Dare Ring Ch. 01 Group

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It began like a usual party. It was organized by Emily, in her house, on Saturday. It was meant to celebrate her twentysecond birthday. She convinced her parents to leave us youngsters alone. They have a really nice house. Emily’s dad is a manager in one big IT company and the family has a lot of money. So, the parents left to cottage they have near the sea, leaving Emily alone to greet the thirty guests. They would have stayed away for at least three days. The first guests came by 8 pm. Stylish clothes, music at notsohigh volume (to avoid complaints from the neighbours), alcohol without drunkenness… for short, your average boring birthday party.

At midnight the party ended already. Emily had told of this early ending before the party even began. She was busy with her college exams, and she couldn’t wake up too late, as that would mess up with her study routine. Everyone understood, duty is duty. So, by a quarter to midnight the first guests started to leave. Some stayed a bit longer to help Emily clean the remains. As guests, they had no duty about it, but they knew Emily would have to do everything by herself the following day, and they didn’t feel it was right to leave this burden to her. And so, the house was cleaned: the plastic plates and bowls, that contained chips and pizza slices but were now empty, were thrown into the trash bin. By midnight and a half, the last of the thirty guests seemed ready to leave. There were just ten of us when the birthday party closed… and the real party began. And everything started with John saying, with an unsecure voice: “Are you really on board?”

Let me explain. My name is Thomas, I know Emily since we were children. She is one of my closest friends, maybe even the best friend among all the people I know, both female and male. And most of my friends are from Emily’s circle, anyway. I believe in friendship between man and woman, and I had no problem in sharing this beautiful friendship with her while we both lived our romantic relationships with other people. She had become a constant of my life and of my acquaintances. For me, she is just like any male friend. I recognize she is a beautiful girl, but for me she has no ual value. She is like a sister and the simple idea of a ual intercourse with her is unthinkable for me. I could have some interest in her female friends, but recently I found a girlfriend outside Emily’s circle. The relationship with this girl lasted two years, but, for reasons I don’t want to recall, by the time of Emily’s birthday party we had broke up. I felt really sad the first days after the breakup. Two years are two years, after all. My mood healed rapidly though: I’m young, and even if I was not looking for another girl, I wanted to enjoy life.

And so, there was the party. John, my second best friend (after Emily) and Emily’s second best friend (after me), informed me of the event. We were hanging around and we were alone near the park that day, when he said: “Do you know about Emily’s birthday?”

“The birthday? That’s in a week, right? Have you a gift in mind?”

“No, the point is… Emily told me to tell you something…”


“A thing she is organizing…” He is so rare to see John being embarrassed and dragging it out.

“So, what’s the matter?”

“She is organizing an erotic party after the birthday’s one.”


“It’s truth,” he says, with a face more serious than at a funeral.

“But why would she tell you?”

“She invited me to take part.”

“Uh… I know she was after you!”

“Tom, it’s a party. I will not be the only one.”

“Who she invited then?”

“She wanted I was the one telling you because she said you wouldn’t have believed this otherwise… but you are among the guests.”

John is not the kind of guy who usually tells preposterous bullshit. He tells his jokes, but when he is joking it’s always obvious. And now it was clear he was serious. But I immediately thought it was a prank. Emily inviting me to an erotic party after her twentysecond birthday party. And the invisible pink unicorn shits rainbows, I guess. But I feel the doubt and I don’t want to charge John of being a moron without being perfectly sure.

“Can I call her?” I ask him.

“As you wish.”

I called her: “Hi, Emily!”

“Hi, Tommy! How is it going?”

“I’m hanging around with John.”

“Has he told you of the ‘special’ party? It will be incredible, you will see…” I never heard that voice from her, a mix between childish excitement and ual excitement. She continued: “The guests of the birthday party will be around thirty, but for the special party we’ll be just ten. There will be six girls, it will be the funniest experience in your life. I will make you forget your ex!”

I closed the call as soon as I can and, in my mind, a new defensive mechanism activated. I now knew the thing was real (it is too elaborate for a causal prank), but I started to think that it is one of those projects which remain project only and that, in actuality, nothing special would have come out of that birthday party. In that moment, I imagined myself surrounded by six girls and, returned home, I gave myself an handjob or two on that fantasy, but deep down I knew this was just a fantasy.

During the actual birthday party, no one talked of anything weird. If Emily has really organized something, the others must have forgotten, just like I did. I was convinced of the “I have to study” thing, and I have in program to hang out with John after the party, as I don’t want to conclude the partying at midnight and a half. But then, when the cleaning is finished and I intended to leave, John says the fateful sentence: “Are you really on board?”

I immediately recalled that repressed thought, the ‘special’ party. I looked around: we are in the main hall, ten of us. Emily, Sarah, John, Jessica, Nancy, David, Amanda, Charlotte, Maximilian (Max), and myself. Six girls, as foretold. My heart started pounding. A feeling I haven’t had in a while.

“Obviously! You aren’t going anywhere!” said Emily passionately.

“What do you have in mind, precisely?” asked David, worried.

“I have a plan. Everything has been set. You just have to trust me” said Emily with growing staunchness. Then: “Only if you want, obviously.”

“I really want to know what’s your plan,” said Max. I shared his desire.

“The only ones who know something are John and Jessica. But just the organization. The dares… well, only I know the dares.”

“Dares? So, it is a really detailed plan!” said Amanda with some irony in her voice.

“What do you think of me? I’m a master planner! Now I will explain everything. But, before that, make a circle, sit on the ground.”

We obeyed. The room we are in is the main hall of the villa. It is a large room and there is enough space at the centre for everyone to take a seat on the ground. It is a bit weird to see some of Emily’s friends, Amanda and Sarah, usually so picky, sitting down on the floor without any complaint. I think the general sentiment at this point was curiosity. A curiosity veiled by ironic scepticism. I still believed the think would have concluded without anything relevant happening. My expectations weren’t high. I surely didn’t think I was in the position of doing anything remotely ual with Emily or her friends. They were simply out of my reach. Emily told us to sit with all the girls on one side and all the guys on the other. Starting from Emily’s position, the clockwise order is the following: Sarah, Nancy, Charlotte, Amanda, David, John, myself, and Max being just near Emily, closing the circle. A free place has been left between Emily and Sarah to make space for Jessica, who has left the room on Emily’s orders. When Emily seated down, Jessica entered the room brining a wicker basket with a red cloth on top so that the inside was concealed.

“The rules are simple. Each turn, starting from me and going on clockwise, each of us draws a leaflet from the basket until there are no more leaflets. Each leaflet has a dare written on top that the drawing person has to fulfil. When the leaflets are finished, Jessica will go in the other room to fill the basket with next turn leaflets. Every turn there are twenty leaflets, so two dares each. The entire game is six turns. The first turns is an exception because it is just ten leaflets and its only purpose is to break the ice: the dares are just questions the drawing person has to answer” Emily explained.

Now I understood this thing was not a joke and my cognitive defences collapsed. ‘It is true then: I’m going to get laid with Emily’s friends… and with Emily herself. What’s more, we are going to fuck them together, as it will be an orgy’, I thought. I cannot even describe how this thought felt like. I thought this was impossible. Some of the girls would have had to laugh. Emily should have made a fool of herself.

“Sorry, but I don’t want people going away without advice. You all are free not to comply to a dare if you really don’t want to, but I would prefer that, if you decide to play, you at least try to play to the fullest.”

No one laughed. No one asked what the dares would be about. All the girls just nodded with some embarrassment… and desire. And so, the game started.
