Covington House – Nate’s Date (part 1)

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#Cuckold #Interracial #Teen #Tween

By Pepenny

Thirteen year old Nate gets sent on a very special date by Covington House’s headmistress…

It was around eight in the evening and the large kitchen that fed the residents of Covington house was awash with laughter, eagerly talking voices and the sounds of rattling plates and silverware. Three teenage boys were happily talking amongst themselves about their plans for the rest of the evening as they unloaded the loaded plastic trays that had just been run through the dishwasher. Currently the argument seemed to revolve around which video game they’d been playing in the common room. Like all the kids living in the converted manor house they had their weekly list of chores, something they generally did happily, given everything that the house offered them.

They were interrupted from their discussion by a girl’s voice. “Nate? Are you in here?” eleven year old Bianca called out.

“In here!” the boy called back, curious as to what she was looking for.

“Miss Greene wants to see you in her office.” the girl announced, sticking her blonde hair into the kitchen.

The news that their friend was called up to the headmistress’ office earned an ‘Ooooh!’ from the other two boys, but Nate rolled his eyes and ignored them. He tossed the apron he’d been wearing aside and went to find her. There were only three reasons why a kid would be called up to the office, especially this time at night, and given that he couldn’t remember breaking any rules, certainly nothing that would require the headmistress’ attention. That left two options, one of which would come with instant gratification, the other with delayed gratification. It was enough to leave him grinning by the time he came to the door to the woman’s office. He rapped his knuckles on the wood.

“Just a moment, I’m finishing a phone call!” came the headmistress’ voice from the other side.

Nate shrugged and slumped down into the chair that was placed by the door for just such an occasion. From over the door to the headmistress’ office an oil painting of Lady Covington stared down at him. Of course she had passed away long before Nate arrived at the manor, but from everything he had heard about her he was sure they would have gotten along very well…

Another ten minutes had passed before Miss Greene opened the door to her office for him. “Nate, please come inside. Have a seat.”

The boy nodded as he stepped into the richly appointed classic office. “Thanks Miss.” he said politely as he took his seat.

Miss Greene had been the headmistress of Covington House for almost a decade now, taking care of all the duties that came with the foundation’s unique mission. She knew every kid under her charge intimately, of course, which was why Nate was sporting a barely contained grin as he looked at her.

“Thank you for coming, Nate.” she said with a small smile, looking at the boy sitting across from her. He had come to the house fairly recently. Most of the children that were adopted into the Covington Foundation were between ten and twelve years old, Nate was thirteen. A Jamaican boy raised by a childless aunt, there’d been some issues that had caused the woman to give up custody of her nephew. Nothing that would disqualify him from living here, however. Quite the opposite… The boy just looked at her expectantly. She could see the burning question in the boy’s eyes. She decided to get to business.

“I’ve had a request for a house call… overnight.” she explained. “They asked for you specifically.”

“They did?” the boy asked, clearly intrigued. He was no stranger to house calls – wealthy patrons of the orphanage that requested the company of one of the children living there for the kind of fun that had inspired Lady Covington to start this orphanage in the first place. He’d gone on a handful, but this was the first time he was asked for personally – or at least the first time Miss Greene told him he was.

The woman shuffled through some papers and nodded. “Mhm… A missus and mister Gladstone.” she said. “They’ve been donors to the orphanage for almost a decade.” She looked up, seeing the tension on Nate’s face. Thankfully she quickly realised what the source of that tension was. “Mister Gladstone will just be watching.”

Nate nodded at that. While the Covington Foundation couldn’t deny the fact that what they were doing essentially amounted to pimping out the kids in their charge to wealthy donors, they always took into account the preferences of the kids they sent out. “So he’ll be watching while I do his missus, yeah?” he asked, his expression shifting from trepidation to eager anticipation.

“Actually, no.” the woman said with a small smile. “They will both be watching you while you have sex with their daughter.”

“No shit?” Nate blinked, clearly caught off guard by that. “Freaky…”

The woman shrugged at that, deciding to tolerate the boy’s use of a four letter word. “Their daughter Emma turned eleven recently. Apparently she’s already quite sexually active, and they wanted to give her a special birthday treat.” she explained. “You, specifically, if you’re up for it.”

Nate nodded slowly, and then he felt just a hint of doubt creeping in. He’d been doing this long enough that he could see the implications that came with him being asked for specifically, and the parents watching. “They’re not going to be racist about this, are they?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t have agreed to ask you if I hadn’t laid down some ground rules first.” Miss Greene replied calmly. “Obviously your skin colour is a consideration, but they’ll be respectful. I’ve made sure of that. I’ve also made sure of the fact that they understand what will happen if they aren’t.”

The teenage boy nodded slowly at that. He weighed his options for a moment. He could say no, of course, he knew. And there was always a chance that Miss Greene was just saying what he wanted to hear. He had certainly grown up with a natural distrust of authority figures. On the other hand, the headmistress had never given him a reason to doubt her… And honestly, while the thought of fucking an eleven year old girl while her parents watched sounded freaky, it was an exciting kind of freaky. Slowly his face broke into a grin. “Yeah… yeah, I’ll do it, miss Greene. Thank you.”

“Excellent.” the woman smiled. “Friday, two weeks from now. After dinner you’ll have half an hour to dress nice and get ready. Michael will drive you over, and pick you up in the morning. I’ll let them know you’ve agreed to do it.”

Nate grinned and rose to his feet, thanking the headmistress again before leaving her office and heading down to the common room, eager to get in a few rounds of Tekken with his friends before he went to bed.

When Friday came he was more than ready. He was excused from the dining table early with the staff’s knowledge that he had an appointment. He went back to his room, took a long shower, then dressed in a nice dress shirt and his favourite jeans. He tied his long dreadlocks together in a loose ponytail. He had them tightened up in anticipation of his big date. He couldn’t help but feel excited, even if some of the anxiousness was still there. He had had sex with girls close to the age of the girl he was supposed to be taking care of that night, but never with an audience…

True to the headmistress’ word, the driver was waiting for him. He sat in silence as they drove up to a hotel room. Once they were parked out in front Nate looked up. He didn’t know much about hotels, but this place looked expensive… Then he turned to Michael. “Anything I should know?”

The man shook his head. “The girl’s mother will be waiting in the hotel lobby.” he said. “You’ll know her when you see her.”

“Cool.” Nate nodded, taking a moment to check his breath and make sure he still looked nice. Then he climbed out of the car, crossed the street, and walked up the marble stairway that led up to the main entrance. He tried to look nonchalant as he passed the doormen.

Once inside he was caught off guard by how opulent the hotel seemed. Covington Manor was really nice, of course, monumental, but this place was very impressive in its own way. Marble floors, lots of mahogany, a chandelier overhead… He was still looking around, taking it all in, when he heard someone call out his name. “Nate?”

He looked around to find where the voice came from. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw its source. It was a woman who looked to be in her mid thirties, fair skin and red hair done up in a loose bun, a light dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose. She was wearing a black cocktail dress that showed off her slender body very nicely. “Yeah, that’s me.” he said. If this was the girl’s mother, then tonight would be very interesting…

The woman smiled and stepped forward, extending a hand. Nate noted that she had put some effort into her appearance beyond picking out the nice dress – her nails were neatly done up with a cherry red paint that matched her lip gloss. Her make up was heavy, yet tasteful. “I’m Diana.” she said by way of introduction. “I’d offer you a drink in the hotel bar, but the miniibar upstairs is just as well stocked, and we’ll have more privacy there…”

Nate wasn’t going to turn that down. He smiled broadly and nodded. “Lead the way, ma’am.” he said, smiling politely.

It wasn’t until the elevator door closed that he spoke again. “So… you really want me to have sex with your daughter, ma’am?” he asked, peering at the woman searchingly.

“Oh yes…” the woman said with a chuckle. “Is that so surprising?”

“Well… yeah.” Nate nodded, not quite sure if this mystery woman was pulling his leg. She was certainly wealthy, the kind of wealthy that seemed to mean that a whole bunch of rules simply didn’t apply to her. It was a little disorienting, and yet exciting…

The woman chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry about it dear, we know how unusual this is, and we’re certainly grateful for this… unique opportunity…” she said with a small smile.

“Uhm… yeah…” the Jamaican boy nodded. “So… how does this work?”

“Well, my husband is already installed upstairs…” the woman said with a small smile. “And Emma – that’s our daughter – is currently getting ready in the bathroom. We can go straight to it…”

Nate nodded slowly. That sounded good enough to him. He’d been excited about this, thinking of nothing else all week. Still, he knew that he was here to perform a service, such as it was, and he wanted to do it properly. “So… your daughter. Anything I should know? How should I treat her?”

The woman smiled. “Ah… our dear Emma is a very special girl.” she said, a gleam in her eye. “Let’s just say she’s very eager, and not shy.” She could see from Nate’s expression that the boy still wasn’t sure, so she decided to explain things more clearly. “Obviously she can’t express how much she enjoys sex in public, so private moments like this she likes to get wild… very wild. I hope you can keep up with that.”

Slowly a grin crept onto Nate’s face. He could definitely do that… rich little girl that wanted to go wild for a night. That suited him just fine. There was just one more thing though, so as they stepped out of the elevator he stopped. “What about you and your husband? You’ll be watching…”

“Ah…” the redhead said with a smile. “We will be… You’ll have to forgive us for being proud parents.” she said with a chuckle. “But don’t worry about us. Just give Emma all your attention. After a while we’ll retreat to our bedroom. You have nothing to worry about from us.”

Nate nodded, following the woman down the hallway. He still felt a little uncertain, stepping into a new situation, but the clarification from the woman helped. He was pretty new to the idea of cuckolding a man, and cuckolding a man with his daughter rather than his wife or girlfriend was a trip…

But even that didn’t prepare him for what he saw when the woman opened the door to the hotel suite where he’d be performing and walked him into the master bedroom. His eyes immediately fell on the man who had to be Emma’s father, Diana’s husband. He was sitting in a chair in just his underwear. He looked like he was at least a decade older than his wife, if not more, dark hair with some grey streaks, an athletic body. Nate could see that Diana had done a number on him.

He was wearing a red ball gag and a blindfold. Not just a piece of cloth wrapped around his head, but heavy black leather with straps and buckles. He could see that the man’s wrists and ankles were secured to the chair, with heavy steel handcuffs that looked like police surplus. “Damn…” he said in spite of himself.

“I told you you didn’t have to worry about him…” Diana said with a wicked grin. “He was acting up a little, so my little girl and I put him in his place… if he’s very good, I’ll take the blindfold off…” As she said it she walked over to the bound and blindfolded man. She reached down, rubbing his cock over his underwear, making the man grunt into his gag. “The man who is going to please our daughter is here, honey…” she purred in his ear.

The bound man just nodded. Nate could see his nostrils flare as he took a deep breath, but he remained silent. He felt like he needed a stronger word than ‘freaky’ for what was going on…

But then his thoughts were interrupted by Diana calling out. “Emma sweetie? Come on out…”

Nick turned his attention to the only other door in the master bedroom, figuring that that was where his charge for the night was hiding. He wasn’t disappointed. The door opened and young Emma stepped out.

Nate noted with some satisfaction that Emma definitely took after Diana. She had the same coppery red hair as her mother, brushed down in a neat centre part. Where the older woman’s freckles were a light dusting, Emma’s face was practically covered in them. The girl was bundled up in a white hotel bedroom that was a little too big for her skinny body. She looked up at Nate, her face breaking into a grin. “Holy shit…”

“Happy birthday honey.” Diana said with a smile. “He’s all yours for the rest of the night.”

“Holy shit…” Emma repeated herself, grinning. She rushed past Nate to hold her mother. “Thank you mommy!” she said happily. “And he’s all mine?”

“Yes dear…” the woman said with an indulgent smile. She was sitting in her husband’s lap now. “Now be a good girl, and don’t keep him waiting… Daddy and I will be right here.”

“Thank you mommy!” Emma happily repeated before turning to face Nate, eyeing him up and down, grinning. She walked up to him, standing close enough that the height difference was very evident, her head barely chest height to the tall Jamaican boy. She smiled and held out a hand. “I’m Emma.” she said. “Thank you for coming over tonight.”

Her voice was aristocratic, just like her mother’s, and she held out a small hand politely. It was a stark contrast to what they were going to be doing soon. Nate could take out a hint. He took the girl’s hand and shook it. “I’m Nate.” he said, smiling in spite of the fact that he was still on unsteady ground. The fact that the girl he’d be fucking was standing in front of him made it easy to forget about the weirdness that surrounded it.

“Cool.” the girl said with a grin. She took a step back and untied the sash of her bathrobe, letting it slide down her arms to reveal her naked body, grinning expectantly at Nate.

She was skinny, but not unhealthily so. The same freckles that adorned her face extended down to her shoulders and her arms. Her chest was mostly flat, although there was just a hint of bumps around her soft pink nipples where the first stages of growth could be seen. Her tummy was perfectly flat, leading down to slender hips and a perfectly smooth mound. The girl grinned as she was admired, putting her hands on her hips. “Well, what do you think?” she said. “Do you think you can fuck me?”

“Yeah… yeah.” Nate said, smirking, stepping forward towards the now naked eleven year old girl. He could see that unlike her mother, young Emma hadn’t held back on the make up. She was wearing a cherry red eyeshadow that matched her lipgloss, with heavy mascara. It was downright scandalous, especially on a girl of that age. “I think I can fuck you real good…”

He was extending his hands, but before he could properly put them on her she stepped in and draped her arms around his neck. A moment later she was kissing him, harder than he was prepared for, her perfume filling his nose as her small tongue worked its way into her mouth. He grunted in the kiss, immediately reaching down and wrapping his arms around the younger girl’s body. She pressed herself against him in a way that actually forced him to take a half step back.

He was caught off guard, but he was no stranger to eager women, even if Emma’s youth made her forwardness unexpected. He dropped his hands down, grabbing the girl’s firm buttocks in both hands and kneading them as he worked his tongue into the girl’s mouth in return. She was more than ready for that, happily pressing her young body into him. With a firmer grip on her body Nate directed her to the bed.

Emma finally broke the kiss, grinning in anticipation. “Lay down for me…” she said, breathlessly.

The teenage boy nodded, figuring that it couldn’t hurt to be compliant. He turned around, and before he had fully landed on his back Emma had straddled him, leaning over him and kissing him hard once more. She wiggled excitedly on top of him, grinding herself into his lap. By now he had fully risen to attention, straining against his slacks.

Thankfully Emma took the hint, because soon the tween girl was wiggling her way down the boy’s body, panting hotly, looking up at him with her eyes full of sexual need, something that seemed wildly incongruent with her youthful features. Her small hands made quick work of his belt, opening his slacks, practically yanking down his underwear so that his hard cock could spring free. “Fuck yeah…” she said breathlessly as she admired his thick erection. She grinned as she grasped it in her hands, her slender fingers only making him seem bigger. “Thanks mommy…” she said once again, smiling at her mother.

In spite of the earlier instructions to focus on Emma Nate glanced sideways, following the young girl’s eyes. He blinked, clearly caught off guard. Apparently Diana had shed her dress, leaving her into some very lacy black underwear that left very little to the imagination. He almost said something, but then he suddenly felt Emma’s small mouth on his cock, making him grunt in surprise and drawing his attention back to the girl he was here for.

The girl smirked, clearly pleased with himself. She was sucking hard on his head, her cheeks hollowing, her tongue dancing along the sensitive surface with the same eagerness she had shown in their kiss earlier. Looking down at the girl mouthing his cock eagerly, seeing that slutty make up on an eleven year old girl who was clearly planning to make up for the fact that she had to act innocent in public, he couldn’t believe his luck.

And then she caught him off guard yet again. As she sucked on him she reached out, grabbing his right wrist, grasping it and guiding his hand to the back of her head. After a moment she pushed down on the back of his hand, clearly communicating what was expected of him.

In spite of his eagerness Nate hesitated for a moment, looking over to the girl’s mother. “Do it…” she said with a grin. “She’s a little slut, and she’ll want you to treat her like one…”

Nate shrugged. He wasn’t going to argue with a girl’s mother about how she was to be treated… He curled his fingers against Emma’s red hair and pushed her down, forcing her to take a considerable amount of his teenage cock into her mouth. The girl grunted and gagged, stiffening for a moment and pushing back down against his head. He was about to stop, but then she looked up at him, her eyes clearly challenging him to keep going.

It sparked something in Nate. He let out a low growl as he pushed down harder, making the young girl retch and gag on his cock, her nostrils flaring. But somewhere among the sounds of protest at having her throat pierced like that was a moan, or at least enough of one to compel Nate to keep going. Now grabbing the girl’s small head in both hands he shoved her down properly, making saliva bubble obscenely from the corners of her painted lips.

Soon he had found a steady rhythm. He was gripping the sides of Emma’s head tightly, pumping her head up and down. Every time he pushed her down she gagged and coughed, the crown of his dick forcing its way into the tight clutching passage a little more, but he decided to trust the girl’s mother. Emma’s face was read and her eyes were watering, causing black beads to run down her cheeks, but she did nothing to try and fight it. If anything there were moments where her head seemed to escape from his grip, not because she was trying to escape but because she was forcing herself down harder than he was pushing.

“You should see her Henry…” Diana whispered in her still blindfolded husband’s ear. “She looks gorgeous, stuffing herself with that big black cock…”

The helpless man nodded. He couldn’t see, but he could hear, and he had a very vivid imagination. It took considerable willpower on his part to remain quiet. His cheeks were red, but not as red as young Emma’s…

The girl’s throat was being fucked. There was no other word for it. The entire length of Nate’s cock was reaming out her airway, making her gag and splutter and her mascara run down her cheeks, her lip gloss leaving red streaks on his dark skin. She could feel her chin bump against his balls every time he rammed down. Yet she was happy, ecstatic even, her mind spinning and not just from the lack of oxygen. Still, she wanted more, needed more… So even as Nate kept bouncing her head in his lap she tapped his hips. It took several moments for the teenage boy to realise what she was doing, and he pulled her head upwards.

The girl took a deep gasping breath, thick strands of saliva falling obscenely from her lips. Then her face broke into a grin. “That’s hot… Are you going to jam it into my cunt that hard?”

“Hell yeah…” Nate replied, grinning. Any hesitation about this weird hookup had vanished long ago, swallowed down by Emma’s greedy throat along with excess saliva and steadily leaking precum. He sat up and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. The young girl reached out, trying to help him, but that just resulted in tangled fingers slowing him down. Thankfully she caught on easily, horny as she was, so in stead she slid down the bed and helped take Nate’s shoes off. While he worked to take his shirt off she made quick work of his slacks and underpants. She actually managed to tear them off before he had his shirt off, driven by a deep, horny need.

He was just about done pulling his right arm out of his sleeve when she climbed on top of it, pushing him back down and growling in an almost animalistic moment. She planted her young smooth cunt firmly against the underside of his already saliva-slicked cock, pinning it to his abs. She moaned as she rolled her hips, practically humping him. Nick groaned, moving his hands to the girl’s narrow hips. His cock had felt like a rod of iron inside the girl’s throat, and now, somehow, it felt even harder, leaking precum onto his stomach.

Thankfully he didn’t have to wait. The girl was just as eager as he was. He could feel her nectar mingling with her saliva on his shaft. A strand of it briefly connected her puffy slit to his cock as she lifted her hips. With greedy hands she grabbed his cock, holding it upright. Soon he could feel the slick heat of her young pussy rubbing against the head of his cock as she lined herself up.

