Amorous Goods: The Devil’s Dildo Erotic Horror

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A lifelong collector of goods and objects from far and wide has passed and left the entire collection and the business built around them to the only remaining relative, a niece on a career path of her own. Vikki has taken on the task of administering the estate and liquidating the business and collection. However, she has come to find out that many of the goods have been cursed or enchanted with amorous powers that affect those who encounter them. These are the stories of some of those encounters with objects found at Amorous Goods.

The sound of the door chime made Vikki look up from the ledger that she had been diligently studying. Her cousin, Dylan, was back from running errands. “Hey, Dylan, anything interesting come in the mail?”

“Nothing much, other than a letter addressed to your uncle Louis.”

“Uncle Louis? That’s odd. What’s it say?”

“Haven’t read it yet; let’s find out together.”

“Mr. Samedi,

I am writing to you on behalf of a certain object that I believe you sold my Mother some years ago. She passed away last year, and the executor of her estate delivered a sealed letter to me. The letter was, I guess you’d say it was my Mother’s confession. In it, she told me about the object, calling it cursed. She said that it had the power to enthrall women by inducing in them an uncontrollable lust. She said that she had accidentally used it on her best friend and her sister before realizing what it did. The confession was that she intentionally used it on a classmate after that. She said that she learned the full extent of the danger the object possessed after using it on a classmate on whom she had a crush. The lives of all

of her victims were ruined.

I am a reasonable woman and would normally have chalked the contents of the letter up to delusions of my Mother’s deteriorating mental condition, but my aunt died in a mysterious car accident when she was a young woman. I did some digging and discovered that Mother’s best friend has been in an asylum for decades, trapped in a fugue state. For the entirety of her hospitalization, she hasn’t said a word other than moaning my Mother’s name.

I discovered that the third victim was fatally shot during a home invasion. She was attempting to abduct my Mother.

I realize that this seems like madness born of terrible coincidences and would not have troubled you, except the object was not among my Mother’s possessions and a few of the young women in our neighborhood are paying an unusual amount of attention to my daughter. I apologize for troubling you, sir, and humbly request your assistance in this matter. Please. I fear for my daughter’s safety.

The object in question was described as a large, bloodred dildo. I trust that the embarrassment involved with such a disclosure will impress upon you the seriousness of the situation and hope that I can count on your discretion.

I eagerly await your response,

Caroline Blackthorn, Ph. D.

P.S. I may be reached at (555) 8675309.”

“Shit. Jane, does that sound familiar to you?”

“Yes, I acquired an object for Louis’ collection that matches that description. Originally the property of a Parisian courtesan, I acquired it from a highclass escort who specialized in serving lesbian clientele. Obviously, that was before it was cursed.”

Jane picked up the phone, an ancient rotary thing, and began the laborious process of dialing. We should have upgraded, at least gotten a cordless, but somehow the anachronistic device felt more fitting for the store..

“Hello, Dr. Blackthorn? Yes, this is Jane Marsh, a former associate of Louis Samedi. Unfortunately, Louis is no longer with us, but I believe my colleagues and I can help. No, doctor, ok, Caroline. No, Caroline, we don’t think you’re crazy. Louis was involved in the dark arts and sold a number of dangerous artifacts. One of which matches the description that you provided. What’s your address? Ok, the earliest we can be there is Saturday. Yes, I realize that’s almost a week away, unfortunately that’s the soonest we can make it. Ok, we’ll see you then. In the meantime, see if you can find the object and put it somewhere safe.”

It was Tuesday, which meant that Jeri, Caroline’s daughter, would likely be out with her friends until late. Caroline could search the rest of the house at any time, but this was her best, maybe only, chance to search Jeri’s room. Heading toward Jeri’s room, Caroline felt a growing sense of… dread? Was she really afraid of entering her baby girl’s room? Yes, she had to admit that she was.

Opening the door, Caroline half expected to find sacrificed maidens and Satanic symbols. Instead, she found posters of boy bands and pictures of Jeri and her friends. Exactly as things were when she woke Jeri up this morning. Caroline had finished searching the closet and drawers and was looking under the bed when she heard Jeri’s voice.

“Whatcha lookin’ for, Mom?”

“Oh, hi honey. I seem to have lost an earring. Thought it may have fallen out in here.”

“An earring, huh? Are you sure you weren’t looking for… this?” Jeri pulled a large, red dildo from her backpack. “It feels so good, Mommy. It’ll change your life. I swear.”

A fog rolled over Caroline’s mind, clouding her thoughts. That was what she was looking for, but why? As clarity of thought ebbed, horniness took its place. She wanted it in her. Yes, that’s why she was looking for it. She wanted to be fucked by that monster cock.

Feeling like she was in a dream, Caroline said, “Yes. That’s what I want. Please give it to me. I want it so bad.”

“You want me to fuck you with this, Mommy?”

Without thinking, Caroline began unbuttoning her pants. “Yes, baby. Please fuck me with that gorgeous cock. I need it so bad.”

“Ok, Mommy. Take your pants off and lay down.” Caroline did as instructed without a moment’s hesitation. “Panties, too. Good girl, now spread your legs for me.” Jeri slipped a hand down the front of her shorts to gather some of her cream, then lubricated the dildo with it. With the cursed object properly primed, Jeri ran it up and down between Caroline’s engorged lips.

“Stop teasing me, baby. Please, just fuck me.”

“You really are a horny little slut, aren’t you, Mommy?”

“Yes, baby. I’m a horny little slut and I need you to fuck me!”

“Are you my horny little slut?”

“Yes, baby. I’m your horny little slut. My body, my mind, my soul, they’re all yours if you’ll just fuck me with that thing!”

Jeri impaled her Mother on the massive cock. Pumping it in and out of Caroline’s soaking cunt, she was instantly rewarded with a chorus of moans.

“You like that, Mommy?”

“I love it, baby! Harder! Fuck me harder!”

Jeri started thrusting harder and faster, twisting back and forth with each stroke. “Cum for me, Mommy. Cum for me and be mine.”

“Holy fuck, I’m cumming, baby! I’m cumming!”

“Good girl. Good pet Mommy.” Jeri smiled wickedly. She knew it would be a couple of days before her Mother fully gave in to her lust and became hers. That was ok, though. She was a patient woman with plenty of time.

Like her grandmother before her, Jeri had discovered how the dildo worked on accident. She had found it while helping straighten up her grandmother’s house and snuck it home. That evening, she was messing around with her friend, Kelly, when she remembered the toy. She pulled it out, intended to just have a laugh over it, but soon began to feel its pull at her mind. Jeri and Kelly had masturbated in front of one another before, so she decided to give in. In front of her shocked friend, Jeri fucked herself to the most amazing orgasm of her life. While she lay stunned, basking in the afterglow, her friend decided to give it a try.

Three days later, Kelly showed up at Jeri’s door, begging to eat her pussy. That was something Jeri had fantasized about, but never experienced. They ran up to Jeri’s room. No sooner had they closed the door, Jeri’s Kelly was on her knees, pawing at Jeri’s shorts.

The following weekend, Jeri spent the night at Kelly’s house. She took the dildo, planning to use it on herself and Kelly, but was a bit disappointed to find that Kelly’s sister, Kendra, was home for college. Jeri was assured that Kendra was cool and, in fact, had a girlfriend herself. Jeri and Kelly retreated to Kelly’s room to play, with Jeri taking the first turn on the dildo. When Jeri made to pass the phallus to Kelly, Kelly said that all she wanted was Jeri. Jeri wasn’t about to pass on that opportunity.

The girls were a bit louder than they intended, and the sounds they were making drew Kendra’s attention. She walked in on them and feigned shock. “Just what is going on here, young lady?!”

“What’s it look like, sis? I’m having dessert! I bet you’d like to have some, too.”

“Um, no. I get all the pussy a girl could want from Jules.”

“Suit yourself. Not like I’d share this anyway! You really should try that, though,” Kelly said, pointing at the dildo. “You’ll love it, it’s magic!”

To Jeri’s surprise, Kendra took her pants off and grabbed the dildo. Kendra fucked herself with wild abandon as Jeri and Kelly pleasured one another.

A week later, Kendra was knocking on Jeri’s door, saying that she could think of nothing but Jeri and how much she needed her pussy. Kendra said that she had broken up with her girlfriend, because no one could compare to Jeri. That was when Jeri first suspected the dildo’s power.

Jeri had never been particularly popular, but now she was determined to have a harem of her own and she knew just where to start. The Queen Bees. The pretty, popular, stuckup bitches who would have laughed at Jeri and called her a dirty dyke if she’d had the audacity to try to speak to them. Jeri knew she’d have to be careful, but if she could get one, she could use her to get the others.

Jeri couldn’t start with the leader, Heather, because she’d never even get close to her. She couldn’t go for the lowest girl in that hierarchy either; her position was too tenuous to risk being seen talking to Jeri. Lana, though, would be perfect. Lana and Jeri were friends until late middleschool when Lana started growing boobs and getting attention from boys. They hadn’t hung out since Lana started getting popular. Lana’s social standing was secure enough that she didn’t have to worry about being seen with “lesser” people. What most people didn’t know was that Lana was a huge movie nerd and, as luck would have it, the local theater was playing Seven Samurai.

Jeri texted Lana, “Hey, wanna catch Seven Samurai tonight?”

“Hell yeah, you know I’m always down for some Kurosawa!”

Jeri and Lana met at the theater. Both girls enjoyed the movie, as they knew they would. After the credits rolled, Jeri said, “Hey, I’ve got something you’ve gotta see. It’s back at my place.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“It’s a secret, but you’ll really love it. C’mon, for old times’ sake.”

“Aw, what the hell. Sure.”

They got back to Jeri’s room and Lana asked, “so, what is it you were going to show me?”

Taking the dildo out, Jeri said, “This! Isn’t it great?

“Well, yeah, it’s nice, but, um, what’s so special about it?”

Jeri was getting nervous. Had she imagined the effect that the toy had had on Kendra and Kelly? Too late to back out now, she’d have to push on. “It feels so good. It’s like it’s magic. You’ve got to try it!”

“I don’t know. I don’t think I should.” Lana couldn’t think of a single reason why she shouldn’t.

“It’ll change your life. I promise.” Jeri stepped closer.

“I… I…” She couldn’t remember when it happened, but Lana’s pants and panties were both down around her ankles and she felt hornier than she ever had been.

“You know you want it.” Jeri stepped closer still.

“Will you… um… I mean… will you use it… um… on me?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Jeri dropped to her knees in front of Lana. She was fine taking this submissive position, because she knew in just a couple of days it’d be Lana on her knees. Jeri slid the dildo up the inside of Lana’s thigh, teasing her. Reaching Lana’s pussy, Jeri slid the head back and forth between her lips, not actually letting it penetrate.

“Oh, please, please fuck me, Jeri.”

Jeri looked up mischievously at Lana. “Well, since you asked so nicely.” Jeri slowly penetrated Lana. Lana whimpered and moaned as the cock disappeared into her dripping wet cunt. Jeri stopped when Lana had taken most of its length, leaving just enough for her to hold onto it. Jeri withdrew the dildo slowly, so slowly, until only the very tip was still in, then reversed course. Over and over, Jeri slowly penetrated Lana and withdrew, driving Lana mad with desire. Jeri kept up the slow pace until Lana begged, “Harder! Fuck me harder, Jeri!”

Jeri hastened her thrusts, almost as eager to see Lana cum as Lana was to cum. Lana’s juices were flowing, making it hard to hold onto the dildo. Jeri’s thrusts became faster and shallower so that she could hold on with two hands. Lana’s legs trembled, her breath becoming ragged. With a scream, Lana collapsed to the ground, where she lay twitching. Jeri lovingly stroked her hair as she rode through her orgasm. Jeri knew that Lana would soon be hers, body and soul.

With Lana’s help, Jeri took the rest of the clique, including Heather. She didn’t brag or use her power to tear down their social standing. Jeri knew that she was the top of the pecking order now, and that was all that really mattered.

Jeri set her sights on more pragmatic targets. To really live her best life, she needed more than just social dominance, she’d need money and power. Her harem quickly grew to include police, judges, professors, businesswomen and wealthy widows. She would have kept adding to her pets, but she only had so many hours in a day to have her pussy licked, and her slaves grew agitated if they had to go too long without eating her.

Jeri learned the hard way about that when one of her pets attacked her in a mall restroom. She had spent a long weekend out of town enjoying the services of a couple of her favorite fucktoys. When she got back, she decided on some retail therapy and went to the mall. Nature called, so Jeri went to the restroom to answer. No sooner had she begun relieving herself than a face appeared beneath the stall door. Mrs Wells had been a teacher for over 30 years; had been Jeri’s first grade teacher, in fact. Jeri had targeted her because Mr. Wells had owned a chain of car dealerships and, when he died last year, had left Mrs. Wells quite welloff indeed.

As Mrs. Wells crawled under the door, Jeri tried to stop her. “What the fuck are you doing? I’m trying to take a piss here!”

“I don’t care. I need your pussy.” Mrs. Wells crawled between Jeri’s legs.

“Stop! At least wait until I’m done!” Jeri tried to push Mrs. Wells away.

“No, I need you now! I can’t wait!” Mrs. Wells overpowered Jeri and started licking.

Jeri feebly tried to fight off Mrs. Wells, but eventually gave in and accepted what was happening. This prim, proper and wellrespected woman was smiling and taking a steady stream of piss to the face.while eating Jeri’s pussy. Although Jeri eventually enjoyed this encounter, she realized that Mrs. Wells wouldn’t have stopped even if she hasn’t given in. Others may have been even more aggressive. Since then, Jeri hadn’t taken anyone else until adding her Mother this morning.

Jane, Vikki and Dylan arrived on Friday. Jane had lied about their intended arrival to give them a day to get a feel for the area. They planned rendezvous points in case things went poorly and found a cheap motel just outside of town that was willing to accept cash with no questions. They also visited the local library and found a copy of the high school yearbook from the prior year. It had Jeri’s senior picture. The picture was over a year old, but it at least gave them an idea of what she looked like.

The next day, Jane told Vikki to stay at the motel while she and Dylan went to meet with Caroline. She wanted to keep Vikki as an ace in the hole, in case the meeting went sideways. Caroline welcomed Jane and Dylan warmly, inviting them in for coffee and cookies. Caroline thanked them for believing her and reaffirming that she wasn’t crazy. Caroline also thanked them for coming out and apologized for wasting their time, because she had found and burned the dildo and now everything was back to normal. The conversation made Jane very nervous; she feared Dylan would fuck things up. Thankfully, he managed to avoid reacting. They thanked Caroline for contacting them and for the coffee, then left.

In the car, Dylan asked, “Did she say she destroyed the dildo by burning it?”

“Yes, she did.”

“But I didn’t think you could…”

“You can’t. She was lying.”

“But why?”

“Why indeed. When we get out of view, I’m going to pull over. I want you to sneak back and see if you can see anything. Discretely. We’ll meet at the gas station down the road.”

Dylan walked back to the Blackthorn residence carefully. Peering through a window, he saw Caroline on her knees, her face buried between a young woman’s thighs. Even if he hadn’t seen a picture of the young woman in the yearbook and on the mantle, he still would have known who she was. Jeri looked exactly like a younger version of her Mother. If he could have heard what the younger woman was saying, he would have been much more worried. Instead, he was fixated on how hot it was to see Caroline pleasing her daughter. He peeled himself away from the erotic scene and started to make his way to the gas station.

Dylan reported what he had seen to Jane, who realized that Caroline was most likely under her daughter’s control. What Dylan missed was Jeri telling her neighbor, the local sheriff, to put them under surveillance.

Regrouping at the motel, Dylan reported on what he had seen. Jane pondered for a moment, then summarized their situation. “Caroline, our one ally, has fallen. She now knows what we look like and we should assume that her daughter does as well. That means that Dylan and I are out of the game. Acting in our favor, believe that we’ve left and they haven’t seen Vikki.”

“So, what do we do?”

“I hate to do this, Vikki, but we’re going to have to hang you out as bait. We’ll portray you as a young woman who has inherited a lot of money from her parents. The illusion of wealth, combined with your inherent iness, should make you irresistible.”

“Won’t she just use the dildo to take control of me?”

“From what little was written about it, I believe it works by making you too horny to think straight. If anyone has the will power to resist it, I believe you do. Still, we should take steps to help. Between Dylan and I, I believe we can satiate even your lust for a little while. Beyond that, I have a weapon of last resort that we can employ. First, we need to get out of here, though.”

The trio checked out of their motel and drove to another town an hour away. They didn’t notice the police car parked in the strip mall across the street.

Jane called in some favors and soon had Vikki looking suitably wealthy. Vikki needed no help with the y side of the equation. To bolster Vikki’s defenses, Jane and Dylan started each day by giving her as many orgasms as she could possibly want, plus a few extra. With her ual appetites more than satisfied, Vikki set out hoping to be seen and seduced by Jeri.

Jeri’s phone chimed to signal she had a message. It read, “they didn’t leave. They have a friend.” There was a photo of Vikki attached. Jeri wasn’t surprised. They wanted her power and were going to try to trick her. They underestimated the power of the dildo and, worse, they underestimated her. People always did, and this time it would cost them dearly.

“Keep me informed,” she texted back. Jeri went back to her previous activity, enjoying her Mother’s tongue. As Caroline licked, Jeri schemed.. They were holding this young woman out as bait, so she was likely to stay around. Jeri would take the bait this evening, but she’d find a way to do it on her terms. Once she had control of the woman, Jeri would have her kill her friends. Then, if the woman survived the feelings of guilt over what she had done, well, the police had ways of dealing with murderers.
