Camp Counselors |

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I woke up early feeling refreshed after another long day at Camp Clearwater. As an 18yearold girl camp counselor, I had been working nonstop since arriving two weeks ago. One group of kids just left and the second wave would get here until tomorrow, giving us counselors a free day.

My best friend Taylor, who shared the cabin with me, stirred from her slumber.

“Morning, Em,” she yawned, stretching her arms above her head. “What do you think we should do with our free day?”

I let out a content sigh at the thought of a day without rowdy campers. “I’m not sure yet,” I replied, “but I am definitely looking forward to some peace and quiet.”

Taylor chuckled and hopped out of bed, already full of energy. “How about we go for a hike?” she suggested, pulling her clothes out of the dresser.

I raised an eyebrow at the idea. “Where are you thinking?”

She looked up from lacing up her hiking boots, “There’s this one trail I’ve been wanting to check out. It’s supposed to have some amazing views.”

“Count me in,” I said as I quickly got dressed and laced up my own boots, eager for adventure and some quality time with my best friend.

We went past the sleeping cabins and made our way to the forest, following the winding trail as it led us deeper into the woods. The sun beat down on us, warming our skin, and we walked in comfortable silence, enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

As we climbed higher, we stopped at a small clearing with resting benches about half way to the top. Taylor turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“You know what would make the rest of the hike to the top even better?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“What’s that?” I replied seeing the impish look in her eyes that I knew usually led to trouble.

“If we were nude,” she said, a sly smile spreading across her face.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I comprehended what she was suggesting. Before I could respond, Taylor had already begun to strip off her clothes. Once she was naked she put her socks and hiking boots back on and smiled at me, “Come on Em, it’s feels wonderful.”

I hesitated for a moment before slowly peeling off my clothes. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. We stood there together, basking in the warmth of the sun and the freedom of being naked in nature.

We tucked our clothes under one of the benches and continued our hike. The feeling of being naked outdoors was exhilarating. We talked and laughed as we made our way to the top and then stood there completely exposed taking in the view.

As we stood at the top of the trail, the stunning vista stretched out before us. The lush green valley was dotted with shimmering lakes that reflected the clear blue sky. A light breeze caressed our bare skin, making us feel even more connected to the untouched wilderness surrounding us.

“This is incredible,” I breathed, still in awe of where our spontaneous adventure had led us. “I never imagined I’d be standing naked on top of a mountain, but it feels so freeing.”

Taylor grinned at me, her eyes sparkling with joy. “I told you it would be amazing! There’s something magical about being one with nature like this.”

We found a grassy spot to sit and soak in the peaceful atmosphere. The sun warmed our bodies as we lounged side by side, chatting and laughing. I felt a tingle of excitement being naked and so close to Taylor.

Eventually, we decided to start our descent back to the resting benches where we had left our clothes. As we hiked down the trail, I couldn’t help but admire Taylor’s athletic figure. Her toned legs and firm bottom looked even more impressive in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees.

We reached the clearing and spotted the bench where we left our clothing but something wasn’t right, our clothes were nowhere to be seen. In their place was a small piece of paper, folded into a neat square.

I picked it up, smoothing out the creases to reveal a message scrawled in messy handwriting:

Emma and Taylor,

I found your clothes and brought them back to my office for safekeeping. You never know who might have come along and stolen them. You’re welcome to stop by and retrieve them anytime.


My heart sank as I read the words, a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Greg was the head counselor and our boss and could be a complete asshole. Taylor looked at me quizzically, “What does it say?” she asked. I handed it over to her, watching as she read the words. Her face flushed. “Well, that’s just great,” she muttered, crumpling up the note and dropping it into a trashcan. ” Greg! Looks like we’re walking back to camp in the nude.”

Hiking naked along an empty trail was one thing, but having to trek back into the camp without any clothes was a whole different level of exposure. My mind raced with the thoughts of embarrassment if we were caught.

“Maybe we should wait until it gets dark,” I suggested, trying to come up with a plan. “Then we can sneak back to our cabin unnoticed.”

Taylor shook her head, “No way. I’m not spending the entire day hiding out in the woods. Besides, the keys to our cabin are in my pants pocket. If we’re lucky, we might be able to make it to Greg’s office without anyone seeing us.”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “Okay, let’s do this. But we have to be quick and stay out of sight as much as possible.”

We set off down the trail, our feet treading on the rocky path. Every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig made my heart race, fearing that someone might discover us.

“What do you think Greg will make us do to get our clothes back?” I asked, dreading the answer.

“Well, Greg is a pig,” Taylor responded, “So probably a blowjob or something.”

The thought of having Greg’s penis in my mouth made me want to gag. Taylor saw the expression on my face. “Don’t worry Em, it was my crazy idea that got us into this mess, so it’s only fair if that is what it takes I’ll suck it.”

As we approached the camp, we could hear the distant chatter and laughter of the other counselors enjoying their day off. We skirted around the edge of the cabins, my heart was pounding as we made our way to the administrative building where Greg’s office was located.

We paused outside the door, exchanging a nervous glance. “Let’s just get this over with,” Taylor whispered, reaching for the handle.

She pushed the door open and we stepped inside, our naked bodies on full display. Greg looked up from his desk, a smirk playing on his lips as he took in the sight of us. “Well, well, what do we have here?” he drawled, leaning back in his chair.

I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment and anger as Greg’s eyes raked over our exposed bodies. “You know why we’re here,” I said through gritted teeth, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity despite our vulnerable state. “Can we please just have our clothes back?”

