Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Can I Keep Him?

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#Mature #Teen #Virgin #Zoophilia

RATING/PAIRING: NC 17, Dawn/Dog, Buffy/Dog, Dawn/M/M, Tara/Dog Willow/ Dog (MF, Mf, mmff beast, nc, cons, rape, oral, anal) SPOILERS: Buffy Season 6,


Buffy paced nervously around her living room, occasionally looking towards the door expectantly. She had been doing this for nearly an hour now as her worry became greater. Her eyes kept looking towards her weapon chest as she prepared to go out to find Dawn. Why would she be so stupid? She knew how dangerous Sunnydale was at night and that all kinds of dangerous creatures roamed the streets once the sun went down. Why would she take this kind of risk when her life was in danger? Why…

The door opened and Buffy suddenly ran towards it. “Dawn!” she exclaimed. “Dawn!”

“Jeeze, Buffy,” Dawn groaned. “Don’t have a panic attack on my account.”

“Dawnie… why didn’t you call me? Where were you?”

“I was studying with Janice… you knew… I told you.”

“You did not!” Buffy complained.

“Yeah, I did. I said yesterday before you went out on patrol and…”

Buffy’s eyes moved from her sister to the creature that was behind her. It made a quiet a growling noise and rubbed its nose against Dawn’s leg. “What the hell is that?” The Slayer asked, staring at the drooling thing.

“It’s a dog.”

“I know it’s a dog, Dawn. What’s it doing here?”

“It followed me home.”

“Uh-huh,” Buffy nodded. “But what’s it doing here?”

“I couldn’t get rid of it,” Dawn protested. “I didn’t want to leave him out on his own.”

“Why do I know what you’re gonna ask next?”

“Can I keep him? At least until we found out who he belongs to.”

Buffy looked at the creature before her. Its eyes peeked from between Dawn’s legs. The large, brown rotweiler wasn’t exactly the most pleasant sight but there was something oddly appealing about it. Like it was the stray that no one could leave alone. It seemed to wear her defiance down rapidly and soon she was leaning forward to stroke its head. The dog growled happily. “Sure.” The Slayer looked pointedly at her sister. “But only until we find its owner!”

“Deal,” Dawn smiled as she brought the dog into the house.

* * *

Dawn settled into her bed with the dog, which on Buffy’s orders she hadn’t yet given a name. “A name means you’re keeping it and I’ve got too much to worry about right now,” she said. Dawn didn’t mind. She didn’t care about a name, the dog was as good as hers. She stroked its head. “All fed and watered. Now you gotta go to sleep, okay?”

The dog let out a quiet rumbling sound. Dawn smiled as she settled into her bed, pulling the sheets up and closed her eyes. Only a few minutes later and she felt the dog shifting under her sheets. “Go to sleep,” she sighed, pushing down on its head while shifting her position. But the animal was insisted and began to sniff over her body slowly, working its way up her legs. Its wet nose occasionally touched her skin, making me shiver a little. “Mmm… no…” she smiled. “I need to sleep.” The dog’s nose reached Dawn’s tight young pussy then stopped. Dawn pulled up the sheets and looked down at the dog. “Sleep,” she ordered but was taken aback by a sudden flash of red in the dog’s eyes. She felt dizzy as the animal bent its head under her nightdress and gave my cunt a long wet lick through her cotton panties.

Dawn moaned involuntarily. “No…” said with a lopsided smile. “Bad dog… bad dog…” She felt the claws scraping her body, ripping my dress up until she was left in her panties. Dawn was feeling amazing sensations shoot through her body. A guilty pleasure was building up between her legs as the warm nose pushing against her pussy, making her wet. The young girl couldn’t take it anymore and soon opened her legs a little wider. The dog quickly managed to rip off the rest of her nightdress and finally left her panties in tatters. The torn material felt off her body, leaving the fifteen year old naked to the animal assault.

She grinded herself up against the creature’s muzzle. She shuddered as its flat tongue rubbed her lower lips over and over again, giving equal attention to her folds and her clit. “Mmm… good boy… good boy.” The animal toyed with her pussy nipping her and licking deep inside as its tongue flicked in and out of her hole which was becoming wetter and wetter as the treatment continued. The dog seemed to sense the heat coming from the girl’s body and gave her pussy a powerful lick, from her clit around to her asshole was now exposed due to her bucking hips. Dawn let out a loud moan.

The dog continued licking Dawn’s pussy and ass, occasionally slipping his tongue into her dripping cunt. Her breathing became more erratic and she felt herself on the verge of a powerful orgasm. “Ohhhh… Mmmmmm…” she called out, bucking her hips even more as her juices dripped down her legs are were soon lapped up by the animal.

Dawn’s hands reached down to bring the dog further up her body. She shivered as its rough, warm tongue moved over her developing breasts, making her nipples hard instantly. She reached between its hind legs, rubbing and pulling on the pink shaft that was now sticking out. No wait. Not one. Her hand fluttered over the dog’s belly until she found another two cocks dangling between her legs. “Wow,” she muttered as her hands nervously fondled the erections. This thing wasn’t normal. It wasn’t a real dog. It was demonic. She should tell Buffy… but she couldn’t. There was a strange… attraction here. She began to stroke one of the pink cocks with her small hands, picking up the pace as it became harder.

Dawn moved her head forward and little and took one of the rubbery cocks between her lips. She wasn’t sure why exactly but she was curious. A few of the girls in her school had talked about going down on boys but this was the first time she’d ever seen an erection so close to her and in the flesh. She let the first few inches slide into her mouth, the hard rod feeling slick and soft on her tongue as she massaged it slightly. Dawn began to suck softly on it, feeling her pussy becoming even more moist as the dog began to push its hard cock in and out of her mouth as it gained more and more confidence. She could feel the other two rub against her cheeks as the long sucks began short, sharp thrusts deep into her mouth and towards her throat. Dawn gagged a little and put her hands around the shaft, jerking it off. The dog seemed to like that so she continued, her hands working over the pink penis over and over until she felt it begin to throb inside her. The dog’s hips started to jerk uncontrollably and it let out a loud bark. “Sshh…” Dawn moaned between thrusts into her mouth. “Sssh…” Without any further warning, the tip seemed to explode and hot cum ran down Dawn’s throat and out of my nose. She gagged and coughed as the salty cream filled her up until she was barely able to breathe anymore.

One of the creature’s other erections started to poke into her face. Dawn was a little nervous following the treatment she just received but the dog seemed to having a calming influence over her. She prepared to take it into her mouth but the animal had other ideas. It moved back down her body and started to position one of the cocks near her tight hole. “No… no…” Dawn stammered. “I’m a virgin. Please.”

The young girl tried to move away, but the dog moved his front legs around her waist and held her tight as it positioned itself and prepared to drive its eleven inch cock deep into her. She felt something jabbing her buttocks and upper thighs, inching closer to her pussy. It then rammed the whole length of itself into her suddenly, making her cry out in pain as he ripped away her virginity in one swift movement. “No!!!” she screamed out but to no avail. After the first thrust, the animal starting pumping into her cunt energetically, grunting in pleasure, his stiff cock completely filling her tight pussy. Dawn tried to remain quiet as the animal violated her over and over while its other cock rubbed between her ass cheeks, coating them in a layer of precum.

Dawn felt herself being stretched to the limit as the dog pushed inside her, and then pulled out again just a little bit before ramming all of it back in. She groaned loudly and let her hand trail down behind her to the other cock which she started to jerk off. She closed her eyes and listened to the dog panting loudly in her ear. Her hips bucked as the pounding became faster and harder than even her hands had when working her pussy on the lonely nights alone. “Yeah. Fuck it. Fuck my pussy,” she called out, saying things she never thought she was capable of “Oooh, it feels so good…”

Reaching down, Dawn took the third cock in her hand and helped to guide it towards the entrance of her asshole. She screamed out in pain as it forced its way into her with only a small amount of lubrication and started to whimper as the dog began to pound in and out of both of her holes. The thickest cock was slamming in and out of her asshole as the fifteen year old girl strained to get away, suddenly regretting helping the beast find her ass but found that she couldn’t move and was forced to accept it. The first cock hit the right spot in her pussy and she started grinding her hips meet the dogs thrusts. The dog was pumping faster and harder and Dawn suddenly felt both of its dicks growing larger and harder and begin to throb. She grabbed the bed sheets as the dog started whimpering. “You gonna cum boy?” she cooed. “Go ahead. Fill my pussy up!” Her eyes opened wide as she felt both of the dog’s knots enlarge inside her so that she wasn’t able move and inch then started groaning loudly as she felt it shoot its load deep inside her pussy and ass. The animal spasmed for around a minute as Dawn’s body bucked all over the place, making a mess of the sheets until it finally stopped moving. It was still on top of her and after a few more seconds the knots begin to compress inside her. Dawn sighed as a torrent of thick cum was released from both holes along with the juices that had accumulated inside of her body. The thick, white mass dribbled down her thighs and ended up in a sticky mess on the bed between her legs.

Dawn looked at the dog, her eyes blurry, as it snuggled up against her in the bed. “Wow,” she said. “That was just… wow.” The dog’s warm tongue licked her cheek. She smiled and looked at it as its eyes glowed red again and her head hit the pillow instantly.

* * *

Dawn woke the next morning feeling strange. As she did every day before getting ready for school, she reached down to her pussy to finger herself to orgasm. It always made the day ahead less stressful. As her hand went under the bedclothes she realised that they were covered in a wet, sticky mass. A look of horror covered the young girl’s face as she remembered what she had done the night before. She glanced to her side and saw the rotweiler sleeping peacefully on the floor next to her bed. “Oh god,” she gasped, jumping out of bed as quickly as she possibly could.

Looking down at herself, she realised how badly shredded her pyjamas had been by the dog’s claws during its lustful taking of her innocent body. Her breasts poking out of the holes that had been ripped into them and there were just strands at the bottom revealing her exposed pussy. She glared at the dog angrily, annoyed at it for what it had done and at herself for being so weak. She was, oh god, she was a slut. She couldn’t believe it. She’d never be able to live this down! The dog looked up at her with groggy eyes and she was sure that it smiled.

Shaking the odd feeling off, Dawn began to strip her clothes off, throwing them onto the bed while she took the dog cum covered sheets from her bed. Covering herself up with a nightgown, she headed downstairs to throw the clothes into the trashcan outside, carefully covering up with other rubbish so that Buffy wouldn’t notice. She then proceeded to put the bedclothes into the washing machine before heading upstairs for a shower.

By the time she got to the bathroom, Buffy was awake and dressed to go to work at the Doublemeat Palace. “Morning, Dawnie,” she yawned as she finished drying off her hair with a towel. “You’re up early.”

“You know me,” Dawn replied nervously. “Have to up, up, up for all that learning and… um… other school stuff.”

“School stuff?” Buffy smiled. “You’re starting to sound just like me.” Dawn grinned back, trying to look as calm as possible but her eyes showed the panic attack she was having. Thankfully Buffy didn’t notice and for the first time her sister was actually glad that she wasn’t paying much attention to her. “Oh, and try to put some posters up after you get back,” Buffy added.

“P-posters?” Dawn asked.

“You know, about the dog,” her sister quickly reminded her. “To see if someone owns it.”

“Uh, yeah. Yeah, posters.” Dawn looked over her shoulder to see the dog poking its head from her bedroom door. She turned back to Buffy. “I’ll get it done.”

“Good. I’m gonna be working late tonight. I’ll see you… whenever.”

“Whenever’s good,” Dawn shrugged.

* * *

It was during her gyn class in third period that Dawn began to realise something strange was going on. Janice had picked her to play on her team during the basketball game they were being made to play but when she got to her feet to take her position she suddenly felt queasy. She tried to shake it off but only took a few more steps before passing out on the floor of the school gym.

She woke up again in the nurse’s office to find herself still feeling ill. The nurse tried to talk to her, to ask what was wrong but she couldn’t reply. Her mind kept drifting back to the dog waiting for her at home. It was as though she felt a compulsion to return to it that she just couldn’t deny. The longer she spent away from it, the worse she was getting. She tried to sit up but couldn’t. She just fell back onto the bed.

A few minutes later the principal arrived. Dawn was feeling so disorientated she couldn’t hear what he was saying to the nurse but once he addressed her she was able to understand what was going on. “Is your sister at home, Dawn?” he asked her.

Dawn nodded. She didn’t know why but she knew that if no one was home that she wouldn’t be taken back and so she had to lie.

“Is she able to come and give you a lift home?” the principal asked.

“…doesn’t drive…” Dawn mumbled almost incoherently.

The principal nodded and turned back to the nurse. “Tell Miss Sanchez to take over monitoring detention for me. I’ll give the girl a ride home.” The nurse said something in reply that Dawn couldn’t make out then the two of them helped take her to the principal’s car.

As they drove back to the Summers’ house, Dawn found herself feeling a little better but as her mind kept drifting back to the waiting dog, she could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter. It took all her willpower not to unzip her pants and start masturbating there and then in her teacher’s car! She bit her lip and tried not too look too suspicious as they drove up to the house. “Do you think I could have a few words with your sister before I…”

Before he could finish, Dawn was out of the car and headed towards the house. She managed to shout a quick “thanks!” and disappeared inside. Thinking that she was probably running off to be sick, the principal decided it would be best to leave it as it was and speak to Buffy once Dawn was feeling better. He drove off back to the school.

* * *

Dawn slammed the door behind her and ran into the living room where the dog was already waiting for her. He barked several times as if to order the girl to her knees. She obeyed and was already reaching for its belly, rubbing it in order to find the cock that was still hidden in its sheath. It wasn’t long before the long, pink rod began to emerge allowing Dawn to jerk it off even more, rubbing her small hands up and down along the whole length of it. The dog out several throaty growls, clearly enjoying the hand job that this gorgeous teenage girl was giving it.

Dawn moved in closer to the animal and lifted one of the three nine inch cocks nearer her mouth. She began to suck the head between her lips. After a few minutes of sucking gently on the tip, her tongue flickering over the almost pointed end, she moved over to another cock and opened her mouth a little wider than before to take more of it into her. Suddenly, the dog seemed to have its own ideas and began to fuck her mouth, rapidly ramming its cock in and out. She quickly moved to the third cock and got the same treatment. Dawn could taste the bitter doggie pre cum that was being produced by the long poles that were taking it in turns slamming into her gullet. The fifteen year old sucked helplessly as the animal’s erection that was currently in her mouth grew harder and knot moved up his shaft, bursting between her lips. She swallowed a mouth of dog cum then choked, spilling sperm out over her lips. The lusty creature continued to hump her face so fast that its ejaculating cock fell from her mouth and began to spew over her face, coating her lips, nose and eyelids with gooey dog spunk.

The dog moved away to the other side of the room and started to lick itself clean. Dawn watched it for a while before realising what she had done. Again. She suddenly realised why she was feeling so ill at school and why she felt an urge to do that to the animal she moment she got inside. It had done something to her, something that made her unable to stay away from it without feeling those extreme symptoms. She got shakily to her feet and ran upstairs as fast as she could.

Once she was in the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror, her face covered in the sticky sheen that was the dog’s cum. She turned on the shower to clean herself up before falling to her knees and crying. There was no way she could tell Buffy about this, no way at all. She felt ashamed, scared of how her sister would react to what she had done with the creature that was probably still downstairs waiting for another chance to have its way with her. She doubted that it would just settle for her mouth again and knew that her pussy was in for another tortuous session

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