A North-South Love Story! – Romance

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I had created this ID on Literotica with the intention of exploring relationships between people of different backgrounds. Somehow, I ended up writing only Interracial stories. In this story, I will be exploring relationship between two Indians belonging to two different regions and cultures of India. A North-Indian boy and a South-Indian girl: Their mother tongues are different, their cultures are different, their appearances are different. I would love to get your feedback on the same. Please write the same in the comment section.

Non-Indians would find difficult to understand certain nuances in the story but you can read the story, nonetheless.

Please Enjoy the story.

As the elevator of the building began moving up, countless thoughts were running inside Karan’s head. He had just come back from a date, a date with a woman that he had had a crush on for several months. Karan kept thinking, “Did the date go well?”, “Will there be a second date?”, “Will they move to next stage?”. Standing inside the elevator with Karan, was the woman he had been on a date with that evening, Swetha.

Karan was a 29-year-old software engineer, who had moved to Bangalore, about 5 months ago. He was working in Delhi until then, when a promotion in his company made him move to Bangalore. He was originally from the city of Lucknow in North India. That’s where he grew up and he was a ‘pakka’ North Indian boy. He spoke only Hindi and English, had Chapati and Sabji every day and listened to mainly Hindi songs, which is why he was a little skeptical of moving to Bangalore, thinking the culture would be very different from what he was used to, in Delhi. Thankfully, Bangalore being a cosmopolitan city, was not that difficult to adjust in.


On the day he arrived in Bangalore, he moved into an apartment in one of the good societies of Bangalore. He moved in with just a couple of bags of clothes. The rest of his luggage would arrive later. As he began unlocking the door, he heard a voice from behind him.

“Are you moving into this apartment?” a female voice asked him.

Karan turned around and saw who asked him the question. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. The woman was just drop-dead gorgeous. Karan knew she was a South-Indian girl. Her accent gave it away. But more importantly, it was her looks… Her beautiful looks that could take any man’s heart away. Her alluring dusky skin, her big, beautiful eyes and her thick silky hair. Karan, for a few moments, could not stop looking at her.

“Yes… just moving in now.” Karan replied, after some time.

“I’m Karan.” He said and extended his hand towards her.

“Swetha… I live in the flat opposite yours.” She replied and shook his hand.

“Did you have Lunch?” Swetha asked.

Karan checked the time. It was 2 PM. He shook his head, no.

“No, didn’t find any time… I just came here, straight from the airport.” he said.

“Oh… well, why don’t have Lunch at my place today? I made Rasam and Rice.” She replied.

“Sure, that sound great… Please give me 10-15 mins.” Karan said.

“Sure.” replied Swetha and went into her apartment.

Karan entered his apartment and kept his bags. He pulled out his water bottle and had some water. He could not help but smile. Karan knew that he had developed an instant crush for Swetha. And there was a reason for it. Yes, she was beautiful, she was polite… But, for Karan, there was another major reason why he had developed an instant crush for Swetha. Growing up in Lucknow, the access to anything from Southern India was difficult. There were no people from the South in his city. In fact, he had never interacted with anyone from the South until he went to college. The only thing he knew about the south was the food, which, in his hometown, was also a narrow selection of all the dishes that Southern India had to offer.

But there was one thing of the South that he did have access to… the movies. Thanks to a major movie channel dubbing South Indian movies into Hindi and airing them, he got to view those movies. He got to know about some major actors and actresses from Southern India and about their stardom. And for some actresses of the South, he could not help but develop crushes.

But out of all actresses of the South, there was one actress that he had the biggest crush on. For him, no other actress, even from Hindi film industry, came close to her in terms of beauty… Anushka Shetty. Her slightly dusky skin, her big, beautiful eyes, her silky hair and her voluptuous body just took his heart away. In one of the movies, when she wore a little black bindi on her forehead, she looked like the cutest thing on the planet.

And this was exactly the reason why Karan developed an instant hard crush for Swetha. She reminded him so much of a young Anushka Shetty in her 20s. She had very similar facial features… a beautiful face, that alluring slightly dusky skin tone, big beautiful eyes… she had it all, even her height. Just like Anushka Shetty, Swetha was tall. Swetha was 5’10, just 3 inches shorter than Karan.

Karan could not help but smile. He had such a beautiful woman as his neighbor.

