Eden, Part Six – Eden’s new friend

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#Lesbian #Rape #Tween #Zoophilia

By GentleTouches22

A sleepover takes a very unexpected turn of events

Hi, I hope you don’t mind but it’s me, Eden writing to you this time. I’m 23 now, and I’ll let you into a secret, it was me who convinced Dad to start writing my story here. But it was Mum’s idea that I should continue this part of the story in my own words, just because neither she nor Dad was involved. So here goes, I hope you like it xxx.

You already know how incredibly sexual I had become at the tender age of ten. Poor Dad had just been swept along by events that had been meticulously planned by Mum. He really didn’t have a chance, and I’m so happy that things worked out the way they did. I guess this story may be a little out of order, some of you may have been expecting to read about Daddy taking my anal cherry. Don’t worry we’ll get to that in another instalment.

The events I’m going to tell you about happened at a sleepover at my friend, Lauren’s house. You might recognise the name, she was the friend Mum and Dad took special care to make sure I didn’t tell about them having sex with me. They were right too, Lauren loved gossip and would tell anyone who’d listen about the things she did, she was super-precocious. And that was exactly how she was in her bedroom after we’d all had ordered-in pizza for dinner and watched TV downstairs with her parents.

Lauren was a little taller than me, with auburn hair that cascaded thickly past her shoulders. Pale green eyes and a cute scattering of freckles gave her such a pussy-watering, cutie-pie look. I confess, I still masturbate looking at pictures of her from back then. I wish I could post some for you but it’s not allowed. She had the cutest little tits with soft pale pink nipples, and was the only one of us that wore a training bra.

One of my other friends, Jessica was there as well. She was much quieter, but pretty too. She had a raven-haired Latina look, and I know Daddy liked her, he was always super-attentive whenever she visited our house. She just didn’t realise herself just how much of a little cock-magnet she was.

We were all dressed for bed. We’d actually all got changed into our sleepwear pretty much as soon as we had arrived at Lauren’s. That was my idea, and her Daddy looked pretty happy about it too, hehehe. But he was a super-responsible parent and tried not to make it obvious that he was checking us out. I bet he wanked out a big load in the bathroom when he got a chance. If the sight of three sexy little ten year olds in little vest tops and loose pj bottoms got him going then what we were going to get up to later would have hospitalised him.

We’d all said night night to Lauren’s mum and dad and were sitting together on her bed, gigging as she talked about boys she liked, and how she liked to play with herself. Obviously this was all childs-play to me (pun intended) but I pretended to be just as amazed as Jessica was. Then she reached under her pillow and pulled out her electric toothbrush.

Jessica actually blushed, and I thought, oh yea, little miss innocent might not be quite so pure after all. As was to be expected, Lauren didn’t notice, she was too wrapped up in being the centre of attention.

Lauren sat back against her pillows and shoved her pj bottoms own to her knees. She wasn’t wearing undies and her little pussy was bare. Unlike mine there was just the faintest downy hint of pubic hair and the tips of her inner labia were peeping out. I felt my mouth get moist as I looked at her puffy little apricot. Keeping her feet together, she flopped her knees apart and switched her toothbrush on.

“I bet you didn’t know about this,” she pronounced. Then she pressed the buzzing, plastic of the back of the toothbrush’s head against her clit and rolled her eyes theatrically.

“Uhhhhhhh, you just gotta do this.”

I glanced at Jessica. She was bright red, her blush flushing her skin down past her little shoulders. The little minx, i bet she already knew ALL about the secret lives of little girls’ toothbrushes. Lauren noticed too and grinned but looked at me and handed the toothbrush to me. I could see that her little cunt was glistening already. “Here, you do it or are you scared?”

I took the toothbrush from her, it was still buzzing. I kicked my bottoms off completely, and spread my legs. I was already wet from looking at Lauren’s juicy little vulva and I moved the back of the buzzing head in little circles over my clit. “Ohhhhh, Mr. Connelly, just there, lick me just there.”

Jessica sniggered at my use of Lauren’s Dad’s name. Lauren snatched the makeshift vibrator from me and glared at Jessica then whispered loudly, “Shut up, Eden.”

I smiled innocently, then both Lauren and I jumped, scrabbling to pull our pjs back up as we heard the bedroom door open. With mine fully off, I had no chance of covering myself before whoever it was caught us.

“God, Barclay!” Lauren’s voice was a mixture of annoyance and sheer relief. It was only their dog, a gorgeous dalmatian. Beautiful but not too bright, which is typical of the breed, Barclay just wagged his tail dumbly and trotted up to the bed. Then without warning he stuck his wet nose right against my pussy and licked at the little trace of cunt juice that had started to seep from between my labia. My slight, ten year old body jerked.

Lauren, still not best pleased that I’d stolen her thunder by invoking her Dad’s name as I’d masturbated my clit, saw her chance to teach me a lesson. She brought the toothbrush from behind her back slipped it between my legs again. My clit sparkled a shot across my nerve endings and I gripped Lauren’s skinny wrist to stop her from removing the source of pleasure. Barclay approved too, typical boy, and lapped greedily at my slit as I produced more honey for him.

As I watched him, I saw his penis extending from its sheath under his haunches. It was long and red, pointed at the tip and I could see a big bulge at its root. I was transfixed, it was nothing like my Daddy’s cock. The relentless buzzing against my sensitive little pea-pod intensified as Lauren turned the toothbrush around and pressed the rapidly rotating bristles firmly against my exposed, swollen clit. I lurched and gurgled something unintelligible as I climaxed with shocked pleasure at the intensity of what was happening to me. It quickly went beyond just pleasure to overwhelming my capacity to endure it and I slithered forward and landed on the floor right under Barclay, his cock dripping slippery semen onto my spaghetti string vest top.

With my cunt no longer in front of him, he moved forward to try and snuffle between Jessica’s legs and in doing so his cock bumped slimily against my cheek. Without thinking I opened my mouth and sucked on him. Immediately his haunches started pumping and his cock head forced into my throat.

I retched and pulled back, spluttering up saliva and feeling like I was about to lose the pizza I’d had for dinner. Barclay was still humping robotically, his cock dripping with watery semen and I rolled out from under him getting onto my knees and intending to get back up on the bed. But I only got half way up, my hands on the bed beside Jessica, when I felt a warm weight land on my back shoving me forward, jamming my hips on the edge of Lauren’s bed.

My pj bottoms were down past my knees as I sprawled, ineffectually trying to get up from under Barclay. The claws on his front paws scratched at the bare skin of my narrow hips as he scrabbled at me trying to grip me and keep me in a mating position. His mouth was at my shoulder and I could smell his warm breath as I felt his cock humping frantically at me, seeking the warmth of my cunt.

Terrified, I made a final gargantuan effort to pull myself up onto the bed, but all I managed to do was align my already slippery vagina with Barclay’s desperate hard-on and I felt the dog’s cock stab into my tiny cunt in a savage thrust. I bit down on the bedspread and grunted a muffled cry. Immediately he was in me, Barclay started huffing and puffing as he mated with me. Then I let out another yelp into the bedding as the knot of his cock forced past my vaginal rim and locked me onto his rutting member.

I looked at Lauren, then Jessica, and realised there was no help forthcoming, both the little girls were staring in slack-jawed shock as I was taken forcibly by a dog. I was being shoved forward with each thrust and it felt like the knot was pulling me inside out each time it pulled back in me. I was moaning now, my own shock lessening as I realised it wasn’t getting any worse, I was being fucked more brutally than I’d ever been fucked. And it felt amazing!

Barclay’s cock was pouring cum into my ravaged cunt, his canine rod stabbing at me unpredictably. I felt like I was being used in the most primal way imaginable. My little fists gripped handfuls of the bed-cover, my toes curled then flared apart. I felt him hitting my cervical opening, pressing over my gspot, the most uncaring fucking a girl could imagine, and I squirted my own cum around his cock as this dim-witted dog forced a mind-bending orgasm to jerk my body like I was a marionette.

It lasted for about ten minutes, and by the end of it I felt as if I was one of those severely mentally disabled kids, unable to think, unable to react, just accepting what was being done to me.

Then it was over, Barclay shrunk enough to tug his knot out of me. A cuntful of cum splurged out of me onto Lauren’s bedroom floor and I felt Lauren and Jessica helping pull me up onto the bed.

Lauren looked terrified, both of them had thought Barclay was going to fuck me to death. I slowly regained some sense of composure and ran my fingers between my legs. I felt tender and realised I was bruised, but my fingers only came back coated with cum, not blood as I’d feared might be the case.

“Fuck.” Lauren was the first to break the silence. “Are you OK? You’re OK, you cant tell my Dad, I’ll be grounded for life!”

I just lay back and licked Barclay’s seed from my fingers. I wouldn’t tell Lauren’s Dad, I promised. But I was sure as hell going to tell mine. And then I was going to ask for a puppy!

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By GentleTouches22
#Lesbian #Rape #Tween #Zoophilia

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46 entries.
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse
epdi guys story share pandrathu
epdi guys story share pandrathu... Collapse