gave you everything my heart, my body, my trust. And this is how you repaid me?”

“I’m… sorry…” Cody choked out. “Please… forgive me…”

“Forgiveness?” Sasha laughed, a chilling sound devoid of mirth. “Oh no, my love. I’m not here for forgiveness. I’m here for vengeance.”

Her spectral form began to glow brighter as she slowly choked the life from Cody. His face turned a deep shade of purple as he struggled for air, his eyes bulging in panic. Maria screamed and sobbed from her crumpled position on the floor. Cody’s terror stricken eyes lost their luster as his life essence departed from his body.

The pleasure and satisfaction that filled Sasha in that moment was indescribable. She had finally found release, both physical and emotional. And in his final moments, Cody had felt just a fraction of the pain and betrayal that she had felt when he took her life.

As Sasha’s spirit disappeared into the darkness, she felt a sense of peace and closure. She knew that she could finally rest, knowing her cheating, murdering husband was dead and that her friend who had betrayed her would go to jail for the rest of her life for his death.