Brandon – Jake invites me to his after work secret hobby – part 11

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#Incest #Trans #Tween

By Brandon95

Jake has been getting home late and not wanting our usual fun as much as normal. So he brings me to a new store and I learn what the back room is for

It’s been a long time since my last post, but please find the time to read them so you know how I got to this point in my story. It was a long journey to here and too long to recap it all. I hope you enjoy and please let me know in the comments to encourage me to keep writing. This one is a little long on the lead up so please enjoy.

In my last post I was 11 yo, I had turned I to the summer slut of the condo complex we lived in. I was going out almost every day dressed as a girl and meeting boys behind the park bathroom building to suck their teen cocks and let them fuck my ass. All the time with them thinking I was actually a girl. Until one day an adult man found me there who apparently also knew my dad and I thought I was busted until he ended up wanting what all the other boys wanted. He ended up using me roughly and saying I needed to take care of him or else he would tell my father what I was doing and spill to the other boys that I wasn’t actually a girl. I was terrified, and he had the largest cock I had ever seen. But I was also pretty turned on and let him use me and discard me after.

This kind of ruined my summer for the next few weeks. Yes, even though his cock was so huge it hurt both stretching my tight little hole and apparently bottoming out in my ass so deep it hit a spot that it couldn’t go past. I still liked it, it was sexy and his cock was so nice and his huge balls smothered my face when i hungerly licked and sucked them. But the fact that he was an adult that immediately saw past my cheap costume and knew I was a boy and even who my family was. I was terrified that he or another adult would find me and blow my cover so I hid inside after that. Pretty much every day my brother would walk me to a neighbor’s house to watch me during the day while he and my father worked. Their son was one of the boys I let “use me for practice”. But he knew I was a boy and didn’t need to dress up. I would come for the day and we would hang out in his room while his parents worked from home. They never bothered us except to say lunch was ready or that Jake was picking me up. So we had plenty of time for me to suck his cock and let him recover and recharge to fuck me and cum again at least a couple times during the day. Then I would go home when Jake got out of work and we would do pretty much the same until my dad got home late. Our middle brother Christian was busy most of the summer with sports and extra activities that he was signed up for

But after a while Jake was getting me later and later. Until I was at Derek’s house until my father was getting home. This gave me time to drain Derek several times with my mouth and ass which was fun, but I wanted Jake who had the most beautiful cock id ever seen and he knew how to really make me enjoy what we did together. I liked any and all cocks but sex with Jake was very different, he made me feel like a real girl that he cared about. I felt special with him. But it was hard for us to do anything after Dad got home and between that and me being terrified to go outside anymore the only cock I was getting was Derek. Not that his was bad, but not only was he not Jake, one cock was not enough for me anymore. I would still try to at least suck Jakes cock once before bed, but sometimes after he got home late he said he was too tired and needed to just go straight to bed. I thought, “it’s ok, I’ll do all the work, just let me have that sweet cum please.”

With a few weeks of this and the end of summer coming Jake seemed to notice my mood and my disappointment. He sat me down one evening after getting home and told her he was sorry, he had been stopping at a new place after work before home and that’s why he wasn’t getting home early enough to be with me before Dad got home. I was happy he thought enough about me to give me any explanation, but upset also because what could be more important or fun than draining his glorious cock in my tight ass and mouth. I asked him if he didn’t like spending time with me anymore and he said of course he still enjoyed spending time with me, he was just doing new things and he said the place he had been going was for adults only so he couldn’t bring me. Then he said Dad was asleep so we should have a little fun before bed and we had some of our old style very sexy fun where he payed extra attention to make sure I came also before he did.

He did try giving a little extra attention over the next few days to let me know he still cared but was still home late and often tired. Then he pulled me aside one evening and asked.”you know how I said the place I was going was for adults only?” I told him yes I remembered and that why I couldnt come with him. I thought he was going to a bar or something, even though he wasn’t 21 yet, only 18, but my 11 year old head didnt out that together at the time. To me he was just an adult after he turned 18. He kept going saying “well I talked to the owner, and he said I could bring you as long as you stick with me and we don’t let anyone know.” I almost exploded. He wanted me to come to an adult place to spend time with me not just doing our usual fun. I loved spending time with Jake and missed it so much recently. I had by then come clean and told him about the boys at the park, and the adult neighbor who made me too afraid to go out after that. So he knew I was tired of being cooped up. He told me that tomorrow he would come straight home and pick me up, but we would tell Dad we were going out to the movies or something because no one could know we were going to an adult place. I thought, no problem, we were pros at keeping secrets at this point.

Just like Jake said he came home early the next day and got me from Derek’s. We went home and he told me to change into my girl outfit. I thought, oh boy, we’re going to have some really sexy fun before we leave while we’re all alone. I ran to my room and got out my secret stash of girl clothes. A short plaid skirt. A thick padded bra Jake had gotten me that made it look like I had large a or even b cup breast. White top button down that tied at the front bottom and made it super short, my whole stomach and back were exposed. Then white stockings that went up past my knees just to the bottom of the skirt so you could see the lace at the top. A little bit of lip gloss that made my lips look a little red and extra plump. After sliding up my panties that beautifully cupped my very thick buddle boy butt I looked in the mirror and thought, one more thing. My hair had been growing and very fast so I didn’t use the wig anymore that jake had gotten me. If I wore my hair a certain way it looked like a girl’s hair, just on the short side. Now for the first time I had gotten some elastic hair ties and put one on either side to put my hair in pigtails. They weren’t very long, but they dangled enough to look like a girls hair and I strut into jakes room.

“Wow” he said as I walked in. My eyes immediately locked onto his groin where I could see his pants getting tight. Oh my God I wanted him so bad. “Hurry, get your shoes on and we’ll head out.” Shocked out of my cock trance, I said “what?! Like this?” Gathering a bag with a few things he said “ya, I told the guy who owns the place that I knew a girl I went to school with that wanted to come but was just under 18. So if anyone asks, you just turned 17 and know how to keep a secret. So I needed you to look a little older, perfect.” I was still very confused and terrified and my heart was jumping out of my chest, but I trusted jake no matter what and grabbed my sneakers that didn’t ruin the outfit, but I wish now were heels and we hurried out the house to his car. I started to get more excited, like we were going on a date. It was like he picked me up in his car and we were going to dinner or something. I was loving it. He looked over and told me I look amazing and at that point all the fear had gone and I was Jakes girlfriend out for an evening.

We didn’t drive far, there was a plaza close to the house, maybe a mile or two away. If you drove around the side toward the back there was a store kind of hidden that had a couple blacked out windows the store sign and above the door said “adult video and novelties”. As we walked in I saw right on the door glass “18 and older, no one under the age of 18 allowed in the premises.” I started to get nervous again. Sure I looked like a girl, but there is no way I looked like an 18 year old girl or even a girl close to 18. Never before did I think I looked or felt so young and was very nervous about getting in trouble. Jake looked down and smiled not a care in the world and said “ready?” I nodded and he opened the door for me. What a gentleman. When we walked in the lights lit up shelves wall to wall of what even from a little distance I could tell were porno DVDs. The further back I looked I could see packages of dildos like the one Jake had gotten me of every size and color. The more I panned my eyes there were even more things that started to not recognize but couldn’t wait to see. As my eyes glanced from the right to the far left they landed on the counter where the register was just to the left of the door. As Jake stepped forward ahead of me I heard a voice. “Hey buddy, that couple said they would be back again next week. I told them I could make sure we had a crowd.” I didn’t know what he was talking about about but he seemed to know Jake. ” We remember that girl from my school?” Jake said glancing back a bit. Then the man leaned forward to where I could see him and locked eyes on me. “What the hell man?!” He snapped at Jake.” You said she was your age”. I started getting very nervous again. This man who was much older than Jake and looked pretty mean was mad that he brought me. But Jake like always never lost his cool or looked upset or nervous at all. Then said to the man “I said she was almost 18. And she looks younger than she is. That’s why she could never get into anyplace. I told you that’s why she asked if I could get her in, and our deal stands.” I had no idea what Jake was talking about but he was confident and the guy settled in and leaned back into his seat. “Did anyone see you come in?” He asked, and jake said no. “Then just get back there quick before someone sees you and lock the door, don’t be walking around with her or anything.” “No problem” jake replied and took my hand and guided me to the back of the store. There was a hallway that went in a little bit with a bathroom on the right. Then a left turn before there was a room to the left that I couldn’t see in, it was very dark and my eyes hadn’t adjusted, and then the hallway turned to the right. On the wall was a large case showing porno DVD boxes right above labels with numbers on them. I think it went from 1 to 50, but we just walked right by it even though I was for a second mesmerized by the cover pictures of beautiful girls surrounded and filled with huge cocks. We walked straight past the DVD case and into a small room with a bench that had a padded seat. Jake quickly closed and locked the door with a latch and sat down. “This is where I’ve been coming after work. As he started pushing buttons on a touch pad mounted into the wall. I was so confused still as to what was happening. Then suddenly behind me a screen lit up and a prono was playing. A girl getting pounded hard and screaming. Jake started flipping through the channels and stopped on one where a girl was getting fucked in the ass while sucking another cock. Right up my alley. I was again mesmerized by the new. Video I never saw and took a step back bumping into Jake’s leg as he was seated on the bench. “We can do what ever we want in here, it’s ok, and watch a ton of different stuff while we do.” Wow, this was definitely adult stuff. I smiled and turned to him getting on my knees and started undoing his pants. Jake grabbed his pants and picked himself up to get them off. When he did I sar back still on my knees,butt seated on my heels. When I turned back to see the movie for a second I noticed for the first time a hole in the wall right at my eye level and in that hole WAS AN EYE LOOKING AT ME! I nearly jumped and yelped when I saw it. I grabbed Jake and pointed and he calm as always said “it’s ok, sometimes people like to watch. Don’t worry about it.” But who was it? Could he see who we were? did he know us or dad? Could he tell I wasn’t 18, or not even a girl? I was very nervous now, but followed Jake’s lead and looked back at his glorious cock I had been missing. Trusting Jake I disregarded the man in the hole and licked Jake’s semi hard cock all over until it was hard and throbbing begging to be buried in a wet hungry hole. I sucked and pressed my mouth hard onto hakes cock pushing it past the back of my mouth into my throat. The man watching must have liked the look of that because I heard him mumble “oh ya, that’s so good.” I wasn’t even doing it to him. But I have to admit I was enjoying being the focus of his attention so much that he would rather watch me than the girls on the screen. I adjusted a bit so my shoulder wasn’t obscuring his view and continued to enjoy Jakes cock. The man mumbled something again, but I couldn’t understand, I was focused now. Jake touched my face and I looked up at him rubbing his cock head against my lips while stroking his long shaft waiting for him to tell me to do anything for him. He looked back to the hole in the wall and said “these guys really like to watch”. I smiled and let him know I didn’t mind. Then he asked, “want to see something?” Jake had that sly look in his eye like he got when ever he pushed things to a new limit. Excited and curious I nodded. He reached out his right hand right to the hole and stuck his fingers in it. I thought he was trying to poke the man in the eye to get him to stop watching. I was surprised and a little upset. I was starting to really enjoy being watched. But he didn’t poke the mans eye. The man did move back into the dark room disappearing from view and a shuffling noise. Then the eye was replaced with the head of a pretty nice cock. I gasped. Jake just raised his eyebrows and smiled at me. I was shocked but also so enticed. “Does he want me to suck it?” I asked Jake. “Definitely” he replied. “Should I?” I asked, “you can if you want, you dont have to, but like I said you can do what ever you want here.” I was so excited. It had been what seemed like ages since I had back to back cocks with the boys at the park. “Should I finish you first? He’s just waiting. I asked Jake. “No if you want to take care of him first, I want to watch a bit.” So excited I shifted to the hole and took this strange faceless cock by the base and gave it a few light strokes. I brought the tip to my lips and there was a drop of precum I licked off before wrapping my lips around the head. He wasn’t fully hard at first, but with a twitch and a second after my lips touched he was hard as a rock and I could tell he was eager to feel what he had been watching. He was big, but not as big as Jake so I sucked up and down to get him a little wet then easily went down as far as I could pushing his head down my throat until I felt the edge of the hole touch my nose and chin. When my face couldn’t go any further I felt him push from the other side as hard as he could. He probably went another inch into my throat until he was pressed as hard as he could into the other side of the wall. I backed off and sucked his cock again stroking and sucking. I could feel him getting so close. He seemed to like seeing me deepthroat Jake so I thought it would be nice to let him finish like that and pressed all the way down again until my face touched the wall. I felt him thrust forward and inch or so more a few times then a loud unexpected knock on the wall. I was surprised and got a little scared. Was someone knocking on the door about to come in? Would I get in trouble? As I pulled my face back and off the cock in my throat, he can to cum, erupting into my mouth as I sat further back. Then when I was face to face with his cock again another huge spurt right onto my lips and cheeks. The man withdrew a little the grab a hold of his cock while he finished orgasming. I looked at the door and back to Jake. I was surprised and wondering what just happened, Jake was still calm stroking his cock and laughing a little. “What was that?” I said, and hake told me that the guy was knocking on the other side to let me know he was going to cum. He said some people don’t like cum as much as me so they might pull away before someone came in their mouth. I thought that sounded crazy and also so rude. I would feel terrible getting a guy so close to cumming then stopping. I felt bad enough getting scared off that man right as he came. But as I was thinking that the man leaned down to the hole to whisper “thank you, you’re so hot.” I was back on top in my mind. I was hot and strangers where telling me so. Using my finger to scoop the man’s cum from my face into my mouth I said thank you to him as I turned back to Jake to finish what I started. I heard the man in the room next to us buckle up and leave as I started to devour the beautiful cock in front of me reimagining the magical mystery cock that just appeared through a wall to fuck my face. Why couldnt the whole world work like that where ever you went, I thought to myself.

I wasn’t able to focus on Jake long before I heard the door open again in the room next to us and some shuffling. I glanced back and saw an eye in the darkness again through the hole. Another man appreciating how good I look sucking Jakes cock I thought. How great would it be if he wanted to feel it for himself too. “You want another one?” Jake said to me. I was again surprised. He would let me have more fun instead of taking care of his needs first. He’s so sweet. “Are you sure? Does he want to?” I asked naively. Jake said “just put your fingers through the hole and if he does he’ll do the same thing”, as if Jake thought for a second the man would object. So I turned again and stuck my fingers through the hole. And to my shock and amazement, not only did the man do the same thing, the cock that came through the hole was black. I had only seen black cocks in some of the movies and they always seemed a bit bigger. Well, this one was no exception. It was the first real black cock I had seen in person and it was long and thick even soft. Amazed I admired it for a few seconds before gently taking hold and lifting it up feeling the weight of the limp soft penis and starting to stroke until it began to grow. Oh my God, I thought. If it’s this big soft, how big will it get? As it slowly grew I started licking and kissing and sucking the head he approved and moaned on the other side of the wall. This black cock interested me so much being different than any other I had seen. Even when he was fully hard it had a little softness to it. The head seemed extra squishy in a good way and it had a slight downward curve, like it had a hard time holding up it’s own weight. It wasn’t as thick as Jake’s but longer and so impressive I had to focus to stop myself from just staring. I took it in my mouth and sucked down as far as I could until it hit the back of my mouth. At that point I looked forward and still saw so much cock left out of my mouth. I took it as a challenge and on the next stroke swallowed to open my throat. The head went in no problem. Jakes cock seemed to grow thicker the further down I got so hes a little difficult to take all the way in any hole sometimes. But this one, even though it was large and long was the same thickness from just past the head all the way to the base. Once the head went in the rest seemed to go easy. I went an inch or so into my throat the first time. A loud moan. I back off stroking him with my hand spreading the saliva down to help lubricate it. Then went for a second go. Once the tip went past my throat I went for it, slowly I leaned forward feeling my throat bulge at his cock went deeper. Inch by inch I took him. I started to feel something not a gaging, but uncomfortable as nothing had ever been this far in my throat before. I closed my eyes and kept going slowly. When I felt the familiar wall touch my nose and chin again I opened my eyes with the entire thing disappeared inside of me. “Holy shit!” Came from Jake to my side sitting on the bench stroking his cock mouth open. I couldn’t see him because my head couldn’t turn, locked forward with the hard rod that felt like it went all the way to my stomach. I needed to breath so I pulled back and the man exclaimed something I couldnt make out while I focused on what felt like pulling a baseball bat from my mouth. Jake was looking at me in aw, which made me feel amazing. “That was so incredible and hot.” He said. Apparently not enough for the mystery man though, he pulled back a little then through the hole stuffed his bulbus balls that must have been in the way on the other side from letting him stick the last inch or so through. I cupped the balls in my hand and the shaft went all the way down my forearm with the head resting at my elbow. Now I was very small at the time, but this thing was over 10 inches long and I couldn’t believe the whole thing was just down my throat. “He wants more” jake said. So I took the tip back in my mouth and restarted my deepthroating technique taking a few inches at first. As I did I felt Jake shift behind me and pull my skirt up. Oh my God, is this happening, I thought. Jake pulled my panties down with my legs together and straddled my legs and I felt his cock rubbing up and down the crack of my plump boy cheeks. I moaned lightly and started involuntarily gyrating my hips into Jake. The man on the other side not knowing why I was distracted and just sucking the tip of his cock said “come on, take it all.” I focused forward again and slowly pressed my head forward into my new favorite toy to suck on. As I inches my way to the base jake pressed into me from behind and I felt my ass opening up. Jake and this man were so long telling him press in from behind and this guy going down my throat felt like they were going to touch in the middle. The idea of that turned me on too for some reason and even though it hurt a bit because we didn’t have lube, just some saliva from Jake, I eagerly arched my back to invite him all the way in while I kept venturing down this long glorious black cock. As I felt the mans immense balls press into my chin, I also felt Jake’s hips pressing into my ass cheeks. Both were bottomed out inside of me. I couldn’t take it for too long, I had to breath and being so deep was more uncomfortable than I was used to, but it was so hot I held it there as long as I could. As I backed off Jake also pulled out. I had to pull off completely and gasp for air. “You ok?” Jake asked. I told him I was, that this was amazing, I just needed to breath for a second. He spit in his hand and rubbed it onto his cock and my asshole and went back but not all the way, slow and just a few inches to give me a break. I had the mans cock in my hand covered in more spit than I knew I produced and began stroking it again, taking the head to the back of my throat but not in so I could breath for a bit. He seemed to be enjoying himself when Jake started going harder. He was going full deep strokes now, not fast but pressing hard into me at the end of each thrust so he pushed me forward a bit. He leaned over me and to the side a bit to watch the man in my mouth while he did this. I loved it. It was so sexy, him fucking me while watching me suck this giant strange black cock. He pressed harder and harder until the cock in my mouth went past my throat again. Not far just past then back off when jake pulled back. This was the magic spot for the man apparently. Just a few inches in and out of my throat. As Jake fucked me back and forth into the mans cock I could tell he was getting close. Jake kept saying it’s so hot how deep I could take the mans cock. So I let his trusts push me a little further forward so the man was fucking probably 4 or 5 inches in and out of my throat. Then I heard it again. The knocking. I knew what it meant this time. I held my position to let him finish the way he seemed to like. “He’s gonna cum in your throat” Jake said picking up his pace getting excited. The more excited Jake got the harder he pushed and the deeper the man went. “Here it comes” I hear through the wall. This man not only had an amazing cock, but he was a loud cummer, in a way I never experienced before. “Oh, fuck! Ya! Take it all!” Loud and grunting. “You heard him” Jake said, and he push me further into the man until my chin touched his balls again. Then “fuck that’s so hot” I hear Jake say as he starts cumming inside of me with hard trusts matching each spurt erupting into my ass. I couldn’t breath, I was uncomfortable and a little sore but also melting into ecstacy. I backed off the giant black cock in my throat him starting to go soft and sliding out covered in spit and cum. Jake held my hips tight against him grinding lightly to finish his orgasm. After I gasped again for air and swallowed a dozen times to clear the thick spit from my mouth and regain feeling in my jaw and throat all I could say was “tank you”. The man similar to the last one leaned down and said “that was real sweet” in a deep sexy man’s voice. “I’ll see you again”. And he zipped up and left. Jake still in me held tight. “That was so sexy. I loved watching you take a cock that huge.” His words filled me with joy, I loved being sexy to him. Especially when it’s doing things I liked doing to. As fast as the man left someone else entered and lock the door in the next room. An eye again quickly appeared looking at me on my hands and knees, Jake’s holding my hips behind me still completely inside and going soft. For the first time I could remember, I actually thought to myself, not another one, I’m so sore and tired. The man raised his mouth to the hole. “I locked the door, I’m here for payment, gotta make it fast.” It was the man from the front counter. I looked back at Jake, not knowing what was going on. I could feel his cock slowly retreating as it softened even though he held my butt cheeks hard against him the whole time. It was actually a very nice feeling. He looked at me and said “I kind of told the man who owns the place, if he let us in, the girl I brought would suck his dick.” But I was the girl. I was the payment for the man letting me in. I honestly didn’t know how I felt about that. I felt a little bad that Jake made that deal without telling me, and now I felt obligated to do something I was really to tired to do at he moment. But also I felt so sexy being just an object that Jake could use or trade to anyone for anything. I just said ok and looked forward. The man stuck his cock through the hole fast and it was very average. Nothing like what I had just dealt with so I thought at least it wouldn’t be tough work. And I took it in my mouth without question. I was a little out of on the mans personal hygiene. He was clearly not freshly washed. Not so bad that I was gagging or anything, just not really pleasant. I love sucking cocks, but not dirty or sweaty or anything gross. This guy was on the border. But I owed for letting me contact me in and have suck an amazing time. So I sucked. Rocking back and forth while sucking his cock made my ass tug on jakes cock still in my ass. This made him feel good because I could feel that retreating soft cock start to push back in. I was getting into the double ended cocks again even though this one wasn’t half what I was just taking. Jake said, “oh that feels good. Want to switch?” Huh? I thought. Switch what does he want to suck this guy? I looked back clearly confused I guess so he clarified. “Do you want to suck my cock? It’s covered in cum and your ass.” When he put it that way, I did. That sounded so good. I let the cock out of my mouth and turned around feeling Jake’s semi hard cock fall from my ass dripping some cum. He was right, his cock was glistening with cum and ass, it looked so delicious I engulfed it immediately. “Hey I gotta be quick came from behind me.” Jake pulled his cock from my mouth and stood me up. Standing facing him he looked down at me deep into my eyes and kissed me. I was floating this was so surreal. I could feel his hands run down my body and to my ass. He squeezed my cheeks and spread them apart. I could feel the cool air on my wet and somewhat open asshole. It felt good. And he backed me against he wall while continuing to kiss me. I held his face in my hands loving every second when I felt the familiar poking against my ass of a cock. Jake had backed me against the wall right were the hole was. Did he do this on purpose? I dont know but he kept kissing me and I wasnt going to stop to say anything. The cock took a second to find the right angle because I was so short my butt didn’t quite like up with the hole in the wall. Jake squeezed my cheeks tighter almost lifting me off the floor and the mans cock found the spot and slid right in. His cock felt good, but I wasso focused on jakes lips and hands. He effortlessly held my weight up to where my toes were barely touching the floor. He was still pants less and his beautiful semi hard cock was pressed against me lightly grinding as he kissed me deeply. The man pumped pretty hard, I could feel the wall bounce just a little everytime he thrust pressing me into Jake just a little. “You like it here?” Jake finally said. I told him I did. “This is the admission fee, you have to do this anytime we come back. Is that ok?” I just locked onto his eyes and nodded as the man pumped harder. “Aw fuck” the man grunted on the other side of the wall. Then Jake spoke up, “fill her up, she loves it. Cum right in her ass.” The man made a few more grunting noises as gave a few last hard pumps emptying his ball right into my ass. Jake kissed me again and told me I was the best little slutty girl ever. He didn’t say it mean. He was smiling and holding me while the man in the wall finished. Jakes arms still holding me up by the ass cheeks he kissed me one more time as the man pulled out. Jake helped me straighten out my clothes and his before we kind of hurried out the back area. The man guided us to the door and handed Jake a piece of paper. He said “let me know if you and your girlfriend are coming back. I’ll let you in the backdoor so no one sees you. Just get to your car quick, I don’t want to get called on”. Girlfriend, I thought. That’s exactly how I wanted to be seen. As Jakes girlfriend .

It was getting late and as we got in the car I realized Dad would be home. How was I gonna get in the house. Jake pulled out the bag he brought and said it has a change of my clothes for me, and I could get changed on the way home. He always thought of everything. I told him “thank you, you’re so sweet. Do you want one more in the car before we get home?” Then I added “from your girlfriend.” I paused to see his reaction. He looked in my eyes while I do my his pants again. “Oh ya”. He let me call myself his girlfriend. Does that mean I am? Is it only when I’m dressed up, or when we are out? I didnt know. All I knew is he let me call myself his girlfriend while I sucked his coc that tasted like cum and my ass. As I was turned to him in the front seat face in his lap he reached over with his right hand and fingered my loose wet ass. He must think of me as his girlfriend, thats why he’s making me feel good while I suck his cock. “That was so hot in there” he said, “watching you swallow that huge black cock, and get fucked by a stranger.” I thought it was hot, but knowing jake did too made me so much more happy. If he liked that I would do that for him anytime. I took my mouth off his cock long enough to say. “Thank you, I love being a little slut for you” then back to his cock and trying to get it as deep as i could with the angle I was at. He kept talking as I could tell he was getting close. “Oh ya, you took three cocks and mine like a good girl. Next time we can try to break that record.i want to see you covered in cum and loving it.” Covered I thought, sign me up. I was happy he already was thinking of spending more time with me. And lost in my thoughts I was surprised when suddenly I felt him erupting in my mouth. It was a pleasant surprise that snapped me back to the job at hand and I sucked and licked until every drop was drained.

Jake must have taken the long way home. He gave me time to finish and get changed before we got back. No ine was the wiser. Possibly the greatest day of my life and I couldn’t wait for jake to ask me out again. Since I was his girlfriend I was hoping date night would be a regular thing.

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By Brandon95
#Incest #Trans #Tween

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse