Educating Andy: Part 5 |

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Spring break arrived, and I was torn. It meant a break from studying but also meant Jasmine would be gone for two weeks. I did have things to keep me busy, like building my raised beds and working out, but it wasn’t the same without Jasmine. I was wondering if I was falling in love.

However, in the back of my mind, I debated whether I needed to explore the world more and graduate from college before settling down with one woman. Another factor was that I wasn’t sure Jasmine felt the same about a longterm commitment. We never talked about it; we just had fun and enjoyed each other’s company.

I guess Colleen felt the same way I was regarding Jasmine’s absence. She dropped by a few times, stayed for dinner, and lounged in the hot tub with me. We even hit the track for workouts a few times. I hadn’t spent much time with her before the break, and she didn’t seem as elusive as she had when Jasmine and I started dating. I didn’t mind her company; she was fun to talk with and a pleasure to look at.

I got to know the guys on the track team and others in my classes. Once I was part of the team, people recognized me, which I thought was nice. I was opening up more and not being as introverted as I had been. It was a new and good feeling for me.

Before Spring break, during some of the track meets, I heard and saw Mom and Dad, Val, and Malea cheering me on. They sometimes sat together and didn’t always come to my meets, but it was nice that they watched and cheered. I probably wouldn’t win anything this year, but I hoped next year would be different.

I liked dating Jasmine. She was fun and exciting. She could sometimes be a real party girl and a romantic at others. At times, we didn’t always go out alone.

A few times after a home meet, we’d gather with the rest of the team at a local pub to celebrate, commiserate, or just have fun without talking about the meet. Sometimes, Colleen would tag along or bring someone with her. It could be a guy or a gal. We never knew until they showed up. It was one of those times when only Colleen was with us, and we had a problem. The three of us were checking out a new place just outside of town. We heard about it from some friends and decided to see what it was like. It looked like crap on the outside, but inside it was newly refurbished and had a rustic décor. The main attraction was hatchet throwing. We thought it might be fun to try something new, and it was for about an hour. The girls were dressed modestly, wearing jeans and casual tops and nothing y or revealing. I wasn’t drinking because I was driving. Thanks to their fake IDs, Jasmine and Colleen were having beers and had only had maybe one and a half.

It was break time between rounds. Jasmine won by a few points when Colleen excused herself to use the ladies’ room. Naturally, Jasmine went with her. I was looking around, minding my own business, waiting for them to return, when this guy walked up and asked me if the redhead was taken. I told him politely that he’d have to ask her. He looked like he’d had one too many and just shook his head and said, “Oh, okay.”

He shuffled back to the two couples he was with and finished his beer but kept looking over at me. When the girls returned, we started another round and had fun watching the hatchet bounce off the wall because we couldn’t get it to land correctly. The guy returned and stood watching Colleen and Jasmine until his friends called him back. This repeated maybe three or four times until the girls became uncomfortable with his leering.

We decided to pack it up. It was fun until the stranger showed up, and by a stranger, I mean he was just that, strange. I followed the girls out to the parking lot about three steps behind them. We laughed at how bad we were at throwing the hatchet and that we’d never survive in the wild with one. About halfway to the car, the guy comes stumbling out of the place, yelling at us, wondering why we were leaving. We stopped short of the car as he walked towards us. I told him we finished, and that’s it. He started swearing and acting like an idiot, getting in my face as the girls watched, each pulling out their phones to record whatever was going to happen.

I told the guy to go back inside because he was drunk and his friends missed him. His words were slurred and didn’t make sense as he went on and on about Colleen flirting with him and then leaving. I tried to get him to go back inside by telling him we’d stay for another round. That seemed to appease him as he and I started walking back while the girls stayed put.

When he realized they weren’t following, he stopped and got in my face again. Just then, the two couples came out looking for him and called his name to come back inside. He turned around and started yelling at them that Colleen was a cock tease and other assorted names. I told him he better go back inside with his friends before he got hurt.

That’s when he turned and swung at me. He missed me and nearly fell from his swing, and when he realized he missed, he tried again. I told his friends to come get him, but they just watched, the two women giggling. The third time he swung, I blocked his swing with my left arm and gave him a quick right jab in the nose. He started crying like a baby, covering his nose with both hands. Then he dropped to his knees and looked at his bloody fingers. He started swearing again as his friends came running over. I thought for a second this would get out of hand real quick. But they didn’t blame me and began scolding the guy for being an asshole. As they did, I got my keys out of my pocket to unlock my car. I called over to Jasmine to bring my backpack over.

When she handed it to me, I opened it, got my med kit out, and started helping the guy. His friends didn’t blame me for popping him and said he had it coming. It wasn’t the first time he’d done something like that, and it was usually when he was drinking. One of the ladies said that maybe this would teach him a lesson, but she doubted it.

The guy was still pissed and didn’t want my help, but a few strong words from his friends changed that. I apologized, not that I meant it, and left him embarrassed and in pain. On the way home, Colleen and Jasmine thanked me and said they were glad it hadn’t escalated. I told them I was glad, too; it could have gotten very ugly. Jasmine commented that’s why they had their phones out to record it all. They both did, and we watched it while sitting on the sofa when we returned to my place.

When we finished watching it, Colleen said she was heading home and got up to leave. She stopped, looked down at Jasmine and me, and said, “Good knight, Andy.”

I replied, “Goodnight, Colleen.”

She laughed, “No. Good knight, Andy. You’re my good knight.”

Jasmine and I started laughing, and then I replied, “Yes, and good night Colleen. You’re my first damsel in distress.”

Colleen looked at Jasmine and bit her lower lip. I wondered what was happening as Jasmine covered her mouth and faked a cough.

I glanced back and forth at them, shrugged my shoulder, and asked, “What?”

Jasmine touched my arm and said, “I’ll tell you later. Good night, Colleen.”

Colleen replied, “Oh, okay. Have fun, you two.”

She turned and headed home while I looked at Jasmine with a puzzled expression. It was close to midnight, so we went to bed without any explanation. I wondered what they were talking about earlier, and then I turned off the light, and Jasmine snuggled beside me.

Jasmine started nuzzling my neck, and with her free hand, she used her fingers to walk down my chest, over my stomach playfully, and then pause at the waistband of my boxers. She toyed with the waistband, slipping her long fingers under it, and then back out, teasing me. While that was going on, Jasmine kissed and licked my neck, sucked on my earlobe, and whispered how she liked that I stood up for them at the pub. I had been wondering about the lip bite Colleen did just before she left. Something was going on that they weren’t telling me, but Jasmine easily found a way to make that question vanish.

When she reached lower and found my erection, Jasmine moved over to kiss my lips as she started stroking me. I closed my eyes, lost in that wonderful feeling of her soft hands wrapped around my dick and her lips against mine. We kissed for a few moments until she decided to move down my body. Jasmine released my erection and then sat up with the covers around her shoulders as if they were a superhero’s cape. I could see her outline even in the dim light of my room as she tossed the covers back and then moved between my legs. The next thing I felt was her tongue on my penis. I closed my eyes and let that wonderful feeling envelop me. She started at the base, licking up, then down, getting it all sloppy wet with her saliva.

I wished the light had been on in my bedroom so I could have watched as she took her time, teasing and playing with me. She is such a beautiful woman, and her expressions are priceless. After she moved to a better position, Jasmine swallowed me whole, swirling her tongue around me and then releasing me.

Jasmine held my dick in her palm, slowly stroking me, then teasing it with her fingernails as she started explaining Colleen’s behavior.

Her voice was soft and seductive as she began, “Andy, you know Colleen and I have been friends almost all our lives.”

My mind was enjoying the moment and not paying too much attention as I replied, “Uh huh.”

Jasmine swallowed me again after kissing the tip of my dick, and when she let it go, she continued, “Well, we’d do anything for each other. And I mean ANYTHING.”

My reply was another, “Uh huh.”

She used her fingernails to tease my dick from my balls to the tip and back again. Then she kissed it and continued, “Well, my love, we help each other now and then.”

I was trying to concentrate on her words, but I felt too good to think about what Jasmine was saying. I asked, “I get that. You’re friends, and you help each other.”

She giggled before kissing my scrotum, then licked and kissed her way up to my head and then back down again.

I could sense the smile in her voice when she said, “Oh, Andy. Sometimes, you’re so naive. I love it, but we help each other when one of us is in need. And by ‘need,’ I mean like I’m helping you right now, silly.”

Jasmine swallowed me again this time; she sped up, making love to my dick, letting it pop out of her mouth now and then. I tried putting together what she was saying, but I still didn’t understand it.

I told her I loved her and how good she was making me feel. Then it dawned on me, “Wait, like right now? You mean you have with each other?”

Jasmine was teasing me with her fingernails; after I said that, she replied, “At times, yes, we do. I didn’t want to tell you at first because guys get crazy when you mention something like that to them. But Colleen wants me to talk you into letting us move in with you. I’ve been putting it off because I didn’t want to push you. “

I stammered, “So, what does that have to do with the lip bite and a few other things I’ve noticed that she does.”

Jasmine continued swallowing, licking, and kissing me as I waited for a response. I felt so good since the blood was all in my dick and not my brain that if she told me she was a serial killer, I would have said, ‘Oh, okay.’

Jasmine paused and said, “She’s been bugging me since our first date. This is a really nice house, and you’re here all by yourself. We need a third roomie, which seems like the perfect solution.”

I began thinking, which took my mind on a detour and off of what Jasmine was doing between my legs, “I’ve thought about it. Having you in bed every night would be nice. But we’d have Colleen here and very little privacy. Besides, what would your parents say when they learned you were living with me?”

Jasmine laughed, kissed me, then explained, “I wouldn’t worry about our parents. Besides, there might be a little fringe benefit if we all lived together, silly man because we both wanted you when we first saw you on the track. You didn’t seem to be into girls, so we let it go. Most guys we meet want our numbers right away, and you didn’t, so we assumed. Then, as we got to know you, and you and I hit it off, Colleen accepted that you preferred me over her, which was cool. But, the more she hung out with you over the break, the more she liked you, but she wouldn’t do anything because you’re mine.”

I lay there in disbelief, “I had no clue, god, I’m stupid. You and Colleen are intimate?”

Jasmine giggled, “At times, we help each other out from time to time, that’s all. No, you’re not stupid, anything but. You’re a nice guy, and those are very rare these days. If you were some other guy and we just started dating and I told him that my roomie and I got freaky, he’d want a threeway, he’d jump at it. Until it happened, that’s all he’d talk about. It’s happened before, Andy. Like I said, Colleen and I moving in with you is a huge plus. We’d share the cooking and cleaning. It’s the perfect situation.”

Then the lightbulb came on, “So if you asked when we first started dating and I said yes, you would have said no and dumped me. But now that we know each other if I say yes, everything will be cool. What if I say no? Will you dump me?”

Jasmine giggled after licking me again, “Of course I will. I’ll get my stuff and never talk to you again.”

The room was silent as I thought about what she just said. Jasmine giggled as she gripped me tighter, “This is one more reason I love you, Andy. I wouldn’t do that. You might not get in my panties ever again, but I wouldn’t just dump you. Oh, by the way, I’m two weeks late with my period.”

I nearly jumped out of my skin, “WHAT?”

Jasmine burst out laughing, “Just kidding, silly.”

I couldn’t help but smile, “You are such a tease.

I was so close to cumming, and each time, I felt like I was going to lose it. Jasmine would swallow me again or lick from my balls to the tip and back. When she thought I had enough, my sweet love concentrated on my head until I exploded in her mouth. My brain was mush, and Jasmine’s confession didn’t help me sort things out. When she’d finished swallowing, she licked me clean. When she returned to the head of the bed, we snuggled again while she kissed my neck, her leg resting over me. I could feel her bare, moist labia against my skin, and it felt reassuring.

I looked over at her, “I don’t see why not. I mean, you’re over most of the time anyway. You just have to fill out an application with the property management company. That lady you met the first time you were over.”

Jasmine nuzzled my neck and whispered, “We have already, and we’re approved. Malea said we just needed your okay. She’s pretty cool. We could move in after we give our thirtyday notice and give Elise back some money.”

I sighed, “You, me, and Colleen, huh? A menage a trois. I’m stunned, shocked, and very excited, actually.”

Jasmine giggled, “Naughty boy. Now get to work. I’m in need, lover.”

I guess it was settled. Jasmine and Colleen were moving in. I decided to think about what just happened later as my basic instincts kicked in, and I moved down Jasmine’s svelte body to devour her. I could feel the bed move as she opened her legs; the sweet aroma of filled my sinuses. I moved between them, slipping my hands under her ass to prop her up. I started near her perineum, then licked my way North until I reached the top of her labia. I straightened my tongue, then slipped the tip under her hood to toy with her clit. Jasmine gasped when the two met and commented, “I hope you’re not in a hurry, Andy.”

I said I wasn’t, which got a ‘Mmm’ for a response. My attention to her sweetness took various forms. I’d suck on her swollen sweet lips, lick around them, then slip my tongue inside and play. From time to time, I’d back off and move my mouth over her hood and play with that sweet nubbin to get Jasmine all worked up. She got very vocal when I did that, which aroused me further. I love hearing her when she’s aroused. There’s something about getting her off that makes me very happy.

