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#Abuse #Blackmail #Incest #Mature
By Kiarra
I’m trying to get this down before Jackie and the girls are up. Holy shit…what a morning so far! I followed my usual Saturday morning routine and was up and into the shower early. I knew everyone else was still in bed and I would have some quiet time. I showered as usual, turned off the water, reached out for my towel and got mostly dried. When I opened the frosted shower door to exit and finish drying, I was greeted with quite a surprise. “Good morning, Daddy Frank!” said Amber, who I was in no way expecting to see in my bathroom. “Amber!” I said, in shock. I spoke quietly, well aware that Jackie was asleep on the other side of the door from the bedroom to the master bath. I figured Amber must have come in the other door, which enters that bathroom from the hallway.
I was pretty sure she hadn’t entered through my bedroom! “What the hell are you doing here?” She gave me one of the wicked smiles that only Amber can give. I hadn’t seen Amber but a few brief times since the previous weekend, when Amber, her dad Peter, my daughter Dylan and I had fallen into a wild game of Truth-or-Dare which resulted in a variety of sexual activities. The fun included me having some contact with Amber and Peter having some with Dylan. And finally, it ended with both Peter and I actually fucking our own daughters. My mind raced through the events and tried to figure out what Amber was doing here
“I wanted to see you, Daddy Frank, ” she said with a precocious grin. “Did you sleep here?” I asked. “Nope, ” she replied. “Well, Amber, ” I said, “How did you get in?” “My mom and dad have a key to your house, ” she said. “Just like you guys have to ours.” She said this as matter-of-factly as if I had asked her whether or not it was raining outside. “Does Dylan or anyone know you’re here?” I inquired. She shook her head. I noticed that Amber was wearing a dark blue hooded sweatshirt which was long enough on her that it hung halfway to her knees like a dress. At this point I also noticed something else. “What did you do to your hair?” Amber’s long blond hair had been cut much shorter. As soon as I asked the question, I wondered why it mattered at this particular point in time. “I cut it and streaked it! Do you like it?” she said with a big grin and a shake of her head. “Yes, Amber, ” I replied. “It’s adorable. Now why are you here? And why are you in here with me?” “You never did it to me, ” Amber said quietly. “Amber, Honey, ” I said. “I never did what to you?” “When you and my daddy and Dylan and me were playing last weekend, ” she replied. “You never did it to me.”
My mind raced to the wild night the four of us had just a week ago. I had certainly not forgotten, but the busyness of the week had prevented much more than late night thoughts about what had happened. I had done a lot of things…a few I never expected, with people I never expected to do them with. This included making love to my own daughter. I did things with Amber too, but… She could tell I was thinking hard. “You never fucked me!” “I, what?” I inquired. “Amber, I…” “You fucked my tits, ” she reminded me, as if I needed reminding. I had dreamt of Amber’s incredible boobs for several years and getting my dick between them was surely one of the highlights of my sexual life. “My daddy fucked me. You fucked Dylan. But you never fucked me.” “Amber, Sweetie, ” I said, sounding and feeling confused, “I guess you’re right.
But now’s really not the time to talk about it. Everyone’s asleep. Does Dylan or anyone know you’re here?” She shook her head. “Well Amber, Jackie’s asleep right on the other side of that door behind you. She has no idea what happened last weekend and I’m not ready for her to know. Honey, please go home and we’ll talk about this another time.” Amber stood firm. “I want you to fuck me, Daddy Frank, ” Amber said. She then unzipped her sweatshirt, all the way down. She let it fall from her shoulders to the floor. She was wearing a sheer, light blue top and little panties to match. Even in the urgency of the moment, her amazing body was not lost on me. “I want you inside me.” “Amber, ” I pleaded, “You don’t mean now, do you? Honey we can’t!” I tried to keep my voice down yet still convey my point. “We’ll talk about it later.” “Don’t you want to?” she said with an over-dramatic pouty face for affect. “Amber, ” I said, “I want to.
I absolutely want to do that with you. But I haven’t even been with Dylan again since last weekend.” “Not at all?” she asked. “For real?” It was the truth, that I hadn’t had sex with Dylan again. Actually, the most I had done was to give her a few knowing looks and steal a few kisses and gropes here and there. Once Dylan pinned me against the wall in the pantry and pulled up her shirt so I could kiss her hard little nipples, which drove me crazy. But that was it. “Not besides a few kisses and touches, ” I replied. I remembered that Dylan had been a little jealous of all the attention I paid to Amber when we were together and how much I liked her in general. I thought that perhaps Amber was feeling the same pangs herself. I was a little flattered actually.
However, that didn’t change the fact that my wife was asleep in the next room, Dylan was asleep in hers and the other girls wouldn’t have a clue what was going on if they found me in here with Dylan’s best friend. “Amber, you need to go, O.K.?” “When are you gonna do it to me?” she asked. “I really, really want you to fuck me, Daddy Frank.” Amber then lifted her top to reveal her beautiful, big boobs.
I had masturbated thinking of them many, many times. Last weekend my fantasies were fulfilled when I not only touched and sucked them, but I fucked Amber’s tits and came on them. And Amber knew what power those two beautiful orbs had. She squeezed them together showing incredible cleavage. My dick began to grow. “Amber, ” I said, “I want to do it with you. As soon as we can. But you really need to go before anyone sees you, Sweetie. Send me an email later and we’ll plan a time, O.K.?” Instead of moving toward the door as I had hoped, Amber moved toward me. “O.K., ” she said, looking up, directly into my eyes. I was standing at the edge of the shower, not yet completely dry. She pressed her bare tits against me and pulled me down for a kiss, which I could not resist. While we were kissing, she grasped my penis, which had been growing steadily ever since she unleashed her beautiful breasts. “But I’m gonna do something to make you remember your promise.”
Amber immediately dropped to her knees, kneeling on the bathmat in front of the shower. At once, she lifted my dick to her mouth and began to kiss the head. Before I could even protest, she took the head in her mouth and gently sucked it. She ran a hand along the shaft to guide it further into her mouth. She took it back out and pointed it upward against my stomach. She licked the shaft up and down. I was nearly fully hard within a few seconds. She then kissed and licked my balls, which took care of the rest. I always feel invigorated when I come out of the shower. Today was no exception. I don’t know how much was that feeling, how much was from my years of fantasies about this sexy, buxom teen, or how much I was affected by the danger of knowing that my wife was on the other side of the door and the rest of my family lay asleep in their rooms.
But my entire body felt electric. When Amber took my cock into her mouth once again, I could swear that it was as hard as it had ever been since I was her age. “Oh, Amber, ” I said as quietly as I could. “Oh, Baby…that feels soooooo good!” Amber meant business. She took my cock halfway into her mouth, then almost all the way out, then all the way in and down her throat. Her hand held the base as she forced herself all the way down. When she took slid it back out and worked on the head again, her hand pumped the slippery pole steadily. She took it out of her mouth briefly. My hard-on was covered with her white saliva. “You like that, Daddy Frank?” she said, looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I finally got a good look at her new hair. It was now short and blond with brown streaks. I put my hands on her head, my fingers into her new hairdo. Amber was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. And she was in my bathroom, on her knees, sucking me. I murmered as enthisastically but quietly as I could, that I loved what she was doing, as Amber went back to deep-throating my hard, throbbing dick. She took it out again. “You promise you’re gonna fuck me?”
Back to sucking and pumping. “I promise, ” I said. “I want you so badly, Amber. Oooohhh, Baby you are incredible. AAAAhhhhhh, oohhhhhh, AAmbbber, fffuuuuccck..” My whole body tingled as Amber reached her goal. She clearly wanted me to cum and she didn’t intend to take much time making it happen. She sucked hard and pumped faster and faster. My big dick plunged in and out of her beautiful young mouth. It was really hard to keep my moans in check, but I did my best. From my grunts, Amber could tell when I was going to cum. I thought that when I came on the beautiful juicy teen’s amazing tits, it was an incredible orgasm. And in fact, it was. But it didn’t compare with this scene. Gorgeous young blond on her knees, hungrily sucking my impossbly hard dick, after making me promised to fuck her. Everyone asleep with no idea what was going on.
It all worked together into a super cum-shot that Amber was ready for. She positioned my hard-on so that it was only in her mouth a few inches. She put both hands on the shaft and held it in place as the pulsing began. I had to bite my fist to keep from crying out in ecstacy as my dick exploded into Amber’s mouth. She kept sucking as I came, squirt after pulsing squirt. Amber sucked and swallowed over and over until she had every drop of cum out of me. She gave a sly, humming little laugh with my dick still in her mouth.
I just stood there, allowing my breathing to slow, the reality of the situation coming back to me. Amber stood up and hugged me, pressing those tits against me again. She looked up into my eyes and smiled. “Now, don’t forget your promise, Daddy Frank!” she whispered. “You promised to…what was it again?” “I promise to fuck you, Amber, ” I said. There was no arguing with her. And why would I want to. She gave me a final kiss, picked-up, put-on and zipped her sweatshirt, then she was gone. Holy shit. What a way to greet the day!
The End[
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By Kiarra
#Abuse #Blackmail #Incest #Mature