A Model Romance Ch. 03 Romance

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I took a meal break around 4; the first half of my shift had been slow, since we were in a short offseason between spring break and summer vacation. As the general manager, I didn’t get set break times and took them when I could, but this time of year that was essentially whenever I wanted. I’d spent some time rearranging the schedule for the next week so I could take the weekend after this one off and fly to California to go to Disneyland with Anna.

I met her a week ago. Just a week ago, and it was already clear that we had something deep together. I don’t think I could have avoided falling for Anna if I had wanted to. She was smart, driven, funny, and gorgeous, and the was amazing. I’m sure she had flaws, everyone does, although I hadn’t found any yet. The only wrinkle we’d had at all was her admission on our second date that she was an OnlyFans model, although her content had been tame so far and I’d quickly gotten used to the idea. If she’d been hooking up with other guys that would have been a dealbreaker for me, but sharing photos and the occasional video of her y body didn’t seem to bother me after I processed the information.

We hadn’t texted since I left her place before work at the hotel, and despite it having only been a few hours since then, I missed her. I wasn’t concerned, or jealous, or clingy I just genuinely missed being around her and was counting down until I’d see her for our daylong theme park date on Wednesday. While I was daydreaming about her and eating the sandwich I’d gotten from the hotel snack shop, my phone buzzed.

It was a message from Anna. Just seeing her name on my phone sent a rush of endorphins to my head. I looked around to make sure no one else was in the breakroom, something I’d learned to do on my first workday after we started dating, when she sent me a topless picture she’d taken while shooting content. I opened her message, which just read, “I miss you.” I was about to reply when another message came through this one was an image, and I waited for it to resolve, which always took a second in the basement of the hotel where I was.

Anna and another model, who must have been her friend Emily that I she told me was going to be shooting with her today, were laying by the pool in her backyard. Both were wearing a matching style of bikini, Anna in navy blue and Emily in white. Anna looked as beautiful as ever, her lightly tanned skin glowing in the late afternoon sun. Her lighter brunette hair fanned behind her head on the deck chair as she almost imperceptibly arched her back, making her generous breasts strain against the fabric of the bikini top she was wearing. The sunglasses she was wearing framed her face beautifully, while her slightly parted lips added a seductive hint to the image. It was no wonder she was cleaning up on social media.

Emily laid on the chair next to her, dark hair pulled to one side and resting on her shoulder. She struck an identical pose to Anna, her top not working quite as hard as Anna’s to contain her smaller breasts. She had wider hips than Anna with thighs to match. I’m sure she was almost always the hottest person in the room, as long as she wasn’t next to my beautiful girlfriend.

“You look hot AF,” I sent back to Anna.

“You mean me, or both of us?” she replied almost immediately, with a winking emoji.

“I meant you, but it could apply to either of you,” I sent back diplomatically, but remembering that she didn’t want me to pretend that other girls weren’t attractive. She was a working model, after all, which would make it hard to exist if I had to keep pretending her other model friends weren’t hot. I’d learned she was biual last time we had discussed this, so it’s not like I could lie anyway.

She sent back a heart emoji. Before I could put my phone down, she Facetimed me, and I answered it.

“Hey Charlie!” she said on the other end. “I figured you must be on break, responding so fast. This is Emily,” she added as she spun the phone slightly to show me her friend standing next to her.

“Hi Emily, nice to meet you,” I said and waved. She grinned, showing off a gorgeous smile that could light up a room.

“Nice to meet the guy she can’t stop talking about,” Emily said, jerking her thumb at Anna. I laughed.

“All good things, I hope,” I responded, already knowing the answer.

“Almost too good, I thought she was making you up. I’m still not sure if I accept that there are handsome guys in the world that are both kind and caring gentlemen and have dicks like soda cans,” she said with a perfectly straight face. I coughed, nearly choking on the water bottle I’d been taking a sip out of. Anna turned the phone so I could see both of them laughing as I sputtered.

“I’m sorry, Charlie, I said that to her earlier and she said she’d give me five bucks if I said it to you when we met,” said Emily, still smiling, her green eyes twinkling. “Pay up, Anna,” she added.

“That’s how you’ve told people about me, huh?” I said to Anna. She giggled.

“I told them the first part sober. They worked the second part out of me drunk the other night. I’m sorry, I hope that’s alright?” she said, looking amused but a little nervous.

“It’s fine,” I said, shaking my head. I really wasn’t bothered, just caught off guard. “And I don’t know about a soda can, you might be exaggerating,” I said, trying to sound humble.

“Yeah, probably was a bit,” she said, before turning her head towards Emily and theatrically shaking it side to side and mouthing the word “nope.” They both started cackling. I couldn’t help myself and laughed with them.

“So, how’s the shoot going, ladies?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“It’s going awesome, I think we’ve gotten everything we need,” Emily said, giving me a thumbs up. She turned and walked away to mess with a tripod. I watched her round, thongclad ass a bit before directing my eyes back to Anna. Anna looked back at me, a more serious look on her face as she walked inside, carrying me on her phone with her.

“That’s actually why I called, we finished with our collab bikini shoot,” said Anna. She hesitated a second before asking, “Emily asked me if I could shoot some nude/semilewd stuff for her own post by the pool. I’ve done it before, we’ve all been each other’s photographers at different points, but since we’re together I wanted to make sure you were alright with it. I know you wouldn’t want me hanging out with a naked man, and you know I’m bi, so I obviously won’t do it if you’re not 100% alright with it. It would be totally professional, we’re friends, but I told her I had to ask you first.”

“Thanks for doing that,” I said. “What about you, she going to return the favor?”

“I don’t need a nude shoot right now, but I could always bank one since we’re set up already. It’s your call. I love you, so I’m letting you decide, and don’t feel like you have to say yes, alright?”

I thought about it for a second. She hadn’t given me reason not to trust her; in fact, quite the opposite, asking for permission to essentially do her job that she’d done dozens of times before. “As long as it stays professional, I’m cool with it,” I told her.

“Thanks for trusting me,” she said seriously, looking at me with a smile. “You really are the best guy ever. Emily is just a friend so even if I wasn’t in love with you, it’s not like we were going to start hooking up. You’re welcome to forget I said that though, if you need anything to daydream about while you work,” she said, winking at me, her blue eyes twinkling. I smiled at her teasing.

“I’ve got to get back,” I told her, “Have a good rest of the evening, I’ll call you after work. I love you.”

“Love you too, Charlie. Talk to you soon.” She waved and ended the call. I took the last bite of my sandwich, went to the bathroom, and headed off to the office to put my phone away. Right before I put it in the locker, I felt it buzz, so I opened it.

“Em said to give you this as thanks for letting me help her out,” texted Anna. A photo followed. It was of both girls, facing the camera. They were smiling and lifting their tops, four perfectly shaped tits pointed right at me. I stared for a second before putting my phone in the locker, shaking my head. What even was my life now?


I got off work a little later than usual, staying to help check in a large group that arrived right before I clocked out. I called Anna on the way home, streetlights whizzing past me as I waited for her to pick up.

“Hey, how was work?” she asked when she picked up.

“Not bad, although it’s hard to work when all you can think about is your hot model girlfriend naked,” I said. She giggled.

“Just me, huh? Not Emily too?” she said teasingly.

“Emily is hot, but she’s got nothing on you,” I said. “Still, that photo was something else, I was not expecting that at all,” I added.

“I know. You trusted me to be around a hot naked model, so I wanted to show you that I would trust you the same way. Emily was cool with it, and grateful that you were OK with our shoot, so I sent it over.”

“I appreciate the thought behind it. And the tits. But mostly the thought,” I told her, earning a laugh. “Let her know I appreciated it as well. So, what are you up to now?” I asked.

“Unpacking. Emily left around 6, I’ve been at it since then. I’ve got the kitchen done and now I’m working on the office.”

“Awesome, good for you,” I told her. “I wish our date was tomorrow, sucks that I have to work early again.”

“Yeah, I miss you too,” she replied. I stayed on the phone with her my whole drive home, just talking about nothing important while she continued unpacking boxes. When I pulled into my driveway, I let her go so I could get ready for bed and told her I’d call her back before I went to sleep. I ate a quick dinner and brushed my teeth, before climbing in bed. I called Anna and said goodnight and passed out.


The next day passed quickly in what was becoming my new routine. I ate my poptart and drank my morning coffee, showered, and left for work. Anna and I talked on the phone while I drove in. She was taking the day off from shooting content to finish unpacking her house. I started work, and when I broke for lunch, I got out my phone expecting to have gotten a mildly to very inappropriate picture from Anna.

I was wrong. She’d sent half a dozen pictures, saying she’d forgotten to show me the images from her shoot yesterday. There were a couple of her and Emily in bikinis, and a couple of her in bikinis, and then one of her topless against the wall surrounding her backyard pool, covering her breasts with her hands. The last one was in the exact same position, but her bottom was gone and her hands had dropped to cover her pussy, her tits hanging proud on her chest while she made a surprised face, her lips making a perfect ‘O’ shape as though she had no idea she was about to be photographed naked.

Fuck. I was hard as a rock in the breakroom. I wasn’t going to see her tonight and tomorrow we had a whole day at Disney planned so I was just going to have to deal with it myself until tomorrow night at the earliest. At the rate she teased me and sent y pictures, I’m not sure my poor balls could make it that long.

I flirted with her briefly over text, telling her how hot she looked in the photos and how hard it was going to be to wait for her again. She clearly loved driving me crazy. When my break was over, we said goodbye and I went back to work, adjusting my waistband as I did so.


After work I went and got groceries, enough to last until the following weekend when I’d leave for California. Doing laundry and cleaning was next, my apartment having been neglected since I’d been spending all my time either working or with Anna. It was nearly 10 when I was done and FaceTimed her to say goodnight.

“Hello, beautiful,” I said as she answered. She was indeed looking beautiful, her blue eyes and gorgeous smile greeting me. She appeared to be wearing a white tank top, and her hair was up in a ponytail.

“Hello, handsome,” she responded, matching my cadence. I was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and no shirt, which is how I usually slept.

“How was your day?” I asked her.

“Not bad, I’m mostly done unpacking, and I just finished my costume for Hollywood Studios tomorrow,” she said. “Ask me what it is,” she added excitedly.

“What is it?” I played along.

“It’s a surprise, I can’t tell you,” she said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, which made her grin more. “You’re going to love it though. I just tried it on, I look really hot.” She looked confident and I didn’t doubt her for a second.

“I’m sure you do, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” I told her. She smiled.

“I can’t wait to see you either. It’s going to be a long day at the park tomorrow, I’m so horny for you,” she nearly whispered into the phone. I instantly felt my dick swell, still primed from the y photos she sent me earlier. “It’s going to be so hard to keep my hands out of your pants while we’re in public,” she said with an exaggerated pout. I twitched again, growing a bit more.

“You?” I asked, “I’m the one who got a picture of you naked on my break and had to work half a shift hard.”

“That’s true,” she replied, “I did get to use my vibrator after you flirted with me this afternoon.” She grinned mischievously, knowing she was teasing me with yet another mental image. It worked I was fully hard in my shorts, lying in bed.

“You’re killing me, you know that?” I asked. Her smile somehow got even wider.

“Why, are you hard for me?” she asked, biting her lip theatrically. “Show me.” I flipped my camera around on my phone and slowly slid my shorts over my hardened length, which flopped down on my abs when I got them down. I grabbed the base and pointed it back to the ceiling, filling the screen with my shaft, the swollen head practically throbbing for her.

“You trying to have phone tonight?” I asked her as I stroked it slowly for her. Her eyes were wide as she stared at my erection on her screen. We hadn’t needed to do that yet, but I was open to it after being horny all day.

“No,” she replied. “I want you to text me your address. I know it’s late, but we’re going to the same place in the morning, so I’m going to pack a bag for tomorrow and then I’m going to drive to your place and suck your cock.”

“Done,” I said, and fired off the address text.

“See you soon,” she said, waving to the camera and ending the call.


About a half hour later my doorbell rang. I buzzed her in and waited while she walked up the stairs to the second floor before I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and she stepped inside, her lips immediately finding mine. We kissed hungrily, both pent up from teasing we’d been doing for the last day and a half.

She dropped her bag and lowered herself to her knees, looking up at me erotically as she did so. Her hands toyed with the waistband of my shorts, slowly pulling them down the same way I’d teased her on the screen earlier. When she got low enough, my cock bounced free, the tip mere inches from her full lips. She stared at it, slowly licking her lips before leaning forward and kissing the head. I shuddered as her tongue darted out of her mouth and caressed the underside of the tip.