I think it shocked and delighted Jasmine when I decided to up my game. I moved so I was on my knees between her legs when I decided to lift her to my face rather than continue prone on the bed. Jasmine barely weighs over one hundred twenty pounds, if that. So, I lifted her lower body to me as I knelt on the bed. She draped her legs over my shoulders as I buried my face between them and sort of did a ‘motorboat’ thing with my mouth on her vagina.

I knew she was in an awkward position, but it seemed she was loving it when I pressed on her to roll her back. I think she placed her arms flat on the bed to help steady herself as I continued slurping, licking, and sucking on her. Jasmine’s moans got louder, and an occasional, ‘Fuck, Andy. Yes, baby’ kept me going. It wasn’t long before I felt Jasmine’s heels dig into my back, as her body stiffened and then relaxed.

She convulsed, positioned like that as I continued concentrating on her clit with my tongue. When the reverberations slowed, Jasmine begged me to slow down. Her voice was trembling when she finally asked me to release her and kiss her. I let her legs down gently, then moved up between her legs, letting my semirigid dick lay over her swollen labia. Before kissing her sweet lips, I paused at her breasts to kiss and lick them. When our lips met, Jasmine was still panting, and I could feel her heart racing against my chest as she slowly returned to earth.

After a few minutes, I rolled off of her; once I was flat on the bed, Jasmine rolled on top of me and began planting kisses on my face, forehead, and lips.

I was very serious when I started telling her how I felt, “You know, I should be pissed that you’ve manipulated me to get the two of you to move in with me.”

Jasmine paused, “I know. It was sneaky. But, like you said, you were thinking about it anyway. I just encouraged you to make a decision sooner than you would have. I’m sorry, Andy. If you don’t want to have with Colleen and me at the same time, it’s cool. Nobody was going to force you. Well, unless that gets you off.”

Jasmine giggled, then started playing with the hairs on my chest.

I had to laugh, then told her, “No, forcing me to do something makes me want to push back. I’m not a complete pushover. I was going to ask you to move in at some point. I guess having Colleen here, too, is like icing on the cake.”

Jasmine cooed, “It’s more like having two different desserts simultaneously, and neither one is fattening, baby.”

I laughed, “Yeah, I guess so.”

Jasmine giggled, “Was this our first fight?”

I replied, “I wouldn’t call it a fight. It was more like a little pothole. It’ll get paved over, and we won’t worry about it.”

Jasmine kissed me, then snuggled against me as we fell asleep. My heart was still pounding as I pictured having Colleen here with us. She certainly would put Jasmine and my relationship to the test.

Saturday morning, Jasmine waited until after nine to text Colleen about my decision. I have no idea what they said, but I know when they got done, Jasmine was all smiles.

The rest of the weekend was normal; it was just Jasmine and I doing homework, reading, and doing a light workout on the track. On Saturday night, Jasmine and I went to dinner and walked along the esplanade. We talked about all sorts of things, avoiding any conversation that involved Colleen. I was still a little miffed, but we’d see how it would work out. The thought of with both of them outweighed the bruise to my ego. When we got home, Jasmine and I showered together, and I received another spectacular blowjob. It definitely took my mind off my problems.

On Monday, during a break between classes, I texted Malea and told her that I decided to let Jasmine and Colleen move in with me, and she should have their applications already on file. Later that day, I got a text from her with an emoji with hearts for eyes and its tongue sticking out. It was funny, and I texted back a bashful emoji.

My mind wasn’t on school or working out that week. I kept thinking about Jasmine and Colleen in my bed and how that would work. I only hoped I wouldn’t disappoint either of them and that it wouldn’t be the only time we did it.

Wednesday evening, Jasmine texted me, letting me know their application had been approved and they’d given their notice to their landlord. They could move in June first. I texted back, and it was great news. I added a couple of heart emojis. Jasmine replied that they wanted to make dinner for me Friday night as a celebration. She added three emojis with hearts for eyes and their tongues sticking out. I laughed and sent back a blushing one.

The girls arrived around six on Friday evening. I kissed Jasmine and hugged Colleen hello after the girls put the groceries in the kitchen. It was nice out, and their ribeye steak dinner choice was spot on. They also brought asparagus to grill along with potatoes to bake and two bottles of Cabernet. They were dressed casually just like our regular nights out, but this night would be very different than any of those.

We made a little small talk as they prepped the sides while I seasoned the steaks. I complimented their dinner choice and got a pair of ‘thank yous’ in unison, which made them giggle and me smile. With the food ready to go, Colleen opened and poured our first glasses of wine for the evening. I took a sip, then went out and fired up the grill.

When I returned to the kitchen, Jasmine and Colleen had been whispering and suddenly stopped when I entered. I asked if everything was alright, and they said yes, they’d been discussing the bedroom situation. So, we took our glasses and headed to the other two bedrooms so they could decide who got which one. I waited in the hall as they walked back and forth between the two rooms, trying to make up their minds. After about five minutes of discussion, I told them I was going to start the potatoes and left them to decide. It didn’t take long, and I’d barely closed the cover on the grill when they came outside, both grinning. I asked what they decided, and Jasmine replied that she was going to sleep with me and keep a few things in whichever room Colleen didn’t want. I laughed as they giggled. I told them I loved the idea. I set the timer on my watch for the potatoes, then we all went inside to talk. Our talk centered around how they were going to move in and when. We decided that they would start when they felt like it. Malea was going to drop off keys the following week, and I’d give them each one. Then, they could slowly move their things over when they had the time. I told them I’d help if they needed any, and they both appreciated it.

We were just about finished with our first glass of wine when my watch dinged. I headed to the kitchen, grabbed the steaks, took them out, and set them on the grill. Another ten minutes, and on went the asparagus. During that time, Jasmine refilled our wine glasses, and the conversation moved outside. Colleen asked about the hot tub operation, and I showed her how easy it was to fire it up. Jasmine made mental notes as I went through the process, then excused herself to get the table ready for our dinner.

Colleen and I started talking about which room she preferred; I told her they were both the same, except one looked out the back while the other looked out the front. She said she’d try both once she started moving on to see which view she preferred. I turned the steaks as we talked, just as Jasmine returned to join the discussion. I kept checking the grill, and when everything was ready, Colleen got our plates, and off went the grill. We moved inside to eat and talk more as we continued sipping our wine and talking about school, the track team, and a little gossip.

Just before we finished dinner, Colleen excused herself and went back outside and turned on the hot tub. When she returned, she gave Jasmine a wink and suggested I get my trunks on so we could have that second bottle of wine while relaxing in the tub. Jasmine said she’d deal with the dishes while I changed. I wasn’t going to argue, so off to my room I went.

When I returned to the living room, the girls were gone. I checked outside, and they weren’t there, so I started walking to the other bedrooms, and I heard them giggling. I figured they were changing also. I saw the wine and our glasses and took them outside with me. I refilled the glasses, then settled into the tub, patiently awaiting their arrival.

Before they came out to join me, I heard the sliding glass door open, and Jasmine called out to me, “Andy, close your eyes.”

I replied, “Okay.” Then, I covered my eyes with both hands as I wondered what they were doing. I listened as they giggled, and the sounds of hurried footsteps approached me, followed by sighs as they entered the water.

I felt them slide next to me and get settled before Colleen told me to open my eyes. When I did, I looked to my right as Jasmine giggled while sipping her wine. I looked down and noticed she wasn’t wearing a bikini top. I turned my head to look at Colleen, but she wasn’t wearing one either. Since I’d seen Jasmine nude, my eyes lingered on Colleen as she sipped her wine and grinned at me.

I turned back to Jasmine, who had placed her glass on the hot tub rim. She smiled as she placed her hand behind my head and drew me close so we could kiss. I heard Colleen moan as Jasmine and I started making out. When Colleen made a fake cough, Jasmine let me go. Colleen placed her hand on my head and drew me to her lips. We kissed and played with each other’s tongues until Jasmine did her fake cough version, which signaled Colleen to let me go. Next, much to my delight, the girls leaned over and started making out in front of me.

My dick, which was starting to stiffen in the hot water, became rigid as I watched both girls kissing and playing with each other’s tongues. There’s something about watching girls kiss that really excites me, and they knew it. When they finally quit, they looked at me, and the three of us started kissing at once. We kissed for a very long time, all three of us, them, Jasmine and me, and Colleen and me, it was truly fantastic. That was just a warmup. When the timer clicked off for the hot tub bubbles, we got out, dried off, and headed to my room.

Jasmine and Colleen had worn their bikini bottoms and, along with my trunks, they all got tossed into the shower. Being the neat freak I am, I remembered the wine bottle and went back to put it in the fridge. When I returned to the bedroom, the girls were sitting back against the headboard, fingering each other and kissing. I guess they couldn’t wait, so I watched until they realized I was standing at the end of the bed with a full erection. Colleen looked over first and smiled as she broke her kiss with Jasmine. Then she curled her index finger, beckoning me over.

I entered the bed from the foot and crawled to them. Jasmine kissed me first as Colleen moved so she could play with my dick. Colleen asked Jasmine if she could take me first. Jasmine giggled and told her to go ahead as long as she licked her at the same time. Colleen grinned and said she’d love to. So, that sweet and naughty redhead asked me to take her from behind.

We got into position with Jasmine’s back against the headboard, Colleen’s face between her legs, and me behind Colleen. Colleen started on Jasmine as she kneaded her breasts and watched me. I started by fingering Colleen from behind for a few moments before I started easing myself into her. Colleen moaned and paused, licking Jasmine as I slipped my dick into her all the way. Once I started humping, I grabbed Colleen by the hips and got into a rhythm. The room was full of sounds as both girls moaned while the bed creaked with my thrusts.

Colleen began getting louder as she kept dropping Fbombs and trying to talk to Jasmine about how good she was feeling. Jasmine made me laugh when she told Colleen to shut the fuck up and focus on her clit. Meanwhile, I was trying my hardest not to think about how great this was feeling. But it’s difficult when you’re a hot redhead and watching as she’s eating out your y girlfriend. So, I closed my eyes and thought of the usual nonual things. But that was pretty much useless with the sounds coming from the girls.

So, I decided to see what would happen if I mixed things up a bit. Occasionally, I’d swat Colleen, which only made her moan louder and ask for more. Jasmine giggled and winked at me as she licked her finger as if it were my dick. They were driving me nuts, and as hard as I tried, I didn’t think I could hold out much longer. So, I slowed down Colleen, which got more moans. Jasmine was close to her climax and had her hands pressing Colleen’s face into her. Colleen was on the verge of her orgasm and kept telling me she was close.

I closed my eyes once again and felt the sensation that I was going to explode. I’d found Colleen’s spot and had been focusing there when I couldn’t take it anymore. I gripped her hips harder and held her as I let go inside her. She arched her back and let out an, ‘Oh fuck yes!’ which made me grin.

Colleen paused, licking Jasmine as I pumped everything I had into her. Her moans were deep and y as I finished letting go and started humping once more until I was completely drained. Jasmine coaxed Colleen to continue until she reached her climax, which didn’t take much longer. When I withdrew from Colleen, she sighed and rolled over onto her back near Jasmine.

Jasmine slipped down the bed to cuddle with her friend as I flopped down next to them. We lay on our sides, spooning with Jasmine in the middle as we collected our breaths. Colleen was the first to break the silence when she said she was going to move so I could be in the middle. She got up, walked around the bed, and then got back in as Jasmine and I rolled onto our backs. She slipped in next to me and started kissing me as Jasmine played with the hairs on my chest.

I could taste my love on Colleen’s lips as we made out with Jasmine watching. When Jasmine did her fake cough, Colleen left my lips to kiss her as they straddled my chest. After a few moments, they included me, and we had another erotic makeout session.

When that concluded, Colleen asked me, “You think you can live like this, Andy?”

I laughed, “So far, so good. I don’t have any complaints, do you?”

Jasmine was smiling as she watched us talk. She’d kiss my nipple, lick it, then play with the hairs on my chest. Then, nuzzle my neck and lick my ear lobe just to tease me.

Colleen thought momentarily, “That depends on how good you do going down on me. Jasmine says you’re pretty good but not as good as her, I bet, big boy. So, we’ll see. Other than that, I’m happy. Just as long as Jaz and I have some private time, too. You’ll get your share with Jaz also and me because it’s only fair. Oh, one more thing: I might bring someone home now and then. I won’t be sharing, so please don’t expect that. This is just between the three of us. You’re the first guy we’ve shared, so don’t mess this up, got it?”

I replied, “I got it. It all sounds good to me. How about you, Jaz?”

Jasmine looked up, “Yes, I’m happy. What happens at Andy’s house stays at Andy’s house. Although some people are going to assume things. Just don’t confirm it, okay?”

I nodded as Jaz went back to teasing me and occasionally kissing Colleen. I didn’t realize Colleen could be so bossy. She was never like this before. I’d have to keep an eye on it, or this might be the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. But they looked hot kissing, and my dick slowly began to respond to the stimulus. Jasmine and Colleen were getting worked up, and their kissing got more passionate by the second. That ended when Colleen paused, wiped Jasmine’s mouth off with a finger, and then looked at me.

She was very serious when she said, “Time to do a taste test, Andy Panda. I want to see how good you are licking pussy.”

The only thing I could say was, “Okay.”

Colleen moved so she could straddle my face as she faced the headboard. Jasmine moved down to play with my dick with her sweet mouth and her lovely long fingers. With Colleen above my face, I latched onto her firm ass cheeks as she lowered herself so I could begin licking her. She started talking, but I wasn’t paying attention as I licked and played with her. She started rocking back and forth on my tongue as Jasmine brought my dick back to life. If this is what I had to put up with, I was all for it.

I could see Colleen above me, kneading her breasts with one hand as she held onto the headboard for balance with the other. My hands were gripping her ass tightly, which she seemed to enjoy. What I couldn’t see but certainly felt was Jasmine enjoying the feel of my dick in her mouth. She was engulfing me, teasing me, and stroking me in her usual delightful way. Every now and then, Colleen would slow her rhythm down and look back at Jasmine. She’d tell her she looked hot going down on me and then back to her grind on my tongue. Like before, since I noticed Colleen enjoyed it, I slapped his ass now and then, which made her moan and drop a few Fbombs.

My cheeks were getting drenched as Colleen neared her orgasm. I managed to slow her down with my grip so I could focus on her clit. She lowered herself a little more and let me insert my tongue under her hood. There, I found her hard little nub and began making love to it. Colleen’s moans grew much louder as I circled it and teased it. Her praise of my work made up for the little lecture I’d gotten not too long ago.

Jasmine was having a good time, too. Once she’d gotten me hard enough, I felt her lower herself onto me and start herself. I couldn’t see how she was positioned because my view was very limited, but I could feel her bottoming out on me as she moaned.

My next move with Colleen took her over the edge. I used the tip of my tongue to play with her clit and sucked on her labia intermittently. When she climaxed, she let out a little scream as her body shook. My face was soaked as I continued licking and sucking on her until she couldn’t take anymore and asked me to ease up. She got off me and turned her attention to Jasmine. She moved so she could play with my love’s nipples as Jasmine worked my penis inside her.

Jasmine was facing away from me in a reverse cowgirl. I preferred her facing me, but I didn’t have a choice. With Colleen playing with her breasts and kissing her as best she could, Jasmine quickly achieved her second climax of the night. I soon followed, spilling my seeds within her. She slowed down, enjoying that warm, moist feeling until I was limp and pretty much deflated.

When she got off me, Jasmine and Colleen shared another passionate makeout session, then returned to my sides to snuggle with me. Colleen was in a much better mood, as she thanked me with multiple kisses. Jasmine nibbled my earlobe and whispered that she loved me. I was all smiles as we lay catching our breaths and debating whether to call it a night.

Colleen amazed me when she told me she was surprised I went down on her after cumming in her. She said she’d never had a guy do that before, and she was delighted and impressed. I told her I didn’t mind doing it because what are friends for?

The girls giggled as I excused myself to use the bathroom. They each took their turns; then we settled in bed, cuddling and kissing. This session didn’t lead to another . We were tired and had enough for one night. Jasmine mentioned showering in the morning together, which Colleen said was a given. With that settled, we slowly fell asleep. I hoped I wouldn’t toss and turn, disturbing the girls, and I didn’t. However, Colleen woke around one to nuzzle my neck and gently wake me. Jasmine was snoring as Colleen whispered in my ear that she thought our little arrangement would work out. I told her I thought so also, and I was glad I could help them out. Colleen giggled, asking me who I was kidding. I was helping myself out. I blushed even though she couldn’t see it and told her it was a winwinwin thing. She replied that it most certainly was, then turned over and went back to sleep.

We slept in till around nine. I woke first and lay between the two lovely women who talked me into sharing my bed. Colleen was snoring intermittently as Jasmine lay sound asleep facing away from me. I knew there were still some details to work out with our arrangement, along with discovering each other’s little quirks. The last night was spectacular, and I hoped it continued. I had no idea what I was going to tell my parents if they ever visited me. I probably should introduce Jasmine to them to help dull the shock when they actually discovered Colleen was living here, too. I made a mental note to talk to Jaz about meeting Mom and Dad. Nothing serious, just to let them know I had a girlfriend. I think she’d be fine with that.

As I was contemplating my good fortune, Jaz woke and snuggled next to me, peeking over my chest to see if Colleen was still there and sleeping. She moved over to kiss me good morning as I slipped my arm under her and pulled her closer. We whispered sweet words to each other until Colleen broke the mood, asking when we were going to shower.

Jaz said sarcastically, “Good morning, Miss Sunshine. Whenever you’re ready.”

Colleen replied, “I’m ready, bitch,”

Then they moved over me and kissed, each smiling as they did. After they broke their embrace Colleen looked at me and said, “Oh, good morning Andy Panda. Are you still here? Sleep well?”

Jaz and I laughed as I replied, “Yep, sorry about that. I had no place else to go.”

Colleen smiled, kissed me good morning and then off to the shower we went. I turned the rain shower heads on first as the ladies took turns using the toilet. I briefly thought about just peeing in the shower, but didn’t know how that would go over, so I used the toilet while they wetted their hair under the shower stream. Jasmine had showered with me before, so she was showing Colleen how each of the heads worked as I got in.

Jasmine kept shampoo, conditioner, and her favorite body wash here, so they had those to use. After getting their hair wet, Jasmine grabbed the body wash, squirted some in her hand, and handed the bottle to Colleen. She got some for herself, and then they stepped out of the stream, facing each other. I saw Jasmine with a devilish smile because Colleen’s back was facing me. They began soaping each other’s breasts, then moved closer to kiss. I dropped the shower seat and sat back against the wall to watch the show.

They wrapped their arms around each other, with Colleen grabbing Jasmine’s ass as they made out. They’d pause, look into each other’s eyes, then kiss again. Colleen initiated the nipple teasing when they broke their kiss. She leaned into Jaz so their nipples touched as she moved sideways with my girl. Jasmine’s eyes lit up as she reciprocated Colleen’s movements.

As I watched, my dick began to grow in anticipation of joining them at some point. After a few minutes, Jasmine looked over Colleen’s shoulder to see me sitting there with my stiff dick. I’d debated masturbating watching them, but I didn’t want to waste a good erection on myself. When Colleen noticed Jasmine’s diverted attention, she looked back at me and smiled. She moved her head, beckoning me to join them. So, I got up and slipped next to my two slick and soapy loves, facing each of them. Jasmine kissed me first as Colleen watched, and then Colleen turned my head with her fingers to get a kiss. We kept swapping partners until Colleen dropped to her knees, motioned Jasmine back against the shower wall, and began licking. Then, Colleen decided to multitask, reached over and started stroking me.

Jasmine and I looked at each other, both smiling as Colleen continued devouring Jaz and playing with me. She surprised us by switching and engulfing me while fingering Jaz. So, I moved closer to Jasmine, turning to face her to make it easier for Colleen. We could also kiss, and I could play with Jaz’s nipples as Colleen worked her magic. In between kisses with Jasmine, I looked down at Colleen. Not only was she playing with us, but she was using her free hand to finger herself. This little session continued until Jasmine reached down with one hand and kept Colleen’s face between her legs. I didn’t mind because Colleen was doing great, giving me a hand job.

Jasmine and I kept kissing, and I continued pinching her nipples. A couple of times, I bent down to suckle her breast and pull on the other nipple. Jasmine was in heaven with Colleen below and me above. But I was nearing the point where I couldn’t hold on much longer. When Colleen used her thumb to massage the head of my dick, I couldn’t take it anymore and let loose. My knees weakened slightly as I spewed my seed into the shower. When I was done, Colleen let me go to focus on Jaz. She was close, and it wasn’t long before she grasped me to steady her as Colleen brought her another climax.

With the two of us spent, Colleen laid down on the tile floor and used both hands to get herself off. Jasmine and I kissed and watched our roomie as she convulsed in orgasmic bliss on the floor before us. When the waves of her orgasm ceased, I reached down to help Colleen get up from the floor. We all stood under the rain shower, kissing and groping, thanking Colleen for being so sweet.

I suggested we finish showering before we ran out of hot water and offered to make breakfast. The girls liked that idea, so we finished up, dried off, dressed, then headed to the kitchen. I made omelets for us, the girls loved being waited on, and I didn’t mind fixing breakfast after all the fun we had. Colleen seemed to be in a friendlier mood and not so demanding after all the we shared. It would take time for us to figure out our dynamics, but it seemed like we were on the right track.

I’d been hesitant for this to happen, but as we sat talking and eating breakfast, I became more optimistic. I think we all knew the would taper off at some point. Colleen seemed like she had lovers in mind to bring over, and that was fine. Jasmine didn’t say anything about them, but I think she may have met one or two. The rest of the weekend was filled with more trysts and fun. Then, on Monday, we went back to normal, wishing June would hurry up and arrive so we could get settled in for what I expected would be an eyeopening and y Summer.