Earth Sluts for Aliens –

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By WayOutThere

Aliens visiting Earth love having sex with the Earthlings.

Chapter One – Nicole’s Slut Training

Way up in the northern central part of Montana was located the Morrison cattle and horse ranch owned by Gary and Janelle Morrison. This ranch had been in Gary’s family since 1845. They loved this part of the country since you can really have some privacy. Especially when you got horny in the middle of the night. Gary and Janelle had been married for twenty-five years now.

Gary was five feet ten inches with blonde hair, brown eyes, a muscular build for being forty-five years old, and a nice eight-inch cock with balls he kept shaved.

Janelle was five feet three inches with perky A-cup breasts and a wide ass. But her ass was wide enough to be extremely sexy for being forty-three years old. Janelle always kept her hair tied in a ponytail and looked ever so sexy when she wore tight blue jeans, western shirt and her tan cowboy hat with boots.

Gary and Janelle had a nineteen-year-old daughter named Nicole. She was attending a state university and had dreams to become a Veterinarian. She wanted to operate out of the family ranch and service all the other ranches in their county. Nicole was 5 feet, four inches with shoulder length blonde hair, brown eyes, and perky A-cup breasts. She also had the hint of a wide ass that started to form after she graduated high school. She started to take after her mom.

It was late June and Nicole had been home for the summer. She loved the summers at the ranch and enjoyed her time to relax and forget about her studies for a little while.

It now was Friday night around midnight. Nicole lay in bed and watched The Chosen One movie wearing a tee shirt with her university name and floral pattern pajama bottoms.

She was halfway into the movie when she heard that all too familiar moaning sound from her parent’s bedroom that was next to her room.

“Fuck me Gary. Fuck my pussy,” cried out Janelle while Gary fucked her doggiestyle on their bed. He would pull back on her ponytail like he was pulling on the reins of one of their horses. Plus the sound of Gary’s crotch slapping against Janelle’s wide ass was sweet music in the room.

Nicole had heard her parents fucking ever since she was a young girl. One night she peeked in her parent’s room when she was ten years old. Nicole saw Janelle, naked on her back on her bed rubbing her hairy pussy with the fingers of her right hand. Janelle was moaning then cried out when she had an orgasm, as she had to satisfy her urge since Gary was in the next town for business. Nicole had to try what her mom was doing since it appeared that made her feel really good. Since Nicole was always curious, she went into her bedroom, stripped naked and started rubbing her virgin bald pussy with the fingers of her right hand. She soon experienced her very first orgasm and that was the start of love for having an orgasm. Then it was the sightings of their farm cows and horses fucking that also turned her on and she wanted to be fucked.

Nicole lost her virginity when she was seventeen years old one night out in the woods behind their farm house. She allowed Eric who lived at the ranch five miles away to deflower her. And of course she insisted he wear a condom and from that day forward, she loved to be fucked by guys.

So the sound of Gary fucking Janelle in their bedroom tonight stirred the juices inside Nicole’s pussy and she had to take care of it right away.

She got off her bed, got a blanket out from her closet and slipped on her sandals.

She rushed out of her bedroom.

She rushed down the hallway and down the stairs.

She rushed through the kitchen and went outside through the kitchen door to the back porch.

It was a full Moon tonight with thousands of twinkling stars and the air was cool.

Nicole rushed down the steps of the back porch and started to run through their backyard.

She ran to the field located by the end of their yard. The cows did not graze in this field so the risk of stepping in cow poop was extremely low.

After running through the field, she picked her usual spot she often used to play with her pussy under the stars. She felt it was far enough away that her parents wouldn’t know. But Gary and Janelle were watching from their bedroom window. They knew Nicole would go out to the field late at night to play with her pussy. They smiled that tonight would be very special night for their daughter. They moved away from the window and went back to the bed where Janelle started sucking on Gary’s eight inch cock.

Out in the field, Nicole finished laying the blanket out in the tall grass of the field. She slipped her bare feet out of her sandals while she gazed up at the stars. Her nipples were erect and poking through the material of her tee shirt. She couldn’t wait to have an orgasm.

She grabbed the bottom of her tee shirt and brought it to her belly. She stopped when a strange whirl sound from the sky drew her eyes upward.

Up at the night sky she saw blinking blue, green, red, white and orange lights. “That can’t be and airplane,” she said while she noticed that the lights formed an oval. She couldn’t take her eyes off that sight, as this was so unusual. She let go of her tee shirt.

The lights got larger and larger and it was apparent that some type of object was coming toward her.

She soon heard the low whine of a strange sounding engine when that object got closer. It was a sound she never heard before.

“What the fuck?” said Nicole the second she saw that object vertically descend into the woods to her left.

She had to investigate so she forgot about playing with her pussy. Nicole slipped her sandals back on her bare feet. She rushed off toward the woods leaving the blanket behind in the grass.

Nicole stopped when she arrived at the edge of the woods. She listened and heard that low whine of an engine coming from the woods. She inched her way into the between two trees.

She moved with caution thru the woods. She wasn’t scared; as her curiosity was so strong she never thought she could be walking into the trap of some killer.

The blinking lights of that object provided Nicole with the direction she needed to go.

She inched her way to the clearing in the woods. This was a clearing her father made by cutting down a bunch of trees with a chain saw. He made this clearing in a thirty-foot circular pattern, which was always weird to her.

When she got five feet from the clearing, those lights suddenly turned off. She inched closer between the trees.

She hid behind a tree then peeked around the trunk. She was lucky the full Moon now plenty of light to see. Her eyes widened in shock. “What the fuck is that?” she said when she saw a saucer shaped object in the middle of clearing. The full Moon glistened off the shiny metal of the strange object.

“Is that a flying saucer?” she said then rubbed her eyes and did a double take. She kept her eyes focused on the saucer that was oval shaped about twenty feet long and fifteen feet high. It sat on four landing struts. “It is a flying saucer! A real flying fucking saucer!” she said then her heart started to beat faster. But for some strange reason, she wasn’t scared. She was a little excited.

She moved away from the tree and inched into the clearing.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard a whish sound. She looked at the saucer and saw a door open. It opened like a clamshell where the bottom part touched the ground and contained stairs. The sight of the open door sent Nicole’s curiosity into high gear so she inched closer.

She got within five feet of the flying saucer and noticed it was quiet inside. And from the door opening, she could see two seats by a console with all sorts of lights. “But where are the Aliens?” she said while she frantically looked around the area. She was safe. She didn’t see any Alien creatures. “Maybe it flies on a remote control system,” she said and figured that was extremely plausible.

Nicole inched closer to the door and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Hello. Anybody in there?” she called out then did a little giggle thinking that was a stupid question to ask.

It was still quiet inside the flying saucer and Nicole couldn’t resist. She placed her right sandal on the bottom step. Nothing stirred inside the flying saucer. She placed her left sandal on the bottom step. Nothing stirred inside the flying saucer. She couldn’t resist and slowly climbed up the stairs.

While she climbed up the stairs, she didn’t notice Gary and Janelle who spied on her from the trees by the edge of the clearing. Gary and Janelle both looked happy that Nicole entered the spaceship. They turned around and headed back to the house.

Nicole stood inside the main room of the flying saucer. It had low white lighting that was actually soothing and sort of romantic. The walls and floor were of silver metallic color.

There was that console with two seats off to her left. The console had small lights; tons of buttons and a joy stick by each of the black metal seats. It looked high tech and definitely not from Earth. Above the console hung two eighty by sixty inch screens.

She inched a foot inside while she continued to scan the room over.

She saw what looked to be four beds off to her right. By those four beds were four doors.

A whish sound was heard and that startled Nicole and she jumped with a light scream. She turned around and saw the outside door was closing. “Fuck,” she said and rushed to get out of the flying saucer. But she didn’t make it in time as it closed with a click when it locked. She was trapped inside.

She looked around the flying saucer for a way out but couldn’t find anything.

Nicole looked to her right when she heard a whish sound. Her eyes widened in fear the second she saw those two of the four doors by the beds open. Her heart raced faster. She wanted to scream the second she saw two Aliens walk out of those doors.

“I’m in fucking trouble. Deep fucking trouble,” she said and wanted to scream but for some strange reason she couldn’t.

She just stared at the two Aliens who stood five feet tall and wore shiny green jump suits with boots. They had a skinny torso with bald oval heads about twice the size of a human head.

Their skin was sky blue in color with small ears with pointed tips, a mouth like a human, and large oval eyes, three time larger than a human, slanted toward a small turned up nose. Their hands looked like human hands except their fingers were twice as long as human fingers.

“Please don’t fear us,” said Rucklic the lead Alien while he walked closer to Nicole.

She noticed he spoke English but his voice was a tad higher than your average human male and had a hint of a computer generated sound.

“I’m Rucklic and my comrade is Tucklic,” said Rucklic.

“Rucklic and Tucklic,” repeated Nicole.

“That’s correct. We’re from the planet Fuucklit,” said Rucklic.

Nicole looked at the two Aliens while they walked closer to her. She couldn’t explain why she didn’t fear these two creatures. In fact, she was intrigued by their presence.

“I’m Nicole,” she said while Rucklic and Tucklic walked closer.

“We will not hurt you. I promise,” said Rucklic while he stopped a foot from Nicole. He smiled at the Earthling.

Tucklic stopped by Rucklic’s side. He smiled along with Rucklic.

“What do you want with me? I mean, you locked me inside,” she said while she looked at the two smiling Aliens.

Rucklic and Tucklic looked at each other. Rucklic nodded at Tucklic.

Tucklic walked away and headed over to the console.

Once he got to the console he immediately pressed one of the buttons then waved his hand in the air at the two large screens. The two large screens powered up.

Nicole’s eyes widened in shock when a porno film with Earthlings appeared on the screens and it showed a man fucking a woman in the doggie style position. The room was filled with her moans of being pounded. She knew exactly what this meant and she looked back at Rucklic. “You want sex?”

Rucklic’s smile turned into a horny grin. “Yes. Sex.”

Tucklic walked back over to Rucklic and stood by his side. He also had a horny grin.

Nicole looked at the two Aliens and she could not explain why she started to get turned on with the thought of an Alien fucking her. And her curiosity started nagging at her, as she wanted to see if they had cocks or used something else. Her pussy started to get wet.

Rucklic sniffed the air along with Tucklic. “We can smell that you’re curious,” said Rucklic.

Nicole smiled back with raised eyebrows at the two Aliens with a seductive look and impressed they could smell her pussy.

Rucklic and Tucklic reached down and waved their right hands over their boots. Their boots automatically split opened up the two Aliens stepped out of them.

Nicole noticed they had large feet with long toes that looked human but twice the size. She brought her eyes upward and saw Rucklic and Tucklic wave their right hands over the front of their jump suits. Their suits automatically split opened and they stepped out of them.

Nicole looked at two naked Aliens. They had skinny arms, legs and a bit of a chubby middle section with two nipples like a human male. She looked down at their crotch and got disappointed. All she could see below that patch of dark blue pubic hair was the large heads of their cocks. It looked like the head of a human cock and was a darker color blue. It was the only thing sticking out of their crotches. She also noticed they had a set of balls like a human male. They hung down like wind chimes and were hairless. She was extremely disappointed.

Rucklic picked up on Nicole’s disappointment from her eyes.

“Don’t worry, Nicole, you will like our what you call cocks in a moment. Trust me. So remove your clothes,” he said and smiled with the thought of seeing this Earthling naked. After all, they found that all the females on Earth had a different look when naked. They loved the variety that the Earthlings offered.

Nicole looked at the two Aliens who looked horny while they licked their lips. Her pussy started to get wetter. She removed her tee shirt and Rucklic and Tucklic’s smile grew larger at the sight of her perky A-cup tits.

She dropped her tee shirt to the metal floor while she stepped out of her sandals. She was surprised that the metal floor was warm to the touch and not cold when her bare fee came in contact with it. It was actually quite pleasant.

She grabbed the waist band of her pajama bottoms.

Rucklic and Tucklic watched while Nicole slowly moved her pajamas down past her hairy pussy and down her legs.

Nicole stepped out of her pajama bottoms and stood bare ass naked in front of two naked Aliens. She stared at their crotches and wondered how these Aliens could have sex with cocks that appeared to be less than an inch. The heads looked thick but still an inch long. Then her eyes widened when she saw their dangling balls start to shrink up into a nice tight ball. Her eyes widened even farther when she saw the head of their cocks started to poke out from their crotches. She saw two inches of a cock. The two inches of cock grew into four inches. The four inches grew into six inches. The six inches of cock grew into eight inches and Nicole started to like what she witnessed so far.

Their cocks kept on growing and stopped when they both reached nine inches of sky blue meaty shaft monster cock with the large dark blue head. She estimated that their shafts were about five inches in diameter. Nicole’s mouth dropped opened in disbelief. “You have huge cocks!”

“I told you that you would like it,” said Rucklic then flashed a proud smile.

Nicole stared at the two monster cocks that arched out and bounded up and down a little. They looked like a human cock except for skin color and the heads were twice the size of an Earthlings cock head. She wasn’t afraid in the least in fact she was extremely horny.

Rucklic and Tucklic moved closer to Nicole.

She stayed in her place while Rucklic reached with his left hand and Tucklic reached out with his right hand. Her heart raced when Rucklic and Tucklic moved their hands closer to her tits.

Rucklic touched Nicole’s right erect nipple while Tucklic touched her left erect nipple.

Nicole loved the touch of the Alien’s fingers while they ran the tips of their fingers all around her erect nipples. She moaned a little with her eyes halfway closed.

While Rucklic and Tucklic fondled Nicole’s tits, she couldn’t resist and reached down. She touched Rucklic’s cock with her right hand while she touched Tucklic’s cock with her left hand. She at first thought their cocks would have a rubber feel but was surprised when it felt like human skin. It was smooth to the touch yet had a meaty feel.

Nicole wrapped her hands around Rucklic and Tucklic’s cocks. They both grew an extra inch and she smiled at that lovely sight.

She couldn’t resist and dropped to her knees and let go of the two cocks. She stared at the head of Rucklic’s cock and saw it had a pee hole just like a human cock. She leaned in closer and stuck out her tongue. She let the tip of her tongue touch the head of Rucklic’s cock. It felt like human skin. Her pussy was now dripping wet. She couldn’t resist the temptation so she opened her mouth and slipped it over the head of Rucklic’s cock. She paused. Tastes good. She said in her mind while she slipped more of this cock into her mouth.

Rucklic gave a little moan while Nicole took more of his cock into his mouth and started sucking on it.

I’m sucking an Alien’s cock. Nicole thought while the head of Rucklic’s cock went deeper into her mouth. I’m sucking on an Alien’s cock. She thought again while that five-inch diameter cock was stretching her mouth to the limit.

While Nicole sucked on Rucklic’s cock, Tucklic waved his right hand at the ceiling of the room.

Down came four wires with straps at the ends. The wires stopped and the straps were about three feet off the floor.

“Stand up,” ordered Tucklic.

Nicole removed Rucklic’s cock from her mouth and stood up. She saw the straps and instantly knew this was some type of restraining device. She’s never been restrained during sex and the thought of it made her even hotter.

She watched while Tucklic took two of the straps and placed them around her wrists.

Rucklic pulled on the other two wires and brought the straps down to the floor. He took the other two straps and placed them around her ankles.

Tucklic moved his hand around like he was conducting an orchestra.

“Ah,” cried out Nicole while she was suddenly lifted up in the air while the wires moved around.

The chains stopped moving. She finally found herself in a horizontal position with her arms and legs spread out. She knew what this meant. She was going to be fucked by two Aliens. She couldn’t wait and the anticipation was killing her and making her pussy ooze juice out and drip to the floor.

Rucklic walked up behind Nicole with his cock bouncing up and down. He dropped to his knees and eyed her wet and hair pussy. He stuck out his eight inch tongue and ran the tip of it up and down the wet slit of Nicole’s pussy.

“Mmmm,” moaned out Nicole, as she’s always loved having her pussy licked.

Then to her surprise, Rucklic rammed his eight-inch tongue deep into her pussy.

“Yes,” she moaned out and loved the feeling of his warm tongue inside her.

Tucklic walked around to the front of Nicole. He placed the tip of his cock by the lips of her mouth.

She looked up at him. “You want me to suck your cock?”

Tucklic nodded with a horny grin and purred like a kitty.

Nicole opened her mouth and Tucklic slowly slid the head of his cock inside. “Mmm,” she moaned with a muffled sound with a mouth full of hard cock.

While Tucklic pushed his cock deeper into Nicole’s mouth, Rucklic took out his tongue from her pussy. He stood up and started to rub the head of his cock against the slit of her pussy.

Nicole couldn’t wait for the feel of Rucklic’s cock entering her pussy.

Rucklic pressed the tip of his cock against the opening to Nicole’s pussy. She moaned while she sucked on Tucklic’s cock.

Nicole’s eyes bugged out the split second Rucklic drove his cock into her pussy like a pile driver. It was painful at first, but the pain slowly subsided and turned to an extreme tingly pleasure.

Tucklic drove his cock deeper in Nicole’s mouth and she could

feel the tip pressing against the back of her throat. She started to gag then recalled some porno clips where the guy told the girl to breath through her nose. She did and the urge to gag subsided.

Tucklic fucked Nicole’s mouth while Rucklic started pounding Nicole’s pussy. She loved the feeling of being gangbanged by two Aliens with monster cocks while hanging in mid-air. And the sound of Rucklic’s crotch slapping against her ass cheeks also brought music to her ears.

After three minutes of Rucklic pounding her pussy, she couldn’t hold back. She could feel a strong tingling feeling that built up in her loins. She knew what was coming next and she couldn’t wait. “AHHHHHHHH!” she muffled out with a mouth full of Tucklic’s cock. Her body trembled while she had the most intense orgasm in her life. Her body also had a strange tingling sensation from the tips of her curled toes all the way to her head. It was a warm tingling sensation coupled with the orgasm.

Rucklic kept on pumping and didn’t miss a beat.

She felt Tucklic pull his cock out a little to where just the head was left inside her mouth. She felt the head of his cock swell up. She knew was going to happen next. After all, she gave a guy a blow job in college one night and he came in her mouth. So she was really curious what Alien cum tasted like. Then it came. “EEEEEEE!” shrieked out Tucklic in a Dolphin sound while his cock exploded his first glob of cum into her mouth. She had a taste and it tasted sweet with a warm tingling sensation. Tucklic had another explosion of another glob of cum then another explosion of cum and another. Nicole’s mouth was tingling with the feel of his cum. She loved the feeling.

Tucklic was done and pulled his cock out of her mouth.

Nicole swallowed his cum and really enjoyed the sweet taste. Taste like a sweet chocolate. She thought, as that was great since chocolate was her favorite candy.

She felt it again while Rucklic furiously pumped her pussy. That strong tingling feeling started again in her loins. She couldn’t wait. “AHHHHHHHH!” she cried out while she had another intense orgasm.

While she had her orgasm, she could feel the entire length of Rucklic’s cock swell up and sealed her pussy opening from any leaks. “EEEEEEEE” he shrieked out in a Dolphin sound when his cock exploded globs after globs of warm tingling cum into her pussy. That tingling warm feeling of his cum hitting the inside of her pussy added to the intensity of her orgasm and caused her body to twitch from her head to her curled toes.

