Champion of the Weak Ch. 04-07 – Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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Chapter 4

Altar of Iaos

Anne was a mess, both physically and mentally. As Ce began calming down, her breathing softening, Anne more pent-up than she’d ever been. This was never a problem for her back home. Being the oldest at the orphanage, she’d always had her own room for some easy-access privacy. She rarely was without a book or work to do, but on the slow days when her mind occasionally wandered to , she could always retreat to her room for some instant gratification. Now she was both on fire and drenched, but couldn’t do anything about it.

She tried to focus and push out those thoughts, but that was almost as difficult as pulling the elevator rope. She tried closing her eyes, but that just amplified her awareness of her nethers’ needs. She tried taking deep breaths, but that just made her body slide against Ce even more.

Finally, Anne gave up. It wasn’t like it was weird for her to be so turned on after something like this, and she didn’t mind letting Ce know she was attracted to women since it clearly went both ways. She’d just have to ask Ce, an almost total stranger, to give her some privacy to… uh… masturbate… Ugh. No matter how Anne tried to rationalize it, she was not looking forward to that conversation.

Lost in her thoughts, Anne didn’t notice the awkward silence, “So… Uh… are you gonna…?” asked Ce nervously.

“Yup!” Anne responded far more energetically than she intended, “Uh, I mean… yeah, here it goes…”

Like her other abilities, this one felt as natural as anything. She took a deep breath and willed her skin to absorb one of the three liquids contributing to her messy state. Immediately, she felt a surge of energy, but like before it wasn’t in a place she could pinpoint. Her muscles still felt like putty, and her mind wasn’t much better, but somewhere even deeper in her she felt like she was at the top of the world.

She couldn’t savor it, though. Instead, she willed the energy into Ce, who gasped and jerked at the sensation almost as violently as when she… finished. Anne still couldn’t bring herself to be vulgar even in her own thoughts. She wasn’t morally opposed to it, but it was just so unnatural for her.

“Oh…Oh WOW! It feels like I could fight a bear!” Ce said, much more quickly than her usual voice. Before Anne could respond, the entire elevator jerked up. Ce had taken the rope and was now pulling the entire thing up by herself. Anne tried to reach out for her own, but before she could they were there, and the entrance to the elevator revealed a hallway.

Anne barely stopped herself from collapsing directly to the floor of the hall. Instead she slid down the wall until her bare butt hit the floor with a thud, and she rested her head in her hands.

Ce, on the other hand, used her newfound energy to pace the hallway. She had scanned the torchlit corridor, but it was completely empty aside from a metal door on the far end. Satisfied, she came back to Anne and, still pacing, began to voice her thoughts in the same fast-talking voice.

“Ok. We have a lot to talk about. I’m sure I don’t need to say it, but I believe you now for sure. I have to ask though, did you see Ihune? Talk to her? What was she li–” Ce stopped in her tracks.

Anne internally sighed. Her powers meant she didn’t need to look up to feel Ce’s eyes on her crotch, which she had just realized was on full display and was probably very clearly showing her arousal. She closed her legs and looked up, and sure enough Ce’s eyes and blushing head immediately darted away. As she did, it was Anne’s turn to notice Ce’s crotch, which was sporting an actively hardening dick.

Anne couldn’t help but watch for a few seconds as it grew, pulsing slightly with Ce’s heartbeat, but she finally forced her eyes away before getting caught herself.

Anne tried to order her thoughts and consider her options in the silence. The obvious one was to ignore this distraction and press on, but she couldn’t deny that her arousal was getting seriously distracting, and what about Ce? She was clearly getting aroused too, even despite what they just did.

The only other option was to bring up again with Ce. Anne could only imagine that Ce already thought of her as some kind of -crazed witch, but… well actually Anne thought that was a pretty fair assessment of where she imagined this “Champion of Ihune” thing was headed. Her Goddess did seem to be aggressively pushing Anne into her new Domain.

Anne decided that she’d take the Champion’s route, and she even had a convenient and perfectly valid excuse, so she broke the silence first, “Sorry, I know that this is all a lot. I promise I’ll explain, but let’s focus on one thing at a time and get through this Altar. But first, I used all of my energy on the elevator, and I think it would be wise for me to have some in reserve for what’s next, and I don’t know how long your strength lasts.” Anne tried to again sound like this was a perfectly normal tactical suggestion.

It took a moment for Ce to process the request, “You want to do it again?”

Anne could see the competing emotions of excitement and apprehension battling for Ce’s face, and she was relieved at the absence of disgust or judgment.

“I only asked because I saw that you were… Well, you know… up for it.” Anne said, wincing at her unintentional pun, “If you don’t want to, that’s fine.”

Ce stared back at her in shock, but quickly recovered, “Oh, yeah. No, that does make sense. We should do it again, just to be safe… Uh… how do you want to…?” Ce trailed off, now beet-red in the face.

Anne’s was only a shade less red, and she took a deep breath to steady her voice, “Well… you can use my breasts again. That seemed to work well. And also, if you don’t mind, I’m pretty worked up, so I’ll be… addressing that too. If that’s ok…” Anne’s attempt at a normal demeanor crumbled at that, realizing she just asked someone she just met to pleasure themselves on her while she pleasured herself. She again wondered if Ihune somehow made a mistake by picking her, but she couldn’t deny that she was also really looking forward to this.

“Yeah… that’s fine with me,” Ce answered, nervously scratching the back of her neck, “are you ready?”

Anne wanted to say that she had rarely been more excited for anything in her life. After all, this was the first time in her life she’d ever done something mutually sexual with someone beautiful, but she just managed a breathy “yes”.

Ce slowly walked up to her while Anne moved to her knees, spreading her legs apart for her own fingers’ access. Her eyes were trained on the fully-hard monster she’d accidentally created, which had to be close to 10 inches long and almost as thick as her wrist. It gently swayed level with her eyes as Ce approached, and then dipped down as Ce lowered herself into position.

“Can I…?” Ce tried to ask. She had both of her hands out slightly. Anne realized she was asking to grab her breasts, which excited her even more. Sure they’d just been pressed together, completely naked, but this was the first time another person had ever touched her breasts sexually.

“Of course.” Anne said distantly, eagerly anticipating the feeling.

It was as wonderful as she expected. Ce’s warm, soft hands pressed into the sides of her breasts, while her warm, hard dick slowly slid in between. Anne couldn’t wait any longer, and reached down to bring her hand to her sopping-wet hole. She dipped her fingers down to collect some of her juices, and then started rubbing her clit with wild abandon. There was no need for foreplay or buildup like usual. She was going straight for the finish.

Ce quickly picked up the pace as well, humping into Anne’s makeshift hole between her breasts. She kept having to readjust her hands on Anne’s slippery breasts, and at one point accidentally brushed against Anne’s nipple, which rewarded Ce with a loud moan from Anne. Ce didn’t skip a beat, adjusting her hands so that she could hold her breasts and have her fingers in range of Anne’s nipples, and began lightly pinching and pulling.

That, plus Anne’s rapidly-approaching orgasm, caused her to unleash the lewdest-sounding moan that had ever escaped her lips, by a wide margin. She looked up Ce’s body as her waves of pleasure turned into a tsunami like nothing she’d ever experienced. Her eyes found her toned stomach, her small, bouncing breasts, and finally her radiant green eyes. That was the last thing she saw before her own eyes were forced closed by the avalanche of an orgasm that overtook her.

She shook and moaned as Ce continued to use her chest, and barely a few seconds later she felt the same reckless thrusting from the elevator. She was still experiencing aftershocks of her orgasm when she felt the twitching, followed by the warm, sticky liquid coating the same spots as before.

When she fully came down from her high, Anne relished the feeling of being so completely satisfied. She knew would always be better with another person, but this was even beyond her expectations. She wondered if Ihune had altered her body in more than just appearance, because the orgasm was just that intense.

Ce tried to slide out first, but Anne remembered her excuse for doing this, and stopped her, “Wait, I need to collect.” The warm invader slid back in, and Anne quickly focused on her ability, absorbing the from Ce and instantly feeling another swell of deeply internal energy.

“Ok, we’re good,” Anne said, and Ce slid back out, “and… uh… thanks.”

Their eyes met again as Anne stood up. Anne instantly recognized Ce’s emotions as usual, even with her attempts at hiding them. She was looking at Anne with a mixture of amazement, disbelief, and… humor?

“Thanks!?” Ce repeated incredulously, “I should be thanking you! I don’t know anything about what’s going on here, or anything about you, but in the last 15 minutes you’ve given me divinely-fueled strength, a dick, and made me cum twice. Sure it’s the weirdest day I’ve ever had, but I’m not complaining.”

Anne breathed another sigh of relief. Ce had shown her loads of times by now that she was willing to take these ridiculous things in stride, but it was still nice to be reassured that she didn’t think of her as a complete lunatic yet.

“Well don’t get too excited yet. The boring Altar hasn’t gone away” Anne said, slowly getting to her feet. She could finally think clearly again, and she looked at the metal door with apprehension. Ce joined her, and they both made their way to the door.

“Is your strength starting to fade at all?” Anne asked

“Not yet,” replied Ce, “but I’ll call if I need it. How’s your combat skills?”

“Nonexistent.” Anne replied dejectedly, “Combat isn’t exactly in Ihune’s Domain.”

“Makes sense, but that shouldn’t be a problem with how strong I am now. Even without the boost, I don’t think I’d have any problems with combat in an Iaos Trial Altar.” Ce said, shrugging, “Make sure to find something to defend yourself and I should be able to cover you.”

Anne again appreciated Ce not being put off by her admission, but it also got her thinking. Why was Ce in an Iaos Trial Altar? With her intricate armor and apparent nobility surely she had the training to easily tackle Vonelia’s and get better rewards, right? She made a note to ask her at the end of the Altar after she explained herself.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Ce said, pausing as she reached for the door, “could you make this thing a little less… distracting? If we are going to be fighting, I’d prefer it if it weren’t swinging around.” Ce laughed nervously, and Anne couldn’t help but smile at the mental image.

“Sure, It shouldn’t take much energy just to change it.” Anne said, using the ability instantly. Both of their eyes darted down to Ce’s crotch as it decreased to close to half the size. Anne marveled that it almost looked cute, and sure enough she barely felt any difference in her weird internal energy.

“Alright, you ready?” Ce asked.

“Let’s do this.”

Chapter 5

The Mirror

The metal door revealed a wide stone room. Anne and Ce both stood at the doorway, scanning its length before making a move. It was dimly lit at the center, but had torches along the walls which illuminated bullseye targets on hay bales on the left wall, and a line of practice dummy soldiers on the right. The center seemed to be a maze of weapon and shield racks, but every weapon Anne could see was made of wood.

Confident that they weren’t in any immediate danger, they stepped cautiously in. Still, the room remained still and silent.

“Tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this is an obvious trap.” Ce said, studying the practice dummies intently.

“I’d be more surprised if it weren’t.” Anne agreed, “We’d better get some weapons.”

They slowly approached the nearest set of racks. Anne went for the shield first while Ce went for two swords. The second Anne touched a shield, they both froze as a flurry of movement from the right side of the room caught their attention. Sure enough, the dummies had animated, and were shuffling their way towards them.

Luckily, the dummies were slow, so they had more than enough time to equip themselves. Anne’s first instinct was to create a barricade in what time they had so they could funnel them into one place, but before she could voice her plan Ce had already taken off towards the dummies. At first, Anne thought it was needlessly reckless from Ce, but her reasoning became obvious. While the dummies were in a line, Ce had rushed to the far right side of it to fight them one-on-one before the others could mass.

Anne watched in shock at Ce’s swift and forceful engagement. In single swings she decapitated the first two dummies, and began moving her way down the line. Anne couldn’t help but find the display a little erotic. Ce was using every part of her body to dodge, feint, strike, and pivot. It almost looked like a dance, with her silvery hair flowing behind. That is, a dance performed by a naked, dual-wielding, divinely-strengthened, beautiful woman with a dick between her legs. Anne pinched herself just to remind her that this was actually happening.

Within a minute, Ce had cleared out most of the dummies, leaving a trail of cloth and wood behind her. Unfortunately, the remaining dummies had finally massed, and now had Ce on the back foot. Individually they were pathetic, but together Ce had to deal with several attackers at once, all swinging at unpredictable times.

Anne started making her way forward to help. She didn’t have any delusions about fighting the horde herself, but she could at least draw a few off and use her shield to keep safe.

Instead, Anne stopped in her tracks and her jaw dropped. Ce had taken a few long paces back, and had started to lift one of the racks filled with shields. Anne had thought just her own shield was pretty weighty, but Ce was heaving the entire rack up and around like it was nothing. She spun the entire thing around her once for momentum, and tossed the entire heap towards the dummies.

After a cacophony of crashes, the remaining pack of dummies were all on the ground, and Ce went in to finish them off. Another minute, and the room was silent again.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Ce said, laughing and trotting over to her, “you did this to me, after all.”

Anne closed her gaping jaw. If she hadn’t seen it, she wouldn’t have believed Ce had just been in combat. Her breathing was completely normal, and she’d relaxed back into her normal stance and demeanor. Ce clearly had plenty of training and talent, but evidently Anne’s ability was much more powerful than she thought. Both of those together created something else entirely.

“Hey Anne,” Ce teased, waving her hands in front of her face, “are you still there?”

Anne blinked and snapped out of it, “Yeah, sorry, I just… that was amazing.”

“Yeah, it felt like it.” Ce agreed, “I think I’m finally coming down, but that is still one serious ability you have. It was like everything else had slowed down, and I was just tossing them aside like toys” Ce looked at her own arms, as if seeing them for the first time.

“It’s not all me, though.” Anne added, “Your form was incredible! Sure beats anything I’ve seen in street fights in the lower city.” Again, Anne caught the brief hint of pity on Ce’s face, who recovered instantly.

“Well, yeah,” Ce said, flexing her muscles, “I guess I am pretty awesome.” They both laughed.

“Ready to keep going?” Anne asked. All of her exhaustion from earlier seemed like a distant memory. Her thoughts were filled with them getting through this Altar with such ease – weird situations aside. It may not be how she’d planned it, but Anne was actually fulfilling her dreams.

“Absolutely, I’m guessing we’re almost done with our first!” Ce said excitedly. Anne didn’t even consider that this was Ce’s first Altar too, and also her 19th birthday. It also reminded her that tonight shouldn’t have been possible.

There was so much propaganda preventing peasants like her from even attempting Altars, but they were an excellent way for nobility and commoners to meet on a common ground with a common goal. Ce may have more training and money, but at this moment they both shared a child-like excitement at completing their first Altar.

She hid her melancholic thoughts though, letting her excitement win out, and gave a wide smile back to Ce before they headed towards the door on the far side of the room. This one was a nondescript wooden plank door with an iron knocker as a handle. Bracing themselves again, they pulled it open.

It was mesmerizing. Both of their jaws dropped at the sight of a grand mirror that must have been two stories tall, decorated with ornate golden borders and grand braziers at its base. In front of it was a small set of stone stairs leading up a few feet to a tiny raised platform barely big enough to stand on. A plaque glinted in the firelight at the base of the stairs.

They looked at each other’s faces of awe, and then back at the mirror, slowly approaching the stairs.

Mirrored Destiny

They of Many Faces sees your possibilities, but not your future

They will show you complete victory on one side

They will show you abject defeat on the other

Will your determination persevere?

Will fear turn you away?

“Huh,” Ce pondered, “sounds like something you’d find in an Ikdes Altar.”

Anne immediately caught disgust on Ce’s face at the mention of the God of Chaos. She made a mental note, but had more important things to think about now, like what did victory look like for her and Ihune? She figured defeat was easy enough, and would probably just show her dead in a ditch somewhere, but she still didn’t know exactly what her goals were supposed to be. Maybe she’d finally get some answers.

“Can I go first?” Anne asked.

“Go for it. If this is somehow another trap, I’ll keep watch.” Ce said.

She made her way up to the platform, and the second she stepped onto it the entire room erupted. The surprise nearly made her jump straight off the stone as she spun her head around for the source of the roar that seemed to be filling the room from all sides. Her eyes found Ce, who looked worried at her reaction and was shouting something at her, but Anne couldn’t hear it. She held her hands up in a calming motion to show Ce she was fine, then turned back to the mirror.

With the visual aid, her mind and ears adjusted. It wasn’t a roar, it was cheering. Anne saw herself sitting in an ornate throne, smiling and waving at a cheering crowd larger than Anne had ever seen. She was wearing a stunning deep-blue dress that looked like it would make Ihune herself jealous, and her hair had been done up in complex braids that could only have been done by a master of the craft.
