Childhood Friends Pt. 02

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I watched with bated breath as Katie teasingly rolled her sock down her left foot. It felt like my heart was going to stop, but soon enough her beautiful foot was revealed. The only word that could describe it was angelic, with smooth skin and a sharp arch. Her toes were small and cute, with natural nails that were well maintained. Her sock fell to the floor, but it wasn’t enough to draw my attention away from the perfection that was in front of me.

Katie’s anxious grin quickly became a smirk. She bent her leg at the knee, lifting her foot up onto the couch she was sitting on. In case it wasn’t completely obvious by my entranced stare, I was completely enamored by what I saw. A few seconds passed and still I hadn’t said a word. She giggled, “Is this what you were expecting?”

“It’s even better.” 

Katie looked down at her bare foot and tilted her head. She reached down and gently stroked her hand along it, “I’ve never really appreciated my feet before. I always thought they were something to keep hidden.”

“They’re really pretty, Katie.” She giggled at my compliment. The way she slowly caressed her own foot and tilted her head as if admiring it only made me want them more.

“You think so?”

I nodded. I couldn’t believe she had been hiding them from other people the entire time. If I had seen her feet in the past, my foot fetish would have awoken much earlier than it did. Even now as she was beginning to see the beauty of her own foot, she still had no idea what she was doing to me.

“Can I touch it?” I asked, not thinking. All I could focus on at that moment was her feet, “I mean, not if you’re not okay with it. I know you don’t li”

“Sure. If you want.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Wwhat?”

“You can touch my foot, Sam.” She moved her foot down from the couch and held it forwards slightly.

Suddenly, none of this felt real. Katie was letting me act on a fantasy I had been having for months now. My heart was beating like crazy and blood was rushing straight to my dick.

“Are you sure? I mean, you didn’t even want me seeing your foot at all.”

Katie sighed playfully, “Well, you clearly like what you see, so I don’t need to worry about that anymore.” She was right. I was the first guy she had shown her feet too and I was enamored by them. “Are you gonna touch it or not. My foot is getting cold.” 

Filled with urgency, I shuffled along the floor towards the couch. Katie giggled as my hand touched her bare foot. This was a more playful giggle, clearly not used to the sensation of having her feet touched.

“It tickles,” she laughed. Her skin was milky smooth and clearly cared for.

She giggled again as I took her foot in my hands. I took her quiet laughter as a sign to continue. Her sole was just as smooth as the top of her foot, my hand gliding gently along the arch. At one point I looked up at her and saw her gazing down at me with big blue eyes. It was obvious she was enjoying this just as much as me.

It wasn’t long before both of my hands were on her foot, listening to a chorus of giggles coming from above me as I massaged it. This honestly felt like heaven. Here I was, my best friend’s foot in my hands while she sat above me and watched. I went to work on her entire foot before making my way to her toes, moving my fingers between each of them individually. 

“You’re really weird, Sam.” I heard her say at one point, but that only drove me on.

As I worked between her toes, Katie lifted her other foot, her right one, up onto the couch. I was too focused on her bare foot at the time, but I knew what she was doing. She slid her sock off of her other foot much quicker than the last and let it fall onto the floor next to me.

“Is this one just as good?” She lowered her right foot down towards my hands, holding it there as if expecting me to tend to it just as I had her left foot. Of course, I did this almost immediately. My hands switched foot in an aroused daze and began massaging, Katie’s soft laughter coming from above me.

Both of her feet were equally angelic, perfect in all the same ways. Her toenails weren’t painted or anything like that, but that was to be expected. Still, they were trimmed and wellmaintained. Surprising for someone who kept their feet hidden all the time. My fingers brushed between her toes, removing pieces of lint that had come from her socks.

I still couldn’t believe it. Katie’s feet were right in front of me. Not only that, but I was massaging them. I was completely in love with them. Cautiously and slowly, I began bringing her foot closer to my face. Just a single smell of her perfect feet and I would be satisfied.

“Not a chance, Sam!” Katie pulled her foot out of my hands quickly once she realized what I was doing. Still, she wore a grin on her face as if she had been amused by the attempt.

“I was only gonna smell them.” I defended myself weakly, “I wasn’t gonna kiss them or anything.”

Katie raised an eyebrow teasingly, “Since you’re saying that, it was obviously on your mind.” I sat speechless as she looked down at me. It was on my mind. I did want to kiss her feet. “When did you become so weird?”

“Well I”

“I’m joking. If I’d known you gave such good foot massages, I probably would’ve shown them to you sooner.” Katie laughed as she lifted her foot, sock in hand. She positioned the black sock over her toes.

“Wait, you don’t have to do that.” She stopped, keeping her sock held over her toes as she looked at me, confused. “I’ll do it for you. If you want me to, I mean.”

It took a moment for her to answer me, almost like she was processing my request. First I had given her a foot massage entirely unprompted, and now I was offering to put her socks on for her. After hiding her feet away for such a long time, she was almost afraid of admitting how much she liked this. The concept of me being attracted to her feet must have been so strange and confusing to her, but she was enjoying it.

“If you really want to, I won’t stop you.”

Katie passed one of her socks down to me, which I gladly took from her. Once again, she held the flawless form of her foot towards me. I held the edges of the sock and gently wrapped it around her toes, slowly pulling it along the length of her foot. She giggled all the while, which made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I pulled it all the way up to her ankle, at which point her foot was completely covered.

She looked down at her newly covered foot. “Thanks,” she said, wiggling her toes. “Wanna do my other foot too?”

Of course I did. She knew I did. Her other sock was still on the floor next to the couch, so I crawled over and picked it up. Katie’s gaze never left me as I went and received her sock for her. I didn’t know what she was thinking at that moment, but I noticed her bare foot begin bobbing eagerly.

Once again, I wrapped the sock around her toes and pulled it up along the length of her foot, Katie giggling all the while. “You’re kinda like my servant.”

I stopped.

Then I continued. I had only hesitated for a moment so I prayed she didn’t catch on. Those words made me feel weak. There I was massaging her feet, putting on her socks, and she called me her servant. Of course it was only a joke, but just the idea of being Katie’s servant made me feel things I couldn’t explain.

I let go of her foot, having finished putting on her sock. She looked down at her feet, admiring them before standing up. “I think I liked that. We should do it more often.”

I stood up, having been on the floor for the past few hours. “You actually liked it?”

Katie laughed. “Uh, yeah! My childhood friend putting on my socks like some kinda servant? Obviously I liked it.”

There it was again. She called me her servant. Obviously she meant it as a joke, but I had no clue how to respond to it. I did feel like her servant and I liked it. Whilst I had known about my foot fetish for a while, this submissive side of me had only made itself known tonight. My silence spoke volumes, it seemed, as Katie looked at me with a confused look.

She didn’t say anything. I couldn’t decide if that was a blessing or a curse. “I better get going, there’s some things I need to take care of.”

“Yeah, that’s cool. You’re still staying over tomorrow night, right?” I asked as she gathered up her things.

“Yeah, I am, but…” Looking over at her, I saw she was standing over her bags. There was a regular backpack full of supplies for school and a handbag, “Sorry. My bags are kinda heavy.”

“I’ll carry them if you want.”

Katie turned to me, smiling, “You will? You’ll carry them back to my house?”

“Sure. It’s not really any trouble.”

I went over and picked up both her backpack and handbag. They weren’t particularly heavy. They had to be light enough for Katie to carry them around all day. As a matter of fact, this was the first time she had ever asked me to carry her bags for her.

“Thank you, Sam,” she said, a big grin on her face.

We walked the full twenty minutes back to her house, with me carrying her bags the entire way. Katie leisurely strolled along a few feet ahead of me. My eyes would not leave her shoes, I simply couldn’t stop myself. For the entire duration of the walk, I stared at her shoes as she took each step. Every so often I caught her turning as if to catch my gaze, only for her to look away and giggle after realizing where I was looking.

After reaching her house, she took the bags from me. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she giggled, “Servant.”