She was totally exhausted while Rucklic slowly pulled his cock out of her pussy. It came out with a pop sound.

Tucklic waved his hands and the chains moved and placed Nicole back on her feet.

Rucklic and Tucklic both released the straps off of Nicole’s ankles and wrists.

“You may go now,” said Rucklic with a warm smile.

Nicole reached down and grabbed her pajama bottoms and slipped them on. She reached down and grabbed her tee shirt and slipped it on. She slipped her feet into her sandals.

Rucklic waved his hands and the exterior door opened with a whish.

Nicole looked at Tucklic and Rucklic and saw that their cocks retreated back inside their crotches. Just their cock heads poked out.

She smiled at them and walked to the door.

She went down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. She turned around and blew them a kiss from the outside.

Nicole rushed off through the clearing and into the woods. She couldn’t believe she was just gang banged by two Aliens from outer space.

She ran out of the woods and ran through the field.

She got back to her blanket, picked it up and ran off to her house.

While she ran through the field, she got a tingling feeling on the inside of her thighs. It was Rucklic’s cum dripping out of her pussy.

Chapter Two – A Family of Alien Sluts

Nicole ran back to her house with her blanket flung over her shoulder. She wanted to tell somebody so bad that two Aliens fucked her, but who would believe her. So this would be a secret she’ll have to keep for the rest of her life.

Nicole walked up the small steps to the back porch. Her eyes widened when she saw her mom and dad sitting in the wooden rocking chairs in their bath robes and bare feet. “Ah,” she cried out and jumped back a foot.

“Sorry, we didn’t mean to startle you, baby,” said Gary.

“That’s okay, I wasn’t expecting you to be on the back porch.”

“So, where were you?” asked Janelle with a hint of a smirk on her face.

“Ah, I, ah, went out for a walk. I, ah, I, couldn’t sleep, so I, ah, I thought a nice walk under the stars would help,” she said and started to blush. But she was glad it was dark so her parents wouldn’t see her flushed face.

“Then why the blanket if you’re taking a walk?” asked Janelle.

“Ah, I thought I would lay in the field and gaze at the stars.”

“We know what you were doing,” Gary said and gave Nicole a smile.

“Ah, like I said, I was walking in the field.”

Janelle and Gary glanced at each other then turned their eyes back to Nicole.

“You visited Rucklic and Tucklic,” said Janelle.

Nicole was surprised by her mom’s statement and speechless for a few seconds. “I don’t know a Rucklic or Tucklic,” she said but inside she was smiling with what just happened.

“Sure you do baby, we saw you go inside their spaceship,” said Janelle and Gary nodded in agreement with her.

Nicole got speechless. She knew she was caught and couldn’t lie about it to her parents.

“You liked it. We can tell,” said Gary.

Nicole nodded in agreement then looked curious. “How do you know about those Aliens?” she asked but suddenly had her suspicion of the answer.

“It happened ten years ago when your mother and I were out for a midnight stroll,” said Gary.

Janelle smiled recalling that night.

Nicole figured their midnight strolls consisted of them fucking under the stars in the woods and field.

“Then we saw their spaceship land in the field,” said Gary.

“We went to check it out,” said Janelle.

“We got curious and saw the door was opened and decided to investigate,” said Gary.

“We met Rucklic, Tucklic, Cicklic, and Jucklic and soon we were naked and having sex with Aliens,” said Janelle then paused and smiled recalling past encounters. “I love the warm tingling sensation that runs from my curled toes all the way to my head during an orgasm with them.”

Nicole looked at her mom not sure she heard correctly. “You said Cicklic and Jucklic. There were two other Aliens?”

“Oh yeah. Two females,” said Gary with a smile recalling the last time he fucked them, ate their pussies and they sucked on his cock.

Nicole couldn’t believe her ears. She had her mom and dad telling her that they had sex with two Aliens. “Wow.” She got curious. “Is that why you made that clearing out in the woods?” she asked her dad.

“Yes baby. We wanted them to have a spot to land that wouldn’t attract attention,” he said.

“Makes sense.”

Janelle stood up from her rocking chair. Gary stood up from his rocking chair.

“So baby, why don’t we go back and visit our Alien friends again. After all, they consider us their Earth sluts. And we can’t disappoint our friends,” she said then she untied her bathrobe and opened it. She let it fall off her body and stood there bare ass naked.

Gary untied his bathrobe and opened it. He let it fall off his body and stood there bare ass naked.

Nicole couldn’t believe her eyes. Her mom and dad were by standing on the back porch bare ass naked.

She looked at her mom and saw that her A-cup tits were still perky for her age and her hips looked wider in the flesh. She also noticed that her mom shaved her pussy.

She looked at Gary and saw his in shape body and his dangling cock looked impressive.

“Come on baby, let’s go get fucked by some Alien cock,” said Janelle.

Nicole started to get curious again. “How do you know when they will come down here?”

“Rucklic gave us a device. We press a button and it sends a signal that we’re horny,” replied Gary.

Janelle nodded in agreement. “They knew that we both wanted them tonight. We told them the last time that tonight would be your night for training.”

“My training? What training?”

“Your training to be a slut for the Aliens,” said Janelle.

Nicole thought about that while she looked at the direction of the woods. She started thinking about being fucked by Aliens in front of her parents that started to make her pussy wet again.

She slipped out of her sandals. She removed her tee shirt then removed her pajama bottoms. She stood bare ass naked in front of her parents.

Janelle and Gary looked at Nicole’s naked body and were impressed with the way their daughter turned out.

“Let’s go,” said Gary.

They walked off the back porch.

Janelle, Nicole and Gary walked naked through the field and headed to the woods.

They walked through the woods and headed to the clearing.

They walked through the clearing.

The door of the saucer was still opened so they climbed up the stairs and went inside.

Once they were inside the spaceship, they saw Rucklic and Tucklic standing naked by the console.

The door closed with a whish sound and locked.

“Welcome back our Earth sluts,” said Rucklic.

“We’re looking forward to being fucked tonight,” said Janelle.

“And do we again,” Rucklic said with a smile. Tucklic nodded in agreement.

“Nicole was a good fuck,” said Rucklic.

Janelle and Gary looked proud of Nicole.

The two doors by the beds whished opened. Female Aliens Cicklic and Jucklic appeared and entered the room.

The female Aliens was of the same sky blue color. They were also bald but had eye lashes and dark blue eye brows over their large slanted oval eyes that were also three times larger than a human. They had small ears with pointed tips. Their hands were a little smaller than the male species and were three inches shorter. They wore shiny yellow jumpsuits and had D-cup perky breasts. They had similar small turned up noses but their lips were pouty whereas the males had thin lips.

Cicklic and Jucklic looked at Gary and smiled. They loved their occasional fucks by Gary.

Nicole looked at Tucklic and saw his cock start to extend out to its ten-inch range.

Rucklic’s cock started to extend out to its ten-inch range while he stared at Janelle’s naked body.

Nicole watched while Cicklic and Jucklic waved their hands over their jump suits. She was curious to see what they looked like naked.

It didn’t take long for Cicklic and Jucklic to be out of their jump suits and were naked.

Nicole looked at their D-cup tits and how they pointed straight out. Cicklic’s areolas were large with one-half inch erect nipples. Cicklic’s areolas were oval and slanted down pointing at her belly and her nipples were also one-half when erect. They both had dark blue pubic hair above their pussies. She wondered what their pussies looked like.

Gary walked over to Jucklic who got on her hands and knees.

Nicole watched while her mom got on her hands and knees.

She looked over at Gary and saw he had and eight inch boner and was actually impressed.

Gary got on his hands and knees behind Jucklic. He shoved his cock into her pussy and started pumping her.

Cicklic got on her back and pointed her legs up in the air exposing her bare pussy to Jucklic.

While Gary fucked Jucklic doggiestyle she leaned down and started to lick Cicklic’s pussy.

Nicole got a glimpse of Cicklic’s pussy and noticed it looked like an Earthlings pussy but with blue lips. She also looked just in time to see Rucklic on his knees and bury his ten-inch cock deep into her mom’s pussy while she was on her hands and knees.

“Yes, fuck my pussy,” cried out Janelle while Rucklic started pumping his cock in and out of her pussy.

Nicole looked at Tucklic and his cock that waved up and down to indicate he wanted some Earthling pussy. She dropped to her knees and wiggled her ass cheeks.

Tucklic got down on his knees and he pressed the tip of his cock against the opening of Jucklic’s pussy.

‘Ahhh,” cried out Nicole the second Tucklic rammed his cock deep into her pussy.

“Oh yes, fuck me, fuck my pussy,” Janelle cried out while Rucklic’s furiously pounded her with his crotch slapping against her wide ass cheeks with the sloshing sound of her pussy juices.

Tucklic started to pump Nicole’s pussy and the sound of his crotch slapping against her ass cheeks was adding to the sound of Rucklic’s crotch slapping against Janelle’s ass cheeks along with the sound of Gary’s crotch slapping against Jucklic’s Alien ass cheeks.

“EEEEEEEEE,” shrieked out Jucklic in a Dolphin sound then her body trembled having her intense tingling orgasm from her toes to her head.

“EEEEEEEEE,” shrieked out Cicklic in a Dolphin sound while she had her intense tingling orgasm from her toes to her head from Jucklic licking her pussy.

Cicklic got up off the floor and walked over to Tucklic while he fucked Nicole. She watched the young Earthling female get fucked.

Janelle got that lovely tingling feeling that started to build up in her loins. She knew what this meant. “Fuck ME, FUCK ME!” she yelled out when the tingling sensation started to get stronger. Rucklic kept on pumping her pussy faster and faster. “OHHHH FUUUUCCCKKKK,” yelled out Janelle while her body trembled during her intense tingling orgasm. That wonderful warm tingling sensation ran from her curled toes to her head.

Tucklic continued to pump Nicole’s pussy and she started to get that same intense tingling feeling in her loins. She knew what was coming next and braced for it. Then it hit her like hitting a brick wall. “FUUUCCCKKKKK!” she yelled out while her body trembled during her intense and tingling orgasm and she tingled from her toes to her head.

Rucklic stopped pumping Janelle. “EEEEEEE!” he shrieked out that Dolphin sound having his orgasm and exploding globs after globs of his cum into her pussy. She moaned and loved the warm tingling feeling of Rucklic’s cum filling up the inside of her pussy.

Tucklic stopped fucking Nicole. “EEEEEEE!” he shrieked out that Dolphin sound having his orgasm and exploded globs after globs of his cum into her pussy.

Nicole moaned and loved the warm tingling feeling of Rucklic’s cum filling up the inside of her pussy.

“AHHHHH!” cried out Gary while he had his orgasm and filled Jucklic’s Alien pussy with his white and warm human cum.

Gary pulled his cock out of Jucklic’s pussy at the same time Rucklic pulled his cock out of Janelle’s pussy and the same time Tucklic pulled his cock out of Nicole’s pussy.

The males stood up and gathered around Nicole while she remained on her hands and knees.

Rucklic motioned at Cicklic to get in position.

Cicklic nodded and got on her back. She opened up her legs and pointed her blue pussy up at Nicole.

Nicole looked at Cicklic’s pussy then she looked up and saw her mom, dad, Rucklic and Tucklic all staring down at her.


“Go ahead, Nicole. I tried it. It tastes good,” said Janelle.

Nicole looked at Cicklic’s blue pussy then back up at her mom.

“You mean eat Alien pussy?”

“Yes, honey. You’ll love that blue pussy. It tastes great,” said Janelle then ran her tongue all around her lips.

Nicole looked at Cicklic’s waiting pussy and it looked so inviting. In fact, she was bi-curious and wanted to try pussy. So why not Alien twat.

Nicole leaned down and got her face closer to Cicklic’s pussy. She stuck out her tongue and let the tip lightly touch the slit of Cicklic’s pussy. Not bad. She said in her mind and liked the taste so far. So she ran her tongue deeper into Cicklic’s pussy. Cicklic moaned out a sound that sounded like a purring kitty.

Nicole sensed something and looked over to her right. She saw her mom on her back doing a sixty-nine position with Jucklic.

She never saw her mom eat pussy before and it was a huge turn-on. The sight of Janelle’s face buried in Alien’s pussy was hot and made Nicole’s pussy wetter. She returned to Cicklic’s pussy, as she had to try it.

Cicklic moaned like a purring kitty while Nicole licked and licked the slit of her pussy. She started sucking on Cicklic’s clit. While Nicole did this, she could her mom moan while Jucklic licked her pussy. It was music to Nicole’s ears.

After a minute of sucking on her clit, Cicklic arched up her back and shot her legs up in the air pointing her toes at the ceiling. Nicole could feel her pussy tingling. She knew Cicklic was ready to have an orgasm.

“EEEEEEEE!” shrieked out Cicklic in that Dolphin sound. Her body trembled while having an orgasm and squirted out female blue cum all over Nicole’s mouth.

Nicole was surprised and didn’t know what to do. So she pulled away from Cicklic’s pussy after her orgasm subsided and licked all around her lips. She had tasted female Alien pussy cum and it also tasted sweet like chocolate. She was hooked.

“AHHHHHH!” shriek out Janelle while she had an orgasm from Jucklic eating her pussy.

“EEEEEEEE!” shrieked out Jucklic in that Dolphin while she had an intense orgasm from Janelle eating her pussy.

Janelle, Jucklic and Cicklic got back on their feet with their pussies dripping sweet juices on the metal floor.

Nicole sat on the floor and saw Rucklic and Tucklic stroking their monster cocks while glancing down at her with horny grins. They purred like kittens while stroking their meaty cocks. Nicole knew what this meant and closed her eyes while she looked up at them.

Rucklic and Tucklic stroked their cocks and it didn’t take long. The two Aliens both shrieked out that all too familiar Dolphin sound when they had their orgasms. They both exploded out their blue cum and it splashed on Nicole’s face and all over her chest and tits.

She loved the warm tingling feeling of their cum on her body.

Nicole stood up after they were done spurting out their cum. Some of it dripped on the floor.

Gary, Janelle, and Nicole looked at their Alien friends.

“See you next time,” said Janelle.

Rucklic, Tucklic, Jucklic and Cicklic all nodded in agreement with warm smiles.

Gary, Janelle, and Nicole walked to the door and headed down the stairs.

They walked through the woods naked and headed to the field.

Once they got in the field, they heard the whine of the engine of the spaceship. They stopped and glanced at the top of the trees in the woods.

They saw the blinking lights while the spaceship rose out of the woods.

The spaceship hovered for a few minutes then it ascended and was gone in a flash.

“Well Nicole. You’re officially an Alien slut,” said Janelle.

Nicole smiled at her parents.

While they walked through the field and headed back to their house, Nicole suddenly got nasty thoughts about her friend Deena she grew up with. She started to think of getting Deena naked and going down on her pussy. She wondered if Deena would entertain the idea of being fucked by an Alien. That could be another chapter in her life if it came true.

They went inside their home and were soon fast asleep with smiles on their faces. Nicole left the dried stains of Alien cum on her body while she slept. She loved the feeling.

Chapter Three – Deena Joins in on the Fun

It was the middle of August and Nicole wanted to have another night of hot fun before returning back to the grind of college. So she invited her best friend Deena to spend the Saturday night with her. Janelle was also home but Gary was out on some ranching business in the next town for a few days.

After they drank some beers out on the back porch, the two girls had a pretty good buzz going. It was now one in the morning and they decided to head off to Nicole’s bedroom to get some sleep.

Once they got in Nicole’s bedroom, Deena went into Nicole’s bathroom to change into her sleepwear. That consisted of just a tee shirt and white cotton panties.

While Deena was changing, Nicole opened up her top drawer of her dresser. She reached under her panties and found that small strange shaped silver colored device her mom and dad let her borrow for tonight. She smiled while she waved her right index finger over the button on the device. She closed her dresser drawer.

“It’s your turn,” said Deena the second she walked out of the bathroom.

Nicole went into the bathroom and changed into her sleepwear that was also a tee shirt and white flower pattern cotton panties.

Nicole and Deena both got on their backs on Nicole’s bed. It was quiet while they stared at the ceiling.

Nicole looked to her left at Deena. “Remember when we were young? And how we played around with our pillows.”

Deena recalled some memories while she looked up at the ceiling. She giggled when she recalled that fond memory. “I do. And that was actually fun. You taught me about how I can have an orgasm. It was my first.”

Nicole had a nasty thought in her head since her pussy started to get wet while she thought about Deena. “Want to do it again?”

Deena looked at Nicole and could tell she was serious. Since she was buzzed from the beer, she started to get horny thinking about that night when they were only ten years old. “Sure. That would be fun.”

Nicole and Deena looked at each other. They got up on their knees turned around and each grabbed a pillow. They folded the pillow in half long ways and set it down on the bed. The got on the pillows and straddled the fold with their crotches of their panties. They started to hump their pillows.

It wasn’t long before they were both moaning while they rubbed the crotches of their panties against the pillows. The sound of them moaning in unison was sweet music.

They both furiously humped their pillows soaking the pillow cases with the juices of their pussies that were soaking through the crotches of their panties.

“Ahhhhh!” cried out Deena when she had an orgasm.

“Ahhhhh!” cried out Nicole when she hand an orgasm.

They both got off their pillows and put them back by the head of the bed. They got back on their backs and rested their heads on their pussy stained pillows.

“That was fun,” said Deena.

“It was,” replied Nicole.

There were a few minutes of silence while both girls thought about the other one humping a pillow.

Nicole glanced over at Deena’s tee shirt and could see the nipples of her B-cup tits were erect. She was horny and buzzed from the beer that she decided to take a chance. So she inched her left hand and touched Deena’s right hand. Deena didn’t move her hand out of the way so Nicole decided to take another chance. She held Deena’s hand. Deena didn’t pull her hand way and Nicole notice Deena had a bit of a smile.

Deena looked to her right at Nicole the same time Nicole looked to her left at Deena. They looked at each other and didn’t say a word. It was like they could read their minds when their faces moved closer to each other. Their lips touched. It was their first kiss and it turned passionate with their tongues darting out of each other’s mouth.

Nicole reached over with her right hand and started pulling on Deena’s left erect nipple through her tee shirt material.

Deena reached over with her left hand and she started pulling on Nicole’s right erect nipple through her tee shirt material.

They couldn’t resist. Nicole grabbed the bottom of Deena’s tee shirt and removed it over Deena’s head.

Deena grabbed the bottom of Nicole’s tee shirt and removed it over Nicole’s head.

Deena grabbed her tits with both hands and started rubbing her nipples against Nicole’s nipples.

Nicole grabbed her tits and assisted while they did some nipple to nipple rubbing. It looked like four nipples sword fighting and that feel made the two girls hornier.

Deena released her tits from her grasp and reached down and grabbed the waist band of Nicole’s panties. She pulled then down slipped Nicole’s panties over her bare feet.

Nicole released her tits from her grasp and grabbed the waist band of Deena’s panties. She pulled them down then slipped Deena’s panties over her bare feet.

Nicole noticed that Deena shaved her pussy and liked the sight. She reached over with her right hand and started to rub Deena’s pussy lips with her fingers.

Deena reached over with her left hand and started rubbing Nicole’s pussy.

They started kissing again while they rubbed other’s pussies.

After a few minutes Deena and Nicole were kissing and rubbing their pussies and got sweaty.

“Ahhhhh!” cried out Deena when she had an orgasm.

“Ahhhhh!” cried out Nicole when she had an orgasm.

They removed their hands from the pussies. Deena licked Nicole’s pussy juices off her fingers. Nicole licked Deena’s pussy juices off her fingers.

“I want to eat your pussy,” Nicole said.

“I’ve always wanted that,” said Deena then she got on her back and opened her legs. What Nicole didn’t know was that Deena had always been bi-curious and wanted to have sex with Nicole in the worst way for the past three years. She was so happy tonight started to fulfill her dream of doing this with Nicole.

Nicole got on her stomach and positioned her face at Deena’s bald pussy. She stuck out her tongue and ran the tip up and down Deena’s wet slit. Deena moaned with her eyes closed.

Unbeknownst to the two girls was that the bedroom door slowly opened. Janelle peeked inside to check out the commotion. She smiled at the sight of seeing the back of Nicole’s head buried in Deena’s crotch. She couldn’t resist so she took off her bathrobe and let if drop to the hallway floor. She was naked.

Janelle stepped inside Nicole’s bedroom and walked over to the bed while Nicole shoved her tongue deep into Deena’s pussy,

Deena could sense someone was in the room. She looked to her right and saw Janelle standing naked by the bed rubbing her own pussy with her right hand. Her eyes widened in shock. She felt that she should push Nicole off her pussy but Nicole started to suck on her clit. It was so hot and she didn’t want Nicole to stop. So she just smiled at Janelle while she checked out her naked body. Nice! She thought while she looked at the naked MILF. She had also had dreams of being naked with Janelle one day.

Janelle knew Deena would accept so she climbed up on the bed and straddled her pussy over Deena’s face with her ass pointed at Nicole.

Nicole smiled at the sight of her mom straddled naked over Deena’s face. They talked about doing this early in the morning after Deena accepted the invitation to spend the night. Their dream came true. Well part of the dream was coming true.

Janelle lowered her hairy pussy to Deena’s waiting mouth. Deena immediately started sucking on Janelle’s clit and could smell her wet pussy. She loved that smell.

While Nicole sucked on Deena’s clit she glanced up and saw the crack of her mom’s wide ass cheeks and caught a glimpse of her asshole. She loved that view.

Nicole reached up and started to play with Deena’s nipples while she sucked on Deena’s clit. Deena loved that feeling.

The three gals moaned in with the sound of ecstasy that filled the room.

After five minutes of heaving moaning and sweating it happened.

“Ahhhhh!” Deena cried out in Janelle’s pussy having an orgasm.

“Ahhhhh!” Janelle cried out having and orgasm from Deena’s tongue and her crying out into her pussy.

After her orgasm subsided, Janelle got off Deena’s face and sat in the bed. She watched while Nicole took some last licks to soak up Deena’s pussy juices.

Nicole moved away from Deena’s pussy.

They all sat on the bed.

Janelle and Nicole looked at each other and wondered who would be the one to ask Deena to go to the next level.

Nicole nodded that she would take that task.

“Ah, Deena. How would you like to try something extremely different?”

“What would that be?”

Nicole and Janelle looked at each other.

“Well, it’s sex like you’ve never had before. I mean they have huge monster cocks,” said Nicole and moved her hands out to show about twelve inches.

Deena had always wanted to try a cock bigger than six inches in her pussy. So she was game and thought that they had some black dude waiting out in the hall.

“You’ll love it but it has to remain our secret,” said Nicole.

Deena looked at Janelle and wondered what could she be talking about. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. “You want me to fuck a horse?” she said and started to get nervous and started to scoot off the bed.

“Oh no. Not a horse, said Nicole and she looked sincere.

“It’s cock from out of this world,” said Janelle.

“Out of this world. What are you talking about?”

“You have to some see them for yourself,” said Nicole then she grabbed Deena’s right hand and had her get off the bed.

Janelle got off the bed. “Let’s go outside,” said Janelle while she and Nicole got Deena off the bed.

“Are we going outside naked?”

“Sure, why not. It’s great to feel the night air on your naked skin,” Nicole said.

Deena thought about it a few seconds and liked the idea of going outside naked. After all, she would do that at her parent’s farm in the middle of the night.

Nicole, Deena, and Janelle all went out the rear of the house then walked naked through the field under the twinkling stars. There was a little breeze that cooled them off and made all of their nipples erect.

Deena looked curious while they walked through the field and headed towards the woods. “Who are we going to meet that has a monster cock?” she said.

Janelle and Nicole looked at each other and smiled.

“Just wait and see,” said Janelle and her pussy started to tingle in anticipation of more Alien cock.

Nicole’s pussy also started to tingle in anticipation of more Alien cock.

Deena started to get really curious and wondered if they had a gangbang in mind in the woods.

It was quiet while Nicole, Deena and Janelle strolled through the woods.

They soon came upon the clearing.

“I forgot about this clearing,” said Deena. She took another glance at the clearing where that spaceship had landed ten minutes ago. It had its door opened. Then Deena’s eyes widened in disbelief when it dawned on her what she saw. She stood there with her mouth dropped opened in shock. “A spaceship. Is that a spaceship?” she asked while she looked at Janelle and Nicole.

“It sure is,” said Nicole with a smile.

Janelle nodded with a smile while she stared at the opened doors.

“A fucking spaceship. A real fucking spaceship,” said Deena while she looked again, rubbed her eyes and looked again.

“Yes. A real fucking spaceship with Aliens that love to fuck Earth women and men,” said Janelle.

“With monster cocks,” added Nicole and again moved her hands to show a length of around twelve inches.

Deena looked at Nicole and Janelle who stood there with huge smiles on their faces. Her curiosity went into high gear. “I have to see this.”

Janelle grabbed Deena’s left hand while Nicole grabbed Deena’s right hand.

They walked hand in hand into the clearing and headed to the spaceship.

They arrived at the door and headed up the stairs without any hesitation.

Once they got inside the spaceship, they gave Deena a few seconds to check out the room.

“A fucking spaceship. I’m in a real fucking spaceship,” said Deena while she looked at the console.

“Rucklic, your Earth sluts are here,” called out Janelle.

Deena got nervous not knowing what these Aliens would look like. Where they four feet tall and a blob of green slime that scooted across the floor? She questioned in her mind.

The outside door closed with a whish and locked. That startled Deena.

“Don’t worry. It’s okay,” said Janelle while she lightly stroked Deena’s right arm.

Deena felt safe.

The two of the four doors by the four beds whished opened.

From the room to the right walked out Rucklic and Cicklic walked out naked.

From the room to the left walked out Tucklic and Jucklic also naked.

“We got your signal and want some Earth pussy to fuck,” said Rucklic then he saw Deena. “Ah, we have a new slut.”

“Her name is Deena,” said Nicole.

“Hi Deena,” said Rucklic, Tucklic, Cicklic and Jucklic in unison.

Deena didn’t know what to say. She was speechless with the sight of four naked Aliens. She just gave them a little wave. Then she looked at Rucklic and Tucklic and saw their blue cock heads poking out from under their pubic hairs. She leaned over to Nicole. “I thought you said they had huge monster cocks,” she said and looked disappointed.

Janelle and Nicole looked at each other and smiled and knew Deena’s disappointment would change in a minute.

Deena’s eyes widened and a huge smile grew on her face the second she saw Rucklic and Tucklic’s cock start to grow out to their full ten-inch meaty length. “Monster cocks!” she said and her pussy started to get wetter thinking about having one of those huge sausages inside her pussy.

“Deena and Nicole. Get on your knees,” said Janelle then motioned for Rucklic and Tucklic to some over.

Deena couldn’t keep her eyes off of Tucklic’s arched and bouncy cock while he walked over to her.

Nicole smiled while Rucklic walked over with his cock arched out and bouncing in rhythm with his movement.

Once Tucklic stood in front of Deena, Deena knew what her job was so she reached out and grabbed a hold of his cock. She loved the smooth skin feeling of her blue cock. She opened her mouth and inserted the head of Tucklic’s cock inside. “Mmmm,” she moaned out and loved the taste of his cock so far.

Nicole was already there and had Rucklic’s cock all the way to where his tip was ready to poke the back of her throat. She breathed through her nose so that she wouldn’t gag.

While Nicole and Deena were sucking cock, Janelle had Jucklic on her back and was licking Jucklic’s pussy. Cicklic was on her back with her head under Janelle’s pussy licking her wet slit.

After a few seconds of Nicole and Deena sucking Alien cock, they got on their hands and knees. They both wiggled their ass cheeks to let Rucklic and Tucklic as an invite to fuck their pussies.

Rucklic got on his knees behind Nicole while Tucklic got on his knees behind Deena.

Deena looked a little scared yet excited about the feeling of that Alien monster cock that would soon enter her cunt. She was ready for this new sexual experience.

Tucklic rubbed the head of his cock up and down the slit of Deena’s pussy. She moaned and couldn’t wait for him to penetrate her.

Rucklic shoved his cock deep inside Nicole’s pussy. She moaned while he started to pump her with the sound of his crotch slapping against her ass cheeks filling the air.

Deena anxiously waited while Tucklic teased her by running the tip of his cock up and down her slit. He was actually waiting until she was dripping wet. She was so he pressed the head of his cock into her pussy hole. Then he shoved it in all the way.

Deena’s eyes bugged out the second she felt his cock shove all the way into her pussy. It hurt for a few seconds but then the pain subsided and was replaced with a warm tingling sensation.

“Mmmm,” she moaned while Tucklic slowly pumped her pussy.

“Yes, yes, yes, fuck my pussy,” yelled out Nicole while Rucklic furiously pumped his meaty cock in and out of her wet cunt. “I’m a slutt,” she yelled out.

Janelle was moaning while she sucked on Jucklic’s clit and Cicklic sucked on Janelle’s clit.

“Fuck my cunt! Fuck my cunt!” yelled out Deena while Tucklic started to pick up his pace with pumping her pussy.

The room of the spaceship was soon filled with the two Earthling and two Alien women all moaning with ecstasy. It was the sloshing sound of those monster cocks pounding the pussies with the added sound of their crotches slapping against their butt cheeks.

Then Deena and Nicole couldn’t hold back any longer.

“AHHHHH!” screamed out Deena while that warm tingling sensation that started at her curled toes and raced all the way to her head. Her body trembled when she had her intense orgasm.

“AHHHHH!” screamed out Nicole while that warm tingling sensation started at her curled toes and raced all the way to her head. Her body trembled when she had her intense orgasm.

“AHHHHHH!” cried out Janelle when she had her orgasm from Jucklic’s magic tongue.

Then when Deena thought it was over, she could feel the entire length of Tucklic’s cock swell up inside her pussy sealing off her opening. “EEEEEEE!” shrieked out Tucklic in a Dolphin sound when he had his first explosion of a glob of cum into her pussy. Deena felt his globs of warm tingling cum explode out of his cock and started to fill up her pussy. “AHHHHH!” she screamed out as that gave her another tingling orgasm and curled her toes.

Nicole waited. Then she felt Rucklic’s cock swell up in her pussy. She knew what was coming next and it felt so good to once again feel globs of Alien warm and tingling cum spurting out into her pussy. “AHHHHH!” she screamed out when this time it gave her another orgasm and curled her toes.

Rucklic and Tucklic pulled their cocks out of the girl’s pussies.

They both stood up and their cock immediately retraced into their bodies.

Nicole and Deena sat on the floor out of breath.

“I love Alien cock,” said Deena out of breath and couldn’t believe the wonderful feeling she got by being fucked by an Alien.

“Me too,” said Nicole.

Janelle walked over and sat down by Deena. “I also love Alien cock,” she said.

The three girls sat there for a few minutes to catch their breath.

Three minutes had passed and Janelle, Deena and Nicole said their good-byes to their Alien lovers.

They left the spaceship and headed back into the woods.

Once they got out of the woods, Janelle held Nicole’s left hand and held Deena’s right hand.

They skipped they way through the field and headed to the house.

Once they got to the back porch, Janelle told them to stay put. She went inside and came back out with two large blankets.

They left the porch and headed off back to the field.

When they got to the middle of the field, Deena and Nicole helped Janelle spread out the two blankets in the grass.

They lay down on the blanket on their backs with Janelle in the center, Deena to her right and Nicole to her left. They cuddled naked under the stars and watched while the spaceship ascended out of the woods and zoomed off to the stars. They were on their way for some German pussy in Germany.

They cuddled on their backs and drifted off to sleep while Alien cum oozed out of Deena, and Nicole’s pussies and dripped to the blanket.

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By WayOutThere

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DELETE THIS. NOW.... Collapse
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse