Emily’s Backup Halloween Costume! – Exhibitionist & Voyeur

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“Here? Now? Really?” Emily asked, shocked at her husband’s suggestion.

“Why not here and now, given your other options?” Paul asked, fully expecting his wife to reply to his seemingly casual question with a number of very sensible reasons, possibly adding a gentle punch to his right arm to be sure he got the message.

“Why not here?” Emily thought, going out of her way to consider husband’s suggestion. In practically no time she thought of at least a half dozen good arguments against doing as he proposed, based only on their current location. As for the time, they both knew there wouldn’t be any reason for them to be driving along this particular country road at any other time.

“If you’d just changed at your office we’d have been a few minutes late at worst.” Paul reminded her. “I don’t know why you insisted on going out of our way to get dressed at home.”

Beginning to get angry, Emily replied tersely, “I wasn’t expecting there to be a six car pileup blocking the highway, was I?” Though she was getting more stressed by the minute, she was thankful their car wasn’t one of the wrecks she’d seen being towed away. They sat still for more than an hour waiting for the road to be cleared and assorted bits of debris swept away. She could think of little but how and where she’d be able to get out of her work clothes and into the outfit she’d chosen for the party.

As they sat helplessly waiting for the road ahead of them to be opened, Emily knew her options were steadily getting worse, with backtracking to either her workplace or their home effectively meaning giving up entirely on making it to the party. Eventually her choices seemed to have dwindled to a single, awkward one; having to ask Sandra, their hostess, for a place to change, with the party well underway.

Even when Emily wasn’t asking Sandra for a favor, she’d often felt like Sandra was just tolerating her. She certainly never bothered to even pretend to be interested in Emily. Emily never understood what she might have done or failed to do to earn Sandra’s disdain, but since she only had to see her once or twice a year, and then only because Paul was a valued employee of Keith, Sandra’s husband, Emily didn’t worry about it much.

Even though she’d given up on understanding Sandra’s dislike of her several years ago, the prospect of showing up extremely late, clearly not dressed for the party, and immediately asking for a favor made Emily cringe. This party was an annual event, with over one hundred guests, making it extremely unlikely she’d be able to find any private space where she could change her clothes without help from the already busy Sandra or Keith.

As unpleasant as arriving in completely the wrong type of clothing and having to ask for a favor promised to be, Paul’s suggestion had the potential to be at least as embarrassing.

Yes, they were almost a quarter mile from the long driveway at Keith and Sandra’s property, with no other houses on this stretch of road, winding through a dense forest!

Yes, it didn’t seem likely anyone would be arriving as late as they were, or leaving this early!

Yes, she grudgingly admitted to herself, given the tight space inside their car it would be less awkward physically to get changed at the side the road, using the car to shield her from view in the unlikely event someone did come by while she was changing!

The oddly sensible arguments for Emily to get into her party ensemble at the side of the road had to overcome a single but compelling argument against doing as Paul proposed; it would necessarily have her briefly standing at the side of the road completely in the nude! In her mind she went through the the details of what parts of her body would need to be uncovered, in what order, between the removal of her work clothes and putting on her party outfit. She wasn’t sure how to estimate the time required; as jittery as she was just thinking about going through with Paul’s idea, she was sure actually doing it would make her even slower!

Surprised that Emily hadn’t answered his question, and not wanting to kill whatever slight possibility there was that she might actually step out of their car to use their current location as an open air dressing room, Paul pulled over to the side of the road. He knew there was no chance she’d get naked, inside the car or standing beside it, if he went as far as the open space in front of Deidre and Keith’s house.

The trees lining the road they were now parked on gave way there to small shrubs and a large grass yard well before reaching the driveway, so the slim chance that he would even briefly be able to see her in the nude, bathed in moonlight, was sure to disappear if he drove too far.

Paul’s interest in seeing her undressing there on the pavement was only very slightly related to the practical advantages of changing out in the open. He was, as she well knew, proposing she strip out on the road because the idea excited him. As he waited, fully expecting to be told to keep going and park near the house, Emily toyed with him for a long minute, withholding the obvious answer, teasing him a bit for even suggesting such a thing! As she held him in suspense, it occurred to her that she was glad to still be desired.

As she paused to let Paul believe, Emily thought back to how an earlier version of herself might have responded to her husband’s suggestion. “Not really the same thing,” she thought, “most of our fooling around that way happened, when we were newlyweds! Or even earlier, around when we became engaged.” She remembered various tomfoolery back then; assorted moonings, boob flashes, late night skinny dipping in hotel pools, some of which she’d practically forgotten. “That all seemed to make more sense at 22 years old than it does now, at 39.”

Surprised at how much her memories felt like someone else’s story, Emily tried to remember when the daring young adult had morphed into the cautious woman cruising toward middle age. “It probably wasn’t any one thing,”she thought, “getting an actual career type job, a mortgage, being known in our community, having kids, generally having a lot more to lose now than that 18 to 22 year old chick did!”

Paul had been married to Emily long enough to recognize the look of concentration on her face; he figured at best he was likely to be mildly scolded, and at worst, he decided not to think of the possibilities if she took offense at his suggestion. He stayed quiet.

Emily was surprised to find herself actually envying her younger self a bit, at least her younger self’s lack of responsibilities. It occurred to her that while she’d probably never be as carefree as she was two decades ago, she and Paul were at an interesting point in their lives. Many things about their lives were changing, seemingly all at once, but the changes were good!

Although he hadn’t given Keith his notice yet, Paul had accepted a great job offer several states away, and she was sure she’d also have one in their new city very soon if her most recent interview was any indication. Having grown up in Georgia, she was looking forward to moving back south after a couple of decades in the northeast.

Jason and Jack, their twin boys, were away at their first year in college, with most of their expenses covered by scholarships.

Their realtor had assured them that in the current market they would clear enough from the sale of their house to make purchasing one in their new area easy.

Emily suddenly realized what her 22 year old self hadn’t; life was unpredictable, and hers right now might be as full of options as it was likely to be at any point in her future! “Why not indeed,” she thought, “I doubt anyone will come by in the couple minutes I’ll be showing anything, and if I see any headlights heading this way I’ll just jump back into the car! It’s certainly safer than some of the things we got up to when we were younger!”

She turned to give Paul a quick kiss, then opened her door and stepped out into the crisp October air. “Turn the lights off,” she told him, “and roll the windows down so I can put my work clothes in where I can reach them quickly if I need to!” He was speechless, but nodded and did as she requested.

She began unbuttoning her blouse, working her way from top to bottom, then slipping out of the long sleeved gray silk top. She tossed it onto the back seat and moved on to unbuttoning and unzipping the zipper at her hip. The black slacks needed just a slight tug at the opposite hip to slip down past her ass; not wanting the garment to fall to the ground, she leaned back on the side of the car to steady herself while she slid her shoes off and and tucked her socks neatly in the the black loafers. She dropped her shoes on the floor of the car’s back seat, then finally finished removing her slacks, folding them and setting them on top of her blouse.

Standing on the shoulder of a country road, wearing only her mismatched, nothing special going on today bra and panties, Emily laughed nervously at the idea that the random nature of her lingerie wasn’t really any more of an issue than it had been that morning; she hadn’t expected anyone to see any of it, and since it was all about to join the rest of her outfit on the backseat, nobody would! “Unless somebody drives by in the next minute or so,” she thought, looking in both directions for any sign of other vehicles.

Neither seeing nor hearing any hint of other activity, Emily overcame the shivering that’d begun back when she unfastened the first button on her blouse, pulling the shoulder straps of her plain beige T-shirt bra down and pulling her arms free. She then pulled the padded cups down, her breathing getting jagged as her boobs popped into view. All that was left to get herself topless was to slide the band around and release the hooks holding the bra together. Just a few seconds later she reached in the car and dropped her bra on top of the little pile of garments she’d been wearing a few minutes ago!

