Amorous Goods: Oz Beach Boy Nude! Exhibitionist & Voyeur

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This is an entry in the AMOROUS GOODS 2024 AUTHOR ORGANIZED CHALLENGE, so I’d really appreciate it if you could take the time to leave a score.

This features my recurring character Matt (a muscular, wellhung, twentysomething addicted male exhibitionist) serving as the muse for his exgirlfriend Odessa Prince (a beautiful twentysomething amateur fantasy author) to write a fantastical, whimsical about a ually curious but inexperienced 21yearold girl gifted with a magic stone that can make men’s clothes vanish.

This features CFNM, ENM, ENF and female masturbation, but NO ual contact. This is a complete work of fiction. All characters are over eighteen.

I am endeavouring to gradually write a CFNM “Oz Beach Boy” in every Literotica category. This entry: “Exhibitionist & Voyeur”.

Prologue: A lifelong collector of goods and objects from far and wide has passed and left the entire collection and the business built around them to the only remaining relative, a niece on a career path of her own. Vikki has taken on the task of administering the estate and liquidating the business and collection. However, she has come to find out that many of the goods have been cursed or enchanted with amorous powers that affect those who encounter them. These are the stories of some of those encounters with objects found at Amorous Goods.

It was a hot, typically dry night in Tempe, Arizona. Clad in just a grey sports bra and cotton, boyleg underpants, Odessa Prince was stumped.

She’d just enrolled in a creative writing class, and the above paragraph was the startingoff point for the group’s first assignment. It was a little outside of Odessa’s sphere of interest, and she’d developed a crippling case of writer’s block. Her mind raced with ideas which were briefly considered and then promptly dismissed.

An expat Australian alone in Tempe after relocating to the Arizona city to care for her sick mother, Odessa had mainly joined the creative writing class to get out more and hopefully meet new friends. A keen amateur author, Odessa hadn’t expected it to be so difficult. Damn!

One major problem the sorryandsingle and desperately horny Odessa had was that her prurient mind kept taking the kickoff paragraph into decidedly naughty and erotic territory. The instructor had informed the class that the intro was designed to be romantic and potentially a little risque in order to take the students out of their comfort zone.

Odessa Prince, however, was going way too dirty with it. Her proposed stories about handsome, naked men, big dicks, and hot would not likely be the best way to introduce herself to her class and teacher, so Odessa parked them.

It wasn’t easy. There was a very cute guy in the class called Hudson that beautiful twentysomething Odessa couldn’t stop thinking about, and his handsome face and strong forearms kept dragging her ideas back into the proverbial gutter.

And so did Odessa’s very impure thoughts about her exboyfriend Matt. Odessa regularly thought about her incredibly handsome, heavily muscled, addicted, exhibitionist exboyfriend Matt, who she had left back in Sydney when she relocated to Arizona.

Often while nude and masturbating in her big kingsize bed, Odessa reminisced frequently about Matt and his incredible, rockhard body, all muscle and smoothly waxed skin, and how it felt when it was pushed against hers. She thought too of his huge, almost freakish cock and balls, and how much joy she got from them.

Giving in to her naughty, dirty mind, Odessa was struck with an idea: she would first write a risque, y to get her very naughty thoughts out of her system, and she would then come up with a second more suitable to present to her new classmates and teacher…a that wouldn’t give too much away about her!

Odessa’s first , however, would be just for her, or she might end up posting it to one of the amateur fiction sites she frequented. Odessa was in the mood for something y, cheeky and fun, rather than the graphic, kinky, and highly salacious material she usually came up with…the gorgeous brunette was thinking more nudity than actual this time out.

Excited and even feeling the beginnings of mild arousal, beautiful, bigbreasted Odessa Prince sat down at her desk, flipped on her laptop, opened a new Word document, and wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote…


The Magic Stone Of The Mysterious Minerva

By Odessa Prince

Cressida Bodington looked at the small, ornately decorated box in her hand with a furrowed brow. It was a 21st birthday gift from her decidedly eccentric Aunt Maude, and that meant it could be, well, just about anything.

Aunt Maude had spent her whole life traveling the world. Beautiful and iconoclastic, she had a keen interest in obvious things like politics and hi, but also immersed herself in less mainstream pursuits like magic, mysticism, fringe feminism, extreme philosophies, and unusual ual practices, though the latter were never discussed in detail and remained largely shrouded in mystery. Cressida opened the card Aunt Maude had included with the gift.

“Dearest Cressida, Happy Birthday,” wrote Aunt Maude. “I have been holding on to this special gift for many years, waiting until your 21st birthday. You are a woman now, and this is a gift for a woman. Use it wisely, and it will provide you with much entertainment and amusement. Enjoy yourself, my darling, but remember to follow the instructions. With all my love, Aunt Maude.”

Aunt Maude had sent the box and card in a parcel, and she also advised her niece to open it in private, and especially not around her upright, conservative mother. In the privacy of her bedroom, 21yearold Cressida Bodington opened the box made of black velvet and gold braiding.

Inside was a small green stone carved with a type of lettering Cressida didn’t recognize. Though a keen student and lover of hi like her aunt, Cressida was certainly no expert in ancient artifacts, and she had no idea what she was looking at. It was a mystery.

Enclosed within the box next to the stone, however, was a piece of folded, yellowed paper. Cressida carefully opened it up, and quickly and eagerly read through the gracefully handwritten text. It provided some of the answers she needed.

“This stone is inlaid with ancient runes. It carries the power of magic crafted by those with gifts,” read the note. “It is a stone of mischief, arousal and desire. It is not a stone of malice. It can give those of the feminine form that possess it much pleasure.”

Cressida Bodington shifted uncomfortably in her chair, her very large breasts swaying even in her supportive, sensible bra. She pushed strands of long, blonde hair away from her pretty, youthful face, and then chewed absentmindedly on her thumbnail. Nervous and intrigued, Cressida continued reading.

“This stone will allow its feminine holder and only a feminine holder to make the clothing of the man she desires vanish into nothingness,” read the note. “The feminine holder will see her manly desired as he was born. But this power can only be used on your desired once…and you must desire him. If you are greedy and attempt to use the stone twice on your desired, a similar fate will befall you. Use it thrice, and pay the price. Yours in desire and magic, The Mysterious Minerva.”

Cressida’s hands shook nervously. Could this possibly be true? A magical stone that allowed her to instantly make the clothing of a man vanish? It couldn’t be true, could it? Cressida so wished it was true…she so badly wished it was true. She could see a man nude? She could finally see a man nude? In the flesh, and not just on the internet?

Despite her very womanly body and casual beauty, Cressida Bodington was a somewhat shy and conservative young woman, never touched by a manly hand, and only intending to be so when she was in a serious relationship. Now that she was 21, however, the idea of looking at a man was a very appealing one…that was something else altogether.

Beneath the note from The Mysterious Minerva was gracefully written the simple word “Directions.” Cressida read through them carefully, wanting to make sure she’d absorbed it all properly. She was still baffled but wholly delighted by this bizarre gift from Aunt Maude.

“To remove the clothing of your desired, clutch the stone in your right hand, hold it outward from your body in the direction of he who tempts you, and then intone the following words three times: ‘Yargelnurp, bramblethorn, soflabbwlvr, gersemi, yowser, trionyx, tzang, omenainen.’ If these words are not said three times in a row, the stone is just a stone. The words give it power.”

Even for her oddball Aunt Maude, this seemed a fanciful gift. Could this stone of mischief possibly work? Cressida picked up her phone, went straight to Google, and typed in The Mysterious Minerva. After much swiping, digging and reading, Cressida got a few answers, though info on the apparent creator of this alleged stone of mischief was decidedly scant.

The Mysterious Minerva was a magician, mentalist, mesmerist and pioneering feminist who never really achieved wide fame, though she did travel the world and perform on stages big and small though mainly small on pretty much every continent. She wrote lithographs on myth and magic, and she was a formidable intellect of the late 1800s. Despite her position on society’s fringes, The Mysterious Minerva was something of a respected figure of the time.

The female stage magician did make the newspapers of the time on occasion for what would become her trademark trick: namely, the onstage removal of men’s clothes. If a man ever challenged her credentials or abilities from the audience, said man would be called to the stage, and then, through various means of trickery perhaps even by using the stone itself, Cressida thought The Mysterious Minerva would make the man’s clothes disappear until he was left in nothing but his underwear.

On a couple of occasions, when the man was especially obstreperous, The Mysterious Minerva didn’t stop there. The magician then took everything until the combative man was left completely naked. This onstage indecency prompted involvement from the local constabulary, and The Mysterious Minerva soon stopped this very naughty practice.

Had The Mysterious Minerva actually imbued this strange, green stone with special, magical powers? Cressida Bodington had her doubts, but she would certainly test it to see. The pretty 21yearold placed the small green stone in her pocket and told her mother she was heading out for a walk.


As Cressida strolled the streets near her home, her big, blue eyes darted around urgently, looking desperately for a man so she could test the powers of The Mysterious Minerva’s apparently mystical green stone. The pretty young blonde crossed her fingers.

Up ahead, she noticed a man jogging toward her. He was tall and his singlet and shorts revealed a lean, toned body. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties…way too old for Cressida, but as he got closer, she saw that he was indeed quite attractive for an older man.

Per the instructions on the old, yellowed piece of paper, Cressida removed the stone from her pocket with her right hand, held it outward from her body in the direction of her “desired”, and then began quietly but firmly to intone the words spelled out by The Mysterious Minerva.

“Yargelnurp, bramblethorn, soflabbwlvr, gersemi, yowser, trionyx, tzang, omenainen,” Cressida said quietly, three times in a row.

The blonde beauty watched with bated breath as the man approached, his blonde hair soaked through with perspiration and sweat flying off his body as he ran. And then, in an instant, just as he took another loping step, the man’s clothing literally vanished, just as if it had never existed. It wasn’t ripped off him, it didn’t disintegrate, it didn’t fly up into the air…it just disappeared as if it had never even been there.

“Oh, my goodness,” Cressida gasped, and then looked quickly around, seeing that it was thankfully only her and the now completely naked man on the quiet suburban street.

Cressida’s eyes widened and her mouth hung agape at what she saw. In midstride, the man’s entire body was revealed. His body was lean, lightly muscled, and covered in hair. His penis and testicles bounced around ridiculously as he ran, slapping against his legs and then up to the top of his groin.

Cressida had never seen a man’s penis before in the flesh, so she had nothing to compare it to, but the denuded jogger’s appendage looked to be a good size in comparison to the rest of his body, and it looked thick too. A small piece of skin dangled off the end, which Cressida knew to be the foreskin. His testicles jiggled around hilariously beneath it, like two golf balls being shaken in a bag.

All of a sudden, the man looked down and realized that his clothes had indeed disappeared. He stopped, looked around everywhere in shock, and then caught sight of Cressida looking at him. His face was beetred with embarrassment. The man quickly threw his hands over his suddenly exposed crotch, desperately hiding his genitals.

“My clothes,” the man muttered. “They’re gone…where are they? Where are they? What’s going on?”

As Cressida watched on in absolute shock and delighted confusion, the naked man looked around everywhere for his clothes, obviously to no avail…they were gone. Everything had vanished: his singlet, his shorts, his trainers and socks, and even the sweatband he’d been wearing on his right wrist. If he’d been wearing underpants, they were well and truly gone too. The man had been left without a single stitch.

Writhing strangely in what must have been fear and abject embarrassment, the naked man then took his left hand away from his crotch and placed it over his bare butt, desperately trying to cover up everything Cressida wanted to see. He looked at her looking at him, and then grimaced.

“Don’t call the cops!” the man said urgently. “I’m not a flasher, I swear! My clothes just…vanished! I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay…I won’t call the cops…it’s okay,” Cressida said sweetly, and the man ran off in the opposite direction, his hand falling away momentarily to reveal a very cute butt indeed. “Be careful…run home. Everyone will see your…thing.”

As the man ran off nude down the street, the giggling Cressida stopped and sucked in a series of deep, calming breaths. She couldn’t believe it…The Magic Stone Of The Mysterious Minerva worked!

Cressida now had the power to magically remove a man’s clothing. It felt exhilarating and exciting and…arousing. Cressida felt a tingling in her nether regions. A shiver of pleasure raced up her spine. Cressida Bodington was enraptured.

Walking home with visions of the naked man running through her mind, Cressida desperately tried to process her thoughts and emotions. She was excited by the man’s nudity. Cressida was especially excited at having seen her first IRL penis, but there were other, more complicated, feelings too.

A decent, caring person, Cressida felt guilt at having caused the naked man such panic, confusion and humiliation. She sincerely hoped that he was able to get home safely. Her feelings of guilt and sympathy, however, were overpowered by the other emotions this salacious experience had prompted.

As well as the intoxicating feeling of ual arousal that the man’s magical denuding had stirred up, Cressida was also buzzing about the sensation of power it had prompted. Always quiet and compliant, if slightly cheeky, Cressida had never felt capable of making things happen in this way before. It was thrilling.


Once she returned home, Cressida went straight to her bedroom, not wanting to see her mother after her extraordinary and highly arousing experience. Cressida couldn’t stop thinking of the look of shock and embarrassment on the naked man’s face, and she got even more excited when she realized again and again that she had made it happen…not her strict, domineering parents; not her bullying older sister; not her more confident friends; not her college professors…Cressida Bodington had made it happen.

Sure, she couldn’t have done it without The Magic Stone Of The Mysterious Minerva, but Cressida had gone out there herself and made it happen. She pointed the stone, she incanted the spell, and she deigned to have the handsome jogger’s clothes vanish. It was her…Cressida Bodington! She had the power!


Aroused and excited, Cressida looked at herself in her bedroom’s fulllength mirror. She looked stronger, more confident, and more selfpossessed. Even her very large breasts pleased her for once…Cressida often thought she was not the kind of girl who should have had big breasts. They never felt right on a shy girl like her, almost like some kind of cosmic mistake.

Big breasts were for y, confident, “cool” girls who were comfortable with their bodies, not quiet girls who liked to fly under the radar and not attract too much attention. But as Cressida looked at her big breasts in the mirror, she smiled at the way they pushed and strained against her sweater. For once, the 21yearold thought she looked…good.

Cressida cupped her big breasts with both hands, lifted them up, and then dropped them, letting them flop back down heavily onto her torso. She then pulled at her nipples through her sweater, smiling at the sweet mix of pleasure and pain it prompted. Cressida felt flushed and hot…and highly aroused.

With a slight smile, Cressida pulled her sweater up over her head, wrenched it right off, and then tossed it onto the armchair that sat in the corner of her bedroom. Nestled snugly in a sensible, supportive bra, Cressida’s breasts looked even more enormous. The 21yearold reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, which sent her breasts tumbling down and forward. Cressida slid the loosened bra over her shoulders and arms and then threw it over with her sweater.

Completely bare and unsupported, Cressida’s big, full, paleskinned, heavy breasts hung low on her torso, her areolae large and round and pink, and centred by protruding nipples. Cressida ran her hands all over her breasts, watching herself in the fulllength mirror. She moaned quietly with pleasure.

With thoughts of her haplessly denuded male victim again racing through her feverish mind, Cressida got more and more excited. She quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, and then raked them down her legs, clumsily taking her big cotton underpants with them.

Cressida walked awkwardly back to her bed with her jeans and underwear tangled stupidly around her ankles. She slumped down onto her bed, and then ripped her jeans and panties right off, along with her trainers and socks. Cressida then kicked off her discarded garments, leaving them in a messy pile on her bedroom floor.

Completely naked, Cressida Bodington laid back on her bed, and ran her warm, trembling hands all over her big breasts, which slid out and across her bare torso as she lay prone. Cressida felt her flat, smooth, paleskinned stomach, and quietly moaned. She knew exactly what she wanted to do.

Totally, happily, sensually nude for a change, Cressida spread her legs open as wide as she could. The beautiful blonde slid her eager fingers through her thick, untrimmed patch of honeycolored pubic hair, and then sunk them right into her vulva, groaning quietly with the titillating sensation.
