Did the Carer see me Cum! – Exhibitionist & Voyeur

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I guess this is an erotic autobiography, erotic statement, and an erotic account of how things currently are.

I wasn’t sure whether to write about this, as part of this account happened quite a few years ago and, at the time, I just thought I was very lucky and that it was ‘just’ a one off, but there has been a few incidents recently, which made me think that I should probably share my recent and previous experiences.

I had a very big stroke in 2004, when I was forty two, so I am sixty three now. The stroke took away, about ninety percent of my muscle control. I have a bit of movement in my left hand and arm, (hence this) and I suppose I have a teeny tiny bit in my legs and torso. I can’t really speak anymore, well I struggle. I am in an electric wheelchair all day, so I rely on carers. I live on my own, in my own ground floor flat, and have done since June 2007.

Although I am sixty three, I am told that I look (and act) a lot younger, as I ‘try’ to exercise most days, have a full head of ‘wavy’ shoulder length hair, that isn’t very grey. A light stubble. I am very slim, with a very flat tummy. Good skin. I eat incredibly healthily, but very little, just two small meals a day. I eat loads of fruit and vegetables and take vitamins, minerals and supplements. I don’t take any medication anymore, and I am very, very independent. I was quite fit and healthy before the stroke, but now I just take it to another level!

I was quite ually active before my stroke. My girlfriend was Italian and quite ually active too. We would quite often have a threesome with her friend. So ‘this’ stroke was quite a bummer.

I am quite a horny guy and I, regularly, love looking at pornography, especially if it’s a ‘legal’ teen or young woman that’s exceptionally pretty. I download a lot of pictures, and put them on a USB stick, so I can look at them on my TV in the bedroom, when I am in bed. I masturbate most evenings and cum about once a week. I don’t really spurt cum anymore, it sort of oozes/trickles out in small quantities, and when I cum, my body tends to go rigid, then spasm, and I can swallow a lot, especially when I am just about to cum. My penis is about four and-a-half inches when soft, (depending on the weather!) and just over seven and-a-half inches when hard. I am rather horny and quite an exhibitionist with the carers, (two in particular) and I am ‘pretty sure’ that they are aware of this. (One definitely is.) Some of the supplements that I take, ‘can’ enhance my erection, cum load and precum as, being older and a stroke survivor, ‘certain’ things are somewhat compromised. 

I was ‘almost’ caught masturbating in the care home buy a young carer once. I was in bed one evening, with the duvet pushed just below my erect penis, and this carer knocked on my door, pushing the door open almost immediately. I was pulling the duvet back up, just as she came in, and as the head of my bed was right next to the door, she saw my hard penis for a second: ‘Sorry,  did you ring?” I didn’t. “Sorry.” She left.

I have four female carers at the moment, three of them are mid-to-late thirties, and they share the three shifts (One – Get me washed, dressed, up, breakfasted and do the housework.  Two – Get my tea. Three – Put me to bed.) and week between themselves. So at any one ‘shift’ time, one carer is on duty.

I have had quite a few carers over the years, some good, some bad, mostly female. One female carer, (that I employed) stuck with me since late 2008, leaving mid-2022. She started working with me when she was nineteen, and we became close and good friends. She invited me to her wedding when she was in her late twenties. She has had two boys now.

Quite tall and slim, with Ionge mid-blonde hair. A lovely ‘caring’ personality. At the time, her boyfriend who is now her husband, worked away for about six weeks at a time. (Whether that was a contributory factor to ‘The incident’ I don’t know. But it’s worth mentioning.) I suppose she is attractive. (ish) She does have a lovely body though, and in the summer, she tans very easily and shows her lovely, golden brown legs and her ‘flat’ midriff off.

She hadn’t been here long, and she came in about four fifteen once, instead of five, as she had been out and was local to me. As I wasn’t expecting her till five, I was looking at a video on a porn website as she came in! She did apologise. My muscles tend to stiffen up, when I am flustered, and I shake, making the mouse very difficult to control. So she had a good few minutes of ‘porn’ sounds before I was able to close the page. I did apologise, as I was quite embarrassed, she just shrugged it off with an “Ok”. (After that, she would always text me if she was going to be early!)

A good few years before she had kids, after she had been here nearly four years. I remember the incident well, as it was my fiftieth. So she was early twenties. It was late summer, she was working, and came in wearing tight jean shorts, and a very short, tight, white top with a plunging neckline. The ‘cut-off’ jeans really showed her legs off, and as it was a short top, her midriff was showing. Her cleavage was, quite noticeable in this top as well. She did look nice!

When she came in, she leant over slightly to give me a peck on the cheek, and wished me ‘happy birthday’. I could feel the weight of her breasts, on my shoulder, as she did this. She had to lean over, again, to give me a wet shave, and I couldn’t really keep my eyes off her cleavage. (She could probably see what I was gazing at.) I still had the duvet over me, so I was able to ‘subtly’ masturbate whilst she was shaving, and it wasn’t long before my penis went very hard. 

She finished the shave, and went to uncover me. I asked her to give me a few minutes. (Obviously) As she left the room, I pushed the duvet down to just below the top of my thighs, and my erect penis sprang up! I continued to masturbate. I could hear her in the kitchen, as it backs on to my bedroom. I got close to cumming, but I didn’t cum as time was getting on, and cumming would prove awkward for me to clear up anyway. I stopped masturbating, pulled the duvet back up, and called her back in when it was ‘reasonably’ safe to do so.

As she came back in the bedroom, I couldn’t help but notice that she was braless, as the tight top really accentuated the pertness of her breasts.

She uncovered me, and proceeded to give me a bed-wash. My penis was still a little swollen from before, and as she was giving me a bed-wash, which I have each morning, my penis started swelling, quite significantly and quickly. 

Her nipples started pushing through the fabric of her top, which confirmed that she was ‘obviously’ braless.

My penis was lying across my left thigh, and as she washed it and seeing her nipples go hard, I went quite hard as well, and my penis was now lying at more of an upwards angle. My heart was pumping, and now my penis started rising with every heartbeat. I also kept doing a very nervous swallow/gulp.

By the time I had asked her to give me a few minutes, my penis was fully erect, and now pointing up towards my face. It really swelled and strained right up, and I could feel that I was about to cum!

She put the flannel back in the bowl, which was on my wheelchair, to her left. Just as she was turning to walk out I, sort of, made a very quiet ‘swallowy’ gulp, I held my breath for a moment, and my feet pointed, my legs went rigid and tight.

My penis dipped and started pulsing, and my whole body went rigid. Luckily, nothing came out on that first pulse, as I am quite sure she would have witnessed me cumming. She had just started to walk out the room, as cum started to pulse out, and drip down onto my tummy.

I don’t know if she saw me actually cum. She definitely heard me make a noise, saw my legs go tight, and my feet point. So I am pretty sure she knew I was cumming. I masturbated the rest of the cum out, as she left the room. 

I managed to clean up my cum with my fingers, sucking and licking the cum off. To be honest, there wasn’t really that much. When my erection had died down, I called her back in the bedroom. (I presume she could smell ‘cum’.) She continued getting me washed and dressed. My penis did swell, quite a bit again, but not to the extent as it did before. She never wore that top again. 

Looking back, it was a very fortunate situation,  although I was nervous at the time.

(Nothing has happened like that since, until the other week!)

I have replayed that scenario, in my head, over and over again! Through the years, when I am in bed, I have regularly fantasied about her, looked at her picture, (That I downloaded from ‘facebook’) masturbated and cum! (I did that night.)

She, originally, did five days, but cut this down to three, after her first maternity leave in 2017. When she came back after that maternity leave, something ‘hormonal’ must of changed, as my penis would start swelling, significantly, every time she gave me a bed-wash. During that first week, I had to ask her to give me a few minutes, each of her three morning’s, as my penis became fully engorged and started to twitch it’s way up. She was always professional and courteous, leaving me and my full erection to calm down.

I, originally, just put it down to her being away, but the same thing happened the next week, and the following week. (I guess she was used to me getting a full erection in front of her by now!) On her last day of her third week back, I was a bit concerned that my erection, may cause offence. So I spoke to her after breakfast, explaining that I couldn’t help getting an erection in front of her as she washed me. She just told me not to worry about it, as she was ok with it, but if I felt a bit embarrassed, she would cover it up. (I wasn’t, so she didn’t.)

After that, my penis would swell significantly each time she gave me a bed-wash, and sometimes it would swell so much that it would start to lift. These were the mornings that I would ask her for a few minutes. So she had, about, three/four years of seeing me with an erection. She has left now, to go to college as a mature student, but we text, and we still remain good friends.

It was a bit upsetting when she left, as she had been with me for such a long time, knew me ‘personally’ so well, and appealed to me ‘ually’. (I still fantasize about her, masturbate and cum, even though she left just over two years ago.)

After she left, I had two or three months of very unreliable carers, but I did eventually employ a ‘fairly reliable’ carer. She had a good friend that was also keen to come and work for me, and she did. Both a little overweight, in their late thirties. Both mid-blondes with longish hair, and both quite a laugh!

I employed another carer, about a year ago now. In late November 2023. She is mid-thirties, fairly attractive, shoulder length, mid-blonde, hair. I suppose she’s a tiny bit overweight, but as she’s quite tall, you don’t really notice it.

We hit it off straight away. Despite the age gap, we realised that we had a deep connection, and after a few weeks, we were texting each other quite a lot. She’s happily married with three children but, boy, were our texts flirty. Then after a week or so of these ‘flirty’ texts, we went even more ‘risqué’, and our texts became quite explicit, for a good week. I originally text that I had been ‘busy doing man things during the night, and her reply was ‘Ooooh did u get a hardon n cum?’ I was then texting words like ‘pussy’ and ‘cum’ and that I would like to feel her pussy around my cock! (I sent her a picture of my hard cock!) She was saying about my hard cock and cum shots, and that she had masturbated over me! (She sent me a selfie of her on the bed in underwear!) I did feel embarrassed when she came into work that week, but she was fine, and just said that I was being silly about it.

As I said, this went on for a good week. Then she text and explained that she’s happily married, with a family, and what we were doing was wrong. She said that we do have a deep connection, and if things were different, who knows. So we should ‘just’ be good friends. I agreed. (Reluctantly.)

We are good friends now, and we don’t text each other, half as much as we used to, and those texts are not the slightest bit flirty. She has bought me quite a few gifts, a honey jar/pot, (as I get through quite a bit of honey.) a new kitchen bin. (As she thought mine was tatty.) From her house, loads of gardening stuff, cat stuff, kitchen stuff, bedding, treats and food. She’s always bringing me in slices of cheesecake. (I love cheesecake.) We laugh a lot, and she’s always teasing me. I have bought her things as well. I have text her about how much I appreciate her friendship and enjoy her company, and she has text that she’s happy about that. 

Every morning I have a bed-wash, but I also have some ‘muscle rub cream’ massaged into my thighs, for a couple of minutes, to alleviate stiffness. My penis has normally swollen a bit from the bed-wash. The ‘friend’ carer, and another one of the girls, tend to ‘just’ nudge/hit the very tip of my penis, causing it to swell quite considerably. I don’t ask them to leave me, unless my penis goes quite hard and starts to lift.

The other week when the ‘friend’ was working, my penis was already quite swollen, after she had done the bed-wash. She started massaging the cream into my thighs, and ‘accidentally’ bumping the very tip of my swelling penis, which was lying on my left thigh, so when she had finished, my penis was quite hard and lifting. I asked her for a minute.

Now, my bathroom is ‘sort of’ En-suite, but the doorway is at an angle, so when the door is open, it blocks the hallway off, well most of it. There’s still a gap of about one foot from the door end to the hallway wall. From where I am in bed, I can just see the hallway wall. I can’t see through that gap.

Anyway, back to my erection. She left the room, my penis was fully erect by now. I heard her in the kitchen, and then silence. I can’t be sure, but I am pretty sure she was looking at my erection through that gap, as I couldn’t see her, but she could probably see the bottom half of me.

I was so excited. My penis swelled even more. I moved my hand down to my penis, and started masturbating, thinking and hoping that I was being watched. I continued to masturbate, then I heard a cupboard door open, and the ‘clank’ of crockery. It went quiet  again. I murmured her name just as a tiny bead of precum emerged from my penis. I must have been masturbating for a good five minutes. She ‘must’ have been watching me, and I wondered if she was touching herself. I started swallowing and murmured her name. My legs went stiff, my feet pointed and as I came, I murmured her name again. I did a tiny squirt of cum, (about an inch)) and the rest just oozed out, dripping down on to my tummy. When I had stopped cumming, I could hear her in the kitchen again. 

I did my best to clean up my cum with my fingers, licking/sucking it off between cleans, but I couldn’t do anything about the ‘cummy’ smell.

I called her back in after a few minutes, and she just carried on and got me dressed.
