Dominating the Family Pt 4

#Blackmail #Incest #Lesbian #Teen

By Relatively Speaking

The Mother is brought into the action with her daughters and ordered to seduce her son.

CHAPTER FOUR – Bringing Mom and me, reluctantly of course, into the Fun and Games

“I won’t do anything except go to the police and tell them what happened. You’ll get arrested and the world will know what a sick person you are.”
“You could do that, but the first deadline you miss, those videos are going to go all around your school, town, county, state and fucking country. The world will see what little sluts your daughters are. Maria will be arrested and spend a couple of years in a dyke factory of a prison getting passed around like lube at a P. Diddy party. Sarah and Devon will be taken into care by the C.P.S., split up and God knows what type of foster homes they’ll end up in. If Sarah’s new foster daddy has seen those videos, and I’ll make sure he does, he’ll rape her every night. Devon will probably end up on the street selling blow jobs for €5 a shot. You’ll be investigated by the cops, after all no-one would believe that the parents didn’t know, and such deviancy had to come from somewhere. You’ll definitely never teach again.”
It was amazing turning Mom’s words against her.
“How do I know you won’t just release the videos anyway, even if we do what you say?”
It sounded like Mom was getting desperate, time to tighten the screws fully.
“You have my word that if you don’t do what I say, I will release those videos and ruin your family. Unlike the idiots you hear about trading and releasing their trophies, I never share my conquests. That’s why they get arrested after a few years. I have been doing this for over fifteen years. But as long as you do as I say, these and any subsequent videos will never see the light of day. I have promised Maria that I will release her from her obligations before she goes to college, that extends to the rest of your family. After that the videos will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again.”
It took a few minutes for her to reply to me, I was starting to think I had pushed her too far. Then she replied again.
“What will I be doing?”
She was mine; I nearly creamed my pants when I smelled her capitulation.
“For now, the same kind of “content” that your daughters have been filming. Solo and group, so I suggest you get comfortable with family nudity very quickly. Later, let’s just say there’s a member of your family that needs to learn his place.”
“I can’t do that, they’re my children, that’s sick and illegal. I’ll do solo stuff, but I’m not doing anything with my kids!”
“I don’t make bargains, you do what I tell you, with whichever of your kids I tell you or those videos go viral. I’ll start you off slow tonight. You are to download Telegram send me your handle within the hour. Once I have your handle, we will only communicate through Telegram. Full details of tonight’s task will be sent later.”
I disassembled the phone and put it back in its RFID blocking pouch before returning to class. At lunch time I put the phone together again and received Mom’s handle. I had already rehearsed the message I was going to send so it took less than a couple of minutes before the phone was back in its pouch.
The ride home was strained. Mom was sitting in the car waiting for us and barely greeted us when we got there. She kept looking at us in a manner that would have been strange if I hadn’t known what was going on.
Unsurprisingly she wasn’t up to cooking and ordered pizza for dinner that night. I tried to maintain a conversation, but it was like talking to three statues. I had timed my message to reach Mom about a minute after my sister’s messages. I wanted to see the shock on their faces when they realised Mom would be joining in, and it was beautiful.
We were in the middle of cleaning up when Maria and Sarah’s phones dinged. They looked at each other with resignation and continued to clear the leftovers away. Mom jerked a little when she heard the notification. Moments later Mom’s phone pinged with the same alert and both my sisters looked around so fast I was surprised they didn’t get whiplash. Mom looked down and refused to meet anyone’s eyes.
Maria and Sarah looked at each other in open mouthed shock. I pretended not to notice anything and brought the trash out to the bins. I sneaked a look in through the kitchen window and saw the three of them huddle in the middle of the floor having an animated discussion while glancing around to make sure I couldn’t hear them.
I made a big deal of slamming the door behind me and stamping my feet on the floor before making my way back to them. When they heard me returning, they moved apart and refused to look at each other.
I stood there and looked at them for a minute before saying
“Well, as interesting as whatever THIS is, I’ve homework to do. See you in the morning.”
I left them there and could feel their eyes burning into my back. I had deliberately left my phone charging in the T.V. room so they could check it if they got suspicious. I did my homework and kept an ear out for them going to which ever room they chose to record their task in.
Mom, Maria and Sarah watched me walk up the stairs and waited until they heard my door closing before continuing their discussion.
“I can’t believe you were so stupid; we could be ruined if those videos get out, not just you, but me, Sarah and Devon.”
Mom was furious, Maria and Sarah instinctively huddled together to offer mutual support from her ire. They couldn’t believe that not only did their mother know but that she was also involved in their ignominy.
“Mom, I’m so sorry. I never thought anything like this could happen.”
“And I agreed to help her, Mom, she didn’t make me do anything.”
“Except now, to protect this family from your stupidity, I’m involved. He’s going to make me join in those…acts! And he hinted that he was going to involve Devon as well. This whole family debased for the amusement of whoever this sick bastard is. All because you wanted to show yourself off for some stranger on the internet.”
This was news to the sisters; they were going to have to do things with their brother as well. They had already crossed so many taboo boundaries with each other, but the thought of participating in those activities with their mother and brother was a whole other level of unthinkable. They knew they had no choice however, they were already going through hell, there was no way back only forward.
“We better see what he wants us to do,” said Mom, “we can discuss this later. And we WILL discuss this later.”
They each went to their phones and read the message. Each message was the same and they looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes. Maria and Sarah felt like they were on a downward spiral and had no control over their descent. This was just another indignity they were forced to endure.
For Mom, however, this was unexplored territory. She hadn’t even experimented with women in college. And now she would be forced to carry out incestuous lesbionics with her daughters. She wasn’t sure how she would carry out the instructed acts. As always the message ended with the admonition “Don’t forget to smile!”.
“Should we do it now or wait until Devon goes to sleep? Will he notice if we all disappear for half an hour?” asked Mom.
“I doubt it, neither of you noticed me and Sarah disappearing for the past couple of days.”
“Really? That’s the attitude you’re going with?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, Mom, I meant he has his head stuck in his homework, and you had all of your schoolwork to keep you busy. I don’t think he’d notice if we did it front of him.”
“You might be right about that.” The thought of them having sex in front of an oblivious Devon gave them a shared moment of levity in a dark situation. Then the reality of what Mom had said earlier, about the blackmailer getting Devon involved hit, and all the smiles vanished.
“We might as well get this over with,” said Mom, “But I need a glass or two of wine to do this first.”
“I don’t suppose we could have one as well?”
Mom’s first instinct was to say no, but then she thought about what was to come and relented.
“One glass only, I guess I don’t have to tell you to keep quiet about this.”
Mom poured herself a full glass of chardonnay and a half glass for each of her daughters, which she diluted with some Sprite. Tonight’s activities would go a lot easier if they were all a bit more relaxed. They finished the drinks and steeled themselves.
“We’ll do this in my room, I can lock the door and it’s far enough away from Devon’s room, so he won’t hear us.” Said Mom.
“Do you really think he’s going to get Devon involved?” asked Sarah.
“Unfortunately, yes. This guy seems like he wants to degrade our entire family.”
That gave them pause before they slowly made their way upstairs.
They entered Mom’s room and locked the door behind them. All three looked around for places to set up their phones. Maria and Sarah had to unlock the door and go back to their rooms to get their phone stands before returning and relocking the door. They set up the phones and removed their clothes.
“He wants us naked from the start, so he gets more action.” Informed Maria bitterly.
Mom took a deep breath and stripped naked. Maria and Sarah looked at their mother. Despite her being 38, and bearing three children, she had kept her figure, thanks mainly to yoga and healthy eating. She sported a trimmed but full pubic bush. They stood behind their phones and started recording. Then the fun began.
The three of them sat side by side on the end of the bed. Mom turned to Sarah, cupped the side of her face with her hand, pulled her close and they started kissing. The wine had relaxed them all and lowered their inhibitions slightly.
Mom dropped her left hand between Sarah’s legs and started rubbing her pussy. Sarah reciprocated by running her fingers through her mother’s bush and tracing her middle finger between her cunt lips. Maria leaned into her mother’s back and started nuzzling her neck. She reached around and started fondling her breasts.
The finger was dry, and so was Mom’s pussy so she broke off their kiss, pulled Sarah’s hand to her mouth and sucked on her finger to moisten it. Then she returned Sarah’s hand to between her legs and resumed kissing her youngest daughter.
Maria began twirling her mother’s nipples between her fingers. She buried her face between Mom’s shoulder blades and covered the alabaster skin with kisses.
Mom broke off her kiss with Sarah and started kissing Maria and playing with her tits. Maria moved her hands to the back of Mom’s head and pulled her closer for a deeper kiss. Sarah moved her attention to her mother’s neck but kept teasing the folds of her lips.
This continued for another minute or so before it was Maria and Sarah’s turn to play tonsil hockey. Mom leaned back slightly to allow their face to meet and pushed their heads together. The two sisters commenced massaging each other’s tits.
Mom started running her hands up and down her daughters’ backs, tracing her fingernails on their spines. Sarah started to squirm and moaned slightly into Maria’s mouth. Mom pushed their faces apart and they shared a three-way kiss, their tongues flickering and dancing together.
Mom got up from the middle, turned and knelt between them. She took turns sucking and licking the ring and forefingers before taking a deep breath and slowly started inserting them into both her daughter’s pussies at the same time.
In and out, in and out, simultaneously massaging their clits with her thumbs. Maria and Sarah started making out again and kneading each other’s breasts. Five minutes, ten minutes, this continued. Despite the fact that she was being forced into this, Mom could feel a little slickness developing in her own pussy. She hadn’t done anything sexual since her loser of a husband left and she began to wonder not if she would cum when her daughters started working on her, but when.
After nearly fifteen minutes her thumbs started to ache, and she looked up at them. She sensed that they were close and whispered loud enough that the phones recording could catch her words.
“Cum for me babies, cum for Mommy!”
Her voice, husky with unrelieved tension, pushed them over the edge. Maria came first, her body stiffening, followed a minute later by Sarah. Mom turned to the camera and licked her juice covered fingers clean. Then she swapped places with Maria on the bed and started kissing Sarah while Maria commenced licking her mother’s vagina.
Maria was surprised to find her mother was already wet and started running her tongue up and down her slick sex. Every couple of minutes the sisters would switch, alternating between making out with their mother and tonguing her pussy. Eventually Mom exploded into Sarah’s mouth and Maria dropped to her knees in front of her and they shared their mother’s fluids with their tongues while she stroked the back of their heads as she fought to catch her breath.
After a minute or two, they all stood up and started exploring each other’s tits with their hand and shared another three-way kiss. Finally, they each turned to their respective phones, smiled and waved before moving behind their phones and switching off the recording and sending the videos to their blackmailer.
Immediately, they rushed to their clothes and got dressed, avoiding each other’s eyes. It was still early enough in the evening that it would be suspicious enough for them to remain in their rooms, so they all went down to find Devon watching a movie. He glanced curiously at them, then made a show of ignoring them. They sat down and watched the movie before retiring to their respective rooms for the night.
The next day was Wednesday, and as predicted, there was zero conversation on the way to school. As soon as I got in, I went straight to the computer room and assembled my phone to check the videos.
HOLY FUCKING CRAP! This just kept getting hotter and hotter. If I was stupid enough to release all of these together, I would probably be crowned king of the perverts, albeit in a maximum-security prison for the next two hundred years or more.
I sent a single sentence message to each of my sisters,
“Nicely done, instructions to follow.”
To my mom, I sent some instructions.
“Well Mrs Grace, that was an amazing debut, who would have thought that your own daughters could have made you cum so hard. It seems that they inherited being a slut from their mother. As previously mentioned, there is a family member that has so far escaped my attention. Your task for today is…”
I laid out her instructions for corrupting me and timed it to send in twenty minutes. I barely had enough to break down my phone and make it to my first class, which was being taught by Mom.
We were in the middle of discussing the Louisiana Purchase when her phone beeped. She immediately lost her train of thought and stood there for a second before grabbing her phone, getting one of the class to read from the chapter and disappearing into the hallway.
This made everyone curious for a second before the usual mice playing while the cat was away antics began. She came back in a couple of minutes later and resumed the class as if nothing untoward had happened.
As the bell rang, and we were leaving for the next class, she called me back.
“Devon, come see me in my office at lunch time, we need to talk.”
I made the effort to look both curious and concerned and asked…
“Is everything alright Mom?”
“Its fine, just come see me at lunch.”
I could barely wait until lunch time. I knew what was going to happen, and I had to concentrate hard to make it through without busting a nut.
Finally, the lunch bell rang, and I made my way to Mom’s office. My heart was going about 120 bpm, but I did my best to appear normal. When I got there I found out that Mom had the office to herself. I guess she had gotten rid of Mrs. Johnson somehow.
I walked in and Mom asked me to lock the door behind me. I gave her a curious look but complied. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her phone propped up, ready to record the coming action.
“Devon, I want you to listen very carefully to me, don’t shout, and remember, I love you very much”
“Mom,, what is going on? It was weird enough when both of the wonder twins started acting strangely, then you last night as well. I deserve to know if there’s something wrong.”
“That’s what I want to talk to you about. This is not going to be easy to hear, it’s even harder to say, but you need to remain calm. Somehow, a stranger got a hold of pictures of Maria and is using them to blackmail us into doing things for him…”
“Have you gone to the police? You know the Sherrif, his son goes here, surely…”
“Just listen, please! It started with Maria, then he got Sarah involved, and me last night. If those videos got out, we would be ruined, half of our family would go to jail and the other half would be split up and go into foster care.”
“How much does he want?”
“He doesn’t want money; he wants us to perform…acts for his pleasure. Last night, he made your two sisters and I have sex.”
I pretended to be shocked by the revelation, but I immediately thought back to the videos I had watched this morning and got a hard-on. Mom continued,
“Today he wants a video of me performing oral sex on you then you…taking me from behind my desk.”
“No, absolutely not, this is sick, and I won’t be part of it. There must be something else we can do.”
“There isn’t, he’s made that very clear”
“Who’s “he”?”
“We don’t know. But I have to send him the video before the end of lunch, so we need to get started”.
Mom stood up and started to strip off her clothes in front of my astonished eyes. I couldn’t believe that this was working so well, she was willing to debase herself to keep us safe from our “blackmailer”.
As she stood there in here her underwear she gestured to me to stand up.
“Take off your clothes, please darling!” she whispered
I looked around nervously, checking that the blinds were down, and nobody could see before, very reluctantly of course, starting to take off my own clothes. Thankfully, while not an athlete, I was in decent shape. She was naked first and a minute later, so was I. I covered my crotch with my hands before she took me by the arms and led me to the desk. We were turned in profile so that the phone could catch every second of my triumph.
Mom moved my hands away from my erect cock and nodded her head slightly before catching herself. It was average size for my age I guessed, not ever having compared it to others, and circumcised due to a case of phimosis when I was three.
She gently started stroking it up and down before gathering a mouthful of saliva and letting it slowly dribble onto the head. With it moistened to her satisfaction, and mine, she started to jerk me off before slowly licking my shaft from root to tip.
Then she took each of my balls into her mouth and sucked gently on them while continuing to masturbate me. Finally, she took me deep into her hot, wet mouth and buried her nose in my pubes as she worked her tongue on the shaft and gently fondled the balls she had just sucked.
I stared down at the top of her head as it bobbed between my legs, she really could suck cock. I would like to say that I lasted longer, but the situation was so fucking hot I shot my load into her mouth in a couple of minutes.
She must have felt me tensing because she wrapped her lips around the head and sucked every last drop of my load. Without spilling any of my spunk, she turned to face the phone, opened wide to show her mouthful, made a show of swallowing it, and then showed her empty mouth.
I leaned back against the desk, spent for the moment before she turned back to me. She took both of my hand, brought one to her breasts and place the palm against and started massage her tit with it. The other hand she placed between he thighs and started rubbing her pussy on it. I could feel her getting wet
The she leaned in and started French kissing me. She dropped her right hand to my cock, still wet from her blowjob and started rubbing it. Being young and horny, it didn’t take me that long to get hard again.
When she noticed my arousal, she pulled me away from the desk, bent over it and motioned me to come to her. She reached behind her, grabbed my cock and guided it into her waiting pussy.
I was a virgin, and with no experience of anything other that pulling my pudding to porn vids, I found it hard to get into a rhythm. However, she persevered, and we eventually achieved sympatico.
It only took another couple of minutes before I ejaculated inside her. She hadn’t came yet, but she had a little more to do. She knelt before me again and cleaned my cock with her mouth. When she had sucked it clean, she sat on the edge of the desk facing her phone and used her fingers to scoop the cum out of her pussy and into her mouth.
When she had taken as much of it out as she could, she sucked her fingers clean and started to finger herself. She was already turned on and only took a few minutes before she came as quietly as she could.
We both stood there naked and self-conscious. I started to reach for my clothes before she stopped me.
“Look at the camera, wave and smile.”
I did so and she reached for her phone to stop the recording and send the video. Then she told me to get dressed.
“Before the end of school, I need you to download Telegram and give me your handle so I can send it to this creep.”
I said nothing and just nodded, pretending to be embarrassed by what had just happened. She grasped my chin and pulled my face close to hers, this time the kiss was maternal.
“I love you; I don’t want you to doubt that. We will get through this together as a family.”
She had no idea exactly how close a family we were going to become.

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By Relatively Speaking
#Blackmail #Incest #Lesbian #Teen

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I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse