A New Life (Epilogue) –

#BDSM #Bisexual #Tween #Zoophilia

By subslut_1963m

The epilogue to the twisted tale of Chelsea’s Bitch takes a brief look at what happened after her 11th birthday.

This very twisted multi-part story is 100% fictional.

Thumbs up to everyone that has made it through Chapters 1-15. I hope you enjoyed it.


My service to Chelsea has not ended since the day of her 11th birthday. She was right that my cock has never felt the warmth and wetness of a woman’s pussy again. The prostate removal meant that my special moment with her was the last time I ever ejaculated. The doctor who did the surgery said I was very lucky to have taken care of this when I did. My prostate did have signs of the same aggressive cancer that killed my father at age 50, and follow-ups with the doctor confirmed I was cancer free. After a couple months of recovery, I regained my ability to get an erection. But the tube I have worn since the day of her party prevents them. I have had the tube off just 3 times since, and each time it was immediately replaced with a slightly smaller model.

Even in the tube, we discovered I could have a dry orgasm with enough visual and emotional stimulation. Chelsea devised the perfect formula. She would first activate one of the hypnotic triggers that Dr. Shannon added after the party. With this one, after Chelsea would put me into a deeper submissive headspace with the phrase “OK, my sissy toilet bitch,” she would simply tell me to “go back to the best moment of your life.”

When that happened, I was instantly back in that chair with her straddling my waist and looking me in the eyes. I could see that day as if I was using the best VR device ever invented. Then Chelsea would whisper into my ear to “Cum for me, my pet!” and she would bite my earlobe. That combination of stimulations would cause an orgasm to rock my body hard. She saves them only for special occasions—Her birthday, Christmas and the day I was first brought to their home.

Because her name was permanently marked on my body on the day of her 11th birthday, Chelsea decided to continue that tradition ever since. Each year on her birthday, she has a small tattoo that says “Chelsea’s Bitch” followed by the year, added somewhere on my body. So far, she has avoided having to use my forehead, but she jokes she may be running out of other options.

Chelsea was home schooled with her sisters until Ashley and then Becca graduated high school, leaving Chelsea as my only student. So, to get her ready for the next stage of her education, it was decided that she would go back to the local high school for her senior year. Chelsea graduated with honors and ended up sharing a place at college with her best friend Julia. I moved with her and was given a small bedroom in their apartment. I took care of all their needs so they could both concentrate on their grades.

Julia became a successful veterinarian and has taken care of all the family pets ever since, including some of the puppies Bear fathered before he passed away peacefully at age 14. Julia continued to be very close with all the male dogs she owned, and she added a new paw tattoo with the dog’s name for each one. The tattoos now go all the way from that first one she got on her lower back at the birthday party to the most recent one on the top of her left shoulder.

Ashley never married but had 2 children, a boy and a girl. As expected, her boy looked exactly like her dad. Derek has a great relationship with his first grandchild, treating him just like he was his only son. Which he is. Ashley ended up taking a job at her dad’s medical practice after she got her AA degree at junior college. She always told her friends that she took that job because she wanted to spend more time with her dad. If they ever did the math, they would have realized that her 2nd child was born almost 9 months to the day from the office celebration for her first day on the job.

After becoming the unicorn princess at Chelsea’s 11th birthday party, Ashley’s best friend Katie became even more obsessed with horses. She moved to Kentucky when she graduated high school and went to work for one of the largest breeding farms in the world. She now runs her own breeding farm a few hours north of where she grew up. Katie has always stayed single because, as she explained, “no man could ever measure up.” And she brags that her equine employees are all very satisfied at work.

Becca and Allison stayed together and their relationship—despite the age difference—evolved into an unusual but passionate romance. Becca was inspired by “slut Allie” to go into the education field. Becca is now the assistant principal at the all-girls middle school in town. Allison is the school principal and Becca’s boss at work. That might be their job titles, but when Becca snaps her fingers, Allison is still instantly on her knees. Besides tormenting Allison, Becca especially loves spending time away from school with some of the troubled girls that require her special attention. Allison loves to help with that too.

Because Allison manages Becca, they are not permitted to be in a romantic relationship. To solve that problem, Becca and Allison bought adjoining townhomes in the same complex. Their bedrooms actually share a common wall, so, when they are not sharing the same bed, Becca never hesitates to use the remote on the vibrator Allison must always insert before going to sleep. And it is a good thing she lives so close, because Allison’s services are required every day at 6:00 a.m. sharp. She must be on her back next to where Becca is sleeping, funnel in place, ready to swallow every drop of Becca’s morning piss.

Becca’s friends, the twins Brenda and Brendan, had an embarrassing brush with fame just after they turned 18. Their dad had continued his rise in politics and was favored to be the state’s next Senator. That was until some computer nerd hacked into someone’s personal computer and downloaded and released a video of Brenda and her mom taking turns using strapons on Brendan and his dad while they were at a sex party in Berlin. Even worse, the video showed Brendan taking his father’s load in his ass while his mother was using a small flogger on both of them and Brenda was forcing her brother to gag on a 10-inch dildo. Clearly, even on the West Coast, there was a limit to the level of sexual deviance people were willing to accept from their elected politicians. But don’t worry too much, the family maintained a steady flow of income uploading extreme content to one of the many subscription fan sites. And Brenda kept pimping out her brother to any man that wanted to use him on camera.

Mistress Catherine’s sister Brianne’s nutritional plan eventually allowed me to lose more than 75 pounds and my constant activity taking care of the family kept it off. In her personal life, Brianne finally found the “Clyde” to join her “Bonnie.” Anthony was an incredibly handsome, dominant gay man in his early 40s. His passion, when he wasn’t running his own high-tech security firm, was turning powerful straight men gay. When his interest was combined with Brianne’s desire to make men fall in love with her before ruining them, the perfect evil combo was formed.

Brianne would find very successful businessmen and start a relationship. Once she had her claws in them, she would casually suggest they invite a 3rd person into the fun. The first several times it would be another woman. Brianne would then suggest they add cocaine and crystal meth to the festivities to make things even more intense. Finally, when she had him addicted to all the sex and all the drugs, Brianne would suggest Anthony as the 3rd for another change of pace. By that time, they never said “no.”

Anthony would then convince the guy when he was strung out on drugs and needing sexual release to do more and more extreme things to get the same high. Above anything else, Anthony craved that first time he used them raw and had them beg to be bred. Once that happened, he knew their target was in too deep to turn back and Brianne and Anthony would use his weakness to destroy him. Anthony didn’t really consider it a complete success until the guy quit his job to allow more time to get cock every day.

Their all-time favorite success story was Russell. Russell managed a portfolio estimated at over $10 billion for a huge downtown investment firm. The open secret was that the money came from various drug cartels and arms dealers. Russell was happy with his negotiated fee for managing the money and never took one penny more than he was entitled to out of his very reasonable fear that his clients might not take that very well. When Brianne first met him, he was arrow straight and had an unapologetic reputation of being a homophobe. Like the men before him, Russell fell hard and fast for Brianne. By the time Anthony was brought in, Russell was doing meth and crack multiple times a day and agreed without hesitation to any new pleasure either Brianne or Anthony suggested.

One long weekend, while Russell was being used as a cumdump by a dozen of Anthony’s friends, Brianne and Anthony gained access to Russell’s laptop and they made most of his portfolio assets disappear. They didn’t take any of the money for themselves. All the money disappeared into the accounts of numerous charities around the world. But when $10 billion becomes less than $100,000, and that money belongs to some of the most notorious people on the planet, you need to disappear quickly. Before Russell could determine what actually happened, Anthony and Brianne convinced him that they had the solution to his problems. He just needed to trust them. That was his final mistake.

Russell was taken by cargo plane under cover of darkness to an undisclosed location in the Middle East. There, he was sold to a brothel that catered to very rich men that loved to see American men sexually tortured. Over the next several years, Brianne and Anthony were sent occasional videos of some of his most extreme sessions. When they didn’t get another video for more than a year, they assumed that one of those sessions must have gone too far or that one of the people that lost their money finally found him. But by that time, Brianne and Anthony were onto their next conquest.

Brianne’s protégé Danielle married her fiancé Tommy as planned, and he did get her pregnant with their first child just a few months after the wedding. Both grandmothers were delighted to meet their beautiful new granddaughter Brianna.

Danielle followed through with her promise to cuckold her new husband and she had him marked with his “CUCKOLD” tramp stamp right after their honeymoon. At the same time, she had a queen of spades tattoo added to the outside of her left ankle. Danielle also required Tommy to wear a locked chain around his neck with a pendant that said, “Danielle’s Cuck.” She was thoughtful enough to keep the print small so only some of the people he worked with ever noticed what it said. In addition to their daughter, Danielle also had two boys. Anyone looking at their complexion knew Tommy could not be their dad regardless of what the birth certificate might have said. The grandmothers welcomed both boys just the same.

Danielle finished nursing school and went to work full-time at the medical office. She is now the lead surgical nurse and is paying forward her training from Brianne with Kiley, the newest nurse on staff. Danielle and Kiley decided it was best to keep Tommy away from Kiley’s boyfriend until after they were married so he wouldn’t accidentally scare him away before he could say, “I do.”

Chelsea surprised everyone by going to medical school. After residency, she joined her dad’s plastic surgery practice and is now running the place while her dad works part-time and teaches at the nearby college. Chelsea married a great guy, and they had 3 beautiful daughters of their own. Her husband is very busy flying all over the world making massive business deals, so it is my job to keep things under control at home. I did so well with Chelsea and her sisters, I am back teaching again. And of course, I am always dressed in pink. Her girls, now ages 10, 12 and 14, also love to spank their old teacher any chance they get. They also love to punish me if I don’t properly thank them when I swallow their piss. Her youngest daughter has even asked when she gets to brand her name on me. I deferred that question to her mother.

In case you wondered, the “Chelsea’s Bitch” website was regularly updated until Chelsea graduated college. At some point, because we were spending so much time together, it really just became our personal story, and she didn’t think there was any reason to keep sharing that with the world. I did keep an archived version of the site on my computer and occasionally relive some of those earliest moments.

When I see Chelsea all grown up now, and see myself in the mirror, it makes me realize how much time has passed. Chelsea turns 40 next month and looks so much like her mom did when I first met her many years ago. We do have a few surprises planned for Chelsea’s big birthday, but it will be nothing like the time she turned 11. All the people that were at that one still can’t stop talking about it.

Finally, this story could not be complete without discussing Mistress Catherine. She moved up within her insurance company and soon was leading the entire Western Region. Her new responsibilities at work never changed her focus at home on raising her daughters, and then her grandchildren, to become productive members of society. But it had long ago become clear to me from both her actions and her words, that Mistress Catherine viewed me as her greatest achievement. One day I had to ask her why?

Mistress Catherine said she had found someone with so much potential that was completely lost in his boring life. She said I needed the direction and training that only she and her family could provide. She boasted that her decision has paid her back many times over, as I made all of their lives better.

But Mistress Catherine was wrong about one thing she said on that very first weekend after I woke up in her home. She said that she would “break me.” She didn’t. I was already broken when we met. She fixed me, and I will always be grateful for that.

The End

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By subslut_1963m
#BDSM #Bisexual #Tween #Zoophilia

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse
epdi guys story share pandrathu
epdi guys story share pandrathu... Collapse