Accidental Fiancee ch. 7 – Lesbian

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Author’s note: This is a slow burn lesbian romance series. Please be patient, because some of the chapters are less erotic than others.

Chapter 7

My leg bounced relentlessly as I drove to work the next day. For once, I was following the speed limit, and there was no music playing in my car. I was too consumed with my own anxious thoughts after learning that my employee had witnessed Juri at my house in a y maid outfit.

How would this go? I was hopeful that Paula wouldn’t mention it to anyone, but how could I expect her to keep her mouth shut after what she saw? It would be the biggest thing on my mind if I were the one in her shoes.

I was just as worried about the way the other women in my office would take it. Would they see me as some sort of closet lesbian, hiding my perverted ways by trapping this Japanese woman in my condo? I could only imagine the rumors that were forming. And unfortunately, I wasn’t ready to handle these rumors, considering I hadn’t really worked out my own feelings.

It’s going to be okay… I told myself, trying everything to calm my nerves. Even if rumors do swirl, I’m sure I’ll come up with a good excuse to explain my situation.

Unfortunately, the alibi never came, and I couldn’t even explain the situation to myself, no less, could I explain it to them. The more I thought about it, my relationship with Juri had just gotten out of control. And it all started out with my stupid mistake; one that I definitely couldn’t admit to the others.

When I got to the office, the others weren’t there yet, with the exception of Alana. My intern had gotten into the habit of arriving early to bring me coffee.

My order was actually messed up, something I normally would have gotten onto her about since she didn’t check it thoroughly. But with everything going on, mentioning her little mistake was the last thing on my mind.

Alana seemed to be clueless about the situation. I hoped this was a sign that the whole thing would go unnoticed. Deep down inside though, I knew that she didn’t really talk to the others, so if there were rumors going around, she’d probably be the last to know anyway.

As the other girls began trickling in, I couldn’t help but stare at them from a distance, searching for any clues. It was kind of difficult to get a grasp of anything though, because they always came in late, at different times, since I had never been too strict with their punctuality. And Paula, the main source of my insecurity, was usually one of the tardiest.

More time passed, and I started to wonder if Paula was coming in at all. Then, my office phone rang, and I realized I had been too distracted to even notice what time it was. I had a phone call scheduled with a vendor for a different department. And as much as I normally hated those calls, it at least relieved my anxious mind for the time being.

The phone meeting ended up being such a great distraction that I completely forgot about the impending situation I had been fearing. However, when I looked outside of my office door, I noticed all of my employees were there, including Paula, and they seemed much more chatty than normal.

Oh, shit… I whispered to myself, as I could only imagine what they were talking about. The girls were giggling and showing each other their phones. It made me insecure that Paula had taken a picture of Juri, and was now showing it to the others!

I had no idea what to do! I couldn’t just walk up to Paula and ask, “Have you told anyone about the Asian girl in my condo wearing a y made outfit?” However, I needed to talk to her, and at least get a feel for her attitude that day. I was just scared… so I remained in my office, waiting for the right opportunity.

After standing at my door for much too long, I finally built up the courage to walk out and face my employees. They were all staring at me, some with big smiles on their faces. I could only hope that they were just happy to see me, but that wasn’t normally the case.

Perhaps it’s just my imagination, I told myself as I walked amongst the awkward silence of my employees. This is probably how they always act… Maybe I’m just overreacting…

Finally, I found myself right in front of Paula, who at first pretended she didn’t notice my presence. As she looked up at me, a large smile came to her face. “Yes, Karina?”

Though my heart was rushing, I tried to play it cool, like there was nothing anxiously pressing on my mind. “Thanks for bringing that document to me yesterday.”

“Oh, did you get it?” she asked, almost with a twinkle in her eye.

“Yes… I thought by bringing it to me, you were going to bring it to the office. I wasn’t expecting to see it at my condo.”

“Oh, sorry about that. It’s just that your place was way closer to me than the office,” she started, as her sly smile only grew larger. “I’ve had your address for a long time, but I wasn’t sure if I went to the right place. I think I might have knocked on one of your neighbor’s doors…”

My face grew red as we were finally exploring the details of her encounter with Juri. “Oh, really? Why do you say that?”

“Some other woman that I’ve never seen answered the door. She didn’t speak English, but she seemed to know who you were. I figured she could get you the documents, at least.”

“Oh, yeah… She got me the documents, all right… Thanks, once again, for bringing them…”

“By the way… who was that? Was she your neighbor or something?”

“Yeah… my neighbor!” I answered, getting excited that Paula might actually believe that she went to the wrong unit. “But she got me the documents, so we’re all good!”

Just when I thought I might be in the clear, Paula then made a statement that caught my attention. “Well, I’m sorry I wasn’t here yesterday, but I’m glad the documents MADE it to you, at least.”

My head shot back at the way she emphasized the word “Made.” Was that in reference to Juri wearing a MAID outfit? I wondered.

Assuming I was just being self-conscious, I tried to continue with the conversation like it didn’t bother me. For all I knew, my employee could have just been testing me, and hadn’t come to any definite conclusions yet.

“Yes, I’m glad the documents made it to me… How are you feeling, by the way? Did you get over whatever came over you?”

“I’m feeling much better today,” she answered with a little wink, causing me to raise my eyebrows. “I was actually better last night. It was just in the morning I felt pretty rough. I live alone though, so it was too bad that I didn’t have anyone to take care of me and my apartment while I was sick.”

Yet another off-handed comment that seemed directed at me somehow. Could that be another reference to Juri’s outfit? I asked myself as I stood there, trying my best not to appear frantic. Maybe I’m being self-conscious… but why the fuck did she wink at me?!

I left the conversation as quickly as I could and went back to my office. When I closed the door behind me, I let out a loud gasp as I began breathing heavily. I could still hear laughing behind me, making me even more worried that my reactions had proven something inappropriate was going on at my home.

Suddenly, my cell phone vibrated, and when I checked it, a jolt of excitement went through me when I realized it was a message from Juri. For a very brief moment, I almost forgot about the mess I had gotten myself into at the office. However, the constant giggling reminded me of how serious the situation was, making me not want to respond to my sweet friend for some reason.

I could see it all… I could see it all crumbling before me. Everything I had dreamed of, everything I had worked for, crumbling before me. It was all because of a stupid mistake I made. And the proof of it was right there in my condo, wearing a maid outfit.

The vision of that future was the only thing I saw. The future of me losing everything I had achieved. Perhaps that was the reason I couldn’t see the light that Juri shined in my life. And perhaps that was the reason I didn’t respond to her text message.

My heart raced as I sat on the ground with my back pressed against the door. The sound of their giggling no longer rang in my ears. The noise was being drowned by the loud beating of my heart.

In that moment, not only could I not respond to Juri; I couldn’t even eat the food she packed me. I was in a panic as judgment day had seemingly come upon me. And as much as I had enjoyed having fun with her, she was the proof of the sins I had committed in my past.

Take a deep breath, Karina, I told myself, placing my hand over my chest. Then, after taking a moment to clear my mind, I expressed silently, I’ll find a way out of this…

It was like I had always told myself from the very beginning; I was just hosting Juri to make up for what I did to her. She would soon be leaving, back to her country, and I could wash my hands of my sins. I just needed to come up with an excuse until she left. Then, it would be as if I had never met her, and I would be free from my past.

The only problem was I still didn’t know when she was going back to Japan. There seemed to be a communication error whenever I brought that subject up. And up until this day, I had been caught in a false fairy tale, not even worried about the consequences of her continued presence.

Hours came and hours went by… Still, I hadn’t faced the music and confronted my co-workers. I could hear them continuing to make remarks, such as, “You MADE that look easy!” and “I wish Karina hadn’t MADE me do this assignment!” I didn’t know whether or not it was my imagination, but I still couldn’t tell if they were using “made” as a play on words for Jury’s maid outfit.

Eventually, there was a knock at my door, and I barely had the courage to answer. It was Alana who cracked the door open to see if I was even in there. For some reason, she was the last woman that I wanted to see, but I still waved her in like everything was okay.

Alana definitely wasn’t Juri, but seeing her only reminded me of my current conundrum. It wasn’t too long ago that I was unfairly taking my anger out on her. Now, those memories only brought me shame, but I wasn’t brave enough to admit my faults to her.

As always, my intern was just there to tell me she was done with her work for the day. I could hardly face her, and I definitely couldn’t look her in the eyes. When she asked me if she could leave, I simply kept my head down and whispered, “Yes.”

Instead of trotting out like she normally did, Alana stayed in her position right in front of me. My eyes were glued to the desk, but I could feel her presence above me. She wasn’t going to leave until I acknowledged her.

Once I finally glanced up at her, I noticed a look of concern in her brown eyes. There was a lot on both of our minds, but only one of us had the courage to talk. It was her, being the brave one for once, asking me, “May I have a word with you, Miss Ortiz?”

I placed my pen down, pretending I was taking a break from my work even though I hadn’t done anything productive all day. Staring deep into her concerned eyes, I asked, “What is it… Alana?”

She was obviously nervous, so much so that she was shaking at the knees. Still, she persisted, expressing, “There are a lot of rumors going on about you.”

Somehow, I was able to maintain my calm demeanor. On the inside, however, my heart was pounding relentlessly. The visions I saw of my world crumbling around me were becoming my reality.

“What rumors?” I asked, as if I didn’t already know.

She twiddled her fingers, almost as if she was too scared to tell me. Still, much braver than I was, she explained, “There’s a rumor that you had some stripper at your condo… An Asian girl wearing a revealing maid outfit…”

I don’t know how I was able to maintain my cool, but I somehow came up with the response for the timid intern. “Alana, you shouldn’t believe every rumor you hear.”

“Yeah, but that’s quite specific,” she pointed out, not backing down like I had hoped she would. “I mean, why would Paula make something like that up?”

“We’ve already established this, Alana. Did you not hear our conversation earlier? Paula accidentally went to one of my neighbor’s units. And whatever my neighbor was wearing at the time is her business…”

“That wasn’t your neighbor’s unit,” she interrupted, sounding more confident by the second. “The girls know you were lying about that not being your home. Your unit number is listed in our employee database. Paula knows that woman was in your condo.”

I could feel the weight of the world crashing down on my shoulders as Alana delivered that devastating blow. Maybe she’s lying to me, I hoped in silence, looking for any way out of this. However, seeing the look in her eyes and the concern on her face, all clues indicated that she was telling the truth. Alana had never been known to be a liar anyway.

Despite my shaking, I jumped up to my feet, startling her. I then walked over to the door to make sure no one was listening on the other side. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” I said as I faced her directly. “But can you promise to keep a secret?”

“Um… okay…” the young intern started as her cheeks went red. Then, building her confidence, she asked, “Are you a lesbian? Because…”

Before she could finish that second thought, I cut her off with a harsh reaction. “I am NOT a lesbian! I used to be married to a man, and it didn’t work out because of irreconcilable differences! Don’t you EVER assume I’m some sort of lesbian!”

Retreating, Alana placed her hands up in a defensive manner as she began backing away from me. “Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay! It was just a question…”

“Sorry…” I said, after taking up breath. I started to realize how suspicious my outburst was.

Honestly, after everything I had been through with Juri, I didn’t know if I was trying to convince Alana or myself. I suppose it was just a difficult question to handle, now that a third party had confronted me with it.

“No, I’m sorry,” Alana expressed as she built up the courage to come closer to me again. Then, with her head down, almost as if she were bowing, she continued, “I’m sorry for interrupting you, but what were you going to tell me earlier?”

“It’s about my trip to Japan,” I started after another loud sigh. I could hardly look her in the eyes, but I somehow managed to explain a PG version of my situation. “I actually… inconvenienced… this woman… and as a way of paying her back… I agreed to host her, since she wanted to visit America.”

Alana’s eyes quickly lit up and a smile slowly appeared on her face, warming my heart. “Oh, that’s so nice of you, Miss Ortiz! I mean… that’s unfortunate that it started out with an inconvenience, but people make friends in all sorts of ways! Do you mind If I ask what the inconvenience was?”

The initial memory I had of Juri quickly flashed into my mind. The employee at the clinic who didn’t even know me, bearing the brunt of my jealousy towards other women. A picture of her over my lap, whining as I spanked her. And, of course, there was the forced orgasm that followed afterwards during my drunken power trip.

“It was just… a stupid miscommunication…” I said as my face went completely red.

There was no way in hell I could tell Alana what really happened. However, the reality of the situation was that I needed Alana to talk to Juri for me, so I could find out when she was really leaving. I just hoped she would be too embarrassed about the situation to tell Alana what really happened.

“So… may I ask why she was wearing a maid outfit?”

“She’s been… cleaning for me while I’ve been at work… That’s not important, okay?! Look, I can explain everything later! But the issue is, she doesn’t speak English!”

“So you two haven’t been able to communicate at all?”

“We’ve been communicating a little bit through her translation app!” I explained, as my heart rushed from finally disclosing the secret relationship to an outside party. “But despite that, I still have trouble communicating with her! I don’t even know when she’s going back to Japan!”

A puzzled look came over Alana’s face as she shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I speak Japanese, remember? I even offered to translate for you in Japan, but you rejected…”

“Yeah, I know I rejected your offer!” I interrupted, frustrated with myself. “But, yes… I need you to come to my house and talk to Juri so I can figure out when she’s leaving!”

“Juri? That’s her name? That’s cute! And when do you want me to come by and talk to her?”

I could still hear the giggling from outside, and I wanted it to stop immediately. After glancing at my watch, I looked back at my intern and nervously answered, “As soon as possible… As a matter of fact, what are you doing later this evening?”


Before either of us had even wrapped our minds around what was happening, I had practically dragged Alana to my car so I could drive her to my condo. I don’t even know why I forced her to ride with me. She had her own car; we could have driven separately. And now I had to give her a ride back once this whole mess was over.

“Miss Ortiz… this is all so crazy!” she frantically expressed. “I’m still confused about this whole situation! And you haven’t even explained why she was wearing a y maid outfit!”

“I told you, she was cleaning my condo,” I quickly explained, once we reached my residence.

“So you’re telling me women have to wear maid outfits to clean?”

“Ugh, you wouldn’t understand!” I responded, rolling my eyes. I still hadn’t come up with an excuse for Juri’s outfit. Of course, the real reason she wore it was because it was a request of mine, but I definitely couldn’t explain that to anyone else, especially Alana!

As I opened the door, we practically tumbled into my unit, allowing our conversation to spill into my home. However, our babbling came to a quick stop as Alana and I noticed Juri standing there, staring at us.

She was cleaning, once again, but instead of wearing a maid outfit, she was in a regular T-shirt and shorts. Still, she looked beautiful, proving that she never even needed that maid outfit to begin with. However, with everything that had been weighing heavily on my weary mind, I couldn’t even take a moment to appreciate her beauty.

For some reason, Juri appeared frightened. Her eyes were big, and she jumped like a mouse before scurrying off to grab her phone. However, before she could start typing in her translation app, I nudged Alana towards her, instructing, “Tell her you speak Japanese!”

Immediately, Juri’s eyes lit up at the prospect of having someone she could talk to. Alana then addressed her, and the two women were suddenly greeting each other in their native tongue. However, Juri seemed incredibly excited to meet her for some reason that went beyond just meeting another Japanese person.

After speaking with Juri for a few seconds, Alana looked up at me and explained, “She said she wasn’t expecting you to come home so early. You’re usually not back for a few more hours.”

That’s when it kind of hit me that I had rushed Alana out of the office before my day had even completed. The other employees must have been so confused seeing us scamper out together. But knowing them, they probably followed soon after, using this as an excuse for them to leave early as well.

“She apologized for not having dinner ready,” Alana further explained. “And she also said she’s not done cleaning yet, but she could finish that later if you want her to start dinner now.”

“Alana… tell her we don’t have time for dinner. We have much more important things to discuss.”

“Well, she’s also offering to cook for me,” my intern expressed with a bit of excitement on her face. “I usually eat after I leave work, but since you sort of dragged me over here… I feel like you kind of owe me a meal…”
