A Desperate Woman |

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Adam approached the reception desk at Industrial Pneumatics and asked if Bill was available. The receptionist, Irene, a pretty little teen, blushed and said she’d call and ask. Adam leaned on the reception counter and perved on her firm young globes as she made the call. Her ripe breasts were begging to be groped, but Adam knew she was spoken for, and she had resisted all his previous advances. So he did no more than look.

He was rudely interrupted by a gruff voice from behind.

“Who are you, and what are you doing here?”

Adam turned to face the CEO, Harry Croft.

 “I’m your office supplies rep. I sold you all those laser printers last year. I’m waiting for Bill Harrison.”

“Well, wait over there and let my staff get on with their jobs,” he snapped, pointing to the couch beside the entry door. He handed the receptionist a folder of papers and retreated back into his office, slamming the door.

Adam had noticed a marked change in the receptionist’s demeanour when Croft appeared. But before he gave it more thought, Bill came around the corner. They shook hands, and Bill told Irene to hold his calls for half an hour. Then he led him away to meet the department heads, and take their orders.

Adam had been working for an office equipment company for over a year. It was not a job he wanted to do for the rest of his life, but he was on a commission for all he sold. They had a hot new product that was pouring out the door and putting more dollars in his pocket than he would earn anywhere else.

Bill was an old mate. He’d known him for years. After he had taken all the orders, Bill led him back to his office for a coffee. They sat and caught up for fifteen minutes. He asked, “What’s up with your boss? The grumpy old bastard had a go at me just before you turned up. He didn’t like me talking to Irene.”

Bill looked uncomfortable, “No, he wouldn’t. I’m a bit worried about her. She changed a couple of months ago. She became all sullen and withdrawn, whereas she had always been lots of fun and flirty before. I think Harry might be bonking her.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Lots of little things, but the main one is that I’m pretty certain Harry bought her a new car two months ago. Harry denies it and says she paid for it, but they put the car through the company books. He says, to get her a discount. But there is no record of her having paid any money into the company accounts. Seems to me there is only one reason he’d buy her a car.”

“Anyway, changing the subject. When are you going to get a proper job and put your brain to use again?”

“I’ll probably stay put for another year. I’m selling these new electronic whiteboards, which have taken off with the schools. I sold twenty of them last month and will sell another twenty this month. I could sell more, but that’s all we can get into the country. I must make hay before all the other office supply companies get a hold of a similar product.”

“Are you on a commission?”

“Yes, 5%, and each one retails for nearly $4,000. Do the maths. I bet I’m earning twice what you are currently earning. I’m sticking as much in the bank as I can, as I want to start my own business.”

“You should come into business with me. I’m not that happy here, and I want to start my own company.”

Adam changed the subject. Going into business with your best mate was not a good idea.

“I thought you had just been promoted to director?”

“I have, and given some shares too. But Harry’s a bit dodgy, and I don’t know how long I’ll last. I hear that you have to travel a lot. Does that not piss you off.”

“No, I enjoy the travel. Not good for my love life though.”

“I bet you have a woman in every city. You’re not going to Wellington next week, are you?”

“No, I have a couple of schools to visit in Rotorua. Why?”

“Harry and I are travelling down to Wellington. We have lost some of our best clients to the opposition down there. So Harry and I are going to try and stop the rot.”


That evening, Adam got a call from Bill, “You know you mentioned going to Rotorua next week? I mentioned that to Harry, and he wants to meet with you. He has a proposition to put before you.”

“That’s cool. I can call in the morning. What time does he get into the Office? Oh! He’s not going to offer me a job, is he?”

“I don’t think so. He’s not told me what it’s about. He’s usually here before 9:00 am.”


Irene escorted Adam to Harry’s office the following day around 9:15. Harry stood up and shook Adam’s hand like he was drawing water from a well. Adam thought, ‘You slimy bastard,’ such a change from the reception he had gotten the previous day.

“Sit down. Coffee?” asked Harry.

“That would be great thanks.”

Harry got right to the point after yelling at the retreating Irene to bring coffee.

“This is rather delicate. I think my wife is playing around. Next weekend she is going to a netball tournament with her girlfriends in Rotorua. If I paid your expenses, would you stay the weekend and keep an eye on her for me? Maybe get photos of her with another man.”

Adam wanted to say no, but he had seen Harry’s wife at an Awards evening several months before. She was a trophy wife, an absolute stunner. And the chance of getting paid to watch her was tempting.

“What are you thinking would cover my expenses?”

“A thousand dollars?”

“I don’t think so. Are you aware the town is booked out? I had already considered staying Friday night, as I’ve been in town for that tournament before. The town rocks with horny women everywhere. But the room I got for the Thursday night was the last they had.”

“I’ll get you a room. The $1000 is on top of that.”

“You’d pay twice as much for a private eye.”

“Three times the amount. I’ve already inquired, but they can’t do anything for weeks.”

Against his better judgment, Adam replied, “$1500 then, and you book a room for me Friday and Saturday nights.”

“Harrison tells me you’re pretty hot with the ladies. I’ll double that if you can seduce her and give me some proof.”

Adam had no intention of telling Harry if he got lucky. But the thought of a weekend with dozens of horny females running around looking to get laid was pretty tempting. Harry pulled a photo of his wife out of his desk drawer and wrote her name on the back. Jimena Croft. Then he added Sanders, stating that was her maiden name. “She may have booked under that, as we’ve had some problems lately, which is why I want you to watch her.”

Looking at the photo, Adam remembered her well. It brought back some enjoyable memories. Industrial Pneumatics was one of the Award Event’s sponsors, and Bill had invited him along. Bill’s wife, Sandy, watched with amusement as Adam ogled Jimena, and she fed him some details about her. She stood out from every other woman in the hall. At one point, he was introduced to the couple and shook Harry’s hand, but Harry obviously didn’t recall their meeting. Adam remembered, though, and Sandy telling him that Jimena was twenty years younger than Harry. Meaning she was close to the same age as him.


Two days later, Bill called after work and handed Adam an envelope from Harry. He had not told Bill anything about their arrangement, so Adam filled him in on all the sordid details over a beer.

“I thought there may have been some issues,” said Bill when Adam had finished. “There were some rumours about the way the last receptionist left. And I walked in on some heated discussions between Harry and Jimena. It sounded like he had been caught out bonking the old receptionist.”

“Any other stories I should be aware of. I feel like bailing on the whole deal, but I’m intrigued to get another gawk at Jimena again and get paid for it.”

“For Christ’s sake, don’t go bonking her, you dodgy bastard. Harry’s a mean bastard, and I seriously think he’d shoot you. There is a nasty rumour about how he acquired this company. The previous owner committed suicide, and many don’t think it was suicide. But Harry was out of town when it happened, so it may just be jealous rumours. Lord knows he has plenty of enemies.”

After Bill left, Adam opened the envelope. There was $3000 in cash and a note telling him that the only room he could book was the penthouse at the Millennium Hotel. The note also said that was where the Dangerous Damsels were staying. The extra cash was to pay the hotel bill, as the room was over $500 for each night. Adam laughed at this. His motel for the Thursday night was only $98. He hoped the penthouse lived up to his expectations.


Adam rose early on Thursday morning and was on the road before 7:00 a.m. He arrived in Rotorua at around 10:00 a.m. and went straight to his first school. After an hourlong presentation, they ordered two whiteboards, and then he drove down to the netball courts to see if he could learn anything about the tournament. 

It wasn’t difficult. There was a notice board with the schedule of play for the next day. He saw the Dangerous Damsels were playing on Court 3 at 10:30 a.m. He noted down the times of their other games. Then he drove to his next school. He was hoping to knock off most of his visits that day, leaving Friday free.

Friday morning, he checked out of his motel room and drove to the netball courts. Busses were dropping teams of excited women off, and squealing women were catching up with old friends. The place was humming. There were few men in the crowd. So he attached himself to a group that contained a couple of men and followed them to a spot where he had a clear view of Court 3. He picked Jimena out straight away. Several of the ladies were attractive, most in their thirties. Jimena stood out hands and shoulders above any other woman on the court. Her long legs protruding from the short tight skirt, and her breasts hardly contained in the tight pink cotton top took his breath away. He pulled out his phone and took a photo. Then he made a mental note to bring his camera back in the afternoon, as he would never be satisfied with the phone’s quality.

He didn’t stay. He still had two business calls and needed to check into the Millennium at 2:00 pm. But he did go back to the courts twice more that day. When he saw the ladies boarding their minibus at the end of the day, he ran to his car. When they disembarked at the Hotel, he was standing in reception holding his phone to his ear. They poured off the bus and collected their room keys. He heard one of the ladies call out to a group entering the lift, “Be back in the lobby at 7:00. We’re booked into the Pig & Whistle at 7:30, so don’t be late.”

Adam made it to the Pig & Whistle at 6:45, and just as well, the place was fully booked. But he secured a twoseat cubicle on the far wall, on the understanding that he would exit before their second seating at 9:00. The Dangerous Damsels arrived at 7:15 and were seated at some tables on the other side of the room. He looked down at his plate when he noted Jimena scanning the pub and, in his peripheral vision, saw her weave her way over to where he was sitting.

“Are you following me?” she asked as she slid into the seat opposite.

Adam tried to stammer out a denial, but Jimena stopped him midsentence.

“I’ve seen you before. And you were at the netball courts and lobby when we checked in. Has Harry put you up to following me?”

Adam must have looked startled that she had clocked him, as she held her hand up again to stop him.

“Don’t try to lie. It’s written all over your face. Where have I seen you?”

Adam told her he’d been introduced to her at the Awards Dinner by Bill Harrison.

“Oh yes. I remember you now. You didn’t ask me to dance that night. I was expecting you to.”

“Every other guy in the place was trying to get your attention, and you were not looking too happy about it. So I didn’t join the queue.”

“Well, I may have danced with you. What is Harry paying you, and why?”

Embarrassed, Adam hung his head, “I didn’t want to do this, and it certainly wasn’t for the money. But he’s asked me to see if you meet with any men. He says he suspects you of playing around.”

Jimena snorted, “Me! Playing around! That’s a joke. He’s the bastard that can’t keep his cock in his pants. If it wasn’t for the money, why are you here?”

“Bill Harrison is one of my best mates. I was visiting him last week, and it came up that I had business in Rotorua this week. Your husband heard of my plans and asked me about checking you out. I must admit the offer of two nights in the penthouse at the Millennium and all expenses paid had a lot to do with my accepting his proposal, considering I was going to be here anyway. But it had a lot more to do with the fact that you are a beautiful lady. I must admit I feel a bit of a jerk now, and I regret that I said yes.” 

“He’s a fucking arsehole. Sit here, and don’t you dare run away. I need to tell the girls who you are.”

Jimena walked back to the table. Then, there was a chorus of hoots and hollers as she weaved back to sit with Adam.

“The girls think I have picked up a guy and are giving me shit. But I told them you are an old platonic friend. So play the part, please. 

The waitress came and took their order, and then Jimena dropped a bombshell. “You know you are not the only person watching me?”

Adam thought quickly. Was he the one being set up? He realised that Harry could have someone taking photos right now. Glancing around, he attempted to catch anyone watching them, but to no avail.

“Don’t worry. The PI is not here. One of the girls chatted him up earlier and told him we were dining at the Sequoia Eatery to the east of the city tonight. So I imagine he’s there, already wondering where we are.”

“How do you know you are being followed?”

“I caught Harry out messing around with his receptionist at the end of last year. I moved into the spare bedroom, and he’s had me followed ever since. It took me a while to sus out that Harry had put a tail on me, but once I did, he’s been easy to spot.”

“Look, I’m feeling like a right bastard. Harry offered me a substantial sum if I could seduce you, and I’m guessing your other follower has been tasked with getting photos of us together.’

Jimena’s face changed. She looked livid.

“Look, I promise you I had no intention of trying anything. I just thought it was ironic that I was taking Harry’s money to watch you when I’d have done that with any beautiful woman.” 

Then, seeing Jimena’s face. “Sorry, that came out all wrong. But I promise you I wouldn’t have approached you. I just intended to tell him you weren’t messing around, no matter what I saw. I’ve never paid for , and have never been paid for it either. Well, that’s not technically correct. The first I ever had, the girl, our neighbour, paid me sixpence.”

Jimena laughed. “So you’re a slut.”

“I guess I deserved that. Why don’t you leave the bastard? I’ve hardly met him, and I think he’s a sleazeball.”

“I would like to, but he’s told me he will kill me if I ever play around or leave him.”

“And you don’t think that’s just an idle threat? Many men and women say that but don’t mean it.”

“That’s the problem. I think he was serious. And once, I wouldn’t have believed it of him, except I met his son early in our marriage, and he and his siblings believe that Harry killed their mother. But the police rejected their concerns. As I said, that was early in our marriage, and we were still on cloud nine, so I just discounted his concerns as jealous sibling crap, as they all hate his guts. But now I’m not so sure.”

“You should go to the police.”

“They wouldn’t listen. They must have thousands of wives approach them every week about threatening husbands. I ‘kind of’ don’t think he will, as our house and holiday home are both in my name for tax purposes. When we married, I was made the director of the business. Again, it was for tax purposes. So killing me would cause him some serious problems, I think.”

“Still, you should register it with the police in case he ever gets violent. Where did you meet?

“Ah, that’s a sleazy story. I don’t know you well enough to share that.”

At that moment, their meals arrived, so all was quiet while they picked at what they had ordered. Then Adam tried again, “Well, I told you I got paid for , so I think you owe me a good story in return.”

“Ha! That’s nothing. OK, I was a flight attendant with Qantas. I was based in Auckland and mostly did the Auckland LA route. It was a wild five years. Towards the end, I got in over my head and had some crazy adventures with other flight crew. One night there was a group session, and I realised I needed to change my ways and think about settling down. The following night I met Harry in the bar. He was handsome and obviously loaded, and I wound up in the sack with him. 

He was on my flight back to Auckland and tried to get me in the toilet. I fended him off, telling him I was not like that, and that I must have been drunk the night before. He pursued me for weeks and finally proposed. We’ve been married for five years. The first two years were good, but the last three years have gone downhill fast. That is my story. I’ve never had much luck with suitors.”

“Did Harry know about your past?”

“I think that’s where things began to go wrong. No, he didn’t. I believe he met a Qantas Captain, and the guy dropped something about my past.”

Adam looked at his watch and saw it was already 8:30. “I have to finish my meal and get out of here before 9:00. Can I talk to you tomorrow and get you to point out your watcher?”

Jimena pulled out her phone. “Give me your phone number, and I’ll send you a photo of his car. Also, one of the girls got her photo taken with him. I’ll send you that also.”

Adam’s phone pinged, and he opened the first photo. It was a light blue Corolla, and the registration was vaguely visible. The second photo showed a nondescript man posing with one of the ladies he’d seen on the netball court that morning.

“How did you get these?”

“The girls think it’s a hell of a joke Harry having me followed, and they’ve been baiting the guy and trying to pick him up. I don’t think he has a clue yet that he’s been rumbled. And yes, I want to talk some more. It’s probably best if we talk at the Hotel tomorrow night, as the girls think he’s staying elsewhere. Maybe at a motel called the Concord, or something like that.”

Adam left the Pig & Whistle and drove back to the Millennium. He lay on his bed, thought about Jimena, and decided to give his mate Peter Millar a call. 

Peter was a top dog in the Auckland CID. Adam and Bill met him in England while playing for the London Scottish Rugby Club. They’d kept in touch over the years, but infrequently, as the pressure of his job limited his social life.

Peter answered his phone straight away, “Adam, you bastard, what are you doing calling at this time of night?”

“You’re not in bed, are you?”

“No, I’m at work. No rest for the wicked, you know. Night shifts are a bummer.”

“Well, I know you can’t share privileged information. But I’ve gotten myself into a situation. I’ve met a woman who says her husband is threatening to kill her.”

“Why am I not surprised, you amoral bastard? I’m surprised you haven’t had your balls shot off years ago.”

“No, it’s not like that. Well, I hope not, anyway. But she’s frightened and says the kids from her husband’s first marriage believe he killed his first wife. I just wondered if there is any truth to that, and should she be worried?”

“Well, you’re right. I can’t tell you much, but give me the name and I’ll look it up and see what I can tell you.”

There was silence for a few minutes. Then Peter came back on the line.

“Okay, there is some truth in that. Harry Croft was one of the suspects in his wife’s death but was quickly dismissed as a suspect. He was out of the country at the time. However, there were suspicious circumstances, and the case has never been closed. She had a very high alcohol count, and a brake hose had burst, sending her over a bank. You can find all this out by reading a newspaper from that time. But that is all I can tell you.”

“Why did the kids think he had killed her then?”

“They reckoned she didn’t drink. And would never have driven out on the West Coast where the accident happened. But the detective’s summation was that she might have hit the booze, as many people reported problems in their marriage. Can I give you some advice? Stay away from your Harry Croft and his wife. There are several other cases on the books regarding your girlfriend’s husband. None of them have been closed. He’s not a very nice man.”

“Thanks, Peter. And she’s not my girlfriend. I’ll tell you a bit more when we next catch up. It’s a funny story.”

“They are always funny stories with you Adam. Take care.” And he hung up.

The following morning, Harry called before Adam left the Hotel. He filled him in on all he’d seen, telling Harry there was no sign of any funny business with any of the girls. And he’d spoken briefly with Jimena at the Pig & Whistle, where they had dinner, but she had shown no interest in hooking up.”

Harry retorted that he had heard the Damsels had dined at a different eatery. He made it sound like Jimena had told him.

“No. I followed their bus from the Hotel. They were definitely all at two tables in the Pig & Whistle.”

Harry asked a few more questions, then said he’d call again the next day and hung up. Adam drove to Concord Motel. He parked on the road and waited until he saw the light blue Corolla with the KZ6247 number plate drive off. Adam guessed the guy was off to the Netball courts. He wandered inside and caught one of the cleaners outside the room he had seen the PI leave.

Hey, do you know the name of the guy that just left? I’m pretty sure I know him.”

“She looked at her clipboard. Yes, it’s Mr Samuel Courtney.”

“I thought it was him. I’ll try to catch him later. Then, as he turned to go, he spun around and asked, “Do you have his mobile number.”

“No, but they’ll have it at reception. You can ask them.”

Adam thought it was pushing things. But then I thought, ‘What the fuck’ and headed across to reception. He rang the bell, and when the man looked up and saw him, he asked, “Hey, I just saw Sam Courtney drive off. Do you have his mobile number?”

“Yes.” And looking in his register he read out the number.

Amazed at how easy that had been, he drove to the Courts and searched for the PI. Sure enough, he saw him taking photos from the window of his car. Jimena was easy to find. He just had to look where the camera was pointing. There was little to gain by staying there, so he returned to his car and texted Jimena.  




Adam texted back, ‘YOU STRIKE A HARD BARGAN. BUT OK.’

Then he returned to the Millennium and spent the rest of the day reading, using the gym, and swimming in the indoor heated pool.

At 6:30 there was a knock on his penthouse door. Adam opened it and was happy to find Jimena, all dolled up, standing in the corridor. He ushered her inside and showed her around the suite. It had four rooms. A bedroom with a kingsized bed and ranch slider out onto a balcony, a lounge with a couch, armchairs, and a large flatscreen TV.  A bathroom with a jacuzzi, as well as a shower, toilet, etc., and a small kitchenette. 

Jimena was impressed. “This room is much better than what my husband has ever put me up in. He’s a tight bastard at times.” Then she mentioned, “He flashes money around at other times like there’s no tomorrow.”

Adam sat opposite Jimena, told her about this conversation with Peter, and explained how he knew the detective. Jimena looked worried when she heard that Harry had been a prime suspect and the case had never been closed.

“Jimena, I think this is serious. Peter warned me to be very careful around your husband. He tells me there are other unsolved cases in which Harry is a suspect and hinted that he’s a dangerous man. We need to get you out of your marriage somehow.”

“Where would I go? If he can have his wife murdered while he’s in LA, it seems I won’t be safe anywhere.”

“We need to get something on your husband. I’ll ask Bill if he can get into Harry’s office. Or even better, get me in there. I think he said Harry is going to Wellington next week.”

“If he has anything incriminating, I doubt it’s at work. But we have a home office that’s locked up like Fort Knox, so it’s more likely that is where he keeps his secrets. When we were first married, he often didn’t bother to lock the office and would proudly show off his wallsafe. It’s the size of a fridge and always had bundles of cash on the shelves.”

“Could we get in it while he is away?”

“I doubt it. Harry’s not let me in there for years. The door is always locked. I’ve searched for the key, wanting to find out what I had done that made him stop trusting me.”

“Let me think on that. There must be a way to get in. Do you want me to take you to dinner?”

“No. Let’s order room service. Then I’d like to spend my five cents?”

“I was teasing you about that.”

“I know. But I’m horny. I haven’t had any for more than two years, and I think I should honour my husband’s wishes and have you fuck me. After all, he put you up in this lovely suite so you can make love to me.”

Adam had no response to that. His cock had jerked to attention at her request, and he wasn’t surprised to see his hands shaking as he picked up the folder containing the room service menu.

They ordered and ate. There was an awkward silence when they finished, neither knowing quite how to proceed. Jimena moved first. She stood, turned, and asked Adam to unzip her dress. He was nervous but caressed her neck and shoulders as he unzipped and pulled the dress down so she could step out of it. Then he grabbed the TV remote, changed to a music channel, and turned the sound down. As Jimena turned to face him, he delayed further by reaching out and turning the lights down.

“Are you nervous,” asked Jimena. “It’s the first time I’ve seen you lacking confidence.”

“I am. And it’s not because of your husband. It’s because you’re so bloody beautiful, and I want this to be perfect.”

“Just come and lie on the bed with me and cuddle me. There is no hurry. We have all night.”

She pulled Adam with her as she fell back on the bed. He wrapped her in his arms and squeezed. She threw her arms around him, and they lay together, savouring the feeling. After an eternity, Adam rolled apart and propped his head on his hand to study Jimena’s features. He leaned in and kissed her when she opened her eyes to look at him. It was gentle at first but slowly became more passionate.

As she began to squirm around beside him, he lowered a hand to her tummy and began to stroke and caress, each movement sliding down closer to her blondcovered mound. Meeting with no resistance, he slid his hand between her legs.

“Oh!” Jimena exclaimed. “That’s nice. More, please?”

 Jimena whimpered her pleasure as his fingers searched for her opening. And when he found it and slid two fingers deep inside, she reached up, flung her arm around his shoulder and drew him in for another kiss. As their kiss became more heated, he continued exploring her, his fingertips running up and down her folds, parting her labia and then investigating between them, finding and stroking her clitoris and then pushing his fingers deep inside her again.

 Her body began to react of its own accord, her legs opening and closing, attempting to trap Adam’s hand, and her bottom starting to writhe on the bed. She broke their kiss as her breathing had become so laboured. Adam took the opportunity to lean down and nuzzle her breasts. Which had her gasping out loud and making little guttural moans each time he thrust his fingers.

Then her hand was searching out his cock. And she realised he was still fully dressed. She broke away, “Get your clothes off. I want you now.”

Adam slipped off the bed, and he heard the seams tearing in his rush to disrobe. Naked, he turned back to the bed and saw she had removed her bra and panties and was playing with herself. He sat on the edge of the bed to watch. Jimena didn’t seem at all embarrassed by his watching her. It seemed to turn her on.

She opened her eyes, smiled at him, then closed them again, and her fingers began moving more rapidly across her clit. Her breathing started to become erratic as her arousal took hold again. She reached out and ran her fingers along Adam’s shaft as he watched.

“I’m nearly there. I need you now,” her grip on Adam’s shaft tightened, urging him to roll over and mount her.

Adam was in seventh heaven. He entered her in one thrust, then held on as she began to buck her hips at his every thrust.

‘Yessss! I’m there.’ Her cry startled him. He had expected he would be the one that prematurely climaxed. And that had been his biggest worry. But not having to worry about that freed him up to hammer away mercilessly until his own orgasm arrived, and he held on tight as her whole body jackknifed off the bed in uncontrollable spasms. It was one of the strongest climaxes he’d had in years.

 They both sprawled back on the bed, breathless and trembling, then looked at one another and burst out laughing.

Once they calmed down, Jimena whispered, “I knew we would be good. I hope you’re not a onenight wonder. I have a lot of catching up to do.”

Adam would have made love to her another dozen times and intended to. But they fell asleep and didn’t wake until dawn. They made love again, but their lovemaking was rushed, as Jimena needed to get back to her room and down to meet her friends for breakfast.

 “I’m going to check out as soon as I’ve had breakfast and drive home. Unless you want me to stay and watch PI Sam.”

“No, it’s best you go. We have two games this morning, and then there will be prizegiving after lunch. We’ll be on the road ourselves after that.”

Adam gave Jimena his address: a twobedroom apartment in Newmarket near the city centre. He bought it twelve years earlier and paid the mortgage in less than nine years. Then he told her he would find out from Bill when Harry was leaving for Wellington, as Jimena had mentioned that Harry seldom told her of his travel plans nowadays. 

As Jimena turned to leave, Adam asked if he should come to her house once he knew Harry was on the plane. And he’d see if they could get into Harry’s office.

 Their parting kiss was frantic, their bodies pressed against each other. Adam pushed his leg between Jimena’s thighs hard against her mound. She rubbed herself on his leg, then broke away and was out the door and rushing to the lift.


Monday, Adam checked in with Harry, filling him in on the fact that he’d seen Jimena do nothing untoward all weekend, nor had he made any progress in seducing her. There was an awkward moment when Harry said she had not gone with the other Damsels to dinner on Saturday night. Adam had to concoct a lie quickly. He told Harry he had heard one of the ladies saying that Jimena had a dodgy stomach, so he had stayed in himself, but he had dined downstairs to make sure she didn’t sneak out. Harry voiced his annoyance at Adam’s performance. Adam told him firmly that he had stayed around the foyer for a couple of hours, and she definitely did not leave the Hotel.

He gave it a few minutes, then called Bill and asked what was happening with Wellington.

“We’re leaving on the first flight tomorrow morning,” replied Bill. 

Then Adam filled him in on some of what Peter Millar had told him and asked Bill to call him if there were any issues with their travel plans. He mentioned that Jimena thought Harry might have a girlfriend down there and asked Bill to keep his eyes open as to what Harry was up to. Then he called Jimena and arranged to meet at her home the following day, once they learned that Harry was on the plane.

 Bill didn’t call until 10:00 the next morning. He explained that Harry had run him to the airport so that he couldn’t make a call earlier. But they had just checked into the James Cook. Then he said, “You asked about Harry acting strange. Well, at the airport, I saw him talking with a couple of dodgy guys. He made light of it when I asked him who they were, but I saw him hand them a folder, so he had to have had some business with them.”

Adam thanked Bill and hung up. He then called Jimena. She asked him to meet her at a shopping centre near their home, explaining that they had nosey neighbours and she didn’t want them to see him arriving.

Adam sat in the back seat of her Mercedes and ducked down flat as she drove down the road and into the garage. She took him to the office, and he checked out the door. Sure enough, it was solid and had a very sturdy Yale lock that did not move a millimetre when he pushed and pulled on it. They kissed, but they were both too nervous to do anything more than that.

He asked Jimena if she knew the locksmith they used. She didn’t know, so he called Bill, who confirmed that Total Locksmiths was who the company used. They ran through how they would handle the situation before calling the locksmiths.

The locksmiths couldn’t get to the house before 11:30, so they had nearly two hours to kill. Jimena hinted that they go make love in her husband’s bed. Adam shook his head emphatically, “No way. I feel his presence, and it makes me feel bloody uncomfortable.”

“Let’s go out by the pool then. You go and get the squabs and towels. They are in the pool house. I’ll make us a drink.”

Adam laid the squabs right at the edge of the pool and dragged one of the shade umbrellas over, as it was a hot day. Jimena brought out two tall glasses full of some nonalcoholic beverage. Then, without any embarrassment, stripped naked and lay beside him. He stood, stripped, and slumped beside her. They rolled into each other’s arms. It felt like an outofbody experience to Adam. He couldn’t believe his luck. His mouth was bone dry, and his dick was so hard it was hurting. He wanted to touch every part of her body at once. But pulled back to look at her.

Her perfect breasts were standing up, presenting her fully erect nipples for him to suck, and he didn’t disappoint. He began mauling them with his teeth. She clutched at his painful cock and tried to direct it at her cunt, and her free hand ran all over his back. He was positioned with one leg between hers, and he lifted and straddled her as she guided his swollen prick up and down her slit. It was leaving a wet trail of his juices everywhere she dragged it.

Then she opened wider and drew him in. He let out a sigh as he sank to the hilt. He began to fuck her as hard as he could, oblivious to whether he was hurting her. But the combination of moans, grunts and squeals she was emitting told him he was not being too rough. Adam grew concerned that their noise would alert the neighbours, especially the wet slapping sounds of their bodies meeting. But he couldn’t control himself.

Finally, they came almost simultaneously. Drenched in sweat and with a sunburnt arse, he lifted her and jumped in the pool together. They frolicked around in the pool until they realised they needed to return to the house to meet the locksmith.

It was close, but they were fully dressed and composed when the locksmith rolled up in his van. Adam slipped upstairs and listened to Jimena explaining that her husband had left for Wellington that morning, and her medications were in his office. As expected, the locksmith said he couldn’t open the lock without her husband authorising it. Jimena said the medication was urgent and offered to call her husband to get his approval. And before the guy could offer any more excuses, she dialled and handed the guy her phone.

Adam had slipped into the upstairs toilet and closed the door. And when his phone rang, he tried to sound annoyed and snapped, “Harry Croft,”

“Sir, it’s Mike Edwards of Total Locksmiths here. Your wife has asked me to unlock your office door, saying her medications are inside.”

Adam toned down his voice, “Shit, I forgot about them. I’ve left them on my desk. Where is her key?”

“She says she has looked everywhere and can’t find it.”

“Cut her a new one and let her in. She’s my wife, damn it!”

“I’m not meant to do that without your written authorisation.”

“Give me your email. I’ll send you an authorisation. But I’m in meetings until 1:00, so you will get it sometime this afternoon. Oh, and get my wife to pay you in cash. I don’t need a receipt, so give us a good price.”

Adam hung up before the guy could say anything more.

When Adam saw the Locksmith drive away thirty minutes later, he ran downstairs. Jimena held up a shiny new key, “We make an awesome pair of crooks, don’t we!”

They opened the door, and Jimena swung back a large painting on the wall to expose the wall safe. She’d not lied. It was as big as a fridge.

“Now, how do we open that?” Adam asked her.

He used to always look at his desk pad before he opened it. They both moved to the desk and checked it out. At first, they saw nothing that looked like a series of numbers. They checked everything and started looking under items on the desk. Adam turned a Perspex award over, and a series of numbers were taped underneath. But when they tried them, the safe door did not budge.

“I think he used to turn them one way, then the other,” said Jimena. But that did not work either. Finally, he tried the numbers in reverse order, and the safe door swung open.

 Jimena slumped back into the office chair with a gasp, and Adam slumped against the edge of the desk. The top three shelves were full to overflowing with bundles of dollars. Adam finally recovered and prized one of the bundles out. He counted fifty $100 bills. He made a mental calculation of the number of bundles that might be on each shelf.

“Fuck, there has to be a million dollars here. Maybe double that. It has to be drug money. How else would you get this much?”

Adam asked Jimena if she had ever seen Harry taking drugs or having them in his possession. She hadn’t, so they turned their attention to the bottom shelf. Half the shelf held a large blue cash box. The other half contained videotapes, loose papers, and envelopes with names on them. Adam pulled the cash box out and set it on the desk.

“How do we open this then? It may hold some things of interest?”

“I think I might have the key to that. I found it when I was checking the washing months ago. It was in a pair of Harry’s pants. I set it aside and have forgotten about it.” 

She left the room to see if she could find the key, and Adam pulled out the envelopes. The top two had the name Irene written on them. He tipped one up, and a Micro SD card fell onto the desk. Adam guessed he’d found out why Irene, the pretty receptionist at Harry’s Office, had changed from a bubbly, confident woman two months earlier. Then he changed his mind as the date on the first envelope was five months earlier. He looked at the other envelopes. All had the name Heather written on them, and a Micro SD card was inside each. Next, he checked out the video tapes. The top tape had Irene’s name and was dated two months earlier. The three under that had Heather, and the rest of the tapes had different women’s names.

Jimena walked back into the room, triumphantly holding a small key up for him to see.

Adam held his hand up to slow her progress, “What was the name of the receptionist you caught Harry bonking?”

“It was Heather. Why?”

Adam pointed to the Micro SD cards and the videotapes, “I think he was blackmailing his receptionists, and these are the tapes.

They both stared at the tapes and asked, “How do we use them?”

Adam replied, “I don’t know. It depends on what’s on them. I’ll talk to my mate Peter. He will know their value.”

He then took the key from Jimena and opened the Cash Box. It was over half full, with seven bundles of paper, each with a rubber band holding them together. He laid them out on the desk alongside the tapes and saw that one of the bundles contained passports. Opening them, they found each had a photo of Harry, from age ten to the present. But some of the passports had different names.

“Who are Marko Bondar and Artem Bondar? They are on two of the passports and also driver’s licenses.”

 “The names ring a bell. He once told me that his mother was Ukrainian, and they had come to New Zealand when he was ten. Bondar may be his mother’s surname. I know she married again here in NZ. That will be where the Croft surname comes from.

Adam set them aside, “I think these may have some leverage. It’s illegal to have false passports.

Adam took some of the other bundles from the tin to the couch and removed the rubber bands. Jimena sat at the desk and opened the remaining bundles. He tried to make sense of what he had spread out. Slowly, he began to comprehend what he was looking at.

“What was Harry’s first wife’s name?” He called to Jimena.

“Shirley. Why?”

I’ve found something that will put your husband away for a long time. Adam got up and laid the papers out in front of Jimena. There was an A4 sheet of paper with a picture of a Trade Me advert. It was for a brake assembly from a 2002 Nissan.

“That’s sitting in a cupboard in the garage,” exclaimed Jimena.

“Show me.” Said Adam.

Jimena led him out to the garage, and sure enough, there it was, hidden behind all sorts of other junk.

“Why would the silly bastard keep this?” Adam voiced.

Jimena asked why he thought it important.

 “Because. The advert says it’s in perfect working order apart from the brake hose, which has blown. I’ll bet you a million dollars that it’s the brake hose the police found on his wife’s car.”

They wandered back to the office and checked through the other papers in the bundle. Suddenly Jimena gasped and fell back. She was holding a photo of two roughlooking men.

 “I know these two. They were here in the house six months ago. It was just after I found out about Heather and Harry. He was being an absolute arsehole. I thought he was going to set them on me. I escaped to my bedroom and threatened to call the police when he began hammering on my door. I took a photo of them racing away in one of those Army vehicles from my window.”

Adam quizzed her and found she was referring to a black Hummer. Again, he asked why Harry would have kept all that stuff. 

“Maybe he has it to have some hold over the guys. Maybe they did the dirty deed while he was in LA.

 He pulled out his phone. “I think you have hit the nail on the head.”

“Who are you going to call?” asked Jimena

“Peter. He’s a detective mate of mine. I’m going to get him around here. This is way over our heads.”

Jimena asked if they should wait for a bit and think things through. Adam was adamant they shouldn’t do anything of the sort. “We’re talking some serious shit here—murder, blackmail and drugs. Plus, we may be liable for breaking into your husband’s safe. We get Peter here as soon as he can make it and turn it over to him.”

Once Adam had Peter on the phone, he asked if a photo of the burst brake hose was in Harry’s wife’s police folder.”

 Peter didn’t even have to look, “Yes, but how do you know that?”

“You need to get around here pronto. I think I have proof of Harry Croft having arranged her murder. And there is a lot of stuff I haven’t opened yet that may be proof of other illegal acts, like drugs and blackmail, as there is a shitload of cash in the safe.”

Adam then explained what he and Jimena had done and why they had done it. Peter told him not to touch anything, to lock themselves in, and not to let anyone in the house until he got there. He explained it may be a couple of hours, as it was his day off and was a good two hours away at his beach house in Omaha.

 Once he had hung up, Adam ignored Peter’s instructions, picked up the photo of the two hoods, and studied it. They looked like gang members, with tattoos on their necks and arms. One was darkskinned, the other taller and European. He turned the photo over and saw their names written in pencil Wiremu and Lenny. He had a sudden thought and picked up his phone.

Bill answered the second ring.

 “Bill, what did those two guys you said Harry met up with look like? Was one dark and one a taller pale guy?”

“That describes them,” replied Bill.

“I’m sending you a photo. Text me back if you think it’s them. And keep well clear of them. I think they may be capable of murder.”

Bill asked Adam what was going on. Adam just told him to keep his phone handy and to expect a call from their mate Peter. He hung up and then asked Jimena if she knew Harry’s desktop computer password.

“It used to be Shirley69.”

They tried that, but it didn’t work. Then he tried Jimena69. Bingo, the screen flashed to life. He picked up the Micro SD card from the first envelope with Irene’s name on it and placed it in the reader slot. The video started, it was Harry’s Office, and they watched him lead the petite redheaded receptionist into the room and push her to her knees.

 “It’s a hidden camera, see. The footage is not that good,” explained Adam.

At that moment, Bill phoned back and told Adam that the two guys in the photo had definitely met with Harry. “But they were dressed in suits this morning.”

Again, Bill wanted to know what was going on. Adam told him to wait for Peter’s call.

They fastforwarded the tape, as he wanted to check out as many of the envelopes as he could before Peter arrived. They watched as Harry hassled Irene into giving him a blowjob. Then it flicked to a new sequence, where he was fucking her on the desk and gave her money afterwards. There were two more sequences on the SD card, one with him fucking her from behind. Adam thought he may have been doing her in the arse, as she was squirming around and not looking too comfortable.

They ejected the card, inserted the second one, and found the footage to be more of the same, except the acts got dirtier with each sequence. Ejecting that card, Dave picked up the videotape with Irene’s name on it. Jimena was looking pretty sick. And blurted out, “I feel sorry for the poor girl. Harry likes to be rough.”

Adam told her she may not want to watch this tape, as Bill had told him Irene had changed noticeably around this time, and after what they had just watched, it might be depraved. But Jimena shook her head, “I want to see what the bastard did to her. I noticed the change in her also and wondered what had happened.”

He used the tape player hooked up to the computer. Adam imagined Harry sitting in this very seat watching the tapes. The video began playing. It was again shot at the office, only at night this time. The quality was much higher, and the camera was set on a tripod, pointing directly at Wiremu and Lenny sitting on the settee. Harry came into the shot, leading Irene. He made her sit in between the two hoods. She was reluctant but smiling. However, that didn’t last. The guys began pawing her all over and began removing her clothes. She resisted but relented when Harry stepped into the frame and spoke with her. She was compliant after that, doing everything they asked of her.

They fastforwarded the rest of the video. Harry must have taken the camera off the tripod as it moved around for different angles and closeups. Wiremu and Lenny did her in every way imaginable and used every hole. It finished with Lenny taking the camera and Harry fucking Irene in the arse. The closeups Lenny took showed there was no doubt what he was doing this time.

Jimena didn’t want to watch anymore. She went to the couch and sat, looking visibly shocked.

Adam ejected the tape, put the two SD Cards with it and took two bundles of $100 notes from the safe.

“What are you doing?” Jimena asked.

“I’m giving these to Irene, plus the money, so she can go and get some counselling. I don’t want the police perving over these tapes. She doesn’t deserve that. There is plenty here to put Harry away. We don’t need her involved.”

Jimena jumped up, sorted through the tapes with Heather’s name on them, and added two more bundles of the notes. 

She turned to Adam, “I always felt sorry for Heather. She was a lovely girl. I never blamed her; I knew it was all Harry’s doing. It should be easy to track Heather down and give her these.

“Do we look at the other tapes?” she asked Adam.

“We should look and see if there is anyone you recognise and do the same for them.”

The first four tapes they inserted were from a few years earlier. Only one was in Harry’s Office. And Jimena didn’t recognise the girls. All had Wiremu and Phil in them. Only one had Harry participating. But the fifth they opened was titled Gang Bang and set in what looked like a biker gang pad. A dozen men were sitting around in the room, and Phil and Wiremu led in Heather. She looked to be drunk and only put up token resistance as they removed her clothes, and then she was used by most of the guys in the room. The tape flicked to a new sequence halfway through, and another teenager neither recognised came into shot.

Jimena didn’t want to watch any more. So Adam ejected the tape and left it on the desk.

“Are you not going to put that with the stuff I’m going to give Heather?”

Adam hesitated, thinking, “No, we have to leave it here. The police may need it to determine what Bike Gang it is and who the other girl is. It may help convict some more of them.”

They left the office, sat out in the kitchen, where they had a view of the road, and waited for Peter. He pulled up in an unmarked car just after 1:00. He had two men and a woman with him.

Assembled in the lounge, Peter introduced his companions. The two men were fellow detectives, and the woman was also a detective but had a camera with her. Peter asked them to sit and explain in detail why they had broken into the office, being very specific about what they had done and touched.

For the next half hour, they explained everything, from the minute Adam had walked into Industrial Pneumatics to their conning the Locksmith that morning. The only things they left out were the tapes of Irene and Heather and their making love in Adam’s penthouse at the Millennium.

Only after they had finished and answered all the detectives’ questions did they unlock the Office and show them what they had found.

Once Peter had looked through Shirley’s bundle with the Brake assembly photo, Adam had one burning question for him.

 “Why did you keep her case open? Surely you can tell me that now since I’ve seen all this.”

“There were several things. The autopsy showed that Harry’s wife had had before the accident, and that was not in character. After all, everyone said she and Harry hadn’t slept together in years, and there were signs it may not have been consensual. But the big one was the brake system. If your brake hose bursts, it will empty the brake reservoir and spray the lost fluid all around the wheel. The reservoir was almost full, and there was only fluid in one portion of the wheel. We all knew she had suffered from foul play but had no proof whatsoever, and her husband was in LA.

 They left the detectives to work, and Jimena made Adam lunch.

Around 3:00, Peter appeared out of the office and sat them down.

He looked at Jimena. “We have cleared up at least four open cases involving your husband. Two of them are murders. One of them being the previous owner of Industrial Pneumatics. There is also proof of his importing numerous drugs from Mexico via the States. It looks like they were in crates of pneumatic hoses. He is going to go away for many years.”

 Adam piped up, “I think you had better call Bill Harrison. I told him to expect a call from you. He’s down in Wellington with Harry Croft and the two hoods in that photo. Bill told me they have been having problems with a competitor there. So it is likely there is another murder about to go down.”

“Shit!” Peter exclaimed. “You should have mentioned that earlier.” And he raced out of the room, mobile in hand.

Ten minutes later, he returned. “Right, Wellington CID are on it. And I have spoken with Bill. The boss from the competition is safe for the moment, as he is at his premises. The Wellington detectives have spoken with him.”

 Then, looking at Jimena, “I don’t want you staying here. Do you have anywhere you can go for the next few weeks? I don’t think you are at all safe here, and we want to seal the place anyway.

Jimena looked at Adam. He grinned and nodded his head.

She turned to Peter, “I’ve just been invited to stay at a friend’s. It may become permanent. So I’ll go pack a bag.”

Peter looked at Adam as she left the room and gave him an indulgent look, then whispered in his ear, “You jammy bastard, I should arrest you just to wipe that stupid grin off your face.