Greg’s smirk widened as he stood up from his desk and sauntered over to us, leering at our nakedness. “Now, now, there’s no need to be so hostile. I was just doing you a favor by bringing your clothes back here. You should be thanking me.”

Taylor scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Thanking you? For what, being a pervert and stealing our clothes? Yeah, real noble of you, Greg.”

He chuckled, unfazed by her accusation. “I prefer to think of it as seizing an opportunity. It’s not every day two gorgeous, naked girls show up at my office door.”

I could feel my anger rising, but I tried to stay calm. We were at his mercy right now, and arguing would only make things worse. “Please, Greg, just give us back our clothes so we can go,” I pleaded.

He tapped his chin thoughtfully, as if considering our request. “I suppose I could do that. But where’s the fun in that? I have a better idea.”

My stomach churned with dread as he stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with a predatory intensity. “How about we make a little deal, ladies? I’ll give you back your clothes if you do something for me first.”

My heart raced as I exchanged a panicked look with Taylor. We were trapped, naked and powerless in Greg’s office with no easy way out of this situation.

Taylor glared at him defiantly, “What do you want, creep?”

Greg tutted disapprovingly. “Now, now, no need for name calling. I’m being quite generous here. All I’m asking is for a little show in exchange for your clothing. I just want to watch you two sixtynine.”

My gaze locked onto him, a mixture of shock and disbelief etched on my face. The idea of performing such an intimate act, one that I had only ever seen in porn but had never experienced myself, in front of Greg made my skin crawl with discomfort and embarrassment. I quickly surveyed the small space of his office, but our clothes were nowhere in sight. It seemed we had no choice; we were at Greg’s mercy.

I looked over at Taylor, trying to gauge her reaction. She met my gaze, her expression a mix of anger and resignation. With a slight nod, she silently communicated that we had no other option.

Swallowing hard, I turned back to Greg. “Fine,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “We’ll do it. But you have to promise to give us our clothes back right after.”

Greg’s smile was triumphant. “Of course, ladies. I’m a man of my word.”

With shaking legs, Taylor and I moved closer together on the carpet of his office. I laid down on my back as Taylor positioned herself over me, her bald pussy hovering inches from my face. The scent of her arousal filled my nostrils as she lowered herself down.

Tentatively, I extended my tongue, making contact with Taylor’s glistening folds. I had never been with a woman before and really had no idea what I was doing but she let out a soft gasp as I began to explore her with my tongue, tracing every inch of her delicate skin. At the same time, I felt her warm breath on my labia before her tongue delved between my legs and brought me to new heights of pleasure.

Despite the degrading circumstances, my body couldn’t help but respond with intense desire as we pleasured each other. Taylor’s tongue worked magic on my sensitive clit while I lapped eagerly at her dripping cunt, savoring every taste and sensation.

My hands caressed Taylor’s perfectly shaped ass, pulling her closer eager to fuck her with my tongue. The feeling of her naked body pressed against mine as she devoured me was overwhelming and sent shockwaves of ecstasy through every part of me.

The gentle tinkling of a belt buckle, the sound of a zipper being pulled down, and the rustle of fabric filled the room as I felt a wave of disgust wash over me. Greg had just removed his pants, and I couldn’t bear the thought of what was to come next. Taylor lifted her head from between my legs, her soft hair gliding against my thigh as she turned to look at Greg.

Suddenly, she burst into laughter, her naked body trembling on top of me. “Oh my God, your dick is so tiny,” she cackled. “Does that thing even work?” Taylor climbed off of me, unable to contain her amusement. “Em, you have got to see this. It’s pitiful.”

I reluctantly turned my head to look at Greg and couldn’t help but join in with Taylor’s laughter. She was right his penis was small. Fully erect, it was maybe three inches long, maybe. His face turned bright red as he scrambled to pull his pants back up. Taylor and I were rolling around on the floor, doubled over with hysterics.

“Fuck you,” Greg cursed at us.

“Not with that tiny little cock,” Taylor laughed, tears streaming down her cheeks. Greg stormed out of his office slamming the door behind him.

Taylor and I tried to compose ourselves, still giggling as we caught our breath. “Oh my God, that was hilarious,” Taylor said, wiping tears from her eyes. “Did you see his face when I called out his tiny dick?”

I nodded, grinning from ear to ear. “Serves him right for being such a asshole and taking advantage of us. I can’t believe he made us sixtynine.”

Taylor stood up and walked over to a closet in the corner of the office. She rummaged around inside for a moment before pulling out our clothes with a triumphant “Aha!”

We quickly got dressed, relieved to finally be covered again. As we made our way out of the administrative building, we spotted Greg across the courtyard and burst into laughter once more.

“You know, despite everything, I’m glad we went on that hike today,” I said as we walked back to our cabin.

Taylor smiled and put her arm around my shoulders. “Definitely. And now we have one hell of a to tell.”

We spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying each other’s company, grateful for our friendship and the bond that had been strengthened through our wild experience. As the sun began to set, we sat on the porch of our cabin, sipping on cold drinks and watching the warm hues paint the sky.

That evening we were laying in our bunks in the dark when Taylor’s whisper broke the silence, “Um, Em.”

“Yes?” I quietly responded.

There was a brief silence before Taylor spoke again, her words sheepish and hesitant. “Um, even though we were forced into doing it, I really enjoyed…what we did. Do you think, um, maybe we might be able to do that again sometime?”

With a smile on my face I climbed out of my bed and made my way over to Taylor’s, removing my night clothes along the way.