A few minutes later, Karan rang the door-bell of his neighbour. Swetha opened the door and greeted him with a warm smile. She let him in. They sat down on the dining table and began eating lunch she had made. Karan loved the simple lunch. It was delicious and filling.

Once done, they sat down on the couch and began talking. Karan told her about his background.

“I was working in Delhi for the last 5 years. But because of my promotion, I moved here to Bangalore. But I am originally from Lucknow. I grew up there.” Said Karan. Swetha nodded.

“I am a Software Engineer too. I moved to Bangalore about a year back in 2021. I was working in Mysore till then. But like you, I am also not originally for either of those cities. I grew up in Mangalore.” Said Swetha.

“Oh… Are you Tulu?” asked Karan.

The young, 27-year-old girl was surprised.

“Wow… you know about my community? Sorry, I didn’t expect a North Indian boy to know about us… Yes, I am a Tuluva. My full name is Swetha Hegde.” Replied Swetha with a smile on her face, impressed with Karan.

Of course, the reason for Karan knowing about the Tulu community was Anushka Shetty too. Years ago, his crush on her made him research her background and that’s how he got to know of this ethnolinguistic group from coastal and southern region of Karnataka.

Both Karan and Swetha spoke to each other in English. Karan knew only Hindi and English. Swetha, on the other hand, understood Hindi, but she was not fluent in speaking it. So, they stuck to conversing in English.

They talked for a while before Karan left and began getting his house in order. His luggage arrived soon and he began putting it in place.

In the next few months, Karan began settling down in Bangalore. The pleasant weather helped. He got used to living in Bangalore. And with that, he soon became friends with Swetha. Whenever they saw each other, they would smile and have a quick conversation. On Weekends, Karan loved cooking. He would cook some of his favourite dishes and invite Swetha over for Lunch or dinner. Sometimes, it would be Swetha who would invite him to eat. Both had their favorites from each other’s dishes. Swetha loved his Lucknowi Biryani and Rajma Rice, while Karan loved Chicken Sukka, and Kori Rotti and Mangalorean Chicken Curry that she made.

Alongside, his crush on her only became stronger. When she smiled, he felt happy. When she talked, her voice was soothing to his ears. Sometimes, when she wore sarees, his heart would leap with joy. No girl that he knew, ever looked as alluring as Swetha, in a saree.

Her beauty, her voice, her body… God, he wanted to ask her out so badly. But there were a couple of reasons why he would stop himself. One, he would always think if he is rushing too soon. He had known her for just a few months. They were friends. If she said no, would it be an end to their friendship as well?

But there was an even bigger reason. A few weeks ago, Swetha told Karan about her past and it was heartbreaking. Around the middle of 2020, when she lived in Mysore, her marriage was fixed to another person, Sunil, who was also Tulu. They had chatted with each other for months and finally, Swetha had said yes. In January of 2021, she got married. Swetha had high hopes with her marriage and dreamt of living a lovely, family life. But fate had other things in mind. Just three months after her wedding, the second-wave of Covid hit India. It was a terrible time. Those who contacted it, had no cure apart from their immunity. The mayhem of second-wave claimed thousands of lives in the country. One of them, unfortunately, was Sunil. Swetha became a widow. It was a terrible time for her. Her marriage had lasted only for three months. And because of the terrible memories of helplessness of those times, she decided to move from Mysore and settle down in Bangalore instead.

This was Karan’s dilemma. He had no problem with the fact that Swetha was a widow. But at the same time, was Swetha ready to begin dating again? Would she judge him in any way for asking a widow out? He did not know. So, he bottled up his desire to ask her out and refrain from it. And yet, the same desire also caused his crush on her to increase several folds.

Their friendship got deeper. They would invite each other over all the time for dinner or just to hang out over the weekends but it never went further than that.

5 months had gone by since Karan moved into his apartment. It was Deepavali. The society had organized a function on the night of Deepavali. Karan and Swetha got dressed up in their traditional attires. Karan wore a North-Indian style Kurta-Pajama, while Swetha wore a beautiful silk saree. Karan did the pooja and lit up lamps and placed them across different places in his apartment. Finally, Karan got out of his apartment and placed two lamps on the doorstep of his apartment. That’s when Swetha opened the door of her apartment and got out with her lamps to decorate the entry of her apartment as well.

When Karan saw Swetha, his heart skipped a beat. In her beautiful red and yellow silk saree, Swetha looked stunning. Her silky hair were open and wavy. She had kohl in her eyes and looked absolutely beautiful. Karan noticed it all and smiled. She looked so good. But Karan noticed something else as well, inadvertently. As she bent down to place the lamps on the doorstep, Karan noticed her waist. The saree bared her waist and revealed her beautiful tummy to him. Enhancing the beauty of her tummy was her beautiful navel, round and perfect. Her dusky skin made the sight even more erotic. He tried his best to look away from the lovely sight and was only able to do it at the last second, before Swetha turned her head and looked at him.

She smiled. Karan smiled.

“Shubh Deepavali!” greeted Karan. Swetha smiled and greeted him back in her mother tongue (Tulu language). Karan did not understand what she said but knew that she was greeting him the same. Karan noticed a twinkle in her big, beautiful eyes.

“Are you done with pooja?” he asked.

Swetha nodded and asked him the same.

“Let’s go downstairs. Let’s see what the society has organized.” Swetha said. Karan nodded and they together walked towards the elevator to go to the ground floor where the function was organized.

As Swetha walked in front, Karan could not help but notice how stunning Swetha looked. Her blouse left a good amount of her back bare. When she walked, her waist swayed from side to side. Karan noticed her nice buttocks as well.

They got in the elevator and went to the place where the function was organized. There were snacks. There was music and fireworks that were happening. Karan and Swetha stood beside each other and celebrated Deepavali together. The stunning beauty of Swetha, Karan found his heart fluttering from it. He had an urge to place an arm around her and let people know that she was his, or so he felt about her. But he stopped himself from doing it.

An hour later, it was mostly over. Karan and Swetha made their way to her home. Swetha had asked him to have dinner at her place. They sat down at her dining table and had dinner. Once done, they talked for some time. Karan then, got up to leave.

He reached her door and was about to open when suddenly he stopped and turned around.

“Swetha… I wanted to tell you something.” Said Karan. He did not know how he got the courage to say even those words.

“What, Karan?” asked Swetha.

Karan suddenly found himself tongue-tied, heart racing really fast, gasping for air. He did not know what to do.

Swetha noticed it. “Are you okay?” she asked.

Karan took a very long and deep breathe.

“I… I really like you, Swetha. I have liked you since the day I saw you… And… I wanted to know… if you’d like to go out on a date with me?” Karan said. Swetha looked surprised.

Karan found his throat was dry. He found himself gulping a few times.

Swetha found herself to be out of answer. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, which felt like hours.

“I need some time to think.” Said Swetha.

“Okay.” Said Karan, while nodding. He opened the door and left. When he entered his home, he kicked himself for doing what he did. Did he just ruin his friendship with Swetha, he thought. Maybe he did. Things will now just be awkward between the two of them. Maybe he should have waited for a few more months. Did he rush things up. Several thoughts were running through his head.

He took off his clothes and wore his night wear and lay down on bed. He could not sleep. Hours went by and those thoughts kept running through his head.

Almost 2 and a half hours later, he found himself to be tired. He closed his eyes to sleep. But suddenly his phone started playing the alert tone. It was a message. He opened the message. It was from Swetha.

“Yes” with a blush emoji, was what it read.

Karan got up and read it again and again to ascertain he had read it correct. He was happy.

“Really?” he asked.

She replied with a smiling emoji.

Karan sent the ‘success kid’ image to her. Swetha saw it and laughed out loud. She replied with the equivalent emoji.

Karan called her. Swetha picked up.

“Thanks for saying yes.” Said Karan.

“Why are you thanking me for it?” she asked.

“I don’t know… I, for some reason, thought you’d say no and then things would get awkward between us.” He spoke.

“Well, they won’t be if we don’t make them awkward.” She replied.

“Hmm… so… is tomorrow night 8’o clock okay with you?” he asked.

“Yeah… I’ll be ready by then.” She replied.

All happy, he hung up and slept off.


The next day went really well. He cleaned up his house. He cooked. Around 7 PM, he started getting dressed up. He wore his best shirt, jeans and jacket. He put on his best perfume and wore new shoes. Around 7:50PM, he got out of his home and locked it. He made his way to Swetha’s apartment. He rang her doorbell and waited for her to come out.

Swetha took her time to come out. When she opened the door, Karan’s heart skipped a beat, once more. Swetha was dressed in a beautiful, deep blue, Mysore silk saree with a black border. She looked stunningly beautiful. Her wavy hair were open. She wore a small black bindi on her forehead, and a simple necklace around her neck. She had black bracelets on her wrist. And to top it all off, it was her alluring dusky skin complementing it all.

For a few seconds, Karan was stunned and could not say anything. Swetha smiled when she looked at him.

“Sorry… but these are the best clothes I had for this date.” Said Swetha.

“You look the most beautiful in a saree, Swetha.” Said Karan.

Swetha smiled and thanked him. She turned around to lock her door. Karan saw her backside. Her blouse left an ample amount of her sexy back bare. It looked smooth and sexy. Karan got his gaze down and saw her bare side-waist. It looked like a perfect spot for him to place his hand, slide it in and cop a feel of her soft tummy. But, of course, he did not do it.

Swetha turned around and together, they made their way to the parking lot. Karan opened the door of his car for her. Swetha smiled at his chivalry and got in. Karan got in the driver’s seat as well and drove her to the Italian restaurant where he had made a booking.

They entered the restaurant and sat on their reserved table, opposite each other. They began talking.

“You always look so beautiful in a saree, Swetha.” Said Karan.

“Thanks.” Said Swetha, smiling.

Then, they began chatting. Though they had known each other for a few months now, this time it was different. Swetha and Karan talked about a lot more personal details of their lives, their likes and dislikes, their habits.

The waiter came in and they ordered food. One plate of pasta and a large pizza. They continued chatting. They lost track of time as they continued talking. More than 20 mins passed and that’s when their food arrived. Swetha took the plate of pasta and served some to Karan and took some as well. They began eating. The food was delicious and filling.

They took their time to eat the food and relished it. They then, talked some more before deciding to go back home. Karan paid the bill and they made their way back. Thanks to Bangalore’s traffic, it took them more time than usual to reach home and hence, they spent even more time talking. This was the only time Karan was thankful for Bangalore’s traffic.

They reached their society and got out of the car. They made their way to the elevator. Once the elevator started moving up, suddenly, there was awkward silence between them. Now was the moment of truth. Was the date a success? Will there be more dates? What happens next? Karan wondered.

They reached their floor and got out of the elevator. They walked up to Swetha’s apartment. They faced each other. Suddenly, both had ran out of words to say.

“I liked being with you, tonight.” Said Karan, after thinking for some time.

“Yeah… it was great.” Said Swetha.

And then, again there was an awkward silence.

“I got to know you a lot better.” Said Karan, again after some time.

“Yeah… same here.” Said Swetha.

Again, there was an awkward silence.

“Coffee?” asked Swetha, after some time.

“Sure.” Said Karan.

Swetha unlocked her door and they got in. Karan sat on the couch while Swetha moved into the kitchen and started making coffee. Some minutes went by, before Karan got up and moved towards the kitchen.

“Sorry, I need some water.” Asked Karan.

“Yeah… the glasses are over there.” She pointed out towards them.

Karan poured some water into the glass and drank it. Once done, he looked at Swetha. She was facing opposite. Her back was towards him. Karan saw her sexy back. He moved his gaze towards her sexy, curvaceous waist and then, her ass. Karan did not notice it earlier but the saree did an excellent job in outlining her beautiful ass. Karan moved towards her and stood right behind her.

“Do you want to add sugar?” she asked, looking away from him.

Suddenly, she felt Karan’s hands over her shoulders. With one hand, he shifted her beautiful hair forward and kissed the nape of her neck. He showered her sexy back with his kisses. Swetha found herself loving it. She closed her eyes and began enjoying it. Soon, Karan made his way to the top and kissed her neck softly. A moan escaped Swetha’s mouth, “Umm.”

Karan continued kissing her neck but got his hands to her waist and held her sexy waist. With his left hand, her slid it inside her pallu and placed it on her tummy. He began feeling her belly as his hand roamed around her belly. He felt her beautiful navel and began teasing it with his finger, as he moved his finger around her navel. All this while, he kept kissing Swetha’s neck and she kept moaning.
