Avery’s Double Life: Chapter 1, Pleasure And Deceit

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Character Introduction

Avery is a twenty-two-year-old student and worker whose outward life is a model of commitment and chastity with her boyfriend, waiting until graduation to fully give herself to him. However, before he entered her life, Avery harbored a fiery secret. A year before graduation, driven by a hidden passion, Avery invited three of her guy friends to her room. There, with a mix of boldness and desire, she seduced them and gave herself over to a night of unleashed passion with all three. That night, Avery immersed herself in a whirlwind of overwhelming sensations, allowing desire to completely take over. The experience was so intoxicating and liberating that she decided to keep this forbidden pleasure a secret, reserving these wild encounters for weekends while maintaining the facade of a “good girl” to her boyfriend and social circle.

Jake, Avery’s boyfriend, is a shy young man she met in a classroom, sharing interests that quickly bonded them. Although Jake lied to Avery about his experience, he’s actually a virgin. His love for Avery is profound, and his intention to marry her is the dream that gives his life purpose.

Derek, Chase, and Liam, Avery’s three friends, met in sports classes. They are the type who prefer a wild life over books, living each moment to the fullest. There’s no room in their lives for commitment or love; their passion is the pursuit of pleasure and fun, especially sexually. Their most desired and shared game is to lavish their essence upon Avery, turning her into the center of their desire and pleasure.

Two years have passed since graduation, and Avery and Jake are immersed in the excitement of moving into their new home. This will be their first night together, and for Avery, the thrill of finally sharing an intimate night with Jake is overwhelming. However, Jake, concealing his inexperience, is consumed by anxiety, fearing he won’t meet the expectations he imagines Avery has.

The night arrives, and Avery, intoxicated by security and desire, undresses in front of Jake before stepping into the shower, revealing her fair skin, full breasts, and slender figure. Her nudity is a silent cry: ‘This is your night.’ But Jake feels trapped in a web of nervousness.

Upon exiting the shower, Avery sits down next to him, still nude, her skin wet and glistening. Jake, still fully clothed, senses the almost tangible tension in the air. The silence stretches out, uncomfortable and thick, until Avery, determined, takes control. She kisses him with a passion that disarms his defenses, and with each kiss, she unbuttons his pants, eager to finally explore their intimacy. Upon seeing his member, Avery notes its smaller size, but convinces herself. “Let’s see how he satisfies me with this. It will be spectacular.”

With a mix of anticipation and tenderness, Avery leans down, taking his erection into her mouth. But in the blink of an eye, Jake ejaculates with unexpected force, filling her mouth and leaving her in a state of surprise and slight choking. Shocked, she asks why it was so quick. Jake, overwhelmed by humiliation, retreats to the bathroom, leaving Avery in a sea of confusion and him in an abyss of shame.

When Jake emerges from the bathroom, Avery notices the trail of tears on his face, plunging her into even deeper confusion. He sits beside her, and with a voice trembling like a leaf in the wind, he confesses his virginity, explaining that his shyness has always kept him away from women and that he’s amazed someone like Avery is with him. Avery, her heart full of empathy, consoles him, assuring him there was no need for deceit, that she loves him precisely for his kindness and authentic nature. She promises him that together they can explore the world of sexual pleasure, and she expresses excitement at the idea of teaching him the ways in which she enjoys.

Jake, finding comfort in her words, embraces her with a strength that conveys his relief and renewed love.

To dispel the tense air surrounding them, they decide to relax with a movie. Jake lies down, and Avery, with her head on his chest, begins to softly stroke Jake’s penis, subtly encouraging the continuation of what had been interrupted. In her mind, Avery debates, “I don’t want to watch a movie; what I want is to satiate myself with sex with him,” while patiently waiting for his physical response.

Jake, feeling the security and desire radiating from Avery, softly asks her, “How many men have you been with? It’s not a problem, I just want to know you better.” Avery, with a smile that lights up the room, lifts her head, and looking into his eyes, replies, “I have no problem telling you,” before lying back down, continuing her gentle caresses, each gesture promising a night of mutual discovery.

Faced with the possibility of revealing the whole truth, Avery chose a less revealing path.

“You remember Derek, right? The guy from my sports class. He was my first,” Avery confessed to Jake, choosing to share a part of the truth, recalling how Derek had been the first to venture into her that wild night.

“No, not with Derek,” Jake replied, his voice laced with discomfort. “That guy always bothered me in college, I hate him. How could you have been with someone like him? He’s an idiot,” he expressed with a mix of disappointment and anger. “There was a rumor that he was seen entering the fraternity dorms with two other guys and a girl. They said there were moans heard, though it was never confirmed.”

“It was me,” Avery thought to herself, but aloud she only said, “I didn’t know about that. I just found him attractive. I was young and naive, I didn’t know what I really wanted… until I met you.”

“I imagine it must have been a terrible experience with Derek. I can’t picture that guy treating someone like you, a queen, with the delicacy you deserve. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I can’t fathom how you felt. I hope I can help you erase those bad memories,” Jake said, his hand gently stroking Avery’s head, seeking to console her and implicitly promising her a different treatment, one of love and respect.

“Not at all, actually, I wouldn’t want to erase those memories from my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I love you deeply, but every moment lived is a fragment of who I am,” Avery declared, aware of the discomfort settling in Jake.

“I remember that night, I was alone in my room and needed someone to talk to, so I texted Derek to come over. After a couple of hours of talking, I don’t know when his lips found mine; I never saw it coming, we were just friends, but I didn’t want him to stop,” Avery continued, noticing how each word of hers elicited a physical response from Jake. “The desire was silent, only communicating through our skins. He held me against him, his mouth on my neck, his hands claiming my breasts with a rawness that ignited something unexpected in me.”

Avery watched how recounting her first time made Jake harden, intrigued by his reaction, but she didn’t stop.

“I stripped off my clothes, revealing my nudity to him, and in my confusion, I asked him what I should do. His response was crude. ‘Tonight, you’ll be mine. Kneel down.’ His member invaded my mouth, delving deep enough to drown my thoughts in a sea of sensations. But don’t feel bad; though it sounds harsh, the truth is, I was submerged in pleasure.”

“He threw me onto the bed, his tongue began dancing around my clitoris, and boy, could he move, hitting just the spot that made me shiver. When he started penetrating me, the pain was a reminder of my inexperience, but I hid it, not wanting to show weakness. Derek commented on how tight I was, and with effort, he managed to make his way in. His member was thick, almost unbelievably large; I don’t understand how it fit, but my feverish body lubricated so much that it eased his passage. The excess fluids allowed him to lubricate my anus and penetrate there too. That night was…” Avery paused her story when, suddenly, Jake ejaculated, his semen splattering on her face, even though she was just caressing him while recounting her first time.

“Really? I thought we’d be going further with that erection. Who ejaculates while their partner tells their first time story?” Avery wondered to herself, but out loud, she only said, “What happened?”

Jake, wrapped in a dazed silence, couldn’t articulate how the intensity of the story had led to such a surprising climax. Avery, with an understanding smile, decided not to push him further and said, “I’m getting hungry. I’ll go get something for us to eat.”

Avery, under the pretext of seeking food, slipped over to Derek’s house, where anticipation consumed her. She was not about to let the night pass with her body craving more. Upon arrival, Derek greeted her with a look promising to fulfill all her needs. With just a smile, they both understood the mutual desire. Derek, always intuitive, lifted her up and carried her to his sanctum sanctorum.

“It’s been an eternity since I last saw you,” Derek murmured.

“It was the day before yesterday,” Avery replied as he blindfolded her and tied her to his bed, plunging her into an expectant darkness.

“I want you to make me yours. I’m about to overflow with need. Jake… he can’t keep up,” Avery confessed, her voice laden with urgency.

“Shh, you’re here now, in the perfect place. Tonight, we’re going to discover new frontiers,” Derek promised, silencing her with a tie in her mouth, heightening the anticipation.

“Thank you for coming tonight. You have no idea how much I’ve desired you,” Derek whispered, his tongue exploring every crevice of her vagina, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy. He knew how to manipulate her body, innovating with each touch. Derek led her to multiple orgasms with just his fingers and tongue, making Avery writhe, trying to free herself to guide his hand to her breasts, her anus, but the gag kept her in desperate silence.

The room was steeped in an aroma of desire and lust. Derek, with a mischievous smile, leaned over her, his lips brushing her ear.

“I’ve never seen you this wet. I guess the desire for your boyfriend was unsatisfying. But you’ve come to the sanctuary of pleasure, you know my door is always open for you and your cravings,” Derek murmured, his voice hoarse with desire. “Just before you knocked on my door, I was talking with a visitor about you, and he’s watching us hidden behind the door, observing everything.”

Avery, with a playful smile despite not being able to see, nodded. Derek, understanding, removed the gag.

“Invite him in,” Avery whispered, her voice tinged with a mix of urgency and curiosity.

Derek frowned, hesitant. “Are you sure?”

“Please, Derek. I want this,” Avery pleaded, her tone full of a need that couldn’t be ignored.

After a moment’s reflection, Derek nodded slowly. He got up from the bed, his imposing figure moving towards the young man who was trying to sneak away discreetly.

“I saw you,” Derek said firmly, stopping him. The young man, an air conditioning technician, halted, his face a mix of nervousness and curiosity.

“Come, join us. Today is your chance to be with a beautiful woman who won’t see you, only feel you,” Derek offered, his tone now soft and persuasive. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Just pleasure.”

After a moment of hesitation, the young man nodded slowly. Derek led him back to the room where Avery waited, her breathing erratic from the anticipation of the unknown.

Blindfolded and with heightened senses, Avery felt every movement in the room as if it were a caress on her skin. The sound of Derek’s footsteps, firm and familiar, echoed on the floor, approaching, blending with the lighter, more anxious steps of the young man. Each step was an echo in her heart, accelerating her pulse, making anticipation coil in her stomach like a serpent of desire.

The air in the room seemed charged with electricity, each of Avery’s breaths becoming deeper, more anxious. The darkness behind the blindfold intensified every sound, every whisper, every breath of the two men. The uncertainty about the identity of the young man added an extra layer of thrill, of mystery that excited her even more.

When the footsteps halted near her, Avery felt a wave of heat coursing through her body. Her skin prickled, every nerve tingling with a mix of fear and desire. Avery’s imagination soared, painting pictures of what might happen, how the stranger’s hands would feel, his touch, his scent.

The sound of the young man’s breathing, quicker and shallower, contrasted with Derek’s calm, controlled breaths, creating a beat that resonated within her like a war drum, heralding the battle of pleasure about to begin. Avery felt desire accumulate in every pore of her skin, every cell of her being, waiting, yearning for the first touch, the first contact that would break the almost tangible tension in the air.

The mattress dipped slightly as the stranger sat on the bed, his presence a new current in the river of sensations flooding Avery. “Hello, stranger,” she whispered, her voice a purr loaded with curiosity and desire.

“Hello,” he replied, his voice youthful, perhaps in his early twenties, quivering with a mix of shyness and excitement.

Avery, with her heart pounding fiercely, felt her body respond to the newcomer’s proximity. Derek, ever attentive, began guiding the young man, his instructions soft yet clear, echoing around the room like a testament to his authority.

“We’re going to go slowly,” Derek said, his voice a calm, controlled murmur. “Touch her skin here,” and Avery felt a warm, trembling hand settle on her hip, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine. Each word from Derek was a whip of desire against her senses, heightening the experience.

Avery, still blindfolded, surrendered to the whirlwind of sensations. The young man’s hand, guided by Derek, explored her body with a mix of clumsiness and wonder, each touch sending waves of pleasure that built up inside her. Derek’s voice, deep and reassuring, instructed the young man where and how, while Avery lost herself in the play of their hands and voices.

“Like this, perfect,” Derek’s whisper was close to her ear, as he positioned himself behind her, and a moment later, he entered her, his entry smooth but firm, filling her with a fullness that made her gasp.

The young man, following instructions, moved closer. Avery, driven by a fiery desire, found with her mouth the evidence of his excitement, her tongue exploring with a mix of shyness and hunger. The combination of Derek’s deep, rhythmic penetration and the young man’s novice but thrilling oral exploration formed a duet of pleasure that completely consumed her.

Every movement, every breath from the two men, every whisper from Derek, was a new chapter in the book of pleasure Avery was living, each page more intense and erotic than the last, as her body surrendered to the symphony of sensations enveloping her.

With her breathing synchronized with the pleasure surrounding her, Avery suddenly felt the need to take control. “Derek, untie me,” she commanded with a voice full of authority and desire.

Derek, without hesitation, complied with her request, freeing her wrists and ankles but keeping the blindfold on her eyes. Now free, Avery rose with grace, feeling the warmth of the nearby bodies. She positioned herself over the stranger, guided by instinct and desire, and with a hoarse whisper, she directed Derek. “You, from behind.”

The double penetration that followed was a whirlwind of sensations. Avery, at the center of the storm, moved with a blend of control and surrender, each motion synchronized with both men. The room was filled with her moans and their ragged breaths, creating an erotic melody that permeated the air.

Suddenly, the sound of Avery’s cellphone broke the rhythm. The familiar ringtone, her boyfriend’s personalized tone, echoed through the room. Avery, unfazed, smiled slightly. “Don’t worry, keep going. Don’t stop, it’s just my boyfriend,” she said with a mix of amusement and challenge, intensifying her movements as if to prove a point.

The phone kept ringing, but for Avery, the world had shrunk to the bed, the entwined bodies, and the pleasure that consumed her. Finally, both men reached their climax inside her, a moment of release that filled her with intense satisfaction. “That’s all I needed,” Avery murmured, her voice laden with deep, fulfilled pleasure.

Without wasting time, Avery got up, dressed quickly, still blindfolded, with the certainty of not wanting to know the identity of the young man. “Derek, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said, heading towards the door with a confidence that only full satisfaction can provide.

Derek escorted her to the door, and with a soft kiss on the cheek, they said goodbye. Avery, with one last touch of her cellphone in her pocket, headed home, leaving behind a night that would be etched in her memory as a chapter of desire and boldness.

Upon returning home, Jake greeted her with a mix of worry and relief. “Where have you been? I thought you were just going out for some food. Why did you come back with nothing? What happened, love?” Avery, with her best act, replied that she had run into an old friend who was with someone else, and they asked her for some advice about university. “It’s good to help others, and I lost track of time; the conversation was very engrossing.”

“My girlfriend, always ready to help. That’s why I love you so much,” Jake affirmed, convinced.

“Come, let’s cuddle for a bit, I’m exhausted. I need to feel your warmth around me,” Avery suggested with a whisper laden with promises. They undressed and lay down, with Avery on top of him, while Jake enveloped her in a protective embrace, his fingers playing tenderly with her hair. But as Jake relished the closeness, the semen of the other two men began to seep out from her, mingling with his own desire. “I’m sorry if I get you wet, it’s just that I’m still turned on thinking about you, but let’s save the best for tomorrow; today, I need to rest,” she murmured, her voice an echo of fatigue and contained desire.

In the stillness of that night, Avery began weaving a bold plan. She would use Jake’s unconditional love as a curtain behind which she could satisfy her darkest sexual desires. In her mind, a meticulous strategy took shape to transform Jake into her unwitting accomplice in a life of infidelity, maintaining the illusion of a perfect couple to the world, but in the solitude of their intimacy, breaking free from all boundaries. With her wit, Avery was confident in her ability to execute this game subtly, with the patience of a spider and the right distractions, molding Jake into what she needed him to be. Though the risk of losing everything lurked in her thoughts, Jake’s premature ejaculation and his inexperience assured her there was little to lose. She was determined to turn her body into the epicenter of forbidden pleasures, a sanctuary of lust where Jake would unknowingly be her keeper.

“I love you, Avery,” Jake whispered in her ear, his voice tinged with a devotion that only increased her guilt, but also her determination.

“I love you too, Jake. More than you’ll ever know,” Avery replied, kissing his forehead with a tenderness that contrasted with the darkness of her intentions.

The next morning, Avery and Jake woke up entwined after their first night together, a night that had been a whirlwind of discovery and passion. After a breakfast filled with lingering glances and casual touches, they prepared to face the outside world, though their hearts still beat in unison with the memory of the dawn. Jake, a systems engineer at a prominent corporation, was known for his dedication and skill. Avery, on the other hand, worked as a professor at the university where both had studied, a place now laden with promises and shared secrets.

Before the door closed behind him, Avery whispered to Jake with a voice promising more than her words could convey, “I’ll be waiting for you tonight. There’s something important I want to share with you.” The kiss she gave him was sweet but laden with intention, leaving him with a mix of unease and anticipation.

Avery’s day was mechanical, but her mind was far from equations and lectures, entangled in the web of desire and exploration she planned to unfold before Jake. She fervently believed that he could immerse himself in her world of sexual libertinism, a world she had kept in the shadows, waiting for the right time to reveal it. Her love for Jake was profound, and the anticipation of sharing all her pleasures filled her with an almost tangible excitement.

At the end of her shift at 2 p.m., instead of going home, Avery decided to visit Derek. She wanted to check if the unknown guy from the trio the previous night was still there, and also discuss with Derek her burgeoning situation with Jake. Upon arrival, she knocked on the door with some anxiety. Derek opened with a smile that seemed to hold a secret knowledge, “I thought you were going to call,” he said, with a tone that suggested more than it stated. Avery, entering the game, responded with a mischievous smile.

“I wanted to come in person, and also to meet the mysterious guy who lost his virginity with me.”

Derek, with a conspiratorial gesture, informed her, “He’s gone, it’s just me.” He guided her towards his room with a veiled promise in every step. “Let’s relax a bit before we talk.”

Avery walked down the hallway to Derek’s room, feeling each step imbued with a sexual tension that seemed to pulse in the air. Derek followed closely behind, his eyes fixed on every movement of her body, as if each gesture was an erotic poem dedicated to him. Upon entering the room, the atmosphere charged with a palpable electricity. Derek, with a voice that was almost a growl of desire, broke the silence. “Watching you move with him last night… it was like watching art in motion. But today, I want you to be just mine, Avery.”

She felt a shiver run down her spine at his words, a shiver that turned into intense heat when he pulled her closer, his hands beginning to explore with a possessive familiarity. “The gym has sculpted you like a goddess,” Derek murmured, his voice a lust-laden whisper against her skin.

Avery, feeling the mix of power and vulnerability that Derek always provoked in her, let herself be guided by him towards the bed. The desire in his eyes hypnotized her, a mix of wonder and such raw lust that it made her feel as if he had never truly seen her naked before. “I want to taste you,” Derek told her, his gaze fixed on her body as he helped her lie down.

He didn’t waste time. With a blend of reverence and eagerness, Derek buried his face between her buttocks, his tongue starting to lick with a fervor that spoke of past nights and promises yet to be fulfilled. Avery moaned, a sound that seemed to rise from the deepest part of her being, as her body responded instantly to his touches. Derek knew every nook and cranny of her pleasure, and now, with renewed intensity, he seemed determined to prove it, to make her forget everything but the present moment, him and her, united in an act of exclusive and voracious passion.

“Use your fingers, Derek, put them inside me while your tongue travels over me… Just like that,” she directed, her tone a mix of authority and surrender. “Ohhh, yes, I love it… Now, with your fingers, deeper, don’t stop your tongue… A bit higher… There! Don’t stop, keep going just like that… Ohhh, yes! I love it… Thank you, Derek, you’re incredible… Now, I want you to take me from behind.”

Derek, attentive to her desires, immersed himself in the rhythm of pleasure they shared together. “Come on, deeper, fill me up… What pleasure, I’m on the edge of ecstasy…” Avery, in a move of control, flipped him over on the bed. “It’s my turn to take charge. Just try to hold on, like it’s a game,” she murmured, her voice laced with sensual challenge.

Straddling him, she opened her legs, giving him a perfect view of how his penis penetrated her, each movement a display of desire. Her breasts swayed rhythmically, and her cheeks flushed with the blush of imminent climax. “I’m about to,” Derek announced, his voice broken by pleasure.

“Fill every corner of me without spilling a drop,” Avery commanded. She felt Derek’s member start to release his essence, flooding her, uniting their bodies in mutual ecstasy. “Thank you, Derek.” “Thank you, Avery,” Derek responded with a mix of satisfaction and challenge, both submerged in the depth of their own pleasure.

“I want to talk to you about Jake,” Avery began, her tone a mix of genuine concern and firm resolve. “I love him deeply and see a future with him, but he has… a control issue. Last night, just by touching him, he ejaculated. I was telling him about my first time and… he got so excited that without warning, his semen splattered my face. I wasn’t expecting that to happen.”

Derek, with a smile that distilled both wisdom and mockery, suggested, “Make him your cuckold.”

Avery was taken aback for a moment but quickly found her rhythm. “That was my plan. I enjoy sex and don’t intend to change my desires. Besides, Jake… he’s not the most endowed physically. But he’s a good man, and the only way to have the best of both worlds is by making him my cuckold. But how could I achieve that more subtly?”

“Speak to him with the truth,” Derek advised, his voice laden with experience. “You have nothing to lose. You can’t build a perfect life based on illusions. If you love him and plan to share your life with him, sooner or later, our adventures will come to light, and the outcome could be disastrous. The best is always honesty about our feelings. As a man, I assure you, I’d rather face the truth than discover a lie. If you hide your nature and your desires, you’ll live with the burden of guilt and the constant fear of being found out. You should talk to him, Avery, but with subtlety.”

Avery watched him with a mix of awe and respect. Derek, for all his wildness, possessed a maturity on these subjects that she hadn’t anticipated. “I’ll try it soon. We’re just starting our life together; it’s better to lay the groundwork from the beginning. Today, when I get home, I’ll talk to Jake. I just hope he doesn’t go crazy and end things between us.”

“Perfect. If you decide to try a threesome, you know who to invite,” Derek said, his tone filled with humor but with an undercurrent of seriousness.

“Only if you tell me who that guy was last night,” Avery responded, her smile playful as she prepared to leave.

Derek, with an enigmatic smile, simply commented, “You’ll never know…”

Avery had prepared a special dinner for Jake, adorning the table with candles, soft music in the background, and a bottle of whiskey instead of the usual wine, aware that she would need something stronger for the conversation that lay ahead. As night fell, when Jake crossed the threshold and saw the setting, for a moment, the thought crossed his mind that Avery might be about to propose.

After dinner, and with a few doses of whiskey to soften the atmosphere, Avery began the conversation with a heart in suspense. “Jake, I love you and want to spend my life with you. You’re the man of my dreams; we share so many moments, but there are facets of me you haven’t seen yet, just as there are aspects of you I haven’t discovered. I’ve never met your family; you’ve hinted that there isn’t a good relationship.”

Jake nodded, confirming, “That’s right, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them, but I promise you, one day I’ll introduce you.”

Avery, taking a breath, continued with her confession: “Jake, I’ve always been open about my sexual experience. I enjoy sex; it’s vital for me in a relationship. I understand you have premature ejaculation and I also need to feel satisfied. What I’m about to say might sound strange, but living in these modern times, have you never fantasized about being with two women?”

Jake, under the relaxing effects of the whiskey, responded with a frankness bolstered by the alcohol, “Of course, what man hasn’t had that fantasy? It’s quite common. Why do you ask? Do you want to introduce me to a friend?” his tone playful, though with a genuine hint of curiosity.

Avery, taking the question seriously, replied cautiously, “It wouldn’t be a bad idea. As long as everything stays on a physical level, with no feelings involved, right?”

Jake, with a confidence that alcohol helped to strengthen, nodded and took another sip, affirming his agreement.

Then, Avery, watching his reaction, shared more about herself. “I also have fantasies, even about being with more than one man at once.” Surprise and confusion painted Jake’s face. “You’re kidding?” his voice mixed incredulity with a growing curiosity.

Jake thought Avery was playing with him. He knew her as meticulous, scholarly, always standing out for her ethics and dedication, a person whose passion for helping others was as noticeable as her sense of humor. He assumed she was joking and decided to play along. “I love you, and if that makes you happy, then go ahead. But, that said, I hope to one day get a picture at work of you surrounded by hundreds of men,” Jake said, his tone clearly playful.

Avery, aware that Jake wasn’t taking her seriously, chose to let the topic rest. “Not hundreds, thousands of men lining up for me,” she retorted with a smile, raising her glass for a complicit toast, then they headed to bed.

Despite her desire for Jake to touch her, he, exhausted, fell asleep quickly. It was evident that they would spend their second night together without consummating their relationship.

In the morning, the matter wasn’t revisited. Avery went to the university for her classes, while Jake left for work. Avery felt relieved; talking about her desires with Jake had been a release, even though it was clear he hadn’t grasped the seriousness of the issue. However, she was determined to show him that her words were sincere.

After classes, Avery followed her routine: going home, having lunch, and heading to the gym, then meeting up with Jake before dinner.

That night, Jake seemed exhausted, showing signs of a grueling day. “Come, sit here,” Avery invited, making space between her legs as she knelt before him. With deliberate movements, she unbuttoned his pants and freed his penis, noting its flaccidity. “Let’s play a game to help you relax. If you can hold off from ejaculating for five minutes, I’ll forget the idea of being with other men,” she proposed, her voice a mix of challenge and seduction.

Jake, with a mix of nervousness and irritation, nodded, “Okay.”

Avery, with expert tenderness, began to caress Jake’s penis, still not fully awake, bringing her mouth close until her warm breath grazed it. “Although Derek has a thick, long penis, with Chase, I discovered the sensation of one that’s slender but very long, which feels perfect for me…”

“What are you doing? Why are you telling me this?” Jake cut her off, his voice mixed with surprise and a hint of annoyance.

“Shh, look,” Avery murmured, pointing at the evident reaction of his body. “Let me continue, you’ll like it. It’s part of my past; you deserve to know everything.”

“I met Chase at a party, similar to the one where I found Derek. He was obsessive with my breasts, liked to squeeze them and lick my nipples. That turned me on so much,” she continued, watching closely as Jake’s penis responded, hardening. “See, you’re very excited.”

“Chase was an insatiable kisser, he wouldn’t stop kissing me everywhere: my breasts, my abdomen, my neck. He was fascinated with me. When he prepared to penetrate me, he first played with my clit, brushing his penis against my entrance without fully entering. He drove me to the brink of madness. I had to take it and guide him inside me because I couldn’t wait any longer.”

Jake tried to pull away, but Avery stopped him firmly. “There are only three minutes left. Chase was very expressive; he moaned and nibbled softly at my nipples. He asked if he could come on my breasts, and I gave him my consent. He pulled out his penis and masturbated to climax over me.” Avery, observing Jake’s growing excitement, maintained a steady but controlled rhythm.

“Chase surprised me, he ejaculated so much that my breasts and face were completely covered…” Just before she could finish her story, Jake, unable to hold back, reached climax. Avery, quickly, cleaned up the evidence with her tongue. “You lost, there was still a minute left. I see that imagining me with another man excites you. I think you’d like to see it live.”

Jake, embracing her with a mix of tenderness and concern, murmured, “I don’t think I could handle it. I love you, and I couldn’t bear to see you with another man.”

Avery, while serving him dinner, whispered with renewed confidence, “I think you’d enjoy it more than you believe.”

For Avery, this exchange had been a crucial step forward; now she was certain that the idea of seeing her with other men excited Jake. She was ready to take the next step, one that could define the course of their relationship.

The next day, after her workday, Avery headed to Chase’s house. It had been several weeks since their last encounter, explainable by the distance between them. Chase, in contrast to Derek’s boldness, was more reserved, always letting Avery take the lead.

“I’m going to take a shower,” Avery announced, stripping off her clothes with a confidence that disarmed, aware of his gaze fixed on every motion. “Wait for me in bed. I’ll be right back.”

Upon exiting the bathroom, her skin still damp and perfumed, she found Chase on the bed, his eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and devotion. “Take my phone,” she ordered, handing it to him with a smile that promised more. “Take some photos of me from the best angles.” Chase, without saying a word, took the phone and began capturing her beauty.

Avery started with a session of oral sex, her expert technique evident in each slide of her tongue around Chase’s penis, deepening until she felt it in her throat. Meanwhile, Chase, following her instructions, captured every moment with the phone, each image reflecting the intensity of the act. Then, Avery, with a fluidity that only practice can provide, mounted him from behind. “Take photos of me, I want it to show how you’re penetrating me from behind,” she commanded seductively. Chase, obedient to her desire, focused the camera, capturing Avery’s curves as she sank onto him, his awe palpable at her confidence and sexual appetite.

They moved through a series of positions, each one selected by Avery with the precision of a connoisseur, choosing those that would not only maximize her pleasure but also challenge her own sensory limits.

On the brink of climax, Avery, with a firm voice, ordered Chase, “Masturbate into my mouth and record everything. I want you to capture every drop of semen inside me.” Chase, following her instructions, began recording a video that captured every detail, from the moment his semen filled Avery’s mouth to how she played with it, allowing it to gradually slide down her throat, swallowing it all and finishing with a satisfied smile towards the lens. “That video turned out spectacular,” Avery commented, viewing it afterward.

Chase, aware of the dynamic between them and without the desire to upset the balance, didn’t ask why she needed it; he respected her dominant side and preferred to maintain the status quo. “I have to go; I need to get home to wait for my boyfriend. I hope to see you soon. We could meet up with Derek, and it would be nice if Liam joined us; I haven’t seen him in months,” suggested Avery, now standing and getting dressed.

“Sounds good to me. We should coordinate to spend a night together,” Chase replied, nodding at the idea, fascinated by how Avery managed her sexual life with such boldness and control.

Avery smiled with a mix of excitement and calculated anticipation. “If everything goes well, I’ll bring my boyfriend to join us.” Chase looked at her with a mix of confusion and curiosity, but she, with a farewell gesture, left without offering further explanations.

Back at home, Avery found herself in a dilemma. She was intensely reflecting on the possibility of sending the photos and video to Jake. She spent an hour internally debating the pros and cons, but certainty didn’t come. She decided it wasn’t the right time yet; it might be too much for Jake, and she needed to prepare him more carefully to avoid a catastrophic outcome in their relationship.

When Jake arrived from work, he and Avery shared their usual dinner, discussing their days with a comforting familiarity. For Avery, it was clear that Jake had no intentions of being intimate that night, so she opted to retreat to the shower. Meanwhile, Jake, while picking up Avery’s clothes, noticed a strange residue on her underwear. Bringing it to his nose, the unmistakable scent of semen hit him, sending a wave of conflicting emotions through him. The thought of infidelity devastated him, but a part of him, irrationally, sought a justification.

With his heart pounding in his chest, Jake took Avery’s phone. He found nothing incriminating in her messages, but upon opening the gallery, a curtain of betrayal, disappointment, and to his own surprise, a twinge of excitement pierced through him. The first image was of Avery from behind, her body clearly being penetrated by another man. Jake continued, each photo revealing a dimension of Avery that she had kept hidden, a woman who clearly loved sex and had been upfront about her sexual nature from the start.

When he reached the video, the sight of Avery, her mouth open in a mix of pleasure and defiance, looking directly at the camera as a man ejaculated into her mouth, was overwhelming. The contrast between desire and betrayal within Jake was palpable, his mind and heart struggling to process this revelation.

Jake was caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Carefully, he placed the phone back and prepared to confront Avery, his mind and heart in conflict. When Avery emerged from the bathroom, she immediately noticed the coldness in his gaze, a distance that hadn’t been there before. She hugged him, seeking the warmth they always shared, asking with concern what was wrong, but her eyes caught the still-lit screen of her phone. She fell silent, anticipating his reaction.

To her astonishment, Jake, with a voice trying to sound casual but coming off hollow to Avery, simply said, “Nothing, just remembered some work stuff.”

Avery, aware that he had seen everything, thought ironically, “Liar,” but out loud, with a calm that contrasted with her internal chaos, replied, “Nothing that can’t be fixed, my love.”

Jake, trying to compose himself, headed to the shower. Upon returning, he lay down next to Avery, wrapping her in an embrace, and asked about her day. “It was good, I really felt very satisfied with all I accomplished. All my days should be like this,” she answered, her tone sweet but loaded with a hidden truth.

Jake, with the images still fresh in his mind, felt enveloped by a mix of betrayal and desire. Avery, perceptive as always, noticed his excitement. With a smile that only a knowing lover could interpret, she mounted him, guiding his member inside her. “You’re very wet,” Jake observed, his voice a blend of surprise and lust.

“I’m very excited to have you inside,” Avery responded, but in her mind, the words were a mask for the thought that she still held Chase’s semen within her.

With just a few movements, Jake, sensitive to the wetness that didn’t solely belong to Avery, couldn’t hold back and quickly ejaculated.

Confused, Jake had never imagined being with someone like Avery, whose infidelity, instead of causing repulsion, triggered a growing excitement, opening his eyes to a lifestyle he had never before considered.

“I know you saw my gallery. I thought about sending it to you, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react. I liked that you discovered it this way and still got excited,” Avery confessed, her voice a whisper that resonated with the truth of her desires.

Jake, stunned, was left speechless. Avery, with a confidence that radiated from every pore of her being, took the phone and sat beside him to go through the photos together. “Remember you lost yesterday; you didn’t last five minutes. That’s why I did this. This is Chase. See how his penis fits perfectly in me without causing any discomfort; it’s the ideal size,” she said, moving to a specific image. “Here,” she pointed out, “I had just had an orgasm, but I kept moving to reach the second.”

Jake, in a stunned silence, watched the screen, each image a revelation that struck his sense of reality. Avery, attentive to his reaction, noticed how excitement was growing in him again. “Look how hard you get watching me. I’m pleased to be the first woman in your life in this way; we’ll be sexual toys for each other.”

With every word, Avery solidified her plan to transform Jake, an idea that filled her with anticipated pleasure. Her next goal was clear: to share the bed with a third person, someone who would integrate into their dynamic and become part of their intimacy. The question hanging in the air was whether Jake would be ready to take that step. Or, conversely, if he would reflect on their relationship and decide to pull away from Avery. The only certainty was the undeniable excitement Jake felt looking at those photos and the palpable curiosity to experience that reality live, a curiosity that couldn’t be denied.

Avery, seeing the internal struggle in Jake’s eyes, continued, “We can make this an adventure that we share together. You don’t have to feel jealousy or betrayal; this is something we can both enjoy. Look,” she showed him another photo, “here I am enjoying you after being with him. See? My desire for you doesn’t decrease, it intensifies.”

Jake, with his gaze fixed on the screen and his mind in a whirlwind, finally murmured, “It’s just that… I never imagined anything like this. How can you be so sure about this?”

Avery, moving closer, whispered in his ear, “Because I love you, and because I want to share my world with you, one where pleasure and trust intertwine. If you love me, trust me. Let’s try it, together.”

Avery’s proposal hung in the air, laden with promises of new experiences and emotional challenges. Jake’s decision would be pivotal, not just for the direction of their relationship, but also for his own understanding of passion and love. The excitement radiating from Avery was infectious, and at that moment, Jake found himself seriously contemplating diving into this new chapter of his life, one that promised to be as disturbingly thrilling as it was terrifyingly uncharted.