I finally got a good look at her while she teased me, her eyes locked on my manhood as she worked. Her hair was still in a ponytail. She was dressed in a thin white tank top, with a red sports bra under it, and black leggings. She’d kicked her gym shoes off while we made out. I looked past her face, watching her ass flex in her leggings as she leaned forward to lick me.

Anna opened her mouth and took the first inch or two in, her warmth and wetness making me feel like I was returning home. She slid up and down slightly, lubricating me as she prepared to take more of my length. On the next bob, she slid another couple inches down, her lips stretching obscenely to fit my engorged girth. Pulling back, she gasped for air. “Fuck, I love this big cock,” she told me, before diving back in.

She kept at it for a bit, moving slowly and deliberately so as not to set me off too quickly; she had to know how pent up I was. After a couple minutes she slid off my cock and swallowed some of the excess saliva in her throat, then looked around the room, her eyes landing on my couch. “Sit down over there?” she asked.

Two steps later I was sitting down on the couch and pulling my shorts the rest of the way off. I looked up to see she had positioned herself in front of me and pulled off her tank, leaving her in a y red sports bra that seemed illequipped to support her wellendowed chest. Her hand grabbed the base of my shaft, and her lips returned to the tip, parting as she swallowed half my length in one move. I groaned with pleasure as her tongue slithered up and down the underside of my cock.

Her lips pulled off, her hand still holding the base. I watched her, her gaze meeting mine. She winked at me, then leaned her head forward and drooled a line of saliva into her cleavage. My cock twitched when I figured out what she was up to; she felt it and giggled. With one hand, Anna pulled the band of her sports bra off her chest, and with the other she slid my spitcovered pole under her bra and between her big soft tits. She moved down, the head of my cock poking out above the red fabric of her bra, the shaft fully encircled by her smooth breasts.

I watched her eyes twinkle as she began to slide her chest up and down my erection, her pillowy skin driving me mad with lust. She began to whisper to me while she did. “Does that feel good, Charlie? Your big hard dick sliding between my tits? I want to feel this inside me, it’s so nice and thick, I love that my tits are big enough for your cock, it looks so hot.” She kept up the pressure, her filthy teasing straight out of a porn flick.

“I’m not going to last much longer if you keep this up,” I told her, my body bucking against her gently as I felt the pressure in my balls coiling tighter.

“Good, I want you to cum between my tits again, I’ve been thinking about it since yesterday, it was so hot, I want to feel your warm cum on my body. Give it to me, Charlie, empty your balls on me, it’ll feel so good, give me all of it, please.” I couldn’t take any more pleasure. My balls tensed and released, my cock shooting my seed onto her chest and neck. Her tits were bouncing up and down, but I was watching her face as she stared at me intensely, coaxing out my release. Her cheeks were flushed, and her breathing was heavy, but she didn’t stop, seemingly desperate to get every last drop of my load.

“That’s it, give it to me, doesn’t that feel good? Using my body to drain your balls?” I groaned as the last of it dribbled out between her breasts.

“Holy fuck that was hot,” I got out. “You sounded like such a dirty slut,” I said, before quickly adding nervously, “in a good way, obviously.” She laughed.

“I’ll be a slut for you whenever you need,” she told me, “But this time I was being selfish, if I’m honest. I really couldn’t stop thinking about getting you off with my tits yesterday and having you cum all over me, and then I started fantasizing about cumming myself while I had your load all over my chest, so now I’m going to need you to eat me out, like right now, ‘kay?”

“Anytime,” I told her. She quickly got up and sat down on the couch, before unclasping her bra and sliding her hands down and removing her leggings and socks. She wasn’t wearing any underwear, and I quickly fell to my knees and dove in, licking her slit from the bottom to the top in one stroke.

“Fuck yes,” she said, her head tilting back as I started to explore her folds with my tongue. She tasted clean, like she’d showered recently, and I realized she’d had this visit planned, it wasn’t a spontaneous thing on the call earlier. My hands gripped her hips and pulled her into me, my chin and nose pressing into her as my tongue darted around, caressing her sensitive spots.