Her clothing now down to some plain cotton panties, fairly generic but in a pretty robin’s egg blue, Emily had a moment of doubt about stripping off this small final barrier between her and the world. “What the hell am I doing?” she asked herself, “Beside giving myself a heart attack,” she wondered, guessing her pulse was at least as high as it ever had been in her spinning classes!

Emily had no illusions about which version of her would draw more interest, the one in Paul’s memory or the considerably older woman quivering next to their car. She was her own worst critic, seeing every flaw in her body every time she caught sight of herself in a full length mirror as she stepped out of the shower. Any fair observer would say she looked fantastic clothed or naked. She didn’t have unlimited time to get to a gym regularly, but biked, ran or did some form of exercise regularly enough to pass for far fewer than her 39 years.

As harshly as she judged her appearance when naked, at a pretty fit 115 pounds on her 5′-5″ frame, she was confident enough wearing clothes many women a decade younger than her had given up wearing; short skirts, bikinis, form fitting yoga pants were frequent choices for any day not involving attending events at her sons’s school. Though her breasts weren’t quite as firm as they’d been before she’d breastfed two babies, she actually wore the same 34C size bras she had when they were first married. Paul complimented her on her appearance all the time, and she caught other men ogling her often enough to believe he was being sincere.

Now wearing next to nothing, Emily was finding there was a big difference in how it felt to wear somewhat flashy clothes on a date night out and being out in the open so close to wearing no clothes at all! A long wolf whistle from Paul, and the realization that the quickest way to get back to being dressed was to get, at least briefly, naked, got her moving. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, took a deep breath, and quickly pulled the tiny bit of cloth down to her knees. She let the light blue panties drop the rest of the way to settle on her feet on their own, slipping her left foot out and kicking them away with her right foot! Seeing her undies settle into a muddy ditch she told herself, “Oh well, they were about ready to be retired anyway!”

Leaning on the window opening of the passenger door, her upper body glowing in the map lights Paul had just turned on, Emily asked her horny husband, “So, did you think I’d actually do it?”

“Not really, to be honest, but I’m sure glad I made the suggestion!” he said.

“I almost just said no, but I’m glad I didn’t,” Emily said, standing on tiptoes so she could lean a bit further into the car.

Paul recognized her movement and leaned over to give her a kiss. She returned the kiss, and made it deeper. He reached over to cup her breasts, and was rewarded with a low moan from her. He was about to tell her he’d meet her in the backseat when she pulled away, all the way back out of the car, telling him, “I’ve gotta admit, making out with you, nude at the side of the road, is fucking hot! It’s easily the most exciting thing we’ve done in years, but if you want to get any further with me we’re going to have to find somewhere a bit more comfortable!”

“We should probably at least put in an appearance at the party,” Paul said, “maybe even find someplace quiet in that huge house where we can continue this conversation!”

Emily didn’t say yes to her husband’s latest risque suggestion, but she didn’t exactly rule it out, simply saying, “we can talk about that when I’m not so naked!” She opened the passenger side back door and scooped up her discarded clothing, then headed to the rear of the car and told him to pop the trunk. He did as she requested, watching in the rear view mirror as she dropped her workday clothing in the trunk, then reached in and pulled out something wrapped in a towel. Seeing her take a blonde wig out of the bundle and put the first piece of her outfit for the party on, he suddenly got an idea of how to keep her riding on the wave of risk fueled excitement they both were enjoying.

After checking to be sure she was clear of the car, Paul put the gearshift lever in drive and tapped the gas pedal, just enough to scoot forward 40 feet or so. What seemed like a short distance to him felt like a vast gap to Emily, who was still standing where their car had been a few seconds ago. “Getting naked right next to the car, where I could hide behind it or just jump inside was scary enough,” she thought, “but now I’ve got no place to hide at all!” She trotted toward the car, cursing Paul out all the way, but also beginning to giggle, saying, “Fuck me, how can I be angry, laughing, and getting wet, all at the same time?”

As near as Paul could tell looking back at Emily hurrying toward him, she appeared to be laughing, so when she had almost reached his new location, he pressed the button to close the trunk and hit the gas again, this time advancing something like 150 feet down the road, completely passing Sandra and Keith’s place! She thought briefly about trying to chase after him again, but her shoeless feet were already hurting from her relatively short trot on the road. She quickly recognized that his little stunt had created a bigger problem; by chasing after him as much as she had already, she’d moved beyond the densely treed area next to Sandra and Keith’s property, giving anyone there who happened to look toward the road, a clear, if fairly dark view of her naked body!

Quickly hustling back toward the cover provided by the trees, Emily watched for any sign the partygoers milling around a fire pit in front of the house had noticed a naked woman with a blonde ponytail emerge from the treeline, only to stop short and retreat. Peering through the trees she watched for a minute before deciding she was at least temporarily safe from that particular variety of humiliation. She paused at the side of the road to try to figure out a way out of the mess she’d put herself in, and also looked around for somewhere to hide if any cars happened to come along.

Emily tracked down the towel she’d wrapped her blonde wig in to help it dry out after washing it to get the cigarette smell out. The wig and the towel were the only things she’d managed to get out of the trunk before Paul had taken off. Everything else needed to transform her into a good copy of the Saint Pauli girl as featured in that beer brand’s advertising was out of reach in the trunk of their car. The wig wasn’t exactly like the model’s hair, but it was way closer than her own short blonde hair was. Even if her towel hadn’t been damp, it was in no way a fitting substitute for the outfit Emily had painstakingly assembled to make herself into the Saint Pauli girl at the Halloween party!

Unable to get her costume on until Paul stopped messing around with her, and unwilling to risk being seen walking along the road in the nude to get to his latest location, Emily did what she could to let him know he needed to come back to her, immediately! Not even bothering to listen for any other vehicles running nearby, she strode to the middle of the road and assumed her best “Wonder Woman power pose”; chin up, chest out, feet spaced at shoulder width, hands on hips. The moonlight made her pale skin practically glow, bright enough for Paul to be able to read her body language, loud and clear!

Seeing the car’s back up lights come on, Emily said to herself, “that’s right, come to Mama!” Her satisfaction with herself for making Paul do as she asked without uttering a single word was short lived; she was horrified to see a pickup truck back out of a gap in the trees, just in time to crash into their car! She stood still a moment, stunned, then began to run towards Paul, who opened his door, got out, and seeing Emily approaching, motioned for her to stop before the other driver got out of his truck. Already pretty sure neither he nor the driver of the pickup were injured, he waved to her, signaling that she should go back beyond Sandra and Keith’s place.

Paul and the other driver exchanged license and insurance information, and the other driver went on his way, his truck barely scratched. Paul wasn’t as lucky; their car’s passenger side rear wheel and back corner were damaged, making the car undrivable. Making matters worse, the rear quarter damage had jammed the trunk cover. He tried everything he could to pry it open to get Emily something to wear, but soon realized that without power tools the trunk just couldn’t be opened. He sprinted to join Emily, apologizing for leaving her in this predicament and explaining why he hadn’t brought anything for her to wear.

Emily was relieved he wasn’t hurt, and thanked him for being the one to dash past the party so she didn’t have to be exposed.

“It just made sense,” he said, “I know I look ridiculous in this, but at least I’m not completely naked!”

“Pretty close,” Emily chuckled, “Even oversized as it is, your diaper puts most of you on display!”

“Yeah, to be honest I was pretty nervous about wearing such a skimpy costume!” he said.

“I was surprised when you told me what you were planning,” she replied. “it inspired me to alter my costume to be a bit more daring!”

“I was looking forward to seeing you in it, but it’s hard to imagine it being any more daring than your current look!” he laughed, “you’d be quite the sensation if you were to show up in the party like this!”

“Sorry, dude, when I said ‘a bit more daring’ I just meant making the skirt a few inches shorter! If you think I’m going in to the party like this, well, dream on,” she laughed, “not gonna happen! But I have to admit, that first time you drove off, leaving me standing there naked, that was kind of a hot surprise! The second time, not so much!”

“I should go call a tow truck and I’ll need to wait for it,” he said, “will you be okay on your own?”
