A Last Minute Substitute – Group Sex

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All people are over 18.


This is a stand alone story and is before I was ever married.


Fresh out of college I had started work in a publishing firm in the city. I had been there for a number of months and really enjoyed the work as well as the banter. I worked with about 20 other people, both men and women and most were in their late twenties, early thirties.

When I had just started a girl called Leanne was tasked with taking me under her wing and showing me the ropes. We got on really well together and she was now one of my best friends, both in and out of work.

We had regular work nights out for dinner or just drinks and there was always a decent crowd that went. Leanne and I were always the last to leave and generally spent the night chatting and having a laugh.

I was single at the time but Leanne had been with her partner James for a couple of years.

He was a very lucky man… Leanne was stunning and it would be wrong to say I had never fantasised about what she would be like in bed. She had long brunette hair which she wore in a ponytail at work but let down and curled slightly on nights out. Her figure was to die for. She had gorgeous long legs, the cutest ass and the perfect set of boobs. I knew she went to the gym three or four times a week and it showed.

Not that I was a slouch in the looks department. I thought I looked pretty good. I was no Brad Pitt but I kept myself in shape at the gym doing mostly weights. I belonged to a different gym than Leanne which was just as well as I wouldn’t be able to concentrate if Leanne was there in her tight leggings and sports bra.

Nothing ever happened with Leanne and I apart from some harmless teasing and flirting. She would give me advice on my non existent love life and even set me up on a few dates. Nothing ever came of them except a few one night stands.

I had just came back from two weeks abroad with my mates and Leanne and I decided to catch up on Friday night after work. We just stopped at our local for a couple of drinks. Nothing out of the ordinary except there were only four of us for a change. Phil and Justine just had the one before heading home to their better halves leaving just Leanne and I.

One drink led to another and then another.

“Will James not be wondering where you are?” I asked setting down her latest glass of wine.

“Let him wonder…” she replied, “Makes a change from me wondering where he is.”

“Trouble in paradise?” I asked.

“James has been late home the last few Fridays.” she replied, sighing. “He says he was held up at work but I smell the alcohol on him when he gets home.”

“Mmmm, pots and kettles?” I replied, smiling.

“We’re different.” she cried, hitting me a thump on the arm. “James knows about us and that you’re the last person on earth I’d cheat on him with.”

“Wow…. Way to kick a guy when he’s down. Sorry you find me so repulsive.” I replied, only half joking.

“You know what I mean.” she replied, taking hold of my hand. “We’re great friends and I wouldn’t want anything to spoil that. You are super cute and if I was single then who knows….”

“Ok,” I replied, “I’ll forgive you this time. Only if you get the next round.”

After topping up our drinks Leanne continued to pour her heart out. “I tell him when I’m going for a drink and what time I’ll be home. He has lied to me and told me he’s working late when he’s obviously at the pub and I’m not sure who with.”

“Do you think he’s cheating on you?” I replied, shocked. “Surely not. He’d be mad in the head….”

“I don’t know.” she sighed, “Thats the problem. At the minute I just don’t trust him.”

Just then I heard a scream from behind me and a girl came over and threw her arms around Leanne. “Hey babe, are you all set for next weekend?” she asked.

“Oh hi Tracey.” replied Leanne, giving the new girl a quick hug. “I have the hotel rooms booked, as well as the cocktail class. Dinner is in the restaurant and I have the naked butler booked for later on so I hope Emma will be happy.”

“Naked butler?” I asked, trying not to laugh.

“Sorry Tracey, this is Pete. A friend from work. Pete, this is Tracey. Her and I go way back.”

“A ‘friend’ from work?” replied Tracey, taking a good look at me not believing that Leanne and I were just friends.

“So Pete, are you single?” she asked.

“Tracey…” gasped Leanne, “Behave. Pete and I really do work together. You just missed Phil and Justine. We weren’t the only ones out for after work drinks.”

“At the minute I am.” I replied, giving Tracey my best smile.

“So what’s this about a naked butler you’re getting next weekend Leanne?” I asked, switching the conversation away from my relationship status.

“It’s our friend Emma’s bachelorette and she wanted a naked butler among other things.”

“So what exactly does a naked butler do?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Anything we want.” laughed Tracey. “At least I hope he does…”

“Not anything we want.” replied Leanne. “He basically serves us drinks and snacks wearing nothing but an apron and a smile.”

“Spoilsport” said Tracey, sticking her tongue out at her friend. “Have you seen pictures of him? Is he hot?”

“Yes I have seen pictures and yes he’s pretty fit.” replied Leanne, “Not that I would be looking of course.”

“Yea right. I know what you’re like when you have a few drinks in you.” smiled Tracey.

“Tell me more…” I interrupted, turning my attention to Tracey.

“Tracey, don’t you dare.” warned Leanne.

“Let’s just say our Leanne has a bit of a wild side when she’s had one too many and leave it at that.” replied Tracey, with a wink.

“We’ll talk more about this later.” I smiled, looking at Leanne.

“We will not.” she laughed.

We all chatted for another few minutes before we were interrupted by more of Tracey’s friends.

“Why don’t you guys join us?” she said after introductions were made.

“Not for me thanks.” I replied, reaching for my coat. “Two of you is enough to cope with. I’m not sure I could cope with any more.”

“See you Monday Leanne?” I asked before leaving.

“Let me walk you out.” she replied, “Watch my bag Tracey will you. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

“Oh take your time.” she replied, laughing. “I know I would.”

As we walked to the exit I could hear the shouts from the rest of the girls and the encouragement from Tracey for Leanne to ‘get stuck in’…”

“Sorry about that.” said Leanne, blushing as we made it outside.

“Don’t be.” I smiled, ‘I can take it. They seem like a good bunch of girls.”

“They are… and thanks for listening earlier Pete. It’s good to have someone to talk to.”

“No problem at all.” I replied, taking her hand briefly. “Just talk to him. Sit him down and tell him you want answers. At least that way you will know what is going on.”

“I will…” she replied, “Maybe tomorrow. I’m not sure what state I’ll be in when I get home tonight.”

“Oh, maybe I should stay. I might get to see wild Leanne?” I replied, pretending to take off my coat.

“Very funny….” she replied before giving me a quick peck on the cheek and heading back inside.

“That wasn’t much of a kiss.” shouted a couple of the girls who had come on for a smoke.

I headed home myself with a smile on my face stopping on the way for a kebab.

After a quiet weekend catching up with some family and friends I arrived bright and early to work on Monday morning.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee before I started and wasn’t surprised to see Leanne in before me.

“Hey you.” I said, “How was the rest of your weekend. Did wild Leanne make an appearance on Friday night?”

“She might have done, but if she did I can’t remember.” she replied.

“Oh dear. Did you have one too many?”

“More like ten too many…” she replied, “I’m told we left the pub around midnight. Sarah’s boyfriend came to pick her up and thankfully he was able to leave me home. James wasn’t too pleased though.”

“Oh dear. Did you have the talk on Saturday?” I asked.

“I couldn’t. I was dying all day. James went out on Saturday supposedly with his mates and I was left all alone trying to recover from the night before.”

“You should have called me. I would have came round and kept you company. Brought you cups of tea and held your hair while you threw up in the toilet.” I smiled.

“Ha ha… That would have just made things worse if James came home and you were there. Anyway, enough about me. You made quite the impression on the girls on Friday night.” she replied smiling.

“Oh really? What were they saying?” I asked intrigued.

“Well I can’t tell you that. That’s against the code of the sisterhood.”

“Spoilsport.” I replied, before pouring myself a cup of coffee.

“Lets just say a few of them wouldn’t mind seeing you naked and leave it at that.” replied Leanne, before walking out of the kitchen.

“Just a few of them?” I shouted after her…. getting no response.

The week flew by and before I knew it, it was Friday lunch time.

Leanne came over to my desk just before lunch. “Have you any plans for lunch?” she asked.

“I was just going to grab a sandwich at that new place in town if you want me to get you one?”

“Why don’t you let me buy you lunch in the pub?” she replied.

“You… buy me lunch?” I asked suspiciously. “What are you looking?”

“Come to lunch with me and you’ll find out.” she replied, holding out my coat for me.

My interest piqued I followed her out the door and across the road to our local.

We chatted for a bit about what to eat and once we had placed our orders and had a drink in front of us I asked her what was up.

“I have a massive favour to ask you.” she replied, slightly embarrassed.

“If you want me to be a sperm donor for you I’ll have to think about it.” I replied, trying to lighten the mood.

