Avatar Of Lust Ch05 |

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Laura’s eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint as she led me to the center of the room, where strange crystals glimmered softly in the candlelight, their edges casting flickering shadows on the walls. The air was thick with the scent of incense, a heady mix of sandalwood and something darker, almost intoxicating.

“Now, Mistress,” she said, her voice a sultry whisper, “the first lesson in controlling dark magic is harnessing your emotions—your desires, your fears, your lust. Dark magic isn’t something that flows through calm waters; it’s a storm, and you have to learn to ride it.”

I nodded, trying to focus, but an undercurrent of excitement throbbed through me, a remnant of our earlier encounter. Laura seemed to sense it, her wings twitching slightly as she circled me, her fingers brushing lightly against my shoulder, igniting fire wherever she touched. “Good. You’re already feeling it,” she purred, the way she said it sending delicious shivers down my spine. “Dark magic responds to passion, to desire. The more you embrace those feelings, the more powerful you become.”

She raised her hand, summoning a faint dark aura that enveloped her fingers, shadows swirling like tendrils of smoke.

“Close your eyes,” she instructed, her tone both firm and enticing. “Focus on that energy within you—the way your body felt moments ago, the way your skin burned when I touched you. Let that feeling grow, and try to hold onto it.”

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm the racing of my heart, trying to recall the heat, the intensity of our previous moments. As I focused, a tingling sensation stirred in my chest, spreading outward like a fire blooming beneath my skin. The warmth was intoxicating, pulsing with each beat of my heart, urging me to give in to it.

Laura’s voice was a soft caress, wrapping around me like a silk ribbon. “Now just let it go.” Her hand brushed against mine, sending an electric jolt through me, igniting the energy inside. I bit my lip, feeling the intensity rise.

“Focus,” she urged, her breath warm against my ear, sending delightful shivers through my body. “Channel that desire into power. Use it to shape the magic.”

With every breath, I let the sensations wash over me, recalling every touch, every kiss. The warmth pooled in my palms, and when I opened my eyes, I gasped at the sight of a faint, swirling cloud of dark energy dancing between my hands, like shadows entwined in a mesmerizing waltz.

“There,” Laura said, her voice thick with satisfaction. “You are doing it. How does it feel?”

The energy crackled between my palms, alive and demanding, as Laura leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing against my ear. “Imagine your desire taking form. Think about what you want—something small, something simple.”

I thought back to the feeling of her hands on me, the rush of pleasure, the heady thrill of intimacy. The energy responded, flaring with heat as I pictured Laura’s body in my mind, every curve and contour igniting my imagination.

“Good,” Laura whispered, her hand tightening around my waist, pulling me against her. “Now release your mana.”

I did as she commanded, feeling the energy surge through me as I pushed out all my thoughts and feelings. Opening my eyes, I watched dark, violet smoke billow from around me, enveloping the room and extinguishing the flames of the candles, plunging us into a thick darkness.

Laura smiled, her eyes glowing with approval through the fog. “Perfect, Mistress. You’ve taken the first step. Now, the first thing about being a demon is that we see in the dark, so something like this is especially helpful in combat or when you want to confuse an army.”

She released my hands and stepped back, her silhouette barely visible in the dark. “But there’s a catch: to wield dark magic effectively, it feeds on life energy. For that reason, you’ll need to remain ually active. During intimate lovemaking, you absorb the impurities and lost energy from your lovers. You’ve already been doing that; I sensed it during our session. But you can take it a step further and learn to absorb it all to the point of death if you wish.”

“Um, Laura…” I hesitated, trying to wrap my mind around her words. “Two things. First, I don’t think I’ll be doing that. Second, I can’t see.”

“Oh. Right,” she said, a playful smirk on her lips. “You mentioned you were reincarnated as a human. Let me think…”

I sat there in the oppressive darkness, unsure if I should move until Laura’s voice cut through the haze. “Give me your tongue,” she said earnestly.

“What?! Will that really help?” My pulse quickened, unsure of what she meant.

“Just do it.”

I twisted my neck toward her, sticking out my tongue, and felt her mouth suck it in. A sharp pain shot through me as she bit down slightly, causing me to retract my tongue instinctively. I tasted my blood mixed with something sweet, reminiscent of burnt marshmallows—demon blood.

“I swear to be with you through heaven and hell, death and life, and I swear eternal fealty to you,” Laura spoke, her voice rich with fervor as if she were making an oath. Just as I opened my mouth to ask what was happening, a surge of warmth and power encased my body, penetrating deep into my soul. “What title grantest me, my Mistress?”

Before I could fully comprehend, the words spilled from my lips as if they had been waiting for this moment. “You shall be granted the title of General. General Laura Seanen.”

At that declaration, I felt a rush of energy drain from me, leaving me dizzy and lightheaded. The stability I had clung to vanished, and my last coherent thought was a fleeting gratitude that the room was basically covered in plush pillows, ready to catch me as I succumbed to the overwhelming sensations.

The system message flashed before my eyes:






Shadow army



I awoke slowly, the soft, velvety touch of Laura’s wings pulling away from me. The lingering warmth from our encounter still danced on my skin, and for a moment, the world felt hazy, caught between sleep and reality. But as my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room, I found Laura kneeling beneath me, my head resting on her knees. Her eyes, usually playful, seemed distant.

“Laura?” I murmured, pushing myself up on my elbows.

She turned to me, her expression softened, though her eyes held a shadow of something I hadn’t seen before—sorrow. “You should rest more, Mistress. There’s much you need to learn… about yourself, and about us.” She pressed me back down, her hands gentle.

I blinked, letting her hands push me back onto her soft knees. “About us? What was that? Why did you bite my tongue?”

Laura nodded, her wings folding neatly behind her as she brushed a lock of hair from my face. “ That was me becoming your general and servant. From now on, you may summon me at will and barrow my powers. It’s why you can see me even though it’s still dark.” She was right. I could see her clearly even though it was technically still pitch dark. “My lady. There is much you don’t know about the demons… and the world we inhabit. Let me tell you the . Of this land.”

As she began to spoke, the room seemed to fade, and I found myself transported to a world of legends and ancient battles. Laura’s voice wove the like a tapestry, each word unraveling a piece of the past.

“Long ago, before even the first kingdoms of men rose from the earth, the gods walked this realm. They shaped the mountains, called forth the rivers, and breathed life into every living creature. The world was a canvas, and they painted it with their divine touch. But with time, they grew weary. Mortals, they realized, were fragile—capable of greatness but also of terrible destruction.”

Laura’s eyes held mine, the depths of her gaze pulling me further into her tale. “The gods, unable to directly intervene in the lives of mortals, sought to protect the balance of nature. They chose a select few humans and gifted them control over the natural elements. These humans became the first mages, wielding the power of fire, water, earth, air, and greatest of all heavens will light magic. They were the custodians of the gods’ will, meant to keep the world in harmony.”

I frowned, the pieces of the aligning in my mind. “But what about the demons?”

“Patience, Mistress,” Laura said, a small smile touching her lips. “We’ll get there.”

She continued, “As these mages grew in power, some began to surpass the gods’ expectations. Twelve of them rose above all others, mastering not just a single element but wielding powers that went beyond the gods’ gifts. They could reshape reality, manipulate time, and even bend life and death. These twelve formed a group come to be known as the Magi.”

“The Magi were revered as heroes, When countries went to war, they would save cities and towns from foul play. When illness or curses struck, they would heal and destroy these plagues. And they would teach others how to wield the power of God’s. As you can imagine, the gods feared that their unchecked power could unbalance the world. In an attempt to counter this, they created the demons. Demons were not creatures born of evil, but rather beings meant to test and challenge humanity. They were the children of the elements, with bodies shaped by the chaotic forces of nature itself. Fire demons burned with the heat of volcanoes, water demons flowed like the tides, and earth demons bore the strength of mountains. And to counteract their own light powers, the bestowed the balance of light into demon kin themselves. Marking us all with darkness.

Her voice grew softer. “But humanity misunderstood the gods’ intentions. To them, demons were monstrous abominations—forces of chaos that threatened their newfound control over nature. And so, a war began, one that was not sanctioned by the gods.”

I listened intently, a sense of foreboding settling over me. “And the Magi?”

“They sided with humanity, of course, seeing the demons as a threat to the balance they were meant to protect. Demons were hunted, captured, and slain as though they were beasts. Those who survived fled, hiding in the farthest corners of the world. But no matter where they went, humanity’s hatred followed them.”

“Eventually, the surviving demons and their allies found refuge across the sea, where they discovered an untamed land untouched by human hands. There, they built their own society. At first, it was merely a sanctuary—a place where demons, refugees, and other outcasts could live without fear of persecution. But as their numbers grew, so did their strength and diversity. From the water and air elementals, we succubi were born. All demonkind originated from the original demons, or elementals, as we call them. And as our species evolved and grew, a new order formed: seven legions divided the continent, each led by its own leader and government. A civil war broke out on our continent until one rose to power, proving to be the strongest and capable of uniting all the land—the Demon King.”

Laura’s voice held a note of pride. “The Demon Continent, as it came to be known, was forged from the blood and resolve of those who refused to bow to humanity’s judgment. And at its head was the Demon Lord—a being of unparalleled power who united the seven great legions, each led by one of the Seven Deadly Sins.”

Her eyes flashed. “I served as the vicecaptain of Lady Lust’s legion. She was powerful, cunning, and… magnificent.”

The name echoed in my mind, a feeling of recognition washing over me. “Lady Lust…”

“Yes, Mistress. She was revered, her power unmatched in our ranks. Despite our stubborn and contentious personalities, we lived in peace. For years, the Demon Continent thrived, untouched by war. Humans feared to cross the seas, and the gods watched in silence.”

“Peace, however, is a fragile thing,” Laura said, her voice dropping to a whisper. “The human kingdoms, united under a single banner, grew restless. They heard rumors of the Demon Lord’s child—a powerful heir who could one day rival the Magi themselves. Fearing the rise of another demon lord and the possibility of the demons overthrowing their empire, they sent an assassin. The child was murdered in their sleep, a cowardly act meant to cripple the Demon Lord’s strength.”

My fists clenched. “That’s… awful.”

“It was more than that, Mistress. It was a declaration of war. The Demon Lord, enraged by the loss of his heir, declared a war that would last a hundred years. And so, the peace shattered, and the skies burned as demons and humans clashed.”

Her words painted vivid images in my mind—armies marching, flames consuming forests, and cities crumbling beneath the weight of war. “The Seven Legions fought bravely. Lady Lust’s forces were among the fiercest, her mastery of seduction magic turning battles in our favor. But humanity had allies—the Magi. When they joined the fray, the tide of war turned.”

Laura’s expression grew darker. “The Magi were like living gods. They wielded powers beyond comprehension, and when they united with the human armies, they brought devastation upon the Demon Continent. One by one, the legions fell. Lady Pride’s fortress was the first to crumble, her arrogance her downfall. Lady Wrath fought until the end, taking hundreds of human soldiers with her.”

“And Lady Lust?” I asked quietly.

Laura’s gaze met mine, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn’t quite read. “She was one of the last to fall. Her powers allowed her to manipulate the desires and emotions of her enemies, but even she could not stand against the combined might of the Twelve Magi. They overwhelmed her, their magic tearing through our defenses.”

Her voice softened to a whisper. “I was there when she died, Mistress. She fought until her last breath, defending our people. The Magi’s spells ripped through her, and she fell in a blaze of fire and lightning.”

I felt a shiver run down my spine. “And then…?”

“The Demon Lord was the last to face them. His power was unmatched, but even he could not withstand the assault of the Magi. They shattered his fortress, and the Demon Continent was reduced to ashes. The survivors scattered, fleeing across the seas. Many demons went into hiding, taking refuge among human societies or seeking shelter in the few uninhabited lands that remained.”

“The war ended, but the hatred did not,” Laura continued. “Demons became hunted once more, and those who were found were killed or enslaved. The Magi’s power was so great that they reshaped the world itself, creating barriers and wards to prevent demons from ever rising again. But the Magi didn’t come out of the war unscathed. Many of them fell, and by the end, only two stood. I can’t recall their names, but I know this: they were twins, two brothers, wielders of lightning and fire. I believe their descendants now rule over the human continent.” As she said that, I felt a chill run down my spine. The idea of the princess brat being related to such powerful beings kind of made me mad.

“And you… you survived?”

She nodded. “I did, though it was not easy. I fled to human lands, disguising myself, hiding my true nature. I had to learn how to live among the very people who destroyed my home. But I never forgot. That’s why I am just so truly happy to have found you again, Lady Lily. Even in a new form I can tell that you truly are my Mistress and my Love. I will be with you from now on and we can rebuild the demon empire together.”

I stared at her, the weight of her settling over me like a shroud. “So… you want me to become the new Demon Lord?”

“Exactly, Mistress, since you wield her power and the power of humans. You can surpass the gods and become as strong as a Magi while also being  a demon at heart. You have the potential to rebuild what was lost. The gods may have given humanity power over nature, but they did not intend for it to be against them. Demons were meant to be part of the balance. If you can master your powers, you could change everything.”

Laura’s eyes shone with hope—and something else, a deep, burning resolve. “But it won’t be easy. The Twelve Magi may be gone, but their descendants remain, and the human kingdoms are stronger than ever. If you wish to claim your birthright, you’ll need to become stronger than any demon or human before you.”

“But, Laura… I’m not sure I want to reclaim this birthright. I mean, I’m human. Maybe it’s time humans and demons lived in peace together.” I spoke seriously; the idea of all this racism was kind of annoying. I know it took a while for America to be less racist, but maybe I could find a way to jumpstart that here. I don’t want to become some Demon Lord. I just want a quiet life with Tat. Tat. Oh crap. I literally just cheated on her, didn’t I? Fuck. I lifted my head and sat upright instantly. Starting Laura. “Fuck. Oh my god. Oh my god. We had . Fuck. Oh my god. Tat is going to kill me!”

“Tat… Mistress, what’s wrong. Is this about becoming Demon Lord?” Concern was apparent in her voice. 

“No, it’s the fact the moment I walked in her, I forgot about my life. Look, you’re great. Thank you for teaching me magic. But I’m not cut out for this. I have a girlfriend who I love and will marry one day. We will live peacefully as Mages or whatever. Having with you was wrong and I’m sorry.” I began backing away and walking towards the door. When the most heartcrushing sound began. 

And a sniffle pierced my heart, causing me to freeze. Turning around, I saw tears begin to form at the corner of Laura’s eyes.

“You love this woman?” Her question obviously covered in sadness. But if this was a trick, I couldn’t let her get to me. 

“Of course.” 

I tried to steady myself, feeling the heaviness of the moment settle into my bones. Laura’s eyes shimmered with tears, the kind that made it hard to keep my resolve. She wasn’t like me—young and full of confusion. She was poised, confident, and undeniably beautiful. Even in the dim light, her allure was undeniable. Her soft curves, the way her long, dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, and the mature grace in her every movement all combined to make her the kind of woman who could turn heads without even trying. But right now, that same woman was looking at me with a pain that was almost too much to bear.

“Of course I love her,” I said, my voice more uncertain than I intended. “Tatiana means everything to me. I didn’t want this to happen, Laura. It just… did.”

Laura’s lips quivered as she tried to hold back her tears. She was still so stunning, even in her vulnerability. “Mistress, I… I’ve waited centuries to be reunited with you. To find you again and serve you. To love you. And now that I’ve found you, you’re telling me that you’re already bound to another?”

She stepped closer, her gaze piercing into mine, and the scent of her—a mix of jasmine and something darker, more intoxicating—filled the air. Her hands were trembling as she reached out to me, but I flinched back, my heart racing. She let her arms fall to her sides, her face a mixture of hurt and disbelief.

“I never forgot you, Mistress. Not once. I’ve been alone for so long… pretending to be something I’m not, hiding among humans, watching as they destroyed everything we built. All I ever wanted was to be by your side again, and now, after all this time, you’re telling me you belong to someone else?” Her voice cracked, and a tear finally slipped down her cheek.

I felt the sting of guilt deep in my chest. She looked so lost, so broken. It was hard to see this mature, powerful woman—someone who’d survived wars, who’d fought for her people—reduced to this. It felt like a knife twisting in my gut. “Laura, I… I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t even know who I was until now.”

“But I knew,” she whispered, her voice a soft plea. “I knew the moment I saw you. It was like everything in me just… knew. I thought you felt it too.”

I swallowed hard, fighting back the emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. “It’s not that simple. I do feel something. But Tatiana… she’s my world. We’ve been through so much together, and I can’t just forget that.”

Laura’s shoulders sagged, and she turned away, her hands clutching the edge of the table as if to steady herself. Her back was to me, but I could see the way her body shook with silent sobs. “I was foolish to hope, wasn’t I?” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I thought… I thought maybe this time, I wouldn’t lose you.”

My heart ached watching her. I wanted to reach out, to comfort her, but I felt torn. Every fiber of my being was screaming to run back to Tatiana, to make things right, but a part of me couldn’t bear to leave Laura like this. She was so strong, yet seeing her break down felt wrong, like I was the one shattering her after everything she’d been through.

“Laura…” I started, my voice hoarse. “I don’t know what to say.”

She turned to face me again, tears streaking her beautiful face. “I’ve been alone for so long, Lily. And for centuries, the only thing that kept me going was the thought of finding you again. To have you look at me like this—like I mean nothing—it’s more than I can bear.”

I shook my head. “No, that’s not it. You mean so much to me, but—”

“But not enough,” she finished for me, her voice filled with a bitterness that was almost painful to hear. “Not enough to choose me.”

I felt my throat tighten. “It’s not about choosing. It’s about what’s right.”

“Right for who?” she challenged, stepping closer. “For you? For her? What about me, Mistress? What about what I’ve sacrificed for you?”

Her words struck a chord In me, and the guilt only deepened. “I didn’t ask you to—”

“No, you didn’t. But I did it anyway,” she said, her voice breaking. “Because I loved you. Because I still love you. And I always will.”

She was so close now that I could feel her warmth, see every tear glistening on her cheeks. Her lips were parted, trembling, and for a moment, the air between us was charged with a tension I couldn’t ignore. It was intoxicating, and I felt myself being pulled in despite the guilt gnawing at me.

“Laura, please,” I whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

She gave a sad smile, one that broke my heart even more. “It’s too late for that, Mistress. I’ve already been hurt for centuries. One more heartbreak won’t make a difference.”

I stared at her, torn between the life I wanted and the life I felt I was destined for. Her words, her presence, everything about her felt so right, and yet so wrong. I felt like I was betraying Tatiana just by standing there, even as part of me longed to reach out and hold Laura, to comfort her, to take away her pain.

“Is there no way… no way we could both be in your life?” Laura’s voice was soft, tentative. “Demons don’t see love as singular. We share, we connect in ways humans don’t understand. If you feel even a fraction of what I do, then why can’t it be both of us?”

The thought made my head spin. “You mean… more than one lover?”

She nodded, a desperate hope in her eyes. “Yes. I know it’s not the human way, but you are more than human. You have the power of demons within you, and that power means you can love more than one. We could all be together, Mistress. You, Tatiana, and me. I would never ask you to choose.”

The Idea was tempting, and for a moment, I let myself imagine it. Tatiana, with her fierce loyalty and kind heart, and Laura, with her strength, her passion. A part of me yearned for it, but another part of me was terrified.

“I… I don’t know,” I admitted, feeling the confusion claw at me. “I don’t know if I could do that to Tatiana. She’s… she’s everything to me.”

“And you’re everything to me,” Laura whispered. “But I understand. I won’t force you, Mistress. I just… I need you to know that I love you, and I always will, even if you never feel the same.”

She turned away again, wiping the tears from her eyes. The sight of her in pain, so raw and open, made me feel like the worst person in the world. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on me.

“Maybe… maybe we could try,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “If Tatiana’s okay with it. I don’t want to lose you, Laura. But I also can’t betray her.”

Laura’s eyes widened with hope, and she stepped forward, taking my hands in hers. “You mean it? You’d consider it?”

I nodded, though my heart still felt heavy. “I don’t know what’ll happen, but… I want to try. I don’t want to lose either of you.”

Laura’s face softened, and she pulled me into an embrace, her arms wrapping around me in a way that felt both comforting and intense. “Thank you, Mistress. Even if it’s just a chance, it’s more than I could ever hope for.”

As I held her, I felt the weight of my decision settle into my chest. It wasn’t going to be easy, and there was a part of me that still felt like I was betraying Tatiana. But as I looked into Laura’s eyes, so full of hope and devotion, I knew I had to at least try to find a way to make it work.

I mean, polygamy is a thing, right? Kings had hundreds of concubines in hi. Maybe Tat will understand in time. 

Laura’s eyes softened as she pulled me closer, the warmth of her body sending shivers down my spine. Her lips curled into a smile—one filled with relief and gratitude. “Thank you, Mistress,” she whispered, her voice like velvet. “I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I promise I’ll love you till the day we vanish into dust.”

Her hands trailed up my arms, fingers brushing against my skin with a feather light touch. It felt electric, and I couldn’t help the shiver that ran through me as she leaned in, her breath warm against my neck. “You’ve always been so powerful and kind,” she murmured, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. “It’s what I love about you.”

Her words made my heart race. There was something about the way she said them, the way her eyes darkened as she looked at me, that felt magnetic. I could feel the heat building between us, and the logical part of my mind—the one that kept whispering Tatiana’s name—started to fade into the background. All I could think about was Laura’s closeness, the way her hands felt as they slid over my shoulders and down my back.

“Laura…” I started, my voice barely steady. But she shushed me with a finger pressed to my lips.

“Shh, Mistress. Let me show you how much I love you.” She leaned in, her lips so close I could feel the warmth of them brushing against mine. “Just let me take care of you.”

“But isn’t this all just love you held for my past life?” I said with heated breath, trying to make sense of the suddenly lust filled eyes of hers. 

“Yes and for you. Whether you believe me or not. You haven’t really changed all that much. Now shut up and kiss me.”

Her kiss was gentle at first, a soft brush of her lips against mine. It felt like the promise of something more, something deeper. And as she pressed closer, the kiss grew more urgent, her hands tangling in my hair as she pulled me in. I could taste the sweetness of her lips, the sensation of our tongues interwoven , and for a moment, I forgot about everything else.

Laura’s hands moved down my back, finding the hem of my shirt and slipping beneath it, her fingers tracing the curve of my spine. Her touch was warm, possessive, and it sent a thrill through me. And the hem of my shirt appeared before my eyes as it was swiftly removed. I felt my breath hitch as she pulled me even closer, her body pressing against mine as she guided me backward, reminding me that she was only wearing a gown before and in the midst of kissing it was suddenly gone, and before I could grab her boobs, the couch was beneath us.

I fell onto the cushions with Laura on top of me, her weight a comforting, thrilling presence. Her eyes were dark, filled with desire, as she looked down at me. “You’re so beautiful, Mistress,” she whispered, her hands running down my sides. “I’ve waited so long to have you like this. To be… lovers again. ”

I could feel my pulse quicken, every nerve in my body coming alive under her touch. She kissed me again, deeper this time, her tongue teasing against mine as her hands explored my body. It felt like she was everywhere at once, her touch so intoxicating I found myself giving in, my hands roaming over her curves, pulling her closer.

“Laura…” I breathed, my voice barely audible as I arched beneath her. 

She pulled back just enough to look into my eyes, her expression one of pure adoration. “Just let go, Mistress. Let me show you how much I’ve missed you.” She kissed down my neck, her lips leaving a trail of heat as she moved lower, and my breath caught in my throat.

Her fingers slid into my pants, pulling it down slowly, her eyes never leaving mine. “I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long,” she whispered, her voice a husky purr that made my skin tingle. “Of being close to you, feeling your body against mine.”

I felt a thrill run through me as she pulled my pants legs off and left me in just my underwear. Of witch her hands gracefully glided across my skin to the aforementioned article of clothing. Her  touch both gentle and firm, as if she were savoring every moment. Her eyes drank me in, and I could see the hunger in them, the way she looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered. Her hands swiftly removed my panties leaving me open again like we were before. And her hands didn’t rest as they glided up my skin. Leaving a trail mark of kisses, she reached my bra. Loosening  the binding cord in the middle, it fell to the side off my body. 

She leaned down, kissing my collarbone, my shoulder, her lips moving lower as her hands continued their slow exploration. I felt my body respond, my hands finding their way to her waist, pulling her even closer. It was like a dance, one where every movement brought us closer together, every touch setting off sparks. I pulled her up to taste her lips before she went down on me as I felt I needed to kiss her once more before she took me. 

Her lips found mine again, and the kiss was more intense this time, more desperate. I felt myself melting into her, my body arching against hers as the heat between us grew. She pushed me back against the couch, her hands sliding down to my waist, and I knew where this was heading.

I shivered as she kissed down my neck, her teeth grazing my skin, leaving a trail of warmth in her wake. “Laura…” I breathed, my hands threading through her hair, pulling her closer. She took her time, savoring each kiss, each touch, as if she were determined to make every moment last. 

When her hands finally moved lower, I felt a thrill of anticipation ripple through me. She froze for a moment as she just stared at my womanly part. So beautiful,” she whispered, her voice like a caress. “I could look at you forever.”

I reached for her, my fingers sliding into her hair, finding the warmth of her head. She smiled against my thigh, her breath hot and teasing. “Patience, Mistress,” she whispered, and I could feel the smirk in her voice. “We have all night.”

Her hands roamed freely now, and I found myself arching beneath her, my body responding to every touch, every caress. The way she moved, the way she kissed my legs—it was like she knew exactly how to draw out every little reaction, and she was enjoying every second of it. 

“Just eat me, Fuck Laura. PLEASE! I need you to fuck me.” I couldn’t hold it in. She was so close. Just eat me. 

She kissed the inside of my thigh, slow and deliberate, her tongue darting out to taste the skin there, and I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped my lips. “So sweet,” she murmured, her voice soft and intimate, as if savoring every inch of me was a delicacy she intended to enjoy fully. 

Her hands spread my legs wider, and she settled between them, her gaze locked onto mine as she lowered herself, lips brushing over sensitive skin. “As you wish, Mistress,” she whispered, and the way she said it, like a promise, made my breath hitch.

When her mouth finally found its mark, the sensation was electric, like a spark igniting inside me. Her tongue moved with a skill that left me trembling, each stroke slow and languid, as if she had all the time in the world to taste every bit of me. The way she flicked and teased, her lips pressing closer, had my body arching involuntarily, a wave of heat crashing through me.

I felt her hands grip my hips, pulling me closer as she deepened her touch, and I couldn’t hold back the soft moan that escaped me. “Aw mmmm yes.” She worked her tongue expertly, the movements precise and practiced, like she knew exactly how to draw out every little reaction. It was a dance, a slow, torturous rhythm that had me clenching the cushions beneath me, my body caught up in the rising tension.

She hummed against me, a sound that sent vibrations through my core, and I could feel the pleasure building, a tight coil inside me that was ready to snap. Her tongue circled, flicking and tasting, and I found myself lost in the sensation, every nerve in my body alive and tingling.

Her lips sucked gently, her tongue delving deeper, and I couldn’t help the way my body responded, hips lifting to meet her touch. She moved faster now, and the way she licked, slow at first, then quickening, was enough to send waves of pleasure coursing through me. 

“Oh gods, Laura…” I gasped, my hands tugging her closer, feeling the need build inside me. She didn’t stop, her mouth moving with a purpose, as if determined to take me apart piece by piece. The way she tasted me, like I was something she craved, left me trembling, my body arching into her as she brought me closer to the edge.

“Just like that,” she murmured against me, her voice sending shivers down my spine. She licked, slow and deep, and I felt myself unraveling, every movement pushing me higher, closer to that peak. She knew exactly where to touch, her tongue finding the places that had me gasping, her lips sucking with just the right pressure.

When she pulled me closer, her hands gripping tighter, I knew she wasn’t letting go until she had me completely undone. The heat between us was unbearable, her mouth working its magic, and I felt the tension reach its breaking point, my body shuddering under her expert touch. My legs and core began to literally shake. I couldn’t control it. It was so powerful, the wave of euphoria rushed through me as I climaxed. Feeling waves after waves of ecstasy and release. Laura’s tongue drifted deeper into me as she drank me up. Until my body was no longer convulsing. After she had the last lick of her meal, she scaled my body and kissed my cheek as she held me close to guide me back to reality. 

She whispered my name, her voice full of need, and I pulled her closer, my fingers digging into her skin. The couch seemed to disappear beneath us, and all I could focus on was the beautiful woman who just gave me the best orgasm I have ever felt, the way her hands moved over me, finding every sensitive spot it wasn’t fair. 

She kissed me again, her lips hot and demanding, and I felt the last of my restraint slip away. I tangled my hands in her hair, pulling her down as our bodies pressed together, the heat between us reaching a fever pitch. 

Laura’s eyes met mine, and the intensity there made my heart race. “Let’s not waste any more time, Mistress,” she whispered, her voice thick with desire. “I want to be yours.”  I gripped her shoulders and flipped her onto her back, her wings seeming to recede into her back. I will have to ask about that latter. Because right now my body was pressing against hers as I leaned down, capturing her lips with a ferocity that matched the fire she’d lit inside me.

Laura gasped, and I took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, my tongue tasting her, our bodies flush against each other. I trailed my kisses down her neck, sucking the skin softly, feeling the pulse quicken beneath my lips. She arched beneath me, her hands sliding up my back, and I felt the shiver of anticipation as I moved lower.

I kissed down her stomach, tracing the curve of her waist, and her breath hitched when I reached her hip. “Your turn,” I whispered, my voice husky as I kissed my way lower. I spread her legs, and she moaned softly, her hands clutching at the cushions as I settled between her thighs.

The scent of her was intoxicating, and I let my fingers brush over her skin, teasing, feeling the way she trembled under my touch. I kissed her inner thigh, tasting the heat of her, and I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my lips when she gasped, her body arching toward me.

“Let’s see how sweet you are,” I murmured, letting my tongue flick out, tasting the sensitive skin just above where she wanted it most. I took my time, kissing and licking in slow, deliberate strokes, savoring the way she squirmed, her breath coming in short gasps. 

When I finally dipped lower, she cried out, her hips lifting, and I felt a thrill at the way she reacted. I licked, soft and slow, feeling the way she trembled beneath me. Her taste was intoxicating, and I let my tongue explore, finding the spots that made her grip the cushions tighter. I circled and teased, her body reacting to every movement, her moans getting louder as I continued my assault.

“Mmm yes, you’re so amazing, my love. Yes, just like that! Aww yes!” She moaned, more gracefully than I did, that’s for sure. 

I sucked gently, my tongue flicking and stroking in a rhythm that had her writhing beneath me. I could feel her getting closer, the tension in her body tightening as I licked faster, my lips pressing against her with a need that matched her own. Her hands tangled in my hair, pulling me closer as I worked my tongue deeper, savoring every sound that escaped her lips.

She tasted divine, her body responding to my every touch. I let my tongue trail over her slowly, then fast, flicking and circling, driving her higher. The way she moaned, the way she pulled me closer—it was like a challenge, one I was more than eager to meet. I licked, deep and slow, then quickened the pace, my tongue moving with purpose, pushing her closer to that edge.

“Lily…” she gasped, her hips bucking against me as I took her in, tasting her fully. I grinned against her, letting my tongue work its magic, feeling the way her body tightened, the way her thighs quivered beneath my touch. I knew she was close, and I pushed harder, my tongue flicking faster, my lips pressing against her in a way that had her crying out, her body arching off the couch.

I sucked harder, my tongue delving deeper, tasting every bit of her, and she shattered beneath me, her moans filling the room as I brought her to that peak. She trembled, her body writhing, and I held on, not stopping until I felt her shuddering, her tail coming from nowhere and wrapping itself around my waist, her hands gripping my hair, pulling me close as she rode out the wave. And the next one. She climaxed almost immediately after climaxing. I didn’t know that was possible. 

Before I could catch my breath, Laura’s hands were on me again, her touch urgent and hungry. She shifted her weight, pressing me back against the cushions, and in a fluid motion, she flipped us over. Her tail didn’t let me fight it. Not that I would have. Her eyes were a storm of emotions—desire, passion, and something deeper that sent a shiver down my spine.

Her lips found mine again, fierce and claiming. She kissed me like she was sealing a promise, like she needed to show me exactly how much I meant to her. I felt my body respond instantly, my hands sliding up her back, pulling her closer as our kisses deepened. Every touch was electric, every movement building the fire between us. Her fingers trailed down my body, exploring with a confidence that left me breathless.

As she moved against me, her body pressing close, I felt a sense of rhythm, a slow, intimate dance that spoke of more than just lust. She was deliberate, making each moment count, her touch a promise that this was only the beginning. The intensity between us grew, our movements synchronizing, and I felt the world blur around us, the only reality being the heat of her skin against mine and the way her breath mingled with my own.

She whispered my name, her voice soft and full of need, and I felt a thrill run through me. Her hands cupped my face, and she kissed me again, slower this time, full of emotion that made my heart ache. Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, it was like we were the only two people in the world.

“Lily… I’ve loved you for longer than you could ever know. And in this moment I promise. I truly love you,” she breathed, her lips trailing down my neck. 

Her touch was tender, every movement filled with care. She moved with a grace that felt almost otherworldly, her hands gliding over my body, and I let myself be swept away by her. The way she touched me, the way she looked at me—it was like she was making love to me with more than just her body. She was reaching into my very soul, showing me a depth of passion and longing I hadn’t known existed. And as I thought about it. Maybe it was the . Or the fact I truly am her lover from a past life. But the next words were true. And I felt it. 

“I love you too, Laura.” I whispered. 

As the night stretched on, we moved together, every touch becoming an unspoken promise, every kiss deepening the connection between us. The room seemed to fade away, and all that mattered was the feeling of her warmth against me, the way our bodies fit together so perfectly. We whispered each other’s names, our voices soft and filled with longing as we lost ourselves in the moment.

The moonlight filtered through the window, casting a soft glow over us as we continued our dance, our bodies entwined. The night was long, and we explored each other with a tenderness and intensity that made time feel irrelevant. With every touch, every kiss, it felt like we were rewriting hi—finding solace in one another, letting passion and intimacy guide us into the early hours of the morning.