A Lesson In Nappies For College Girl Sophie

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By BurnsInside

A female student uses the bathroom at college to exchange her knickers for a nappy, and then indulges in her fetish for wetting herself… in class!

Just a quick note. I’m a Brit, so I’ve used the word nappy throughout this story. For those in the USA and other countries, you can substitute that for diaper.


Sophie smiled at the girls grouped around the mirror in the bathroom as she passed them. They didn’t pay her much attention in return, however. They were too busy with their own conversations and touching up their eyeliner. That suited Sophie just fine, she didn’t want anyone noticing her right now anyways.

Slipping into one of the unoccupied stalls, the blonde college student locked the door quickly and dropped the lid of the toilet closed to give herself more space to use as a shelf. She had already placed her bag on the cistern.

Listening to the inane babble going on just the other side of the stall door, Sophie rummaged through her school bag and pulled some of her text books out of the way, removing and placing them on the closed seat lid as she felt deeper down in the bag for what she was looking for.

A smile curled her lips when Sophie’s hand touched what it was searching for. A surge of excitement rushed through her as she felt the unmistakable sensation of flexible plastic, and heard the faintest sound of crinkling as she gave it an experimental squeeze. Yep that was it, alright.

Her pussy tingled and her heart beat faster as she felt her excitement grow when Sophie pulled the nappy out of her bag and held it in her hand. She looked at it with adoring eyes. It was white, and adorned with several teddy bears on the front and back, the crimped waistband was a girlish shade of pink. It was designed to be worn by girls still potty training, not young women in college, but that was where the true thrill came from.

Biting her lower lip, Sophie put the nappy on top of her books, and quickly set about removing her blue, red and black chequered skirt and white cotton knickers, leaving herself naked from the waist down except for her knee high white socks and black shoes. On her top half she still wore her white shirt buttoned up to her neck, although she had no bra underneath and she could feel her erect nipples poking against the thin fabric which made them tingle all the more as her excitement grew more intense.

In the wider room, outside her little confined stall, the other girls were still talking loudly. Their voices and giggles reminded Sophie that she was indeed in a public bathroom and not at home, as she opened up the nappy and placed the padded center against her damp crotch.

“Oh fuck,” she whispered, it was just the barest of noises but uttering it with other fellow students so close by made her heart pound. Her pussy gushed as she felt the thrill of being so dirty course through her too, whilst she held the nappy in place with one hand.

With practiced skill, Sophie tore the covering off one of the adhesive strips that would hold the nappy closed and keep it in place when both were stuck on the sides. As she worked she could hear the distinctive crinkle and crackle of the plastic outer material, and feel the bulkiness between her thighs as she secured one side of the nappy and felt a jolt of satisfaction as it held nicely.

Now she had one side secured, the other was much easier, and once the second sticky strip was fixed in place, Sophie took a moment to rub her hand over the cartoon teddy bears that now adorned her crotch. She shuddered at the feel of the smooth but firm material under her palm, and the sensation of filthy taboo excitement that ran through her as she looked down at the nappy she was wearing.

Taking a deep breath, Sophie pressed firmly directly over her pussy and felt the jolt of electricity pulse from her clit as the absorbent inner lining rubbed against her sensitive flesh. It felt so good, and it made her grin knowing that her juices were already soaking into the core.

She tried to ignore the sounds coming from the outer bathroom, and just focused on the crinkle of her nappy as she rubbed her fingers firmly up and down it, moaning at the feelings that radiated through her pussy as she did. The noises were almost as good as the bulky feeling when she closed her thighs together.

This wasn’t the first time she’d worn a nappy outside her house, but it was the first time she’d done it in college. The previous time she’d gotten the courage to go out in a nappy it had been her then boyfriend who’d encouraged her. He’d gone with her to the supermarket and she’d walked around with it on and eventually wet it whilst she was standing in the queue to pay. Pissing in her nappy with people all around had almost made her orgasm on the spot; it had been so scary and erotic.

She was no longer with that boyfriend, but the fetish of her wearing and wetting nappies that he’d introduced her to remained strong. It was her secret even her best friend didn’t know about, and that made it all the more exciting when she gave in to her dirty urge to indulge.

Sophie reached into her bag and pulled out the bottle of water. It was three quarters empty already and she quickly drank the last of it before sighing happily and dropping the now fully empty bottle back inside, and grabbed her text books, dumping them on top, she finally picked up her worn knickers and dropped them in too before she zipped the bag closed.

Now the toilet lid was clear, Sophie turned and sat down, groaning as she heard the crinkle and felt the padding on her arse and pussy as the soft inner core pushed against her skin. It was a magical feeling that had to be felt, to be understood. The taboo nature of wearing a nappy as a grown woman filled her, and Sophie let it flow through her head. It excited her massively.

Unable to stop herself, she slid a hand down between her spread thighs and rubbed herself through the thick covering. Grinding her hips, Sophie put pressure on her clit and gasped as the pleasure grew.

“Oh fuck yes,” she whispered in a low voice, very aware that there were other students so close by. She wondered what they’d think if the door opened and they saw her sitting there, wearing a nappy with little teddy bears decorating it, rubbing her crotch through it and getting off on the feeling it produced in her wet cunt.

Just thinking about that sent a surge of filthy pleasure rushing through Sophie’s body, making her pussy gush. The warm juices soaking into the absorbent lining felt so good, as she kept rubbing herself and moving her hips to heighten the sensations.

“Oh my God… Mmm…” Sophie moaned and put her free hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds as she added more pressure on her crotch, really pressing the inner fabric of the nappy against her lips and clit, and making the outer fabric give off that distinctive sound that drove her crazy to hear.

She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm, and the blonde college student desperately wanted to get there before dinner break ended and she had to go to her next class.

“Is someone in there?”

Sophie’s eyes snapped open as there was a knock on the stall door and a questioning voice filled her little confined space.

“Erm… yes, it’s occupied!” Sophie answered, clamping her thighs around her hand and trapping it. She could feel the bulkiness of her nappy and hear the sounds of it crinkling, she just hoped the girl on the other side of the door couldn’t.

“Are you going to be long?”

“Oh… Err… no, I’ll be out real soon,” Sophie said as she felt her pussy throb and her juices flow. She couldn’t help but keep pressing on her cunt through the nappy, especially since she had her thighs clamped tightly on her hand, securing it in place.

She listened for a moment, and when there was no response, Sophie parted her thighs and moved her hand up and down her covered crotch. Knowing someone was waiting for her to finish sending a whole new level of perverse pleasure rushing through her body and making her pussy tingle like mad.

She knew she should just put her skirt back on and leave, but a deeper, more filthy part of her brain kept her from following that logical course of actions. Instead Sophie rubbed her cunt through the thick padding of the nappy harder and faster, feeling her juices spilling out as she brought herself closer to orgasm. Her head was spinning and body shaking as the waves of nasty pleasure radiated out from her throbbing clit.

She bit her lip to stop from screaming as the pleasure built rapidly, knowing there was another girl impatiently waiting for her to get out of the stall pushing her on faster, and within moments a huge surge of orgasmic bliss rushed through her body, making her legs tensed up and a shudder run up her spine as she fought to not scream when her pussy gushed into the absorbent lining that was pushed so tightly against her sensitive flesh.

Her eyes crossed and she felt her thighs tremble as the waves kept coming, and more and more of her wetness dribbled into the nappy covering her crotch between her legs. She could feel its bulkiness and the tightness around her thighs as she came and that only served to make her climax last longer.


Sophie felt her face flush red, as the other girl waiting called out. She knew she’d pushed it too far, but she couldn’t help herself. And the orgasm she’d experienced had certainly been worth the awkwardness that was sure to come next.

“Coming now!” Sophie called and had to stop herself from giggling. She literally just had been.

As fast as she could, the blonde college girl put her skirt back on and made sure it covered her newly applied nappy. Once she was confident it did, she grabbed her book bag and flushed the toilet, making sure to lift the lid first and unlocked the door.

Standing there was a girl Sophie didn’t know personally, and a different group of other girls were a few feet away at the mirror. They were also looking at her too. Sophie felt a rush to have so many eyes on her, especially now she had her nappy on. She knew none of these girls could tell, but it still sent a tingle down her spine all the same.

“Sorry, it’s all yours,” she said and quickly walked towards the bathroom door, her cheeks burning as she felt the last remnant throbs of her orgasm between her legs.

Her class directly after the dinner break ended was English. Sophie got to the room early and took her seat before anyone else, sighing deeply as she sat and felt arse and pussy settle into the padded core of her perverse choice in underwear.

Over the next five minutes the room filled up, and it made Sophie wet to be surrounded by so many people who had no idea about the secret she was keeping at that very moment. She couldn’t help but cross and uncross her legs several times, just to feel the sensations of the outer plastic against her skin, and make her nappy crinkle just a little, confident the chatter would cover it so nobody else would suspect.

The class itself was boring as usual. Her professor Mr. Hannersey was not the most charismatic of educators, and his tone always seemed bored and like he couldn’t wait to retire, which was probably true given his advanced age.

Sophie listened as best she could, trying to keep focused on the lesson, but her mind kept slipping South. Just wearing the little girl nappy in class was a huge turn on for her, but it wasn’t the height of her planned thrills for today. She could feel the ultimate part building fast, however.

Throughout the morning and over dinner, Sophie had drunk two full litre bottles of water. Now she was feeling the effects, as her bladder swelled and she felt the urgent need to pee badly.

A surge of nervous excitement built inside Sophie as she held the urge to piss herself back. She wanted to wait as long as possible before releasing it, savouring that tight and bloated feeling as she bounced her foot on the floor and fidgeted in her seat whilst writing notes she wasn’t even sure made sense.

Glancing around, Sophie wondered if her professor or fellow students had noticed how much she was moving. Despite her best efforts to be still, it felt like she was wiggling and squirming constantly as her need to pee grew more urgent by the second.

She crossed her ankles and squeezed her thighs together under the table, bouncing her knees up and down rapidly as she squeezed her muscles and held the urge in. She knew it wouldn’t be long before she lost the battle, but this was part of what made wearing nappies and wetting herself so intoxicating. It was a fetish she relished indulging herself in privately, doing it in public took it to a whole new level though.

‘Oh my God I can’t hold it any more’ Sophie thought to herself, holding her breath as the last of her control began to slip.

She let the breath out slowly and closed her eyes as her muscles relaxed and the hot gush of yellow piss flooded out of her body and was absorbed into the core of the nappy. She could feel the spreading wetness and heat as the lining did its work and expanded and swelled to accommodate all she was spraying into it as her stream just kept going.

Sophie looked around as she wet herself in the middle of a classroom full of people, during a lesson. It was the craziest thing she’d ever done and it was amazing. She had a huge urge to rub herself, to squish the dirty nappy against her sensitive pussy right there with people around, but fought it, promising herself she’d do that afterwards at home where she could cum hard remembering this moment.

She could feel the nappy swell between her thighs as it took in and held her pee, and she just wished she could see it changing colour to a light yellow from the white it started out as. God the feeling was intense, the heat and dampness on her pussy distracting her from all else as her flow dwindled to a dribble, but kept on coming.

Flexing her arse cheeks and pushing her thighs together tighter, Sophie whimpered to herself and shuddered as the last drips of pee ran from her bladder and spilled into the now full nappy.

She looked at her watch and saw there was another hour of class to go. That meant she’d have to sit in class with her dirty, wet nappy like a bad bad little girl who’d not been able to make it to the toilet all that time before she could change into her knickers again.

Goosebumps broke out on Sophie’s arms as that nasty thought flashed through her head, then a new thought occurred to her.

‘Maybe I should wait until I get home to change? Bad girls who wet their nappies in public deserve to be punished after all…’

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Just so there is no confusion, I am a male writer. My other stories can be found by clicking my author name. You can contact me at [email protected]

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By BurnsInside

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