Blood Moon Ch. 03 NonHuman

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I had finally figured out how to butter up Chance, he had outright refused to out my father’s abuse to the pack elders and now was avoiding me. However I knew where he liked to hang out and I also had a plan to get my wonderful sister in love Gena involved.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number, “Hello sister!” Came her enthusiastic answer after only a single ring.

“Hey Gena! What ya up to?” I asked as I began to pace the house, today was my day off and I was gonna use it to my advantage.

“Nothing really. Why got an idea?” Gena replied and I grinned, she was always up for chaos.

“Wanna meet my big brother?” I asked and she squealed In delight. “I’ll be there in ten!” She shouted the door already slamming and the sound of her little red corvette convertible starting up.

She hung up before I could say anything and I laughed, she had been itching to meet Chance ever since I described him to her weeks ago. I smiled and went to the bedroom to get out of my pajamas and into some jeans and a tshirt.

A horn outside was the only warning I got that Gena was here and ready, I smiled and went outside locking the front door behind me. She waved to me from the car and I rolled my eyes at the little crop top she had on over her round breasts.

My brother was gonna lose his shit, then as I got in I noticed the knee length skirt with the slit up her thigh and smiled. “Chance is gonna be droolin over ya girl.” I said my grin was wicked. She laughed and looked over her sunglasses at me.

“Oh I hope so, I hope to have him eating out of my hand.” She said and we both burst out laughing as she pulled out and headed west toward the Moon community center.

We pulled up and I had her park next to Chance’s beat up old Ranger, the light blue paint peeled and cracked.

“I’ll fix that.” Gena said as we passed it and I smirked, that truck was his baby. I had been trying to get him to replace it for ages, but he refused.

We walked in and I guided her over to the cafeteria which was empty at this time of day, but Chance was still back in the kitchen prepping for lunch.

For the children with no parents and the elders with no children, to care for those in our pack with no one. “Hey big brother! I have someone I want ya to meet.” I called and heard a clang and then a curse.

“Vanny! II wasn’t expectin ya!” Chance called nervously and I walked into the kitchen with Gena right behind me.


“Hey big brother! I have someone I want ya to meet.” My little sister’s voice came from the cafeteria. I dropped the pan of cookies I was holding and cursed, “Fuck!” I bent and started throwing the now ruined cookies in the trash and called nervously, “Vanny! II wasn’t expectin ya!” I winced at my stutter.

‘What could she want? I’ve been avoiding her since we talked about dad.’ I thought then she pushed through the kitchen doors, and the shewolf behind her stopped my heart.

She was tall and thin with long blonde hair and bright green eyes, her breasts were round and barely held by the long sleeved crop top she wore, not to mention how much leg her slitted pencil skirt showed.

Then I caught her scent and my wolf began to claw at my insides, she smelled like champagne and silk, and I wanted to sink into her and never come back out.

“Chance this is Gena, she’s Yarrow’s sister. Also why are you making that noise?” Vanny asked, her eyes narrowed teasingly and I realized I was rumbling at Gena like a damn dominant would, she smiled at me and gave me a little rumbling growl of her own and I immediately averted my gaze.

Vanny giggled and Gena grinned, “What happened with the cookies?” Gena asked and I responded immediately.

“I dropped them ma’am, I’m sorry it’s such a waste.” She laughed and walked over to me bending to help but also offering me a look down her top as she reached for each cookie.

Vanny’s phone rang and she stepped out of the kitchen to take it. Gena’s hand brushed mine and our eyes met, “Do you have somewhere private we can go?” she asked and my eyes went wide in surprise.

“Wwhat?!” I said in alarm not sure if she was really asking what I thought she was.

She got to her feet and looked down at me with a mischievous smile on her face. “Stand up, now.” she growled and I stood immediately not wanting to anger my mistress.

‘The fuck did I just think? Mistress!’ my brain panicked as she pressed her body to mine and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Somewhere…” she kissed one of my cheeks as she spoke, “Private…” she said and kissed the other my body shook as I held myself back small whimpers of need escaped my lips as she reached down to my straining cock and ran a hand down my length. She gasped and moaned and I nearly came upon the sound alone.

“Pantry.” I growled and grabbed her hand guiding her gently but hurriedly to the pantry and closing the door behind us.

Before I could even register what was going on her lips were on mine and her hands were on my jeans. “Oh my big guy, I need you inside me. The moment I smelled you, I needed you. Fuck me, fuck me now.” Gena demanded and I rumbled in response, wanting nothing more than to service her.

“Yes my mistress.” I panted and she moaned at the pet name, she slid out of her skirt revealing she wasn’t wearing panties and she had the barest amount of blond hair above her slit which was already visibly wet.

I groaned and pulled my cock out of my jeans all eleven inches of it. She trembled as she reached out and began to stroke me, using both hands to handle my massive dick.

“I need you inside me, now. Inside.” Gena snarled, baring her fangs at me, I shuddered and my cock pulsed at her dominance. I pulled her to me and grabbed her hips, raising her up and wrapping her legs around my waist, then she reached between us and lined my head up with her entrance and I began to slide in.

She moaned and gripped me tighter as I went deeper and deeper, “Yer so tight, so hot, are ya in heat?” I whimpered as I fully seated myself inside her. Gena wiggled her hips impatiently and moaned as her cervix flexed around the head of my cock.

She leaned forward in my arms and whispered in my ear, ” breed me, big guy.” I lost my mind.

I slammed her against the pantry shelves and began to thrust into her roughly, her loud cries and panted curses only fueling my wolf to want to mark her, but the female gets to choose the mate.

“Yes, yes, touch me, make me cum.” Gena growled in my ear and I reached between us rubbing over her swollen little clit as I continued to pump into her.

Then her impossibly tight cunt was squeezing me and I growled as we both came together. Her little sharp fangs pierced the skin of my neck and I roared, cumming again. I filled her to overflowing and pressed my mouth almost pleadingly to her shoulder.

“Mistress, may I mark ya?” I whispered to my panting mate and a tear tracked down my cheek when she whispered.

“Of course big guy, we’re gonna have pups after all.”

I smiled softly against her skin and bit just hard enough to break the skin with my fangs and leave my mark. Gena moaned and her legs tightened around me and when I released my bite her skin was already healing, I licked away her blood and moaned at the taste.

“Are yall done in there?” Asked Vanny and I blushed as I gently set Gena down and pulled out.

I reached out and grabbed some towels from the fresh bucket to clean her up, but she stopped me. “Use your tongue.” she said and I swallowed hard, I got on my knees in front of her. She smiled down at me as I opened my mouth and began to lick up the mess I made on her thighs.


Chance’s warm tongue swept over my thighs gathering the mixture of my essence and his seed. I moaned, I loved how eager he was to obey me.

“Such a good boy, Chance. Oh god!” I let out a curse as he swept his tongue through my folds and over my clit, still sensitive from my orgasm.

Then he slipped a finger into my swollen hot channel and he growled as I cried out, “Yer almost at yer peak. I need to breed ya more…” he rumbled and I moaned as he continued to finger me, his mouth going back to my clit.

“Yes tonight, it peaks….ah!” I couldn’t speak as my legs started to give out and I came again coating his fingers in my slippery cum.

“I wish I didn’t have to work.” he whispered as he wiped his hand on a towel and handed me my carefully folded skirt.

“Thanks big guy.” I said and fixed my hair and clothes. He tucked his still hard cock away and redid his jeans, the hard bulge obvious. “My house? Tonight?” I asked and he nodded a little dumbly, which was really endearing.

“405 east Wolfwing avenue. Around six works or after you’re done with dinner here.” I said and he nodded excitedly before grabbing a mop and beginning to clean our mess.

I opened the pantry door to find Vanny standing there with a sly smile, then she saw the barely visible mark on my shoulder and let out a howl of delight. I giggled and we both smiled at Chance who blushed fiercely as Vanny waved goodbye to him and walked out, I lingered and raised an eyebrow.

“Address?” I asked him and he replied without hesitation.

“405 east Wolfwing avenue, six pm. I’ll bring dinner.” He said and I smiled.

It was a sweet gesture, “No, big guy, you’ll bring that big cock of yours. I expect to be screaming all night.” I told him and his eyes got big before I turned on my heel and walked out.

I caught up with Vanny and she hugged me, then she smelled me, “You’re in heat!” she exclaimed as she followed me out to my little red car and we hopped in.

“I’m about at my peak so I’m gonna get you home then I’m gonna get me home so I can wait for that Big brother of yours.” I said and whisked out of the parking lot and over to Vanny’s place.

She laughed and joked with me the whole way talking about how her plan was working. “What plan is this?” I asked.

“The plan to get Chance to come forward with me about my dad’s abuse.” she said and I came to a screeching stop in front of her house nearly missing her driveway.

“He hurt Chance?” I asked, seeing red my blood beginning to boil.

Vanny nodded and I growled angrily, Nyx Lustrous would have a lot to answer for. “I’m getting my sources on dirt on your dad.” I said and pulled out my phone firing off texts to numbers with no ID and no way to trace them. Vanny hopped out and smiled evilly.

“Thanks sister, I knew you’d have our backs.” She said and I grinned back at her before waving and heading home my phone pinging with curious information about Nyx Lustrous.

As soon as I got through my door I plopped down on the sofa and called Row. “What is it Gena?” he grumbled but I had no time for sass.

“I mated Chance Lustrous. Then Vanny told me about Nyx and the abuse. I have some dirt.” I said quickly and seriously, getting silence from the other line.

“Why Chance? Was it a scent thing? Are you in heat?” Row asked and I was a little taken aback By the questions.

“Yes to both actually. Why?” I asked and he groaned.

“I think the pack is in a mating cycle. It means we’re gonna have an influx of pups.” He said and I chuckled, only Row would be worried about that. “What dirt?” He asked and I grinned.

I knew he’d get back to the point. “He’s been seen with your ex a few times in some compromising situations.” I said and Row laughed.

“Yeah Kena would be the sub to roll over for a slime ball like Nyx. Are there pics?” He asked and I smiled.

“Oh my sweet brother, I have a video. I hacked her phone while she was dating you.” I said and hit play on my computer.

The sound of Nyx and Kena like ferals came over the speakers. “Yes fuckin scream ya little slut.” Nyx snarled and Kena whimpered, “Fuck me harder, master.” and then I shut it off.

“That will be enough to break everything.” Yarrow said darkly and I sent it to him through a secured email.

“On its way to you.” I said and he sighed.

“I promised my mate I wouldn’t hurt her momma in this.” Row said and I sighed.

“How about I call mom and tell her, she will give Ava some comfort.” I said and Row made a noise of agreement, there was some chatter in the background and I could hear him give a muffled reply.

“Gotta go sis. See you later.” he said and the line went dead.

I smiled and got up moving to my bedroom and pulled off my skirt grabbing some silky soft sheer pants and changing my top for a silk nightgown. Then I called my mom.

“Annabelle Dusk.” she answered, sounding refined as always.

“Hey mom, I found a mate today. A so very handsome sub that works over in the kitchens at the Moon community center.” I said happily and my mother let out a howl of joy.

“Will you be breeding? Will there be more pups?” She asked excitedly and I giggled. Mom’s were all the same.

“Yes he’s coming over tonight it’s the peak of my cycle, but that’s not the main reason I called you.” I told her and she got quiet at my tone.

“What is it, my sweet daughter?” mom asked and I sighed.

“Yarrow and I are gonna break a man, and we need you to help with the fallout.” I told her and she let out a frustrated noise.

“I hate when you do this Gena, who now?” Annabelle asked and I grinned.

“The man who hurt our mates, Nyx Lustrous.” I said and my mother gasped.

“What did Nyx do?” She asked and I growled.

“Beat his children, and is currently cheating on his wife.” Mom let out a low growl.

“Text me his wife’s number, I’ll have lunch with her tomorrow while you lot take care of Nyx.” she said and I smirked, I would be organizing this while I waited for Chance.

“No problem mom. Yarrow and I will get everything taken care of, just make sure my mate’s mom is taken care of emotionally.” I said as I climbed off my bed and walked out on my balcony looking out over my pool. I had several more phone calls to make before the sun went down.


I hung up the phone with my sister as my mate walked in with my lunch. “Hey, shut the door, I gotta talk with you.” I said my voice serious.

“Yarrow, what’s goin on?” Vanny asked as she set down a handmade salad with grilled chicken and salmon on my desk.

“I have a video I need you to see. I need you to know it’s your dad and my ex, together.” I told her and the color drained from her face.

“There’s no way he’s cheatin on momma.” She whispered and came around my desk settling into my lap and clutching at my shirt.

I opened the video and felt the rage fill me immediately at the view of Kena underneath Nyx, her ass in the air as he pumped into her. I had the audio off and Vanny gasped before slamming my laptop closed and letting out a sound of rage.

Then she started to cry, I held her close as she cried hot angry tears she growled and snarled into my chest as her tears soaked my shirt.

“We plan on confronting him about the affair and the abuse tomorrow. While Annabelle takes care of telling Ava and Gena will tell Chance tonight.” I told her and she looked up at me her eyes determined.

“I wanna be there when ya confront daddy!” She snarled and I kissed her forehead.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, little red.” I said to her and she smiled up at me.

“Now let’s enjoy lunch and talk about those little bundles that are coming.” I said and she giggled kissing me as I scooted up to my desk and started eating my salad.


I pulled my Ranger up to the stunning two house and marveled at the modern architecture, not only was this in an upscale neighborhood it had to cost a fortune. I hadn’t brought dinner. Instead I had brought a leather cock ring I liked hoping she would appreciate the surprise.

I walked to the door admiring the junglelike aesthetic when the door swung open and Gena was standing before me in a pair of pants that were practically see through and a nightgown that dipped down to her perfect tits.

My head swam the moment I saw her and my cock pulsed and filled as soon as her scent reached my nose.

“Hey big guy, glad you remembered I wanted you empty handed.” She said and motioned me inside the luxurious home. The front room had sprawling marble floors and an inset sitting circle filled with a couple of couches and several comfortable chairs.

She led me past a large spotless kitchen and a sliding glass door to a pool, then up some stairs to a massive bedroom with a giant bed and a balcony that overlooked the pool.

“Damn, sugar, what do you do? I mean besides me.” I laughed nervously and she smiled at me, pressing her hand into my chest and stopping me.

“Start stripping and I’ll explain my family to you.” Gena said and kissed me gently on the lips.

She moved away and quickly stripped her clothes, before I could even start she was naked on the bed waiting for me. I started to unbutton my chef jacket and as I did she spoke.

“My dad Adam started the biggest tech company in the world, he made billions before he moved the entire pack down here and retired. It’s when we started having trouble with the Moon pack.Dad had money though and paid for the war to go our way.”she said to me.

I finally got my jacket off and pulled off the white shirt I wore under it. “When dad died mom and I took over the company, Adonis kept the killing going till Nyx agreed to give your sister up as collateral.” She said and my hands froze on the buttons of my pants.

“And well you know how that went.” she said as I finished pulling off my clothes and looked at her hungrily and she noticed the cock ring and smirked.

“Good boy, knowing not to cum unless I tell you. The hi lesson is over, now come over here and take care of your Mistress.” She said and I instantly obeyed crawling into her giant bed and over the silk sheets to crouch my massive body between her delicate thighs.

“Oh no big guy I want you on your back.” Gena said and suddenly she had me flipped over and was tying my wrists to the bed with leather straps next she was on my legs doing the same then tightening them.

I couldn’t move and I let out a helpless whimper making her giggle, “Mmmm, yes my big handsome man, whimper for me. Beg me for my delicious pussy.” Gena moaned as she straddled me and rubbed the slick, wet folds of her slit over my shaft making me shudder and groan at the heat coming off of her.

Then she was moving towards my face squatting over me the indication clear, “Oh fuck yes.” I groaned as her sweet cunt got closer to my face and I began to lick over her slit eager for her taste.

When she had settled over me her pussy pressed into my face I began to lick and suck her already swollen clit, and pressed my tongue into her tight and hot entrance.

She moaned above me grinding herself into my face as I ate her out, her sweet essence soaking my face as I drove her to climax.

“Oh, fuck!” Gena screamed and then her nectar was filling my mouth and spilling down my chin as she came on my face.

I lapped up as much as I could before she moved away, my cock twitched and jerked with need as she straddled me again and lined herself up with the head of my length.

She was already dripping down my cock as she lowered herself and whispered, “You cum when I say, we stop when I’m done, ah, and we will breed all night.”

She seated herself fully on my cock as she finished making me moan and pull on my restraints. I could easily shift and snap them but I wouldn’t without her say so, not without my Mistress’s command.

Gena began to move, grinding on me and riding my dick at her own pace driving me wild, her tight heat pulsed and throbbed around me and my head swam as my wolf rolled over and whimpered.

My moans and whines of pleasure only made her grind harder and move faster as her hand flew to her clit, her cries increasing as her channel squeezed me impossibly tight.

“Mimistress, please, I need…” I broke off as she howled her release and I had to bite my lip to keep from cumming.
