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#Abuse #Group #Incest
By Kiarra
Chapter I
Leaning over the patio balustrade, she watched the white water swirling frothily around and over the rocks some twenty-five feet below. Power in nature had an aphrodisiacal effect on her senses, and she could feel her nipples hardening against the course material of the mesh blouse she’d put on this morning. I’ve got to get some relief soon, she thought, or I’m going to be climbing trees. On second thought, maybe climbing trees is the answer; just think of the work out my old clit would get from some rough bark. Wow! I sure wouldn’t have to shinny very far before I’d get off. Jesus! Why am I thinking these adolescent thoughts? Does being at home get under my skin this much?
Rising up, she walked slowly across the natural rock deck, and was aware when she passed under the protective cover of awning. The heat of the sun, such as it was on this beautiful April morning, was replaced by a chilling little breeze that ruffled her hair when she entered the shady portion of the patio. It was a long walk in this chill to the French doors at the far end of the house, her sisters’ room was just a few steps away and it was time the little twit got up anyway.
The sliding glass door hissed quietly on its tracks and she wedged herself into the duskiness of the room without opening it all the way. As the door closed she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, and turning quickly, she spied her father carrying his shirt, going out the bedroom door.
What in the world is Dad doing here? Her thoughts were not organized yet, and the total effect of the answer did not hit until her eyes rested on the bed.
Alice was lying languidly amidst tangled sheets and pillows, her legs spread slightly, one knee raised forming a triangle; side ‘A’ crotch to foot, side ‘B’ foot to knee, side ‘C’ knee to crotch. Her eyes were closed, her face in repose, her young breasts flattened against her chest by gravity, and held there because her arms were outspread as though she had been sacrificed on some weird alter. At the juncture of those shapely legs, at the apex of the triangle, at the point they met the body, at the place of love where her pubic hair formed the ‘V’ for Venus, there was a rosebud of inner flesh exposed, and, from between those petals was oozing a pearly white globule of cum. It gathered at the base of the bud just long enough to gain enough weight, and then slid slowly down the crack where her buttocks met. Finally forming a congealing pool on the sheet where a moisture ring began to form and grow.
Alice didn’t say a word, but her sister knew she was aware of her presence. The cocked leg stretched out parallel to its mate, and the eyelids flickered just enough to show that she had been observed.
“Good morning, Allie, don’t you think its time you got up for breakfast?” Meg knew how inane that sounded, but it was the only thing she could think of to say under the circumstances. She observed the cat-like grace with which her younger sister moved as first she arched her body in a sensuous stretch, and then slipped off the bed. She watched almost hypnotically as her sister bent at the waist to retrieve the frilly underwear that was scattered around the floor near the bed. Her eyes were locked on Alice’s breasts as they hung, fully extended now, shapely, and coming vibrantly alive with those fluid movements.
‘Oh God He’s doing it to her now.’ The thoughts were whirling in rampant waves through her mind. ‘Get it under control now old girl; this too shall pass, you’re probably just jealous anyway. He used to do it to you, and at the time you didn’t see anything wrong about it. In fact, right now, you don’t know how you’d react if Dad made a pass. The way your body’s acting, it’s a safe bet your heels would turn rounder than softball in summer. You’d better snap out of it, Allie might need your help in dealing with this.’
Meg really didn’t want to see her teenaged sibling make the same mistakes that she had made, but there was no way she was going to become involved in a family hassle now. It was certain that if she were to go to their mother with this type of information it would do no good, number one, she wouldn’t be believed, and number two, little Alice would deny everything.
Meg had succumbed to her father’s advances long ago. To see her sister now following down that same course was to be expected. How do you combat something that at the time seems so right, she wondered. How indeed, do you even gauge the rights and wrongs of it? Her own seduction was so gentle, so loving, so wonderfully fulfilling, that she was now slightly envious of Alice. Dad hadn’t touched her in many years now, not since the pregnancy scare when she was eighteen.
Alice’s body is not that much better than mine, she thought. It was somewhat more nubile, somewhat thinner, but not all that much better. Meg allowed her hand to wander along the front of her thigh, smoothing the fabric as it went.
Alice looked up just in time to see Meg’s eyes go out of focus, and noticing the reason for it, she couldn’t contain a smile. She watched as Meg’s hand danced along the inside seam of jeans, and then settled at the apex of her crotch. No longer interested in dressing, Alice stopped her hands; her bra hooks less than a half-inch apart. The longer she looked at Meg, the more relaxed her arms became, and soon the bra dropped back to the floor, re-exposing her breasts to the warm air of the room. Meg was in the grip of lust by now, and Alice could see the sweat pop out on her forehead, her fingers desperately fighting the coarse fabric of the Levis in her quest of euphoric relief.
Although the cotton panel of Alice’s bikini panties was wet with a combination of her own lubricating juices and her father’s semen, that was not the reason she now began to roll them back down legs. Her eyes were glued to the erotic vision in front of her. Her hand caressed her still swollen pubes. Meg’s breathing was becoming ragged and harsh to the ear, but to Alice it was the sweetest music she had ever heard. Moving slowly forward now, Alice drew closer and closer to her sister. She didn’t even realize it until her left nipple brushed against Meg’s blouse, and Meg’s eyes flew open.
“Don’t stop, Honey, don’t stop on my account.” Alice’s own hands rose, seemingly of their own accord, and loosened the top button of Meg’s blouse. Her fingers lingered, for a moment on the soft upper curve of her sister’s breasts, before continuing the task at hand, that of releasing those captive mounds from their binding constraints. Button by button; one moment after agonizing moment the fastenings were undone.
Taking the lapels in her fingers, Alice began to pull the shirt back over her sister’s shoulders, each inch of exposed flesh covered by her lips in one continuous kiss. The skin under her lips was so hot her eyes began to water from the radiation.
Meg had burned her bra during one of those feminist demonstrations of the seventies, and had not worn one since, so removing the blouse was removing the only barrier between Alice’s face and Meg’s bounteousness. The blouse hung half way down Meg’s back, in effect, acting as a straight jacket, holding her arms in place, but placing no restrictions on the movement of her hands and fingers. As Alice continued to administer hot, wet kisses on her breasts, Meg fumbled at the top button of her britches.
Alice heard the soft buzz as the zipper on her sisters’ fly slid slowly down, it was difficult to remove her lips from the sweet, hot swells that had so drawn them, but she did, just enough to see Meg’s right hand tug the elastic band of her own panties out and then slide her fingers past the thick, curly blond pubic hairs, and into her rosette cleft.
Meg’s ears were beginning to ring, her mind locked in a sexual fantasy that promised a high she’d never experienced before, and by now she was nearly out of control. Her own fingers sliding wetly across her clitoris, and Alice’s apparently expert lips caressing her tautening breasts, was taking her strength and balance. She was teetering toward her sister, and her weight was too much for Alice to hold. Alice was drooping to her knees, trying to lever Meg back into the upright position. Meg was in the grips of hysteria, her pelvis shooting forward in uncontrolled abandon, the rest of her body following at a more leisurely pace. Palpitations in her cunt, coming in ever more rapid succession, had her out of her mind, so that she didn’t even know she was falling.
Alice tried to catch her own fall by throwing her arms behind her, but when she released Meg it caused her sister to tumble faster yet. Suddenly she was on the floor, on her back, with the dead weight of her older, bigger sister on top of her. Her face was no longer near Meg’s breasts, she could feel the jeans zipper cutting into the soft underside of her chin, and her nose was askew, driving into Meg’s stomach a few inches below the naval. As she opened her mouth to catch a breath she took in a mouthful of somewhat salty tasting hairs. Their bodies began an automatic accommodation flex so that soon she was more comfortable and could breath through her nose.
The aroma that assailed Alice was intoxicating. Meg had just performed an act of masturbation that culminated in orgasm, and the juices had flowed. Alice had just gotten up from a love session with her father, and that in itself was enough to create a sense of sensual well being, but she had also witnessed Meg’s masturbation and been a minor part of her sister’s subsequent climax. Now here she was, pinned to the carpet with her mouth full of sexy tasting hairs, her labia swollen with want, her clit pulsating in time to her heartbeat, and her arms pinioned to her sides by Meg’s legs so that she couldn’t relieve herself with her own fingers. And, to make matters worse, her chin was bleeding from the violent contact with that damned zipper,
Meg was exactly ten years older than her sister. At twenty-five she was slightly voluptuous, but certainly not turning to fat, although she had to watch her weight constantly. Both their birthdays on the same day had created some problems over the years, one of which was a small amount of jealousy. During the hard times, when only one gift could be afforded, Alice was the lucky one to receive it. Not that her parents were partial, but rather that they thought the youngest wouldn’t be quite as understanding as a girl ten years senior. That was not necessarily the case. Although Meg understood, she was not very understanding about it at all. In fact she grew to be resentful as the years passed. After the family economics improved to the point that both could receive gifts, Meg was gone from the family fold, and did not expect that sort of attention with the same desire as she had previously, but that did not erase all the resentment. Not that she and Alice didn’t get along, on the contrary, they were quite chummy on the rare occasions that they were together.
However, when Meg had walked in on Alice as that worthy was recovering from a bout of love making, there was a momentary return of the green-eyed monster. She had not been the recipient of her father’s sexual attentions for a number of years, and for reasons she couldn’t define, her forays into the world of sexual release were few and far between. Coming to her own sexual rescue was beginning to wear on her ego, and it was only slightly more satisfying than using some self centered turkey out of a singles’ bar. The fact that she was perpetually horny just drove the rapier deeper into her heart.
Alice was managing to squirm her arms loose from the confines of Meg’s weight. With her hands free, she could now decide just what she wanted to do. Her chin was hurting, but if she could get some relief from this biological wanting, she wouldn’t worry so much about the bleeding. She encircled Meg’s buttocks with her arms, and slipping her thumbs under both panties jeans, began to slide them down those wonderfully rounded humps. The easing of pain and pressure on her chin attested that decision had been the correct one. But, now she faced another dilemma. If she continued to remove her sister’s clothing, she would inevitably end up with her nose in Meg’s pussy. The idea was not all that repugnant to her, but she didn’t know how her sister would react when she came out of her stupor, besides, her desire at this point was not to help someone else to a climax, but to furnish herself with one. All she needed now was a little freedom to utilize her fingers on her own nether regions.
Suddenly, and much to her surprise, she felt Meg’s leg move just enough to allow a set of toes to massage the very area Alice had been wanting to touch. Meg, aroused by her own ministrations to her sister’s cunt, was easing her body forward to the point that Alice had no choice but to reciprocate by kissing those distended lips now being offered so insistently. She was almost suffocating, almost coming because of the toes in her pussy, almost out of her mind with the sensual odors assailing her senses, so she pushed her tongue violently into the valley of love resting on her mouth. That act was enough to send her over the edge. She was into the orgasm so fast her mind couldn’t catch up. She passed out before she felt her body begin its ecstatic heave. She didn’t know that it continued to heave and thrash until Meg was thrown clear, and even then writhed and twisted for a full fifteen seconds before coming to rest half way under the bed.
It was Meg’s turn now, and she rolled over to her sister’s resting place, took Alice’s arm, and placing the arm between her legs, she mashed the elbow into her clitoris. It didn’t take her long to wriggle another climax of her own, and although it lacked the intensity of the one she’d just had, or the one her sister had enjoyed, it was just as satisfying in its own way.
Chapter II
They were still lying thus, still sleeping it off so to speak, when their mother peeked in to see if they were ready for breakfast. Taking in the scene at a glance, Madrian knew that the two had been doing something other than playing scrabble. In her forties, she was well preserved, physically fit, and as attractive as one of her daughters. But, Maddy had been raised in a different age, at a different time, and the picture before her was incomprehensible.
She maneuvered on into the room, not to be presumptive, but rather so that she could figure out just what was transpiring. Both girls were in lather, their bodies glistening with perspiration. Both were languid, almost sleepy in their movements, and the closer she got the more her senses were assaulted with what could only be described as the smells of love.
Meg’s legs were spread enough for her mother to see the swelling lips of her vagina, and the redness of the clitoris. And, although her other daughter was hidden from the waist down by the bed, Maddy observed the smile of satisfaction on Alice’s lips, the slick wetness on her left arm, and the great movement of her daughter’s breast as her breathing returned to normal.
As the understanding hit her, Maddy turned and staggered toward the door. It was only by chance that Meg’s eyes were turned in the direction of the door when they fluttered open. There was barely time to recognize her mother before the door closed.
Madrian found her way into the sitting room before she could stop. The scene in Alice’s bedroom flashed over and over in her mind. Seeing her daughters in the nude was not new to her, she had encouraged a natural acceptance of bodies and functions throughout her child rearing years. But, the wanton display scattered over the floor in her daughter’s room went far beyond simple nudity, and it was going to take a while to digest. Hell, it was going to take some time just to accept, let alone digest. It was apparent that the two girls had been involved in sexual activity, and that the activity was conducted while they were together, maybe even with each other. Maddy shuddered at the thought. Surely her babies were not lesbian. Surely they did not practice incest. Maybe her mind was overactive.
Maddy didn’t feel like she was a prude, but thinking of her daughters in sexual embraces wasn’t one of the things she looked forward to. She remembered once when Meg had seen her father in the nude. Her daughter had been about two and a half at the time. It wasn’t the first time Meg had viewed her father in this state, but it was the first time she had shown curiosity. John had appeared to be uncomfortable when his daughter came closer to him while he was preparing to put on his briefs after a shower Maddy had had to prevent him from shooing her away. “Let her look, you bashful thing”, she could hear her own voice repeat those words over the years, “she will get this out of her system, and won’t be curious with boys when she gets older”. John had gone along with the lesson, and sure enough, a close look was all Meg had needed at the time. The little girl had put her face close to Johns penis, looking from this side then that, but pretty soon, her curiosity assuaged, she had gone on about her little business.
She was probably three or more before Meg’s questioning mind again returned to nude bodies, but this time it was Maddy’s that the little girl decided to inspect. Maddy remembered as though it was only yesterday…Meg had wandered into the bathroom at the very moment Maddy was removing a douche pin from her vagina. Meg watched as, leg raised, foot propped on the side of the tub, the pink, curved probe began its slide to freedom. The apparatus did not seem to be important to the little imp; she was more interested in the aperture from whence it came. Maddy soon understood the indecision John had gone through, the intense gaze at her private parts was distracting to say the least. But, this time gazing was not going to be enough; Meg stuck out her pint-sized hand and touched Maddy’s silky pubic hair. She ran her fingers through it long enough for Maddy to become uncomfortable, and then she tentatively caressed the inner lips of Maddy’s labia. This was more than her mother could withstand, and she gently pushed the tiny hand aside, while she lowered her leg to the bottom of the tub. She knew better than to create a scene about it, so she just turned her back and grabbing a towel, began to dry off.
Megland was almost five before another episode transpired Maddy remembered the morning well when her eldest child had come into the master bedroom early on a Saturday morning. She and John had just relaxed from a session of love, and had not covered their bodies. John was lying on his back; his flaccid cock drooped along his scrotum, semen still dewy at the orifice. She was also on her back, legs spread, and her juices flowing gradually down the crack of her ass.
Neither had moved much from the moment of climax, they were savoring the feelings of relief and release, and there was just enough space between her leg and her husband’s to allow their daughter to wedge between them. Thus exposed to visions she had seen under different circumstances, the young lady had been overcome with curiosity. Her inquisitive mind would not rest until she had touched these wondrous things, but she did have a problem figuring out which to test first. Both adults were aware of the little girls’ presence, and her dilemma, but neither was sure what to do about it.
Maddy remembered that they had both used the same excuse to each other later, that each had been waiting on the other to move or cover up. As a consequence, both had remained too long in place, Meg reached her hand to John’s peter first. Touching with her finger sufficed for a moment. Her finger ran down the spongy softness, wiping the slick wetness as it went. They watched in fascination as the girl brought her finger to her eyes to inspect what she had wiped onto it. Not a word was spoken as Meg placed her other hand on her Mother’s pubes, running her fingers down between Maddy’s thighs, dipping into the fluid that had just drained from the opening above.
Megland brought this hand back also, but instead of inspecting the moisture, she flattened her hand against her face and rubbed the cum into her skin, she even stuck her fingers into her mouth to test the taste. Licking her lips she returned her attention to her father, taking his cock into her hand, she began to inspect the lump of flesh resting in her palm. John remained motionless, almost stiff, hoping against hope that he could control himself to the point that he would not become erect. No sooner had the thought entered his head than it began to happen. He looked over at Maddy in a helpless, frantic way as his pecker grew to proportions not realized since he and Maddy were first married.
Meg’s manipulations were so gentle, and their affects so sensual that he felt his glans begin to throb, and his body to stiffen. He couldn’t believe that his five-year-old daughter could cause his body to respond with such passion. He began to breath heavily, sweat was popping out along his upper lip, and Maddy watched in discomfort as her daughter brought her husband to brink of ejaculation.
For no apparent reason Meg withdrew her hand from her father’s palpitating penis, and returned her attentions to her mother. This time, Maddy remembered, Meg raised her girlish body and crawled up over her mother’s thigh. She lay between Maddy’s legs, her little body stretching, the cloth of her nightgown abrading her mother’s clitoris, clutching at the twin mounds rising from Maddy’s breast. Meg squeezed at the tits long enough for the nipples to harden, then placing her hands palm down on those protrusions, began to move her hands in circles, barely touching the nipples.
Madrian had never reacted to sexual stimulation with the force she now felt, her whole body was nearly out of control, and she was arching and responding to the point of aching. Her right hand clutched at John, seeking help, yet not wanting him to interfere. But, she needn’t have worried, for Meg was losing interest in this new game, and she was withdrawing, crawling backwards toward the foot of the bed, stopping only long enough to inspect once again the lips of her mother’s vulva. As the girl scrambled off the bed and ran out of the room, the two adults shivered. Their bodies were coated with perspiration, and they were both high on sexual desire.
It took only one touch to light the fire that had been smoldering throughout Meg’s ministrations. Maddy clambered onto her husband’s’ receptive body; her actions so abrupt that under normal circumstances it would have hurt him. But, with passion rising, phallus raging, and fantasies flitting through his mind a mile a minute, he didn’t even notice. What he did notice was his cock being enveloped in the hottest, wettest cunt he had ever had the pleasure of encountering.
Maddy was berserk, she drove her body down, pinioning it to the stiffness below her, She didn’t care about anything except self-fulfillment, and she began to use muscles she had forgotten she had. Her vagina was undulating like a throat, first tightening in the depths of her being, at the very opening of her cervix, then squeezing a little at a time toward the front.
She could feel John responding. The heat and passion were overcoming. They were both beyond control, bucking and hollering, straining and cumming, spurting and palpitating, slobbering and scratching, all at once. Maddy had no idea she had opened great scratches on her husband’s chest and arms, and he not only didn’t know about the scratches, he was unaware of his bruising grip on his wife’s buttocks.
Maddy remembered that it had taken weeks for the results of their passions to heal. She also remembered that it was the last time anything of that magnitude had happened between her and her husband. It was with regret that she realized her part in the taming of his sexual drive. The embarrassment of losing control, the embarrassment of their little visitor, and their inability to stop what she did to them had put a stop to her desire for sexual release, and all these years she had been punishing John for it.
Chapter III
Alice came out of it with a jerk. Unfortunately the jerk caused her knee to jam a cross member on the underside of the box spring. She was now bleeding slightly at the chin, and more than slightly from the knee. ‘I don’t think sex is good for me,’ she muttered. But, rolling over to extricate herself from the bed, she ended up with her face once again only inches from Meg’s love lips, and it took the discomfort right out of her mind. Remembering now the intense orgasm, and what had caused it, she was tempted to slip her tongue back into its wonderful holster. The only thing that stopped her was the straightening of Meg’s leg, and as her sister erased the figure four of her legs, the figure four that had allowed her mother to witness those swollen protrusions, the figure four that allowed Alice to see into the very core of Meg’s love nest, that figure four stopped her because when the bent leg found its comfort, the foot found Alice’s forehead.
“Ouch Goddamnit! I’m getting the shit beat out of me, and I ain’t done nothin’ but give pleasure to nobody. Get your goddamned foot out of my fuckin’ face Meg.”
Megland heard all of this through a fog. Her mind, what there was of it, was still seeing the figure of her mother. Somehow or other her mother’s form would not leave her minds eye. Was it a dream that Maddy had been in the room with them? Or was it all too real?
“Allie, was Mom just in here? Did you see her? Did she say anything to you?”
“Oh, Jesus H. Christ, Megland Heatherin, don’t spring that shit on me. You know I’ve not been in the real world. ‘Tween you and Dad, I’ve been out mor’n I’ve been in.”
“You’ve got the filthiest mouth on any kid I’ve ever seen Allie, can’t you say anything without swearing? But, wait, don’t bother to answer that, I know better than to ask. But, this is important; I think Mom was in here after that last round. I think she saw us after we’d spent ourselves. Did you see or hear her?”
“Naw, I didn’t see nor hear nothin’. I don’t think she was here though, cause if she’d been in this room when you think, she’d of shit right down her leg, and I don’t smell nothin out of the way, y’knowwatImean?”
“Allie, you’re incorrigible. Just shut up a minute while I sort out my thoughts. If she was in here, she knows what we were doing. And, if she knows what we were doing, she’s been making some decisions. I may have to leave before my vacation’s up, and I really don’t want to go back to an empty apartment. My roomy’s at home on her own vacation, and I don’t relish staying alone for the next two weeks.” Meg was on her feet by now, and reached down to help her little sister.
Alice had brought her knee to her face, and was sucking the blood from the scratch. “I’ve about bunged myself up here today, Sis, I’ve got a cut on my chin from your zipper, a bruise on my forehead from your kick, and this damned cut on my knee from God knows where. Can you get me some kinda medicine or somethin’?”
It was some picture Meg was looking down upon…her sister was totally nude, her hair was mussed, her chin beginning to scab, there was a big red area on her forehead, her knee seemed to be half way in her mouth, and Meg could see, once again the moist opening of her cunt. If she weren’t so worried about their mother’s visit, she would have soaked up the vision until something else happened, but as it was, finding a solution to the dilemma had to take priority.
Well, first things first, she made her way around Alice’s contorted body, and walked into the bathroom to see if she could find an antiseptic. There was a bottle of iodine on the shelf in the mirror cabinet. Just the trick, she thought, the twit rates a little pain. I’m going to enjoy this. Strolling back into the room she found Alice, still rocking on the floor, still sucking and licking her wounded knee.
“Let me see, Allie”, she crooned, as the lid came away in her fingers, “Let me get at that cut or you’re liable to grow permanently into that position.”
“Blow on it Meg, you know that stuff stings, so you blow hard when you put it on there. You hear me Meg?”
Hearing the childish panic in her sister’s voice surprised Meg. It was hard to think of Alice as an adolescent after what they had just been through. But, the little girl voice reminded her, and disgust at herself and their father began to build in her mind. The disgust didn’t stop her from peeping down the inside of Alice’s thigh at the pink, puffy labia, extruding through those wondrous silky hairs, as she ministered to the slight wound though. She was a lusty young woman, and the desire began to rise again.
Neither of the girls was in a hurry to face their mother. They weren’t sure if she had seen them in their shameful embraces or not, but they were fairly sure she’d seen something, and both had sheltered her from knowledge of their father’s indiscretions for years. The upcoming confrontation was not going to be a pleasant one, so they took their own sweet time primping and dressing. They couldn’t put it off forever though, and meeting in the hall, they braced themselves and each other, and proceeded to Maddy’s sitting room.
Madrian had never seen her daughters look so lovely. They had entered the room arm in arm, and although they seemed to be having a hard time looking her in the eyes, it didn’t distract from their obvious beauty. Her pride at delivering such as these was overpowering, and she got quickly to her feet, moved to where they stood and clasped both to her breast. The hug went on for a long time, Meg and Alice broke into tears and the three stood in the middle of the room, arms around each other, squeezing, kissing, laughing, crying and gasping for breath.
“Oh, Mom, we’re so sorry!” Meg was trying to disengage, and to begin an explanation at the same time. The other two were not ready to break up just yet, so it was an awkward moment… Meg’s butt was sticking way out, but her top half was still held close. The others were bracing themselves against the overbalance, and it almost took on the aspect of a wrestling match. This caused all three to laugh at the same time, and the laughter, rampant emotions, concern and love for each other caused them to go into such a paroxysm of coughing, giggling, running out of breath, and going weak in the legs, that it bordered on hysteria.
They were finally able to regain control, and turning one another loose, began to self-consciously straighten themselves out. Maddy was the first to compose herself enough to use her voice. “I don’t think this is a good time to talk…” she began.
“Mom, we have to talk now, we can’t just ignore what’s been taking place, and to put this off will only make it harder.” Meg was looking to Alice for support, but that worthy had suddenly become interested in some nonexistent something out the window.
Maddy took a deep breath and pulled herself to her most imposing posture. She realized that Meg was right, and that any further delay would cause more heartache when the problem could no longer be put off. But, how do you discuss the incestuous behavior of those you love more than life itself? She knew that at least a part of this dilemma was attributed to her own weaknesses and mistakes of young motherhood, and although she wished to take the blame, she could not really find it in her heart to believe these two were doing anything wrong. It was obvious that they loved each other. They were standing now in positions of support, as though she herself was an enemy to be concerned about. She didn’t want them to look upon her as an enemy, but rather someone to turn to when things went amiss.
“All right, Meg, and you too Allie, was it what it appeared to be going on in Allie’s room a little while ago”? Then, pointing to a chair and a love seat, she nodded for them to sit down. As she took her own seat, she watched them, still seeking solace from each other, sit together on the love seat, Allie’s right hand fluttering across her lap to grasp Meg’s left one. Allie is such a child, she thought, as she tried to formulate some words to describe what she was feeling, at this moment. “Can either of you explain why”? Allie had not yet looked at her, but as these words crossed the void between them, she raised her head, the defiance shown from her eyes.
“Goddamnit! Don’t come on like that, Mom. You don’t know a shittin’ thing about it…y’knowwatimean? Me’n Meg was just doin’ what seemed okay to do, y’know? Tain’t nothin’ me an Dad ain’t done, an’ that was sure as fuck okay with him!”
As soon as those hateful, hurtful words were out of her mouth, she wanted to withdraw them. She could see her mother collapse into herself. She felt Meg getting up to go to her mother’s side, and rushed to join her.
“Hey, I didn’t mean anything, Mom. Honest, I don’t know what made me say that shit.” By this time she was holding Maddy’s hand so tight it was closing off blood circulation to her mother’s fingers. “You know that ain’t true, I just had to say somthin’ or bust, y’know?”
But, it was obvious that denial was too late. The belief and grief were on Maddy’s face for all to see. Her breath was coming hard, and she could feel herself sliding down the front of the chair seat. Meg struggled for a hold that would cushion her mother’s fall. It wasn’t that Maddy was fainting; it was more as though her will for self-support was failing. Her body was limp, and her face was taking on a blank expression. She seemed to be withdrawing from life.
Meg and Allie stretched her out on the floor, and Meg began to loosen her mother’s clothing, all the while muttering little inane words of encouragement. The whole confrontation had been highly charged with emotion, and Meg was hoping this would be a passing thing with her mother. She was not ready to believe that what she and her sister had said and done would cause anything serious to be wrong with Maddy.
The girls were on each side of Maddy when her eyes began to focus. They watched as she brought both hands to the lapels of her dress. Meg had already unbuttoned the top three fastenings, and now Maddy grabbed a handful of dress in both hands, jerked with all her might, and hitting Allie in the left breast, opened the entire front, exposing her body clad in only a bra and panties. They had no time to gather their thoughts or react before she was able to tear the bra right down the center, between the cups allowing her breasts to flop freely into the open air of the room. She reached her left hand for Allie’s hair, and grabbing a handful, pulled her youngest daughter’s face down to where her tit met Allie’s mouth.
She hadn’t said a word, but was now moaning incoherently, while her right hand cupped her pubes through her panties Meg was unwilling to believe her eyes, as the picture unfolded before her. But, recognition soon prevailed, and now knowing what had to be done in order to bring sanity back into their lives, she began to remove Maddy’s panties. As her hands made contact with her mother’s hot flesh, she lost all her inhibitions. Pulling the soft cloth along her mother’s thighs, she began to knead the muscle and stroke the skin. Glancing up, she was aware of Allie’s tongue and mouth laving a loving caress across Maddy’s breasts, the tongue probing and licking as her head moved slowly from mound to mound.
Maddy soon lost all control, and pulling Allie’s face ever tighter and tighter into her breasts, she moaned, “harder, Allie, harder! Suck ’em, Allie, suck ’em, suck ’em harder!”
Meg now had the panties all the way off and had tossed them aside. She looked at the seat of her mother’s love nest, and with wanton abandon, lurched forward, locking her mouth onto the lips of Maddy’s vulva. Maddy arched her pelvis so forcefully that it threatened to break Meg’s nose, but she was able to keep her hold, and running her tongue around and around the loose, fatty tissue as fast as it would go, she could feel the tension building in her mother’s being. The pelvis was jerking up and down trying to meet Meg’s mouth in ever harder drives, Maddy’s right hand had gained purchase in Meg’s hair, and was grinding her face in circles, while the pussy and thighs were pulsating rhythmically, first closing on her tongue and then opening to expose the clit for stimulation.
Allie was suffocating. Her mother was so enraptured with Meg’s ministrations that she had forced her youngest’s face into her left tit, cutting off the air necessary for survival. In her struggles to breath, her teeth abraded that nipple so much it caused her mother to achieve a first orgasm. The tiny relaxation before the second was just long enough for Allie to get a breath, before diving in again.
The second, and subsequent orgasms were centered at the love canal, now being taken care of by Meg. Meg’s tongue and lips were busy licking, stroking, sucking, and kissing her mother into a fever pitch of ecstasy. Her juices had begun to flow, even before Meg had hit the core of her being, and they hadn’t slowed any since. There was so much liquid present, a mixture of her own saliva and Maddy’s cum juice that Meg was sliding around out of control. If it hadn’t been for her mother’s guiding hand in her hair, she’d probably have missed the slit half the time. But with that powerful hand at the back of her head, she didn’t miss a lick.
Maddy was a wanton animal, she craved release from all her pent up rages. She’d been enraged at herself for allowing things to get out of control as far as her love life with John was concerned. She was upset that her daughters would sink to incestuous lesbianism. Finding out that John had taken advantage of her daughter had sparked this final break down of her will and with that went all senses. Her frayed nerves were setting her whole body to tingling, and the loss of inhibitions was allowing her to feel, really feel something sexual, for the first time in years.
She wanted Allie to bite her nipple off; she wanted Meg to sink her teeth into her cunt hard enough to draw blood. What she needed was to be punished for all her imagined sins. What she got was the epitome of sexual fulfillment. Twisting and turning, grasping and thrashing, her orgasms were coming in waves, one after the other.
Allie raised her head away from her targets long enough to search her mother’s face. Seeing her in the throes of passion was too much for Allie, so she bent over, placing her lips over Maddy’s mouth, stuck her tongue as far into the maw as she could and rolled it around and around, first under her mother’s tongue, then between her cheek and teeth, then stroking the roof of mouth. She was mashing her mouth against her mother’s lips, squeezing her eyes closed, feeling the rapture that only giving pleasure, to someone you love, can provide.
Allie’s tongue was in her mother’s mouth, Meg’s tongue was in her mother’s snatch, Maddy’s body was out of control, and her orgasms were getting weaker as the energy supply dwindled. Instead of building to a crescendo, her last climax was not a climax at all, but rather a little tired grunt, and her body went limp.
The girls were caught by surprise, and neither stopped their activity, but went ahead working their tongues as though their mother was still in the throes of passion. It finally dawned on Meg that all movement under her mouth had stopped, and as she raised her face, Allie also withdrew her tongue and rose up. They both looked at their mother at the same time, noting that Maddy’s eyes had rolled back into her head, with nothing but the veined whites showing. They saw that her mouth was slack, and that she was drooling a little bit of spittle down her cheek. Allie reached a tentative finger to wipe the slobber away just as her mother’s eyes rolled back to their proper position. She jerked her hand away as if she’d been caught doing something wrong.
“Oh, Kitten, I love you so much.” Maddy was looking directly at Allie; her voice was low and gentle. She reached her hand to cup her daughter’s cheek in her palm, and at the same time looked with love at her oldest child, signaling for her to come closer for an embrace with her free arm. The two girls, who had been through so much in the last few hours, were able to relax finally into their mother’s accepting arms. They stretched their tired, aching bodies alongside hers, each placing an arm under her head, pillowing it in the crook of their arms, and nodded off to sleep, relishing the knowledge that their love for each other had brought them closer together than they’d ever been before.
“Shit, Mom, that was great”, mumbled Allie as she faded into slumber, ever the last to fold her tent.
Chapter IV
Such was the scene that John encountered as he came into the room while looking for his wife. It shook him to his core.
Before his eyes were the two daughters he had nurtured, loved, raised, worried over, and finally committed incest with, lying in the arms of the wife he loved to distraction, but whom he hadn’t been able to make love to in years. Although the girls were dressed, as if preparing to go out, his wife was nude. Nude was a poor description. She was naked, lying in a pose that to be related to sexual gratification. Sprawled on the floor, her legs relaxed from their wanton pose, but still in a position would allow her pussy to be caressed. Allie’s hand was on her mother’s breast, and Meg’s rested on her mother’s thigh.
He struggled with the desire that was building in his own body. He could feel the erection beginning to pull at the cloth of his trousers. It was not a conscious thing that was causing this to happen, because he was thinking guilty thoughts, but guilt or no guilt, his pecker did not feel it. Shaking his head, he stumbled from the room, in search of a hiding place; one that he could mull over all that seemed to be happening in his home.
He managed to get to the spot that always helped him to clear his head. He came here often after Maddy had begun to deny him, or at best not respond to his overtures. The little indent in the rock below the cliff, where the rippling water created its soothing magic on his soul. He could lie back into the curvature of the rock, and fall into a meditative trance, while listening to the stream churning over and past the rocks sticking up from the bedded hardpan.
His mind was churning as fast as the stream this time. He could still vision the sight that had so shook him a few moments ago. His naked wife, languishing fulfilled in the arms of his two daughters. It had been obvious what had been going on, so the only question had to do with how he felt about it, and what, if anything, he was going to do.
Each time he remembered that picture, his cock got a little harder. Eventually he had to release the pressure somehow, and he elected to lower his trousers, so that the hard on could get some cool air. Maybe this would cause it to go down so that he could think.
Meg was the first of the women to stir. Her movements had the other two up in no time. Allie rubbed her eyes as she watched her mother’s nude body bending to retrieve torn clothing from the floor. She didn’t think she’d ever seen anything so beautiful.
Maddy was very self-conscious as she tried to put her dress back on, leaving much of her front still exposed to view. “I’d better go get a shower before I start supper”, she mumbled, as she sidled toward the door. It was ridiculous for her to feel this insecure, but there was no help for it.
“Wait, mom, let’s go down to the stream to clean you up. The cool water will calm you down, and Allie and me can get in a little skinny-dipping too. It’s too late for us to be modest around each other now, and going down there might just make us all feel better about things. We can talk this all out while Mother Nature puts her healing hands on us.” Meg could hear her own voice crack, as she hurried through her little speech.
“Yeah, Mom lets do what Meg says. We can be there in a few minutes, and you don’t have to dress ’til we come back up.” Allie was still young enough to get excited about an outing with her sister and mother, and was quickly dispelling any guilt she might have felt initially. As far as she was concerned, everything was turning out great, and she’d never felt closer to these two. “The fuckin’ water will be just the trick for all of us.” She saw her mother wince at her language. “Sorry, Mom”, She looked down, batting her lashes; as if this flirtatious device would take the sting out of the way she’d spoken.
It seemed to work, as her mother just shrugged her shoulders in surrender, then turned and headed for the door that would lead them to the steps that went down the face of the cliff.
They were quiet as they descended to the side of the creek. Allie was the first to throw off her clothing, so that she would be able to take her mother’s hand as she entered. But, just as she raised her hand to help she glanced at the cliff face, and spotted her father, who not being able to quell his lust had begun to fondle his schlong as if this activity would help him to think clearer. Allie’s stare brought attention to the other two, and soon all three were ogling the proceedings.
John had not noticed the women, and now taking his pecker in full grasp, began to jack-off in’ earnest.
Maddy whispered, “Have both of you been with your father?”
When they both nodded, she put her finger to her lips to keep them from making noise, and began to tiptoe toward the rock indent. Both girls, taking the hint began their own sneak attack.
They were no more than a few feet away when John opened his eyes and saw the semi-nude Maddy, the nude Allie, and the fully clothed Meg all watching him flog his dog. His first reaction was to cover himself, but then he decided that it was too late for anything like that, so he just removed his hand and said, “Well, y’caught me didn’t you?” Today seemed to be the day for inanities.
As if in concert, the women of his family converged on him. Maddy grabbed the bottoms of his pants legs and began to remove them. Allie grasped the waistband of his shorts and made short work at taking them off as well. Meg, who was still dressed to kill, had on all her makeup, except the lipstick she’d rubbed on her mother’s cunt hair, dropped to her knees, bent over, took his cock in her hand and began to jack him off very gently. Allie then straddled his face, and slowly, with gyrating hips, lowered her snatch to his waiting mouth. Maddy moved to the other side and also going to her knees placed her lips over the head of his dick, and while Meg massaged the shaft, licked her tongue out reaming the tiny orifice at the top of his cock.
John, by now beside himself, jerked his hips forward and spurted cum into his wife’s mouth. She’d never had this happen before, and didn’t really know what to do with it. Meg saw how her mother was reacting to this encroachment, so she leaned forward, across her father’s body, grasped Maddy behind her head, placed her mouth over hers and tongued the cum into her own, swallowing the cum along with a generous portion of her mother’s spit.
As yet no one had spoken a word, and none of them seemed to be ready to break the silence at this point. Allie was still massaging her father’s mouth and chin with her wanton snatch, as she churned her ass around and around. Meg couldn’t stop herself as she stuck her middle finger into the last remnants of cum sliding down her father’s pecker, moistened it good, then targeting the tiny puckered hole in her sisters’ bottom, stuck it in all the way to the third knuckle. Allie wasn’t prepared for such an intrusion, and immediately climaxed on the spot, thrusting her hips into her father’s face, jamming the back of his head into the hard rock surface, and collapsing forward, holding him down there.
Maddy went to his rescue, by first leveraging Allie off, and then cradling his sore head in her arms, across her bosom.
Meg, meanwhile, began to lick the cum off his scrotum, moving his cock back and forth so that she could get it all off the shaft. This was all it took to start the blood flowing again, and soon his peter was as hard or harder than it had been at first.
Maddy, laying his head down, then took the place that Allie had so enjoyed, by straddling his face, lowering her snapping pussy onto his mouth. She sighed as his tongue entered the opening, and her relief seemed to come at once. But, before she could get up, she felt Allie mount his chest behind her, and taking her father’s hands in her own, guided them to cup her breasts. This effectively locked Maddy in position, and by the movement of her husband’s tongue was okay by him. She could tell that John’s hands fondling Allie’s tits were turning her daughter on, because she could feel Allie’s hips begin their back and forth motion, hinting that she might be rubbing her steaming snatch on John’s by now sweaty abdomen.
Meg had found John’s erection too good to resist, and had gored herself with it. She’d heard of women who could open their throats and take a complete cock into their mouths, but never in her wildest dreams had it entered her mind that she was one of them. As she had lowered her mouth over the engorged pecker, her father had used the opportunity to thrust his hips up, jamming the whole thing in at one time. The great glans passed the point of no return, but she felt no compulsion to gag, and in fact, it brought her no small amount of pleasure. First just knowing she could do it, and second because it was apparent that her father found it pleasurable, for he was writhing and jabbing for all he was worth.
She tentatively worked her throat muscles to see what the reaction would be, and was gratified to hear him moan through Maddy’s muff. Then, a little braver, and with a bit more practice, she set about seeing how quickly she could make him cum. By squeezing with her lips, running her tongue around the shaft, and undulating her throat, she was able to take his load in less time than it took to get all three in motion. She didn’t even taste his juice, as it went straight into her throat without touching any of her tasting sensors. But she did try to turn herself into a vacuum cleaner, as she sucked as hard as she could, trying to empty his entire ejaculate.
Holding on to him as long as she could, it finally became apparent that his rigidity was on the wane. She could feel it soften and contract as it became more and more flaccid. There was a certain amount of sadness about the return of such a tool to its normal size. It had seemed rather noble and grand in its more rampant state, and now it was merely a shriveled up little tube her father held onto to aim so he could piss straight.
“Okay, girls, let’s talk this out.” They had gotten themselves together, and proceeded back to the house.
Maddy had left them so she could replace her torn clothing, and John had been willing to wait for her return, but this was too important for him to keep quiet about very long.
“I want you to know right up front that I never intended for any of this to happen. In fact, if someone had told me ten years ago that I would have participated in a ménage-a-qua with my wife and two daughters, I would have knocked their heads off. The very thought would have been repugnant. It still shakes me up to think of it. But sometimes we don’t control life as much as it controls us. Meg, when you were fifteen, and I first came on to you, I’d had virtually a sexless marriage from the time you were five. I know your mother and I got together now and then, because she felt it was her duty, and that’s how Allie was conceived, but the times were rare and getting rarer. I’m not trying to use this as an excuse, but just pointing out what my state of mind was at the time.”
“Allie”, he continued, holding his youngest by her shoulders so she would look at him, “by the time you were fourteen, I’d all ready been weak enough to have an affair with your older sister. The pregnancy scare we’d suffered was a thing of the past, and my sex life had not improved. I could have and should have taken up with some woman in town, but I never found one that I could get close to that I had any form of desire for. I know this all sounds pretty clinical, but it’s the only way I can discuss it without breaking down right here”.
He turned loose of Allie’s shoulders, and began to wander about the room, his agitation was apparent, and his speech full of hesitation, as if he were constantly searching for words that would adequately express his thoughts.
“As I talk about it, I seem to be saying that all my brains and my conscience are in my crotch. God, I hope that’s not true, because as I stand her looking at you two, all I feel is pride. Pride in your collective beauty, pride in the way you both have turned out without becoming addicted, your grades, and Meg’s fine career.” He hung his head and thought for a moment, then added, “and yes, I’m proud as well of your sexuality, and I pray that neither of you loses it because of what we’ve been doing.”
He looked up as he heard Maddy come into the room. “Mad, I love you more than life itself, and if I could change the way things have turned out, I’d do it today, but here we are, what do you think we should do? Do you two girls have anything to say?”
“Yeah… I think we should shut the hell up and let nature handle it.” Allie had never been one to beat around the bush. “All this talk ain’t gettin’ us nowhere. I ain’t ashamed of what we’ve done. Just remember, I couldda been doin’ this at school, maybe catchin’ some damned disease or other, and by keepin’ my lovin’ for you guys, I’ve prob’ly saved my ass from AIDS or somthin’. I think my ass is worth savin’, don’t you? By God, you did a little while ago. Now would you quit tryin’ to make us feel bad about it?”
“I think maybe Allie’s right about this, John.” Maddy had a look of consternation on her face. It was as if she had just discovered something and couldn’t quite understand what the discovery was. “I have to take a lot of the responsibility for what’s happened, because a long time ago I let some poor instincts rule my decisions. Meg was in her learning years, and I kept encouraging her to experiment farther and farther, but then when her curiosity crossed a certain barrier, I couldn’t accept it any more, and shut my life down. For that I’ll be eternally sorry. Sorry for how I’ve treated the man I love. Sorry for how its affected the lives of my daughters, whom I adore, and sorry for the years I’ve missed in loving harmony, that I could have been enjoying. But, the one thing I cannot and will not be sorry is what happened down by the water today. It was just too beautiful and healthy for me to feel regrets about it. In fact, I’m rather proud that it happened, and my relief is real, both sexually and mentally. And, John, please remember that I enjoyed sex with you today, when we both thought that part of our life was over.”
“Yeah, Dad, why don’t we move another bed into you and Mom’s room so we can get together whenever we want? Wouldn’t that just frost your balls?” Allie was fantasizing what it would be like to be among those she loved the most all the time. She also was young enough to believe that life could be wonderful, and they could all be happy as long as they were close. “Only problem is we’d prob’ly wear you out the first day. Come on you guys, waddayousay?” She looked first at her mother, whom she wanted to be on her side more than anything else in the world.
It wasn’t Maddy who spoke, however, it was her sister. “I don’t think it would be fair to any of us to try that, Allie.” Meg’s face was a study of its own. “We all need a bit of privacy now and then, but you do have a point about not trying to deny our relationship. We have to face up to it, we love each other, and we don’t want that love to stop at being familial need to support each other emotionally, psychologically, and even physically for a while ’til things settle down and we get straight again.”
“I think you’ve got it wrong, Meg.” Maddy had at last found her voice. “We not only need the things you say, but we need closeness too for a while. What do you think, John, can we stay together for a while? I, for one, have to think and talk about this, and the closer we are to each other, the easier it’ll be to say the things we mean, rather than the things we think the rest want to hear. Right now honesty is the only thing that can get us through. We’ve got some decisions to make. What about Meg’s work? What about the kids at Allie’s school, if they find out? Will your work suffer? I’m a little weak, as you all know by now; can I accept all this without you being near? We’ve opened a keg of worms, and now we have to go about pushing them back into the barrel.”
John had been studying his family as each had spoken. He’d heard the adolescence override Allie’s good sense, and Meg’s very adult analysis, and the fear in his wife’s quavering speech. They were all looking to him for guidance, and he wasn’t sure he was up to it. Maddy’s denials were the reasons he used for his incestuous behavior, but he could not be sure they weren’t caused by something intrinsic in his nature. Could he keep a perspective in the presence of these women he loved so much that he couldn’t keep his hands off of? “Maddy, I tend to agree with you. But, maybe that’s because I just want you all around so I don’t have to reach far to fondle one of you. We haven’t been close for a time, and I’m not sure if you’d be able to watch the girls and me together and not draw up into your shell again. I’d give half my life for you to come to me with a clear, honest sexual, sensual desire, but if being together will build the wall higher, maybe we should put as much space between the girls and us as we can.”
Allie had furrowed her brow while her father had spoke his piece, “You worry too much, Dad, you weren’t watchin’ when Mom saw you out there in the rocks. You were jerkin that ol’ thing an’ she ’bout creamed her jeans right then. With this much sex goin’ on she can’t deny her feelings any longer. You guys deserve a better life than you’ve been havin’, an’ one way is to let it all hang out, y’knowwatImean?”
“Meg, would you go into town and pick up some fried chicken at one of those take out places?” Maddy had made a decision, and she wanted some time to consider the best way to let everyone know before she said anything more. “We can use a little time to think, and I can’t think on an empty stomach. Besides, I surely don’t feel like cooking tonight, and I don’t think anyone else does either. Allie, you can go with your sister if you want.”
The girls looked at each other with a little worry beginning to form about how Maddy was taking all this, but by unspoken agreement, they left the room on their way to the garage. “D’you think she’ll be okay, Meg?”
Meg didn’t answer her right away, and she took her big sister’s hand as they passed the patio door. Meg thought about it for a while, and then squeezing Allie’s hand, said, “Yeah, Baby, I think she’ll be just fine. I think things’ll work out real good. Mom and Dad and you and me, kid…Mom and Dad and you and me. I think we were meant for each other. We fit together too well to break up now.”
“You’re right, sis, we did fit together pretty good specially when you shoved your fuck finger up my ass about a mile.” She was giggling to herself as they climbed into the car.
Chapter V
They stood there looking at each other, wondering what the other was thinking. Maddy took a tentative step toward John, and that was all it took. They fell into each other’s arms as if this were the last day and they were the last couple left on the face of the earth. He was holding her too tight, and he knew it. She was gasping for breath, but not caring if she ever breathed again. He felt the desperation she felt, and she was aware of the urgency in his grasping hands and arms.
“The girls are gone”, she managed to whisper, and “we can talk now. It was hard to say anything with them here. John, what are we going to do?” His arms began to relax, and she caught her breath. This time when she spoke, her voice sounded too loud in her own ears, “We can’t really stay together can we? Let’s be realistic about our chances of not hurting each other, let alone the odds of our getting found out. Someone’s almost bound to catch on sooner or later. We’d have to move away, and that only if we didn’t go to jail. What we’ve done is against the law and these goodie-two-shoes around here wouldn’t even try to understand. Oh, God, remember, Allie’s only fifteen. Even if they’d turn their heads about the rest of us, they couldn’t pass on her. How, in the world did we ever allow this to happen in the first place?”
John gently covered her mouth with his own. He didn’t need her to remind him how serious the situation had become. He was the only one who would face jail, they would be ostracized, but by moving away, they could take up a life elsewhere. But, her fast spoken words did let him know just how much she was effected by what had happened, and her lips moving a mile a minute had made him want to stop her talk, and start where they’d left off at the creek. He began to move his mouth softly against hers, and noted how much quieter her energy was becoming. He allowed his right hand to drop the few inches to her hip, and pressing gently he felt her pelvis rub haltingly against the front of his burgeoning cock.
“No, oh no, not now, please John, we’ve got to get this taken care of before the girls get back,” she was back to whispering, but not because she was being squeezed, but rather because she couldn’t find her voice. “Please, oh please!” her voice was trailing off, so that he just barely heard her moan the last phrase.
He was bunching the skirt of her dress in his hands behind her back, and when he got to the hem, he pulled the whole thing up to the back of her head, and removing his mouth for a second, tugged it over her head and down her front, the inside out sleeves hesitated for a brief moment at her hands before he could toss the garment away. His lips had reattached to hers before the dress hit the floor, and now his hands could roam freely over her body without encountering many obstacles. The bra was next. She didn’t even feel it as he uncoupled the tiny hooks that held it in place, but she did feel his fingers as he inserted them into the waste band of her panties. He lifted his lips and kissed her eyelids shut, them moving his mouth in ever-gentle arcs, he kissed and licked his way to her neck. She shivered as his hot breath scalded the tender area around her breast, and shook outright when his tongue probed the interior of her naval.
By now he had rolled the flimsy briefs to her knees, and was planting soft breathless kisses on the fronts of her thighs, first the right one then the left, getting always closer to the ultimate target.
With a final wrench the elastic gave way and her panties fell to the floor. John was on his knees by now, and taking hold of her right ankle, he spread her feet as far apart as he could without tipping her over. His tongue had found her center, and his lips were paying homage to the golden goddess that had eluded him for so long. He felt her fingers searching through his hair for a purchase, and began to treat himself and her in earnest.
He licked the dew from her pearly nether lips, stroked her clitoris for a second, and then pushing his chin forward between her inner thighs, ran his tongue along the crack of her ass until the tip tickled the small puckered orifice at her anus. His nose was now centered at the taint meat where wafted the sweet smell of her love juices mingled with her sweat and the tangy aroma exuding from the crack his tongue had just navigated. Her pubes were grinding into his face, and her hands were dancing their erotic way through his hair, with a tug now and then on his ears to bring him even closer to her.
His own hands were busy spreading those rear cheeks so that tongue could have free reign to ream her asshole, and every time it felt as though she was going to pop her cork, he would pull his tongue back and relax his hands for a second or two. He brought her to the brink a number of times and now her hands on the back of his head had become urgent. Her fingers kneaded, hands tugged and pulled at him until he could deny her no longer. This time he removed himself completely, and started popping the buttons off his shirt.
Maddy could not stop her pelvic motion without coming completely unglued, so she fell straight down on her butt and grabbed a handful of belt. She jerked the end loose, unbuckled the belt and tore the top snap at the waistband of his trousers.
In her ardor, she took hold of each side of his fly and just pulled them apart, the zipper zeeing down, opening the front so his peter could be seen stretching the cloth of his shorts. She then jammed her hands into those and jerked them as far down as she could, took his rampaging pecker in her hand and fell back planting that livid organ into her steaming cunt as she fell.
John tried to break his fall with his hands on both sides of her head, but was not totally successful. She didn’t even seem to notice. He felt the wondrous heat engulf his cock, and knowing the urgency of the situation, began to hammer into her with every fiber of his being. This was no gentle love making. This was not even a hard fuck. This was more like a mutual rape.
Their anger at each other was apparent in every move, in every thrust, in every twist. Years of frustration were being worked out. He was raping her for all the nights he’d laid awake with an unsatisfied erection, and she was raping him for his part in causing the present crisis. They were raping each other for not being thoughtful enough to take this up in a sane way those many years ago. He hammered his rage into her receiving, grasping pussy, and she hammered back, by jamming her pubes into his mons, bone against bone. There was no love in it. There were appearances of vengeance, and even hate. Maddy curled her fingernails into the soft muscle tissue of his back. John brought his hands to her shoulders and grabbing both of them began to raise her head and back, then slam her to the carpet, the rhythm matching the beat of his cock thrusts.
They neither one reached an orgasm. They just wore out. His hammering hips stopped their incessant motion, and he felt his great engine of destruction becoming just another limber dick. Her frenzied pumping stopped being so frenzied, and became an exhausted woman’s response to the flaccid little lump that was, by now, smearing her own juices between her legs. He had lost purchase, and erection at the same time and was now lying there taking deep breaths, trying to maintain some semblance of maleness. She put her arms around him and began to cry softly into the hair on his chest. Feeling her sobs, he too began to cry, quietly and with relief, his tears dampening her hair, and wetting her forehead. He held on to her body and rolled onto his side, as they remained together, head, body and toe.
“I love you, John. I haven’t been able to say it out loud for a long time, but I do. I do love you. Somehow I let some stagnant, Victorian, anti-sex thing come between us, but I guess I’ve never stopped loving you. This thing with the girls is not a healthy thing. It goes against every principle I’ve held onto, but those principles have got me nowhere so far, and our family get together has at least brought me out of my sexual malaise. We’d better ask them to stay on a while. If it gets too heated, or it looks like we might get into trouble, we can stop then, but for now I think we need them, and, who knows, they may need us, especially Allie. If things start to fall apart she can go stay with Meg. Anyway I think Meg would have her…God I hope so.
John tightened his hold. While Maddy had been talking, his mind had wandered, and fresh fantasies of Meg, Alie and his wife, in the throes of passion had stirred anew those natural reactions that cause erections. “All you have to do is remind me of what went on today, and I get aroused. Maddy, we need this time together, maybe we should go away ourselves, and leave the girls here. We could travel to some of the places we’ve talked about through the years. Staying in motels has always done something to my libido and we might get to where we can love each other without outside help. Jeez I don’t want to end up feeling guilty the rest of my life. I feel bad enough about what’s been going on for ten years. Just now I was trying to hurt you…well maybe I was trying just as hard to hurt me. And, I felt all that heat from your side too. You weren’t playing around either. You’d have hurt me if it had been possible. Do you agree?”
She had reached between their bodies for his engorging tool. With her fingers wrapped around it, she used her thumb to rub the head and orifice in gentle circles. “The way I see it, we may never live another sane day. Right now I know you’re hard because of your daughters. I also know that when I take you like this, I see them in my mind’s eye. They are with us even when they’re gone. I don’t know how long we could hold to each other without them close by, and I’m afraid to try. John, I’m afraid to try!” She lifted her leg to aim his cock into her love canal, but just when the glans met the wet inner surface of her cunt she felt the firmness dissolve.
“Shit I can’t even stay hard long enough to fake it. How the hell am I supposed to keep you as my wife if this thing disappears every time you come close?” He struggled into a sitting position, and looked down at his wife. She was stretched out on her side, soft blond hair spread around her face, breasts dropping slightly toward the floor, the glistening down of short hair that trailed from her naval to her pubic region was matted slightly from their sweat, her thighs as firm as the day they’d married, and her beautiful face turned expectantly to his with a questioning expression that let him know their future could not be heavier on his shoulders than it was at this moment. “I need you, and I want us together…if it takes stirring this pot were boiling, then so be it…let ‘er boil. I can’t even imagine life without you in it.
She opened her mouth slightly, ran her tongue seductively around her lips, and took his soft member in her hand once more. “Shut up, John, We don’t have to talk any more. I think we both know what has to be, and I even think we look forward to it. Now that I’ve accepted it, I know I look forward to it. You just relax. If it’s wrong we’ll know soon enough, and if it’s right, we’ll know that too. Now… come on back down here to Mama. Let Mama rub its little peter ’til it gets big again. Let Mama take good care of it.” Her mouth descended, and her voice became muffled, as she tried to arouse him.
He wanted to respond, and he tried to think of things that would bring his cock back to life, but it wasn’t working. Both of them were trying too hard, and he knew it wasn’t going to work. Maddy was backing away with a hurt look on her face when he heard the car in the driveway. That was all it took, she hadn’t heard it and his newly growing boner was all her ego needed to get her started again. Her head returned to the job it had just abandoned and this time he didn’t lose it. Her active tongue, and the near presence of the girls was enough for him to come to grips with the problem. It would have worked too, if they had just stayed outside, but as they came through the door, Maddy knew it was not she who had gotten him up, and although he was still hard, she began to withdraw.
“Hey don’t stop on accountta us. That looks too good to pass up, Mom, ‘looks jus’ like an ol’ lollipop, its head all red an’ slick like that. Go ahead, stuff your gut. Me an’ Meg’ll be there in a minute. Jeezus H Keeriste! I’m so horny right now, I could fuck this goddamn chicken. Meg hurry up an get your fuckin’ clothes off, they look like they need a little help, an if they don’t, I do.”
The bucket of food was spinning along the table where Allie had thrown it in her rush to disrobe. Everyone in the room could hear the button of her blouse as they hit floor, as in her haste she couldn’t take them loose one at a time. It took only a moment for her to be completely naked, and less than that for her to take her father’s head in her hands, pull it to the floor, straddle his face with her knees, plant her pussy over his mouth, lean forward and shove his pecker into her mouth as if it were going to be the last treat she’d ever get. She began to moan, low in her throat, as his tongue rimmed her inner muff, and slid into the dark hole. They were both oblivious to Maddy’s movements as she shrank away, watching them writhe, and slipped out the door.
Meg didn’t miss it though. There was something wrong in this house and she felt the need to help heal it, whatever it was. She stepped over and around the heap of active lust on the floor, and went in search of her mother. As her foot crossed above Allie’s buttock she could see her father’s hands circling, and caressing their way too the crack of her ass. Out of the corner of her eye she saw one of his fingers find the little brown target, and disappear up to the second knuckle. Well, that ought to just about do it for kid sister, she smiled her way out the door, thinking of what Allie had said about how well they fit together when her own finger had entered that tight little nook.
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By Kiarra
#Abuse #Group #Incest