Dark School – Chapter 1

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#Abuse #Blackmail #Lesbian #Teen

By Assyla

I start at my new school, and find out all is not as it seems.

This is the story of how I started at an all girls boarding school in England. My name is Alyssa Chambers. I started at the school (which I won’t name for reasons that will become obvious) when I was 13, in the 3rd year. Before that, I’d had a pretty normal education in a state secondary school. My parents transferred me to the new school because my Mum had inherited some money, and they wanted me to get a “better” education. I was not happy about this, and I moaned and sulked about it all through the summer, which made my parents angry. They called me selfish and ungrateful. I said I just wanted to stay with my friends at my old school, but they didn’t really care about what I wanted.
I’m fairly tall and people say I’m pretty. I have blonde hair (on the darker side) and grey blue eyes. My boobs have developed nicely, and I’d say I have a pretty nice body, even if I do say so myself.
The first day was so hard, because the girls at the school were pretty snobbish. I didn’t really fit in, since my parents weren’t rich like the other girls. But, even though all the girls in my year already knew each other, I made a few friends over the first few days.
After my parents dropped me off, the headmaster, Mr Fitzroy, introduced me to a girl called Katie, who seemed to know everyone, and was something of a queen bee type of person. She looked down on me from the get go, and I took an instant dislike to her. I wasn’t exactly sad when she ditched me to find my own way around the school, after showing me where I’d be boarding – room 4B.
I carried my bag into room 4B, which was just big enough to fit four single beds, four chests of drawers, a large cupboard and two small hand basins with mirrors above. There was a big window that looked out over a small lawn and a thick dark wood at the far end of the room, with wooden shutters.
There was only one other girl in the room when I got there. She’s called Sarah, and I liked her as soon as we started talking. She had straight black hair down past her shoulders, big brown eyes and a funny snorty laugh that was really infectious. She came from a well off family, her accent was as posh as it comes, but unlike most of the other girls at the school, she wasn’t snobby in the least. She talked to me with an openness and acceptance that was just what I needed as the new girl.

“Wow, I can’t believe Katie just dumped you here like that. Honestly, Alyssa, she’s a mega-bitch. But don’t worry hun, I’ll show you around when you’ve finished unpacking,” she said.
“Thanks!” I replied. “Honestly I just need to know the basics. This place has a real Hogwarts vibe, y’know? Like, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that the stairs move whenever they feel like it.”
Sarah rolled on her back on the bed and did one of her snorty laughs. “Oh my god, I know right!” she said. “But don’t worry, you’ll be fine after a little while. It took me a couple of weeks to work it out but I’m not exactly Einstein, if y’know what I mean!”
I gave her a look and rolled my eyes, smiling. She laughed, laying on her bed and kicking her legs randomly in the air playfully.
“I can’t wait for you to meet the other two girls, Zainab and Emma. It’s gonna be such fun in here having you with us,” she said.
“Yeah! So,” I asked her, “was it just you and the other two in here last year?”
“Mhmm,” she agreed. “After Lucy moved to the South Wing.”
“What? What’s that? Why did she have to move?” I asked, curious.
Sarah sighed. “She didn’t have to move. She was really lucky. The South Wing is really nice. Big single rooms with en-suite bathrooms. I wish I was over there.”
“So… why aren’t you? Why is she over there? How come she gets a big room but we have to share?”
Sarah shrugged. “I dunno to be honest. She never said.”
“So, one day she just moved out suddenly?” I asked.
“Yep. But it’s OK. We have you now!”

A little later I met Zainab and Emma. They both seemed pretty nice, but we had nothing really in common.
That first day at the school had no lessons. It was a Sunday, and it was the day for everyone to move back into the school after the summer break.
That night I cried myself to sleep, I felt so homesick.

The next day was a shock to the system, having to wake up at 6:30am. We had to all get dressed in our uniforms, all four of us changing together in that small room. Then we had to go to the hall for breakfast at 7am. The breakfast was pretty good, to be honest. I sat with Sarah, and got to meet a few of the other girls. At 7:45am we were sent back up to our dorms, to clean up, brush teeth and get ready for lessons which started at 8:30am.
Lessons were no different really to the ones I got in my old school, except that class sizes were so different. In my old school, there were never less than 28 students in a class, but here there were only about 10.
It was an all girl school, but that didn’t extend to the teachers, who were mostly male.
In the afternoons after lessons, we did sports. Our teacher for sports was a man called Mr Phillips. He seemed pretty nice to be honest. I liked sports in general and was pretty good at it. But after a day of lessons, followed by several hours of sports, I was exhausted.
After we had finished with the sports lesson, we were sent to shower and change. There was a big communal changing area and communal showers, which the other girls were totally fine about using together, but which I was totally not used to. Eventually I took the plunge and stripped off and showered with everyone else. To be honest it was quite sexy. Seeing all the naked flesh on show was quite exciting.
That evening, we got to watch movies in the common room. It was quite nice, but I started feeling really homesick, so I went to bed early, crying myself to sleep again.

A few weeks of this went by. I started getting used to it, just about. I have never found school easy. So each day, after 6 hours of lessons, followed by an hour or more of sport, I was exhausted. But as time went by I started to build up some stamina.
I started to notice that I was getting hornier and hornier. Usually I would just masturbate a few times each week to keep my arousal at bay. But here at the school, I had no privacy. In bed at night I could finger myself a little but it was pretty impossible to make myself cum without alerting anyone. After three weeks without cumming, I was desperate.
That evening after sport, I was last into the showers. As usual I checked out the girls naked around me which sent me crazy with lust. I washed myself all over, including my tits and pussy, which felt so sensitive to the touch. Eventually I found myself alone in the shower area. I could hear the other girls’ voices as they got changed. I took the opportunity to finger myself, even letting out little moans of pleasure, knowing they would be masked by the sound of the water.
I have never been able to make myself cum stood up. But even so I felt like I was getting pretty close.
Then I heard the last few voices trail off into the distance. I looked around the corner to see the changing area was empty.
I snuck out, quickly laid on one of the benches for changing, and fingered myself to one of the best orgasms i have ever felt. Honestly, the longer you wait between cumming, if you can, the better it feels when you eventually do.
I sucked the juices off my fingers, cleaned myself up with a tissue, then quickly got dressed and ran back to the main building for dinner.

A few days later I made sure I was last to the showers once more and made the most of the privacy afterwards to finger myself to orgasm again.

The day afterwards I got up, got dressed as usual, and found that I was starting to feel at home at the school. I had some pretty nice friends, I was working hard, training myself to get fitter, and realised that the routine of the school was pretty reassuring and stable.
At breakfast, I was given a note by a teacher which told me the headmaster wanted to talk to me about how I was settling in, and that I should go this morning before lessons.
I quickly finished my bowl of cereal and ran to his office.
I knocked on the door, and heard a voice call “Come in!”, so I entered.
“Hello Sir, I got your note. You wanted to see me?” I said.
“Yes, Miss Chambers, could you please lock the door,“ he replied. “I wanted to hear how you are settling in?”
“I’m settled in nicely, thanks Sir,” I replied, after clicking the lock closed.
“I see. Good, good,” he replied, looking at me and stroking his chin. “Well, I’m pleased to hear that. I have heard and seen good things about you, Alyssa.”
“You have, Sir?”
“Yes, young lady, I have.”
“Wow, thanks Sir. I didn’t know.”
Mr Fitzroy smiled and looked at me. “You are a very beautiful young lady, you know.”
“I-I am?” I stammered.
“Yes. Now come and sit down here. I have a proposal to give you,” he said, pointing to the chair in front of his desk.
I did as I was told, and sat in front of him.
“Now, Alyssa, I believe you probably already have heard of our special student accommodation in the South Wing?”
“Y-yes Sir?” I replied, enquiringly.
“Well, I would like to offer you a place in one of our South Wing rooms,” he said.
“You would, Sir? Thank you, b-but why?” I asked.
“Because, young lady, I believe you are just the kind of girl we are looking for.”
“I don’t understand…”
“Let me explain. You are being offered this highly sought after room, because I believe you have a lot to offer the school. And me and the teachers in particular.” he said. “You can have the room for the entirety of your studies at this school, free of charge, if you perform certain favours for me and the other teachers.”
“Favours?” I asked. “What kind of favours?”
He sighed. “Sexual favours.”
“W-what? S-Sir, I think I should go-” I began.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Alyssa,” he said, handing me a letter.
I looked at the sheet he’d handed me, panicking and confused. It read:

