Becky The Babysitter

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#Cheating #Group #Rape #Threesome

By Kiarra

Chapter 1
Mike Wilkens moved through the throng of teenagers as he made his way down the corridor to his locker. People talked excitedly and locker doors banged as they gathered together their things before leaving for the upcoming long weekend. He nodded and spoke to a few of his fellow students, never actually stopping, but somehow finding time to joke and laugh with a few of them.
He was about five foot ten and a quarterback on the high school football team. He wasn’t the starting quarterback, but he was on the team and that’s what mattered. His jock status, combined with his short dark hair, soft brown eyes and smoldering good looks made him very popular with the ladies as well. Most of the girls halted their conversations and watched as he passed, pretending not to notice their stares. Once they believed he was out of earshot, they would start giggling and chattering again. Life was good.
He turned a corner and caught a glimpse of long blonde hair near the lockers. Jessica Harner. She was on the cheerleading squad and they had been going out for a couple of months. As he neared, he saw that she was wearing her cheerleader uniform, a short white skirt and a red sport bra type top. She was talking with Julie Sykes, a beautiful and curvaceous brunette with a great set of 34 D cups. She was wearing her cheerleader uniform as well and filled out her top very nicely!
He crept up behind Jessica, his finger to his lips so Julie wouldn’t give him away, and planted a quick kiss on her long slender neck. She jumped and spun around, surprised, then smiled. Her face literally lit up when she smiled and her emerald green eyes sparkled. Damn, she was hot! Her long hair fell over her shoulders down to the small of her back and her firm, grapefruit sized tits bounced seductively inside her top as she moved closer and leaned up to kiss him.
“Hi, Mike!” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.
“Hey, Jess,” he replied, giving her a gentle squeeze. They were both seventeen and had started having three weeks earlier. Jessica had been giving him blow jobs since the second week they had been together, but it had taken her another three weeks to go all the way with him. She hadn’t been a virgin, but her only other ual encounter hadn’t been very satisfying for her and she wanted to make sure she was ready before trying it again. Always the perfect gentleman (well usually), he hadn’t pushed her too hard and when they finally did have , she was like a wild animal that had finally been freed. They had done it many times since and more often than not, it was Jessica who initiated their ual liaisons. They’d even done it at school a couple of times at her insistence, not that he put up much of a fight.
Julie pretended to examine her nails while they embraced.
“So, are we still on for tonight?” he asked, releasing her slender body. She stood about fivefootsix and weighed about oneten. Her face fell and she shook her head.
“I can’t,” she said in a dejected tone of voice. “I promised Mrs Drew that I’d babysit Becky tonight. Sorry, babe. I forgot all about it.”
Mike looked at her, arching one eyebrow. “Becky Drew? Isn’t she old enough to take care of herself?”
Julie interrupted. “I’m gonna take off, Jess. You better hurry or you’ll be late for practice.” She smiled at Mike. “See ya later, Mike!”
Jessica nodded. “I’ll be right there.”
Mike raised a hand as she turned and walked away, her long legs disappearing under her short white pleated skirt. “See ya, Julie.”
“Hey!” Jessica scolded as she pulled his face away from Julie’s trim figure.
He grinned at her, shrugging. “Sorry, babe. I’m only human!”
She continued her stern look, then gave in and returned his grin. “I suppose I can’t stop you from looking. . .” She wagged a finger in his face. “. . . but don’t touch!”
“Deal,” he said, and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “So, why are you babysitting Becky? Isn’t she like . . .fourteen or fifteen?”
Jessica nodded. “She’s fifteen, but her parents are going away until Saturday afternoon and they don’t want her to be alone all night.”
He frowned. “Oh. So you have to stay all night?”
Jessica nodded. “Yeah, sorry. I wish I could get out of it.” Then her face brightened. “Hey! Why don’t you come over!? Becky will be in bed around ten or eleven!” She bit her lower lip and looked up at him ily. “And I’ll be awful lonely sitting there all by myself!”
His smile returned. Her tone of voice suggested that ‘lonely’ was a euphemism for ‘horny’. “Sure! Sounds great!”
She stood on her tip toes and kissed his lips quickly. “I have to get to practice.” She started down the hall, then turned. “I’ll give you a call after she goes to bed!” She whirled around, her pleated skirt spinning up to give him a quick glimpse of her white panties under it.
“Hey!” he called out. She turned again, walking backwards away from him. “Wear that tonight!” He grinned and she laughed, then turned and ran down the hall.
Chapter 2
Becky was sitting crosslegged on the couch watching TV. To say that she was upset that her parents had hired a sitter would be an understatement. She was pissed! If word ever got out at school, she would be teased incessantly! She was fifteen, for fuck sake! The only good thing was that it was Jessica, who had been her regular sitter until a couple of years ago, when Becky had finally convinced her parents that she was too old for a sitter. They always had fun and Becky was hoping to ask her some questions about what high school was like. She would be a junior next fall and was already planning to try out for the cheerleading squad. And she certainly looked the part. While she still had some of the awkward pubescent look, she was quickly developing into a very attractive young woman. Her long, slender legs led to nicely curved hips, a flat stomach, and a pair of baseball sized breasts that seemed to get a little bigger each day. Her face was oval shaped with clear skin and a pair of pale blue eyes that seemed to shine as if lit by some inner light. She had long, dark brown hair with a few blonde highlights that fell almost to her waist. It could sometimes be a pain to take care of, but she loved the feel of it. And it looked great on her, which was evidenced by the increasing number of looks and whistles she was receiving from guys. Tonight it was tied up into a long ponytail.
Her mother came into the room. “Ok, honey. We’re going now.” She looked at her watch. “Jessica should be here in about half an hour. We’ll be home around noon tomorrow.” She pulled a twenty from her purse and laid it on the hall table. “Get yourselves a pizza, ok?” Becky nodded, still staring at the TV, but not really watching it. Her mother sighed and sat next to her. “Look, honey, I know you’re not a little kid anymore and if we were coming home tonight, we’d leave you alone.” She touched her arm. “It’ll make me feel better knowing that you’re not alone all night.” She smiled and stroked Becky’s hair. “Think of it as a sleep over, ok? No bedtime. I’ll leave it up to you two.”
Becky turned to her and sighed. “Ok, Mom. I guess I understand.” She gave her a slight smile. “Jess is more of a friend, anyway. We’ll have fun.”
Her mother leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Thanks for understanding.” She stood up. “We’ll call in the morning and let you know what time we’ll be home.”
“C’mon, Deb! Let’s go!” her father called from the kitchen. He poked his head into the room. “Are you all set, Becky?”
She nodded. “Uhhuh. Have fun, you guys.”
Her mother went over and straightened her father’s tie, then turned to go. “You, too, honey. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Night, sweetie. Don’t stay up too late, ok?” her father said with a smile. She nodded and waved goodbye.
She was still basically in the same position when the doorbell rang about twenty minutes later. She unfolded her long legs and went to answer the door, dressed casually in a pair of sweat pants and tshirt. She checked the window, then opened the door for Jessica.
“Hey, Jess,” she said as Jessica stepped inside.
“Hi, Becky! How are you?” Jessica said with a smile. She genuinely liked Becky and if not for having to postpone her date with Mike, would have looked forward to spending the night with her. She was wearing tight faded jeans and a short tshirt that showed off her bare navel. A small overnight bag was slung over her shoulder.
“Wow! You look like you’re going on a hot date!” Becky exclaimed as she closed the door.
Jessica looked down at herself, then back up to Becky, her face scrunched up into a questioning grimace. “Too much?”
Becky laughed. “Not if you’re trying to get guys to look at you!”
Jessica grinned and dropped her bag. “Well, to be honest, Mike may be dropping by later.”
Becky’s face lit up. “Mike Wilkens!? He’s hot!”
Jessica raised an eyebrow and looked at her, a wry smile on her face. “Hey, that’s my boyfriend you’re talking about! Don’t you go putting the moves on him!” She tried to keep a straight face, but Becky started to giggle and soon Jessica joined her.
As they started over to the couch, Becky looked down at her own attire. “Oh, shit! I can’t let him see me dressed like this!” Before Jessica could respond, she raced down the hall to her room and closed the door. Jessica chuckled and sat down on the couch. She picked up the remote control and began flipping through the channels. It looked like Becky would still be up when Mike arrived. Jessica was horny as hell, but they had all night. Becky would go to bed eventually.
About twenty minutes later, Becky emerged from her room wearing tight jeans and a revealing halter top. She had applied a little makeup and let her hair down. It shone as she walked into the room, nearly touching the top of her jeans. “I ordered us a pizza. Mom’s treat,” she said as she sat down.
Jessica looked at the attractive young woman sitting beside her, who was only a young girl a few short minutes ago. “Holy shit, Becky! Should I be worried, here?” She raised her eyebrows and tried to look serious. Becky grinned sheepishly and blushed.
“I just wanted to look . . . nice,” she said quietly. “Like you.”
Jessica chuckled and hugged her. “I’m only teasing! But you do look nice. You’ve grown up a lot in the last couple of years!”
They settled in front of the TV, chatting away and catching up, not really watching it. The pizza arrived a few minutes later and they moved into the kitchen to eat. They sat at the table eating and when there was a lull in the conversation, Becky spoke up. “So, are you guys . . . you know . . . doing it?”
Jessica looked up at her, startled at her intimate question, and pausing while chewing on a piece of pizza. She swallowed it and said, “Why would you ask me something like that?”
Becky shrugged and studied her piece of pizza, not meeting Jessica’s eyes. “I dunno. I was just curious, I guess.”
Jessica fixed her eyes on Becky. “That’s not something you ask someone, Becky. It’s very personal.”
Becky didn’t reply for a moment, then said, “I’m sorry. I was just wondering . . . what it was like, is all.”
Jessica took another bite and chewed it slowly, her eyes never leaving Becky. “Becky, I hope you’re not thinking about . . .”
Becky raised her head and spoke, cutting her off. “No!” She shook her head emphatically to emphasize her point. Her long hair swayed back and forth across her back. “I’m not planning anything! I mean, I don’t even have a boyfriend. I‘ve just been thinking about it a lot lately and was wondering , you know . . . what it’s like.”
Jessica picked up their plates and took them over to the dishwasher, remembering all too well how she had felt when she was Becky’s age. She knew she should tell her not to do it; that she was too young. But that wasn’t how she felt. was a wonderful part of her life, especially with Mike! But she said nothing as she put the dirty plates into the dishwasher.
“Does it hurt?” Becky pressed, turning to look at Jessica over the back of her chair. “Jenny said it does . . . a lot.”
Jessica closed the dishwasher and turned around, leaning against the counter. “Has Jenny done it?”
Becky shook her head. “No. She just heard that it does.”
Jessica sighed and motioned for them to go back into the family room. “Come on. I’ll tell you what I know.” Becky grinned and stood to follow her. “But,” Jessica said, wagging a finger in her face, “not a word to anyone, especially your parents! Got it?” Becky nodded. They went in and sat crosslegged on the couch, facing each other. “Ok,” Jessica said. “What do you want to know?”
“Well, like I asked before – does it hurt?”
Jessica looked over at the Becky, who was waiting anxiously for an answer. “Yes. The first time it does hurt a little. But not after that.” She grinned. “Actually, it feels pretty good after that! Pardon the pun.” She put a hand to her mouth. “Oops! Maybe I shouldn’t have told you that!”
Becky grinned and waved her off. “Well, duh! I didn’t figure it was so popular because it felt bad! Don’t worry, I’m not going to run out and have just because you said it feels good!” They both giggled. Becky asked a few more questions, which Jessica answered as best she could without getting too graphic.
“What about . . .” Becky looked down and her voice got quieter. “ . . . what about blowjobs? Jenny says people do it all the time, but it sounds kinda gross!”
Jessica smiled wryly. “It sounds like Jenny has an answer for everything without having any experience!”
Becky shrugged. “I’m not saying that I believe everything she says. That’s why I’m asking you. But I’ve heard other girls talk about it, too.”
Jessica nodded and thought for a moment before replying. “Yes, girls do it to guys. And guys do it to girls, too.” She saw a puzzled look come over Becky’s face. “They lick you. And it feels really good.”
Becky thought about it for a moment, then nodded. “What about doing it to guys? Have you ever done it?”
Jessica took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Remember, Becky, this is between you and me. You don’t repeat any of this to anyone, ok?” Becky saw the seriousness in her face; heard it in her voice. She nodded. “I mean it. If any of what I’m about to tell you gets out, everyone will call me a slut and Mike will break up with me. I haven’t told anyone else this.” It probably wasn’t true about Mike breaking up with her. She just wanted to make sure Becky kept quiet.
Becky swallowed, aware that Jessica was giving her her trust, but also a warning. If word did get out, she would know where it came from. “I . . . I promise, Jess. Not a word!”
Jessica looked into her eyes for a long moment, then nodded. “Ok, then. I just needed you to understand the trust I’m placing in you. My reputation is at stake.” She paused, then said, “First of all, yes I’ve done it. And giving head, a blowjob, is actually quite a turnon. It seemed gross to me when I first heard about it, but it really isn’t.” Just then, the phone rang. Becky grabbed it from the end table and answered it.
“Hello? Uh, yeah . . .just a sec.” She passed the phone to Jessica and mouthed ‘Mike’. Jessica took the phone and glanced at her watch. Elevenfifteen.
“Hello? . . . Oh, hey! . . . Shit, sorry. We were just talking and lost track of time.” She grinned and winked at Becky. “Ok . . . see you soon . . . Bye.” She hung up the phone and looked over at Becky. “Mike’s on his way over.”
Becky grinned at her. “Are you guys going to do it?”
“Becky!” Jessica cried, her eyes wide and a shocked grin on her face. She playfully slapped her on the leg.
Becky laughed. “I was just wondering if I should go to my room when he gets here!”
Jessica began to laugh, too, and threw a small pillow at her. “Yes! Yes, you should! And put your headphones on!”
Chapter 3
A while later, the doorbell rang. Jessica went to let Mike in while Becky checked her hair and tried to look y. Jessica glanced over at her, smiled and shook her head, then opened the door.
“Hey, babe!” Mike exclaimed, stepping inside. His eyes fell on Becky as she stood up, smiling shyly. “Oh, hi, Becky. Wow! You look great!” Jessica shot him a dirty look as she closed the door and Becky blushed.
“Th . . . thanks, Mike. You, too,” she mumbled.
They stood staring awkwardly at each other for a few minutes until Jessica said, “Maybe you should say goodnight, Becky. It’s almost midnight.”
Becky looked at her for a moment, then seemed to snap out of it. “Uh, yeah . . . sure. Goodnight.” She turned and walked down the hall, her long hair glimmering as she walked away.
“Night, Becky,” Jessica said.
“Yeah, good night Becky,” Mike called. “Nice seeing you again!” Becky waved over her shoulder and went into her room, closing the door softly behind her. He turned to Jessica. “Wow, she really grew up!” Jessica slapped him on the arm.
“She’s only fifteen, you perv!” He grinned at her and after a few seconds, she grinned and shook her head. “What am I going to do with you?”
He raised his eyebrows suggestively. “I can think of a few things . . .” Jessica giggled and leaned in to kiss him. They pulled apart and Mike glanced down the hall.
“I thought she would be asleep already,” he said quietly.
“Relax, she’s cool,” Jessica replied, kissing him again. “She won’t bother us.” He returned her kiss, his hands moving to her bare midriff and caressing the soft skin. He began to move them up under her shirt but she placed her hands on his, stopping him.
“Hold on. I’ve got a surprise for you!” She led him over to the couch and gently pushed him to a seated position on it. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.” She turned and slowly walked down the hall to the guest room, allowing him a nice view of her perfect ass inside her tight jeans. He watched her intently. When she arrived at the door, she turned, blew him a kiss, and disappeared inside. He sat back on the couch, picked up the remote, and began to flip through the channels.
A few minutes later, Jessica emerged from the bedroom wearing her cheerleading uniform. He forgot about the TV and turned to watch her walk toward him. Her hips swayed seductively under the short skirt and her tits strained at the material of the skimpy top, her hard nipples leaving prominent bumps. She walked over and stood before him, nibbling on her lower lip. “You like?”
He nodded speechlessly, his mouth twisted into a lusty grin. Jessica took his hands and placed them on her slender thighs, pulling them up under her skirt. Mike grinned up at the pretty blonde when he realized that she wasn’t wearing any panties under it. He lifted the pleated skirt up and was greeted with the sight of her pussy, completely shaved except for a small patch of blond hair just above her mound.
“How about now?” she said huskily, spreading her legs apart and moving closer to him. He placed both hands on her bare ass and pulled her wet pussy to his face. He stuck out his tongue and licked her swollen pussy several times before pushing his tongue deeper into her hole and swirling it around, lapping up her sweet nectar.
Jessica sighed and started rubbing her tits, her eyes closed. He continued licking her pussy, his tongue stirring up desire and bringing on the first tingling of an impending orgasm. After several minutes, she began to feel more urgent sensations and before long, she was holding his head to her quivering pussy as she came again and again into his mouth. He licked and sucked her sweet juices until she couldn’t take any more stimulation and backed away, her legs trembling.
She caught her breath and knelt between his legs, then kissed him passionately, tasting herself on his lips and tongue. She broke off the kiss and moved her lips around to his ear. “Your turn,” she whispered as her hands went to the button of his jeans. She unfastened them and lowered the fly, then had him raise his hips from the couch so she could pull them down and off. She repeated the process for his boxers. His seven inch cock sprang straight up, a drop of precum oozing from the hole in the tip. She wrapped her hand around the hard shaft and began to stroke it lovingly, rubbing the soft tip against her cheeks.
Mike caressed her cheek, pulling her long, silky hair from her face. She licked the entire length of his shaft several times, then moved her lips and tongue to his balls. He shivered as her tongue played across the sensitive skin of his sac while her hand gently caressed the soft head of his throbbing cock. She began to move her soft lips up his shaft once again, then slowly enveloped his velvety smooth head in her warm, wet mouth. He moaned in pleasure as she took nearly half of his hard shaft into it, her tongue moving sensuously along it as she bobbed her head up and down. The room was silent except for the slurping noises mixed with his moans of pleasure and Jessica’s occasional murmur of delight. He laced his fingers in her long hair and leaned back on the couch as she sucked his cock with the loving care that only someone who truly enjoyed it could pull off.
Chapter 4
Becky closed her bedroom door and reluctantly began undressing for bed. She removed the tight jeans she had just put on a couple of hours earlier, then pulled the halter top over her head and tossed it into the corner. Reaching behind her back, she unfastened her bra. Then, holding it in place, she stepped in front of her full length mirror and let it fall free. She studied her panty clad body. It was nice, she thought. Her tits were filling in nicely and although she didn’t think they would get a whole lot bigger, she was satisfied with their size. She wet her finger and rubbed it in a circular motion over and around one of her nipples and it instantly grew hard.
Footsteps in the hallway outside her door startled her and she reached for her nightshirt and slipped it over her head. It fell to her thighs, just covering her white cotton panties. She went over and placed an ear to her door, absently rubbing her breasts in an attempt to force her nipples back down. She heard the guest room door close and breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t want Jessica, or especially Mike, to see her dressed in her nightshirt with her nipples poking out!
Quietly, she opened her door a crack and peeked out. The guest room door was still closed and she could hear someone, probably Mike, flipping through the channels on the TV. She needed to go to the bathroom so she slipped noiselessly across the hall into the bathroom and quietly pushed the door shut behind her.
She finished in the bathroom and peered out the door. She could see into the family room, where Jessica was standing before Mike dressed in her cheerleading uniform! He was holding her skirt up and Becky could see that Jessica wasn’t wearing anything under it. His face was pressed into her pubic area and her hands held his head in place. Her head was tossed back, her eyes were closed, and she had a look of intense concentration on her face. This must be what Jessica had told her about! When a guy licks a girl! Jessica certainly did seem to be enjoying it! Becky felt her nipples harden again, and she also felt a damp warmth between her legs. She couldn’t pull her eyes from them and watched in stunned silence as Mike licked and sucked on Jessica’s pussy. Jessica was moaning and sighing and Becky tried to imagine what it must feel like. She had taught herself to masturbate last summer and often brought herself to orgasm. But to have a guy licking her down there! She shuddered at the thought of a warm tongue in her pussy. As she watched Jessica cum again and again, her pussy leaked more, soaking her panties. She pulled them down and off, then rubbed herself as Mike continued to lick Jessica’s pussy.
She was really getting into it, nearing orgasm, when Jessica backed away and knelt between Mike’s legs. The couch faced the other way and she could only see Mike’s head from her position in the bathroom.
“Shit!” she whispered under her breath, and looked around. There was a large potted palm plant at the end of the hall about five feet tall with big, wide leaves. The hall was dark and if she could sneak down behind the plant, she would have a clear view of them from about fifteen feet away, but wouldn’t be easily visible from the family room. She silently pulled the bathroom door open and slipped quietly down the hall, her wet panties forgotten on the bathroom floor.
She crept down the darkened hall, crouching so that the plant hid her approach. From that side of the hall, she could just make out Jessica’s head moving up and down in Mike’s lap as he leaned back on the couch, eyes closed. She was giving him a blowjob! She moved closer, crouching behind the plant. From here, she had a perfect view and watched in silent wonder as Jessica’s mouth moved up and down on Mike’s hard cock. Jessica paused and lifted her head up to grin at Mike, her hand continuing to stroke his long, hard shaft. Becky stared at it. It was the first time she had ever seen a real one. She had seen pictures, of course, but never the real thing! Jessica was speaking and she strained to hear her whispered words.
“. . . love sucking your big, hard cock!” Mike grinned at her and gently pushed her head back down. She began to suck it with even more enthusiasm. Mike moaned in obvious pleasure as her soft lips moved up and down his rockhard cock.
Becky’s fingers went back to her own wet slit. She rubbed her pussy, never taking her eyes off Mike and Jessica. She couldn’t get over the size of Mike’s cock! And it was so hard! She slipped a finger into her virgin hole and tried to imagine his thick, hard shaft inside her. It had to hurt! How could something that big fit into her tiny pussy without hurting? Her finger brushed across her now extremely sensitive clit and a small cry escaped her lips before she could stop it. Jessica raised her head from Mike’s lap and they both looked directly at her through the leaves of the small tree.
“Becky! Oh, shit!” Jessica exclaimed. Mike pulled a throw pillow over his exposed penis and Jessica stood up, red faced. Mike winked at Becky and grinned, amused by her voyeurism. Jessica hurried over to where Becky was, her jaw clenched and her eyes burning. She grabbed Becky’s hand and pulled her into the room. Mike was standing, his back to them as he fastened his jeans. Jessica plopped her down on the couch where Mike had been sitting only a moment earlier and glared at her, her hands on her hips.
“You were spying on us!” she exclaimed, trying to control her anger. “Why would you do something so . . . so . . . perverted!?” Becky lowered her head, her hands clasped between her thighs in an attempt to cover her partially exposed pussy.
“I . . . I didn’t mean to. I was coming out of the bathroom and I . . . saw you.” She looked up into Jessica’s angry face and shrugged. “I guess I was curious. I’m sorry.”
Mike walked over behind Jessica and squeezed her shoulders. “Aw, go easy on her, Jess. No harm done.” His eyes scanned Becky’s long legs and up her body, pausing at her still erect nipples.
“No harm done!?” Jessica cried, turning to look at him. Mike quickly averted his eyes from Becky before she noticed. “She saw me going down on you! And who knows what else!” She fixed Becky with an intense stare. “Just how much did you see, young lady?”
Becky seemed to sink into the cushions under Jessica’s eyes. “N . . .not much. J . . .just when you were . . . standing in front of Mike. . .”
“Oh, shit!” Jessica moaned, her hand covering her eyes. “You saw that, too!?”
“I’m sorry, Jess!” Becky pleaded. “Please don’t be mad! I won’t tell anyone! I promise!”
Jessica took a deep breath and released it slowly, trying to calm herself down. She sat down next to Becky and, after a long pause, in a much calmer tone said, “I know you won’t, Becky. But what you did was wrong. Spying on people isn’t nice, especially if they’re doing something . . . private.”
Becky nodded and lowered her head. “I know,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”
“Ok, then,” Jessica said, stroking her long, luxuriant hair. “Now why don’t you go back to bed. And this time, stay there?”
Becky looked up at her. “Do I have to?”
Jessica looked at her, surprised by her odd question, then looked over to Mike, who shrugged. She turned back to Becky. “Yeah! You do!” she replied, wondering exactly what she had meant.
Becky sat forward, her face earnest. “But I want to learn how to do . . .stuff! Can’t I just watch? I’ll be quiet! I promise I’ll . . .”
Jessica stared at her wideeyed, not believing what she was hearing. She cut her off in midsentence. “What!? No! I can’t believe you just said that!”
Becky lowered her head until Jessica stopped speaking. She looked up at her, then over to Mike, who shrugged. “I just thought . . .” she started.
“I think it would be hot,” Mike said quietly, licking his lips as he watched the two pretty and scantily clad girls on the couch.
Jessica’s mouth dropped open as she stared at him. “What!?”
He shrugged. “Sure. Doing it while someone watched . . .” He eyed Becky’s y body once more. “Or participated . . . is one of my favorite fantasies!” Becky felt her face flush as she realized for the first time how he was looking at her. She pushed her tshirt between her legs to cover her naked pussy, hoping that he hadn’t been able to sneak a peek. But then the thought of his eyes on her most private area didn’t seem so bad. It was kind of . . . naughty, but in a good way. Jessica was still staring at Mike. After a long moment of silence, she turned to Becky.
“You better go back to your room, Becky. Mike and I have some things to discuss.” She stood and motioned for Becky to go. This time she didn’t protest. Something in Jessica’s eyes and voice told her that it wouldn’t be a smart move. She stood up, pulling her nightshirt down over her hips so that most of her bare ass was covered as she made her way down the hall to her room. She paused at the door and looked back. They were both watching her. Reluctantly, she went in and closed the door behind her.
Did he really say ‘participate’?
Chapter 5
When Becky’s door closed, Jessica turned to Mike, her eyes hard and her jaw set. “I think maybe you better go.”
“Wait a minute! Hear me out, Jess!” He took her hand and they sat on the couch. Jessica looked at him. Anger and hurt had replaced the passion that had been in her eyes only a few short moments ago.
“Hear you out!? What’s to hear? You just told me that you wanted to have a threesome with me and a fifteen year old!” She looked into his warm brown eyes and tried to resist their attraction. God, he was hot!
He smiled at her. “Look, I’m sorry if I offended you . . .” Jessica opened her mouth to say something, but he raised a hand. “Let me finish, please. Then if you still want me to leave, I’ll go.” She closed her mouth and sat back, folding her arms defensively across her chest. He continued. “You always seem to want to try wild things, ually. At school, at the mall. And I was a little hesitant at first, but I gave it a try. And it was great!” She smiled a little, remembering how he had protested. “Now, Becky is very curious about and I’ll bet that she’ll be doing it within a month, especially after what she saw here tonight. We could teach her to do it right. It wouldn’t be awkward for her, like it was for you.” He saw her look softening a little and grinned. “Plus it would be so hot!”
Jessica was silent for a long moment before speaking. While she had never acted upon it, or told anyone about it, she did find some women y and often wondered what it would be like to have with another woman. Becky was only fifteen, but she was someone Jessica did find herself attracted to. “I understand what you’re saying. And I agree . . .” His eyes lit up, then she continued. “I agree with you that Becky will probably be trying sooner than later. But I don’t know if we should encourage her.” She shook her head. “And that’s not even taking into account the idea of a threesome!” Mike chuckled and she couldn’t help smiling.
“But that is so y!” he said. “Every man fantasizes about having with two women at the same time!” He took her hand and kissed it, his soft, puppydog eyes locking on hers. “Wouldn’t you want to help me fulfill one of my fantasies?” Jessica closed her eyes. She felt herself giving in. She just couldn’t say no to him. And the thought of doing it with Becky was suddenly very appealing.
She opened her eyes and stared into his. “Of course I do! But I don’t want to share you. And she is only fifteen! And we haven’t even talked to her about it!”
He nodded. “Yes, she is fifteen. A very mature fifteen. She knows what she wants and she won’t stop until she gets it.” He could see her coming around. “Besides, we’re seventeen. That’s only two years.” Jessica didn’t reply. “And maybe all she’ll want to do is watch.”
Jessica sat there for a moment, then lowered her head. When she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. “What if I lose you to her?”
He took her hands and turned her toward him. “Jess, it’s only . You and me have more than that. I really do care about you and I don’t want to lose you.” Her eyes locked on his and she gave a worried smile.
“Really? You’re not just saying that?”
He shook his head and smiled warmly. “No, I really mean it. If you say no, I won’t bring up the subject again.”
“And you promise you won’t leave me for her?”
“Jess, no! I would never do that! You’re the one I want to be with!” She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and nodded.
“Ok.” She looked over at him. “It goes against my better judgement, but if Becky wants to do it, I’m in.” He hugged, then kissed her deeply, his hands holding her face to his. Jessica pushed her tongue deep into his mouth and moved it sensuously against his. They pulled apart and he smiled at her.
“Thanks, baby. I promise that you won’t regret this.” She pushed him away playfully and he pretended to fall back onto the couch.
“I already do,” she replied, trying to look serious, but failing. She wondered what she was getting herself into, or more importantly, what was she getting Becky into? She certainly wasn’t a kid anymore, but was she ready for what they were about to ask her to do? Jessica had been sneaking looks at Becky since she had changed into her jeans and halter top, and had secretly wondered what it would be like to kiss the budding beauty; to tangle her fingers in her long hair and feel it brush across her naked flesh. She wondered what would happen at school if anyone found out that the popular cheerleader harbored such feelings toward another girl. Before she could talk herself out of it, she took a deep breath and turned toward the hall. “Becky!” she called.
Chapter 6
Becky’s door opened, maybe a little too quickly, and she stepped out into the hallway. She hadn’t bothered to put on a clean pair of panties, hoping that she would be allowed to watch and could masturbate while they fucked. She tugged her long nightshirt down over her thighs and walked slowly back into the family room, trying to read the looks on their faces. She stopped before them, her head lowered.
“So you really want to watch us?” Jessica asked softly. Becky looked up at her and nodded, but didn’t say anything. Jessica looked over at Mike, then back to Becky. “Well, Mike tells me that he’s always had a fantasy about having with two girls at the same time. Would you like to do more than just watch?”
Becky’s eyes grew wide. “Y . . .you mean . . .?”
Jessica nodded. “You don’t have to, but . . .” She glanced over at Mike, who was studying Becky’s reaction. “Mike’s a pretty nice guy and we thought your first time would be better if it was with someone who cares about you and has a little experience.”
Mike spoke up. “It’s entirely up to you, Becky. It’s ok to say no.”
Jessica nodded. “Yes, of course. You can just watch if you still want to, or you can go back to your room and do nothing. It’s your decision.”
Becky looked at them both for a long moment. Her heart was pounding. She’d had a crush on Mike for a couple of years now and she wanted to scream ‘Yes!’ and throw herself at him. But Jessica, or any other girl for that matter, was never a part of her secret fantasies involving him. She knew about lesbians, of course. She wasn’t completely naive. But she never imagined herself with another girl. Jessica was pretty, there was no doubt about that, but did they expect her and Jessica to do stuff to each other, or just to Mike? As she pondered her decision, Mike moved close to Jessica and put his arm around her shoulders. Becky studied her body closely for the first time. Her soft blonde hair flowed over her shoulders and framed her face. Her green eyes sparkled with anticipation. Her nipples were erect and left prominent bumps on the stretch fabric of her cheerleader top, and her long athletic legs disappeared under the pleats of the short skirt at the juncture of her thighs. Becky’s eyes drifted back up to her eyes and she smiled nervously.
“Would . . .we,” she pointed to herself and Jessica, “have to do stuff . . . to each other?”
Jessica shrugged. “Maybe. If you want to. I’m obviously not gay, but I’m not opposed to it either. And I have to admit, looking at you and talking about it has got me a little curious. Why don’t we just see what happens?”
Becky studied their faces for a moment, her eyes flitting back and forth between them, then nodded slowly “O . . .ok.”
Jessica smiled nervously. Mike said, “If at any time you want to stop, just say the word. No one wants to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” Again, Becky nodded.
“So, is that a yes?” Jessica said, looking expectantly at her, eyebrows raised questioningly.
Becky looked at Mike and the bulge his erect cock was creating in his jeans. His arm was still around Jessica’s shoulder and his hand was lying on her breast. His fingers teased her erect nipple.
Becky nodded. “Yes. I want to learn. I want you to teach me everything.” She smiled nervously. “Both of you.”
Mike smiled, leaned forward, and placed his hand on Becky’s thigh. He slowly slid it up just under the hem of her nightshirt. Jessica looked at him. “Easy, boy,” she scolded.
Becky moved a little closer until she was standing before them as they sat on the couch. “It’s ok, Jess. I kinda like it.” Jessica looked up at the pretty teen, who was smiling down at her. She didn’t tell her that her comment was more about her own jealous feelings than Becky’s, and let it drop. She was being ridiculous. Wasn’t she?
At Jessica’s request, Mike stood up and for the second time that night, she unfastened his jeans and pulled them down. Becky watched as he stepped out of them and pulled off his tshirt. His chest wasn’t that of a body builder, but was nicely toned in an athletic way. Jessica grasped his boxers and lowered them. His erect penis was released and stood straight out, precum already oozing from the tip. Becky looked down at it while he sat back down on the couch, her eyes wide with fascination. Jessica took it in her hand and began to stroke it slowly. Mike moaned and leaned back on the couch. Jessica continued her slow massage of Mike’s stiff prick and looked up at Becky.
“Would you like to try it?” she asked, nodding toward it. Becky nodded, never taking her eyes from the hard cock in Jessica’s hand. Jessica moved aside and Becky slowly knelt next to her. She was only a foot away from it now, and the musky aroma of his filled her nostrils. “The tip is the sensitive part,” Jessica explained, rubbing her hand across it. Mike gasped as she did and she glanced up at his face. “As you can see,” she added with a grin. “Just stroke it like this and rub the tip every once in a while.” She gave it a few more soft strokes, then removed her hand. She looked at Becky. “Go ahead.”
Becky gazed down at the hard shaft with its wet, purple head, then reached out and touched it gingerly before wrapping her small hand around it. She could feel the beat of his pulse coursing through it and watched as another drop of precum seeped from the hole in the tip. She started moving her hand up and down its length as Jessica had shown her. The pungent smell grew stronger and she found it somehow excited her, enticing her to want more. The clear fluid continued to seep from the hole and soon his cock and her hand were coated with the slippery substance. Jessica watched her for a few minutes, then looked at Mike. His eyes were open and he was looking back at her. He reached for her and pulled her to her feet. She bent over and moved her face to his, kissing him deeply. When she did, her skirt rode up, giving Becky a clear view of her cleanshaven pussy. She could see Jessica was excited. Her lips were swollen and wet. She found it somewhat exciting to be looking at another girl in that way and wondered just how far she and Jessica would go with each other. As for Mike, she already knew what she wanted. She was going to fuck him. After tonight, she would no longer be the ually naive virgin and Jenny could take her knowitall stories and shove them straight up her ass! Her own juices were flowing freely, now running down the inside of her left leg, as she jerked off Mike’s hard penis. And the more she did it, the hornier she became.
Jessica broke off her kiss with Mike and looked back at Becky. She noticed her looking up her skirt before she quickly averted her eyes back to Mike’s cock. “How’s it going?” Jessica asked, pretending she hadn’t seen Becky’s lusty stare. Mike moaned contentedly and Jessica grinned. “Apparently someone’s enjoying it!”
Becky grinned. “It’s so hard!”
Jessica bit her lip. “Wanna try a blowjob?” She moved her eyebrows up and down suggestively. Becky looked down at the hard, wet cock with its soft, oozing tip. She swallowed nervously and looked back up at Jessica.
“Uh . . . ok, I guess.”
“Oh, yeah!” Mike moaned. “Please!” Jessica giggled and gave him a playful shove. He glanced at both of them. “You two are a little overdressed, don’t you think?” He winked at Becky. “Why don’t you undress each other while I watch?”
Jessica looked over at Becky, who shrugged. She was still holding his cock, but was no longer stroking it. “You mean . . . like a striptease?” Jessica asked.
“Yeah! That would be really y!” he said, grinning.
Jessica stood up and took Becky’s hand, pulling her to her feet. “Are you ready?” she asked the pretty teen. Becky nodded and Jessica reached up, stroking her breasts over her nightshirt. It was a little awkward, neither really knowing what to do. Becky began to touch Jessica’s tits, imitating what she was doing to her. “Here,” Jessica said. She took Becky’s hands and moved them to the bottom hem of her top. Becky got the message and pulled it up. Jessica’s tits bounced out and she finished removing the top, shaking it free from her long, blonde hair. Becky stared down at Jessica’s bare tits. She’d never looked at another girl’s breasts before in a ual way and found it very intriguing.
“Touch them, Becky,” Jessica whispered, a sultry smile on her pretty face. Becky reached her hand out and gently touched the soft flesh of her firm tit. She lightly ran her fingers around the areola and rubbed her nipple. Jessica closed her eyes and smiled. “Mmmm . . . feels good!” She allowed Becky to tease her nipples for a few more seconds, then moved her hands down to her short skirt. Becky began tugging it down over her slender, curved hips and let it drop to the floor around her ankles. Jessica now stood completely naked before the pretty teen, her bare skin almost aglow from the light of the table lamp next to her.
Mike let out a low whistle. “Wow, baby! You take my breath away!”
Jessica blew him a quick kiss, then turned to Becky with a seductive grin. “Ok, Becky. Your turn.” Becky swallowed hard. She was about to expose herself to a guy for the first time. And it wasn’t just any guy. This was the boy she had been masturbating to for over a year, imagining this very moment. Not to mention her beautiful, and very naked, babysitter. She nodded, but a hint of hesitation remained in her pale blue eyes. Jessica stepped behind her and turned her so she was facing Mike straight on. He looked up at her, smiling as he slowly stroked his stiff prick.
Jessica lifted Becky’s shirt up, revealing her virgin pussy with its light fuzz of auburn colored hair. Her lips were wet and swollen. A line of her juices ran down her inner thigh. She averted her eyes from Mike’s face and raised her arms so Jessica could finish pulling her shirt over her head. She gently untangled it from Becky’s long hair and tossed it aside. Becky now stood naked before them, her hands moving nervously from her pussy to her breasts, unsure of what she should do with them.
“Beautiful,” Mike breathed. He raised his eyes along her svelte young body until they met hers. “Becky, you are absolutely beautiful!” he repeated. She smiled nervously and blushed a little. Jessica pressed her naked body to Becky’s back and reached around to fondle her pert young breasts. Becky could feel Jessica’s tits crushed against her back; her hard nipples poking into her flesh. She sighed as Jessica’s soft fingers caressed her tender young breasts.
“Holy shit!” Mike exclaimed, watching them. “You two are really getting me going!” Jessica leaned in close and whispered something into Becky’s ear. Becky nodded and looked down at Mike’s hard dick as he stroked it, then knelt between his spread legs. He released his grip on his tool and leaned back, watching her. She took it in her hand and looked down at the thick purple head and unconsciously licked her lips. Slowly, she lowered her head until her lips were just an inch away from it. The scent was overpowering at this close proximity and she felt her pussy leak a little more. She leaned closer and lightly kissed the soft head. She pulled back a little and licked the precum from her lips. It wasn’t unpleasant, so she lowered her lips to it again, parting them and slipping the large head into her hot, wet mouth.
Mike groaned and let out a long sigh. “Yes!!” Her lips slid over the head, then down the shaft a couple of inches until it filled her mouth. She sucked on it a bit, then raised her head up to look at Mike.
“How was that?” she asked, licking her lips.
“Great!” he said with a smile and a wink to Jessica. He pulled her head back down. “Don’t stop!” She glanced over at Jessica.
“Are you ok, Becky? Do you want to stop?” Becky shook her head. It was turning her on to have his cock inside her mouth and knowing that she was making him feel good by doing it made it even hotter. “Then keep going. Slide it in and out of your mouth.” Becky opened her mouth and slid the hard member back inside, then started bobbing her head up an down as Jessica had instructed, her long hair spilling across Mike’s stomach. He groaned with pleasure and began to move his hips, matching her rhythm.
“Oh, yeah! That feels wonderful!”
Jessica shot him a warning look. “Don’t you dare cum in her mouth!”
He smiled up at her and shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that!” He reached up and Jessica took his hand, sinking to the couch next to him. She kissed him.
“Just checking,” she replied with a smile. “I don’t think she’s ready for that yet.”
He grinned at her. “I’ll save it all for you, my dear!” Jessica smiled and ran a hand over his chest. She had let him cum in her mouth a few times, but she never swallowed it. Not that she wouldn’t. She was just working up to it. Maybe tonight would be the night. She looked down at Becky and gathered up her hair, holding it back so they could see her face as she sucked furiously on Mike’s throbbing cock. She was really getting into it. Jessica recognized Mike’s body language and his shallow breathing and knew he was getting close to cumming.
“Careful, Becky. He’s not going to last much longer,” she warned the younger girl. Becky lifted her head from his meat and looked up, a puzzled look on her face. Jessica smiled. “You’re going to make him cum; blow his load!” That got the message across and she sat back, still gripping the hard shaft.
Mike pulled Becky’s naked body up from the floor and embraced her. He kissed her hard, pushing his tongue deep into her throat. At first she resisted, then gradually accepted his tongue. The feeling was almost electric as their tongues danced together. When it ended and they pulled apart, she found herself wanting more.
Mike stood up, still holding Becky in his arms. She looked into his gentle brown eyes and felt herself melting into him. He leaned down and kissed her, once again pushing his tongue deep into her throat, then broke off the kiss, turned her around and pushed her gently to a sitting position on the couch. He knelt at her feet and smiled up at her. “Now it’s your turn, baby!”
Chapter 7
Jessica sat next to her, their naked flesh touching. “You’re gonna love this!” she exclaimed as Mike pushed her knees apart and moved between them, eyeing the pink flesh of her inflamed pussy. Becky looked down at him nervously as he moved closer to her untouched hole.
Mike smiled up at her. “Just lie back and relax, Becky. It won’t hurt and I promise you’re going to love it!” Becky leaned back and watched as he lowered his head and kissed the soft skin of her flat stomach. He moved lower, leaving a trail of kisses down her stomach, then along each of her thighs. He moved down to her knees, then winked at her and began making his way back up her inner thighs, moving back and forth from one to the other. Becky watched his progress and gasped as his lips finally brushed across her sensitive and swollen lips. Oh, god, it felt good!
Jessica hugged her shoulders. “He’s real good at this, Becky. Just relax and enjoy!” Then to Mike she added, “Make sure she cums real hard, lover!” Mike mumbled an acknowledgment, knowing he wouldn’t stop until she came several times. He inhaled the sweet aroma of her tender virgin pussy, then slowly ran his tongue the entire length of her slit, lingering at her tiny little clit for a few seconds, before starting again. Becky gasped and gripped the cushions tightly, her knuckles turning white. When he reached her clit this time, he tugged the little hood back with his fingers and flicked his tongue back and forth over it. Becky cried out in surprised pleasure.
“Oh, shit! Yes!” she moaned. She writhed on the couch, pushing her pussy to his mouth as his tongue swirled around and teased her erect little love button. She cried out every time he touched it. He sucked it between his teeth and nibbled on it gently and she felt the orgasm building inside her. But then he released it and went back to her pussy, which still felt really good, but not as intense as when he toyed with her clit. She felt her orgasm ease, but the feeling didn’t go away. After a moment, he once again turned his tongue loose on her clit and she cried out again as the orgasm regained its urgency. But once again, he released it, moving back to less sensitive areas. The next time he did it, Becky grabbed his hair and held his face in place. But he simply stopped moving his tongue. She released his head in frustration.
“Why are you teasing me?” she cried when he looked up at her with a grin on his face. Her juices coated his face and dripped from his chin.
Jessica hugged her shoulders. “He knows what he’s doing, honey, believe me. You’ll thank him later.” She turned to Jessica just as Mike resumed licking at her sensitive twat, rekindling the feeling of her impending orgasm. Jessica looked into her eyes and saw the pleasure there, remembering the intense feelings he was able to create in her. He was very skilled at oral and was able to bring Jessica to the brink of orgasm over and over before finally allowing her the release she desperately sought. When she did climax, it was such a rush of pleasure that she nearly blacked out a couple of times. This was the technique he was now using on Becky.
Becky leaned back and closed her eyes. She was lost in a whirlwind of intense new feelings. Wonderful feelings! She vaguely sensed warm lips on her nipples and opened her eyes to see Jessica’s blonde hair as she licked and sucked on her tits. Then Mike attacked her clit again and she cried out. “Oh, yes! Oh, shit!”
Becky moaned loudly as Mike licked and sucked her pussy, but when he increased his attention to her clit, she practically screamed. He latched onto the little nub with his lips and began to tease it with his tongue while rubbing her exposed labia with his finger, being careful not to let it slip inside her virgin hole. Becky’s staccato cries reverberated in the room and Jessica looked around as if half expecting the neighbors to rush in to see what the noise was all about. She was definitely a screamer! Mike didn’t ease up, his tongue flicking rapidly across her clit. Becky’s face and chest turned bright red and she squeezed her eyes shut. Suddenly, she groaned loudly and her entire body went rigid as the massive orgasm enveloped her. Her mouth hung open, but no sound except for the occasional highpitched squeak came out. She jerked a few times, then began bucking her hips, before going stiff again in her second orgasm in as many minutes. The whole time, Mike kept his lips locked onto her clit, occasionally teasing it with his tongue. She was so sensitive that he could trigger another orgasm with just the slightest flick of his tongue. Jessica watched in awe as Becky came again and again, seemingly at the mercy of Mike’s talented tongue.
Finally, she put her hands on his forehead and pushed him back. “P . . . please! Mike! S . . .stop! I . . .can’t take . . . anymore!” Her clit was now so overstimulated it was starting to hurt and she had cum so many times she’d lost count. Mike pulled back and she collapsed back onto the couch, her body twitching with the occasional aftershock..
Jessica leaned over her limp body. “Are you all right, Becky?”
Her glassy eyes flickered open and a smile of contentment spread across her dazed face. “W . . wow! I never thought it would be like that!” Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Mike grinned up at her and wiped her nectar from his chin.
“I’m glad you liked it. I know I sure did!” he exclaimed with a wink.
Chapter 8
After confirming that Becky was indeed ok, Jessica looked seductively at him. “You’ve got me all turned on now. What are you going to do about it?”
He raised his eyebrows. “Oh, I think I can come up with something!” He stood up and pulled her to her feet, kissing her. Jessica could taste Becky’s cum on his lips and found it strangely erotic. Mike pulled his lips from hers and spun her around.
“Bend over, baby,” he said, pushing gently on her back. Jessica leaned over and grabbed the back of the couch beside where Becky was sitting. She glanced over at her and saw she was watching them with great interest. Mike stepped up behind her and began rubbing his stiff prick along her wet slit.
“Oooo, yeah!” Jessica sighed, then between breaths said to Becky, “Why don’t you move so you can see better.” Becky pulled herself forward, then dropped to her knees next to Jessica. She was only a foot from where Mike was rubbing his dick on her swollen lips. When Mike’s cock was wet with his and Jessica’s combined juices, he pulled it from Jessica’s waiting pussy and pointed it at Becky’s face. Taking the hint, she grasped the shaft and slid her lips over the soft tip, sucking as much into her mouth as she could. She could taste the familiar flavor of his precum along with Jessica’s sweet juices. It was a good mix, she thought to herself. Mike began moving it in and out of her mouth, being careful not to go too deep. He pumped her mouth a few times, then pulled it out and placed it back at Jessica’s inflamed pussy and resumed rubbing it up and down her wet slit.
He looked over at Becky, who was once again watching as his stiff prick rubbed Jessica’s pussy. “How did you like the taste of pussy?” he asked her.
Becky licked her lips. “Not bad,” she replied. “Not bad at all!”
“Please, Mike!” Jessica pleaded as she pushed back toward his teasing cock. “Fuck me!”
With a wink to Becky, Mike placed the tip of his cock at Jessica’s opening, gripped her slender hips, and began to push inside her dripping cunt. Jessica gasped and lowered her head between her outstretched arms as he slowly pushed his entire length into her warm, wet tunnel. Becky stared in stunned silence as the long shaft disappeared into Jessica’s body. She looked up at Jessica’s face, expecting a grimace of pain. It had to hurt! But she was amazed to see only a smile of extreme pleasure on her pretty face. When Mike began to move in and out of her pussy, Jessica started moaning and moving with him, her long hair swinging back and forth as they increased their pace.
“Oh, yes! Like that! Ahhhhh!” Jessica moaned. Mike picked up the pace a little more, thrusting forward with more force. “Oh, yes, baby! Fuck me! Harder!” He moved even faster, pounding mercilessly at her tight pussy, his face straining as he fought to keep control. He glanced over at Becky. She caught his eye and he winked at her. Then Jessica moaned loudly and her eyes went back to his cock, now just a blur as he pumped in and out of her pussy. Their bodies made a combination slapping and squishing sound and the couch shook with their passionate lovemaking.
Mike finally slowed down, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. He pulled his cock completely out, then pushed it back in. He repeated this several times. Jessica gave a small cry every time he reentered her. Each time he did, Jessica pushed back, forcing it in harder and faster. He began to pound her fast again and once more the couch shook and the room was filled with their grunts and moans.
“Oh, shit!” Jessica cried after several minutes of this. “I’m gonna cum! Don’t stop! Unh! Unh! Unh!” Suddenly, her body went stiff and she pushed her hips back against Mike, trapping his cock fully inside the viselike grip of her spasming pussy. She threw her head up and down, a low wail escaping her lips through tightly clenched teeth. In the next instant, her body shook and convulsed as she climaxed and released. “Yes! Yes! Ohhhhh!” she moaned. Her tight vagina squeezed Mike’s cock repeatedly, as if trying to milk the cum from his balls. Mike closed his eyes and concentrated, trying not to lose control. He wasn’t ready to cum. Not yet. Finally, Jessica’s body relaxed as the orgasm passed, only twitching occasionally with aftershocks.
Becky could only stare at them, her blue eyes as big as saucers. Mike pulled his still very hard cock from Jessica’s pussy with a slurping sound. Jessica stiffened and moaned as he did, her body still very sensitive. She rolled over and fell back onto the couch panting, her face flushed red and strands of hair stuck to her sweaty face.
“Oh my god, Mike!” she gasped. “Th . . . that was a good one!” She smiled contentedly, a serene look of satisfaction on her face.
He grinned at her, absently rubbing his cock. “I told you it would be better with someone watching!”
Chapter 9
Jessica looked over at Becky, who hadn’t said anything about the intense fuck she’d just witnessed. Her eyes went from Mike to Jessica, still amazed at the wild passion of their lovemaking. “What do you think, Becky? Still want to try it?” Becky’s eyes met Jessica’s, then they went back to Mike’s hard cock, still wet with Jessica’s cum.
She nodded slowly, not taking her eyes from it. “Uhhuh,” was all she said.
Mike looked down at his hard cock, then over to Jessica. “You really got me wound up, Jess. If I try to get into her tight little pussy, I won’t last two strokes!” She grinned and nodded, then patted the couch beside her. He went over and sat down. Jessica got to her knees beside him and looked across to Becky, who was still in the same kneeling position on the other side of him.
“It’s time you tried some cum,” Jessica said as she grasped Mike’s throbbing shaft and began stroking it slowly. Becky hesitated, then moved closer. “We’ll take turns, then when he’s ready to blow, we’ll shoot it on our faces, ok?”
Becky gave her a questioning look. “On our . . . faces?” She had never seen a guy cum before and didn’t know what to expect.
Jessica nodded and grinned. “It’s a real turn on for me. I’ll go first. If you decide you don’t want to, just back away and I won’t point it at you, ok?” Becky nodded. “But you really should taste it,” she added.
Becky still looked puzzled. “Taste it? Why?”
Jessica shrugged. “So if you’re giving head some day and the guy cums in your mouth, you’ll know what to expect.” Becky thought about this as Jessica lowered her head and took Mike’s stiff prick into her mouth.
Mike looked over at Becky as Jessica began to move up and down on him. “Guys love it when girls swallow when giving blowjobs,” he explained. Becky sat back and absorbed this new information as she watched Jessica suck noisily on Mike’s cock, causing him to moan and sigh. Could she do it? Just sucking a cock sounded gross when Jessica explained that to her only a few hours ago. But it wasn’t. Actually, she liked doing it. Maybe swallowing cum wouldn’t be as bad as it sounded, either. She wondered just how much there would be and what it tasted like.
Jessica pulled Mike’s cock from her mouth and passed it to Becky. Becky gripped it and bent over him, taking three or four inched into her hot little mouth. Mike groaned and laid his hand on her head, gently pushing her down. Jessica knelt lower and began licking his balls, her tongue dancing lightly over his scrotum. Becky was a little startled by Jessica’s close proximity, but continued to suck vigorously. Jessica teased his balls for a few more seconds, then ran her tongue up his shaft until it touched Becky’s lips.
Becky had closed her eyes and didn’t see what Jessica was doing. She felt her tongue touch her lips and quickly opened her eyes. Jessica’s face was only an inch from hers, her tongue moving back down Mike’s shaft. She grinned and winked at her as Becky held the hard shaft between her lips. She pulled the hard cock from her mouth and looked at Jessica.
“Jess, I . . .” Before she could finish her thought, Jessica leaned over and kissed her, pushing her tongue deep into the startled girl’s mouth. At first, Becky recoiled. But Jessica’s lips were soft; her kiss warm and tender. Becky stopped resisting and gave in to her feelings, returning the kiss passionately.
“Girls, please!” Mike pleaded. He pushed his cock toward their locked lips. “I’m so close!” They broke off the kiss and stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment. Jessica took his throbbing meat back into her mouth, sucking furiously while at the same time stroking the part of his shaft she couldn’t fit into her mouth.
Mike sighed and began to move his hips slightly. “Oh, yeah! That’s it!”
Jessica pulled it from her mouth and passed it to Becky, who went to work without hesitation. Jessica looked up at Mike. “Are you really close?” He nodded, his breathing shallow. “All right. Don’t cum in her mouth, ok?” Again, he nodded. She spoke to Becky. “He’s going to cum soon. You finish him, but he’ll warn you before he cums, ok?”
Becky nodded. “Mmmmph!” She was a nervous, and a little scared. But she trusted them both. After all, if Mike was a jerk, Jessica wouldn’t be seeing him, no matter how handsome he was.
“Oh, shit! Here it comes!” Mike suddenly cried, his voice strained.
“Pull off!” Jessica cried, but Becky was already doing it. “Use your hand! Move it fast! Yeah, like that!” Becky pumped the swelling cock faster, watching as Mike moaned. Jessica moved in quickly, holding her face over the tip. Suddenly, he groaned and a split second later a white fluid shot out, hitting Jessica across the lips and nose. She grabbed the spurting cock from Becky’s hand and aimed it at her face. Before Becky could react, another stream of the thick, hot semen shot out and hit her cheek, streaming across her nose and lips, some even landing on her tits. Jessica pulled the spasming cock back to her mouth and quickly wrapped her lips around it, sucking hard. She had made up her mind that tonight she was going to swallow at least some of his seed.
“Ohhhh, yeah!” Mike groaned as she sucked the remaining jism from his balls. Becky wiped some of the sticky white goo from her face as she watched Jessica suck his cock and lick it clean. When she finished, she raised her head, grinning and smacking her lips. Mike grinned back at her and they both turned to Becky, who was examining the gob of cum on her finger that she had just wiped from her nose.
“Why don’t you try it?” Jessica said, indicating the cum. They watched while Becky considered it, then tentatively touched it to her tongue. “Go on, try it!” Jessica scooped some from her tit and popped it into her own mouth. Becky watched, then stuck her finger into her mouth and sucked the jism from it. She was surprised at the tangysweet taste and found that Jessica was right. It wasn’t bad at all. “Well, what do you think?” Jessica asked.
Becky grinned and licked the cum from her lips. “I could get used to that!”
Mike flopped back on the couch and sat watching them as he caught his breath. “I need some time to recover,” he said, wiping the sweat from his brow.
“Why don’t we take a shower?” Becky suggested. She looked down at the cum drying on her tits. “I know I could sure use one!” They all agreed. Mike went first while the two girls lounged naked on the couch. They chatted while collecting the cum from their faces and bodies and licking from their fingers.
“You know, this really isn’t bad at all,” Becky mused, checking her tits closely for any that she may have missed. Jessica lay back and grinned, her head resting in the arm of the couch and her legs splayed open toward Becky, who was sitting at the other end. Becky noticed her grin. “What?”
Jessica sat up, leaned toward her, and scooped a gob of cum from her face that Becky had missed. “I think I’ve created a monster!” she said, holding out her finger for Becky to lick. Becky took it into her mouth and seductively sucked it clean. “Do you still want to fuck him?” she asked as she removed her finger from Becky’s lips.
Becky blushed slightly, then said with a wide grin, “After watching you two go at it? Hell, yes!”
Jessica smiled and took her hand. “You may not cum like that your first time. You may not cum at all. It may be too painful for you.” Becky looked dejected. Jessica continued. “I’m not trying to discourage you from my boyfriend . . .” She paused, cocking her head with a wry smile. “Now there’s something I never thought I’d hear myself say!” Becky grinned. “Anyway,” Jessica continued, “Everyone’s different. For me, it didn’t hurt much, but I didn’t have an orgasm either. There really wasn’t time to,” she added, remembering how quick her first time had been. “But you have to trust your partner. Mike will be gentle and caring.”
Becky nodded, her face set determinedly. “I’m ready. I’ve got to do it sooner or later. This seems like a pretty good opportunity.”
Jessica laughed. “I can’t argue with that!” Then her look turned serious. “Did I freak you out when I . . .I mean, when we, uh . . .” She didn’t have to finish. Becky was wondering if she’d bring up their kiss.
Becky shook her head slowly. “Maybe a little at first, but it was . . . nice. I liked it.”
Jessica smiled and took her hand. “Good. I did , too, but I was afraid I scared you off. It was the first time I’ve ever kissed another girl.”
Just then, they heard the shower stop and a moment later Mike came back into the room, his cock swinging as he walked. “Who’s next?” he said, drying his hair with a small towel.
Becky stood and reached for Jessica’s hand. “Come on. It’s big enough for two.” Jessica took her hand and allowed Becky to help her to her feet. They went down to the bathroom, hand in hand.
Chapter 10
Becky led Jessica into the bathroom and leaned into the shower to turn it on. It was a large, walkin type with plenty of room for two people. She adjusted the water temperature and turned to Jessica, who was studying her naked young body as she leaned over to adjust the water. Their eyes met and Jessica’s mouth formed a seductive smile.
“So you really liked kissing me?” she asked in a sultry voice, moving closer to Becky. Becky watched her as she approached. Jessica’s nipples were hard, and one hand slipped down between her legs, dipping into her recently fucked pussy. She stepped up to the pretty brunette and held a finger from her pussy to Becky’s lips. Becky parted her lips and sucked it in, ily cleaning Jessica’s sweet juices from it. Their eyes locked as steam from the shower filled the room. “Would you like me to do it again?” Jessica whispered, her face only inches from Becky’s. Becky nodded, Jessica’s finger still in her mouth. Jessica pulled her finger from Becky’s y lips and wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling their slender bodies tightly together. They stared into each others eyes for a few more seconds, then moved in and kissed hungrily, their tongues entwining and their hands searching.
They slowly moved backwards into the shower, still locked in a passionate, lover’s embrace. Water streamed down their naked flesh, plastering their long hair to their wet skin. They remained that way for some time, locked in their wet embrace, savoring the hot, y kiss. They finally separated, gazing longingly into each others eyes.
“You’re a good kisser,” Jessica said over the noise of the shower.
“Y . . . you, too,” Becky replied, then her face screwed into a questioning look. “Does this mean we’re lesbians?”
Jessica laughed and hugged her. “No, honey. I don’t know about you, but I still like guys, too. I think that’s against the rules for lesbians!”
Becky smiled and nodded. “Me, too.” Jessica turned and tilted her face up to the water and let it splash over her body. Becky’s eyes moved down as the water coursed across her naked breasts, her flat stomach, and beaded on her silky smooth flesh. “But we did just kiss,” she added, moving her eyes back up to Jessica’s face.
Jessica wiped the water from her eyes and reached for the soap. “But, you said you still like guys, right?” She lathered the soap in her hands and began rubbing it all over her body.
“Yeah,” Becky replied, watching as Jessica lathered her y body.
“Then you’re not gay. Maybe biual, which means you like both. But not gay. You may decide that girls aren’t your style and never do it again. Shit, I’ve never done it before tonight. I mean, I’ve thought about it, but that’s as far as it went.” She passed the soap to Becky and turned around. “Could you do my back?”
Becky lathered up Jessica’s back, rubbing the soap all the way down over her smooth, round ass. Jessica bent over and spread her legs slightly, bracing herself against the wall of the shower. “Do my pussy, too, please.”
Becky hesitated, then figured they’d already passed the point of no return. She reached between Jessica’s spread legs with her soapy hands and rubbed her pussy, pushing her fingers through the folds of her labia. “Mmmm,” Jessica murmured. Becky kept rubbing and Jessica pushed backwards, trying to force her fingers in deeper. Becky pushed them in as far as she could reach and pumped them in and out a few times in an imitation of what Mike had done with his cock. Jessica moaned and braced her arms against the shower wall, the water streaming over her back as she humped Becky’s fingers. She came fairly quickly with a small cry. Her body jerked on Becky’s fingers a few times and Becky could feel her vaginal muscles squeezing her fingers. After she stopped cumming, Jessica remained leaning against the wall for a moment, then stood up, embraced Becky, and kissed her again.
“Thanks, sweetie. Now let me do you,” she whispered into her ear. She picked up the soap and lathered up Becky’s body, starting with her perky tits and paying special attention to her hard nipples. She knelt down and washed her stomach, then her legs. Then with a y grin, she began washing her pussy. Her fingers spread her lips apart, revealing the tender, pink flesh inside. Becky closed her eyes as Jessica’s fingers moved back and forth across the tender flesh of her virgin pussy, occasionally brushing her clit. Jessica finished by kissing her mound and running her tongue along her exposed pink flesh, teasing her clit before standing back up, causing Becky to gasp. They kissed one more time and Becky turned the water off. They stepped out and toweled off, then tossed the towels into the hamper and went back out to the family room, where Mike was trying to find something to watch on TV. When he looked up and saw them coming hand in hand, he turned the TV off and tossed the remote onto the table.
Chapter 11
Their wet hair hung limply, clinging to their damp skin and they stood very close to one another, their hips touching. He felt his cock twitch at just the sight of them.
“So . . . ,” he said, watching their eyes closely, “what’s next?”
Jessica looked at Becky, who squeezed her hand and nodded. “Becky decided that it’s time she became a woman,” Jessica said, still looking into Becky’s stunning blue eyes. She looked back at Mike. “I told her it was ok, but just this once. After tonight, I’m the only girl you get to fuck, got it?”
Mike nodded, but Becky’s face fell. “You mean we can’t get together and do this again?”
Jessica sighed. “We’ll see. No promises, ok?”
Becky smiled and nodded. “Ok.” She looked over at Mike and saw that his cock had nearly reached its full hardness once again. It was still difficult to imagine that long, hard shaft inside her, but she’d seen it done and now knew that it was possible. It still seemed impossible, though.
Jessica spoke up. “Why don’t we do this right? Let’s go to your room, Becky.” Becky nodded, her eyes fixed on Mike’s hard cock as he stood, then followed them down the hall to her room.
It was a typical teenaged girl’s room. The double bed had a thick comforter with matching skirts around the bottom. There was a desk with a laptop computer on it and a small makeup table along the other wall. The closet door held a full length mirror, the same one she was masturbating in front of earlier. The walls were covered with posters of the latest pop and movie stars, and stuffed animals were lying here and there.
Becky watched as Mike and Jessica surveyed her room. “Double bed,” Mike said. “A little small for three people.”
“It’s big enough,” Jessica said as she tossed a stuffed lion onto the floor and swept back the covers. “It’s not like you’re going to be spending the night.”
Mike feigned a hurt look. “You mean you’re just going to have your way with me and kick me out?” He stuck out his lower lip in an exaggerated pout and winked at Becky, who giggled despite her obvious nervousness. Jessica rolled her eyes.
“Oh, geez! You poor sonofabitch!” she said sarcastically. She turned to Becky and beckoned her over to the bed. “Come on, Becky. Let’s get started.” Becky glanced at Mike and slowly went over to her. She sat down, her hands clasped nervously on her lap.
“Try to relax,” Jessica said, sitting next to her. “I’ll be right here. Everything will be all right.”
Becky smiled unconvincingly and took her hand. “I know, I’m just scared.”
“It’s not too late to change your mind,” Mike said as he walked over. “This is for you. Don’t do it just because you think we’re expecting you to.” Jessica smiled to herself. He really was a great guy. Most guys would jump at the chance to take the virginity of a pretty young girl like Becky without giving her feelings a second thought.
Becky smiled up at him. His words seemed to have put her a little more at ease. “No, I want to do it. But thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me.” He nodded and dropped his hand to his cock, stroking it slowly. Jessica pulled him closer and took him into her mouth for a few seconds, then relinquished it to Becky. She sucked it hungrily, her tongue caressing the soft head. Mike sighed in obvious pleasure. Jessica put a hand on Becky’s arm.
“That’s enough, honey. We don’t want him too worked up!”
Becky reluctantly released his inflamed cock, letting it slip from her lips. She was discovering that she really liked giving head. ‘Next time,’ she thought, ‘I’m going to swallow.’
“Ok, now. Just lie back,” Jessica said. Becky lay back on the bed so that her pussy was at the edge of the mattress, her feet on the floor. Jessica crawled up next to her and kissed her on the lips. “We’re going to get you ready first,” she said, and ran her hand across Becky’s firm tits, then down over her flat stomach to her tight pussy. She slipped her finger back and forth along her slit. Becky closed her eyes and sucked in her breath as Jessica’s fingers probed her pussy and teased her clit. As she fingered her virgin snatch, she bent her head over her chest and took a nipple between her teeth, teasing it with her tongue. Becky’s pussy began getting wet almost immediately, but Jessica wanted to make sure she was well lubed.
Not wanting to be left out, Mike moved over to her other side. He knelt and lifted Jessica’s head from Becky’s tit and kissed her hard. They broke off the kiss and Jessica went back to sucking Becky’s nipple. Mike squeezed her other tit and leaned over her, kissing her with the same hungry passion he had kissed Jessica with. Becky moaned into his mouth as their fingers and tongues caressed and stimulated her young body.
Jessica moved down, kissing her way across Becky’s flat stomach to the spot where her thin reddish brown pubic hair started. She looked down at Becky’s fully aroused little pussy. Until their shower, her lips had never touched another girl’s pussy. Then again, until tonight she hadn’t kissed another girl, rubbed her pussy, or sucked on her tits either. ‘What the hell,’ she thought, and knelt between Becky’s spread legs. She inhaled the muskysweet aroma of her inflamed snatch, then dove in and licked the entire length of her excited slit. Becky squealed in delight and arched her back.
“Oh, fuck, that feels good!” she gasped as Jessica continued her licking. She found herself liking it, mostly due to the fact that Becky was responding so positively. The taste was similar to her own, which she’d sampled from her fingers and from Mike’s cock after he’d fucked her. She sensed another body very close to her and looked up to see Mike grinning at her.
“So my girlfriend is a muffdiver! Cool!” he said. She stuck out her tongue at him, then kissed him.
“She’s ready,” Jessica said, and crawled up by Becky’s head. “Hey, baby,” she said as she snuggled against her, “you taste yummy!”
Becky smiled at her. “That felt great!”
Jessica kissed her. “You’re as wet as you’re gonna get. Are you sure about this? There’s no going back, you know.”
Becky took a deep breath and released it, looking from Jessica down to Mike, who stood between her legs, his cock poised over her pussy. She nodded. “Yes. I think so,” she replied, her voice wavering.
“Ok,” Jessica said. “I’m going to sit with your head in my lap so you can watch.” She moved up and Becky raised her head while Jessica spread her long legs around her. She leaned back against Jessica’s stomach and could feel the damp warmth of her pussy on her back. Mike moved closer, his long, hard cock bobbing up and down over her virgin pussy. She took several long, deep breaths, trying to relax her body.
“Any time you want me to stop, just say the word,” Mike said, smiling warmly at her. He leaned over and kissed her, then Jessica. He looked deep into Becky’s scared eyes. “Ready?”
“Uhhuh,” she murmured in a voice barely above a whisper and closed her eyes.
Chapter 12
He moved closer and she felt the soft tip of his erect penis rub over her wet lips. It felt good and she sighed, a slight smile coming to her lips. He found her small opening and pressed the tip of his cock against it. Becky felt a strong pressure as he gradually pressed harder, working it back and forth until her pussy spread a little and he began to push inside her.
It was an odd feeling. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate his thick member, but there was no pain. As he slowly pushed deeper inside her, she felt her pussy stretch wide until his thick, soft head was completely inside her. Her vaginal muscles clamped down on the hard shaft as his head continued to spread her further.
“Are you ok, honey?” Jessica asked, gently stroking Becky’s hair.
Becky had her eyes closed, but opened them to look up at her. “Uhhuh!”
Jessica smiled at her. “Good. Just try to relax.”
Mike continued to slowly feed his hard cock into her tight, virgin pussy. Suddenly, a searing pain coursed through her distended vagina. She let out a small cry and bit her lip against the pain.
Jessica was right there next to her. “Does it hurt too bad? Do you want to stop?” Mike stopped pushing as soon as she cried out and looked down at her.
She shook her head. “N . . .no! D. . . don’t stop! It’s not . . . that bad!”
Jessica looked up at Mike, who shrugged. “Keep going,” she told him.
He slowly withdrew a little, then drove in far enough to tear through her hymen. Becky couldn’t stop herself from crying out against the sharp pain. She squeezed Jessica’s hand and bit on her lower lip until it eased a little.
“K . . . keep going!” she gasped, her eyes determined. Mike pushed forward. She grunted and groaned, still gripping Jessica’s hand tightly as her previously untouched vagina was spread open and filled with his hard tool. He strained to keep from cumming, but managed to fit it all into her. He paused, panting, looking down at his cock buried inside her tight pussy.
“You did it, Becky! Take a look!” Jessica exclaimed excitedly. Becky opened her eyes and looked up at Mike, who was leaning over her, grinning. She looked down between their bodies and saw their pelvic areas touching. She could feel his curly pubic hairs tickling her sensitive skin.
He leaned closer and kissed her. “Just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll see if I can make you cum!” Becky nodded, smiling thinly.
Jessica squeezed her shoulders. “You did it! I’m so proud of you, baby!”
Becky’s smile got a little wider. She felt so strange, so . . . full. The pain was still there, but not as bad as it had been earlier. She could feel Mike’s breath on her face and his throbbing meat inside her tortured vagina.
“Ok,” she said after a moment. “I’m ready.” Mike raised himself up and slowly withdrew his cock until only the tip remained clamped inside her tight pussy. She sucked in a deep breath, then released it as he pushed back into her. He kept up this long, slow fuck for several minutes, giving her time to adjust to it. Becky found she could endure the pain without too much trouble. While it felt good, she was experiencing none of the pleasure that Jessica had exhibited earlier.
Mike was grunting and panting, sweat rolling down his face. She was so tight, it was taking all of his concentration to keep from blowing his load. He paused. He had nearly lost it and needed a second or two to recover. It was important to him that he do everything in his power to make this special for Becky, which included a powerful orgasm.
“How are you doing, Becky?” Jessica asked, leaning over her.
“Ok, I guess. It still hurts, but not much anymore.”
Jessica ran her fingers over her scalp and through her long hair. “You’re doing great.” Mike started the slow fuck again. Her pussy had adjusted to the size of his cock and it was a little easier to move. He began moving a little faster.
Becky moaned. When he started moving faster, she felt the tingle in her belly that signaled the beginning of an orgasm. As he moved faster, the feeling grew stronger and she began to move her hips in rhythm to his movements. It grew stronger with each stroke until the tingle became a warm glow, radiating out to her extremities. Her moans grew louder.
“Yes! Oh, yes!”
Jessica felt her own pussy getting wetter as she watched her boyfriend the girl she was supposed to be babysitting. She didn’t understand why it was turning her on so much, but there was no question that it was! Mike was panting, the sweat beading on his brow as he went faster and faster.
“Oh! Oh! Yes! Oh, god! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” Her orgasm was close and she was afraid that if he stopped, she’d lose it. “Oh, yes! I’m cumming!” she screamed. She suddenly stiffened, her mouth open in a silent scream. A small squeak was the only sound she made as she tightened her legs around Mike’s back, trapping his hard cock deep inside her spasming pussy.
“Oh, shit!” she finally managed to force out between clenched teeth. “Unh! Unh! Uhnn!” Her body twisted and jerked as she came hard, squeezing his trapped cock with her vaginal muscles.
It seemed to her that the orgasm lasted a long time and when it finally eased, she relaxed her leglock on Mike. He smiled down at her flushed face as she gasped for breath. “Are you ok?”
She swallowed hard and nodded. “Th . . . that was . . . awesome!” she stammered between breaths, then smiled wanly. Jessica brushed the hair from her sweat soaked face.
“I nearly came just watching you!” she said.
Becky opened her mouth to reply but Mike had other plans. He began to withdraw from her, then pushed back in, starting another slow fuck. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her pussy was now so wet that his cock slid easily in and out of her, making wet, squishing sounds.
“Oh, yeah!” he sighed.
Jessica watched him and knew he was close to cumming. “Oh, yeah, baby! C’mon! Fill her tight little pussy with your hot cum!” Mike’s face was strained and Jessica continued to mutter dirty little phrases to him, bringing him even closer. He started pumping faster, his breath coming in short gasps. Finally, he drove deep into her and groaned as his seed surged from his balls through his shaft and into her hot little pussy.
Becky felt the hot semen splash against her sensitive vaginal tissue. His energetic had brought her close to another orgasm and the feel of his cum erupting inside her pushed her over the edge. “Oh, god!” she cried as she launched into another massive orgasm. Once again, her pussy clamped down, squeezing his cock and literally milking the remaining jism from his balls.
Mike’s eyes were clenched tightly shut, his jaw set. “Arrrgghh!” he groaned. His body jerked and shuddered along with Becky’s contractions as they each climaxed and then slowly came down from their intense simultaneous orgasms.
Jessica teased her nipples, her eyes going from one to the other as she watched them in rapt fascination. “Wow! That was so hot!” she exclaimed.
Mike leaned down and kissed Becky. As he did, his shrinking cock moved and Becky felt a dribble of their combined fluids leak from her pussy. “You were great, Becky,” he said, smiling at her. She smiled back at him. He slowly eased up and removed his cock from her distended pussy, releasing a flood of cum and soaking the sheet beneath her. As he stood up, a long string of it ran from the tip of his cock to her pussy.
Jessica leaned over and kissed Becky. “You’re a woman now, honey,” she whispered.
Becky sat up slowly. Mike was sitting on the bed, still trying to catch his breath. She put an arm around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. “You were wonderful, Mike. Thank you,” she said softly.
He turned to her and smiled, shaking his head. “You don’t have to thank me, Becky. It was my pleasure, believe me!” She returned his smile and hugged him.
“Thank you, anyway,” she said, and kissed him warmly.
Jessica glanced at the alarm clock on the night stand. “Oh my god! It’s almost five am!”
Becky looked at the clock, then back to Jessica and Mike. “My parents said they’d be home around noon.”
Mike stood up. “We better get this cleaned up and I’d better split before your neighbors wake up and see me leaving bright and early.”
Jessica went over to him and kissed him. “No, you go home now. We’ll clean up.” She pointed to the large wet spot on the bed sheet. “This is really all there is. We can handle it.”
He looked over at Becky, who nodded in agreement. “You’d better go, Mike. Like you said, my neighbors will be up soon.”
“All right.” He kissed Jessica again, then leaned over and kissed Becky. “I hope we can do this again – soon!” Becky smiled and nodded.
“Come on, stud. Let’s go find your clothes.” Jessica took his hand and led him out the door to the family room. Becky watched them go then stood up. She felt cum running from her tender pussy down the inside of her leg. She grabbed a tissue from her night stand and held it over her drooling slit as she made her way to the bathroom. She cleaned up and met Jessica, still naked, coming back down the hall.
“Is Mike gone?” she asked.
Jessica nodded, eyeing the pretty teen lustily. “Uhhuh. We’re all alone.”
“What?” Becky asked, looking down at herself. “Did I miss some?”
Jessica walked up to her, looking her straight in the eye. “Make love to me, Becky – now.”
Becky looked up, her eyes wide. “Make love. . .? . . . How?”
Jessica smiled and took her hand. “C’mon. I have some ideas,” she whispered. She embraced Becky and kissed her passionately as they moved backward into the bedroom.
The end.

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By Kiarra
#Cheating #Group #Rape #Threesome