Coming To Their Senses |

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A new message. His day felt better already. The thoughts they shared were so precious and always had the understanding developing between them at their core.

‘Sight, touch, taste, hearing, smell. We will leave debate over intuition’s inclusion for another time. I thought about all of the senses and the part they play in our erotic journey. I did not choose where and when to ponder well, and became inappropriately aroused by the journey we are on. I masked my desire to purr with arousal skilfully.

I have chosen hearing, the power of sound, for our next experience. I hope this excites your mind as it does mine and my body too.’

Her next message carried more detail of the steps she wanted to take. She saw it as a natural progression in their adventure. It would need some planning, but this would be part of the fun and excitement. It was her character and what excited him about her in a nutshell.

He liked the part of her plan that talked of buying new mobiles, so they could have their sound experience using something fresh and new. Thousands of miles separated them, but, at times, they felt a closeness that made it utterly irrelevant. New mobiles, or cellphones as he tried to remember to call them with her, emphasised the safety she needed and was so important to him. She already had his number, another measure of safety and she explained she would message on her new device, once she had bought hers and he had confirmed he had too.

‘We have smiled, been aroused and laughed using the written word. Our journey into sound will be different, however. I see no greeting when the call is made. There is no relaxed chat, jokes, or trivial banter. We do not talk at all.

We take our positions, think of what we have shared so far, and see what effect this has on us. We can use our own touch on our bodies, if we need to, but if, like me, you have been stirred to the level I have been, you may only need to pick one of our chats on the site and read a paragraph to be in the zone. It isn’t a challenge, it’s curiosity and I’m insanely curious.’ Her message read.


When messages were exchanged on the website two days after the plan had been aired, it was a moment of great excitement for them. They knew many would cite cheap airfares, voice apps and other ways to take another step, but this was their journey, and its next step reflected just how much their vision of it was in keeping with everything else.

His next message on the website was one containing an idea he felt worthy of her consideration. He was as captivated by the journey as she was and his notion was simply one that had occurred to him, and he wanted to see if it was something she felt would add more.

‘If we send messages to say what we are wearing and include the sounds of undressing in our call, do you think this would make everything even better?’ He enquired.

‘Yes, yes, yes!’ she replied, typing furiously, just seeing the way their minds were as one triggering an unscheduled, but precious, orgasm for her.

Once she had enjoyed her unexpected diversion, she typed a description of her environment and of the black laced panties and bra he would hear being removed in the call. He responded in similar fashion in the first instance, together with details of his briefs that contained his already aroused cock.

The scenesetting message was one carrying so much more than two horny individuals swapping information to arouse. On its own, it was just something to picture to the sounds they would hear, but as a part of what was about to be shared and of their journey as a whole, it was magical. It was the culmination of all of the moments they had felt able to share in detail previously and the raw erotic impatience for what was in store.

When he sent another message to request her consent for him to call her, he did so asking her to take a moment to be certain she was ready to take the step.

“If you said you’d had second thoughts, it would remind me of how special you are, as much as the phone ringing would,” he concluded.

After a couple of minutes, a tick on his message confirmed it had been read. Her reply just said ‘CALL ME!!!’ and so he did.


Lying on her bed, she felt as special as he always told her she was. Her body was excited by the feel of her underwear against her skin and she was in the place nobody could intrude but him. It was all about sound in this segment of their adventure and hearing the ringtone as he called her was an immensely erotic part of the next step on their journey to her.

Hearing the unusual tone reminded him of the distance between them. This was an undeniable fact, but he felt they were closer than ever at that moment, and in a way that counted. With the call connected, she coughed to show she was there.

She held her phone where she felt he would be able to hear her letting her breasts fall from her bra, as she released them from it. He knew. It sounded beautiful. He ensured she could hear him ease himself from his briefs and hoped the added sound created by his cock erect against them as it spilled out was evident to her. It was, and she giggled with delight.

Whatever it took to achieve it, his desperate desire for the sounds of a shared climax to be the memory was one he promised himself he would do everything possible to achieve. She knew. When she heard no sound of play from his side of the ocean, she understood why. Aroused as she was, he valued the experience more than himself, the realisation alone intensifying her pleasure tenfold.

She was noisily aroused and he loved the sound of this erotic music to his ears. He was showing he understood what mattered, and this was so special to her.

The unmistakable sound of her touch thrusting into her wet and pulsating erotic wetness made him send noises of complete immersion in their voyage of discovery down the phone. He could see the hidden folds inside her body. He could catch the scent of her arousal. He could feel himself inside her and taste each kiss wherever it landed. Everything was shared through sound and imagination alone.

She slid, circled and thrust her fingers and heard every giggle, sigh and moan of excitement he made. A sound told her instinctively he had begun to bring himself to orgasm. She could hear his movements and see them in her mind and it was captivating to her. In addition to the pleasure of listening to him, a celebration of how focused they were on each other was perfection.

Knowing he was now taking himself towards the glory of their shared space, she brought hitherto unexplored intensity to her thrusting and circling touch. Her brow glistened. Her heart was thumping. Her entire body was twitching and a fire was raging in her mind as she listened, played, laughed and moaned.

As he stroked and pulled, he did so to sounds that made it the most erotic touch on his own body he had, or ever would, place on it. Her thrusts were him. His movements were her. it was a collaboration with a lifetime’s worth of erotic hope and desire within.

Her scream of deliverance boomed from his phone, as his own body was gripped with arousal. The noise of her climax, as her fingers worked furiously, saw him groan and explode fiercely, the shared sounds of play having been sent to oblivion by the crescendo of erotic bliss now drowning it out.

They pulled, thrust, cried out, shook, moaned and writhed in ecstasy as one. They saw visions flash through their minds that were mirrors of each other’s, and every sound heard was a fuse lit to ignite their bodies even more. It was unique. It was dynamite. It was them.

She had brought him to climax with her mind. He had given her the same ecstasy with his. They spent an age teasing all they could from their shared wild segment of their journey, keeping the call going, even after silence had descended.

In their world, he had exploded over her face and breasts and she had pushed his head between her legs and he had pleasured her with his lips and tongue endlessly. It was their world and so they had done just that in it.

Purely to draw more pleasure from what they had shared, they exchanged messages that gave a sense of just how close their visions were to one another.

“When you brought me to orgasm, I saw your flesh crying out for me to feel it. My flow slapped against your breasts and nipples and you cried out in delight. You let out a laugh of unrestrained satisfaction, receiving my gift with a smile. It was a smile that lingered as you scooped my orgasm from your body,” he told her.

The brief aside ignited her body once again. It craved more and it would get it, but she had to respond to his message with the honesty that underpinned everything first of all.

“I felt it too. Everywhere in my body. Your message there took me back to our chat instantly and I need to play myself to another climax right away.” She told him.

“Then you must! I will pass the time similarly, with visions of tasting those fingers coated with your sweet excitement,” he replied.

The world could be cynical. They cared not. They could be branded fantasists. Just a label. The experience would be dismissed by those unable to use their minds in a similar fashion. This view was one the pair of them treated as unimportant. They were being themselves.