A Job Worth Doing – Exhibitionist & Voyeur

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“Hey Jenna, come in,” Pete told her as he answered the door, “and don’t forget to take off your shoes.”

I walked in and slipped off my shoes, leaving them in the hallway. Pete kissed me on the cheek and walked me through into the living room where his parents were.

“You’re ten minutes late,” Pete’s dad Jim retorted.

“Sorry, traffic, the bus was a little late too,” I answered.

He frowned at me but then asked if I wanted a drink as he walked to the kitchen to put the kettle on. He poured coffees and bought them in, one for me and one for his wife Sarah, Pete’s mum. He frowned again as I went to put my mug down on the coffee table without using a coaster. Only recently having moved in, I was still getting used to their little customs.

The house was immaculate as normal. Sparkling white walls always looked like they were freshly painted, and the new super fluffy beige carpet in the living room (the reason for not wearing shoes) contrasted wonderfully against the oak furniture. I understood at times why Pete’s parents seemed so strict, they just wanted things perfect.

I thought at first they hadn’t liked me due to my past. Pete had been brought up to follow rules, to behave properly, I however had been a bit of a wild child for a year or so, mellowing now I was with Pete. From having the day after my eighteenth birthday at a surprise party thrown for me, I’d developed an urge to try different things ually, usually with different people.

I always tried to go out of town, finding bars a few miles from home and had gotten quite accustomed to blowjobs and quickies with random pickups, either in the toilets there or stopping outdoors before we got back to whoever’s lucky night it was. A few times we’d been caught and it had turned me on, so much so that I’d taken to masturbating in public a few times if there had been nobody worthy in the bar. Being caught always ended up with a ‘bribe’ of a handjob or blowjob not to alert others. If they were particularly good-looking, it would be more on offer.

I changed when I met Pete, ironically at one of said bars. He’d been with friends, my group and his had started chatting with each other, and eventually, we realised we were sitting in a booth alone and hadn’t noticed all of the others had left. We’d been talking for over three hours and I liked that he was interested in me, and had taken a taxi home with me and made sure I got home safely before giving me his number.

I learned to be more tolerant, of course, he didn’t mind if I started wanking him in the cinema, but he wasn’t with me just for like I’d got accustomed to from men. He bought me little presents, took me dining in nice restaurants, and his parents took to me too, once I’d been fine-tuned a little more of course. I started wearing dresses more rather than my usual t-shirts with jeans or skirts, started wearing heels rather than trainers, and started generally behaving better.

“Are we still going shopping tomorrow?” Pete asked, nudging me as he had said it once already.

“Oh, I wasn’t going to now, I have no money left,” I answered.

“No news on the job front then?” Sarah asked.

“No, maybe I’m being a little picky or just don’t want to stumble into something low-paid,” I answered.

“I’m sure something will come up soon,” Sarah said, “here’s fifty pounds, spend it wisely, you can keep any change if that dress you wanted is cheaper.”

I thanked her and took the money a little too quickly.

“Right, early night, I have a very early start tomorrow,” Jim announced,” no noise later.”

I knew from that remark, and from a previous conversation I’d overheard, that he meant for us not to have . Sarah looked at me and smiled nervously seeing that I’d understood what Jim had meant. Then I told her that I’d load the dishwasher to thank her for feeding me. She smiled again and told me thanks and she was sorry for Jim being a little uptight.

Shopping turned out to be joyous, I’d found a nice black number reduced in a sale, and still had twenty pounds left over. Although I’d saved some cash, Pete still insisted on buying food and booked a taxi home too. We got back and I showed Sarah the dress, who said it would compliment my curves nicely, then blushed as she said it.

I agreed. With 34C breasts and a slim waist and a peachy arse, I had a very good hourglass shape. Back in the day, this kind of dress would have been perfect for my bar visits, showing off my curves without being too slutty. The V-neck front reached almost to my cleavage, meaning any forward leaning showed more flesh off. It reached halfway down my legs, normal enough but sitting down meant it riding up and exposing my thighs.

We’d settled down to eat soon after Jim had come back from work. He seemed a little offish, more so than normal. Sarah glanced at him a few times before biting the bullet.

“Are you okay dear? Work problems?” she asked him

“You know Dad can’t talk about it,” Pete muttered.

“So so,” Jim said, “my work intern walked out today, we had a disagreement so to speak. A pity as I thought she was going to work out for the best.”

“Oh that’s a shame, I’m sure you’ll find somebody else,” Sarah told him.

I knew a little of what Jim did. I knew it was some kind of office, something to do with the government, and he couldn’t talk much about his job as they’d signed non-disclosure agreements. I’d joked with Pete about him being a spy, but Pete had laughed and said he was always at the office so wasn’t a very good spy.

“Jenna is looking for a job,” Pete suddenly blurted out.

The table went quiet, Jim looked at Pete and then at me. He took another mouthful of food, chewed and swallowed it, and then looked at me again.

“Stand up. There, by the side of the table where I can see you,” he ordered.

Sarah told him I hadn’t finished my food and he glared at her. I stood and went to where he’d pointed, slouching.

“Stand correctly, upright. Arms by your side. Hmm, you’ll need to dress better than that. Can you type or take notes quickly?”

“Erm, yes, I’ve done shorthand before, at one of my previous jobs, I had to type up the notes afterwards,” I told him.

“Jeans and a t-shirt are no good though, can’t have shoddy standards, people will judge me on how you look too,” Jim muttered.

“Jenna, go and put on the dress you bought today, that should do it,” Pete exclaimed excitedly.

Jim nodded and I wandered upstairs, putting on the dress and going back down. They’d started eating again, and I went and stood in the same place. Jim ignored me until he’d swallowed, then looked up. His eyes wandered up and down my body, a faint hint of a smile on his face, and nodded to himself.

“Nice, a better look, acceptable. The white bra isn’t though, black bra under that dress, or no bra at all,” he said without emotion.

I glanced at Sarah and Pete to see if they had heard the no bra comment, both were just smiling at me. Jim wrote on a piece of paper and slid it across the table towards me.

“You look like you’re still wondering whether to accept. The starting salary,” he said, nodding to the paper.

I slid it from under his fingers, read it, and then gasped loudly. The figure was around three times what I’d been paid at my last job. I smiled broadly.

“Yes, I’d love the job please,” I grinned.

“It’s not easy, and you’ll have to sign the same non-disclosure everybody else does. You need to dress more secretarial to work with me, dresses, or skirts and blouses, do you have many?” Jim said.

“A few, not many,” I said quietly.

“You start on Monday, 9 am sharp. I start earlier, so I can’t give you a lift in, it will look unprofessional too,” he said, “and here’s £200 pounds. Sarah can take you shopping again tomorrow and help pick some clothes out, she knows my taste.”

I thanked him as he stood and left the table without saying another word. I beamed at Pete, and Sarah smiled at me from across the table.

“I’ll clear the table and load the dishwasher to say thanks then shall I?” I laughed.

Shopping the following day was again very productive, the same shop I’d bought the dress from still had a sale on, and I got more items with the money than I’d been expecting. Sarah had been great, helping me with colour choices, and also what colour underwear for underneath too. She’d been with me in the changing room too, and I got the sense she enjoyed what she saw too, even joking that if Pete liked the black underwear set as much as she did then I’d be a very lucky girl. She’d even joked it would be better to show him when Jim wasn’t in, winking and laughing.

It was a little weird at first, Sarah watching me undress and try on different items, but by the end, I was getting a little kick out of it and not turning my back as she was blatantly staring at my firm breasts. I did however pull a face when she made me buy heels, saying that I couldn’t always wear flats. I reluctantly agreed, telling her that I’d have to spend the weekend practising walking in them.

Later that night, after Jim had gone to bed, I walked back downstairs where Pete was watching TV, after putting on the black undies. Sarah was right, Pete did enjoy them, and I had to use the thong to bite on to not wake Jim up.

The weekend seemed to fly by, I was still a little tentative in my heels, too much so to wear them on my first day. I was at work at 8.50 am and got shown to a room to watch a slide show, health and safety procedures and such, then some paperwork for payroll. The final document was the non-disclosure which I was told had to be signed before I could walk around the building.

I tried looking around while being escorted to where I was working, but most windows had blinds closed so I couldn’t see too much. I was eventually introduced to Kelly, Jim’s personal assistant, and left with her. She sat me on a desk and left me some paperwork to type up, and then showed me where to file them. She wandered off for a few minutes, then said I had to go with her. We walked towards a large door and she knocked, then pushed the door open.

“The new girl Jenna for you, 2 pm sharp as you wished,” Kelly announced.

Jim nodded towards me and pointed to a chair on the other side of his desk.

“Thank you for the opportunity Jim,” I told him.

“Mister Davis while we’re at work. We have to appear formal, can’t appear to be any favouritism,” Jim said abruptly.

I nodded yes. Jim stared at me, directly into my pale blue eyes, then stood, looking down at me.

“Less makeup, you don’t want to look too slutty. Emphasis on your work output and not what you look like,” he said sharply, “you’re a pretty girl anyway, you look much better without all that covering your face.”

I was a little taken aback but took it as a compliment all the same. He beckoned me to stand, then pointed to move to away from the desk. He walked around me, looking me up and down, making me a little nervous. His fingers brushed across my top, making me flinch. He smiled.

“Sarah’s choice?” he asked, smiling now.

“I chose the clothes, she chose the colours,” I answered.

He nodded his approval. His fingers ran lightly over my cheek, then through my hair.

“You’ll work with Kelly for a couple of days, she’ll assess you, and then the desk outside the door will be yours. When I call, you come in immediately. We pride ourselves on focus, and not getting distracted, discipline. Work rate is paramount,” he announced.

I nodded and told him that I was ready for whatever they could throw at me. He pointed to a sheet of paper on his desk, telling me to pick it up and read it.

“The person reading this is..” I started reading before he ran his hand across my back.

“Keep reading, no stopping, no getting distracted,” he said.

I carried on reading while he walked around me again, stopping and staring right into my eyes, running his hand across my back and over my shoulders, then when he knew I had almost finished he rested his hand flat on my arse. I finished and put the paper back on his desk.

“Was that appropriate?” I asked.

“Just a test, you did well. I’m impressed with you, I think you may well be an asset,” he smiled.

He stood looking at me again, then pressed a buzzer on his desk. Kelly came and for the rest of the day, I worked with her. At dinner that night Pete asked how my first day had been, and if I’d done anything interesting. I glanced over at Jim who frowned.

“Now now Pete, you know she can’t tell you about work, it’s forbidden, isn’t that right Jenna?” Jim said.

“Yes of course, I did have a test which I passed, and I quite enjoyed it,” I said, smiling at Jim as I said it.

The following day I hadn’t seen Jim at all, then suddenly the buzzer sounded on my desk. Kelly answered it, muttered something, and then pointed to the office door.

“Mister Davis wants you, through there,” she told me.

I stood and paused at the door, then turned to her. She waved me in, telling me I was to go in alone today. I knocked and entered. Jim sat by his desk, arms folded. I walked in and sat on the seat opposite him. He stared at my face, telling me I looked so much better without makeup on, then told me that he hadn’t told me to sit down. He told me to stand and to push the seat away. As I stood, he pushed the sheet of paper in front of me and told me to rest my arms on the desk. I did so, the paper by my face now.

“Read,” he instructed.

As I did so I gulped a little, but carried on reading, as Jim reached a hand out and undid my top button, then a few seconds later undid the next one down. He sat back, smiling broadly, my firm but large breasts now uncovered for his eyes. I could feel his stare burning into my flesh, but I soldiered on and finished reading. When I’d finished I went to move but he quickly held my hands and told me not to move unless he told me.

“Discipline, focus,” he reminded me.

“It’s a little hard to with my tits hanging out,” I told him.

“Yes, it is isn’t it, but you have to let yourself think that it hasn’t happened, that I haven’t opened your buttons, that you’re not leaning over the desk, that nothing out of the ordinary has happened,” he said.

“I understand, I think,” I said.

“Well, off the record, if you enjoyed today as much as you seemed to enjoy yesterday, or so it sounded last night, then I’m sure Pete won’t mind,” Jim laughed.

“Oh, oh you heard us? Sorry, I thought we were quite discrete,” I blurted out.

“No problem, Sarah certainly didn’t mind,” he laughed again, then winked at me.

He pointed to the door and I went back to work. I sat at my desk, running through the last few minutes. I’d been a little numb, but then realised that him opening my buttons and staring at my tits wasn’t much different to what I used to do to get guys attention in bars back in the day. I felt a little guilty what with him being Pete’s dad, but it had been harmless enough.

The next day was very similar. It was always 2 pm when he buzzed, and he instructed me to do the same. I leant on the desk, smiling at him, waiting for him to open my buttons again. He didn’t, instead he stood and walked behind me. I couldn’t tell where he was and went to look around.

“No, keep reading, no distractions,” he called out.

I could sense him behind me, but not exactly where. Then I felt his leg brush lightly against mine, and his crotch ever so slightly touched against my arse. He stood still, not talking, and waited for me to finish reading. I paused, waiting for him to tell me I could move. I could hear him breathing, almost deafening in the silence of the room. I fidgeted a couple of times, my arse brushing against his crotch as I did so. Still, he was unmoved. Then I flinched a little as he inched my skirt up at the back.

“You have heels yes? Wear them tomorrow. Also stockings, your legs will suit them,” he instructed.

He told me that I could move and motioned towards the door. I left without him saying another word. I called Kelly over shortly after and told her that I needed the toilet. Getting there I found what I’d been expecting, the gusset of my thong was damp where being in the office had turned me on.

I couldn’t place exactly why. Was it because it was Pete’s dad? Was he doing it because he knew I couldn’t tell? Deep down I knew that what he had done hadn’t been groundbreaking, but I found that being teased like that, I knew how the men from the bars must have felt. What made it seem more of a turn-on was that back at home Jim acted like normal, like work Jim was a different person and he had no recollection of what his alter ego had been doing. I giggled thinking about asking Sarah if Jim was an identical twin.

I was like an excited puppy at work on Wednesday, almost too excited to await his call and stand, or sit depending on his mood today, to be called into the office. None of the other girls seemed to notice, although they were being professional and working. It wasn’t the kind of office for idle chit-chat and gossip and giggling. The clock seemed to slowly creep towards 2 pm. Then, even though I’d been anticipating it, the buzzer sounded and it startled me.

I walked into the office and closed the door, trying to walk confidently in my heels. I stood by the desk, Jim not looking up. Eventually he did so, and then stood and walked around the large oak desk and moved the chair away. He put the paper on the desk to face me, then told me to lean, arms down. I did so, almost bent over at a ninety-degree angle, knowing my skirt would be so tight across my arse. I could hear his breathing behind me, breaking the silence of the office.

“There are three sheets to read today, this is the final test. Do not get distracted, and the job will be yours. You may pause a little, but too long and I will deem you not good enough to pass,” he instructed, “and for the sake of the family if nothing else, I’d really like you to get the job, but rules are rules so the test must be completed.”

I started to read the first page, and almost immediately felt my skirt being pulled up. It wasn’t inched this time, instead being pulled right up my thighs.

“Stockings, nice. I knew your legs would look good in them,” he said proudly.

I carried on reading, feeling a slight breeze on my now bare flesh. The skirt was pushed higher until it was bunched around my waist.

“Suspender belt, lovely touch that. Those knickers are a little too big though,” he muttered.

I wiggled my arse a little, then carried on reading when I heard him cough. I paused again as my knickers were pulled out, and then pushed in between my buttocks.

“Hmm, that’s better, don’t need any fabric covering that peachy arse,” I heard him say.

I finished reading the first page and he told me to keep my arms where they were. He came around the desk and moved the top sheet, showing the next page to be read. In my eyeline, I could see the bulge in the front of his trousers. He was enjoying it as much as I was by the looks of it. He went back around and told me to continue. His hands and fingers traced lightly over my thighs, over my stocking tops, and across my buttocks, making me shiver with nervous tension. His fingers grazed over what fabric was left showing between my arse, only that little bit of fabric stopped him from seeing how turned on I was, although I convinced myself that he could feel the heat stemming from my on-fire pussy.

The second page was done, I took a deep breath as he came around and moved that sheet. The third page glared up at me as he went back behind me. Just as I went to read, I heard the sound of him unzipping. I paused and braced, and he coughed again. I heard him moan softly and he used his feet to push my legs wider apart. I read on, then heard a noise and felt his hot breath on my buttocks.

Fuck! He was that close I felt sure he could smell my , smell the fumes of my pussy eager to be touched, eager to find release, eager to please. I felt my knickers being pulled away and rested on one buttock. His breathing got deeper, sliding between my legs like he was trying to extinguish the raging fire between them. I wanted to push back, to push onto his face, to hope his tongue would find the spot and help me on my way.