“Not even close.” replied Leanne. “You know that I’m my best friend Emma’s chief bridesmaid right? Well remember the naked butler for this weekend?”

“I do…” I replied, slowly, having an inkling of where this might be going.

“He’s sick.” she replied. “He phoned me earlier. He’s got some sort of stomach bug and can’t do it. I’ve tried the other few that I can find but it’s really short notice and they are all booked up.”

“And?” I replied, knowing fine well what was coming next.

“Would you do it.” she replied quickly, “I’ll pay you the going rate and put you up overnight in the hotel. Please say yes. It’s the one thing Emma really really wanted and I can’t let her down. Please Pete…”

I thought that was what she was going to ask but I was still a bit shocked.

“I don’t know what to say to that.” I replied, blushing slightly.

“The girls last weekend all thought you were hot. All you would have to do is serve some drinks and snacks. Thats it.” she replied quickly.

“While completely naked.” I reminded her.

“Well not completely naked.” she replied, “You would have an apron.”

“Oh well that’s a ok then, as long as I have an apron.” I replied, slightly sarcastically.

“Please say yes Pete.” she begged, “You’re my last chance.”

“And what about you?” I asked.

“What about me?” she replied.

“You’re going to see me mostly naked. Will we still be able to be friends?”

“Of course we will…” she pleaded, “It’s not like we’ll be sleeping together or anything. Honestly, I won’t let things get out of hand.”

“Unless your wild side makes another appearance?” I replied, smiling.

I had decided by then that I would do it. Not because I wanted to, but because I would do anything for Leanne. If she wanted a kidney I’d be first in line. Serving a few drinks to her friends wearing only an apron should be easy.

“There will be no wild side that night. I promise.” she replied, crossing her hands over her heart.

“I don’t know Leanne. It’s a lot to ask from a friend. I mean, you’ll get to see me mostly naked.”

After pretending to think for another few seconds I said “Ok, I’ll do it… if you wear an apron for me…”

Leanne’s mouth just opened, not knowing what to say. “What…. Emmm…. I…… well….. I suppose… When do you…. I’ll…. ehhh… have to…. emmmm”

I couldn’t take any more and burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny.” she replied, getting slightly cross.

“I just like to see you squirm a bit.” I replied, taking a sip of my drink. “Of course I’ll do it for you, but only because it’s you.”

“Really?” she replied, shocked.

“Really.” I replied, smiling back at her.

She then leapt up off her seat and came round and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Pete. I’ll make it up to you somehow… Not by wearing an apron for you though…”

We enjoyed the rest of our lunch while Leanne gave me the details for the hotel and what they would be doing.

The hotel was just under an hours drive away and she had already agreed with the original butler that they would spring for a room for him for the night so I would be taking it instead.

I told her I didn’t want the money she was supposed to pay the original one even though she kept insisting that she paid the going rate. I just point blank refused and told her to buy me a couple of drinks next time we were out.

We agreed that I would arrive at the hotel the next day around 6pm. The girls were having a cocktail making class in the afternoon and then dinner in the restaurant. I was expected around 8pm so it gave me a couple of hours to try and relax and get myself ready.

Leanne said she would come and get me once they were back to their rooms.

We went back to work after lunch and said our goodbyes at the end of the day. Leanne rushing off to get ready. The girls were all going to the hotel that night and staying all weekend so she had to go home and finishing packing her stuff.

I went straight home and made a bite to eat before sitting down to watch a movie with a couple of drinks.

The next day I started getting nervous, wondering what I had let myself in for. I began overthinking things. What if the girls didn’t like me? What was I supposed to wear? (I texted Leanne about that one). What if they took my apron off? Which is apparently what always happens…

I decided just to figure out what I could and make the most of it. I spent to the rest of the day trying to ‘tidy up’ around my cock just in case. Being just back from my holiday I had a pretty good tan which I was glad of. I spent a couple of hours at the gym trying to get in as good a shape as possible before making a trip to a chemist in the next town to get some little blue pills. I didn’t want to have a case of stage fright in front of several hot women.

Leanne texted me back around lunch time to tell me she had borrowed an apron off one of the bar staff and asked if I had a bow tie I could wear. She also told me she had baby oil with her for later on. Something I hadn’t thought of but I imagined I was going to get covered in it. That thought made my cock twitch slightly.

I decided later on that there was no point in hanging around at home making myself crazy and I might as well go to the hotel early.

I drove to the hotel and asked for a room booked under Leannes name. The cute girl behind the counter gave me a quick once over and asked was I the entertainment for the evening.

“I’m supposed to be but it’s my first time so I hope I don’t mess it up.” I replied.

“I’m sure you’ll do great. I wouldn’t mind you pouring me drinks wearing nothing but a smile.” she replied, handing me my room key.

Just as I was about to go up to my room I heard my name being called.

I turned towards the bar and a tipsy Leanne was walking towards me.

“You made it.” she cried, throwing her arms round me.

“Of course I did.” I replied, smiling at her. “I take it you’ve just finished your cocktail making class?”

“It was brilliant.” she replied, swaying slightly. “I might have had one or two too many though.”

“I think you might.” I replied, taking hold of her arm in case she fell over. “Where are the rest of the girls?”

“They’re in the bar having a few more drinks.” she replied. “I think I might have had enough for now though.”

“Why don’t you come up to my room and I’ll make you a nice strong cup of coffee instead?” I asked, slightly worried about how drunk she would be later on.

“You’re the best Pete.” she replied, taking hold of my elbow as I asked the receptionist for directions. She pointed me towards the lifts with a smile.

“You’ve been having a good time then?” I asked, as the lift took us to our floor.

“It’s been great. I’m so glad you’re here though.” she said, squeezing me a bit tighter.

When we got to our floor I found my room without a hitch and opened the door before letting Leanne go in first.

She walked in and collapsed onto the king sized bed, her short blue dress riding up her thighs and giving me a glimpse of her matching knickers.

“My room is just next door and Emma has the suite across the hall.” she said, as I set about making her a very strong black coffee.

A few minutes later the kettle was boiled and I helped her sit up so she could drink it.

She spent the next half an hour telling me all about her stay and what they got up to last night.

Once she finished her coffee I got her a bottle of water from the fridge and a couple of asprins from my bag which she gratefully swallowed.

“What time is your dinner booked for?” I asked, not wanting her to miss out.

“It’s booked for 6.30.” she replied, yawning slightly.

I checked my watch and it was just after 5.30pm. “Why don’t you put your head down for half an hour before dinner and I’ll wake you?”

“Maybe I should.” she replied.

“Would you help me out of this dress?” she then asked, standing up and turning her back to me.

“Emmm…. are you sure?” I replied, not wanting to be seen to be taking advantage of her.

“It’s ok, I am wearing underwear you know.” she replied.

As she held her hair up I unzipped the back of her dress and pulled it down so she could step out of it, my face level with her gorgeous ass.

As I hung her dress up in my wardrobe I turned and just caught a glimpse of her bra covered boobs as well as she pulled the duvet back and got into my bed.

That definitely made my cock spring to attention.

“Come and sit beside me Pete.” she said, as she patted the edge of the bed.

I went over beside her, hoping she hadn’t noticed the large bulge in my jeans.

She shuffled over slightly and I climbed up on the bed beside her, fully clothed and on top of the duvet. She threw one arm over me and within minutes she was fast asleep.

I just sat there for the next half hour, watching her sleep, gently stroking her hair and thinking what an absolute arse James was for treating her the way he did.

At six o’clock I gently shook her shoulder. “Leanne. It’s time to get ready for dinner… Leanne…”

She slowly woke up, slightly unsure of where she was. “Pete?”

“It’s time to get ready for dinner.” I replied, “It’s just after 6pm.”

“Oh yes, sorry. Thanks for looking after me.”

“No problem.” I replied. “Do you want another coffee?”

“That would be great thanks. I feel much better now but another coffee would help.”

She then went to get out of bed before realising that she was only in her underwear. “Emmm… where is my dress?”

“You told me to help you out of it so you didn’t get it ruined.” I replied, slightly embarrassed. “I hung it in the wardrobe for you.”

She looked a bit embarrassed herself.

“Don’t worry.” I said. “I didn’t look.”

I got her dress from the wardrobe and brought it over to her making a show of standing there covering my eyes as she took it from me and put it on.

“Can you zip this up for me?” she asked a few moments later.

I zipped her dress up and found her discarded shoes.

“Do you want to go back to your room and get ready?” I asked.
