Anything You Want Ch. 0609 Erotic Couplings

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Ch. 06 First Thing

Matthew managed to fall back asleep so thoroughly that he slept through his alarm, but he couldn’t make himself care too much as he checked his phone and saw that it was already a little after nine. It didn’t matter too much. It wasn’t like he had to work today.

“God, I slept for shit,” he told himself as he scratched his head and sat up. If he didn’t get out of bed, he’d just scroll mindlessly on his phone for an hour, and then it really would be too hot to work outside. He looked over to his nightstand, past his phone charger and the bag of chips, and saw the red tome sitting there.

“Tome, huh? Why not book?” he asked himself as he picked it up, trying to remember why that word stood out to him. So much. As he started at it, two things happened. The first was that he started to remember some weird dream about a fortuneteller and a lewd deck of cards, but that quickly left his mind as he noticed that he’d written himself a note in the margin of the open page of the book. ‘Mrs. Hale’s yard before 9:30’ in pencil.

“Shit,” he cursed as he looked around for an eraser. She must have called him when he was half asleep, and he took the note without remembering it. What would have possessed him to use one of his books as a notepad, though? That was just dumb.

He felt dumber, though, when he remembered what time it was and quickly got up and started to get dressed. If she wanted him to do her yard first thing, then he would need to hustle. He put the book in his backpack to take with him. He wanted to do more research when he took a break later, and after a shower, he might even go to the library and see what he could dig up on foreign languages. After that, he put on a baggy shirt and a pair of raggedy cutoff jean shorts that ended below his knee. They were the typical trash clothes he did jobs like this in, but one look at his hair, and he knew he would need to do something about that. It was a complete mess.

With no time to grab a shower, he grabbed a black baseball cap and put it on backward to contain the rat’s nest, which was his hair. He then went to the kitchen to steal a pop tart on his way to the garage. His dad and his stepmom were already at work, but when he went through the living room, he saw his sister lounging around, and for a second, his gaze lingered as he remembered her wearing some kind of lewd white outfit last night. He turned away as he remembered that, but not before she blurted out, “What the hell are you looking at, creep?”

“Just a particularly lazy specimen of couch potato,” he quipped. They didn’t have the best relationship, which made sense given that they’d been forced to live together for only the last couple of years since his dad had gotten remarried.

Matthew didn’t wait around to hear her reply. He knew that his joke cut deep enough as their parents were always telling her how she needed to be a hard worker like him and get a job. It wasn’t really a fair comparison in his mind, but if she was going to be a bitch, he was going to be a jerk right back.

He opened the garage door and pushed the mower right back. Even though landscape work was filthy, he much preferred it to his job in fast food. There, he had air conditioning, of course, but with his lawnmower, he could make almost double the money at two lawns an hour. The only thing that stopped him from doing more of this was that he didn’t have a truck, and there was no way he was carting this beast around in the trunk of his hatchback.

As he pushed it over to his neighbor’s lawn, though, he decided it could be worse. He had 8 customers across these two blocks, and it made for a good side gig mostly because of how easily it fit in with all his other side gigs.

It took three good pulls to start the machine, and then before he started, he put in his airpods and then his earmuffs over that so he could jam out while he worked. Unlike most of the lawns on the street, the Hale house took a while because they paid him to do the front and the backyard. Still, even though he had to edge around the back patio and garden at $50, it was worth it.

After that, time seemed to fly by. When he was doing this, no one bothered him, and the smooth lofi synthwave made time slide by as he focused on doing a good job. The sun beat down on him, but fortunately, he had a pretty decent tan from doing jobs like this all the time. Almost half an hour later, he was sweating like a pig, but the front yard was done, the area by the pool was finished, and he was on the last little stripe of lawn by the garden when Mrs. Hale stepped out of the sliding glass door with a couple glasses of ice water.

He immediately stopped the engine and pulled down his earmuffs to ask what she needed, but as he turned, for a moment, he was struck dumb by her outfit. Mrs. Hale was wearing another bikini top like yesterday, but this one was black, and this time, she had a semitransparent wrap, giving her otherwise indecent cleavage the air of mystery.

Matthew swallowed hard and turned his gaze to the water in her hand to avoid staring.

“Thanks,” he said, almost as grateful that his pants were baggy enough to cover his hardening cock as he was for the break. “I really appreciate it, Mrs. Hale.”

“Oh please, I keep telling you to call me Maggie. Mrs. Hale is my mother’s name,” she smiled as she spoke to him, and Matthew couldn’t help but feel that the look was almost predatory. “You keep working this hard, Matt, and you’re going to give yourself heat stroke.”

“Well, college isn’t going to pay for itself,” he answered, sitting down on the stoop, just at the edge of the shade as he gave her his canned answer. He’d done it to give himself some space from the beautiful older woman. At 35, she had a couple kids that were still in high school, but her body was still capable of making his cock throb with need. She was basically his main jerkoff fantasy, but that made her almost unapproachable to him.

His whole body stiffened when she started to sit down next to him, though. The patterned sarong that had up until now hidden most of her tanned legs and her thick, y thighs from him fell away, revealing a dangerous amount of skin that led right up to her black bikini bottoms.

“Being young is for living, Matt,” she said, resting her hand on his leg. “You know. Having new experiences and making memories. Don’t worry so much about the future that you stop enjoying today…”

Matthew swallowed hard, not sure if he was reading too much into what she was saying, but the way his heart was suddenly pounding in his chest made it hard to think about much besides how hard he was.

They talked a little bit after that. It was the usual conversation. When he was moving. What he was majoring in. How she was doing. How the kids were doing. It was like every conversation he’d ever had with one of his mother’s friends, but he’d never felt like he was being sized up like a piece of meat before. As soon as he finished his water, he set the glass on the porch and started to stand.

“Well, Mrs. H Maggie, I appreciate the break, but I have to finish. If I” He started to say.

“Do you, though,” Maggie said. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather help me with a different problem real fast?”

Suddenly, she was standing uncomfortably close. He could smell her perfume and her rich feminine scent, and he could feel her chest graze his in the smallest, most tantalizing way.

“Wwhat did you need help with?” he gasped, even though he already knew. It was impossible not to know at this point, but even as she stood there eye him, he couldn’t quite bring himself to kiss her.

Then, suddenly, she stepped away and started walking toward the back door. For a second, he felt like he’d ruined the whole thing, but just as she opened the door, she said well, “What are you waiting for? I need your help upstairs, and this thing… this problem of mine… it really can’t be put off any longer.”

Matthew was helpless to resist even if he wanted to, and he followed his dick into the house, shutting the door behind him.

Ch. 07 Just a Taste

His heart was pounding in his chest as he watched Mrs. Hale’s ample ass jiggle up the stairs. Her wrap hid the details but not the outline, and by the time he reached the second floor, he was almost hypnotized by the sinuous rhythm of her hips. It was hard for his mind to be on anything but autopilot as he felt his cock throbbing in his obviously tented shorts. Normally, he’d be mortified at how obvious his arousal was, but not today. Today, he couldn’t even make himself care that she could see his bulge. Not after she looked him up and down on the secondfloor landing and smiled at the sight.

“Matthew, how is it that you’ve lived next door to me for so long, but you’ve never stopped by while Greg is at work to help me with my housework before?” she asked as she grabbed him by the hand and led him slowly to the master bedroom.

“I don’t know,” he answered, fumbling for the right words. “I just” He was silenced suddenly as she kissed him hard and forced her tongue in his mouth. For a moment, he just froze there as she pinned him against the doorjamb of her bedroom. He was completely overwhelmed by the raw sensuality of the moment. It was only when he felt her hands start to wander his body and felt her breasts pressing hard against his chest that he finally moved, breaking the kiss.

“MrsMaggie I’m all sweaty. Don’t you think we should take a shower or something first?” he asked. Part of his perverted mind would love to see her curvy body naked and dripping hot water, but in reality, he was just playing for time. He’d only ever had twice in his life. His first time had been a clumsy, messy affair in the back of his car, and the other had been more fun when they’d gotten high in a hotel room together, but both times, his girlfriend had been shy and submissive, and neither of them had prepared him for something like this.

“A shower?” she asked, laughing. “Shower is only good for porn, sweetie; one day, maybe you’ll find out why. That won’t be today, though, because I love how manly you smell. So, why don’t you show off that stamina and see if you can make me work up a sweat, too?”

The invitation was too much for Matthew to resist, and raising his hands to her rib cage just below her breasts because he couldn’t quite bring himself to grope them just yet, he began to push her backward towards her bed. She moaned, biting her lip theatrically as he made the tiniest steps toward taking control of the situation. When they got to the bed, and he pushed her back, she flounced dramatically, giving him a moment to appreciate her beauty and the fact that her left breasts had popped out of the bikini top, finally exposing it to his hungry gaze for the first time.

It was that sight, more than anything, that pulled him magnetically into bed with her. If not for that lone sagging breast that taunted him, he might have remembered how nervous he was, or that the woman he was about to bang was married with children. He couldn’t think about any of that, though. Instead, all he could think about was how hard her nipple was and how y her tan lines were as he climbed between her legs and attacked her giant tit with his hands and mouth.

“Oooooooh, you’re a greedy one, aren’t you,” she moaned beneath him, attacking his back with her nails even as he used his hands to start exploring her smooth body.

Maggie Hale wasn’t the hottest woman in his life. She wasn’t even the hottest woman in his life with breasts big enough to fulfill his fantasies, but there had been something about her that he’d always longed for, and now that he had her, he was lost in the moment. Right now, she was a goddess, and all he could do was worship her.

She didn’t want to be worshiped, though. She wanted to be fucked and used. Some rough, animalistic part of his mind knew that, but he was snapped out of his veneration of her giant tits only when she grabbed his shirt and started to peel it off him.

Suddenly, he remembered that they were both still wearing clothes, and all he wanted to do was get her naked. What followed was a flurry of activity as they clumsily removed each other’s clothes until there was nothing but two nude people squirming together on a messy comforter.

“God, you’re so y, Maggie,” he groaned as his hand made its way down to her neatly trimmed bush and the tight that it did very little to conceal. “I’ve wanted to fuck you for such a long time.”

“Than you should Hhhhssss…” she hissed sharply as he shoved two of his fingers into her soaking hole. “You should come over every week and help me with my chores. My husband pays you to mow the law because he doesn’t want to do it. Maybe I’ll have you do all the things he doesn’t want to do anymore… like fuck me silly.”

As Maggie spoke, her hand grasped his cock in time to feel it spasm to the terrible things she said. Part of Matthew’s brain knew that it was wrong to fuck a married woman like this in her own marriage bed, but the rest of him knew that it was almost as wrong for her husband not to use someone this y every time he got the chance. The idea that she wanted him to fuck her more than once turned him on more than he thought possible, and he could feel by the way her hand gripped him slickly that he was leaking precum everywhere.

“Shshould we get a condom?” he asked, not sure how much longer he could wait. Playing with her breasts was one thing, but now that he could feel the heat coming from her hole, he wanted more than anything to be inside her.

“A condom?” she laughed. “I’m not worried about getting pregnant this time of the month. I’m more worried that you won’t even be able to get this little guy all the way inside me before you cum. You’re an eager boy, aren’t you, Matthew.”

“How could anyone hope to last for very long inside a woman as beautiful as you?” he asked. He meant the question earnestly, and she looked at him askance at what sounded like a canned line before she melted and kissed him hard.

“You’ll just have fuck me over and over again then, you smooth talker,” she sighed as she positioned the head of his cock at the mouth of her overheated pussy.

With the overwhelming desire to get his dick wet, and the proximity of Mrs. Hale’s amazing rack, there was no room in Matthew’s mind for subtly. As soon as he felt the hot wetness of her hold against his cock he forced his dick all the way inside her in a single thrust that made her arch her back in pleasure. Matthew wasn’t the biggest guy in the locker room, but the way she groaned as he stretched her pussy around him was a badly needed boost to his ego. It was hard to feel bad about being a little under six inches when his own personal wet dream was writhing in pleasure on his dick.

“You like that?” He meant it as a statement, but his lack of confidence forced it to become a question instead. “Is this what you’ve been looking for, Maggie?”

“Oh god, yes,” she moaned, grinding her pelvis against his as he held his dick buried inside her, afraid to move it. “Fuck me, Matt fuck me until I can’t take it anymore.”

“Just a second,” he grunted, taking a few exploratory strokes before he decided he needed to stop again. He was just too turned on to fuck her just yet.

“Fuck that,” she grunted, bucking her hips hard enough to just about send him over the edge. “You don’t need to wait, baby. You’re young enough. Just blow your load, and we’ll start on round two.”

In the two previous times in his life that Matthew had cum inside a woman, it was wrapped in rubber. The idea that he wasn’t just going to cum inside Mrs. Hale raw, but that she was pleading with him to do so was almost enough to send him over the edge by itself, but even so, he managed to restrain himself.

That was until she whispered, “Come on, baby, cum for Mommy.” That handful of words was enough to send him over the edge, and in seconds he was cumming inside a real live woman for the first time in his young life while she crushed him between her breasts until his cock stopped spurting and his hips stopped bucking.

Only when he was finally spent, laying there at halfmast while he idly groped her right breast, did she say, “All right, Matt, now it’s time to fuck me until you make me cum at least that hard.”

Ch. 08 An Understanding

They spent another hour in that bed, and Matt came inside his busty lover two more times before they had to stop for the day. She came at least twice that much, and in the end, it wasn’t stamina that stopped them; it was her alarm. Her kids would be home from school in thirty minutes, and she needed to not be reeking of before that happened.

So, with one last look at her incredible tits, and a promise for them to do this again sometime soon, he went back downstairs with his head still spinning and disappeared into the backyard to finish mowing the lawn before he headed home. He’d planned to knock out the whole neighborhood today, but instead, Mrs. Hale had knocked him out. At this point, all he wanted to do was take a shower and take a nap. Everything else could wait for tomorrow.

After the shower, he could sleep, though. No matter how tired his body was from the marathon session that he’d just had, his mind was still wide awake from the implications. For once, he wasn’t even talking about his neighbor’s tits. It was everything. He tried to replay the events as they’d happened, and for some reason, he kept coming back to the book. So he opened it to where he’d seen the note earlier, and now, on the opposite page, there was another sentence written in English on the opposite page. The writing was written in a delicate feminine hand, and it was impossible to mistake what it said. ‘Well, Matthew, did you have fun?’

“Fun? What the hell is going on?” he asked himself, trying to figure out what the trick was. Mrs. Hale couldn’t have gotten into his bag and left him a little love note when he wasn’t looking.

He stared at the sentence for several more seconds, and then, when nothing happened, he tried turning the page, where he found another sentence in the same handwriting. ‘Yes, fun. Did you have fun the woman you wanted most in this world? Did you enjoy finally getting to feast on a pair of breasts that were as large and lovely as you hoped they would be? Was it worth the wait?’

Matthew stared dumbfounded at the lines on the page, rereading them several times before he said, “Of course I did. Who wouldn’t have fun doing something that awesome? Now, will you please tell me what the hell is going on?”

‘Oh Matt, don’t you remember? We had such a magical evening together. We shared tea, and then I promised to give you any woman you wanted, and you chose your longneglected neighbor. That was very kind of you. She’s been aching for a good fuck for months now. You might have ruined the poor woman.’

“Tea?” He changed the subject, turning the page while he tried not to blush at the stream of compliments that the book had bombarded him with.

‘Forgive me, magic can sometimes have this effect on a firsttimer. The universe opens before you, and your closed mind tries to block out the unfathomableness of it all in denial. I can fix that with a little drop of blood, or we can do introductions all over again. Which would you like?’ This time, he stared at the words like he couldn’t read them, even though he could. A book was asking for him for his blood? That seemed like about the craziest thing he’d ever seen.

“I mean, sure, but I don’t have a knife, so I don’t Ah, fuck” Matthew felt the paper slice into the meat of his thumb and leave a large red blotch at the margin of the page as he pulled his hand away to suck the thumb before it dripped on to his sheets. As he did this, he let go with his other hand just in case it tried to bite him, leaving the book lying there on the bed.
