Bad Grandpa 15 –

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#Gay #Group #Incest #Tween

By KinkyGrandpa

This story is fictional, and no character is meant to represent a person, living or dead. It depicts the fantasy of sexual contact between minors and adults. If this is not something that interests you and/or you are not allowed to read this because of your age or jurisdiction, please do elsewhere.
Send comments, suggestions or advise to [email protected]. Demodan64 on telegram also.

Bad Grandpa 15

After the last gangbang with Nick and Lisa I didn’t waste any time in sending John a text to start finding out more about his kids. It must sound bad but I was looking forward to some fresh pussy and ass. I still love all my 2 grandkids holes but the challenge was gone out of it. Being one of the smaller cocks they were taking they could take all I had with no struggles. It took a while but I got a text back fron John saying hi. I found out he had been divorced for 4 years and while he was only suppose to have the kids every other weekend they were spending more time with him all the time and now it was the mom really that had them every other weekend. Seemed she was to busy to waste her time being their mother. I found out the boy’s name was Jacob and the girl’s name was Mary. I asked how long he had been playing with the kids and he said it had started about 2 months ago but it was going pretty slowly. He said both kids had sucked his cock but only twice each but he stopped them before he came. He had sucked Jacob’s cock and eaten Mary’s pussy but that hadn’t happened much yet either. He also said the kids were playing with each other on their own but he wasn’t sure how far it had gone. He also added that after the weekend with my grandkids he was hoping to speed things along faster. He had seen how much young kids were capable now so he wasn’t as worried about hurting them. I told him about that first night between Nick and I by the pool and how Nick took my cock pretty easy. Nick was 3 years older then Jacob so it probably wouldn’t be quite as easy but I was sure it would go and Jacob would probably like it before the first time was done. We texted back and forth most of the day and swapped pics and I sent him a few of the earliest videos I had of the kids. He said he was horny enough that he might let one of his kids taste his cum tonight. I said you cum enough that you could let them both taste it. He sent LOL and said that isn’t a bad idea. I asked him to make a video of it to send me and he said he would. It was getting later in the day so he said he had to go get the kids fed but maybe he would give them a special treat after supper and see how they liked it. I told him to enjoy it because first times only happen once and it would be a special time for all of them to remember. With that I went and found myself something to eat and went and sat down to watch some tv. I had been watching tv for a few hours when my phone beeped. I saw it was a message from John. I opened it and it was a short video. It started out with his kids licking up and down his cock with one on each side of it. Then when Jacob got to the top of his cock he opened his mouth and slide down about 2 inches and then went up and took his mouth off his cock only to have Mary do the same thing. His cock was about the same size as mine but looked huge with those tiny lips on it. That’s where the video ended. I sent a quick reply saying feed them. My phone beeped again about 15 minutes later and there was another video. It was pretty much the same thing but now the kids were getting about 4 inches of his cock in their mouths and he added the caption getting better and getting close. I closed it and waited. It was another 10 minutes when my phone beeped again. I grabbed it to see a video call request. I accepted it and the next thing I saw was both kids with their heads tilted back and their mouths open and John stroking his cock above their faces. I then heard John ask them if they were going to be his little cum sluts and they both said yes daddy. The phone then turned and I saw John’s face and he said I want to say thanks buddy for pushing me to do this and then turned back to the kids. I could hear John moaning and telling the kids get ready. Here it comes. He then put the head of his cock up to Mary’s mouth and I saw 2 large shots go in her mouth. He then moved to Jacob and did the same. He then pulled back a little and went from one kid to the other blasting their cute faces with cum. He came a lot in the other videos he sent me but it looked to be even more this time. When he was done both kids had what looked like a mouthful of cum and their faces were covered in cum also. I then heard him tell them to swallow it which they both did. I spoke for the first time and said holy shit dude. That was hot. John said thanks bud. I will call you in a bit and the screen went black. In about 15 minutes he called me and we talked for a bit. I had him go through all the details of it and told him it was great work on his part. We talked for a bit and he said he still had the kids on their knees before him with his cum drying on their faces so he better go and get them cleaned up and off to bed. We said our good byes and hung up. As soon as we hung up I started trying to figure out how I could get in on it.
I texted John the next day asking him if he was still ok with what happened the night before. He said he was great with it and looking forward to doing more. We got into his custody situation and he told me that right now the plans were he would have the kids for the next 2 weeks before they were suppose to go to their mothers. It was Wednesday now and I knew I would be pushing my luck but I asked if he had any plans for the weekend. He said his only plans were to spend more time with the kids. I asked more special time? He said he wasn’t real sure yet. He had to talk to them about last night and make sure they were ok with it and asked what I had in mind. I told him I would love to come and visit him and his kids if it was an option. I told him either Saturday or Sunday would work and threw in I could get a room there and be there both days even. He didn’t sound to sure about that but said he would talk to the kids and see how they felt and go from there. I told him even if it was just for them to meet and get to know a little was fine also. He sent me a text later in the evening saying the kids were both good with what happened and wanted to keep doing it. He also said he might have a friend come visit for the weekend and they were ok with meeting and hanging out with both of us. I tried to not get my hopes up to much but told him that would be great. With that he sent me his address and said see you this weekend. I sent him a text on Friday before I started packing a bag to make sure it was still ok and he said it was. I also told him about the toys I had gotten for my grandkids when we were starting out and could bring them for him if he wanted since we didn’t need them anymore. He said he would like that so I packed them all too.
Saturday morning I was up and on the road pretty early. It was a couple hour drive and I wanted to get there early. I got there and found a nice hotel with a pool and went and got checked in and settled into a room. I knew there was no promise of anything happening this weekend but my cock was half hard since I woke up. Once I was settled in I sent John a text asking what was up. He said the kids were up and feed but they hadn’t made any plans yet until he heard from me. I told him what hotel I was in and the room number and said if they wanted to come visit and use the pool for a while they were more then welcome. He said that sounded like a good plan and they would be over in a bit. Still had to get the kids dressed. They like running around naked teasing him since the other night. I told him I would love to see that. A few minutes later he sent me a pic of them standing side by side naked as the day they were born. My half hard cock was now hard as a rock. It seemed like it took forever but it was probably only 45 minutes when there was a knock on the door. I went and let them in and have to say the kids were even sexier in person then in the pics. John and I talked for a little while and then I said who wants to go to the pool. Both kids jumped up and said they did. They grabbed their swimsuits out of a bag they brought with and started heading for the bathroom to change and John told them they could change right here and looked at me and winked. The didn’t think twice about it and stripped off all their clothes. They went to start getting their swimsuit on and John told them to turn around first. They both turned around and showed me their tiny little asses. John then told them to bend over. I swear when they did I felt like I would cum if I even touched my cock. I didn’t think to ask John first and just walked over to them and put a hand on each of their asses and started rubbing them. I looked at John and he was rubbing what looked to be a very hard cock in his pants. I took my hands off their asses and said we won’t get any swimming done like this so I better quit. I watched as John’s daughter put on a swimsuit that was barely more then a thong and his son put on a very tight pair of shorts that were a size to small and not much more then a speedo. Once they were done I looked at John and said I guess it’s our turn. I stood up and took off my shirt and then looked at John and he nodded. I then undid my pants and took them off. My hard cock was tenting my boxers and I could see both kids watching me. I then pulled my boxers down and my hard cock popped back up and hit me in the belly. I hadn’t even noticed but John had also taken off his clothes also and was sporting a very hard cock. I grabbed my swim trunks and put them on and they did nothing to hid my hard cock. John spoke up from behind me and said well that just won’t do and asked the kids if there was any way they could think of to make my cock go down. They just looked at each other and then Mary looked at John and said maybe and started walking towards me. As she was walking towards me John told Jacob it seems he has the same problem and Jacob walked to him. When Mary got to me she went down on her knees and pulled my swim trunks down over me cock. She reached up and took hold of my cock and pulled it down to her mouth and I told her not to worry. Its not going to take long. She then leaned forward and took the head of my cock in her mouth. I watched as she closed her sweet young lips around my cock and started to move her mouth down on my cock. I looked over to see John sitting on the bed with his legs spread and Jacob between them with his cock in his mouth. I let Mary set her own pace for a minute. She was only taking a couple of inches in her mouth and I knew from the video she could get more. I put my hands on the back of her head and started pulling her deeper on my cock. I made it to about the same 4 inches she had in her mouth in the video John had sent me and she gagged. I figured that was more then enough to finish the job this time and started moving her head back and forth on my cock. I looked over and saw John doing the same but he looked like he was going deeper. I was already getting close and just blurted out do you want to swallow grandpa’s load. Mary looked up at me and nodded the best she could with my cock in her mouth. I noticed I had gone from sliding her back and forth on my cock to just holding her still and fucking her mouth now. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back and just went with it going faster and harder all the time. I could hear her gagging with each thrust in her mouth but I was to far gone to care. I felt my balls pull up and the cum traveling through my cock and had to look as I came in her mouth. I was now feeding her almost all my cock and her eyes were watering. I held my cock with about an inch not in her mouth and fired shot after shot down her throat. When I felt like I couldn’t cum anymore I pulled out of her throat and left it in her mouth so she could taste any that was still dribbling out. I looked over and saw John and Jacob were done and just watching us. I pulled my cock out of her mouth with it already wilting. I patted her on the top of the head and said that was very good and will do the trick nicely. I looked over at John and he was putting his trunks on but looking at me. I was hoping I didn’t get carried away and piss him off but figured if I did I would know about it soon. I pulled my trunks back up and said are we all ready now.
With that we headed down to the pool. We got there and being fairly early in the day there were only a few other people there. I found a table off to the side where John and I could talk. I told John its a little early but are you up for a beer. He said he was so I went into the hotel bar and got us a couple and headed back. When I got back the kids were already in the pool and I handed John his beer and sat down. We were both quiet for a few minutes so I asked did I do something wrong? He said well at first when I saw how hard you were using her mouth I was a little mad but after I watched for a bit I got so turned on I came in Jacobs mouth right away. He said he was scared to go at them that hard. I said I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it. I just got caught up in the moment. He said you don’t have to be sorry. When I heard them gag I just figured that was all they could take. I said oh no. You have got to trian them to take more. You can talk them through it or do like I did and just go for it. They are young but will learn either way. Now that I knew we were good I started to watch the kids in the pool. We were both watching them when I told him those tiny little asses will take a little more work to make them enjoy it but you can do it the same way as I did with Mary’s mouth and they will adjust to it. Depends on if you like to hear them cry or scream out until they do. If you want to take your time and use the toys I brought and make the first time better for them but we both know this is about us and not them. John said maybe when we get back to the room I will just take one of them. I said the walls here are to thin to do that. You could start with the toys in the room but more then that should be at your place. I looked at John and said would you like to hear them cry and scream. He said I don’t think I did before but maybe now I do. I told him well if you are worried that they will be mad at you for hurting them the first time I can do it for you if you like. He said when they get done swimming lets go back to the room and you can show me the toys and maybe try them a little and go from there. I said that sounds good to me and you know Mary can take most if not all of your cock in her mouth now so maybe we switch and do more of the same for now and I can open up Jacobs throat a little for you while you use Mary’s. He said that sounds great to me. The kids played in the pool for another 1/2 hour while John and I had another beer before we headed back to the room.

Part 16 coming soon

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By KinkyGrandpa
#Gay #Group #Incest #Tween

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46 entries.
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse
epdi guys story share pandrathu
epdi guys story share pandrathu... Collapse