Dear Mr and Mrs Chambers,

It is with sincere regret that I have to inform you that it was brought to my attention earlier this week that your daughter, Alyssa Chambers, was caught in acts of sexual impropriety on school property, on two separate occasions.
As you know, this is against the rules of the school. As such, and in accordance with the terms and conditions which were made available to you when you applied for your daughter’s attendance at this school, I am sorry to say that I have had no choice but to expel your daughter with immediate effect.

Please come and collect your daughter as soon as it is convenient for you to do so.

Yours faithfully,

Sir Steven Fitzroy MBE

I stared at the letter in a panic. If my parents received this letter, they would be so disappointed in me. I couldn’t think straight.
“S-sexual improp-, impropr-? What do you mean?” I asked, unable to pronounce, let alone understand, the word.
Mr Fitzroy smirked and turned on the TV screen on the wall behind me, and I turned around to see it. The screen was huge, taller than I was. On it, a video started playing. It showed a nude girl, me, in very high definition. It was a video recording of me in the changing room a few days ago. It showed me fingering myself. It even zoomed in on my pussy. You could see every single one of my light blonde pubic hairs. I could hear my moans of pleasure as I made myself cum. It showed me sucking the cum from my fingers.
“Well, now I think you understand,” he said. “You can either accept my offer, have the special room in the South Wing, with the space to masturbate like that as much as you want without needing to resort to doing it in the changing room, or, you can leave the school with immediate effect, in disgrace, with that video being sent to a huge number of people all over the world who love to see videos like that.”
I couldn’t believe how suddenly my whole world was being turned inside out. I was just getting used to the school. I was just beginning to feel like I was fitting in. When all of a sudden I was being blackmailed.
“Please Sir, I won’t tell anyone about this… I just want to stay in 4B and not be expelled,” I begged him.
He shook his head. “Come here. If you want to stay at this school with your reputation intact, have a special room all to yourself, all you need to do is suck my cock. Right now.”
I took a step closer as he glared at me. “B-but…”
“No buts, Miss Chambers. You have two options. Choose now,” he said.
I watched in horror as he unzipped his suit trousers and took out his dick. It was the first time I’d seen a dick in real life. I felt like I had no choice but to obey him. So I stepped up to him, standing there embarrassed as he slid his trousers down.
“On your knees,” he ordered.
I did as I was told, kneeling before the man in his 40s, with his semi-erect dick in front of my face.
“Good girl,” he said. “Open wide.”
He put his hand on the back of my head and guided me down to his cock. With his other hand he guided the tip into my mouth.
And so I started sucking his cock. My first blowjob. He used his hand to guide me up and down, but I’d seen enough porn to know roughly how to do it.
I choked and gagged on it, because he kept thrusting it deeper into my mouth than I could handle.
He slipped my blazer off my shoulders and loosened my tie, then unbuttoned my shirt, to reveal my small A-cup boobs, not contained in any bra. He grabbed them roughly and pulled my hair to take his cock from my mouth.
“You’re a virgin, Miss Chambers?”
I nodded and wiped the saliva from my mouth.
“Good. I always love virgins. Bend over the desk. Now.”
“B-but Sir-” I began to protest.
“Just do it, Alyssa. I’m not going to take your precious virginity. Not yet, anyway.”
I blushed and did as he told me, bending over at the waist, with my boobs touching the desk.
He hungrily lifted my skirt up over my arse to reveal my underwear. They were pink, and he laughed evilly when he saw that they were darkened by juices from my pussy.
“Little slut. You’re enjoying it, aren’t you?”
I couldn’t deny that I was quite turned on. Though at the same time I felt humiliated and powerless. So instead of agreeing, I said nothing.
He tugged the underwear down to my ankles and roughly spanked my arse cheeks. I yelped in pain, he laughed and spanked me some more.
“I said, you’re enjoying this, aren’t you, slut?” he demanded again.
I decided I had no choice but to agree. “Y-yes sir.”
He spread my arse cheeks to look at my arse hole and pussy. “Mmm look at these virgin holes… Just begging to be fucked and used.”
He stuck his tongue in my arse hole, then proceeded to lick my pussy. I let out an involuntary moan, which made him laugh. He poked his index finger in my arse and his middle finger in my pussy and started to move them in and out while I moaned uncontrollably. I had never been fingered by another person before, let alone in my arse, so the sensation was completely new. I could feel my body reacting, my orgasm building. Soon I was cumming loudly on his fingers.
He tugged his fingers from my holes and pushed them into my mouth. “Suck.”
I sucked obediently, tasting the familiar flavour of my pussy, mixed with the new flavour of my arse hole.
Once he was satisfied I’d cleaned his fingers, he began to rub his dick over my pussy.
“S-Sir, please don’t take my virginity,” I squeaked.
“Quiet, girl. I told you I’m not taking your virginity today.”
I kept quiet, and instead of sliding his dick into my pussy, he just gripped my arse cheeks and rubbed his cock back and forth on my wet pussy. He pushed my arse cheeks together and rubbed his dick back and forth between my cheeks.
A minute later I could hear he was getting closer to cumming, and next thing I knew, I gasped as I felt him cumming all over my pussy and arse cheeks.
He grabbed some tissues and passed some to me and told me to clean myself up as he wiped cum from his dick.
I got my uniform straightened out and sat quietly as he did the same to his suit.
“Now, Alyssa, before you go,” he said, “I hope you know that you cannot talk about anything we have just done or discussed in this room, to anyone. If you do, that letter will be going straight to your parents. From this office, I can see and hear everything. You understand?”
I nodded obediently.
“Good. Now, I have sent your teachers for this morning a message that excuses you from their lessons. You will go to your dorm room and fetch your things. You will have it all packed by 9:30 am sharp.”
I nodded.
“Then, you will be met by Olivia, one of our 5th year girls in the South Wing. She will meet you at your dorm and show you to your new room.”
“Uh-okay,” was all I could say.
“Good girl, Alyssa. I can tell that you will be an asset to our South Wing group. You may leave.”

As I walked from his office back to my dorm, my mind was racing. How had this happened? Was I some sort of sex slave now? I trembled with fear at the thought of having to explain to my parents how I had been expelled from school so soon. What would Mr Fitzroy make me do? Why had he insisted on giving me my own room in the South Wing?

My dorm was empty when I got there. The others had already left for their classes. I looked at the clock. It was already 9:10am. So I hurried to pack all of my clothes, toiletries and books back in my suitcase.
By 9:25 I was finished. I looked at some paper on Sarah’s bedside table and thought about writing her a note to explain whatvwas happening. But then Mr Fitzroy’s warning rang back through my head: “… you cannot talk about anything we have done or discussed in this room, then anyone… From this office I can see and hear everything.”
Was he watching me right at that moment? I looked around for any sign of a camera, but couldn’t see any anywhere.

There was a knock on the door.
I opened the door to the dorm to see a tall blonde 5th year girl with a broad smile, bright white teeth and big tits.
“Hey,” she said smiling, “I’m Olivia. Are you Alyssa?”
“That’s me,” I said, awkwardly.
“Cool! Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, I guess. Are you a South Wing girl too?” I asked.
“Yes! Since the first year!” she said smiling.
“So… How did you become a South Winger?”
Her smile faltered and she looked around. “I- I have been a South Winger since the first year.”
“Oh. Okay then.”
“C’mon, I need to show you to your new room.”

I followed Olivia through the school, away from the dorms, past classrooms filled with students, then down some stairs and along a corridor lined with windows which looked out on a thick woodland on each side.
We went through some double doors and came to a corridor which went either left or right. In front of us was a sign in big letters which read “South Wing”. Below that, and to the left was a sign with an arrow which read “Rooms 1-15 + Common Room”. And to its right was a similar sign which just read “Rooms 16-30”.
Olivia took me left, past doors with numbers on. She stopped at room 8.
“This is your room,” she said, pushing open the door and turning on the light inside.
“Wow,” I said, my eyes staring at the huge bed. It was bigger than a double bed. Probably a King size.
There was ample room to move around inside, despite the huge bed. There was a TV, a sofa, and through a door there was a large en-suite bathroom.
“This is… huge,” I said.
Olivia nodded. “You already have a task, by the way.”
“A task?” I asked.
Olivia nodded. “Yeah. We get tasks. Look.” She pointed to my new bedside table, where a green piece of card was laying.
I picked up the card, turned it over and my heart started beating hard and fast.
The card just said:

You will have sex with Olivia

I gulped and showed the card to Olivia.
“Oh okay cool,” she said, and climbed on the bed.
“So… We just…?” I began.
She nodded. “Yup,” she whispered, “They’ll want us to do it right now. It said ‘Now’, so come here.”
I followed her to the bed. “A-are ‘they’ watching right now?”
“Shh!” she said, and kissed me suddenly. I kissed her back, and let her take control.
She pinned me down on the bed and kissed me deeply, grinding her body against mine. Her big tits pressed hard against my small ones. I spread my legs under the pressure of her grinding. Her pelvis was grinding against my pussy through my underwear, and soon I was getting very horny and wet, grinding back against her.
Her hand forced its way between my legs and soon she was fingering me skillfully as I gasped and moaned into her kisses.
I grabbed at her boobs and unbuttoned her shirt. She had a light pink bra on, containing her D-cup tits. I tugged her shirt off and unclipped her bra. Her tits were magnificent. I grabbed and squeezed them and teased her nipples. I could tell she liked it by her moans. I was moaning too as she fingered my wet pussy with two fingers.
I moaned loudly and swore when I felt my pussy convulsing as I started cumming.
I gasped in pleasure as she sucked her fingers clean and said “Mmm, yummy”. I could tell that whatever this “South Wing” thing was, Olivia had been in it for years and knew just how to behave like a slut to survive.
I decided to play along, and said “Mmm my turn to taste you.” I pushed her back onto her back, pulled her underwear down to her ankles and spread her legs. She was completely shaved. I leaned down and had my first taste of another girl’s pussy. She tasted not unlike my own, but different enough. I licked and sucked her clit and pushed a finger inside her pussy. She was nowhere near as tight as I was, so I added a second and then a third finger, and fucked her with them, listening to her moans to judge what she liked and didn’t.
In the end, licking and sucking her clit while fucking her with my fingers made her cum hard and messily. I think she squirted, because afterwards there was a big wet patch on the duvet.
We both laid there panting for a minute.
Then, Olivia said, “Come on, we have classes soon.”
I got up and pulled my underwear back up, tidied my hair and washed my hands. All I could smell on myself was pussy, but I hoped no one else would notice. Olivia did the same, getting dressed and tidying herself up in my new big mirror.
“Come on,” she said, as if the moment of passion between us had never happened. I suppose it never did happen, really. It was all pretend… wasn’t it?

End of chapter 1.
Chapter 2 will follow soon

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By Assyla
#Abuse #Blackmail #Lesbian #Teen

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Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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