Almost Affair

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#Cheating 45 seconds ago

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By Hushed We’re not having sex so it should be fine right?

Because I cant tell my best friend about it I figure I can tell you guys about my almost affair. Its not a real affair because we dont fuck. We’ll say I’m Jessie, he’ll be Matt, and my bestie’s name will be Hilly. Well, my almost affair is with her husband of course. I’ll tell you how it started. My husband died in action about 2 years ago and was Matt’s best childhood friend, which is how me and Hilly met. We became besties when our husbands first went to serve our country. They left twice and Matt came home alone. During the funeral both Hilly and Matt held me the entire time. I could’ve sworn Matt was rubbing my nipple but I figured it wasnt on purpose. Hilly was right there. After the burial, the family got together and ate a bit talking about good times and war. I drank all night. Hilly told me I could stay with them as long as I needed in the spare bedroom and that’s where I headed. I was hurting and numb all over. I just remember saying “Im all alone now.” plopping myself face first on the bed. “No youre not.” I hear softly before I conk out.

I come to consciousness in and out, I remember movement, moaning, and calling out my husband’s name a lot. I thought maybe I was dreaming of being with him one last time. The next morning I feel like shit, Hilly is making coffee and Matt is at the table with the paper. “How are you doing? We heard you crying last night. Matt went to check on you while I helped get rid of everyone.” She explained how everyone heard me crying for my husband and wailing uncontrollably. She felt I’d been through enough and escorted everyone to their cars. “Oh my gosh thank you Hilly! Im so sorry I dont remember anything about last night other than saying my husband’s name.” Matt said it was fine and I quote, “You got us as long as you need.” smiling, rubbing my leg, then biting his lip. Wtf I thought to myself. Why’d that turn me on?

I was in that room for what felt like a month but only about six days. I did come out to eat and trip to the store for wine but I was in there any other time. I owned my business so I had no need to go anywhere. Hilly is a ER Dr so she’s gone 48 to 72 hours at a time and on call. She was on shift and I was out of wine. Its about 8 and I wanna make it to the closest store before they close. Before I go out Matt comes in. “Hey, Hilly said you might need these.” waving a wine warehouse bag. A few bottles for a few days I thought. “Thanks.” I say grabbing the bag. “Aht aht aht, no ma’am you will not drink alone tonight. You Are Not Alone.” he says as he scoots me towards the pool table room where the bar sits.

We drink and talk almost half the night about my husband Ron, we cried a lot we both miss him. “You know whatever you need I’m heere, I have to look out for my besst friend’s treasurrre.” he slurred his words. As I say thank you we both lean in for a hug but his hug lingered a bit. I tried to free myself a bit but couldn’t. I could smell his cologne and his sweat, he was so intoxicating. I had a faint memory of that scent being on my husband even tho he’s never wore anything like this before. I turn my head into his neck enveloping the smell, I wanted to taste his sweat, when I open my mouth he pulls me back and plants a kiss on me. The connection was so intense we were grabbing on one another like we were going to rip off our skin. “Ah, Im sorry but…” he says between kisses, grinding against me, rubbing his jeans against my cotton panties. Tears are flowing because he’s not my husband but I keep my eyes closed so I can pretend a little while longer. Matt presses himself against me harder opening my pussylips through my panties, flicking the lump in his pants across my clit. He realized what he’s doing and grabs my face, “look at me” I open my eyes and he’s looking at me so intimately, making me cum with his pants. He’s teary eyed hunching me faster and harder until I came.

Matt did this to me every time Hilly went on shift. Most times Im already plastered and he’s getting his rocks off to it more than I am. But recently he’s been wearing basketball shorts or sweats, this time he’s wearing just his boxers. “Where’s your paannts?” I asked drunkenly. He assured me it was to get better feeling and we wouldnt have sex. Neither one of us want to hurt HIlly and this is safe right? Matt rubbed his bulge on my pussy and I have to admit it felt good, better than before. His dick was pretty big too about 8 inches. As agreed he we didnt have sex but he continued to wear boxers every time. Last night was a bit different though we might’ve had sex but Im not sure. Matt was grinding on me as usual, his dick slipped out the bottom of his boxers. His main focus was putting his head in my pussy nut my panties were in the way. Matt forced my panties up inside me but couldnt get more than his head in. It felt amazing we humped one another all night doing that. Feeling his warm meat touch me drove me crazy. But we didnt have sex. Hilly will be home in the morning I can get a little break and I don’t want to hurt her so that’s definitely not happening while she’s around.

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By Hushed #Cheating