Covington House – Rebecca and Max

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#Teen #Zoophilia

By Pepenny

Covington House is a care facility for very special young children. Tonight fifteen year old Rebecca gets a visit from the security guard…

When people think of the word ‘orphanage’ it’s easy to imagine something Dickensian, a large brick building with a permanent rainstorm hanging over it and surrounded by a large metal fence, where malnourished pale children were fed a steady diet of gruel and overseen by cruel adults who lashed out physically at the merest sign of disobedience. Of course that might have been true once upon a time, but this orphanage was very different.

For one, it sat in the countryside, an old manor surrounded by lush green grass and a strip of woodland. It still bore the name of the family that had once owned it, the Covingtons. It had undergone its transformation from being a home for one of the established families in the area to an orphanage almost a century earlier. Lady Covington, then in her early thirties, had tragically lost her husband. And with the Great War having happened a few years earlier, there was a shortage of both eligible bachelors or male relatives of her husband of sufficient status that it would be acceptable for her to remarry or have them take over the house and the grounds.

Of course being a lady of some standing, turning her attention to charity had been perfectly acceptable. She could afford it too. So when she had spent a considerable amount of her husband’s money to remodel the house, creating a dozen comfortable bedrooms, bringing in more staff and announcing that she’d be taking in a dozen orphans, it was generally seen as a wonderful thing. The local church held a collection to make sure that there’d be a brand new Bible waiting for each of the children in their room, and the member of parliament for the constituency gave a glowing speech at the grand opening, thanking her for her charity.

Of course very few people knew the truth behind the charity. It wasn’t that she had no interest in looking after the kids. Quite the opposite. She was very interested in them, just as her husband had been. The lord and lady of Covington manor had bonded over desires that were quite common in the aristocracy, yet kept a careful secret from those not in the know. Being a widow was a lot easier with a dozen boys and girls aged ten to sixteen to keep her company, night after night…

By the time she passed away, she had made sure that the future of Covington House as an orphanage for very special boys and girls was secure. The family fortune was turned into a charitable trust, put in the hands of a select few staff members that she trusted to carry on her legacy. That trust fund was further bolstered by the fact that a lot of the children who spent their teenage years in the house ended up in very good marriages, the kind that never would have happened if they weren’t put into a position to mingle with the upper crust. Covington House children never forgot where they came from, and could be relied upon to provide generous donations to make sure that future generations also had a chance to grow up.

The waiting list was very long, but the staff always made sure that there were only ever twelve children living there. They didn’t take in just anyone either – they made sure that the children that were selected to live there were already sexually active. The first generation had been mostly involved with Lady Covington and each other, of course, but now the kids ‘services’ were used in all sorts of ways. There were after all very wealthy people who would be more than happy to pay a premium to do with the kids what the kids already enjoyed doing with each other.

In short, Covington House, and the Covington Foundation that ran it, was doing very well. Between the money that the kids made selling their bodies and the donations of alumni, the staff was well paid, and the residents lived in luxury, having everything a child could dream of, going to the best schools, and generally living the best life that an orphan could dream of.

Of course they also made sure to hire staff that was understanding of what made Covington House so unique. From the board of directors to the custodians, everyone on the payroll enjoyed the kind fo things that had led Lady Covington to establish the orphanage so long ago. They knew exactly what was expected of them beyond whatever tasks might have come with their job titles.

There was always plenty of staff around. The headmistress, a cook, custodial staff and security, among others. Of course the way the house was staffed changed with the times, as the needs of the kids who lived there and the understanding of various pedagogical theories changed. Security for example – there used to be a guard patrolling the grounds and the hallways at night, accompanied by a guard dog. Not to keep the kids in, but rather to keep strangers out. But as technology changed so did the nature of surveillance. Technology did a lot of the things that once required eyes and ears. So the guard had his own office where he could monitor the house and its grounds. The dog remained though, for different reasons…

Max was a large healthy male Dobermann, picked not just for his size but his intelligence. Every night he dutifully followed the same route through the house, across the grounds, then back to the security office. But how long his route took depended on the residents, because he had other duties as well…

His eyes pricked up when he saw a sliver of light as he turned the corner, one of the bedroom doors opened a crack. He’d been doing this long enough to know what it meant, so as he trotted over and nudged the door over with his front paw, he wasn’t disappointed.

Rebecca was sitting on her bed, reading a book on a tablet. She set it down the moment the door creaked open. “Max!” she exclaimed. The breeder had given the dog the rather pretentious name of Maximilian, but none of the kids bothered beyond the first syllable.

The dog looked up, his tail wagging and his pointed ears perking up. He watched as the teenager rose to her feet, crossing the room and closing the door. She smiled as she turned around, undoing the sash of the bathrobe she had put on after showering, revealing her naked body. She was the pinnacle of health, with soft, sun-tanned skin from all the time she spent outside. Lean but healthy, with a bit of softness to her hips and buttocks, and a sweet round face that made her very popular, with piercing green eyes that contrasted sharply against the dark brown curls of her hair. Many a men, boy, and quite a few women had grinned at the sight of her naked body.

But right now she only had eyes for one male. Max’ tail brushed across the rug that covered the bedroom floor slowly as he watched his friend move towards her desk, opening one of the drawers and pulling out a pair of baby socks. The dog was intelligent enough to know what was expected of him, so even as she squatted down he was already lifting up his right paw. His left followed soon enough.

“Good boy…” Rebecca said, smiling, leaning forward, pressing her lips against the dog’s muzzle while stroking his sleek fur. She was rewarded by his rough pink tongue lapping at her lips.

Not every kid that lived at Covington house enjoyed having sex with dogs, but Max was always ready for those that were, and Rebecca was by far his biggest fan. She continued to stroke his shoulders and back while she made out with him, shamelessly. The dog’s nostrils flared as he happily reciprocated, as much as he could.

He could smell the teenager’s arousal, and he wasn’t disappointed when she stood up, putting her young pussy level with his muzzle. Before she could even tell him to lick, his tongue lashed out, the rough surface dragging across her sensitive folds, making the young woman gasp, her thighs quivering a little. She was old enough that she could grow pubic hair, although she kept it trimmed down to a neat patch. That patch was soon growing dewy, a mixture of canine saliva and her own nectar beading in the dark curls.

She shuddered, shifting a little as she enjoyed the lingual assault. As much as she adored offering up her body to the staff, her fellow residents and a select few others, she would happily agree to be completely monogamous just as long as Max could be her one lover. She always felt a special connection with the dog that was currently lapping happily at her cunt.

Max wasn’t privy to such complex emotions, of course, but he was intelligent enough to find Rebecca very special too. He showed that appreciation by raking his tongue all over her young pussy, making clear rivulets of nectar mingled with his saliva run down her trembling thighs, his nostrils filling with the heady scent of a teenage girl’s growing arousal.

He soon had Rebecca panting, her toes curling on the rug. She shifted one hand from the dog’s shoulder to her own hips, spreading her pussy lips a little, exposing the button of her clitoris to his rasping tongue. Almost immediately he struck gold, making the girl’s hips jerk as a jolt of electricity shot up her spine. “F-fuck…” she gasped out. “G-good dog…”

The dog had no sense of a woman’s anatomy or foreplay, but he was trained to be a good dog. The verbal praise from his favourite bitch only spurred him on further. Thankfully he didn’t have to wait much longer. Because a few more licks like that, and suddenly Rebecca gasped out. “D-down boy…” she managed to get out. Well trained as he was Max stopped craning his neck, sitting back, watching his bitch closely as he licked his muzzle.

Rebecca was already flush and panting, feeling a little out of breath. She knew that within moments the dog would have her coming, but she wanted more. She wanted to do it properly.

She wanted to be a bitch.

So with the dog watching curiously she knelt down and turned around, her eyes briefly lingering on the red point that was already peeking out of the dog’s black sheath, promising pleasure to come. Already his haunches were trembling slightly, hinting at the instinctive need he felt. It was a need that Rebecca felt too, which was why she moved onto her hands and knees, her shapely rear drawing a lazy figure eight in the air as she gyrated it invitingly for the large Dobermann.

She didn’t have to tell him anything. As soon as she was in that all too familiar position he took a step forward, then another one, his black nose twitching as he confirmed what he already knew. The cold nose pressed between the girl’s cheeks, sniffing and licking. And then, without warning, he was on top of her.

Rebecca knew what to expect. She braced herself on the rug and raised her hips as high as she could. They were wide enough that the dog could grip them firmly, growling softly as he drew himself forward. The slick red point of his canine cock was soon jabbing at the girl’s cheeks, poking into the soft flesh, making Rebecca shudder. She reached back with her right hand, fingers outstretched, putting it between her legs. Her outstretched palm formed a perfect landing pad. His slick red cock slipped across her outstretched fingers and a moment later he struck gold.

As soon as he felt the familiar velvety warmth of her cunt he rammed his hips forward. The pointed tip of his cock speared forward, slamming through the tight passage in one rough thrust, hilting all but the knot in one go.

Rebecca gasped, her eyes shooting open wide. No matter how often she enjoyed Max, that first aggressive thrust always caught her off guard, in all the right ways. But she was an experienced dogfucker, so even though he came close to knocking the wind out of her she managed to remain upright, remained grinning, bracing herself even as the dog’s paws curled against her hips, gripping her slender teenage body as he rutted himself into it. She could feel the socks scraping against her upper thighs.

The dog’s breath was hot on her cheek as he growled and humped, his powerful hips hammering himself forward, leaving the honey-skinned girl underneath him gasping and moaning, obscene strands of doggy precum and her own nectar frothing and squelching in her cunt as he slammed into it and claimed it, drooling down in thick strands to stain the rug where she was kneeling. He panted and whined, relishing the delicious friction of a tight clutching cunt against his thrusting cock. He rammed himself forward over and over again, all but the thick knot, which was hammering at her stretched outer lips, seeking entrance.

Rebecca moaned shamelessly, grinning, doing everything she could to remain upright. It took considerable effort on her part, but she was rewarded with unimaginable pleasure. It wasn’t just with the way that fat canine cock reamed her out, stretching her fifteen year old pussy over and over again, but also the potent male smell that came with his exertions, the warm sleek fur draped over her back, the possessive paws gripping her hips. It made her head spin with pleasure as her whole body shook, the impact of his hips mirrored in the quivering of her modest chest.

The dog kept rutting, kept hammering, all his strength directed to the muscles of his hips to make sure that every last drop of his doggy cum ended as deep inside the willing bitch as possible. He was driven by sheer instinct.

Which was just how young Rebecca liked it. It was hard, unconditional, relentless, all qualities she appreciated in her partners but could only truly find in her canine lovers, especially Max. She rewarded him by rocking her hips back into his thrusts, as much as she could, feeling the impact of his knot against her outer lips several times a second, coming just a little closer to properly filling her each time. She could feel his scalding hot precum coating her insides, making her inner walls quiver around his pulsing length.

It was a testament to her experience with this massive dog that she found the strength to shift her left hand, moving it between her legs, rubbing herself even as she felt her cunt distend to accommodate the dog’s thick cock. It wasn’t hard to find the small button of her clit, rubbing it more directly, which only made the rhythmic tightening of her cunt more insistent.

She could hear the dog whine, could feel his hot breath on her shoulder and her cheek as they gave themselves in to raw lust. “That’s… that’s it boy… fucking… fucking knot me… b-breed me…” she gasped out.

That was all the dog could think about, all he wanted to do. He was worked up into a frenzy of raw breeding instinct, a frenzy that had been building the moment he got his first whiff of his favourite bitch trotting down the hallway, coming alive as he went through the open door, and now quickly working itself through a powerful crescendo.

That crescendo was punctuated by a loud squeal from Rebecca as the knot suddenly slammed home, the dense ball of thick red cockflesh making her teen pussy bulge obscenely as it drove itself home, leaving every last inch of canine cock trapped deep inside her. The pressure of her inner walls against the sides had an immediate effect. Even as it swelled in time with his rapidly pumping heart the first gout of scaldingly hot canine semen painted the insides of the girl’s tight passage, pulsing up against the fleshy barrier of her cervix.

Rebecca let out a gurgling moan, her eyes rolling back in her head as she was well and truly bred, her own body shaking in orgasm as she endured the sensation of Max pumping what felt like a pint of his cum into her, wave after wave of the watery white stuff, making her own orgasm all the more intense. Fireworks were set off in her brain as she shook underneath her master, willingly letting him fill her up.

And then the pleasure faded away, and there was silence, almost, with only the sound of the dog panting, and his bitch doing the same, heard. After a while the dog disengaged, more or less, climbing off of her. With his cock locked inside her still he stood, his backside pressed against hers as she lay there, dazed, drooling and smiling. There was an occasional twitch of her young hips, an aftershock of pleasure.

And then that too was over, and she just lay there. It was a good fifteen minutes before the dog managed to pull himself free, his spent cock slipping from her young cunt with an obscene slurping sound. Rebecca reached out, cupping her freshly fucked cunt, feeling the familiar heat of canine semen seeping against her digits.

She giggled, sounding almost drunk as she rolled over onto her back. She ran her fingers through her folds, shivering a little with how sensitive she was, gathering up what she could and bringing her sticky fingers to her lips. She moaned audibly as she sucked them clean. The only witness to the depraved act was Max, waiting patiently by the door…

It was another five minutes of Rebecca playing with herself, shamelessly sucking up what she could of his cum. She definitely needed another shower…

But for now, she shakily rose to her feet. Her pussy and inner thighs still felt tingly from the savage rutting she had just received oh so happily, and she could feel some soreness in various muscles she had used to brace herself against it. She patted Max’ shoulder as she held open the door for him. “There you go boy… thank you…”

She watched as he slipped out, trotting off to continue his patrol, and to perhaps find another willing bitch. Rebecca knew full well that she wasn’t the only one…

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By Pepenny
#Teen #Zoophilia

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