Best Friends And Now More

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Carrie and Joanne were close friends, both twenty-two, and had been friends for many years. They were on holiday together, in a cottage by a loch in Scotland, where they had been for several walks together. 

It was the height of summer and both girls wore vest tops leaving their midriffs bare, and shorts or a mini skirt, and so showing off their bare arms and legs. Both girls were pretty, both with long dark hair framing their lovely faces, and flowing over their bare shoulders, and both usually turned heads when they walked into a room. 

They had rented a small cottage together and had separate bedrooms. 

One morning, on the third day of their holiday, Joanne had already showered and Carrie was now taking her shower. Joanne went into Carrie’s bedroom looking for a magazine. While there, Joanne saw Carrie’s diary, which was open. Being inquisitive, she read what was on that very page, which surprised her because it said, ‘I couldn’t help but get very excited and soaked my panties this morning as we took a pre-breakfast stroll around the lake. Joanne had a very thick leather belt buckled around her jeans. As we walked, I imagined her ordering me to bend over the back of the sofa, which I did.

Then, slowly and frighteningly, Joanne pulled the belt out through the loops of her jeans, saying in a very stern tone of voice, ‘Your untidiness in the cottage has to stop, and I am going to make sure it does.’

Joanne then undid my shorts, yanked them down to my knees, and then strapped me with the belt time and again over my soaking panties. Every spank with the leather belt was very very hard. I don’t know how many spanks she gave me, but it was well over a dozen and probably twenty or even thirty.’ 

Joanne read the next comments by Carrie about her soaking wet panties and which said that, ‘I was already crying when Joanne pulled my panties down and continued to scold me about my untidiness. She then thrashed me again, this time using the leather belt, and also, this time, on my bare bottom, until I was howling, crying my eyes out, my bottom was stinging, and I was absolutely beside myself and incapable of staying still, writhing around, kicking, squealing, and bawling my eyes out.’ 

Joanne saw that the next paragraph showed that Carrie had only just written these words in her diary, because she then wrote, ‘If only it had actually happened, but I must now go for a shower and relieve the heat in my aroused pussy.’ 

Joanne was so surprised to read all of this and had no idea that Carrie wanted to be thrashed, and by her. She thought that Carrie fancied her, just as she fancied Carrie, but this was a rather different angle. 

After reading the entry on today’s page, Joanne flipped back over several pages and found similar entries, describing how she regularly spanked Carrie, sometimes across her lap having her bare bottom spanked, sometimes bent over the arm of a sofa having her bare bottom thrashed with a leather belt, and even having to lie on top of stacked up pillows on the bed, having her bottom caned. Joanne struggled to get her head around all of this, but then heard the shower switched off, and knew she mustn’t be in Carrie’s bedroom when she came back in. 

Joanne left Carrie’s bedroom and went back to her own bedroom before Carrie had finished in the shower. She was still thinking about what Carrie had written, and wondered if it might actually be what Carrie wanted to have happen to her. It could just have been a story, but by using their real names, maybe not. The more she thought about it, the more her own panties were getting damp, which surprised her, but those feelings of excitement at thrashing Carrie didn’t go away. 

Joanne was still thinking these thoughts in her bedroom. As she did, she decided to change her mini-skirt to the one she wore yesterday, and put on the same thick leather belt, just in case what Carrie had written was what she wanted to have happen to her, and seeing the belt again might lead to a conversation about it. 

Soon afterwards, the two girls were having breakfast together, and Joanne couldn’t get what she had read out of her mind. She got through breakfast without raising the subject, but, when they were washing the breakfast things up and putting them away, Joanne did notice Carrie glancing at her leather belt.

So, when Carrie made a rude comment about an old boyfriend, Joanne decided to use that as her excuse for saying, “You know, Carrie, language like that should earn you a spanking. I did go into your room just before and saw what you wrote in your diary, so I’m reckoning that I should give you that spanking.” 

Carrie was aghast and quickly blushing, as Joanne glared at her. She wanted to tell Joanne off for reading her private diary, even for going into her bedroom without asking, but then, her best friend was just offering to do exactly what she had imagined she would do to her, which got her worried but also excited at the same time.  

Joanne saw the worried look on Carrie’s face, but because she didn’t say anything, and she would normally have given a sharp retort, Joanne went on to explain that she had read several of the other entries, all of which involved her spanking Carrie in those various ways. So, she demanded in a very stern voice, “That’s right, isn’t it Carrie, you love me, but you also want me to dominate you, and thrash you time and again. Admit it, Carrie.” 

Carrie knew that she had been caught out, but maybe that was exactly why she had left her diary open, albeit unintentionally. Whilst she knew she hadn’t left it open on purpose, the fact was that she had, and Joanne chose that specific time to go into her bedroom, so maybe this was supposed to happen? So, perhaps accepting it as good luck, Carrie replied in a naturally submissive voice, “Yes, Joanne, I do love you so much, but also do want you to thrash me. I have imagined you doing it for two different reasons. One, definitely as foreplay to making love, but, also, separately, setting me a whole set of rules which I have to obey, and want to obey, but every time I break one, which will be fairly often, you spank me again, without any lovemaking afterwards. It will be strictly a punishment thrashing, leaving me in tears but learning to be better at obeying you.” 

As Joanne listened to Carrie, she really did see how that could work. The one thing that had always held her back from wanting a serious relationship with Carrie, was that, whilst she loved her, she could be a bit offhand, and lazy, and wanting her own way so often. So, if she could set some rules that stopped all of that, and spanked Carrie every time she broke one of those rules, then maybe they could have a truly loving relationship. In fact, Joanne had read about female-led-relationships where one woman was dominant over the other woman, who wanted to be submissive. Rules were set and had to be obeyed, and a very hard spanking was a normal penalty for the submissive whenever she didn’t do everything that her dominant partner told her to do. 

Getting excited about the possibility of that kind of relationship, Joanne replied sincerely, “I love you too, Carrie, and will set a whole lot of rules for you and will spank you when you break any one of them. However, I think we do need to start right now, by me giving you the first spanking. It should be on your bare bottom, with you across my lap, and then with you perched on top of several pillows on the bed, and me thrashing you with my leather belt, just as you wrote in today’s entry. It will be a full-on punishment thrashing, so no sex afterwards. You will need to be a good girl for that.” 

Joanne could see that Carrie was nervous, but was so glad when she made the immediate response. “Yes, please, Joanne. Put me in my place right away, and then keep me there forever. I want your love, and your very strict and pain-filled discipline.” 

Joanne said in a stern, but also maternal, tone of voice, “Let’s do it, Carrie. We will go up to my bedroom now, and give you the punishment that you need.” 

Carrie didn’t even want to argue as she was led out of the living room and up the stairs by Joanne, who kept a firm hold of her upper arm. She loved being led like the naughty girl she was so often. They both enjoyed the dominance and submission, knowing that, between them, it did put Joanne in control of Carrie.  

Having got to the bedroom, Joanne went up to the dressing table and turned the chair around into the room. She sat down, glared at Carrie, and told her very firmly, “Take off your skirt and panties. Then get across my lap.” 

Carrie still wasn’t objecting, but immediately did as she was told. She undid her skirt and pushed it down to the floor, catching her panties on the way, bent down, scooped them up, and put them on the edge of the bed. She immediately turned around, faced Joanne, looked down at her and saw that, as she was wearing a mini skirt that had risen right up her thighs, she would be going across those bare thighs, and immediately bent down across them. As she settled down, loving the feel of her skin on Joanne’s skin, she realised how much she really wanted this to happen, because she could feel quivers flying around her vulva, even though she fully expected to be crying buckets of tears before long. She knew she was scared of what was going to happen, but aroused as well. 

Joanne was also getting excited as she watched Carrie take off her skirt and panties, not because it was the first time she had seen Carrie without any clothes below her waist, because she had seen that often enough, but, it was because she had wanted to make her and Carrie an item, and this could be the start of that. So, as Carrie settled down across her lap, and Joanne looked at the bubble bare bottom staring up at her, she loved the sight of it, wanted to kiss both bottom cheeks, but knew that, before then, she would have to spank those bottom cheeks really hard.  

Joanne placed her hand on Carrie’s bare bottom cheeks and started to rub them in circles, just a few times, to make sure that Carrie didn’t just say it was all a joke. She didn’t, and so she raised her hand and brought her palm down really hard on Carrie’s bare bottom and saw the bottom cheek surrender to her hand. As much as she loved that sight, she then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, enjoying how both cheeks surrendered each time, and how Carrie started to gasp as the spanks landed, but still stayed across her lap.  

The more that Joanne landed spank after spank, and Carrie reacted but didn’t try to force herself up, so Joanne felt more and more confident about what was happening. It encouraged her to make sure she gave a really hard spanking, just as Carrie had asked for in her diary. 

Carrie knew that she was going to struggle to cope with the spanking, but she had always told herself that a spanking was supposed to hurt, and be difficult to cope with, and wanted Joanne to make it as hard for her to cope as possible. She felt that Joanne was doing that, and, as much as her bottom was stinging increasingly, so she wanted Joanne to continue. After all, this was something she would have to get used to because she knew she found it hard to keep to any set of rules, and always wanted her own way, no matter how selfish that was. She wanted Joanne to change her whole attitude for her, and spanking her was the best way, she reckoned.  

Joanne continued to spank Carrie’s bottom, sometimes spanking alternate cheeks, sometimes spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, and found the best reaction from Carrie, or at least the loudest gasps, came when she landed several spanks on the same spot on the same bottom cheek and then several spanks on the same spot on the other bottom cheek. She knew she was loving spanking Carrie’s beautifully sexy bubble bottom, and hoped that Carrie was getting the experience she wanted, and crying was on the list of things she wanted to happen to her. 

Joanne wasn’t sure how long she had been spanking Carrie for, but all of her bottom was now a very nice shade of red. That was so cool, she told herself. 

However, what Joanne also knew, was that she had the leather belt ready, and from the diary entry that that was what Carrie also wanted to receive. So, Joanne stopped spanking Carrie’s rather delicious but now red bottom cheeks, and ordered, “Okay, Carrie, get up. Then go and get the two pillows from your bedroom and bring them straight back and pile those two with my two in the middle of the bed. You will then perch on top of them so that your bottom is the highest point.” 

Carrie heard the instruction and wanted to obey. She stood up and looked towards Joanne and realised her vision was blurred because of her tear-filled eyes. This was just what she wanted, she told herself. 

Joanne smiled to herself when she saw the red eyes and tear-stained face of her best friend and wanted to kiss her. However, this was a punishment spanking and so that had to take priority, at least today.  

Joanne kept smiling to herself as Carrie had such a worried look on her face, but did exactly as she was told, and quickly. She didn’t expect Carrie to do otherwise, because this was something that she wanted to happen to her. It took only a few moments for Carrie to come back into the bedroom carrying her two pillows, then proceeded to place them in the middle of the bed, and then placed Joanne’s pillows with them. Even as Carrie was sniffing back tears, she then immediately lay down, with her bubble bottom perched on top of the pillows. She stretched her arms out and just managed to clasp hold of the end of the bed, which she wanted to do to prevent herself from trying to protect her bottom with her hands. After all, that was the point of this, not to have any protection for her bare, increasingly stinging bottom cheeks, and to present the perfect target for her best friend’s leather belt. 

As she watched Carrie place the pillows on top of each other, Joanne undid the belt and pulled them out from the loops of her skirt. She could see that Carrie was looking towards her but didn’t know if her eyesight was clear enough to see what she was doing. So, she said in a stern tone of voice, “Now for the leather belt,” and loved the worried look on Carrie’s face, but, as she stayed perched on the pillows, knew that she was clearly up for this. 

Joanne positioned herself, folded the belt in two so she was holding the buckle end and the other end, and then rested the leather belt on Carrie’s red bottom cheeks. She didn’t bother to ask Carrie if she was ready, and assumed that she was, and so just raised the belt up above her head, and then brought it down really hard so that it landed right across both of Carrie’s beautiful bottom cheeks. Both cheeks surrendered, and Carrie gasped, Joanne could see Carrie struggling to keep a hold of the far edge of the bed, but did so. What a sight, Joanne told herself, feeling even more aroused. 

Joanne then proceeded to land lash after lash with the leather belt, enjoying how Carrie was struggling to cope, and how she was dissolving into uncontrolled crying in a way that clearly showed the pain that she was suffering, but was accepting it was a punishment that needed to be given, and she needed to accept. 

That was what Carrie was thinking as well. The pain was far more than she had anticipated, but welcomed it, knowing that she just wanted Joanne to give her the thrashing that she decided she needed to give. It was so important to Carrie that Joanne was the one in charge, and made all of the decisions, just as it was going to be important that Joanne set her lots of rules, and she would have to obey them or suffer this thrashing, or worse, again and again. 

As the lashes continued, Carrie forced herself to stay in position and realised that as much as her bottom stung, she loved the feeling of submission much more than she had expected. It was like foreplay and aroused her just as much.  

Joanne had counted how many times she had spanked Carrie with the leather belt, and had always intended them to be hard spanks, and she made every single one of them really hard.  

Carrie knew that she hadn’t counted the number of spanks. However, that didn’t matter to her, and the only thing that did matter was that Joanne was deciding everything about the punishment. 

Once Joanne got to fifty spanks with the leather belt, she stopped, but relished how Carrie’s beautiful bottom cheeks were red but also bruised a lovely scarlet. Carrie won’t be sitting down for quite a while, Joanne thought, smiling to herself. However, as Joanne looked at those bottom cheeks, she knew how beautiful she thought those cheeks were before being thrashed, but now she thought they were even more beautiful. She so wanted to kiss both those cheeks time and again, but held back, because as this was a punishment, there was to be no lovemaking afterwards. Mind you, she knew that her knickers were damp with her own sex juice, and she was so turned on having thrashed Carrie. That told her that she loved Carrie even more than before, but she would still have to wait to make love, at least for a little while. 

Carrie was still struggling to cope with her stinging bottom, but couldn’t wait to look at her bottom cheeks in the mirror and see what colour, or, more likely colours, they were. As much as she had hated being thrashed, she knew that she loved it so so much as well, and she hoped that showing obedience by staying perched over the pillows until told to get off, would show Joanne that, with this as part of their relationship, it would be a truly loving one.  

Joanne still savoured the sight of Carrie’s beautiful multicoloured bare bottom cheeks quivering with the pain, with so many thick raised welts caused by thrashing that bottom so hard with the leather belt. It was a truly wonderful and pussy wetting sight. After enjoying the sight, Joanne then said in a rather more tender tone of voice, “Okay, Carrie, you can get up now.” 

Carrie was still sniffing back tears as she rolled off the pillows and then managed to stand up, but immediately her hands flew to her stinging bottom cheeks and she rubbed and clutched them. She even felt the thick raised welts left by the leather belt, and knew she was right to want that used on her. The pain was awful, but she still told herself that it was the right thing to happen to her, so long as it was Joanne doing it. 

Joanne watched Carrie rubbing her bottom, and smiled to herself thinking that, next time, and maybe every time, she would make Carrie fully undress, because she would love to see her breasts wobbling away as she rubbed her bottom after each thrashing. She also saw her pussy hair was glistening, and knew that had to be because of her sex juice, which told her that Carrie was really turned on by being thrashed. Joanne then reminded herself that her own knickers were now soaking wet, and so she was turned on by thrashing Joanne. Well, that made them a great pair, for sure, Joanne told herself. 

Joanne, though, thought that she should retain control and, still in a maternal, tender voice, but strict as well, said, “I think you need to say thank you for the spanking, Carrie.” 

Carrie knew that she really was thankful as she said, meaning every word, between sobs, “Thank you for spanking me, Joanne. Please, please, please set me lots of rules and spank me like this, or even harder, every time I break one. I love you so much, Joanne, and hope that you love me, and, together, we will make a fabulous loving pair, with you in charge and me obeying you.” 

Joanne was quite taken with Carrie’s sincere tone of voice, and told herself that, as this thrashing was really a made-up punishment, and, as they were both clearly turned on, she went and sat down on the bed, raising her skirt above her waist, pushed her panties down towards the floor, scooped them, and put them with Carrie’s. 

As Joanne sat down on the bed, so Carrie knew how she was going to say thank you as she knelt down between Joanne’s legs, and kissed her inner thighs, working her way up towards her pussy lips. Even though her bottom was stinging, she even now thought how much, because her bottom was stinging, she was seriously aroused, as she licked Joanne’s already very wet pussy lips, and heard her louder and louder erotic gasps. Even after she knew that Joanne had cum, Carrie continued to gently lick and kiss her pussy lips, lovingly bringing her down from her orgasm. 

Even though she had cum so wonderfully, Joanne wanted more, and lifted Carrie’s vest top up and over her head and put it on the bed, then put her hands behind Carrie’s back, unclipped her bra, slipped it down her arms, and put it with the other clothes. She then took off her own vest top and bra, putting them with the other clothes, and then her panties and skirt, putting them with the other clothes as well. 

After that, she guided Carrie onto the bed, where they kissed and caressed each other, kissing each other’s very taut nipples, fingering each other’s wet pussy lips and taut clits, until both exploded in huge orgasms. 

As both girls calmed down after their orgasms, they knew this was a new life for them, with Joanne in charge and Carrie obeying her, but most importantly, they were an item together, which they were both so looking forward to.  


All of that happened three months ago. Since then, Joanne had set so many rules for Carrie, and each and every time a single rule was broken, so she gave Carrie another seriously hard thrashing, which Carrie accepted every single time. Most times that was followed by lovemaking, although there were some occasions when Joanne was correctly annoyed with Carrie to the extent that the punishment had to be stand-alone, and be more meaningful. Carrie understood that as well, and, on those occasions, she might have to give Joanne tongue sex, but not get any in return. They were in a female-led relationship, and that was an important part of their one.  

What happened over those three months, was that Joanne had spanked Carrie at least once every week and sometimes three or more times a week, and even, on occasion, twice in one day. It was because they both wanted every rule to be kept, obeyed, or a punishment given because it wasn’t. It was definitely part of their lovemaking, even though on those occasions there was no follow-up lovemaking involved. Neither wanted it to be any different. 

As much as Carrie relished the pain of each thrashing and Joanne got equally excited sexually when thrashing Carrie, it worked so well for both of them.