Perched on top of his cock, Emma looked down at Nate. Her long red hair was a mess from the rough face fucking she had received, but it was nothing compared to how her make up looked. Several long black streaks of mascara had rolled down her cheeks and her lip gloss was smeared across her face as much as it was along the length of Nate’s cock. She looked utterly depraved, even at the tender age of eleven, and yet she wanted more. “I want you to ram every last inch into me…” she said.

“Just like that, yeah?” Nate replied, looking up at her, tightening his grip on her slender hips, once again showing her how much stronger he was. “Are you the kind of slut that needs to be fucked hard?”

“Hell yeah…” the girl replied with a grin, wiggling her hips impatiently, grinding her young slit against his cock. She would have pushed herself down if it wasn’t for the strength of his grip. “Give me that big black dick.” she hissed.

Well, in for a penny, in for a pounding… Nate grinned up at the imperious young slut as she panted needily, taking a moment to just commit to memory what she looked like. Then he tightened his grip without warning, and yanked her down.

He bottomed out in her with one rough shove, splitting her open and hilting himself in one harsh thrust. The ear-splitting squeal the eleven year old redhead let out drowned out the moan of pleasure that Diana let out at the obscene sight of her eleven year old daughter having her cunt pierced. Emma slumped forward a little, breathing through gritted teeth, and for a moment Nate was worried that he misread the girl’s intentions, or overestimated her ability…

But then she pushed herself upright. “Fuck yeah…” she panted. “That’s what I need… A thick cock deep in my cunt…”

Nate was breathing through gritted teeth as he processed just how impossibly tight the young girl’s pussy was. He looked down the length of his body to see the way her outer lips stretched out obscenely to accommodate him. He felt like he was somewhere close to her midriff. And yet she was grinning at him. Slowly he broke into a grin of his own. This was wild, but he could handle wild…

He gripped the girl’s hips tightly and began rolling her hips, making her moan and giggle in a way that really emphasized that she was just eleven years old. But although Nate was doing most of the work of their obscene coupling she was more than happy to move along with him, rolling her narrow hips, grunting as he thrust himself into her.

“Happy birthday… slut…” Nate grunted, grinning, almost making the skinny girl on top of him shake with the force of his thrusts. He held on to her, because he was pretty sure that she’d bounce off. After that first rough thrust he’d given her, just because she’d demanded it, they quickly found an eager rhythm that was entirely appropriate for their ages.

“Fuck yeah…” the girl moaned, shuddering, her abs clenching as she worked her pelvic muscles along the Jamaican’s boy thick cock as it reamed her out. “Keep going… all night… make me scream…”

Nate growled at that demand. He’d been with eager women before, women that loved being talked to in a certain way as he fucked them as hard as he could, but he’d never expect an eleven year old girl to expect that of him. “You look good…” he huffed, shifting his hands to knead the girl’s flexing buttocks. “With your cock… so deep inside you…”

The dirty talk wasn’t just for the benefit of the two kids on the bed. Nate’s attention was entirely on young Emma, but the girl’s parents were still paying very close attention. Diana had decided to take her husband’s blindfold off finally, so he could fully appreciate the spectacle of his little princess being fucked, the way she giggled happily as she showed her birthday present just what a slut she was. He was breathing hard through his nose, his jaw clenched as his teeth dug into the red rubber ball that had been stuffed into his mouth, his face red. Diana just grinned as she ground her backside into the man’s lap, her left arm wrapped around his shoulder, her right hand stuffed down his panties as she shamelessly fingered herself. Watching her little girl get fucked mercilessly in person was so much better than any porn she watched…

Nate was completely lost to what would undoubtedly be a treasured family memory. He just grunted, holding the young girl tightly as she bounced on his cock. He gave her every inch. If she wanted it, he was going to give it to her, over and over again. There was something about the way the girl demanded him to pound her like a skinny little tween whore that he saw as a challenge. If she wanted him to fuck her until she passed out, that was what he would do.

Emma certainly seemed to be game for that. She had slumped forward, her small hands falling on his shoulders, once again contrasting his pale complexion against his dark skin. “I’m a slut… aren’t I?” she grunted, clearly looking for affirmation in her own fucked up way. “You’re going to… hmnf… make me come… on your cock…”

“Damn right I am…” the teenage boy grunted, shifting his grip on her narrow waist. He stretched out his right thumb, moving his hand away from her buttocks so he could rub the tiny button of her clitoris, teasing the sensitive little nub as he continued to bounce her up and down. He could feel her knees digging into his sides as she struggled to hang on.

The teasing of the sensitive bundle of nerves was just what the girl needed. She pushed off oof his shoulders, arching her back in a way that would make her breasts look quite impressive if she was old enough to grow them, squealing happily. “More!” she cried out happily.

Nick was more than happy to oblige. They were both working up a sweat, the sheets underneath them already becoming a mess that would tell housekeeping just how well that bed had been used when they came to clean up after the guests when they checked out in the morning. Of course they’d have no idea just how obscene the coupling that had taken place here was.

Emma was in a state of bliss. Her long red hair danced around her head as she bounced in Nick’s lap, relishing the way the tip of his cock managed to reach all the way to her cervix every time she slammed her hips down. She cried out, her young cunt clenching as her climax hit her. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her skinny body jerked wildly. Nate had to make a genuine effort to keep her from bouncing off and flopping around like a fish. She grunted and moaned whorishly, every exclamation of pleasure accompanied by more of her nectar smearing across his belly, her inner walls tightening mercilessly around his thrusting shaft.

Nick gave in. He’d been trying to hold out, at first to impress the audience, then just to make sure this little rich bitch was satisfied. Fucking her face had been incredible. Having an eleven year old girl come on his cock, her hairless little cunt gripping him like a vise, he didn’t stand a chance.

He cried out, arching up, his buttocks actually leaving the sheets as the intense pleasure of his climax hit him. His cock pulsed powerfully and he grunted as the first wave of his cum splattered against the girl’s cervix. He crashed back down, pulling Emma down with him as they shook in mutual pleasure. As she thrashed on top of him he pumped more of his cum deep inside her, his whole body feeling like it was on fire.

Emma let out more gurgling moans as she felt the thick heat of the boy’s cum pumped inside her. It was a perfect. She did everything she could to make sure that she had every last drop deep inside her.

And then it was over, and she flopped forward, landing on top of the boy with a dazed giggle, his thick black cock slipping out of her thoroughly fucked cunt. She snuggled up to him, grinning, breathing hard, just like Nate was. His thick cum oozed out of her messy folds, the pearly white fluid contrasting sharply against his dark skin.

The force of the two kids’ climax, and the mutual exclamations of pleasure, had been loud enough to draw out Diana’s orgasm. She’d been sitting on her husband’s lap, shamelessly fingering herself, not just enjoying the sight of her little tween princess getting fucked as hard as she deserved but also her husband’s shameful erection grinding into her backside through his pants. She withdrew her fingers from her panties now, wiping them under her husband’s nose, just to let him know that Emma wasn’t the only woman in the man’s life that had been satisfied by this gorgeous black stud.

She rose to her feet, smiling softly. “That was beautiful… my husband and I will find our own bed now… I’ll come to check up on you both in the morning.”

As she freed her husband from the restraints that had kept him bound to the chair Nate blinked, as if he’d only just remembered that the two of them were in the room. He looked sideways, watching as Henry had his wrists cuffed behind his back. It really drove home how insane this situation was.

And yet young Emma seemed thoroughly pleased. She looked up, giggling. “Thank you mummy. I love you both.”

“We love you too dear.” the older woman smiled, giving her husband’s shoulder a squeeze. “Don’t we, Henry?”

The man grunted something from behind his ball gag that seemed to satisfy them both. He was marched out the room, leaving the two kids to bask in the afterglow.

That peaceful moment lasted for about half a minute before young Emma slithered down Nate’s body, giggling as she kissed his chest, then his abs, licking up the spilled cum. “I hope you’re ready for round two…” she said with a grin.

The girl’s small mouth was quickly bringing him back to life. He grinned and nodded. “Hell yeah…”

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By Pepenny
#Cuckold #Interracial #Teen #Tween

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse