After School Basketball –

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#Abuse #Interracial #Rape #Threesome

By Kiarra

Basketball practice canceled. Unheard of up till now. The program a very strong one, for boys and especially for the girls. This could be a chance to get a scholarship to a decent college. I haven’t as yet made that jump to starter in spite of having the height. At 5’10” my skills are still developing and I really need the practice. Not a bad shooter from in close and three point range and at the foul line. My ball handling skills and rebounding rough and tumble. Meaning I make more then my share of turnovers and fouls. That I am on this team sometimes amazes me. My playing time up from the previous year; but still more in mope up situations or in those rare times when a starter needs a breather or is in foul trouble. No mention of why we don’t have practice and filing out of the locker room with the rest of the girls.

At least I didn’t start to change. Wishing I could practice with the guys; but none inclined to stay, so heading back to my locker and getting my books for the night’s studies. Settling my backpack on my shoulders and stepping through the front door and down the path to Hamilton Street. My hands going to my waist and automatically rolling up the waistband of my blue and white plaid skirt. Two inches above the knee might be okay for some; but I have long legs and thighs. I need that length higher, not just to show off my leg; but also because it goes against the rules. If I knew I wasn’t going to have practice, I would have worn something a little more sensual in intimate apparel. Only when you have to change in the locker room do they find out from a snitch that you are not wearing the mandated white, no frills panties and bras.

At least is is warm enough not to wear pantyhose. Though these institution shoes are not very flattering. The white blouse and navy blue vest not very attractive and dead giveaways as to us being Catholic school girls. I haven’t blossomed much at this point, so a sexy blouse would not be very useful to me, unless I stuffed and oversize bra with some socks or kleenix. To date, I have just worn my lightly padded one step above a training bra and left it at that. Someday, yeah. Putting a little wiggle into my step as I head across Thompson Street and the short block to Mansion Square Park. Living two blocks from school has its up and down sides. Taking the diagonal path at the corner of Hamilton and Mansion and walking the spoke to the center of the park and then over to my house. “Hey, Raven. What you up to girl, aren’t you suppose to be at practice?” Turning my head to see Cue Ball and Randy. Waving to them and cutting across the grass. “They cancelled today. Hey it isn’t April 1st is it. Must be a joke.” Looking at the two boys my age; but a world of difference then mine.

They going to public school and most likely not going to college, unless they can swing a scholarship and learn to study more. What we do have in common besides our age is basketball. These guys can move and jump and pound the boards. I can’t match them in that even though I am just a little shorter than them. I can match them in shooting, especially the three and fouls. Amazing how many are lazy about such a simple thing as shooting fouls. They make impossible shots; but can’t hit those easy fouls. “Where you guys going?” I know they live a couple of blocks up from the park, but I met them hanging out in the park and at the Center. “Catherine Street where else girl.” Yeah, they were going to practice some hoop at the Catherine Street Community Center. A place for blacks to hang out and belong to a variety of programs. “Can I come, I need some practice?”

Smiling as they wave me along and we walk down the block to the building and small basketball court. Putting my books down on the concrete and watching them as they warm up quickly. Not able to duck yet; but I could see it in their future. Standing on the fringe and watching them loosen each other with a series of dribbles and moves into lay ups of various degrees of difficulty. Finding retrieving a loose ball and moving to the three point arch and letting it fly. The ball finding just a little rim as it settles into the net neatly. “Show off bitch.” Randy’s laugh cutting across the court as he fields the ball and passes it back to me. Moving to the corner and hitting another from three point distance. “Shit girl, ease up.” Moving again and catching the pass, then making an awkward dribble to the basket, my shoes clomping noisily as I feel myself stripped neatly of the ball as I make a weak jump to shoot off the backboard. “White girls can’t jump, haven’t you heard that.” Turning and watching Cue Ball, sending the ball out to Randy and Randy pounding in under the basket in a 360 turn and lay up.

Mostly just shooting the open shots and a few contested ones from deep. “Hey watch my feet guys.” Barely avoiding being stomped on the toes. “It’s not your feet we are looking at Catholic girl. A big grin on both of their faces. And a tongue stuck out by the brat I am in response. “Ooooooh, you are teasing us girl.” Grabbing his crotch and a response to that with my middle finger extended and others curled down. “You wish girl.” A couple of older guys showing up and playing a little two on two with me on the sidelines watching and cheering. Unfortunately not much to cheer about when you are overmatched by guys that play all day, cause they have nothing else to do. As more join them, Randy and Cue Ball become odd guys out. “Hey, you guys were good.” Watching them slide their shirts back on and we walk back to the park.

The center of life in this neighborhood. It might seem odd a white Catholic girl walking with these two black guys; but not is this neighborhood. This is wear I grew up, and the neighborhood changed slowly as I matured from a squirt to a tall gangly teen. Feeling comfortable with these guys as we laugh and talk to the center of the park and then to the top, coming out on the east side. “Come on Raven, we can watch some ESPN and see how the games went last night. You aren’t expected home for another hour or two.” Hesitating and then walking with them up to Smith Street and over to Lent Street. Walking up the stairs to the second floor of Randy’s house. It a little rough on upkeep on the outside, as his family rents the house; but nice and neat on the inside. Sitting down on the sofa as Randy heads to the fridge for some lemonade. Cue Ball turning on the remote and finding the scores quickly. Turning up the volume and then down when Randy yells. Taking a glass and sipping the cold ade quenching my thirst; but making me aware of my perspiration as I sit and move over as Randy plops down alongside of me and then Cue Ball on the other side. Feeling a bit warm as I ask, “where is mom and your sisters?”

Not hearing these teenage girls yelling and screaming from a couple of other visits here to babysit them. “They are at the Mall, they went to have McDonald’s and see some Disney Movie and shop. A little peace and quiet for a change.” Feeling uncomfortable now, expecting Randy’s mom to be home and the little ones also. “Maybe I should go.” Setting my glass down and standing up, really sure this is not a good idea. Feeling him taking my hand and pulling me back down to sit. Finish your lemonade at least girl.” “Yeah. Chill momma,” Cue Ball piping in with his words of wisdom. Sitting and taking the glass again in my hands, sipping more of it as we quietly watch and listen to the commentary on the previous days scores. Randy refilling my glass when it was half empty and coming back into the room with it. Drinking more of the sweet drink and relaxing a little bit as we “bull shit. ” All to conscious of the two young men sitting on either side of me, with no adult to chaperone and watch over us.

Not looking as Randy pulls his shirt over his head, and I can smell the sweat on his body. All to aware of it, and how his upper body looks without his shirt on. Dark muscles cording his arms a bulging from his chest and stomach. Not bulky ones, but nice lean ones. His scent filling my nostrils, my eyes wanting to look at him alongside of me shirtless now; but knowing I best not pay attention. The sofa much too small now as it closes in around me and the young men sitting on either side of me. Closing my eyes, as I wet my lips, nervous, wanting to go, knowing I need to go right now; but not able to voice the words to pave my path to the front door. Feeling my bra much too tight, as my nipples harden under the padding and ache.

Yes, this is definitely a very bad idea from the very start. Playing ball with them not so bad, but I should have been dressed differently and not teasing and responding to their innuendos. And worse coming with them to Randy’s place, even if his mom was home. Baby sitting the little ones and sitting on a sofa with two young men with no one else home. Red light, definite red light. Feeling Randy’s arm brushing mine as he leans forward to take his drink from the coffee table. Seeing the sheen on his ebony skin and the muscles rippling as he moves. A soft shiver, my skin prickly where his warm skin touches mine on my arm. Not paying attention to Cue Ball, as his thigh presses against mine. Trying not to think about Randy as I feel panicky, squeezing my thighs together for more than one reason.

Furtively pulling the hem down and wishing I could undo the rolled waistband. Looking down and see the long toned thighs, the skirt more then halfway up them. Showing the lightly tanned skin. Every movement by the young men, amplified many times in my mind’s eyes. Watching as Cue Ball rests his hand over his crotch. And then feeling the pressure of Randy’s arm on mine as he turns to look at me. My chest heaving in slow rises and falls, as I try to figure how to leave without causing a ruckus. Turning my head slightly and catching the brush of his lips on mine as I look with wide eyes into his. Parting my lips and licking them, then leaning to press my lips on his. A soft moan as they part and his tongue touches mine. Squeezing my legs tighter as he moves his head an pushes the thick tongue into my mouth, feeling it moving against my cheeks and tongue, his scent strong the sweat and his musk, awakening my nerve ending as I inhale it into me.

My arm trembling as he breaks the kiss and sits back next to me, his body pressed to mine. Not able to scoot over as Cue Ball is tight to me on the other side. The tension in the air almost electric, as I feel Randy’s hand reach for mine and lifting it to settle it on his thigh. The fingers trembling as I feel him lift and adjust, and now the material against my fingers hide more then just his thigh. Feeling a bulge as he presses my hand into his leg. A soft moan of surprise, guilt, and excitement as I feel it move under his sweats. Jerking guiltily as I feel Cue Ball’s hand touch my bare thigh, rubbing open palmed at the warm skin, finger tips just touching the inner skin where they are pressed together. I know I need to leave and stop this right this moment, and hope it isn’t too late.

But a lay back and let my fingers move a little to touch the bump under them. Feeling an instant response as the bulge shifts and swells, tenting the front of his sweats. My eyes drawn to the bump and the movement, a soft sigh as I watch it pulse under the sweats and against my fingers. My thighs relaxing as Cue Ball’s fingers pry between them. Gently parting them till they are not touching anymore. A soft moan as this quite tableaus plays out. The sport casters in the background reciting information that none of us are paying attention to, at least not me as I concentrate on the stimuli of the situation.

Feeling fear and excitement as I feel the hand slide up my thighs, pushing the short skirt higher till I feel a finger tip touch the middle panel of my panties. Holding my breath in as I shrink back, but my body doesn’t move at all, as the finger touches the panel, then slides up and down. My labia nerve endings raised and the flesh filling with blood as Cue Ball’s finger make a small indent in the material. Forming a small camel toe in my panties, as he presses the material deeper, as his finger saws up and down the front of my panties. Moaning with excitement, as I grasp the bulge in the sweats, my fingers becoming bold now. Feeling the outline of the flexible; but turgid organ.

Randy turning to me, as his lips again touch mine, his hand moving to the buttons on my vest and undoing them and then slipping the buttons of my blouse through the small eyelets. Moaning into his lips as I kiss him back, his hand warm against my lower chest as his fingers pry at the bottom of my bra cups. Not able to concentrate as the other fingers as massaging the ridges of my full lips from bottom to top. Teasing as they just touches the folds containing my clit and then back down to my taint. Mewling helplessly as my other hand reaches to Cue Ball’s lap and find the bulge in his pants. My fingers on both hand stroking the swollen organs as I my hips move to escape the teasing fingers. Overwhelmed, as I feel finger pulling at the leg band of my panties and at my bra.

One slipping my bra up to bunch under my armpits, while the other slides a finger to touch the bare skin of my pubes. Panting into Randy’s mouth as I feel the fingers teasing one thick hard nipple. The mounds may be small; but god compensated with big sensitive nipples. My body writhing with sensation as I feel the fingers push into my pussy. Finding the wetness of my walls and the hard nipples swollen with need. As I react to the tactile sensations. My fingers pulling at the hard cocks, Trying to find their waistbands and free the engorged organs, but spastic in my helpless need. Feeling one then the other freeing their warm cocks, soft on the outside, but firm with a steely inner core. The warm flesh sliding under my fingers as I mostly wrap the cocks in my fingers.

Pulling back the skin of their uncircumcised cocks and feeling the knobs peeking out from the folds. Slipping forward on the sofa deeper into the invading fingers as I spread my legs wide, not able to contain my arousal, helpless to stop what my body is desiring. My heart beating rapidly as my chest pumps up and down as my thighs quiver with excitement. The cocks feeling big to my hands, but not able to see and judge them at the moment. Eyes closing as Cue pushes two fingers into my wet opening. Sawing them in and out coated with my lubrication. My nipples aching as Randy touching one then the other. Licking and biting the hard tips.

Feeling his hand now pulling off my vest and blouse, then pulling my back from the sofa and undoing the clasp of my bra. Slipping it off of my arms and small breasts. Exposing my girlish breasts and womanly nipples. Watching as he turns to lay against the arm of the sofa and pulling me down, as Cue continues to finger my pussy. Catching the sweaty musk in my nostrils, before my lips and cheek touch the warmth of his cock. Eyes wide as I take in the black shaft and lighter mushroom head of his cock. Then raising my eyes to see him smiling as my tongue swipes at the bulbous head. The cap spongy as my tongue licks around the velvety gland and then touches the bulging veins in the long thick shaft.

Most definitely the biggest and thickest cock I have ever seen in my short years. Gagging as I feel the knob stretch my lips, filling my mouth with the fat head. Feeling my body being shifted by Cue, as he pulls his fingers from my wet hole. Turning my body, as I lie over Randy, as I suckle his sweet meat stick. Licking down to his hairy ball sack and teasing them as his coarse hair tickles my nose and cheeks. Then nibbling up the shaft as I feel his hand press on my head. Feeling my panties slipping down my legs with the help of Cue’s hands and then my skirt pushed up on my ass. Groaning on Randy’s cock as I feel a finger push into my cunt from behind.

The wet sloshing of my juices mixing with the slurping of my mouth on the cock. The only sounds but for the heavy breathing. My hips moving as I feel the fingers pumping into my pussy, moving deep and then sliding back out again. Taking the cock deeper with each movement of my head back and forth Cue Ball moving, shifting behind me, then feeling his bare skin on my ass cheeks. Moaning on Randy’s cock as I feel the thick knob of Cue Ball slide between my thighs and press on my cunt lips.

Trying to pull myself off of Randy’s cock, to protest, but my head held tight and feeling the knob slip pass the opening and into my wet welcoming pussy. My walls forming a sheath around the black fuck stick. Squeezing involuntarily in a welcome, as I hear him grunt with surprise as my walls grip his cock shaft and head. Each of Cue Ball’s strokes driving me onto Randy’s cock lodged in my mouth and Randy sending me back to Cue Ball. Drool slipping from my lips as I choke and gasp on the thick mushroom cap. Feeling Randy’s hands holding and pushing my head tight into his groin, feeling the cap swelling in my mouth and spewing his seed into my mouth in a series of eruptions. Swallowing the thick creamy ropes of creme as my lips seal on the cock and cheeks suck at the gapping cum slit.

My nipples dragging across his thighs and sending jolts of sensation to my core, as Cue Ball continues to pound my pussy from behind. Riding Randy’s prick in my mouth for a few more strokes, till he pulls it out, Shiny and ebon and still hard as he sits back waiting for his friend to finish. Stroking his cock absently, watching as I groan and moan with the loud slaps of flesh as the cock slams into me from behind. Breathlessly, forcing the words out, “don’t cum in me, please.” Hearing the grunts louder as Cue Ball continues to mash my labia.

His hands holding my hips and then pulling me tight to him. Feeling his body jerking, knowing the bastard is shooting his seed in my cunt in spite of my plea. “Fucking asshole.” The words trembling as they slip from my mouth as he continues to slam into me. Feeling the jerks and then him pulling out, wiping his cummy cock between my ass cheeks and sitting back, releasing my hips as I collapse onto the sofa. Reaching between my legs and feeling the cum oozing from my hot pussy lips.

“Asshole.” Words not to anyone in particular, just stating my frustration. Laying against the back of the sofa, as I watch the guys shift spots. Cue Ball, shoving his cock against my cheek, slapping his cummy cock on my face. Opening my mouth as he slips his long but softening cock into my mouth. Tasting the semen and my juices on the warm hunk of meat. Randy’s cock still hard and slipping into my slick and slippery cunt with a single easy push. My eyes rolling in my head as I feel the cock fill my insides again.

Not as thick as Cue Ball’s but still a hefty girth, pushing my walls apart and pumping the seed already there, deeper into my tunnel. Feeling myself rocking back and forth spitted on a pair of black cocks, as one pounds into my mouth, holding my head against his groin and jerking his hips to fuck my mouth and throat. Tears easing from my eyes as rock in response to the strokes. Legs flexing as I rock back and forth, till they change the rhythm and both jab at the same time. My lips upper and lower becoming sore and bruised as I am pinned between the two young men.

Choking and spitting as the one in my mouth cruelly bangs against my lips and the rough hair irritates my soft flesh around my lips and chin. Ball sack, popping under my chin with each stroke. My insides roiling as in spite of the rough use, feeling my walls contracting on the thick black cock inside of me, a small orgasm of release, milking his cock as I rock on my knees on the sofa, my walls squeezing and clenching spasticly as if cum hard on his cock. Feeling first a weak spurt of cum filling my mouth, then another as Cue Ball fills my mouth with another load of his seed. Still rocking on Randy’s cock as he continues to fuck my cunt. Then quivering as I feel him cum again, also spilling his seed in my well used pussy. Panting and hissing as I realize I never even asked him not to seed me. Feeling him pull out of my cunt and his seed dripping out of my bruised and gapping hole.

Collapsing on the sofa, seeded and bred by these two young black studs. Half naked and dripping fertile seed. Trying to settle down as I look at the young men, and seeing they won’t meet my eyes. Grabbing my panties and wiping at my scummy labia and thighs, sticky with seed, jamming them against my opening, as I find my bra and blouse and vest and putting them on in the quietness of the room. The TV now off, the two men standing around, not saying a word. Wiping between my legs again as I pull my skirt down over my hips and ass, covering my thighs and lower as I roll it down to its original length. Awkwardly stuffing my panties in my back pack. “I have to go. Thanks for the lemonade.”

My words inane, as I stand with more cum leaking down from my naked pussy. “Yeah, see you soon.” Randy and Cue Ball both waving a hand. Not sure what to do, then turning to leave. “You were good MSW.” Turning back to look at them, then shaking my head as I close the door behind me. Tears rolling down my face, as I walk down the stairs. Feeling the fullness of my swollen cunt lips between my thighs as I move. Knowing that the guys set me up, knowing that they were aware of my nickname, or one of them from school. Mansion Square Whore. I never pretended to be a virgin.

The girls and boys at school gave me that name, for my supposed willingness to give a boy a hand job or blow job or a fuck after a date in payment. RBJ being their other nickname, Raven Blow Job . I have jerked off guys and given them blow jobs and a few even fucked; but not payment for being nice to me, but because I enjoyed those activities. Till now I never had a man cum inside of me; but I can’t say that anymore. Licking at my lips, tasting the cum and my salty tears, as I walk the short blocks to my house. Sore and satisfied. Wiping between my thighs again and sucking on my panties, tasting the thick taste of the seed and my body scent. Smiling as I tuck them back in my backpack and climb the stairs to my third floor apartment. And most likely waiting mom.

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By Kiarra
#Abuse #Interracial #Rape #Threesome

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse